2014-01-14 UTC
# 00:01 tommorris bnvk, tantek: thinking it might be fun to have a London homebrew website club/indieweb gathering
# 00:02 bnvk tommorris: that could be rad! Have you ever done any speaking?
josephboyle joined the channel
# 00:10 bnvk tommorris: cool, any thinks anywhere?
pfenwick joined the channel
# 00:13 tommorris bnvk: can think of lots of places to host, but need more interest in people attending
tantek, scor, fmarier and vrypan_ joined the channel
# 01:04 bnvk tommorris: dah, that's what happens when skype and IRC happen at the same time- s/thinks/links
brianloveswords joined the channel
scor, tantek and tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:47 tantek tommorris - a HWC meetup in London would be great!
# 01:48 tantek I bet a bunch of people would show up if you planned it well in advance
snarfed joined the channel
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, bnvk and jernst joined the channel
# 04:55 bret !tell caseorganic Did you (or aaronpk) tell everyone there about HWC this week? :D
# 04:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:55 bret I tried to do some recruting at pdxnode the other day but had to leave early
# 04:55 aaronpk I was too busy fiddling with the cameras and audio recorder to remember
# 04:57 bret Is it possible to come early to use the space for some indipendant hacking time?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 05:05 bret I've been making headway on doing light cms in node/express. I have a model working of flat file storage system using front-matter headers, next is to buld an index
# 05:05 bret learning async has been hard, but its cool once I started getting it
toffermann joined the channel
bnvk and caseorganic joined the channel
# 05:23 Loqi caseorganic: bret left you a message 28 minutes ago: Did you (or aaronpk) tell everyone there about HWC this week? :D
pfenwick, snarfed, josephboyle, schalkneethling and skinny joined the channel
skinny, pfenwick, dvirsky, tantek, voxpelli and Jihaisse joined the channel
eschenal joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 09:02 hadleybeeman Tantek/tommorris/KevinMarks/bvnk Hello! You rang?
# 09:03 hadleybeeman I am indeed in London for a few days… though I'm off on Friday again til Feb. But in the meantime, is there anything I can help with? :)
# 09:04 tommorris hadleybeeman: we were mooting a possible homebrew website club for London at some point
# 09:04 hadleybeeman Oh, fun! I'd be up for that.
# 09:05 tommorris We’ve used it in the past for meetups. And it caters for vegetarian/vegan/a fair few allergies.
# 09:06 hadleybeeman As a meet-up venue? It never struck me as a "settle in" kind of venue. But if they're supportive… why not!
Sebastien-L, melvster, Zegnat, vrypan_, KevinMarks and squeakytoy joined the channel
glennjones, adactio, melvster1, bnvk, voxpelli, scor, brianloveswords and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 13:52 barnabywalters the UI of exchanging BTC/DOGE is generally pretty horrible, with the exception of tipbots
skinny joined the channel
# 13:55 voxpelli barnabywalters: yeah, a silo-less tipping mechanism would be nice
# 13:55 barnabywalters in theory an indieweb version would be the same, but our own sites would be the tipbots
# 13:55 barnabywalters I’m thinking bitcoin: addresses in u-payment or rel-payment links would allow basic URL -> address discovery
# 13:56 barnabywalters problem with bitcoin: addresses is that if you don’t have a client installed they’re confusing when clicked
# 13:57 voxpelli the Flattr browser extensions partly use the rel-payment links to expose tipping possibility within the browser UI
# 13:57 voxpelli been thinking about making a generic such addon based on the Flattr one
# 13:58 barnabywalters hm, so you recommend linking to a HTML page — that’s much better than bitcoin: addresses for humans but how would automatic address discovery be done?
