#tantekcreating an event on your site, then a (even manual) POSSE copy on FB, then seeing people's RSVPs on FB show up on the event *on your site* would be surreal.
#aaronpkthat's an interesting question actually... what happens/should happen if more than one person POSSEs the event to the same silo?
#wagleany advice on what media/format to dump scans of very old photos to? want to share them on my website, but also to archive them for a generation or three
#KartikPrabhuwagle: I would keep I resolution scans for the archive, maybe a high quality jpeg. For the web I would use jpeg again but at a lower resolution and higher compression. You do not want to share huge image files over the Web
#snarfedaaronpk: pointing to the same single event in the silo? or two separate instances of it?
#aaronpki'm just thinkign what happens if someone else adds a FB event for the same event? cause itl'l probably happen at some point
#snarfedyeah. so, for multiple FB events, it's the standard de-duping problem, which we'd need to address as much non-technically as technically
#aaronpkalso-- what's the best way for me to indicate the canonical event URL on this facebook event?
#wagleKartikPrabhu: I'm more worried about dying and having my media collect dust for 20 years before someone has a looksee.. the (family) photos are 75-100years old, and have lasted that long, but I don't have an alternate media that I trust to have that amount of longevity
#tantekbenwerd I love that your event post itself is an awesome IndieWeb demo: http://werd.io/2014/introduction-to-the-indieweb - especially: counts of comments, likes, rsvps (though I'd expect that number to mean # attending), and then "activity" on the event.
#KartikPrabhuwagle: that is a legitimate concern. I don't think I know how to solve that problem. Unfortunately keeping things for a long time seems to be going out of fashion
#wagleKartikPrabhu: seem to need a curator to wakeup and copy to new media every few years
#waglei trust google to keep it alive for about 2-3 years... amazon maybe 5.. just wild assed guesses from my gut/experience
#waglesnarfed: sure.. this channel was my first forey into finding such people
#KartikPrabhufrom what I have seen/heard adaction i.e. Jeremy Keith is very much interested in this same question. Would be cool to have his thoughts
#snarfedfair enough, apologies for pushing hard. :P i should rephrase as: it's definitely doable! there's lots of prior art. and you don't need to depend on any individual big company that you may not like
#waglejust got acid free storage boxes a day ago, now starting scanning to a big disk
#KartikPrabhuwagle: I think magnetic media are not that reliable. I have heard tape-drives are better for archiving. Slow but much more robust. But I am no expert
#tantekwondering if the existing original post discovery algorithm is sufficient - since you did put the permalink to the original as the last URL in the description of the event
#aaronpkI put the link to mine at the end because I thought that'd be how the algorithm would pick it up
#snarfedbridgy's original post discovery impl is *very* forgiving, and collects all links that qualify, not just the single best one, so it'll handle that fb event fine
#Jeenadamn bridgy is working really fine now. Since they added the tweet content into the title it works even with my published code https://jeena.net/notes/8 but I'm still working on parsing the microformats which isn't quite that easy.
#AlkhemistIs bridgy usable by non-developers? I have a WP site, and use Social to feed tweets to Twitter. Will it interact with WP or is some other piece required?
#KartikPrabhuAlkhemist bridgy works by sending webmentions. If you have those enabled, then it will work
#KartikPrabhualso, I modified the sendMentions function to return the entire request object instead of just the status_code. I found it useful for debugging. Would you want that in the main ronkyuu branch?
#jonnybarnesi was thinking about that? if too indieweb+webmention enabled sites are "talking" to each other, does that content need to be syndicated to twitter?
#barnabywalterscomparing the u-url just as you would for updating a native webmention should prevent duplicate comments, but might replace the higher resolution native content with truncated/lower resolution content from twitter
#Jeenafor now I will just remove the second one manually
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: ideally not, but POSSE is about social back-compatibility, i.e. letting friends still on silos communicate with you
#Jeenabut the twitter one has a different u-url then the webmentions?
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: absolutely, but your not communicating with someone still on the twitter silo
#barnabywaltersJeena: I *think* bridgy discovers original posts and uses that as the u-url
#Jeenaor it should already word on my page because I don't allow overwrites yet ^^
#pfefferlesnarfed but these are not the original post url aren't they?
