2014-01-23 UTC
scor joined the channel
# 00:02 j12t aaronpk -- whatever magic you did, it worked!
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:03 aaronpk I updated the system "nss" package which has something to do with ssl
# 00:11 snarfed johannes, mind if i drop the "unaware of replies" part of that edit, given the link above?
# 00:11 aaronpk or add "is aware of replies" with the citation? :)
tantek joined the channel
# 00:18 snarfed i see. i've tried both, and also jetpack's publicize, but all a while ago.
# 00:19 snarfed i never tried snap's backfeed, i just knew to point to that link that described it :P
poppy joined the channel
# 00:19 tantek that's just the kind of thing that a new wordpress user would be confused about
# 00:26 tantek aaronpk - haha - I got the same thing: "… is—or should be—friends with Bret Comnes."
# 00:29 j12t snarfed -- finally I found the replies setting you pointed to. Doesn't help that the documentation and the code seem out of sync.
# 00:30 snarfed j12t: yeah. snap has a lot of power and depth, but the polish is inconsistent
jchivers joined the channel
li3n3 joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:51 bear KartikPrabhu - agree, I was just pointing to it as a source of a regex and also possibly test cases
# 00:52 bear definitely did not want to drag in all of django
# 00:53 tantek so I will say this now explicitly - if anyone here (especially women, PoC, given the data in that thread) is harassed due to participation in #indiewebcamp, please let me or any other admin know - we want this channel to be welcoming and will take feedback/datapoints to improve
# 00:54 KartikPrabhu bear: of course! I was trying to write a custom class based on what Django is doing. But they have a lot many checks in place, like distinguishing between Py3 and Py2 string types!!
# 00:55 bear KartikPrabhu - ah, did not see all that extra overhead (tho it would be nice to add soon)
# 00:56 bear maybe we need a more data driven one - use urlparse and then pass in flags as to which part of a url is to be validated
# 00:58 KartikPrabhu bear: will see let me attempt one tonight and we can improve from there
# 01:01 tantek j12t - there are people here who do separate streams (and home pages) for notes (tweets), and articles (blog posts)
# 01:01 j12t This is the Mailchimp "social" Wordpress plugin. Trying to compare.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:01 tantek I myself have a blogpost-only feed for aggregation into Planet Mozilla
# 01:02 tantek my default feed gets everything - and people say they like that. I've gotten very few requests for the articles-only feed.
# 01:02 j12t How do you distinguish between them when posting?
# 01:02 tantek you mean what's the difference between an article and a note? ;)
# 01:03 j12t well I'm not sure whether the intelligence is in your brain, or in your software
# 01:03 j12t in this particular situation, I mean :-)
# 01:05 bret yikes on those links tantek! Thats lame
# 01:05 tantek It means it's something we have proactively look out for
# 01:06 bret obvious 'fork me' reference was always obvious
tilgovi joined the channel
# 01:09 bret silly github, I'm surprised there isnt more pressure on them to drop the 'me' from those page badges
# 01:11 snarfed j12t: many indieweb people separate their posts into explicit content types at the top level - note, article, photo, event, etc - but you don't have to
# 01:11 snarfed you want to include the right mf2 when you need it, of course, but that doesn't mean your server has to differentiate top-level post types, nor you when you author them
# 01:13 tantek j12t - to answer your specific question, the distinction for me in Falcon is notes are unnamed and have plain text content (which gets auto-linked and embedded), whereas articles have an explicit name in an <h1> element, and then explicit markup in the e-content.
# 01:14 tantek as well as separate h-as-note vs h-as-article root class names on the h-entry
# 01:14 tantek so I write them slightly differently in my "authoring interface", and they're published with different markup
# 01:15 tantek though technically I can write an article as a reply as well
# 01:16 tantek my latest content type challenge is how to do event posts
# 01:16 tantek since they're different from both notes and articles!
# 01:16 tantek from storage, to markup, to presentation, to feeds. all different for events and what people expect.
# 01:17 snarfed tantek and i are racing to see who will implement events first
# 01:17 tantek um, I didn't realize we were racing. oh dear.
# 01:17 snarfed it's an unfair race, since he didn't know he was in it until just now, and since i suspect it'll be way less work for me to get it into bridgy
fmarier joined the channel
# 01:19 tantek snarfed, the real events race for me is to get event posts sufficiently in advance of the 2014-02-12 HWC meetup to post an event for it
# 01:23 bear KartikPrabhu - thanks, I will try and get to it tonight - if your tests work out for you then just include it - I will adjust on my side
tantek and caseorganic joined the channel
# 02:18 KartikPrabhu is there a way to prevent submission of an empty form in HTML with out Javascript?
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:24 hallettj KartikPrabhu: It won't work in all browsers
# 02:24 hallettj Put a "required" attribute on at least one input tag.
# 02:25 KartikPrabhu hallettj: thanks! I will then add further checks server-side for non-HTML5 ones :)
snarfed, caseorganic and scor joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 04:19 snarfed anyone here know how to upload an image to indiewebcamp.com?
