2014-02-06 UTC
lukebrooker joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
lukebrooker_, lukebrooker, gRegorLove, tantek, tilgovi, KartikPrabhu, scor, npdoty, skinny and jjuran joined the channel
silencematters joined the channel
npdoty_ joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 06:01 wagle someday I'll feel comfortable debugging plugins
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 06:16 Loqi border: 1px #faeead solid;"> Note: This document is out of date, and needs to be updated to reflect the latest progress on IndieAut..."
cweiske, josephboyle, dvirsky, LauraJ and Jihaisse joined the channel
friedcell, jonnybarnes, grantmacken, melvster, eschnou, BjornW, pfefferle, icco, Sebastien-L, barnabywalters, bnvk, bnvk_, glennjones, adactio and pasevin joined the channel
# 11:25 jonnybarnes updated my micropub implementation to use the state parameter properly, i.e. not just set it to abc123
pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:08 Jeena damn it finally I am getting emails on webmentions even on / but something is still not right, I had to use gmail to do so because I didn't get it to work with my own server yet :-(
glennjones joined the channel
# 12:51 jonnybarnes Jeena: are you trying to get your website to email you when someone webmentions you?
# 12:52 jonnybarnes some more work done on my micropub, when something tries to post to my site via the micropub API and an error occurs I actually respond with a proper error now.
# 12:52 Jeena yes and with a little help of a friend I now even can use my own mailserver instead of gmail
# 12:53 Jeena as far as I know that is how it was specified but I don't quite think it is the right status code for everything either
# 12:54 jonnybarnes looking at the wikipedia article 4XX are client errors, and 5XX are server errors
# 12:54 jonnybarnes so like, if an incorrect oauth token is sent with the request, then I think a 4XX code should be returned, if something just randomly borks on my server when trying to save the note then a 5XX should be returned
# 12:56 Jeena yes that is true, but if for example the source page doesn't have the backlink, the request is still semantically correct and could send the appropriate status code 422 or something, don't quite remember
# 12:57 jonnybarnes 422: "The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors."
eschnou joined the channel
BjornW joined the channel
scor joined the channel
# 13:12 jonnybarnes or if someone released an iPhone app your just point it at your API endpoint and away you go
# 13:16 jonnybarnes you can *post* via Atom? I though it was a format for consuming content.
# 13:20 jonnybarnes I think the reason we have "micropub" is at its simplest it can be implemented with just HTML forms
# 13:29 barnabywalters and contains no spec or explanation of how atompub works, as far as I can tell
# 13:31 Jeena uhm I have no idea, it was the first link I got from DuckDuckAndGo
eschenal and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 13:50 Jeena now I finally am a official academic :-p even though I was born into a workers family ^^
icco and pasevin joined the channel
chloeweil, glennjones, bnvk, EHLOVader, pasevin and silencematters joined the channel
# 15:34 gRegorLove Pro-tip: when logging in to the wiki, enter your full domain. I left off the .com and it found no rel=me links, haha
michel_v joined the channel
# 15:35 Jeena Sometimes I wish I knew how Loqi is implemented.
# 15:48 Jihaisse quick resume : a guy is guilty for downloading pdf files found with google
CheckDavid and LauraJ joined the channel
# 16:09 pfefferle barnabywalters does the mf2-parser convert all urls into absolute urls automatically or do I have to do anything for that?
# 16:10 barnabywalters pfefferle: the latest version of php-mf2 should make all URLs absolute, relative to the URL you pass into Mf2\parse($html, $url), taking <base> into account
# 16:11 barnabywalters there are some (spec-compliant) conditions under which things you might expect to be treated as URLs are not
# 16:13 pfefferle barnabywalters do the url have to be the root url or can it be any url (with any kind of params/sub-folders/...)?
# 16:15 pfefferle if not, it could cause some strange things with proxys like brid.gy
# 16:16 barnabywalters you mean if there was a twitter.com-relative URL within a shimmed post on a bridgy URL?
nloadholtes and bnvk joined the channel
# 16:31 pfefferle I had a look at my plugin and it seems that I already used the latest version... only forgot to set the base url...
