2014-02-01 UTC
# 00:02 aaronpk Jeena: now you can never write a post about the indieweb again, since you just used your "/indieweb" slug for that :)
# 00:03 tantek for that matter, that's a pretty good use of that slug.
poppy and pfenwick joined the channel
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# 01:13 EHLOVader I feel like my znc either ate some of the log here, or I missed something on my other laptop before I headed home.
# 01:23 EHLOVader Jeena, reading your post, thanks, I somehow missed indiewebify.me when looking into this
# 01:23 EHLOVader question on the notes.. is there any case where it isn't just your notes shown on your list?
# 01:23 EHLOVader or any time when they are mixed with others.. anyone else might know the answer to this too
# 01:24 EHLOVader I just was curious, it was kinda odd having an avatar on each one if they will all be you
# 01:24 Jeena yeah it should be the starting point for everybody who wants to indiewebify their website
# 01:25 Jeena bug if you go to the fullpost of a note then you can see the webmentions
# 01:26 Jeena but the UI of the index page is not that great because people don't know that you can click on the date to get to the full page
# 01:27 Jeena but yeah I understand the weirdness of a list with only my avatars on it, but I haven't found a better UI yet
# 01:28 EHLOVader most of it relies on infrastructure behind the scenes and the markup right?
# 01:28 Jeena uhm no theme it is just a rails app I wrote
# 01:29 EHLOVader are you using anything as a baseline? h5bp, twbs, foundation, etc
# 01:30 Jeena I use the microformats2 gem to parse HTML but otherwise no, I just wrote what I needed
# 01:30 Jeena I had the domain jeenaparadies.net for years but then I got jeena.net which was much shorter
# 01:32 Jeena and I made a short url redirection from jeena.net/n123 to jeena.net/notes/123 to get it even shorter
# 01:35 EHLOVader looking at one for my blog name and it is in morocco I think
# 01:35 EHLOVader haven't heard anything bad, but these other countries, they could take back domains, or cancel them
# 01:42 EHLOVader ouch, they are expensive.. but I can get my new email and maybe public handle .io
# 01:43 EHLOVader j4h.r8n.io would be neat maybe shorten to r8n.io for certain places
# 01:44 EHLOVader whoa, all of the i18n domains for various family surnames in my extended family are avaialble
# 01:46 EHLOVader were there any indieweb things for families, communication, the caldavs etc
# 01:46 EHLOVader I guess the question would be for private group federation of data
# 01:48 EHLOVader ooh, does indieauth or websites using it use reverse dns to initiate sso proactively
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:03 EHLOVader does the indieweb movement have any call to action hashtags worth using?
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# 02:56 EHLOVader did you have example range of time you used that site to tweet KevinMarks?
# 02:56 gRegorLove EHLOVader: that myopenid tweet comment reminded me to re-visit my claimid.com. They've closed too.
# 02:57 EHLOVader I moved to stackexchange for the site. at least myopenid listed the sites I had used
# 02:58 KevinMarks It took a bit of fiddling about to come up with noterlive, as livenoter etc were gone
# 02:59 EHLOVader I am looking into ways to automate name choices and creation like that
# 02:59 EHLOVader ways that are a bit more organic, like actually thinking of it
# 03:00 EHLOVader I have a domain that would suit it, I have a handful of domains that would suit a purpose but I haven't completed them
# 03:00 KevinMarks but posting a) the notes to your indeiweb site as well as twitter
# 03:01 EHLOVader lol, yeah, domai.nr does a good job of finding some short names, dropping letters you might not have thought of
# 03:01 EHLOVader I was going to find a spot to put it into the indieweb wiki
# 03:01 EHLOVader probably not the ccTLD page, but linking to it from there
# 03:03 EHLOVader ooh, KevinMarks brilliant idea in my head... a site lists speakers at an event in order. with microformats identifying them...
