2014-01-13 UTC
# 00:30 bear the hardest part of writing helper libs is knowing what intermediate data to bubble up to the caller's layer
# 00:31 bear like for relme - does a caller need to be able to see how many redirects were found for each possible rel=me target found in the profile and also in the resource page
# 00:31 bear is talking out loud for his own sanity
snarfed, vrypan_, realzies, caseorganic and brianloveswords joined the channel
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# 07:12 bear ok, relme working but I'm worried it might be too simple :/
Jihaisse joined the channel
skinny, pfefferle, dvirsky, voxpelli, eschenal, glennjones, realzies, Acidnerd and friedcell joined the channel
Sebastien-L, glennjones, adactio, voxpelli, pasevin, pfefferle, skinny, CheckDavid, pfenwick, jonnybarnes, bnvk, scor, friedcell, Zegnat, schalkneethling, eschenal, brianloveswords, chloeweil, snarfed and skinny_ joined the channel
chloeweil, _6a68, skinny, snarfed, pasevin and scor joined the channel
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benprew, _6a68, chloeweil, npdoty, glennjones, bnvk, brianloveswords, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, skinny, snarfed, paulcp and scor joined the channel
scor, skinny, kylewm and bnvk joined the channel
# 19:24 snarfed hah, funny. this tweet contains the text '(e.g. subtitle)', so bridgy interprets it as a permashortcitation and tries to send a webmention to http://e.g/subtitle
# 19:31 aaronpk section under "The specific format of a parenthetical permashortlink citation is:"
tantek joined the channel
# 19:31 aaronpk e.g. shouldn't match a domain name regex cause it ends with a "."
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:32 aaronpk although actually there aren't any one-char TLDs, is that a thing?
# 19:32 snarfed iirc either leading or trailing periods (or both?) actually may be valid in domains. not sure
# 19:33 snarfed i suspect single char tlds are valid in the spec, even if none actually exist
# 19:33 snarfed regardless, i can definitely tighten up my handling. i haven't pushed hard on the permashortcitation handling, since so few people used it
# 19:37 tantek snarfed - I don't understand that thread at all
# 19:38 snarfed we're laughing that bridgy incorrectly interpred (e.g. subtitle) in a tweet as a permashortcitation
eschenal and glennjones joined the channel
bnvk, LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, skinny and fmarier joined the channel
# 20:35 _6a68 jonnybarnes: fwiw, i actually do not use an IRC bouncer. I use IRC as office hours, people can email me if they need me otherwise.
# 20:41 bear jonnybarnes - I use ZNC by way of IRCRelay.com - got tired of maintaining my own ZNC instance
caseorganic, dvirsky, skinny and tantek joined the channel
# 21:05 jjuran A dot at the end of a domain name means it's absolute, whereas resolution of foo.bar might search under your default domain name.
# 21:08 aaronpk now I understand why I have to enter a trailing dot in my bind config
paulcp and CheckDavid joined the channel
# 21:35 bret Does anyone know of a mobile browser friendly code editor library
friedcell joined the channel
# 21:51 tantek does this mean that all the ".com" links on pages can be hijacked by an intranet that hosts its own local domain and a "com" subdomain on that local domain?
_6a68 joined the channel
# 21:54 bear that can be done just by running your own dns resolver and having dhcp enforce it
# 21:56 aaronpk well that's basically how wifi captive portals work anyway
# 21:56 bear and with some work, you can even just have your edge router forward all dns to a server and it just spoofs whatever dns server you *thought* you were working with
# 21:56 tantek does that mean wifi captive portals won't intercept links to domains ending with a "."?
# 21:56 aaronpk they can just do that by giving their own DNS response
# 21:57 bear depends on how well they read the spec :)
# 21:57 tantek will have to now try this on various captive portals to see what happens
brianloveswords and paulcp joined the channel
# 22:03 vrypan As mentioned already, a malicious DNS server can resolve anything to anything it wants.
# 22:04 vrypan The only problem would be that defining an alternative authority for .com for example would just break so many services for your users.