# 16:33 barnabywalters I should add a function to php-mf2 which you just pass a URL to and it fetches the HTML it’s self
# 16:34 barnabywalters it could also detect whether or not php-mf2-shim is present, and shim facebook/twitter appropriately
# 16:34 pfefferle hmmm I am not sure about that... because that means you have to also add the parser stuff...
# 16:36 barnabywalters the option to parse manually from HTML + URL will always be there, this just gives another entry point
# 16:36 barnabywalters pfefferle: so how do people who use those servers fetch external HTML to parse at the moment?
benprew, _6a68, tilgovi_, iangreenleaf, tilgovi, skinny, tantek, jschweinsberg and snarfed joined the channel
paulcp, paulcp_ and iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 17:56 tantek !tell barnabywalters - that's pretty funny about atompub.org and the strange dating site links on it. Maybe atompub.org has been compromised?
# 17:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 17:57 aaronpk and yes, the idea with micropub is to be as close to an HTML form as possible
# 17:59 tantek maybe we should ask TimBL to set an example and move his home page to his own domain (rather than being on w3.org)
squeakytoy, LauraJ and paulcp joined the channel
dvirsky, andreypopp_, eschnou, tilgovi, grantmacken, KartikPrabhu, npdoty, tantek and skinny joined the channel
# 21:42 KartikPrabhu Jeena: very interesting thoughts. There have been murmurs about having an indie-feed reader (http://indiewebcamp.com/feed_reader). While reading your post I also thought of micropub, where I could post a reply to your note through some comment box on your site, but then it uses micropub to post it to mine simultaneously!
benprew joined the channel
# 21:44 EHLOVader sorry for treating the first few sentences and title as a TL;DR
# 21:45 Jeena KartikPrabhu I mention it as the second point of the list down there
# 21:45 Jeena yeah, all of this are 3rd party things which kind of are not what I am looking for
# 21:46 Jeena at the bottom, I mention that I want syndication via Microformats instead of RSS/Atom
# 21:46 EHLOVader but if you take that and run a search with it, I bet you could find a tool that you host to do similar/same
# 21:50 EHLOVader so you can differ the feed reading function slightly, for a spout specific on the type of data in that feed
# 21:51 EHLOVader is still in the process of sovereignity setup which uses selfoss
# 21:51 EHLOVader slowed down to pay more attention to other life things...
# 21:52 EHLOVader I would probably extend selfoss for lots of other things though... like podcasts
# 21:53 Jeena It is still soooo weird with the backslash in namespaces in PHP
# 21:54 Jeena I did some AmigaBASIC programming, mostly very small games
# 21:54 Jeena but after tow years It wasn't fun anymore and I didn't have a computer untill I was 24 or something
# 21:55 Jeena and then I tried to run Linux as my first OS but the freakin Modem didn't have Linux drivers so I had to use Windows 98
# 21:56 Jeena hehe this was back in 2002, I'm 35 now and yeah
# 21:56 EHLOVader then I am sure there is a matrix meme for what I am doing now
# 21:56 EHLOVader you see sentences and life stories, I see meme text, stock photos and doge
LauraJ joined the channel
# 21:57 EHLOVader so yeah, I bet selfoss would work great for indieweb stuff
# 21:58 EHLOVader what sorts of feeds are there, way more than just notes right
# 22:06 jonnybarnes btw Jeena, is your email actually "spam@jeenaparadies.net" or is that a subtle get lost?
# 22:07 Jeena no that is actually my email, for historical reasons ^^
# 22:08 Jeena I had info@jeenaparadies.net as my main one and spam@jeenaparadies.net for stuff I would just try out like Facebook, Twitter, etc. sadly after a year or so I was so dependent of it that it became my main one ^^
# 22:09 Jeena yeah I can but I am using it as a login to everywhere
# 22:11 Jeena yeah, I should have done that too but after some time you just give up ^^
# 22:12 EHLOVader I thought of creating a public shaming site, like plaintextoffenders
# 22:13 EHLOVader some sites wouldn't allow it because of naivity (and regex), others allowed it but using it broke parts of the site (like logging back in, or password recovery), and others insisted that the dissallowing it was a feature, or that they simply didn't support special chars on their site