# 04:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 04:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:25 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 1 minute ago: there is a upload file at the bottom of the page
tantek joined the channel
pfenwick joined the channel
# 06:09 bear KartikPrabhu - can I ask that you update your fork from the repo when preparing for a fresh PR - I keep losing small changes in order to get your PR to merge clean
# 06:10 bear heck, unless you say no, i'm going to add you to the committers list
# 06:23 bear !tell KartikPrabhu ok, added you as a contributor, updated readme and all that and also tweaked some docs - thanks!
# 06:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cweiske, snarfed, LauraJ, Jihaisse, dvirsky, eschnou and carlo_au joined the channel
# 08:12 KartikPrabhu bear: of course. new to Git so did not know that that was a problem. Updated my fork now. Will keep in mind from now on :)
# 08:12 Loqi KartikPrabhu: bear left you a message 1 hour, 49 minutes ago: ok, added you as a contributor, updated readme and all that and also tweaked some docs - thanks!
# 08:13 bear actually now your a contrib - you can checkout and commit to the repo directly
# 08:16 bear thank you for helping make it an even better library
glennjones, tilgovi, squeakytoy, pfefferle and LauraJ joined the channel
BjornW joined the channel
Jihaisse and Acidnerd joined the channel
Loqi joined the channel
# 10:33 jonnybarnes but I have about 17 short URLs based on random slugs, the data is backed up and I'm thinking of just pointing requests to those to a text dump of the redirections
# 10:33 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: first three characters are nb60 epoch day, last three characters are number of seconds into that day
skinny joined the channel
glennjones joined the channel
# 10:47 Jihaisse pfefferle: hey, I saw that you've worked a lot on webmention plugin for wp !
# 10:47 jonnybarnes I have a variable `$response = json_decode(TWITTER_API_RESPONSE)`
# 10:48 jonnybarnes when I get an error I just want to dump that into the browser for me to look at
# 10:48 jonnybarnes I get ErrorException Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string
# 10:50 pfefferle Jihaisse we moved all the semantic parsing stuff into a seperate plugin, so that the webmention plugin only handles pure webmention stuff
# 10:51 jonnybarnes I'm being stupid barnabywalters, I can just use the raw JSON that twitter sent me
# 10:53 pfefferle Jihaisse thanks! it's getting better and better, thanks to a lot of feedback of snarfed :)
# 10:55 jonnybarnes aaaah! I had an error posting to twitter, so I change my code to better display errors. and now theres no error posting to twitter!!!!
# 11:00 barnabywalters IIRC it gives Unauthorized or generic 400 responses if your content is too long
skinny joined the channel
sn0rri and LauraJ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, pfefferle, pasevin, bnvk, Sebastien-L and glennjones joined the channel
CheckDavid joined the channel
# 12:36 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: you’re using a modern PHP framework, being at least vaguely web-friendly is easy ;)
bnvk, scor, pasevin, glennjones, tilgovi, LauraJ and chloeweil joined the channel
Sebastien-L, snarfed, scor, LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, glennjones, benprew, _6a68, jonnybarnes and friedcell joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 16:51 tantek !tell snarfed nicely done with the WordPress - MUCH friendlier.
# 16:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bnvk joined the channel
li3n3 and tilgovi joined the channel
# 17:12 bnvk tantek: I agree with you, email sucks and it's because it is beyond tinkerability
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:18 Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 27 minutes ago: nicely done with the WordPress - MUCH friendlier.
# 17:19 snarfed btw do you know how to upload an image to the wiki?
# 17:19 snarfed i started to add the wp logo, but couldn't find the upload file page
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:30 tantek bnvk - it's a good warning lesson for open source / standards in general.
# 17:31 tantek when the complexity/difficulty of code/formats/protocols get so high that they're beyond tinkerability, they will stop evolving, and start sucking.
_6a68 joined the channel
hallettj, sn0rri, jchivers, pfefferle, scor, chloeweil, friedcell, glennjones, caseorganic, eschnou, icco, skinny, sdboyer, fmarier, pfefferle_, caseorga_, tantek, paulcp, j12t, iangreenleaf, dvirsky, bnvk, paulcp_, lukebrooker, poppy, li3n3 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel