#tantekmostly I'm opposed to too much "app-iness" on what is other static content, as the vast majority of such attempts do nothing but slow down (and thus harm) the user experience drastically.
#Loqitantek meant to say: mostly I'm opposed to too much "app-iness" on what is otherwise static content, as the vast majority of such attempts do nothing but slow down (and thus harm) the user experience drastically.
#snarfedok. that post makes sense to me. tl;dr: it's reasonable when the user's task is reading/skimming a flat list of items, but not for most other tasks
#snarfed(and modulo decent performance, design, etc as usual)
#KartikPrabhumy main problem is from the UX point of view is the loss of positional context. Even for simple consumption, there is no way to tell where I am, or how to get back/skip ahead to somewhere i might want to be
#sparverius3. start the load for the next next section as soon as the user scrols onto the next section
#sparveriusKartikPrabhu: well infinite scroll is good for disorganized media consumption
#sparveriusthe linking thing is not really an issue with infinitie scrolling imo, it's an issue with retaining state of navigation among dynamic content
#KartikPrabhuagreed with pagination flaws. On a more constructive note does anyone have an idea for a good UX for a large list of items then?
#sparveriusalso a good way to test if your infinite scrolling sucks
dvirsky joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuor is infinite scroll/pagination the best we have so far
#sparveriusload up ubuntu onto a laptop with 1GB RAM, install firefox, put a weight on the spacebar, come back in 20 minutes. if firefox is exploding then you're doing it wrong.
#tantekKartikPrabhu - now that is the right question: "On a more constructive note does anyone have an idea for a good UX for a large list of items then?"
#KartikPrabhu:) I am thinking in the context of website articles "blogposts" notes and such
#sparveriusoh infinite scrolling is fine as long as you give the option to "scroll" to a position in the infinite scrolling in the url and it remains largely static
#snarfedon a selfish note, i have infinite scroll on my site, http://snarfed.org/ . i don't feel strongly about it, but i like it. i'm open to feedback!
#sparveriuslike no "priority" sorts or anything based on tons of variables (FACEBOOK >:( for example)
#KartikPrabhusparverius: agreed on the staitc ordering point. But I feel infinite scrolling is also bad unless each piece on content is small. As in tweets/notes OK but long posts are BAD
#sparveriusfwiw it's just that some media heavy infinite scrolling and dynamic loading is really bad
#KevinMarksthe blogger dynamic layouts are interesting attempts
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks: those are so much harder to customize though. every blogger looks the same. Which might again be a bad idea. "One size fits all". Also not prog. enhanced
#KevinMarksthey're not perfect, no. and them punting on mobile was lame
#KevinMarksalso, several of them only work well on image-based content
#KevinMarksbut they are interesting variants to start from
Acidnerd joined the channel
#JeenaI'm not sure I'm with Meyer here, that is what hyperlinks are for, it doesn't matter if you relate to one of your former blogposts or to a extern blogpost/wiki/news/whatever, that is the web, it isn't cronological, it is a tree with many nodes
#KartikPrabhutantek: traditionally the homepage would just be a long reverse-chronology of posts
#JeenaI don't show full articles on my homepage so in my mind everybody comes from google to one blog post
#KartikPrabhui think that is the context. Blog presentation has changed much from 2004 of course
#tantekKartikPrabhu - indeed, I think we are stuck with that for home pages / streams as an expectation, from blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
#tantekJeena - I like to give full content on my home page so anyone on their mobile can simply load one URL and then read through to the bottom to see recent updates completely.
#tantekwithout having to click into and out of each permalink
#tantek(which is much more annoying on mobile especially)
#Jeenapeople used to go through all the blogs they read daily manually, it wouldn't just make sense to force them to scroll all the way down to see if you wrote something new
#gRegorLoveWhen I add notes, that will change slightly. Most likely just a separate page as that stream, though.
#tantekgRegorLove - interesting - a one-post "most recent posts"
#tantekKartikPrabhu - yeah I read Meyer's post when he wrote it ~10 years ago - I wonder if his thoughts have changed since on the matter.
#KartikPrabhuI haven't found one solution that I like the most so at the moment the Homepage has a blurb and 5 most recent
#gRegorLoveI'm drawing a blank on the name, but a friend remarked that it reminded them of an older blogging site. Maybe it was diaryland? I don't recall.
#JeenaI had one post (most resent) + 4 posts with teasers + list with 20 titles in my old blog
#tantekso the problem with Eric's approach (or perhaps dated context) is that it assumes a returning reader would want to pick back up where they left and then catch up forward.
#Jeenathat is what IndieAuth or cookies are for ;)
#tantekwhereas with Twitter, and FB updates and general overwhelming with small updates we've learned that more often people just want to get a quick *recent* update
#tantekrather than try to comprehensively keep up with everything they follow (no one has time for that any more)
#KartikPrabhutantek: true for twitter/FB but for long-form posts?
