2014-01-18 UTC
# 00:01 tantek that lack of type forces programmers to canonocalize on ISO8601 long form in Z which is both human unfriendly and loses information (timezone etc.)
# 00:02 bear just like mf2 - you can use json in a way that doesn't lose data
# 00:03 tantek or rather - can you point to any examples of anyone using JSON in a way that doesn't lose data in a human-unfriendly fashion?
# 00:03 bear all of the examples are from internal data conversation tools that go from SQL -> JSON or XML -> JSON
# 00:04 bear because of the lack of data types, everything is stored as JSON strings
# 00:07 tantek bear - then you likely are losing the SQL type information in your JSON
# 00:08 bear it wasn't but that's only because each field value had a corresponding meta data value of where it came from and how it was stored there
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:08 bear I found with data conversion code, to always store the schema along with the data when transporting
# 00:08 bear but again, probably out of band to IndieWeb discussions
# 00:09 tantek whereas with uf2 - we've minimized that to infrequent occurences
# 00:09 tantek with a handful of dt- u- e- prefixed properties
# 00:10 bear sorry - I must be in a really off mood as I'm seeing everything thru a curmudgeon filter
# 00:11 bear I actually mutter that about what most of you all say
# 00:11 bear (being probably the older person in the room)
# 00:12 bear is 50 and has been in computers since 1979
# 00:13 tantek is not 50 but has also been coding on computers since 1979 (even if it was BASIC on a timeshare).
# 00:13 tantek notes that length of time coding on computers does not really correlate to much, except for having spent that time.
# 00:14 bear but age doesn't matter - i've learned to try and listen to everyone and then ask questions
# 00:14 bear my older habits get in the way some times
# 00:17 bear the authorship update earlier has me chewing over some ideas and now i'm going to go add them to the python code I am using
# 00:18 bear all of my earlier computers where other people's that bought them but couldn't figure them out - they hired me to fix, setup and program them
# 00:18 KevinMarks I really need to write up my post about mapreduce mindset too
# 00:19 tantek aaronpk - can we get Loqi to play music in the channel?
# 00:19 bear it's amazing how pervasive of a mindset earlier tool use is
pfenwick, li3n3 and snarfed joined the channel
# 01:58 iangreenleaf Hi all! Do you know of / maintain a list of data liberation options anywhere?
# 01:59 iangreenleaf I.e. "How to get your __[type of data]__ out of __[cloud service]__"?
# 01:59 tantek we tend to call them "silos" rather than "cloud services" (If I get your meaning)
# 01:59 tantek and such information (how to export your data from) is available on the wiki page for each
# 02:00 iangreenleaf yeah, I noticed the Twitter and Tumblr pages - is there much beyond that?
# 02:02 iangreenleaf nifty, thanks. so if I wanted to contribute, the way to do it would be to edit/create separate pages for each silo?
# 02:03 iangreenleaf I started thinking (as I wrested my 360 movie ratings out of Netflix) that we should have a good list of all this stuff
# 02:03 iangreenleaf especially since it's hard to figure out what is currently working, what has broken since first being released, etc
# 02:05 tantek yes it would be good to create a Netflix page - please go for it
# 02:07 iangreenleaf awesome, I'll work on contributing to a couple tonight - off the top of my head I can offer some info for Netflix, Facebook, Fitocracy, Garmin...
# 02:09 tantek you might ping aaronpk about Fitocracy and Garmin - I know aaronpk has done a lot of work with personal metrics services - and I'm sure he'd be interested in whatever you document for those.
# 02:10 iangreenleaf BTW, what's the word on "unofficial" export solutions? legit to add to the wiki or not?
# 02:10 iangreenleaf for example, I worked up a bookmarklet to export photos from others I was tagged in on Facebook a while back
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# 02:23 tantek iangreenleaf - 3rd party tools for exporting data would be great to add to the wiki
# 02:25 Jeena no webmention on it yet and no automatic POSSE
# 02:26 tantek start with manual POSSEing! I (and most others) did.
# 02:26 tantek it also helps you figure out how you want your code to automatically POSSE for you
# 02:26 tantek and heck, I'm not even sending automatic webmentions yet myself - I manually curl them
# 02:27 tantek I'm preferring to document my thinking / figuring out of such features publicly in the hopes that such thinking helps others.