# 22:16 EHLOVader would that feed reader page be the place to toss selfoss?
# 22:18 EHLOVader won't be able to add it until I have soverign and the website up anyway
# 22:18 EHLOVader is that generally a thing you prefer, for people to use it before they add it
# 22:18 EHLOVader obviously it prevents stubs, but it could prolong discussion on it right?
# 22:19 tantek EHLOVader - it's a useful filter to help focus discussion on actual practical things
# 22:19 tantek so much out there is what people "talk about" rather than use, that it gets in the way of what's actually useful
# 22:19 tantek so better to just ignore things that no one has actually used in the community
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:20 tantek "The IndieWeb effort is different from previous efforts/communities: "
# 22:20 EHLOVader well then I can't assist you in most of the things I had mentioned that you wanted me to add
# 22:21 EHLOVader or the ones I thought would be useful, like unicode short urls
# 22:21 tantek if *someone* here is selfdogfooding it - that's sufficient
# 22:21 EHLOVader I haven't used domai.nr to buy a domain yet, the sites it forwards to seem reputable
# 22:21 EHLOVader hosted email options exist, and I know an article that has t least five others you didn't have on your site... ones that use your domain, but are third party hosted
# 22:21 tantek I use domai.nr to look for domains all the time
# 22:21 EHLOVader and I barely use the encrypted email service at torguard, I use the other services more
# 22:22 tantek right, it's a good filter. do you use it or does someone else here use it
# 22:22 EHLOVader most everything I have done is still just researching options
# 22:23 tantek I think if you characterize it as research that's probably ok
# 22:23 Jeena btw. if you guys read my posts and see some typos or weird grammar and if you're not too lazy to do it, I would appreciate if you told me so I can get better at english (like I described in https://jeena.net/pronouncing-j )
# 22:23 tantek as long as you make it clear when you're documenting it that it's just research - and explicitly state you don't know of anyone here actually using it
# 22:23 tantek that way when others find it on the wiki they are properly warned
# 22:24 EHLOVader have you peeked at the extensibility of selfoss which i mentioned or linked earlier
# 22:26 Jeena apropos short-urls/domains, I hate them! Nobody needs them anymore after twitter turned on t.co for every url.
# 22:27 tantek Jeena - there are still print and other use-cases
# 22:27 tantek short URLs are more usable than QR codes for examples
# 22:27 Jeena yeah ok, everywhere you can't click on a link there is a case for short urls
# 22:28 tantek Jeena, but you are correct re: Twitter. POSSE links on Twitter should use your full domain
# 22:29 Jeena I made my POSSE links really short, 13 chars, and what did Twitter do? they replaced it with a 23 chars long t.co domain ^^
# 22:30 tantek EHLOVader, in addition to working selfdogfood things, we document our own personal brainstorms (what we are in the middle of building ourselves), and research of past techniques. The key is that we always distinguish between them.
# 22:30 tantek Jeena, yeah, my POSSE links were pretty short too :/ (though you have to include the https:// ;)
# 22:30 EHLOVader their blog says that twitter should only be wrapping 19char and greater links with t.co. but that was 2 years ago, when it was added
skinny joined the channel
# 22:57 tantek EHLOVader, what's the use case you are trying to solve? That's how the indieweb works.
# 22:57 tantek Formats are merely a means to satisfy use-cases.
# 22:58 Jeena you can just do autodiscovery for webmentions on the source url
# 22:58 tantek Questions about formats outside the context of a use-case are usually not interesting.
# 22:58 EHLOVader use case was reading a feed and having a url to send replies to
# 22:58 EHLOVader but if replies are still just webmentions then it is irrelevant
# 23:07 tantek Jeena - I added a mention of RSS and Atom in the dfn of feed_reader
# 23:08 tantek EHLOVader - ah yes, that's earlier work (that who knows if anyone ever adopted)
# 23:08 tantek the 'in-reply-to' there is what rel=in-reply-to and u-in-reply-to was based on
friedcell joined the channel
# 23:12 tantek EHLOVader - yeah - 4685 was documented in the #microformats page on rel=in-reply-to
poppy joined the channel
fmarier, lukebrooker, npdoty, tilgovi and dvirsky_ joined the channel