2014-01-31 UTC
snarfed, caseorganic and benjaminchait joined the channel
# 00:19 tantek thanks snarfed - that's a good capture / start
# 00:19 tantek you're right, one could receive them in either order
# 00:21 tantek I wonder if it makes sense for a webmention receiver to keep ahold of the dups as little mini-links in their UI - e.g. (also on Twitter, also on Facebook) but maybe as tiny icons instead of words, e.g. (also on t f)
# 00:24 tantek another approach could be to *always* attempt original-post-discovery on webmentions, and then even if you *only* receive a Bridgy webmention of a POSSE tweet copy, go use the original post instead of the link to the Bridgy permalink.
# 00:25 snarfed re cluster links, sure! similar to visible rel-syndication links
# 00:25 tantek that way the POSSE reply -> Bridgy -> backfeed webmention essentially becomes a circuitous but automatic webmention for the original!
# 00:27 tantek and worst case, it just becomes an added layer of notification redundancy / reliability
# 00:28 tantek re cluster links - you can still do that by doing rel-syndication discovery on an original reply, and copying over those links as well
# 00:28 aaronpk man i can't wait til i have some more time for this
# 00:28 tantek you don't need to wait to get notifications of them, or store them.
# 00:29 tantek that should theoretically be *less* work than de-duplication
# 00:35 Jeena ah no wonder caseorganic.com looks familiar, it is powered by p3k
# 00:36 Jeena interesting, I kind of thought everybody is only using their own software yet
# 00:36 tantek Jeena, both p3k and idno have multiple users now
# 00:37 Jeena A couple of people asked if my software was open source too already. (it isn't yet)
# 00:37 tantek.com edited /webmention (+722) "/* Issues */ always do original post discovery on the source URL as a means of preferring original posts and automatic de-duping among replies and POSSE copies" (
view diff )
# 00:37 tantek aaronpk - captured the "prefer original posts" way of handling potential de-duping
# 00:38 caseorganic Jeena: i'd love to see it. i joined late yesterday and some discussion about what you built
# 00:38 tantek Jeena - how about open sourcing at least bits of it?
# 00:39 tantek oh no - don't remove them! verify them and archive them by year!
# 00:39 Jeena yeah I will some day, I just need to clean up the code, I have some API keys and secrets there which I need to put somewhere outside first.
# 00:42 Jeena I made a new category in my feed reader: IndieWeb, so I can stay updated until we get some better way to do it ^^
# 00:42 Jeena and I also need more content for Webmentions :p
# 00:43 Loqi tantek meant to say: gah! transactional consistency!
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# 04:58 AndySylvester99 Tantek, I saw in the IRC logs yesterday that you were looking for feedback on your indiewebcamp.com updates.
# 04:59 AndySylvester99 I think it looks good. I did notice that the How section is near the bottom of the page.
# 04:59 AndySylvester99 When I look at the top, I think there is a clear "call to action" (own your data).
# 04:59 AndySylvester99 It might be good to highlight the "how" in that same area, to help people see what they can do to be a part of the IndieWeb.
# 04:59 AndySylvester99 Thanks for working on this...
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# 05:22 caseorganic snarfed: me too - unfortunately it conflicts with a work conference. i don't think i'll be able to get out of it this year
# 05:25 snarfed caseorganic: got it. before is better than nothing!
# 05:30 aaronpk i just said this, is it useful? "IndieAuth is basically OAuth plus identity, where identity is your domain"
# 05:33 caseorganic aaronpk: the word basically there is weird, but i like the sentence otherwise
caseorganic, cweiske, lukebrooker, chloeweil, melvster, tantek, skinny, KevinMarks, LauraJ and Jihaisse joined the channel
eschnou, skinny, KartikPrabhu, iangreenleaf, glennjones, barnabywalters, Sebastien-L, LauraJ and pfefferle joined the channel
glennjones and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 10:47 jonnybarnes if a micropub request is also syndicated to twitter, should that be part of the response from the micropub endpoint? Like a second twitter-location header?