# 02:27 Jeena I have all the code for doing it automatically implemented because I use it for posts already, so it should be quite easy to add tomorrow
# 02:34 snarfed iangreenleaf: i'll take a note to go update export pages on the wiki too
caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:01 bret In terms of UX vs Security, threema.ch sets the bar for encrypted messaging. Been using it the past week and its been great
# 03:01 bret its unfortunately phone app only though :(
# 03:03 iangreenleaf snarfed: that looks super cool! are you working through the official APIs?
# 03:04 iangreenleaf !t snarfed that looks super cool! are you working through the official APIs?
# 03:06 iangreenleaf !tell snarfed freedom.io looks super cool! I'm curious if you're going through the official APIs, and if so, how you're handling the restrictive terms
# 03:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
scor and j12t joined the channel
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# 04:12 Loqi snarfed: iangreenleaf left you a message 1 hour, 5 minutes ago: freedom.io looks super cool! I'm curious if you're going through the official APIs, and if so, how you're handling the restrictive terms
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# 05:25 snarfed in practice, Twitter is the most aggressive by a wide margin
# 05:27 iangreenleaf do you think, if it got wildly popular, that you could stay on their good sides?
# 05:27 snarfed my workaround for the last one was to have users generate their own api keys :/
# 05:30 snarfed feel free to Kiko into the github repo if you're interested!
# 05:30 Loqi snarfed meant to say: feel free to jump into the github repo if you're interested!
# 05:32 iangreenleaf yeah, I might poke around, POSSE is of great interest to me so always cool to see people building things
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squeakytoy, hallettj, pfenwick, XgF, igalic, brianloveswords, zaal, acegiak and hober joined the channel
# 10:32 Jeena good morning! Is it possible to POSSE my notes automatically to Facebook? Is there a API for that?
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# 13:19 Jeena Wohoo now my mentions can POSSE to Twitter and send+receive webmentions!
eschnou, glennjones, friedcell, bnvk, pfenwick and snarfed joined the channel
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# 14:56 Jeena my blog has from the start been a rails app so I just upgraded first from rails 2 to 3 and now to 4 and added the indieweb stuff on top of everything. Back then I only had Pingback which later on stopped working
# 14:58 Jeena For now I added a atom feed for my notes too because there are no h-entry feed readers that I know of
LauraJ joined the channel
# 15:08 Jeena Hm now I also need to implement the special in_reply_to for Twitter so they can connect them in the right way
friedcell and scor joined the channel
# 15:13 Jeena wow, that was easy, and it is done, not I finally can answer people on twitter via my own notes :D
eschnou joined the channel
# 15:29 neuro` Jeena: BTW, what's your blog engine? I read it was Rails based
# 15:29 Jeena yeah it is just a plain rails app I wrote, nothing special
# 15:30 Jeena I tried to use blog engines but never got them working like I wanted them to work so I gave up and wrote my own blog software.
# 15:31 neuro` Oh OK. I've been maintaining a Rails publishing engine for 8 years now, that has notes and Twitter replies, that's why I was asking
# 15:31 Jeena just small stuff like a subtitle can be really complicated to add to a blog engine
# 15:32 Jeena and then this blog is a playground for me too, I try crazy stuff on a real audience sometimes just to check their reactions :-p
# 15:33 neuro` used to power blog.rubyonrails.org in 2004/2005
# 15:34 Jeena back then in 2004 you used rails already?
# 15:34 neuro` I started Ruby in 2002, and Rails when they released 0.4 iirc.
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# 15:35 Jeena in 2002 I bought my first PC and got a modem for it :D
# 15:35 Jeena before that I had an Amiga without internet between 1992 and 1995
# 15:36 Jeena yeah I was kind of late to the whole computer thingy
# 15:38 Jeena but it was my first programming project so it is spagetti code all the way
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# 15:42 neuro` One day, a French guy was bored during the summer holliday, so he started to learn PHP and coded a spagetti blog engine. IIRC, it was first called "cafelog", then "b2".
# 15:43 neuro` B2 popularity grew quickly (was in 2001 or 2002), and after a while, that guy moved to something else.
# 15:43 neuro` Then, another guy forked the project, and named his fork "Wordpress"
# 15:44 neuro` So you see what can happen to PHP4 blog projects :)
acegiak, Jeena, glennjones, scor, snarfed, LauraJ and barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 16:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bnvk joined the channel
# 16:40 Loqi bnvk: barnabywalters left you a message 1 minute ago: RE feedreader mockups hidden: indeed, my openphoto instance broke and I haven’t figured out how to fix it yet :( More up-to-date feedreader mockups at http://waterpigs.co.yk/intertubes
# 16:41 bnvk barnabywalters: afternoon- what are you up to?
# 16:45 Jeena cool! so how do you get new data from the websites, are you spidering those websites every couple of minutes or something?
