#etymanceris there a thing like #indiedata? thinking about how evernote is sort of a quarter awesome and three quarters suck and much of the suck is getting access to your own data and...
#cweiskeetymancer, the only solution is to either self-host the application, or self-host the data store
#cweiskethe first is more used, the latter possible but not widely deployed. see unhosted.org for an example
#tobiastomI have some questions. someone around to help? :)
#tobiastomIf I see it correctly, the idea behind all this is to rely on well established technologies. When I post something I format it with micro formats and add it to my feed. when you want to get updates from me you just subscribe to my feed, download the content and parse the micro formats, right?
#tobiastomand if I want to distribute it more realtime like, I support push. If I want your updates more instant, and you do not push, I have to pull more often, right?
#jonnybarnesif your email provider doesnt provide push then you need to set how often to check for new mail
#jonnybarnesI'm falling in love with leafletjs + MapBox
#tobiastombut for example feed readers could not be directly subscribers, because most likely they don't have a URL to notify. So they would need to poll the hub all the time?
etymancer and bnvk joined the channel
#tobiastomalso… I download your feed, how am I supposed to see that it's a h-event post, or whatever?
#tobiastomso I would download the feed, check for new URLs, download all of them and then parse the microformats?
#barnabywaltersJeena: what does “that” refer to? i.e. what is it difficult to find? we’re always looking to make information on the wiki more accessible
#barnabywaltersthey’re both on the projects page, but that is pretty huge
#barnabywaltersand it’s difficult to split “stuff I can use” from “random people’s projects which they haven’t open sourced”
#JeenaWhen I go to the wiki I see a big wall of text. The only practical thing there is "Set up your domain" which tells me to add rel="me" to links to Twitter/Facebook, etc. on my homepage.
#barnabywaltersback feed (and so bridge) should certainly be on the building-blocks page
#barnabywaltersJeena: so you’re wanting specific how-to guides?
#barnabywalterse.g. how to accept webmentions, how to set up bridgy
#JeenaGood question, I'm not sure what I really want
#tobiastomIMHO it's needs something different then a wiki.
#tobiastomif I'm new, I have even no idea which link I should pick on the left side (the menu)
#barnabywaltersso maybe “getting started” needs to be emphasised
#Jeenaunder Content Publishing (which is arguably the most important point on that page) it basically says: Install WordPress, it is not clear to me how that will help me to get away from Twitter or Facebook, where I'm there because of the relationships with other people
#JeenaI wasn't either able to find out how I can follow someone and comment or if this is in some way implemented in, say, WordPress or if everything is just some brainstorming right now and not practicable yet
#waterpigs.co.ukedited /Getting_Started (-81) "/* Getting Started on the IndieWeb */ removed TransitionalSteps link as it doesn’t exist and isn’t clear what it should include" (view diff)
#tobiastomas I want to webify myself right now, you can even expect some feedback. maybe. :)
#JeenaHm on the new one, there is the question "What is the IndieWeb?" and a quote and then "Want to get the source code?" which source code, the one of IndieWeb?
#barnabywalterswhich is a bit wordy but might also be useful for newcomers
#Jeenathe indiewebify version is so much easier to understand
#barnabywaltersit’s tricky to see things from the perspective of a newcomer when you’re not one, so go ahead and be vocal about issues — it’s probably not your fault :)
#Jeenawhen I add the url to the first input tag and press Test, you could copy that to the other input-fields with javascript so I wouldn't need to type it again (if it is appropriate)
#barnabywaltersJeena: indeed, either that or some sort of “stick a URL in here and all the tests get done” would be great to have
#barnabywalterscurrently we’re building it as lots of little parts but I certainly want to pull them all together into a single step if possible
#tobiastommaybe optional or something, but what I really like about it is: I'm new here, what's the indie web about. I want to start with it! ok, let's complete step 1. done that, great. now step 2!
#Jeenayeah, it is quite nice to test one thing after another
#tobiastombarnabywalters: you write »Markup your content (Posts, Articles, Notes, etc...) with microformats2«. how are posts, articles and notes differentiated?
