2014-01-24 UTC
caseorganic, chloeweil, fmarier, KartikPrabhu, jchivers, pasevin, li3n3 and pfenwick joined the channel
pfenwick, kylewm and XgF joined the channel
netweb joined the channel
# 02:36 aaronpk "Many W3C specifications are so cryptic that they require the sacrifice of your sanity and a secret W3C decoder ring to read."
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:39 aaronpk "Bad feature ideas can be argued for months and rationalized because smart people, lacking any sort of compelling real world data, are great at debating and rationalizing bad decisions."
pfenwick joined the channel
# 02:44 pdurbin heh. I do like the "less talk, more code" feel I get from this channel
paulcp, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, benprew and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 04:11 AndySylvester Hello, this is my first time to use IRC
# 04:12 AndySylvester I am trying to figure out how to test it, looking at indiewebcap.com/webmention
# 04:14 AndySylvester I used curl to try to send a webmention to one of my posts, but got a response "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
# 04:15 AndySylvester I put webmention.org as the endpoint
# 04:17 AndySylvester Can anyone provide a pointer to any other instructions?
# 04:23 KartikPrabhu endpoint is somethign on your site that processes the webmention. not webmention.org
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:32 AndySylvester what should I be looking for?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:37 KartikPrabhu that is not the end point. that is the rel value of the link to an end point. for example. my site uses <link rel=webmention href="http://kartikprabhu.com/webmention" /> the endpoint is the href value
# 04:41 KartikPrabhu AndySylvester: what does the Wordpress plugin tell you to set the endpoint as?
j12t_ joined the channel
# 04:45 AndySylvester jthe plugin
# 04:46 AndySylvester I just tried that href value in my curl command, got 404 Not Found
# 04:49 KartikPrabhu the curl you should be sending is with source = some other URL and target = one of your posts
# 04:49 AndySylvester ok, I will try that
# 04:50 KartikPrabhu for instance: curl -i -d "source=$your_url&target=$target_url" $targets_webmention_endpoint
# 04:50 KartikPrabhu so target will be url of your post. targets_endpoint will be your endpoint and source is some other post that links to yours
# 04:53 AndySylvester for this test, does the other post have to link to my post?
# 04:54 KartikPrabhu if it does then something nice will happen. else there will be a 400 ''can't find target'
# 04:55 AndySylvester ok, I will create a quick test post and link to a post
# 05:01 AndySylvester let me check
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu AndySylvester: It is alive! a comment from my site appeared on yours :D
# 05:04 AndySylvester yes! I saw your comment and mine!
# 05:05 AndySylvester Thank you, Kartik!
# 05:07 AndySylvester I am going to update my Webmention post with some more information, I think that this needs a screencast as well
# 05:08 KartikPrabhu yes go ahead. the more info there is, the better for new comers. maybe also post it as a resource on the indiewebcamp wiki
# 05:09 KartikPrabhu I still jump up and down (in my head) whenever webmention works! it is so awesome
# 05:10 AndySylvester I will add a link to the screencast when I have it posted
# 05:12 KartikPrabhu bear: any thoughts/ideas on adding received webmention parsing to ronkyuu?
# 05:13 bear webmention parsing is what is driving me to find a python mf2 parser that is current
j12t joined the channel
# 05:14 AndySylvester looking at my curl response, I wonder why it would have a 404 Not Found message even though I was able to see the webmention comment
# 05:16 KartikPrabhu bear: let me know if you find one. did you look at the one tommorris was "working" on?
# 05:17 AndySylvester I will post a screenshot in a few minutes
# 05:19 bear sadly i'm traveling next week for work, so my time will be very limited
# 05:20 bear but yes, getting a class to parse the target and source of a webmention to extract all mf2 items would be very cool
# 05:20 bear because then you could store that for later processing and also later comparison for change detection
# 05:20 KartikPrabhu i was planning to look into that next to fix/improve my mention parsing. but it all depends on how much physics i have to do
# 05:21 bear this will be still be around when we both have free time again :)
# 05:27 AndySylvester to show the curl response
# 05:31 KartikPrabhu AndySylvester: that is very curious indeed. It didn't find something but the webmention went through successfully!
j12t_ and snarfed joined the channel
pfenwick1 and j12t_ joined the channel
# 05:51 KartikPrabhu yes. now I do to. You should try the curl again to see if it gives the same result...
# 05:52 AndySylvester Signing off for tonight, thanks for all the help
KartikPrabhu and poppy joined the channel
skinny, melvster, cweiske, sn0rri, grantmacken and caseorganic joined the channel
# 07:35 bear !tell KartikPrabhu I took a look at mf2py and it looks like it would work for what we want to do and it's current and active
# 07:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Jihaisse, charlesroper, pfefferle and LauraJ joined the channel
sn0rri, eschnou, squeakytoy, LauraJ, carlo_au, Sebastien-L, BjornW, glennjones and friedcell joined the channel
# 11:51 tommorris bear: do go ahead and crack on with mf2py. I’m happy to merge changes back in. sorry for my utter laziness and abandonment of the project. :(
pfefferle, pfenwick and scor joined the channel
# 12:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
glennjones, eschnou, scor, Sebastien-L, friedcell, cweiske, bnvk, marcthiele, hober2, benatkin, catsup, brianloveswords, rektide, peat, julio, ireheart, hidgw, CheckDavid, etymancer and pdurbin joined the channel
brianloveswords joined the channel
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 14:39 jonnybarnes !tell barnabywalters all the articles on waterpigs.co.uk have the same published date and time, if you dont already know
# 14:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
dvirsky joined the channel
chloeweil joined the channel
dentonjacobs, snarfed, scor, pasevin, lukecyca, realzies and bnvk joined the channel