# 16:46 barnabywalters nothing as fancy as that yet — I’m just requesting them live at the moment, which is why it’s quite slow
# 16:47 Jeena are you requesting the index pages or something else?
# 16:47 barnabywalters I’m just trying to fix the authentication problem so you can see the config UI
eschnou and tantek joined the channel
# 16:49 Jeena I'm also confused about where to point #tags in my notes
# 16:50 barnabywalters Jeena: point them to pages on your own site which aggregate content tagged with that tag
# 16:51 Jeena I see, ok I will do that in the future, right now there are just too few posts ^^
# 16:54 Jeena but that is just read only for me right now I assume?
# 16:54 Jeena and it is your own instance of this feedreader?
# 16:55 barnabywalters Jeena: yep, this is my instance of a flow-based-programming environment built for processing microformats data
# 16:55 Jeena it kind of looks like Yahoo pipes, I always liked their intuitive UI
# 16:56 Jeena ah and everything is HTML, I wonder how you do the connections
# 16:58 barnabywalters which handles all the connections. you just specify which HTML elements to connect, and it draws and updates the SVG
# 16:59 Jeena neat, even though I kind of would have expected it to be rendered in a WebGL canvas
# 17:01 barnabywalters of course! but in this case the important thing is the flow based programming UI, not the nitty gritty of how it’s implemented, so I used the tools which allow me to focus on that
# 17:03 tantek Jeena - congrats on getting your notes to POSSE to Twitter!
# 17:03 tantek you mentioned replying to people from your site - that's definitely a good thing to implement!
# 17:04 tantek it requires a little more work of course, to set the in-reply-to-status-id for proper threading
# 17:04 Jeena thanks, it wasn't that complicated, I found out that you can get a oauth_token and secret from the dev-page on twitter so you don't have to deal with the oauth process
# 17:05 Jeena I saved twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret, oauth_token and oauth_token_secret in my code
# 17:05 tantek barnabywalters - I'm guessing secret URL on his site ;)
# 17:05 Jeena in_reply_to_status_id = in_reply_to.split("/").last if in_reply_to.starts_with? "https://twitter.com/"
# 17:06 Jeena {status: text, in_reply_to_status_id: in_reply_to_status_id }
# 17:06 tantek what happens if you have more than one in-reply-to URL?
# 17:07 Jeena I obviously make a ton of assumptions but that is ok, I'm the only one who uses it
# 17:07 tantek I think we are all doing that (making a ton of assumptions about usage) :)
# 17:07 Jeena tantek I only can have one twitter in-reply-to but I can have multiple others
# 17:07 Jeena I just go through the links in my html and do a webmention to every of them
# 17:09 Jeena Does the Twitter API even allow more then one in_reply_to_status_id?
# 17:09 tantek but if you have more than one in a post, you have to pick one somehow to POSSE
# 17:11 Jeena If I need more I have to put them into the text
# 17:12 Jeena and those only work with webmentions, not with twitter, but ok for now I think
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# 17:19 Jeena oh but let me change the URL, because next time I make a screenshot this url will show something else ;)
# 17:20 tantek Jeena - or feel free to upload it (perhaps with an ISOdate in the name) to indiewebcamp.com
CheckDavid joined the channel
# 17:52 Jeena hmmmm, perhaps I should write some user-js so if I click on a reply button in twitter it opens my website and populates everything so I don't need to do it manually ...
# 17:55 Jeena I see you guys have already done everything I come up with :p
# 17:58 barnabywalters Jeena: thanks :) hope you find it useful — any feedback/pull requests very welcome, I haven’t really worked on it much for a while
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# 18:12 Jeena hm how do I get to the options? firefox opens a new tab with chrome://webnactions_kango/content/options.html which obviously doesn't work ;)
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# 18:26 Jeena oh man, this is almost perfect, the only thing I would need is the twitter username as a variable
# 18:27 Jeena but I can get it from the URL instead as a forkaround for now
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# 18:29 barnabywalters Jeena: yeah I did make an earlier version with some silo-specific things like that but decided instead to make something which just works with URLs
bnvk, snarfed, friedcell and voxpelli joined the channel
# 18:58 voxpelli Displaying WebMentions – sort on h-entry publish date or on webmention receive time?
KevinMarks2, bnvk, barnabywalters and barnabywalters_ joined the channel
# 19:28 voxpelli snarfed: yeah, makes sense with Brid.gy in mind – dt-published it is then
# 19:29 voxpelli Just a bit worried that it will be hard to track new entries when they can appear in the middle of a comment thread
# 19:30 snarfed if you're ordering by time, then a reply's time is dt-published if it provides it
# 19:31 snarfed for direct replies, that will usually be the same as the received time, but for indirect cases like bridgy, it's not
# 19:31 snarfed bridgy often sends webmentions for replies (likes etc) that were created days or weeks or months earlier
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# 19:32 snarfed you can do nested threading too if you want. an h-entry can have multiple u-in-reply-to links, e.g. one to the top level post and one to another reply
