#tantekso I will say this now explicitly - if anyone here (especially women, PoC, given the data in that thread) is harassed due to participation in #indiewebcamp, please let me or any other admin know - we want this channel to be welcoming and will take feedback/datapoints to improve
#KartikPrabhubear: of course! I was trying to write a custom class based on what Django is doing. But they have a lot many checks in place, like distinguishing between Py3 and Py2 string types!!
#bearKartikPrabhu - ah, did not see all that extra overhead (tho it would be nice to add soon)
#bearmaybe we need a more data driven one - use urlparse and then pass in flags as to which part of a url is to be validated
#KartikPrabhubear: will see let me attempt one tonight and we can improve from there
#bretsilly github, I'm surprised there isnt more pressure on them to drop the 'me' from those page badges
#snarfedj12t: many indieweb people separate their posts into explicit content types at the top level - note, article, photo, event, etc - but you don't have to
#snarfedyou want to include the right mf2 when you need it, of course, but that doesn't mean your server has to differentiate top-level post types, nor you when you author them
#tantekj12t - to answer your specific question, the distinction for me in Falcon is notes are unnamed and have plain text content (which gets auto-linked and embedded), whereas articles have an explicit name in an <h1> element, and then explicit markup in the e-content.
#tantekas well as separate h-as-note vs h-as-article root class names on the h-entry
#tantekso I write them slightly differently in my "authoring interface", and they're published with different markup
#tantekmy replies and RSVPs are just special notes
#tantekthough technically I can write an article as a reply as well
#bearKartikPrabhu - can I ask that you update your fork from the repo when preparing for a fresh PR - I keep losing small changes in order to get your PR to merge clean
#bearheck, unless you say no, i'm going to add you to the committers list
cweiske, snarfed, LauraJ, Jihaisse, dvirsky, eschnou and carlo_au joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubear: of course. new to Git so did not know that that was a problem. Updated my fork now. Will keep in mind from now on :)
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: bear left you a message 1 hour, 49 minutes ago: ok, added you as a contributor, updated readme and all that and also tweaked some docs - thanks!
#jonnybarnesbut I have about 17 short URLs based on random slugs, the data is backed up and I'm thinking of just pointing requests to those to a text dump of the redirections
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: first three characters are nb60 epoch day, last three characters are number of seconds into that day
#jonnybarnesbut what if you post two notes in the same second? its doable /s
#tantekwhen the complexity/difficulty of code/formats/protocols get so high that they're beyond tinkerability, they will stop evolving, and start sucking.