#barnabywalterstobiastom: posts refer to pretty much anything you post on your site, of which notes and articles are subsets
#barnabywalterstypically “article” refers to a medium to long form “blog post” like thing with a name, and a note is more like a tweet or status update
#tobiastomyes, sorry, I wasn't clear. how do I (via micro formats) differentiate notes from articles?
#barnabywaltersnot a problem :) when marking up posts just mark up anything which makes sense, and let people parsing your content figure out what it is
#barnabywaltersyou can use class="h-as-note" or h-as-article (as meaning activity streams) but in practise it’s not very useful
#tobiastomIMHO the end goal should be that we have a e.g. twitter like application on our devices. I could easily post some note (twitter) or article (blogger) there. maybe some image (instagram), and whatever. In reverse, I would expect to receive the same stuff from the people I subscribed to (I follow).
#tobiastomSo, from that I understand the best way right now would be to a.) use activity streams or b.) wait for feed updates, download the content of the new items from the source URL, parse micro formats and display them somehow optimal.
#tobiastomif everybody uses their own classes for notes, images and whatever, that will never work.
#tobiastomthis is really not an offensive question, but aren't we doing this stuff for humans?
#barnabywalterstobiastom: indeed we are doing this for humans :)
#barnabywalterswhat doe you mean by “everyone using their own classes for notes, images and whatever”?
#barnabywalterswhich is part of the reason such explicit “types” are not very useful
#barnabywaltersand instead to just treat everything as a post (h-entry) which might have various different properties (p-name, e-content, u-image if it’s a photo)
#barnabywaltersso for readers, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, display it like a duck
#tobiastombarnabywalters: yeah, I was talking about that with Jeena before. I don't think that it makes much sense to subscribe to everything. Maybe Jeena posts useless notes (hundreds a day), but once a month a pretty great article, how can I only subscribe to the articles? different URLs?
#barnabywaltersi.e. wait until you *are* subscribed to someone and you *do* only want to see one post “type” from them, then we’ll figure out a good way of doing it
#tobiastomKartikPrabhu: I really don't think that different Urls are the solution. I for myself also want real humans, without a technical background, inside the indieweb.
#KartikPrabhutobiastom: then as barnabywalters said. We can just wait till real humans start doing said thing before solving a problem that doesn't exist yet
#Jeena"Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere" copies?
#jonnybarnesother people might then suggest improvements
#barnabywaltersthat’s how most indieweb technologies have been developed — someone makes something cool, starts using it on their personal site and documents it. others discuss, implement, improve, etc.
#barnabywalterse.g. my feed reader just consumes microformats for now, and all of my ATOM feeds (for back compatibility) are generated from microformats markup
#tobiastomespecially on mobile if I have a lot of articles.
#KartikPrabhucweiske: yes, but then that can be parsed by a microformats-feed-reader and the original articles retrieved just as easily as a full-text ATOM feed
#cweiskeI don't want a full text page as index page for my human visitors
#KartikPrabhucweiske, tobiastom: good point. I wasn't thinking about number of requests. In any case all the feed readers I have used show a title listing and then the full article if I choose to read it. How is that different from what already happens on the Web?
#cweiskebecause the feed reader fetches them in advance
#cweiskethis again is a excess of the "make it easy for publishers" rule
#KartikPrabhuthis seems to be going back to the publisher vs consumer debate
#cweiskeindeed. I already discussed this half a dozen times here without result.
squeakytoy joined the channel
#KartikPrabhucweiske: Of course, I'm no expert on these things. Still figuring the whole indieweb thing as I go along. Still nothing like a good discussion to start the day!
CheckDavid joined the channel
#tobiastomI don't even know of the idea about writing HTML to publish stuff should be rethought.
#tobiastomAs we all tend to agree we want everybody to collaborate to the web. even HTML, as easy as it seems for us, is a too big hurdle for many people.
#KartikPrabhutobiastom: do you mean that there should be no markup at all and we should just share plain/text files?
#tobiastomnope. that we should build the right tools that abstract all technical details away. which then could easily generate 5 different rss formats (even if we all don't like them)
barnabywalters joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuthere are already editors that can output HTML and possibly other formats from some text version like Markdown. Like: https://editorially.com/
#tobiastomKartikPrabhu: which automatically loose all the semantics needed for microformats.