# 10:47 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: my instinct would be no, mark it up with u-syndication in the response body
# 10:50 barnabywalters one of the reasons micropub is based on form-urlencoded data instead of e.g. JSON or HTML in request bodies is so that it can be tested and implemented using simple static HTML forms
# 10:50 jonnybarnes I've only just got micropub somewhat implemented in my site, so still ironing out kinks. But lets say you log into my site and post to yours, at the moment my site just takes the Location response from your micropub endpoint and redirects you to it
# 10:51 jonnybarnes I suppose itd then be exposed in your UI if your site succesfully syndicated to twitter
# 10:53 barnabywalters and if the micropub request was happening from, for example, an iOS app, it would need to parse the response for u-syndication links if it wanted to indicate syndication success
# 10:53 jonnybarnes so am I doing it wrong? if you were to log into mine, the form points to my own site, and my site then makes the API request to yours
# 10:54 jonnybarnes aaronpk said you were pointing the form straight at the micropub endpoint
# 10:57 jonnybarnes and for posting the response would be determined by the micropub endpoint? (just getting things clear in my head)
# 11:01 glennjones Interesting, I have not followed micropub, but have gone down the JSON route and built a full CRUD API that takes JSON documents for my site.
# 11:01 glennjones I should try and open it up and document it on the wiki to contrast the two
# 11:02 jonnybarnes so if you logged into my site, your micropub endpoint would create the response with relevant correctly markup'd response, if I logged into your site then my micropub endpoint would make the relevant correctly markup'd response
# 11:04 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: well, it’s a generic phrase for being able to do basic stuff with data
# 11:12 jonnybarnes Random question, does bridgy “ping” your webmention endpoint in order to notify you of twitter/facebook/etc posts?
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# 11:14 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: yep, bridgy is effectively a microformats2 + webmention shim for silos
# 11:14 barnabywalters to your site, bridgy makes it look like silos use microformats2 and webmention
# 11:15 jonnybarnes the heard part isnt the webmention part itself, its how do I store these mentions and how do I displa them
# 11:15 Loqi jonnybarnes meant to say: the hard part isnt the webmention part itself, its how do I store these mentions and how do I displa them
# 11:18 barnabywalters but the fact that figuring out how to display them is the only other problem is *good* — it means the protocol is simple enough that you can concentrate on making a good experience
# 11:19 jonnybarnes what'd be cool is if you could have a conversation taking pace on your site where the comments are coming from different sources, some facebook and some twitter for example
# 11:22 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: unless I’m misunderstanding, that’s what bridgy is doing at the moment
# 11:22 barnabywalters there are indieweb comments as well as comments, likes and reposts from Facebook and twitter
pfefferle, glennjones and iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 11:42 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: ^^^ I documented my mention storage and retrieval process in case it’s of any use to you
# 11:47 barnabywalters Jeena: tantek receives webmentions, IIRC via webmention.io, but doesn’t do anything publicly with them yet
# 11:47 Jeena ah ok, that is a bit sad :-/ but good to know
# 11:48 barnabywalters hm it would be pretty cool if there was a basic HTML + minimal styling version of that endpoint
# 11:53 Jeena hehe yeah, why not, but I can see all my attempts here, damn, It didn't work well. Now I moved away from apache and passenger to nginx and puma via unix sockets which works much better for my rails app
iangreenleaf and pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:39 wagle >>> couldn't get google profiles to work <<<
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# 13:22 wagle aaronpk: user "Www.obloid.org" needs to be deleted (was renamed to Obloid.org)
# 13:24 jonnybarnes why does aaronpk have a native webmention endpoint, but then send pingbacks to webmention.io? is webmention.io turning pingbacks into webmentions for him?
# 13:25 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: yep, it’s converting ping backs into webmentions so he doesn’t have to parse XMLRPC requests
scor joined the channel
# 13:26 barnabywalters still have to send XMLRPC ping backs, but that’s just a matter of throwing some strings together, instead of actual XML parsing
bnvk joined the channel
# 13:36 Jeena I'm going through my blog posts and see that about 25% of the videos I embeded have been removed from YouTube already.
# 13:40 Jihaisse pfefferle: hum, I'm not quite good in php and I don't have much time this days
# 13:41 pfefferle barnabywalters it's easier to also use it in a bundle by only surrounding it with "if (!class_exists("ClassName")) :"
# 13:42 Jeena yeah mostly namespacing and then perhaps context if there is some
# 13:43 pfefferle no... I want to bundle all plugins into a single one, without rewriting or changing the code... and I need a way to prevent errors if someone installs the single plugin and the bundle...