# 13:58 barnabywalters unless we used currency-specific properties/rels, e.g. u-bitcoin-payment, rel="bitcoin"
julien51 joined the channel
# 13:59 voxpelli that's partly what Google did as a fallback for rel-author
# 14:01 voxpelli We parsed the query parameters when we consumed the Flattr links
glennjones and julien51 joined the channel
# 14:08 bnvk voxpelli: are you part of the Flattr team?
julien51 and voxpelli joined the channel
CheckDavid, nloadholtes, eschenal, pfenwick, chloeweil and bnvk joined the channel
snarfed, pasevin, chloeweil, bnvk_ and scor joined the channel
snarfed, tantek and jtyhurst joined the channel
# 16:25 tantek except perhaps consider zero padding the month for proper ISO? 2014-01-14
# 16:25 tantek and what happens if you post a second note on that day?
# 16:30 barnabywalters especially when it has an author property and everything. going to have to look into that
# 16:32 barnabywalters tantek: thanks! I need to add some icons for the different mention types, and better handle how plain mentions are handled, but overall I’m pleased with the current layout
# 16:33 tantek I wonder if via rel=me discovery you can determine my actual site rather than my Twitter
# 16:33 barnabywalters next step is to extend it to include virtual currency tipping (see also: earlier logs)
# 16:34 glennjones Yes a few things went wrong with the reply, need to change the url to my domain, not sure about the formating
# 16:35 barnabywalters oh huh the weird reply context is probably some bug on my end, as it’s using the content of the post as the author name!
npdoty, chloeweil, bnvk, _6a68 and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 17:05 indiewebcamp-vis @tantek thanks!
# 17:07 benjaminchait Curious: I’m having trouble authenticating on indiewebcamp.com via my domain. My supported provider (Twitter) is having an error. Can someone point me toward troubleshooting steps?
# 17:08 benjaminchait twitter.com/benjaminchait There was an error verifying this provider. Confirm you have a rel="me" link on this site pointing to your website.
# 17:08 benjaminchait I’ve got a link to my domain on my Twitter profile, but haven’t a clue where the rel=“me” comes into play.
# 17:09 aaronpk benjaminchait: I believe the server is having trouble reading twitter.com getting an SSL error from them
# 17:09 tantek looks like you have the right code: <a href="https://twitter.com/benjaminchait" rel="me">
bnvk_ joined the channel
# 17:10 Zegnat Twitter wasn’t working for me either, so could very well be server related
# 17:10 tantek benjaminchait - beautiful photos on your site
# 17:11 tantek and a very nice clean design. perfect example of how much nicer an indieweb site can look & feel compared to a silo profile.
# 17:12 Loqi Homebrew Website Club PDX on Wednesday, Jan 15, 6:30pm at Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)
# 17:12 benjaminchait Hrm —Â G+ is also having the same error. Maybe an SSL challenge on the authenticator site?
# 17:13 aaronpk G+ shouldn't be having that issue... might be a different (fixable) one
# 17:13 Zegnat GitHub worked for me not 10 minutes ago, if you have an account there, benjaminchait
# 17:14 benjaminchait tantek - genuinely appreciated! I’ve long admired your work (esp Microformats). just moved to PDX, went to Amber’s Future Talk @ New Relic last night and thought I’d explore some more.
# 17:14 aaronpk benjaminchait: ah your g+ profile needs to have your website under your "other profile" section instead of "contributor to" or "links"
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:17 benjaminchait aaronpk - gotcha, changed that on my end — also authenticated via github!
# 17:24 benjaminchait aaronpk - any objection to adding myself to the 2014 guest list? (looks like it’s just Tantek, Amber and you at the moment—not sure if it’s an “open” invite or whatnot.)