# 03:04 KevinMarks yes, I was thinking that too - currently I pull from a twitter handle
# 03:05 KevinMarks as I am getting full name and URL from twitter, which is not always ideal
# 03:05 EHLOVader i assume it actually requires a lot of attention from you, to manage it, but maybe also a feed of event tags
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:07 EHLOVader the thing I thought of in the recent past which would have a schedule and might be nice to see live is shmoocon
# 03:08 EHLOVader it complicates things though, first day is one track, but the next two there are three tracks so three rooms with different speakers at different times
# 03:09 EHLOVader maybe if that could be posted, when switching speakers.. or a switch session button
# 03:10 EHLOVader but yeah, i could see how that would be ideal to isolate it
scor joined the channel
# 03:44 EHLOVader what would you say is probably the most mature backend/hosted web app for indieweb?
# 03:44 EHLOVader falcon looks promising, and isn't really surprising if it were the most mature/feature complete
pfenwick and tantek joined the channel
# 04:17 snarfed EHLOVader: i assume you've looked at idno and p3k?
# 04:19 snarfed and a number of us actually use wordpress. with the right plugins, it's very indieweb friendly, and has a massive developer community, which obviously helps
# 04:23 EHLOVader I actually saw those shortly after seeing the long list of things falcon could do, and then that I could have none of it
# 04:23 EHLOVader it all requires running server software? or can it be run in a static capacity like with jekyll and services?
# 04:23 snarfed tantek's the most prolific there, so falcon's probably overrepresented there
# 04:24 EHLOVader if it helps this is where my personal blogging in the future might be in the midst of
# 04:24 tantek EHLOVader, just mapping out the space as best/fast as I can, coding is a bit, "rushed", you might say.
# 04:25 EHLOVader I would only really need microblogging probably, sharing links, pictures, videos, notes, replies etc
# 04:25 tantek others have implemented similar features with much better code. e.g. p3k, idno, and WP plugins
# 04:25 tantek EHLOVader, just focus on building the very next thing you want for your site
# 04:25 tantek once you've built that, you'll find that it will reset your priorities
# 04:26 tantek your experience with using just one more new capability on your site will greatly inform what you need next
# 04:26 tantek "microblogging" - e.g. posting notes, is what a lot (most) of us started with
# 04:26 tantek and we've all taken slightly different implementation paths from there, often intersecting, but all with slightly different orderings
# 04:27 EHLOVader I am most interested in the sovereign, so far it doesn't have a dedicated blogging system tied to it
# 04:27 EHLOVader but it does have php and I would be most comfortable with that
# 04:28 EHLOVader it uses postgre but some other things I might like prefer mysql
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# 04:28 EHLOVader I may tear sovereign apart, rebuild it from not much more than the inspiration
# 04:29 EHLOVader would like to see nginx instead of apache (both cause of my interests in learning it, and it should be a smaller footprint)
# 04:30 EHLOVader scares me having all of that on the same server though, may enable selinux, and add extra IPS measures
# 04:31 EHLOVader single point of failure, but it did have security in mind I think.
# 04:32 EHLOVader curious what kind of systems the people in indieweb community are using most often.
# 04:42 snarfed …er, regardless, tantek has the best advice. pick the single piece of functionality you want most right now, do the minimum you need to get it working in your current setup, and iterate
# 04:43 snarfed step back and evaluate now and then, definitely, but ideally let the functionality drive
caseorganic joined the channel
# 04:55 EHLOVader mongodb though, is that because of the frontend? backend appears to be php do those two usually go together?
# 05:02 EHLOVader so I guess in the vein of pleaserob.me what are the indieweb thoughts on location sharing? is there a way to limit it to people based on any special authentication?
# 05:12 EHLOVader snarfed, what have you tried to use for the reshares of posts?
# 05:21 EHLOVader Also is your sni ssl on bridgy because the cost of a multi domain ssl?
grantmacken joined the channel
# 05:34 snarfed yeah, bridgy uses SNI because of cost. SNI on app engine is cheaper than a VIP
# 05:34 snarfed and i haven't yet found a way to get reshares from fb's api
# 05:35 snarfed i couldn't get sharedposts to work, even with the read_stream oauth scope
# 05:36 snarfed hmm, on second thought, i'd seen it. i'm actually 'ryan' in the last comment on it :P
# 05:40 EHLOVader I see, so it is kind of a restriction on the app engine side more than yours
# 05:40 EHLOVader I wasn't sure how it worked since it was technically a shared host
# 05:42 EHLOVader there was a so that mentioned an ajax call for their static js
# 05:42 snarfed yeah, i start to lose interest when it moves from apis to hacks
pfenwick joined the channel
# 05:43 EHLOVader why is it a service of a third party site btw? curious... because you are then monitoring all of the users posts right?