# 13:44 Jeena hm but as far as I see it is written like this because all those WordPress hooks like add_filter, add_action, etc. need a function name as a string? (omg)
# 13:44 pfefferle Jeena you can also pass array("ClassName", "functionName");
# 13:46 Jeena ok, that would be the right thing to do then
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# 13:55 Jeena barnabywalters you mean the lambda thingy how they implement cousures?
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chloeweil, chloeweil_ and pasevin joined the channel
# 14:57 barnabywalters okay, made a simple little webmention.io-rendering service, based on my own note UI
# 14:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 14:58 Jeena neat, but where is the <!DOCTYPE html> and <title>? ;)
# 14:59 Jeena browsers render it as HTML 2.2 if you don't have the doctype
# 14:59 Jeena and the title is not optional, even in HTML5 :)
# 15:00 Jeena to leave out <html>, <head> and <body> is ok
# 15:00 barnabywalters “If it's reasonable for the Document to have no title, then the title element is probably not required. See the head element's content model for a description of when the element is required.”
# 15:00 barnabywalters and considering this is supposed to be used for embedding, I think it’s reasonable to leave the title out
# 15:01 barnabywalters e.g. if someone embedded this raw, not in an iframe, would a <title> in the embedded code override the real one?
# 15:02 barnabywalters nope, looks like FF at least is sane about multiple title elements, using the first
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# 15:05 Jeena can you remove one of the webmentions, I just had problems with sending so I did it a couple of times ^^
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# 15:06 Jeena I'm still buffled about the optional title note
# 15:07 barnabywalters what makes you think browsers treat <!doctype-less HTML as HTML 2.2? Which browsers do that?
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# 15:07 barnabywalters in my experience sane browsers (i.e. not old IE) will try to parse HTML using a HTML5 parser in most cases
# 15:07 Jeena IE as far as I remember goes into quirks mode
# 15:08 barnabywalters ah, okay. probably worth always including the doctype to handle that case then
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# 15:27 Jeena glennjones your software doesn't implement webmentions?
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# 15:29 glennjones Not yet I am working on the backfeed, my main interest to reclaim my content first - then move on to support web mentions
LauraJ joined the channel
# 15:30 Jeena I like the look of the twitter content on your website
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# 15:34 Jeena but I am sure that the way we use twitters content is not how they intended it or even allow
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# 15:36 Jeena what they can do is just shut down the thing bridgy uses
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# 15:41 glennjones I am sort of getting around some display-requirements by not using there API. My written on my site are sync out from my site or import from a twitter archive file
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:43 Jeena ah this is interesting, I didn't know that but that is quite cool actually. How often do you import from the archive file?
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# 16:30 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters that's awesome that you just made the webmention comments thing!!
# 16:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 16:45 Jeena aaronpk what can I do so our websites can talk via WebMentions to each other?
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# 16:53 Jeena yes I do, and yeah I'm not sure what I can do about the SSL issue
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# 17:03 aaronpk Jeena: it's looking more and more like this is some problem with my server, like an outdated list of root certs that I can't figure out how to update
skinny, scor, pasevin, paulcp, pasevin_, Acidnerd and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:01 snarfed firefighting side projects during day job working hours is a lose-lose tradeoff :/ i've been there!
# 18:02 aaronpk yeah also this server has a ton of stuff, my site, amber's, indieauth, oauth.net, and a few other projects
# 18:04 aaronpk i should probably start splitting things up better
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# 18:12 snarfed he responds to surface level stuff, and some stuff just under the surface, but often manages to keep quiet whenever anyone digs below that
# 18:19 Jeena Ryan Barrett send a webmention to https://jeena.net/indieweb but it kind of went wrong a bit and the url goes to his homepage instead to the note and I can't find the note on his website
# 18:20 Jeena it happened once already a week ago or something
# 18:24 Jeena snarfed could you give me the URL to your note so I can change it in my database?
# 18:26 Jeena the on at the top is "Homebrew Website Club on Wednesday"
# 18:26 snarfed ah, over aggressive cache for non-logged-in users. you're right, sorry. i'll clear that one and put fixing it on my todo list
# 18:29 Jeena hm yeah I need to check what is wrong with my way of parsing it
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# 18:41 snarfed forgot if he has a version that takes a url somewhere.
# 18:50 Jeena there is hm it is just my parser which doesn't find it
# 19:10 aaronpk not sure though. would be nice if we get this cross-platform test suite wokring so we can easily compare implementations
# 19:12 Jeena the difference in the HTML I see is that one uses p-author and the other does not
# 19:13 Jeena I assume many more people use the mf2 one compared to the G5 one, but that is what I am here for, for the edge cases :-p
# 19:14 snarfed painful, but it's definitely good to have more implementations
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# 19:21 Jeena yep when I add p-author to snarfed's html then my parser understands it, so let us check aaronpk authorship link!