#tantekso when you shift from "want to see everything" to "want to just catch up" then the design focus changes
#tantekKartikPrabhu - I don't know if it's as true for long-form posts.
#tantekI suppose we'll find out when we start building our own indieweb readers.
#Jeenadoes anyone of you guys actually go to the homepages of the blogs you read and try to find something there?
#gRegorLoveInstapaper/feed reader for keeping up with long-form content
#Jeenaor do you just "google" and get to some post in the middle of the blog?
#KartikPrabhuJeena: I do that all the time. That is how i re-found Meyer for this conversation :)
#tantekJeena - I often catch up with (load context for) individuals by going to their home page and reading what's new before chatting / meeting with them.
#KartikPrabhutantek: you don't seem use pagination or have an archive page for past articles! Is that for some particular reason?
#tantekand yeah - I find abbreviated long form posts pretty annoying that I typically skim/ignore them.
#Jeenayou guys clearly live in a different universe, that is what Facebook is for :-p
#tantekKartikPrabhu - I don't have pagination no. I do have archive pages but they are unlinked.
#tantekI have not yet implemented navigation link UI.
#KartikPrabhuAlso, for some reason, I don't have interesting people on my Facebook :P
#Jeenatantek it depends on the abbriviation, or better if it is a real summary, not a automatic one then I like it, if it is just the truncated content then it is useless
#KartikPrabhuso I just remember people by their homepage urls... I am weird that way
#Jeenawtf haha that wasn't ment like it came out ^^ I wanted to write something else first and wrote " pfefferle so what is" and then I forgot about that and later I wrote the unrelated rest omg
#Jeenanow I remember what I wanted to ask, pfefferle what are wordpress blogs like http://bupk.es/posts/ using to show the webmentions right now if they don't use the semantic linkback plugin?
#tobiastomschema.org is the one e.g. google uses, right?
pfefferle joined the channel
#Jeenaat least that is what their website is saying
#pfefferlethe webmentions are handled simpler... like "Jeena mentioned your article on example.com" and example.com is linked to the article
#pfefferleand the semantic linkback plugin extends webmentions, pingbacks and trackbacks with the mf2 stuff
#pfefferlethe semantic linkbacks plugin is only an extension... it doesn't handle the linkbacks, but hooks into the process and enriches the default content
#tobiastomdoes the microformats community has anything to say about schema.org?
#JeenaI think that would be cool, and then it would also be cool that if you write a response like he did as a comment that this would also send a webmention
#pfefferlethat was part of the first version of the webmention plugin and will come back
#pfefferlebut I need to think more about the way to integrate that
#pfefferlethe tricky part is to show only the single comment to parsers and the thread to users+
#Jeenain theory the thing after the hash in the url could handle it and when parsing something like that you would find the part in the html which is enclosed in this id
#tobiastompfefferle: but is it more like "they do useless shit, ours is much better" or more like "whatever"?
#Jeenabut I think there are a couple of problems because the hash is not always send
#tobiastomI see quite a problem with supporting two (or more) formats.
#pfefferlethe hash-thing was another idea but that wouldn't work with most other implementations
#Jeenaunless it is added to the spec in the future
#Jeenahehe yeah I kind of would like to implement something like that for real where I would send a webmention too and it would show up like a fav-tweet from bridgy or something
eschnou, caseorganic and iangreenleaf joined the channel
#caseorganic!tell tantek: thanks! it was originally a talk on privacy for location and mobile apps, but that only took up a little bit of the talk. i really wanted to talk about indieweb as a next step.
#Loqitantek: caseorganic left you a message 12 seconds ago: thanks! it was originally a talk on privacy for location and mobile apps, but that only took up a little bit of the talk. i really wanted to talk about indieweb as a next step.
#caseorganictantek: i also talked up the channel and site, so there may be more european UX desginers joining.
#JeenaAh so Amber is caseorganic, cool to get some faces attached to the irc nicks here, it is easy with aaronpk and tantek but all the rest is a bit harder ^^
#Jeenahehe damn you, english is not my first language! :-p
#caseorganicJeena: hello! you have been doing great things!
#Jeenathanks, I'm trying, and I have quite a lot of time now after I got my degree and before I get a new job
#Jeenanow I'm looking for work locally, have been working remotely for about 5 years now and I'd like to work in an actual office with other coworkers and stuff ;)
#JeenaI would love to work here in Varberg but it is not going to happen, it is just a too small town for the work I want to do. So yeah it will probably be Gothenburg.