#snarfednice work jeena! esp the pictures, i was surprised by how much impact comment author pictures had on me
#snarfedpfefferle: correct, they're not. it would be nice if they were. i'd need to fetch links, parse mf2, and look for rel="syndication", but it's definitely doable
#barnabywaltersIIRC tantek and I reached the rough consensus in #microformats a while back that “name” is the best semantic to use for the inherent, abstract name of a thing, whereas “title” refers a physical rendering of a name
#barnabywalterse.g. a book has a name, but the thing printed on the front of the book is it’s title
#barnabywaltersbut title is also confusing in some contexts, e.g. a person might have a name and an honorary title
#barnabywaltersso name is the most portable semantic for “short-ish text string naming this thing”
#barnabywaltersI think when I implement likes they’re going to extremely compact in display — just a single line with a star, an inline author h-card and the name/truncated content of the thing I liked
#barnabywaltersmost silos don’t even show likes in streams (except Facebook, occasionally) or give them their own URLs
#aaronpki think i'm gonna wait til barnabywalters implements it so i can copy from him :)
#barnabywalterswhich opens up a bunch of weird possibilities, e.g. likes of likes or replies to likes…
#Jeenahm there is the problem with https websites like mine which just hotlink images from other pages which are not https, the users will always see a warning
#brianloveswordstantek: re: IndieWebCamp NYC, Mozilla events sponsorship people got back to me, they said they will be reviewing my sponsorship request on Friday and will let me know what they're thinking!
#brianloveswordstantek: depending on what they say/how much they're willing to contribute, I'll also reach out to GitHub (https://community.github.com/) and some other orgs that've sponsored BrooklynJS in the past.
#tantek.comedited /Events (-30) "unbold the non-camp events so it's easier to find the camps (upcoming and past), which typically have a lot more content/attendees than the other events" (view diff)
#tantekhey WordPress users - we have the list of plugins: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#Plugins but we don't really say what you need to do to actually achieve the functionality that say you indiewebify.me tests for
#tantekSeems like this is an area that we could use some help with the WordPress page
#tanteke.g. here's a concrete question: What do I need to add/configure in a default WordPress install to achieve IndieMark level 1? http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark#Level_1 (repeat for level n)
#tantekwhich means he's not really taking a social media break
#tantekmore like a social silo break - but no one really seemed to want to point that out - like it would awkwardly critique the silos or something
#tantekwondering where to capture such "breaks" like this - as it does seem relevant to the IndieWeb. Thoughts?
iangreenleaf joined the channel
#tantekhey tommorris - I don't think anyone else understands what the scope / intent of this page is - it could use some clarification from you if you think it is still (potentially) useful: http://indiewebcamp.com/reading-list
#snarfedfunny idea, if silly. sadly he never wrote up his conclusions. i pestered him a couple times and he claimed he would, but no. ah well.
nloadholtes and pasevin joined the channel
#tanteksnarfed, isn't that the problem with social media, that it keeps you (the in general you) too distracted to actually get to the things you claimed you would do?
#snarfed:P that can definitely be a problem with social media, yes
#tantek.comedited /silo-quits (+1826) "Neil Gaiman social media break, expand silo quits scope to include stated temporary quits (breaks), better dfn" (view diff)
#KevinMarkso/ for being too distracted by social media
nloadholtes joined the channel
#tantekwhoever is working on the indie reader problem, please consider the problem of social media distraction (which seems to come more from the reading side than the writing side)
#aaronpkthat is one of the reasons I have not prioritized the reader for myself, because I have better luck reading social media by searching for hashtags (results piped to IRC) and having other people send me things :)
#tommorristantek: it is meant to contain a community curated list of posts on the subject of the indie web itself so interested people can read community perspectives on what we are doing
#tantekcan't see/feel the value in the reading-list page I guess and just wanted to see if you tommorris wanted to attempt to get more interest in it or not
#tanteknot sure there is any "etc." there btw. "description" might be the only meta name that search engines in general (across implementations) pay attention to. maybe meta robots-*
#JeenaI've always had a teaser field in my blogs and always added this teaser to the description-meta and it really looks cool when you search for something and you get the title and the teaser as a result
#tantekright. I think that's why that one meta stuck around.
CheckDavid joined the channel
#KevinMarksright, the same dynamic of it providing value somewhere that we originally did wth rel-tag
caseorganic, bpayton, jchivers_ and LauraJ joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Facebook (+554) "/* Articles */ add 80% drop prediction, and Barnaby's call to self-action" (view diff)
tilgovi, nloadholtes, fmarier, hallettj, caseorganic, tantek, jchivers and jchivers_ joined the channel
#j12ttantek: Installation fully automated through cldstr.com: https://cldstr.com/cldstr.com/wordpress to install Wordpress, then add the respective Wordpress plugin right from there. No shell required :-) Automatic updates.
caseorganic joined the channel
#JeenaI'm on the train to Gothenburg and tomorrow morning first thing I'll by flying to germany for a little vaccation, wohoo!
glennjones, tilgovi and hallettj joined the channel
#tantekJeena - have a wonderful vacation and once again well done with what you got working over the weekend!
chloeweil joined the channel
#j12tI'm having more IndieAuth difficulties on indiewebcamp.com. I clicked on "Re-Scan", which correctly lists the three rel="me" items I have on the page. It says Facebook and LinkedIn aren't supported, which is fine, but it produces an incomprehensible error about Twitter. http vs https and /@name vs /name makes no difference.