schalkneethling and snarfed joined the channel
# 19:52 snarfed Jeena: late to the game, but you can definitely posse to facebook automatically w/their api
# 19:52 snarfed there's plenty of code that does that automatically, e.g. wordpress plugins and more
# 19:53 Jeena Ok, nice, but I need to do it half manually, but perhaps there is a rails plugin too
pasevin, KartikPrabhu, bnvk_, barnabywalters and bnvk joined the channel
# 20:24 iangreenleaf aaronpk: Have you done any POSSE stuff with fitness tracking data? I see you've written about it.
# 20:32 aaronpk iangreenleaf: I haven't done POSSE with the data, but I am tracking a few things on my own site
# 20:33 aaronpk and technically the sleep and weight there is PESOS, but the pushups are original data
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# 20:39 iangreenleaf cool cool. you just making up your own data formats? I don't know of any particularly standard ones for most metrics
# 20:41 aaronpk and based off of the format from the device I get the data
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# 22:09 bear KartikPrabhu - that is my planning ahead. I *think* that reply mentions will be handled/flagged for further processing (at least I did when I wrote that :)
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# 22:22 bear KartikPrabhu - and i'm also all for removing it if it's not used - keeping code around "just because" is, for me, a old bad habit - so please do call me on it so I can unlearn it
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# 22:23 KartikPrabhu bear: I think when sending mentions it does not matter if it is a reply or not. But it would be important while parsing a received mention.
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu and if I am parsing a mention I received then I wouldn't be searching for all 'a's anyway. just the one that was mentioned
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu that's why I was thinking that the reply check is not necessary in this one
# 22:28 bear that's a good point about the code - please do submit a PR with that change (and even a note as to why) - I would love to have your ideas and usage notes in the code
# 22:28 bear if not a PR then an issue with the above - so I can make the change later
# 22:29 KartikPrabhu i was modifying quite some bits in my forked version. I'll update it on Github with notes of changes. I'll let you know
pfenwick, icco, bnvk and hallettj joined the channel
# 23:21 KartikPrabhu Q: For webmention endpoint discovery is it correct to only look in the document head and not the entire document?
# 23:23 bear jeena - you mean in the HTML server response header?
# 23:23 aaronpk you should probably just parse the whole HTML document for the rel values
# 23:23 aaronpk for example if you run a page through php-mf2 you get back an array of rels regardless of where in the HTML they occur
# 23:23 bear hmm, didn't think it would be returned in the header
# 23:23 Jeena I think it is more complicated to stop at the end of head then just let a parser parse the whole thing
# 23:24 tantek bear - there are examples of sites that do that
# 23:24 bear guess I have some code to change/improve then
# 23:24 tantek listed on the webmention page (that use HTTP LINK header for webmention discovery)
# 23:24 tantek there's a bunch of open source to parse them too - in various languages
# 23:24 KartikPrabhu Jeena: Beautiful Soup in python can parse any fragment. and it is apparently foster to do only the required parts
# 23:25 aaronpk yeah the time saved by parsing only the HTML <head> instead of th ewhole doc is going to be exponentially less than the time spent making the HTTP connection to actually send the webmention
# 23:26 bear ah, and I guess I didn't make it down to the bottom of the page where Alternatives are listed
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# 23:27 Jeena btw. parsing the header is really easy, I always thought it is complicated because you can have multiple links in one Link: header etc.
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# 23:32 bear yea, not too worried about implementing it or changing what parts to look for it - just being cranky-grumpy about something that I just need to stop being cranky-grumpy and edit the wiki about :)
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# 23:41 Jeena so with me we're 9 people using webmentions? That is not many, but I still like it.
# 23:43 aaronpk i think there's more. that list is probably not complete anymore
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# 23:51 Jeena yeah I just saw, this german tweet was done with this plugin, need to have a look at it
# 23:52 bear KartikPrabhu - great changes! I would love to see this as PR and I would love to add you to the project contributor's list
# 23:53 Jeena I wonder about https://www.brid.gy/ I'm not quite sure I understand it correctly, what does it actually do? How does it know which of the links I post are posts to my website which have webmentions enabled?
# 23:53 KartikPrabhu bear: I'm new to git, so will have to figure out how to do PRs :P. But will do so for these changes...
# 23:54 bear KartikPrabhu - I appreciate you taking the time to improve the code. if you have made the change to your fork on github, the web ui for the commit should have a pull request button that is now visible
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# 23:59 KartikPrabhu bear: I want to use ronkyuu instead of writing the same code again, so I am adding things that I would use. :) also did the pull request thing. Did it work?