iangreenleaf, CheckDavid, jchivers, sn0rri and snarfed joined the channel
pfenwick joined the channel
# 17:03 aaronpk probably bots copying the article from the rss feeds
# 17:05 bret has anyone here met a spammer? is there like a spamcon?
# 17:06 bret although it would be mostly attended by journalists
# 17:09 bret get your sweet as honey spamtastic seo from the pros
# 17:11 peat The end days of COMDEX felt a bit like a honeypot.
benprew, paulcp, snarfed, _6a68, jchivers_ and tantek joined the channel
# 18:12 jonnybarnes i.e. I'm testing my website on my local machine which uses the domain jb.dev
# 18:13 jonnybarnes trying to implement indieauth sing-in and I'm at the indieauth login page
# 18:13 aaronpk jonnybarnes: indieauth.com needs to be able to fetch the html from the website
# 18:13 aaronpk so yes it will fail with jb.dev because the server has no way to fetch that
# 18:14 aaronpk you'd have to run your own indieauth server locally for that to work (that's what I do for testing pk.dev and indieauth.dev)
# 18:14 jonnybarnes oh, what html is it collecting? the rel=me links are on jonnybarnes.net which I'm logging in with
# 18:15 aaronpk so your identity is jonnybarnes.net and you're signing in to a local app?
# 18:15 aaronpk e.g. the redirect URI is jb.dev/auth or something?
# 18:17 aaronpk that sounds like maybe your jb.dev/auth page is sending a redirect back to the indieauth server
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:20 Loqi KartikPrabhu: bear left you a message 10 hours, 45 minutes ago: I took a look at mf2py and it looks like it would work for what we want to do and it's current and active
tantek joined the channel
# 18:22 jonnybarnes still doing the same, and theres now no way a request to jb.dev/auth has any redirect
# 18:23 aaronpk i just tried that URL with my values swapped and I was redirected to jb.dev/auth. let me check the logs for you.
sn0rri joined the channel
# 18:32 jonnybarnes nope, notes/new only checks if the session value is set to determine if there should be an indieauth login form displayed
# 18:33 aaronpk hm well i'm not sure how much more help I can be. if indieauth is redirecting to foobar.dev and you see the token in the URL and a browser error page, then it should be redirecing to jb.dev just fine
iangreenleaf joined the channel
kpachnis, sn0rri and BullSherd joined the channel
# 18:49 jonnybarnes so it kind of works, I can set foobar.dev as the redirect, and get a server not found error
# 18:49 jonnybarnes then I can change that to jb.dev/auth and hit enter and my code successfully verifies the token with indieauth.com
LauraJ, sn0rri, jchivers, chloeweil, pasevin and bnvk joined the channel
tantek, grantmacken and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 19:40 jonnybarnes aaronpk: disalbed several ff extentions like ghostery and no script, tried and it worked
KartikPrabhu, j12t and eschnou joined the channel
# 20:08 jonnybarnes aaronpk: by process of elimination the NoScript plugin is stopping the redirect
# 20:13 jonnybarnes working now, it was the application boundaries enforcer setting in noscript that was stopping the final redirect
eschnou, paulcp and brianloveswords joined the channel
tantek and chloeweil joined the channel
# 21:33 aaronpk also you're gonna have to do the new indieauth discovery bit in order to discover the user's auth server, token endpoint, and micropub endpoint
# 21:33 _6a68 oh, duh. jb.dev, I read it as jb.net, heh
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 21:34 KartikPrabhu1 jonnybarnes: Firefox can't find the server at jb.dev. it says
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:39 jonnybarnes thanks for the info aaronpk, btw looking at your site it sends a header: PK-Request-Duration: 268.755 whats that?
# 21:39 aaronpk jonnybarnes: it's just for debugging, so I can see how long it took a page to render
# 21:39 aaronpk that's pretty bad, was that the home page? I think there's some more caching I need to do
# 21:41 jonnybarnes realised my map is now broken since Ive added the second form to the page
netweb, paulcp, tantek, paulcp_, bnvk, friedcell, gRegorLove, jchivers and scor joined the channel
# 23:31 benatkin I'm moving to PNW next month, should hopefully make it to indiewebcamp this year :)
# 23:38 tantek benatkin - feel free to add a link to it on the code of conduct examples page
# 23:45 tantek haha - yeah I read that. Manu is funny sometimes.
# 23:46 tantek that second link looks like a very abstract discussion about formats without anybody mentioning actual usefulness / use-cases. oh well.
hallettj joined the channel
# 23:47 tantek The real problem with JSON-LD is that it's unnecessary. The usual YAGNI.
# 23:50 pdurbin if we ain't gonna need it... what do we need instead? :)