#indiewebcamp 2014-02-08
2014-02-08 UTC
hugoroyd joined the channel
paulcp and npdoty joined the channel
gRegor` Jeena: maybe after 2 or 3 sentences? Matching on period followed by a space might work, most of the time.
Jeena but then the flow of the conversation kind of gets lost like here https://jeena.net/notes/84 it stopped after "If I could" and I assume when we start using it as a twitter replacement the note will get even longer

anselm is there an overview of the indieweb strategy?
aaronpk this is a start: http://indiewebcamp.com/principles

gRegor` Jeena: I'm not showing webmentions currently (just starting out), but when I do I don't think I will trim them at all.
gRegor` People can leave lengthy comments already, so I don't see much of a problem.
anselm when i think about reducing my dependency on Facebook i think of several discrete services - are there any lists of open patterns for dealing with common features of Facebook such as aggregating friends comments, events and the like? or is that not under the purview here?
anselm i can imagine inventing strategies for dealing with this stuff
aaronpk there has been some recent brainstorming on feed readers http://indiewebcamp.com/feed_reader

anselm for example, i might assert that i have a website, and that i sign all things i publish, and that others can listen to the stream of things i publish...
snarfed joined the channel
anselm aaronpk: if i wanted to listen to you - how would i do that? do you publish your stream of activity in some machine readable way? I see your website and i could write something that scrapes that... not 100% optimal but it would do the job I guess.
fmarier joined the channel
aaronpk all my notes are published with h-entry markup http://indiewebcamp.com/h-entry

anselm clearly i guess i can just read your site. i'm just thinking about the idea of reading many peoples sites and the labor involved.
anselm ok
anselm thats pretty decent
aaronpk for example: http://aaronparecki.com/notes parses to: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Faaronparecki.com%2Fnotes

fmarier, ttepasse, fmarier_ and bnvk joined the channel
aaronpk tantek updated this recently. have a read through this: http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_display

brianloveswords joined the channel
aaronpk wow archive.org made a bunch of thumbnails of the video! https://archive.org/movies/thumbnails.php?identifier=2014-01-13-rise-of-the-indieweb

scor joined the channel
aaronpk the core is https://github.com/zenirc/zenircbot

aaronpk then there are various services like https://github.com/aaronpk/zenircbot-meme

caseorganic joined the channel
Jeena I wrote my own long time ago (in Haskell) while it was fun and also programmable by the users with regex it wasn't intelligent in any way https://github.com/jeena/cnb/blob/master/cnb.hs

ttepasse, paulcp and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic !tell ttepasse: thanks for the talk feedback! will change that for the next talk
caseorganic bret: thanks! glad you liked the talk!
ttepasse :)
caseorganic :)
snarfed, squeakytoy2, j12t, paulcp and heath joined the channel
anselm in an open web scenario is there any set of promises that exist yet? for example how would i subscribe to recent activity off of somebody's site? let's say i am interested in listening to aaronpk but i don't want the last 50 years of his activity - is there some implication of an rss feed like approach where I can ask for things more recent than x? is there any implied code or promise on his end that lets me query only for certain things? or d
anselm literally just read his home page and get "whatever is there"?
anselm so the most recent page has a machine readable link to older stuff ok
anselm and i imagine http would let me ask if things are old or not. (I'm just trying to think through scenarios where beefy aggregators exist )
anselm i know that kevin burton built a small empire writing rss aggregation technology and that it was very non trivial at scale
anselm i want to avoid fetching your page if there is no new content there
anselm so i would poll your http server and it would issue no new state
tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 4 hours, 28 minutes ago: you can download the video from here! https://archive.org/details/2014-01-13-rise-of-the-indieweb

anselm i presume you don't do that but i imagine that it could be heeded
anselm i can see publishing with h-entry easily enough - thats trivial
anselm i'm trying to imagine replicating the broader realm of services that make Facebook so compelling - and some kind of aggregation is critical for me.
anselm but i want something dirt stupid
paulcp joined the channel
snarfed, tantek and squeakytoy joined the channel
snarfed pretty googleable. e.g. a good intro is http://forcecarrier.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/http-conditional-get-in-apis-a-forgotten-art/
anselm right
paulcp, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
Jeena anselm in the mean time you could try to get something working with rss if it is important enough for you https://jeena.net/indie-notes-reader

