barnabywaltersaaronpk: actually, easier, can you check what your cookies for are and send me the contents of indieauth_token if it exists?
Jeenaoh neat, hehe bridgy works with my website and twitter, I just need to get the microformats data instead of the title which only says "Bridgy Response" ^^
Jeenathis is awkward, I am thinking about just using twitters oembed to get the data I need instead of trying to get it from the microformats from bridgy, because either I am too dumb to use or it is just broken
KartikPrabhuok so horribly stuck again. As per previous suggestion I moved auto-sending of webmentions from a post to a post_save hook. But it still seems that the target is unable to retrieve my source because it does not have a proper URL. The internet is too fast for my server?!! How are other folks doing auto-sending of mentions from post?
KartikPrabhuI think post_save is supposed to be after saving to database, but it might be in some locked state! I might have to do some async things. sigh! thanks for the wordpress example link
snarfedi've heard rumblings about people getting together in more places for homebrew website club. new york? london? reykjavik? feel free to add them to the wiki!
KartikPrabhuok so unfortunately Django's post_save is not really post_save. My posts do not seem to have a URL until post_save finished executing. Tried with a 1min delay in post_save to autosend webmentions, but with no luck!
KartikPrabhuyeah the docs do say post_save is activated after adding to database but it doesn't seem to be working. In any case async sending seems more robust
KartikPrabhui am sort of sceptical using ATOM or RSS feeds to do that, since those are supposed to be old technologies anyway. Maybe using a h-feed page would be good
KartikPrabhubear: in fact I was planning to make a page that will accept a url from form input, parse it and send mentions all using ronkyuu. Maybe I should just use that on my own site :P
jonnybarnesbut that is good, because it will force me to add the next feature. work out if the truncated string ends in a punctuation character and strip that as well
barnabywaltersactually I’m going to rewrite a bunch of my generic text processing functions as cassis functions instead of having yet another nasty helper library
jonnybarnesbear: I'm not using the cassis function itself, my code currently provides a truncated string to add the ellipsis too based on the space character. So I can have a truncated string that ends with a full stop
jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: did I read correctly off twitter, people who's sites support the microhub API can now use to post new notes?
rektidepost discovery in what way? there's surface, then there's means to make surface exploration happen, which generally means you cannot see the code & examples in action as per a library.