# 17:24 aaronpk we haven't talked much about the 2014 event yet which is why it's just us on there right now
# 17:24 aaronpk it's an open invite assuming you add yourself by signing in to the wiki :)
# 17:25 tantek speaking of which - any plans for OSCON 2014 proposals?
# 17:26 aaronpk for osbridge definitely, but was thinking about trying oscon again. it's been a couple years since I last spoke there
glennjones joined the channel
# 17:37 tantek aaronpk - I leave punctuation off of headings because it uglifies permalinks
# 17:38 tantek or it looks like "cruft" in the URL which always makes a URL seem less trustworthy
# 17:39 tantek I'll often repeat the question in the prose immediately following, with punctuation, and perhaps more expressively (since it helps to shorten headings)
# 17:40 tantek anyway - just a thought/preference - feel free to edit accordingly if you agree
# 17:41 aaronpk alternately could rephrase the header into a statement, such as "Issues with Twitter"
# 17:41 tantek that sounds more declarative - like something that's a general problem with Twitter, and not specific to the user
# 17:42 tantek the question format sounds more inviting to folks that may be having a specific problem / troubleshooting
chloeweil joined the channel
# 17:42 tantek whereas "Twitter issues" - sounds like a problem twitter has to fix
# 17:43 aaronpk in that case, should add an entry called "Facebook issues" so that they fix their stupid js-only profile permalinks
KevinMarks, bnvk and snarfed joined the channel
brianloveswords, chloeweil, benprew, paulcp, caseorganic, skinny, benjaminchait_, benjaminchait__, KartikPrabhu, tilgovi, tilgovi_ and benjaminchait joined the channel
# 19:34 benjaminchait aaronpk - realize I never responded to your message about homebrew website club. would love to join your next one, but I’m going to be traveling east tomorrow for the remainder of this week.
jonnybarnes, eschenal, josephboyle, hidgw, Kopfstein and paulcp joined the channel
# 20:06 aaronpk ah cool. well they are every 2 weeks so there will be another soon!
barnabywalters, paulcp, tilgovi, caseorganic, fmarier, hallettj and dvirsky joined the channel
# 21:23 Zegnat aaronpk, how is micropub’s “syndicate” supposed to work? Should it both take names to syndicate to and URLs to places the object already exists at?
# 21:24 aaronpk Zegnat: i'm not totally sure on that yet. i haven't actually implemented that part myself yet, so it's just my guess as to what it should be
# 21:25 aaronpk but the idea with the parameter is to indicate which silos to syndicate to
# 21:26 Zegnat Understood. I was thinking to add some thoughts to the wiki but could run them by you here too.
# 21:26 Zegnat First: wouldn’t it make sense for syndicate to take domains (twitter.com) rather than names (twitter)?
# 21:27 Zegnat Second: should the server let the client know if syndication succeeded? e.g. by providing the URLs?
# 21:29 aaronpk I don't want to require the response body to be in any particular format, so I like putting that in the headers
# 21:30 Zegnat I agree. This would also be hard to put into the response body, as it concerns external services
# 21:30 Zegnat I’ll try to get these thoughts on the wiki page soonish, before heading for bed
# 21:41 aaronpk so looks like that line was in the very first revision of the page, so chances are I just never got around to updating it later
# 21:41 aaronpk also the parameter in that example is called syndication rather than syndicate like it is everywhere else
# 21:42 Zegnat ah, I didn’t even notice it used a different parameter! my bad
tantek joined the channel
# 21:43 Zegnat It is an interesting problem though. Should such a parameter be supported by micropub? E.g. for PESOS implementations where content has already been syndicated elsewhere?
pasevin and chloeweil joined the channel
# 21:56 Zegnat How do you quickly sign a timestamped comment on the wiki? Just write ~~~?
# 21:58 barnabywalters Zegnat: there’s a signature button in the editing UI which inserts it for you
# 22:00 Zegnat Thanks barnabywalters, always wondered what that specific button was for
# 22:04 Zegnat aaronpk: I think that covers it. Obviously in need of tuning.
# 22:05 Zegnat I left syndication in (vs syndicate) and chose to document it as a property instead
# 22:09 Zegnat And with that, I leave for bed. Goodnight all.
# 22:12 bear hmm, i'm getting an Internal Server error trying to auth using Persona
# 22:17 aaronpk bear: I don't see a recent 500 error for you, can you do it again so it's in the logs?
paulcp joined the channel
# 22:18 bear persona is giving me an internal error validating my email
# 22:19 aaronpk oh, if you're getting an error from persona there's not much I can do about that :)
# 22:19 bear yea, sorry - I was going to follow up with "is anyone else?" and then got distracted by 2 pings and a direct-message
# 22:20 bear I'm reading the micropub page and had a few questions - simple stuf
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 22:30 bear aaronpk sorry for the odd edit - I realized I was using the signature thingy wrong so changed mine and also adjusted yours
# 22:35 aaronpk i'd like tantek's opinion first. rel="micropub" vs rel="micropub_endpoint" (the former matching the conventions of most other rel values, the latter matching the conventions of the OAuth 2 rel values)