paulcp_, caseorganic and benwerd joined the channel
# 22:20 squeakytoy So, i just did some calculations and apprently, I have to ask for 55195.54 US Dollar for a kickstarter project
poppy joined the channel
# 22:25 bret Get started on what you can without the money so that it has a chance of not failing
# 22:25 EHLOVader Even if it sucks you will have more experience than the other person who was waiting to implement thier's perfectly squeakytoy
# 22:27 squeakytoy bret, thats an interesting topic tho. Indiegogo has a flexible mode too. Meaning, even if you dont get the full ammount (55200 USD for me) you still can get whatever you got
# 22:29 squeakytoy so, 55200 USD.. if to support the project would cost 10 USD... then I need to find 5520 people. Tahts maybe not so far fetched, hm, hm
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# 22:30 bret "In 2012, Internet thought leader Maciej CegÅ‚owski rocked the startup community with his provocative slogan ‘Barely Succeed’, challenging prospective entrepreneurs to reject the lottery culture of Silicon Valley in favor of small, sustainable projects that could give them a more realistic shot at financial independence."
# 22:32 _6a68 nothing worse than being called an "internet thought leader", heh
# 22:33 bret yeah, that was a little weird, but the idea seems like an apt response the feeling of 'you need how much to do what on a computer?'
bnvk and jernst joined the channel
# 22:39 bret I had an idea for crowd funding open source projects when sitting around today. Modest financial goals, that when met, unlock newer versions of the project.
# 22:40 bret Patch 1.x will release when $100 have been donated by the community
# 22:40 bret Some kind of timeout period could also be used
# 22:41 bret you could carry over excess funds to the next patch
# 22:41 bret it assumes some amount of popularity to the project though
# 22:42 jernst Tried to log into indiewebcamp.com. Had difficulties. Manually fixing the redirect URL to use https instead of http for Twitter worked. Perhaps there's a regex somewhere that can add a s? #isthisthebugfixdepartment
# 22:44 jernst tantek - the http or the https?
# 22:44 aaronpk which means that error needs to be surfaced better in the UI
# 22:44 tantek aaronpk - this should at least be an FAQ on the wiki
# 22:45 jernst I'm not understanding. On my page, I specify https://twitter... but somehow it showed up without the s in the URL?
# 22:51 benwerd bret: I'm pretty sure that open source crowdfunding site actually existed! Struggling to remember its name
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:01 tantek oh that's odd jernst - aaronpk might have a better answer to that
# 23:10 brianloveswords tantek: I saw you mentioned me the other day but my bouncer did a bad job of keeping track of what you said!
# 23:13 tantek looks like we have narrowed down to a preferred date
# 23:13 tantek now we need to coordinate with Jeremy at NYT for space
# 23:14 tantek and you said you could help with sponsorship for food etc from the Moz side right?
# 23:16 brianloveswords tantek: yep, I'll try to get in contact with the right people for that. 4/26–27 works for me, but we could potentially get a bigger crowd if we did 5/3 & 5/4 – EmpireJS is 5/5 & 5/6
# 23:17 tantek have tentative plans to speak at a different conf 5/1-5/2
# 23:17 tantek and usually for indiewebcamps it's good for organizers to be there *at least* the day before
# 23:18 brianloveswords Ahh that'd be a bummer if you couldn't make it. I think we can probably stick with 4/26 & 27, then. I think we can get a good enough crew of locals & semi-locals.
# 23:18 tantek I think we'll likely get a pretty big crowd with them anyway
# 23:19 tantek plus some folks might even come over from Europe - since NYC is easier (than PST) to reach from EU
pfenwick joined the channel
# 23:25 brianloveswords tantek: filling out the sponsorship form, do you have a ballpark number of attendees based on past experience?
# 23:25 tantek (I think our capacity for the venue is somewhere between 50-100 - need to confirm with Jeremy)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:34 bnvk Who are the most active London IndieWebbers out there?
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# 23:37 bnvk cool, I figured tom, but forgot about hadley- thanks ;)
# 23:43 bnvk KevinMarks: so not in the middle of March, noted!
# 23:44 KevinMarks I meant last year. I will probably make a few trips this year too, though nothign like Hadley's travel patterns
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# 23:58 bret caseorganic, I can't make it to the talk tonight :( Have some issues with where I am living and have to go to an unfortunately scheduled hoa meeting
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# 23:59 aaronpk well I am recording it so will try to post the video somewhere shortly after!