# 19:22 snarfed i see class="author" in my code in at least one place, instead of class="p-author"
# 19:27 snarfed yay! thanks for finding that and sticking with it
# 19:27 Jeena so it was a bug in your code and it should be p-author instad of just author?
# 19:30 Jeena ah it says: "For backward compatibility, microformats 2 parsers SHOULD detect the following root class name and property names ..."
# 19:31 Jeena but the G5 parser doesn't implement the backwards compatibility stuff yet: "Not Implemented: backwards compatable support for microformats v1"
# 19:32 snarfed i added back the author class, alongside p-author
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# 19:56 aaronpk setting up the root authority is the hardest part
# 19:56 aaronpk i'd be happy to publish this all somewhere, but it wouldn't be pretty
# 19:56 EHLOVader ;) looking into it for a friends project, and a possible thing for me to do to contribute
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 19:57 EHLOVader basically it would be neat to offer a signing service built into it, to include the ssl inside the ansible itself
# 19:58 EHLOVader so I guess it would also have to be MIT license compatible
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# 20:03 EHLOVader I am ehlovader everywhere, github, bitbucket, gmail... etc if you wanted to not share it in the public but don't mind me seeing it and using it/basing other code on it
# 20:03 EHLOVader I could even PR any improvements back to you if you want, I will probably need more explicit errors and return values for the signing part
# 20:03 aaronpk i'd be happy to. i unfortunately didn't give myself a writeup of how I did it, but I do have a pile of files I could share with you
# 20:04 aaronpk although fair warning, a lot of paths are hard-coded
# 20:04 EHLOVader I did see something somewhere, an article on the same/similar thing
# 20:04 EHLOVader yeah, like 5 possible sites/guides in the first five results on the CA part, but I didnt' know about the automation of the signing
# 20:05 EHLOVader I wouldn't even be giving them the chance to make a CSR it would do that all internally
# 20:05 aaronpk you'd ship them both the cert and the private key then?
# 20:07 EHLOVader and then the certificate content could be included in there with it
# 20:10 aaronpk here, this is the worst posible way I could send this to you quick
# 20:11 aaronpk that's the web part which accepts CSRs and emails back signed certs
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# 20:13 EHLOVader oh it is busy, sorry we don't have call waiting here in the 90s
# 20:19 aaronpk fills in random values for city/state/country? lol
# 20:19 aaronpk not really, but it'll look weird without them if anyone looks at the cert
# 20:25 aaronpk I actually wouldn't use the automated CSR generation, because I want all my certs on this machine signed with the same key
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# 21:31 EHLOVader looks like they rely on the interactive shell at provision time, which is something I won't be doing
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# 21:54 snarfed may be the first site i've seen that doesn't handle multiple webmentions for the same reply
# 21:54 tantek I faved two different tweets that linked to his post.
# 21:54 tantek this is where the "loose" original post discovery algorithm may be providing false positives
# 21:56 snarfed ah, you're right, i missed that the original tweet ids are different
# 21:56 tantek though I think your approach is the right one
# 21:56 tantek because people like "activity" on their stuff in general, as long as it isn't spam
# 21:57 snarfed yeah, this kind of high volume backfeed raises lots of subtle cases that we have yet to think about
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# 21:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:58 tantek more activity provides more motivation to present it better ;)
# 21:58 snarfed aaronpk: right. and i really really appreciate that webmentions are decoupled from whether/how to present them
# 21:59 tantek also - I wonder if better than sending a webmention for the fave, would be sending a webmention for the tweet that *linked* to the blog post - as that's more like a "comment"
# 21:59 aaronpk pretty soon brid.gy will be sending webmentions all over the place
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# 22:01 snarfed tantek: yeah, i think we've discussed that before. i was reluctant because i wanted to avoid sending for POSSE posts, and my initial survey a bit ago saw that rel-syndication adoption was low
# 22:02 tantek snarfed - but if we put the burden of original post discovery of replies on the receiver, then it should be fine for Bridgy (or anyone) to send webmentions of POSSE replies.