#EHLOVaderI was hoping they might become a viable alternative to googlevoice, and anyway, it would be nice to roll my own, and host it outside of a silo
#JeenaAnd, I love the web for my free time, but I'm looking forward to find a job where I do something else then web, so I can still get excited about stuff for the web in my free time ^^
#EHLOVaderlol, Jeena make sure the non web job affords you free time
#EHLOVaderbut I can see where you are coming from there... the soft glow of lcd screens starts to wear on you by the 12th hour
#Jeenayeah, my brother just today was pushing me to try to get a 4 days week at my next job
#EHLOVaderor has someone setup their microbrew to tweet the ibus
#JeenaBut I am in contact with a company from Gothenburg who produce Open Source Infotainment systems for cars. And we're going to have a second meeting next week. But I'm not sure how well they can pay, we'll see, but the work would be cool I think.
#ttepassecaseorganic it es a very watchable video. Small suggestion: In future talks replace pingback with trackback, which is much more out there on the insanity/complexity scale with it's usage of RDF/XML in HTML comments.
#gRegorLoveIs anyone sanitizing and displaying HTML from webmentions, or just using the plaintext version? I'm leaning towards the latter, because the former could be a nightmare.
#aaronpkI think the generatl thought on sanitization is to use the tags that things like wordpress/mediawiki/github allow, just basic stuff like <b> <i> etc. it's pretty well tested at this point.
#aaronpkbut I believe there are more implementations that just use the plaintext version (or strip all tags) and then re-autolink things
#gRegorLoveAre there any libraries for sanitizing linked on the wiki? I don't think I've seen any on the webmentions-related pages.
#gRegorLoveOr I could dig into WordPress code, I guess. Kinda loathe WP, though (however well their sanitization may be :) )
#aaronpki don't think so, which probably means nobody is doing it :)
#gRegorLoveWell maybe I'll take some initiative. :)
#EHLOVadergRegorLove, sanatizing as in preventing xss?
#EHLOVaderif you want to see an xss nightmare jsfuck.com I may have shared it before
#EHLOVaderturn javascript into garbage by using only 6 characters
#Jeenaoh cool, it is like brainfuck but in js haha
#EHLOVaderfor sanatizing webmentions and notes etc... wouldn't there be a way to put it in an iframe to prevent xss
#Jeenaand it uses javascripts weird typecasting rules to be runable in the browser?
#EHLOVaderopengraph may be a good place to look towards for a method of sanatizing content, it has rich snippets and might have already found a solution
#gRegorLovethis jsf still needs to appear in <script> elements, right?
#tantekDeltaWhy - good question - does that link link to the permalink of the post? or to a fragment identifier to that point in the permalink of the post.
#tantekalso, aaronpk, just as we have the notion of an integrated indie reader, seems to me it's logical to also have an indiecal feature on your own website which can directly read / subscribe to h-events
#tantekit could even be notification driven, e.g. when you post an RSVP to an event on your own site, the event from then on sends you a webmention whenever the event is updated
#tanteksimilar to notifications of event updates that you receive when you RSVP to an event on FB
#JeenaI know it is getting boring but, yey great success, a "Tweet this" checkbox and I finally do: after_action :send_mentions, only: [:create, :update, :destroy]
#tanteklikely much more reliable solution than making a one-off copy of the event in gcal
#Loqigives aaronpk a replica of the gcal interface
#tanteke.g. you see an event mentioned in your indiereader, you click an RSVP button on your indiereader UI (because it recognizes the h-event) - e.g. "Going" "Maybe" etc. which then creates an RSVP post on your site and sends a webmention.
#aaronpki also want to be able to create events on my site from this interface
#tantekisn't event creation just a special case of post creation?
#tantekthis might be another one of those cases where a UI for "a small number of events" can get away with being much simpler than a UI for "someone with a mostly full calendar"
#aaronpkalso shared calendars are the most useful thing
#tantekaaronpk - seems like shared posts would be too
#tantekthat doesn't seem like something unique to events
#aaronpki have a number of shared calendars with different groups of people, being able to toggle visibility of the calendar quickly is important. (that seems somewhat unique to events)
#tantekI have a number of shared etherpads with different groups of people.
#aaronpki guess i should have said i don't see how it applies to notes (rather than unique to events)
#aaronpkthe thing about shared calendars is that I often want to see various combinations of the shared calendars all overlaid on the same interface
#tantekI think there are potentially numerous intermediate/advanced use-cases for calendars
#tantekand it's going to be challenging to figure out which are how important when
#aaronpkyeah. I won't be able to leave google calendar until there's a completel replacement. so that's why I'm interested in finding ways to treat gcal as a view on indieweb events.
#tantekI'll point out that FB Events have none of those that you mentioned, and yet, I get far more FB event invitations / activity than gCal/Zimbra/iCal etc. all combined.
#aaronpkI also get far more invitations on FB events, but they are often also lower quality / more noisy
#aaronpkI treat my gcals as authoritative, so if I'm invited to soemthing on FB I'll add an entry to my google cal so I don't forget it
#tantekso in competitive terms, it's FB events that we need to match functionality for, not gCal