#bretI've been making headway on doing light cms in node/express. I have a model working of flat file storage system using front-matter headers, next is to buld an index
#barnabywaltersvoxpelli: oh cool, did not know that — reading
#voxpellithe Flattr browser extensions partly use the rel-payment links to expose tipping possibility within the browser UI
#voxpellibeen thinking about making a generic such addon based on the Flattr one
#barnabywaltershm, so you recommend linking to a HTML page — that’s much better than bitcoin: addresses for humans but how would automatic address discovery be done?
#barnabywaltersunless we used currency-specific properties/rels, e.g. u-bitcoin-payment, rel="bitcoin"
#barnabywalterstantek: thanks! I need to add some icons for the different mention types, and better handle how plain mentions are handled, but overall I’m pleased with the current layout
#tantekI wonder if via rel=me discovery you can determine my actual site rather than my Twitter
#barnabywaltersnext step is to extend it to include virtual currency tipping (see also: earlier logs)
#benjaminchaitCurious: I’m having trouble authenticating on indiewebcamp.com via my domain. My supported provider (Twitter) is having an error. Can someone point me toward troubleshooting steps?
#tantekwhat's the error you're seeing? (cc aaronpk)
#benjaminchaittwitter.com/benjaminchait There was an error verifying this provider. Confirm you have a rel="me" link on this site pointing to your website.
#benjaminchaitI’ve got a link to my domain on my Twitter profile, but haven’t a clue where the rel=“me” comes into play.
#aaronpkbenjaminchait: I believe the server is having trouble reading twitter.com getting an SSL error from them
#tanteklooks like you have the right code: <a href="https://twitter.com/benjaminchait" rel="me">
#LoqiHomebrew Website Club PDX on Wednesday, Jan 15, 6:30pm at Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)
#benjaminchaitHrm —Â G+ is also having the same error. Maybe an SSL challenge on the authenticator site?
#aaronpkG+ shouldn't be having that issue... might be a different (fixable) one
#ZegnatGitHub worked for me not 10 minutes ago, if you have an account there, benjaminchait
#benjaminchaittantek - genuinely appreciated! I’ve long admired your work (esp Microformats). just moved to PDX, went to Amber’s Future Talk @ New Relic last night and thought I’d explore some more.
#aaronpkbenjaminchait: ah your g+ profile needs to have your website under your "other profile" section instead of "contributor to" or "links"
#aaronpkg+ only adds rel=me for the "other profiles"
#benjaminchaitaaronpk - any objection to adding myself to the 2014 guest list? (looks like it’s just Tantek, Amber and you at the moment—not sure if it’s an “open” invite or whatnot.)
#tantekbenjaminchait - awesome! go ahead and add yourself to /irc-people
#tantekor it looks like "cruft" in the URL which always makes a URL seem less trustworthy
#tantekI'll often repeat the question in the prose immediately following, with punctuation, and perhaps more expressively (since it helps to shorten headings)
#tantekanyway - just a thought/preference - feel free to edit accordingly if you agree
#benjaminchaitaaronpk - realize I never responded to your message about homebrew website club. would love to join your next one, but I’m going to be traveling east tomorrow for the remainder of this week.
jonnybarnes, eschenal, josephboyle, hidgw, Kopfstein and paulcp joined the channel
#aaronpkah cool. well they are every 2 weeks so there will be another soon!
barnabywalters, paulcp, tilgovi, caseorganic, fmarier, hallettj and dvirsky joined the channel
#Zegnataaronpk, how is micropub’s “syndicate” supposed to work? Should it both take names to syndicate to and URLs to places the object already exists at?
#aaronpkZegnat: i'm not totally sure on that yet. i haven't actually implemented that part myself yet, so it's just my guess as to what it should be
#aaronpkbut the idea with the parameter is to indicate which silos to syndicate to
#aaronpkso the object wouldn't already exist on the silo
#ZegnatUnderstood. I was thinking to add some thoughts to the wiki but could run them by you here too.
#ZegnatIt is an interesting problem though. Should such a parameter be supported by micropub? E.g. for PESOS implementations where content has already been syndicated elsewhere?
#aaronpkshould I remove the discussion section on it?
#aaronpki'd like tantek's opinion first. rel="micropub" vs rel="micropub_endpoint" (the former matching the conventions of most other rel values, the latter matching the conventions of the OAuth 2 rel values)
#bearagree, if the patterns of OAuth had any exposure or reason to "leak" into this spec I would agree
#jonnybarnesshould the micropub spec talk about conflicting info for checkins? i.e. where it talks about using two POSTs. What if I then attempted a checkin but I provided a different telephone number
#bearbut since IndieAuth (aka OAuth) is a tool that is orthogonal to micropub (IMO) then it makes more sense to use the patterns that are more appropriate
#barnabywaltersnotes with maps and addresses via nominatim are good enough for my current casual checkin usage
#aaronpkI'm still fighting whether I should PESOS or POSSE checkins to foursquare. the latest foursquare update that lets your friends check you in means I need to at least be able to PESOS those checkins.
#jonnybarnesthat reminds me, I need to look at making a proxy for nominatim
#bearisn't each post a unique url because it is by definition a post?
#aaronpkbear: yes, in what context are you asking?