# 22:04 snarfed and if the OPD determines that the target post is itself the OP, then it can discard the webmention
# 22:05 snarfed right. needs adoption, similar to rel-syndication. i made the initial design choices based on what most people had implemented at the time, and what would give the best signal/noise backfeed
# 22:06 snarfed i can definitely evolve those as people make their mention handling smarter
# 22:06 snarfed glad these ideas are on the wiki, that's a first step!
# 22:06 tantek snarfed - your implementation could also motivate such updating
# 22:07 tantek It would just look like slightly more noise/activity in people's webmentions
# 22:07 tantek and perhaps getting people to think about noise in webmentions in general would be worth it
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# 22:07 tantek one in that mindset, I have a feeling we'll figure more things out
# 22:07 snarfed i have some examples of that noise in older posts of mine, from before bridgy did webmentions
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# 22:14 wagle aaronpk: howto delete user "Www.obloid.org" on indiewebcamp website?
# 22:30 wagle yeah, its me.. i "renamed" my site to obloid.org in recognition of the new millenium
benjaminchait, skinny and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 22:41 Loqi barnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 6 hours, 11 minutes ago: that's awesome that you just made the webmention comments thing!!
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# 22:45 tantek barnabywalters - whoa is that an iframe-ready comments embed?
# 22:47 tantek and that one example seems to have a duplicate?
# 22:48 tantek barnabywalters - but shouldn't it handle UPDATE and DELETE ?
# 22:48 barnabywalters in this case, I think jeena posted a mention both for the article and a URL which redirects to the article
# 22:49 barnabywalters tantek: I have no idea, the actual logic behind the endpoint is aaronpk’s — my thing just makes it pretty
# 22:49 tantek a duplicate webmention is essentially what an UPDATE is - so a receiver is supposed to handle those
# 22:49 aaronpk and webmention.io didn't do the de-duping of canonical URL
# 22:49 Jeena it might be a different url, it was a bug in my software
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# 22:51 tantek so my point is that whatever is converting that raw data to the links presented in the HTML version should be doing the de-duping
# 22:52 barnabywalters hm, I think it’s the webmention endpoint’s responsibility to de-dup by resolving redirect URLs
# 22:52 tantek at the redirect resolution / data layer, before it's converted into HTML
# 22:52 aaronpk more complicated is the fact that jeena's site serves the same page at both URLs without sending a redirect
# 22:52 tantek ah, sounds like an implementation tip for the wiki
# 22:52 tantek it would require that Jeena's posts support rel=canonical
# 22:52 tantek and then have original-post-discovery resolve it
# 22:54 tantek shall we add rel=canonical resolution to original-post-discovery ?
# 22:54 Jeena tantek btw. why are you not showing webmentions for your notes? Is it just because you didn't get around implementing it or is there something more?
# 22:55 barnabywalters if we put rel=canonical discovery in original-post-discovery, it either needs to go after h-entry u-url lookup, or an exception given for twitter.com
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# 22:56 barnabywalters I think silo-specific stuff is fine, especially as twitter is a special case (requires mf-shim) anyway
# 22:57 aaronpk mf-shim could remove the offending rel-canonical in that case
# 22:58 tantek barnabywalters - rel=canonical to self is ok as a termination condition
# 22:58 Jeena tantek are you really thinking about copying the iOS UI?
# 22:59 tantek for iOS, and then for any other mobile, something that looks good on FirefoxOS (which will likely look good on Android etc.)
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# 23:00 tantek Jeena - and just the look for doing people-centric-UI
# 23:02 tantek Jeena, part of the point of doing the people-centric-UI with such a seamless looking UI is pretty essential for real-world-testing the idea
# 23:02 tantek either it will demo/work well and people be excited
# 23:02 tantek and either way it will help inform more/better design
# 23:02 tantek doing such on your own (my own) site is part of the whole "selfdogfood" thing
# 23:03 tantek plus if I'm able to package it in a nice neat HTML+CSS template/module, it might be something that others can try on their site
# 23:04 Jeena I am thinking about adding a /about page which would be the page someone would use as my people centric page
# 23:04 Jeena I really don't like the idea to have it on the frontpage of my website
# 23:04 tantek oh the point is not a people centric *page* but just a people-centric header
# 23:04 tantek the larger idea here is a mobile replacement for "Elsewhere" sidebars
# 23:05 Jeena ah ok yeah you see, I'm still confused about the whole thing
# 23:05 tantek right - and that's ok because it's more an idea than real
# 23:05 tantek hence an implementation should help make it *less* confusing
# 23:05 tantek something more concrete to discuss / critique
# 23:07 Jeena did you read hanslemans article about that? and btw. he asked me on twitter if you're describing the Windows Mobile UI ;