# 05:44 EHLOVader or is there an api feed for recent changes in all the things
# 05:46 snarfed polling all posts for all users wouldn't really scale
# 05:55 EHLOVader and yeah, why a library instead of just the users responsibility on their site
# 05:55 EHLOVader I guess api keys would become a possible barrier, they have to have an app id right?
# 05:59 snarfed language independent, centralize the admin, easy to push updates, etc
# 06:00 snarfed there are other backfeed implementations that integrate into servers
indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 06:12 indiewebcamp-vis hello
# 06:20 indiewebcamp-vis hi EHLOVader.
# 06:21 indiewebcamp-vis i'm trying to sort out indieauth etc on my site. i'm not really a coder so it's a slow process! i have at least got webmentions sorted
# 06:22 EHLOVader I am not sure I can help you much, but you need indieauth to work using your site to authenticate? or to authenticate to your site with indie auth...
# 06:25 indiewebcamp-vis i've been trying to log into a site to comment... takes me to the indieauth page and i click on the thing to start teh process (using app.net as my provider) but it just drops me in example.com
bnvk joined the channel
# 06:29 indiewebcamp-vis ah OK i think i've worked it out. i've logged in to the indie web camp site with my url. i think the site i was trying was just not set up quite right
# 06:31 EHLOVader I haven't looked into the using indieauth as a provider side of things.. I wonder if it is the site owners responsibility to post their website to the service
# 06:31 indiewebcamp-vis thanks for your help, indiewebify.me looks good, and i've just verified all is good at my end. much appreciated :)
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squeakytoy, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, pfenwick, tantek, bnvk, LauraJ, natwelch, wagle, squeakytoy2, jjuran, sdboyer, poppy, zaal, pdurbin, CheckDavid, friedcell, scor, pasevin, glennjones, bnvk_, snarfed and Zegnat joined the channel
snarfed, tantek, bnvk and glennjones joined the channel
# 16:13 tantek pretty good. I have a race tomorrow so I'm taking it easy today.
melvster and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:18 tantek heh - I think that's about the farthest I want to do.
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# 17:27 gRegorLove Question about dates in microformats: If no UTC offset is specified, should we assume it's UTC?
# 17:27 gRegorLove I ask because I would like to store the UTC published/updated times when parsing webmentions.
# 17:28 tantek gRegorLove - without timezone offset, it's a called a "floating time", which means the same time in every timezone, e.g. like an alarm clock that's set at 6:00
# 17:28 tantek to wake you up at 6:00 in whatever timezone you're in
# 17:28 tantek so in the case of webmentions, or I presume you mean h-entry dt-published, that's trickier - because obviously the publication happened at a specific absolute time
# 17:29 tantek there are some heuristics you can do to determine what timezone the publisher/publication is in
# 17:30 tantek there's a wiki page about how barnaby and others are posting their location information
# 17:30 tantek which itself may have an h-geo h-adr or h-card
# 17:31 gRegorLove Yeah, I noticed werd.io is publishing the offset, but you're not, tantek. Do you use location information?
# 17:36 tantek gRegorLove - yeah that's my bad I should be publishing offset.
# 17:36 tantek FWIW it's Pacific Time zone - so I need to go back and add code to cleanup the data for DST
# 17:37 gRegorLove I think for now I will store a flag indicating whether or not the datetime had an offset. I can go back later and figure out a solution.
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# 23:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 23:31 Jeena what are you guys using indieauth for on your own websites yet?
snarfed joined the channel
# 23:33 Jeena I think I saw a couple of you letting people like me to log in on your website, but why whould I want to log in on one of your websites? (I understand the need on the indiewebcamp wiki, but not on personal websites)
# 23:33 aaronpk i've created a couple notes that are only visible to certain people if they log in
# 23:34 aaronpk like when I was going over to the MozSF office to meet tantek, I made a post that showed a map of where I was, and he could see it if he logged in
# 23:50 wagle who was the guy from mozilla at the meeting last week?
julio joined the channel
# 23:56 dietrich i have a user page. it's my domain name. which isn't my real life name. which becomes confusing.