#tantekthat lack of type forces programmers to canonocalize on ISO8601 long form in Z which is both human unfriendly and loses information (timezone etc.)
#iangreenleafawesome, I'll work on contributing to a couple tonight - off the top of my head I can offer some info for Netflix, Facebook, Fitocracy, Garmin...
#tantekyou might ping aaronpk about Fitocracy and Garmin - I know aaronpk has done a lot of work with personal metrics services - and I'm sure he'd be interested in whatever you document for those.
#iangreenleafBTW, what's the word on "unofficial" export solutions? legit to add to the wiki or not?
#iangreenleaffor example, I worked up a bookmarklet to export photos from others I was tagged in on Facebook a while back
#iangreenleaf...something Facebook does not include in the official export
#iangreenleaf!tell snarfed freedom.io looks super cool! I'm curious if you're going through the official APIs, and if so, how you're handling the restrictive terms
#Loqisnarfed: iangreenleaf left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: freedom.io looks super cool! I'm curious if you're going through the official APIs, and if so, how you're handling the restrictive terms
#www.iangreenleaf.comcreated /Garmin_Connect (+207) "Created page with "== Data Export == * You can use [https://tapiriik.com/ tapiriik] (for free) to sync GPS files between a number of destinations, including a Dropbox folder. ** This will not sync..."" (view diff)
#www.iangreenleaf.comcreated /Strava (+294) "Created page with "== Data Export == * You can use [https://tapiriik.com/ tapiriik] (for free) to sync GPS files between a number of destinations, including a Dropbox folder. ** This will not sync..."" (view diff)
#Jeenamy blog has from the start been a rails app so I just upgraded first from rails 2 to 3 and now to 4 and added the indieweb stuff on top of everything. Back then I only had Pingback which later on stopped working
#JeenaFor now I added a atom feed for my notes too because there are no h-entry feed readers that I know of
#neuro`One day, a French guy was bored during the summer holliday, so he started to learn PHP and coded a spagetti blog engine. IIRC, it was first called "cafelog", then "b2".
#neuro`B2 popularity grew quickly (was in 2001 or 2002), and after a while, that guy moved to something else.
#neuro`Then, another guy forked the project, and named his fork "Wordpress"
#neuro`So you see what can happen to PHP4 blog projects :)
acegiak, Jeena, glennjones, scor, snarfed, LauraJ and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: bnvk left you a message on 1/17 at 2:39pm: your "Feedreader Mockups" page seems to be hidden behind an auth http://photos.waterpigs.co.uk/p/pu
heath joined the channel
#barnabywalters!tell bnvk RE feedreader mockups hidden: indeed, my openphoto instance broke and I haven’t figured out how to fix it yet :( More up-to-date feedreader mockups at http://waterpigs.co.yk/intertubes
#Loqibnvk: barnabywalters left you a message 1 minute ago: RE feedreader mockups hidden: indeed, my openphoto instance broke and I haven’t figured out how to fix it yet :( More up-to-date feedreader mockups at http://waterpigs.co.yk/intertubes
#barnabywaltersof course! but in this case the important thing is the flow based programming UI, not the nitty gritty of how it’s implemented, so I used the tools which allow me to focus on that
#tantekJeena - congrats on getting your notes to POSSE to Twitter!
#tantekyou mentioned replying to people from your site - that's definitely a good thing to implement!
#tantekit requires a little more work of course, to set the in-reply-to-status-id for proper threading
#Jeenathanks, it wasn't that complicated, I found out that you can get a oauth_token and secret from the dev-page on twitter so you don't have to deal with the oauth process
#Jeenahmmmm, perhaps I should write some user-js so if I click on a reply button in twitter it opens my website and populates everything so I don't need to do it manually ...
j12t, KartikPrabhu, iangreenleaf and iangreenleaf1 joined the channel
#Jeenaoh man, this is almost perfect, the only thing I would need is the twitter username as a variable
#Jeenabut I can get it from the URL instead as a forkaround for now
iangreenleaf joined the channel
#barnabywaltersJeena: yeah I did make an earlier version with some silo-specific things like that but decided instead to make something which just works with URLs
#snarfedyou can do nested threading too if you want. an h-entry can have multiple u-in-reply-to links, e.g. one to the top level post and one to another reply
#snarfeddoesn't happen often in practice yet though
schalkneethling and snarfed joined the channel
#snarfedJeena: late to the game, but you can definitely posse to facebook automatically w/their api
#snarfedthere's plenty of code that does that automatically, e.g. wordpress plugins and more
#JeenaOk, nice, but I need to do it half manually, but perhaps there is a rails plugin too
pasevin, KartikPrabhu, bnvk_, barnabywalters and bnvk joined the channel
#iangreenleafaaronpk: Have you done any POSSE stuff with fitness tracking data? I see you've written about it.
#aaronpkiangreenleaf: I haven't done POSSE with the data, but I am tracking a few things on my own site
#bearKartikPrabhu - that is my planning ahead. I *think* that reply mentions will be handled/flagged for further processing (at least I did when I wrote that :)
#bearKartikPrabhu - and i'm also all for removing it if it's not used - keeping code around "just because" is, for me, a old bad habit - so please do call me on it so I can unlearn it
tantek joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubear: I think when sending mentions it does not matter if it is a reply or not. But it would be important while parsing a received mention.
#KartikPrabhuand if I am parsing a mention I received then I wouldn't be searching for all 'a's anyway. just the one that was mentioned
#KartikPrabhuthat's why I was thinking that the reply check is not necessary in this one
#bearthat's a good point about the code - please do submit a PR with that change (and even a note as to why) - I would love to have your ideas and usage notes in the code
#bearif not a PR then an issue with the above - so I can make the change later
#KartikPrabhui was modifying quite some bits in my forked version. I'll update it on Github with notes of changes. I'll let you know
#aaronpkyeah the time saved by parsing only the HTML <head> instead of th ewhole doc is going to be exponentially less than the time spent making the HTTP connection to actually send the webmention
#bearyea, not too worried about implementing it or changing what parts to look for it - just being cranky-grumpy about something that I just need to stop being cranky-grumpy and edit the wiki about :)
#Jeenayeah I just saw, this german tweet was done with this plugin, need to have a look at it
#bearKartikPrabhu - great changes! I would love to see this as PR and I would love to add you to the project contributor's list
#JeenaI wonder about https://www.brid.gy/ I'm not quite sure I understand it correctly, what does it actually do? How does it know which of the links I post are posts to my website which have webmentions enabled?
#KartikPrabhubear: I'm new to git, so will have to figure out how to do PRs :P. But will do so for these changes...
#bearKartikPrabhu - I appreciate you taking the time to improve the code. if you have made the change to your fork on github, the web ui for the commit should have a pull request button that is now visible
muesli joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubear: I want to use ronkyuu instead of writing the same code again, so I am adding things that I would use. :) also did the pull request thing. Did it work?