# 22:35 bear if you said IndieAuth conventions then I may care, but OAuth… *shrug*
paulcp joined the channel
# 22:36 aaronpk hah. well the whole indieauth thing kind of sits on top of OAuth 2 now
# 22:36 bear yet another yak shaving project oh my!
# 22:37 bear agree, if the patterns of OAuth had any exposure or reason to "leak" into this spec I would agree
# 22:38 jonnybarnes should the micropub spec talk about conflicting info for checkins? i.e. where it talks about using two POSTs. What if I then attempted a checkin but I provided a different telephone number
# 22:38 bear but since IndieAuth (aka OAuth) is a tool that is orthogonal to micropub (IMO) then it makes more sense to use the patterns that are more appropriate
# 22:39 bear that technically should be an UPDATE then
vrypan joined the channel
# 22:39 bear if you do two POSTs you should get two articles
# 22:39 aaronpk the two posts come into play only if you need to first create the venue then check into it referencing the venue URL
# 22:40 jonnybarnes so does the micropub spec allow for searching already created venues?
# 22:40 aaronpk not yet. currently it only describes creating things
# 22:42 aaronpk indieweb principle #3: "Build tools for yourself"
# 22:42 barnabywalters has anyone actually implemented self-hosted venues? i.e. venues with a URL on your domain
# 22:42 aaronpk so far I have two ios apps that create posts using micropub
# 22:42 barnabywalters any discussion of APIs to create or search for them is not very meaningful until they exist
# 22:42 aaronpk my next implementation using micropub will likely be creating photos (PESOS from instagram)
# 22:43 barnabywalters they’ve been on my list for a while but low priority compared to a bunch of other stuff
# 22:43 aaronpk until I get to the point of building a full checkin backend I don't actually need to search for any existing objects
# 22:44 barnabywalters notes with maps and addresses via nominatim are good enough for my current casual checkin usage
# 22:45 aaronpk I'm still fighting whether I should PESOS or POSSE checkins to foursquare. the latest foursquare update that lets your friends check you in means I need to at least be able to PESOS those checkins.
# 22:45 bear isn't each post a unique url because it is by definition a post?
# 22:46 bear sorry, the above about identifying/searching
# 22:46 aaronpk I think he was talking about searching your website for a list of venue URLs so you can provide a venue to check in to
# 22:46 bear hmm, no … ok, I need to implement more before commenting
# 22:47 bear yea - was just reaching that question also in my head
# 22:49 jonnybarnes random question, which email providers do people use here? I’m currently using FastMail
# 22:50 aaronpk I use a combination of my own postfix server plus gmail
vrypan joined the channel
# 22:53 bear I use mailroute to handle the sending/receiving and then point it to my postfix install
# 22:53 bear that lets them handle all the messy internet facing bits
paulcp joined the channel
vrypan joined the channel
# 22:55 bear for sending mail - yes, inside of thunderbird
pfenwick joined the channel
# 23:22 bret trying to get more people to come to HWC portland :)
# 23:22 bear if it wasn't in the evening, I would be going to the NY one
lukebrooker and _6a68 joined the channel
# 23:31 hallettj Those are two DNS-based strategies that work together to eliminate from: spoofing.
li3n3 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:42 aaronpk I had the most success with greylisting, eliminating like 90% of the spam I was getting
# 23:53 hallettj aaronpk: Thanks!
# 23:53 hallettj Actually this stuff is important for anyone with email on their own domain - even if you don't run the server yourself.
# 23:55 aaronpk hallettj: want to add that to indiewebcamp.com/email ?
# 23:55 pdurbin hallettj: but... you can only do so much if someone else hosts your email, right? (on your domain)
# 23:55 hallettj aaronpk: That seems like a good idea. I will do so.
# 23:56 aaronpk some of the things are done at the domain level, some are at the SMTP server
# 23:56 hallettj pdurbin: DKIM and SPF only require control over your DNS records.
# 23:59 hallettj pdurbin: Wait, that is not right. You also need to get the server to do the actual signing for DKIM.