#KartikPrabhuno. it does n't. Just like editors can generate sematic HTML they can add microformats automatically too
#KartikPrabhuno one does this yet I guess. But I don't see why it is not possible. In fact, lot of people here seem to have cool UIs for making posts on their indie website that does not involve writing any HTML
#tobiastomthat's what I ask for. rest tools. right now I do not see any of them really spreaded.
#KartikPrabhuyes it is very much a work in progress. Someone had to develop these nice posting UIs for Facebook and Twitter. But there is no reason that they can't exist on independent websites
#tobiastomI'm just unhappy with the status quo and don't see any progress. :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#JonathanNealI was just working on what you might be talking about KartikPrabhu.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: We were talking more about how posting on your own site may/may not need html know-how. But this looks like an interesting way to automatically POSSE to Facebook
#KartikPrabhuneat. I've been thinking of enabling Markdown posting to my site. Maybe there is a python equivalent I can use... More googling in my future
#KartikPrabhunp. i should really get to fixing that :)
kylewm, tilgovi, caseorganic, caseorga_, caseorg__, dvirsky and vrypan joined the channel
#aaronpk4 hours 23 minutes until happy birthday barnabywalters!
#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 1/6 4:00pm (#5348)
friedcell, benwerd and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message on 1/4 at 1:46pm: thanks for the ideas on @-replies, etc! i'll keep them in mind. feel free to file github issues too!
#Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message on 1/4 at 1:46pm: and good catch on the UTC timestamps! i'll fix.
#tantekhmm cweiske seems to be quite confused about Atom: "because a simple sax-based xml reader is much simpler to parse a small atom feed" - you can't use an XML parser realistically to parse Atom in the wild - this has been debunked numerous times by authors of actual feed readers.
eschnou joined the channel
#tanteklooks like we may need better Atom/XML debunking on the wiki to easily reference
benprew joined the channel
#JeenaCan I think about WebMentions like it is just a different implementation of the pingback/trackback idea? As far as I understand I could use the same UI to show webmentions as I use for pingbacks isn't it?
#tantekshould really be moved to the pingback page itself
#JeenaI had a extra list of Pingbacks above my comments with only the <title> of the page as a link. I assume one could add a date and a excerpt but I didn't like the pingback list being that bloated
#tantektl;dr: pingback/webmention should not introduce *any* new UI - they should just be plumbing for displaying *comments* as you already do (or as is already a UI convention of comments on posts in general)
#tantek*except* for perhaps a different section for "mentions"
#JeenaI was just so proud of it back then because I implemented the whole thing on my own from scratch ^^
#JeenaI am confused about your take on webmentions/Pingback UI. I my mind a mention is not just a comment which would just show up under the post because the post which mentions you often is not only a comment but can be very long and about a whole different topic and only some small part is about your post.
jonnybarnes, benprew, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
#Jeenajonnybarnes, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask :)
tantek, glennjones and caseorganic joined the channel
#jonnybarnesJeena, if I have a node, which has children nodeA, nodeB and nodeC, and I run parent.appendChild(newNode), that by default is added after nodeC. How could I add it to be between nodeB and nodeC for example?
#aaronpkif you click on a tweet permalink, it's set properly, but if you browse to one from the twitter.com home page, then it's set to just twitter.com
#aaronpkso they just need to update the <link> attribute with their JS
#benwerdyep. that fully explains the behavior I'm seeing.
#benwerdI was like, "where's the bug tracker?" and then I remembered Twitter is not an open source project.
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 59 minutes ago: thanks for answering a lot of good questions this morning (2014-006 PST) and calling out theoretical problems.
#bret^^ Working on that issue myself :) Still just getting my storage model working
#vrypanIs anything openwebcamp-related going on this week in London? I'll be there Wed-Fri, I'd love to meet with people working on related projects.
bnvk_ and poppy joined the channel
#tantekvrypan - not sure - ask tommorris - not sure who else in the channel is in London. You can check indiewebcamp.com/irc-people to see who else to ping
#Jeenaah aaronpk I see it responds with {"result":"Webmention was queued for processing"}, ok