# 23:08 tantek Jeena - I read the article and I think it misses several points, some of which I made in IRC at the time.
# 23:09 tantek (e.g. "nothing people-centric on desktop" - FALSE. Instant Message app buddy lists are people-centric)
# 23:09 tantek where you click on the person first, and then (optionally) choose a protocol that you're connected over
# 23:09 tantek the other big omission (from that blog post and Windows Mobile UI) is the TWO PART nature
# 23:10 tantek Windows UI assumes the person initiating the message/call makes ALL the decisions about which protocol/app to use
# 23:10 tantek with the indieweb solution I propose, it's two part, the receiver (person with the indiewebsite), and the initiator (the person going to the indiewebsite)
# 23:11 Jeena hm not if the person who is called does not use a specific protocol
# 23:11 tantek Jeena - this is all described in the blog post
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# 23:33 tantek specifically this is a key difference: ".. in the order that they prefer to be contacted. "
# 23:33 tantek whereas any client-only solutions (e.g. Windows Mobile) can't solve.
# 23:34 tantek all those are key experience and interaction differences
# 23:34 Jeena I read that but it didn't feel like it was that important
# 23:34 tantek which allow the contactee to be an active part of how the connection is made
# 23:34 tantek Jeena - it's absolutely important for solving the "Can we talk?" problem
# 23:34 tantek client only solutions don't solve "Can we talk?"
# 23:35 Jeena it is like if my addressbook could be updated by you (for your contact data) and prioritize the way you want me to contact you
# 23:36 tantek right, we can get a feel for how this works by just updating such info on our own indieweb sites
# 23:36 tantek next step would be having your addressbook cache some of this information
# 23:37 Jeena hehe yeah my parents have a paper address book and there under my name they have about 8 phone numbers where all but one is outdated ^^
# 23:37 tantek but even then - it's ideal if *before* contacting someone your device gets the latest methods of contact (and in order) from the other person (i.e. their website0
# 23:39 Jeena ok, I think I start to understand what you have been talking about in your article now
# 23:39 tantek that's what happens with more blue-sky like brainstorming articles
# 23:39 tantek without actual implementation they're harder to "get"
# 23:40 tantek but I thought it was worth posting the brainstorm publicly to get discussion / interest / feedback
# 23:41 Jeena yeah and it was, otherwise I wouldn't have even asked you to explain it to me :D
# 23:43 tantek !tell j12t aaronpk and barnabywalters have some solutions to that
# 23:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 23:45 Loqi j12t: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: aaronpk and barnabywalters have some solutions to that
# 23:46 tantek j12t - they just do it on their sites - they mention domains in the posts on their site, and then their POSSE code automatically maps those personal domains to @-references etc. on Twitter etc.
# 23:46 tantek I think barnaby wrote about his approach but I don't remember where
# 23:47 aaronpk i use the rel-syndication target of the original post to find the person's twitter name
# 23:47 tantek j12t - there are existing libraries/services for going from a personal domain to various silo profiles
# 23:47 j12t That's cool. Would be nice if everybody could use the same code there.
# 23:47 aaronpk i want to do home page -> twitter name, but haven't implemented that yet. I think barnaby may have
# 23:47 tantek j12t - glennjones (sometimes in the channel) wrote a bunch of awesome XFN based silo profile discovery code
# 23:47 tantek can't remember the name of the glennjones's site / service for this
# 23:48 j12t So then the "ideal" behavior is that on my own site, I use domain names as identifiers, and when things get syndicated out and back in, it automatically translates back and forth into the appropriate silo names.
# 23:50 tantek e.g. try putting *any* of our personal domains into that form
# 23:53 aaronpk indeed! and once my server can understand your ssl cert, i'll send a webmention of my reply!
# 23:53 tantek Jeena, and a beautiful display of webmention / Bridgy notifications all integrated together!
# 23:53 j12t I guess I hung it after deselecting "cached".
# 23:53 tantek The post itself is a wonderful demonstration of what it is talking about!
paulcp joined the channel
# 23:55 tantek definitely belongs on the "Posts about the indie web" page!
# 23:57 Jeena it is february already (at least here in Sweden)