tantekcreating an event on your site, then a (even manual) POSSE copy on FB, then seeing people's RSVPs on FB show up on the event *on your site* would be surreal.
wagleany advice on what media/format to dump scans of very old photos to? want to share them on my website, but also to archive them for a generation or three
KartikPrabhuwagle: I would keep I resolution scans for the archive, maybe a high quality jpeg. For the web I would use jpeg again but at a lower resolution and higher compression. You do not want to share huge image files over the Web
wagleKartikPrabhu: I'm more worried about dying and having my media collect dust for 20 years before someone has a looksee.. the (family) photos are 75-100years old, and have lasted that long, but I don't have an alternate media that I trust to have that amount of longevity
tantekbenwerd I love that your event post itself is an awesome IndieWeb demo: http://werd.io/2014/introduction-to-the-indieweb - especially: counts of comments, likes, rsvps (though I'd expect that number to mean # attending), and then "activity" on the event.
KartikPrabhuwagle: that is a legitimate concern. I don't think I know how to solve that problem. Unfortunately keeping things for a long time seems to be going out of fashion
snarfedfair enough, apologies for pushing hard. :P i should rephrase as: it's definitely doable! there's lots of prior art. and you don't need to depend on any individual big company that you may not like
KartikPrabhuwagle: I think magnetic media are not that reliable. I have heard tape-drives are better for archiving. Slow but much more robust. But I am no expert
tantekwondering if the existing original post discovery algorithm is sufficient - since you did put the permalink to the original as the last URL in the description of the event
snarfedbridgy's original post discovery impl is *very* forgiving, and collects all links that qualify, not just the single best one, so it'll handle that fb event fine
Jeenadamn bridgy is working really fine now. Since they added the tweet content into the title it works even with my published code https://jeena.net/notes/8 but I'm still working on parsing the microformats which isn't quite that easy.
AlkhemistIs bridgy usable by non-developers? I have a WP site, and use Social to feed tweets to Twitter. Will it interact with WP or is some other piece required?
KartikPrabhualso, I modified the sendMentions function to return the entire request object instead of just the status_code. I found it useful for debugging. Would you want that in the main ronkyuu branch?
jonnybarnesi was thinking about that? if too indieweb+webmention enabled sites are "talking" to each other, does that content need to be syndicated to twitter?
barnabywalterscomparing the u-url just as you would for updating a native webmention should prevent duplicate comments, but might replace the higher resolution native content with truncated/lower resolution content from twitter
snarfedpfefferle: correct, they're not. it would be nice if they were. i'd need to fetch links, parse mf2, and look for rel="syndication", but it's definitely doable
barnabywaltersIIRC tantek and I reached the rough consensus in #microformats a while back that “name” is the best semantic to use for the inherent, abstract name of a thing, whereas “title” refers a physical rendering of a name
barnabywaltersI think when I implement likes they’re going to extremely compact in display — just a single line with a star, an inline author h-card and the name/truncated content of the thing I liked
Jeenahm there is the problem with https websites like mine which just hotlink images from other pages which are not https, the users will always see a warning
brianloveswordstantek: re: IndieWebCamp NYC, Mozilla events sponsorship people got back to me, they said they will be reviewing my sponsorship request on Friday and will let me know what they're thinking!
brianloveswordstantek: depending on what they say/how much they're willing to contribute, I'll also reach out to GitHub (https://community.github.com/) and some other orgs that've sponsored BrooklynJS in the past.
tantek.comedited /Events (-30) "unbold the non-camp events so it's easier to find the camps (upcoming and past), which typically have a lot more content/attendees than the other events" (view diff)
tantekhey WordPress users - we have the list of plugins: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#Plugins but we don't really say what you need to do to actually achieve the functionality that say you indiewebify.me tests for
tanteke.g. here's a concrete question: What do I need to add/configure in a default WordPress install to achieve IndieMark level 1? http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark#Level_1 (repeat for level n)
tantekhey tommorris - I don't think anyone else understands what the scope / intent of this page is - it could use some clarification from you if you think it is still (potentially) useful: http://indiewebcamp.com/reading-list
tanteksnarfed, isn't that the problem with social media, that it keeps you (the in general you) too distracted to actually get to the things you claimed you would do?
tantekwhoever is working on the indie reader problem, please consider the problem of social media distraction (which seems to come more from the reading side than the writing side)
aaronpkthat is one of the reasons I have not prioritized the reader for myself, because I have better luck reading social media by searching for hashtags (results piped to IRC) and having other people send me things :)
tommorristantek: it is meant to contain a community curated list of posts on the subject of the indie web itself so interested people can read community perspectives on what we are doing
tantekcan't see/feel the value in the reading-list page I guess and just wanted to see if you tommorris wanted to attempt to get more interest in it or not
tanteknot sure there is any "etc." there btw. "description" might be the only meta name that search engines in general (across implementations) pay attention to. maybe meta robots-*
JeenaI've always had a teaser field in my blogs and always added this teaser to the description-meta and it really looks cool when you search for something and you get the title and the teaser as a result
j12ttantek: Installation fully automated through cldstr.com: https://cldstr.com/cldstr.com/wordpress to install Wordpress, then add the respective Wordpress plugin right from there. No shell required :-) Automatic updates.
j12tI'm having more IndieAuth difficulties on indiewebcamp.com. I clicked on "Re-Scan", which correctly lists the three rel="me" items I have on the page. It says Facebook and LinkedIn aren't supported, which is fine, but it produces an incomprehensible error about Twitter. http vs https and /@name vs /name makes no difference.