anselm this is worth studying - it is a micro phrasing of the whole problem
anselm i have to think about it
anselm here are my thoughts so far this evening : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5dS7-moq0FL4wio0O7znZlypH_ZyMW8To93QPxVT7w/pub
anselm i appreciate the 'do whatever is fun for you' attitude but - this has been done before. so i want to think it through
anselm nevertheless
anselm :-)
anselm i've written so many aggregators it makes my head spin
anselm ok ok
anselm anyway
anselm that is definitely annoying yes
anselm jeena's example is a nice problem
anselm she wants a tiny notes reader
anselm notes look to me like tweets
anselm ah
tantek here's the latest on indieweb readers: http://indiewebcamp.com/reader

anselm hm, isn't a feedreader the highest priority to me?
anselm i wonder what else it could be
anselm i mostly want to see what my friends post
anselm well that is annoying but - i can see why people do it
anselm it's nettlesome - but - you have to pay somehow
anselm i agree - my own experience with this validates that
anselm that was the conclusion i came to in my thoughts this evening as well
anselm but i'd like to see what aaron posts and a few other people post
anselm probably true
jjuran joined the channel
tantek Jeena, as documented: http://indiewebcamp.com/reader#Silo_examples

anselm ttrss is a good example of how aggregation can be a bear
anselm not as easy as one might imagine
anselm i'm imagining an app in three parts - probably all in node.js. a feed reader, a posting api and then a small html ui that talks to both of those... probably in bootstrap or something
anselm i used this pattern on a project http://lifecards.org
anselm and on lemonopoly.org
anselm but i don't want to spend more than a few hours writing an aggregator.
anselm ideally 0 hours if i can find one
Jeena for publishing check out http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub

anselm ok, chat tomorrow
anselm zz
paulcp, j12t, npdoty, eschnou and melvster joined the channel
@nxfifteen LUG Meeting - The IndieWeb Movement Grant Richmond: <section> <h3><span class="colored"><strong>///</strong></span>.… http://nxfifteen.me.uk/en/about-me/events/669?pk_campaign=social&pk_kwd=twitter_link (twitter.com/_/status/432103322024411136)
Sebastien-L, eschnou, paulcp, pasevin, CheckDavid, chloeweil, bnvk, BjornW, scor, dvirsky_, LauraJ and melvster joined the channel
michielbdejong the idea came up to do an indie web workshop at the Bangalore free software club, http://fsmk.org/
michielbdejong is anybody in this channel from Bangalore?
paulcp, KartikPrabhu, Acidnerd, bnvk, Zegnat, netweb, glennjones and snarfed joined the channel
anselm jeena: heh
snarfed joined the channel
anselm hi
glennjones joined the channel
anselm not yet - too busy!
tantek, inimino`, paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
aaronpk it would show up here for me http://aaronparecki.com/mentions

snarfed joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
DeltaWhy joined the channel
snarfed aaronpk: me too. i figured i was out of luck until just today when i noticed this: https://support.twitter.com/articles/14608-i-m-having-trouble-with-my-username#swap
friedcell and bnvk joined the channel
michielbdejong i always prefer creating a new one and then deleting the old one, just in case the migration script has a bug and something somewhere keeps the old value or becomes undefined. seen that too often at places i worked at ;)
skinny, jschweinsberg, skinny_, HereticLocke and Kopfstein joined the channel
gRegor` aaronpk: Minor thing about webmention.io. When I use the pingback forwarding, the response type is text/html even though the content is XML.
gRegor` Doesn't cause me any problems, but just wanted to let you know.
snarfed, friedcell, j12t, npdoty_, iangreenleaf, tantek, pasevin, Kopfstein, paulcp and grantmacken joined the channel
gRegor` Federated comment successfully. Mostly. :) http://gregorlove.com/2014/02/1179/
gRegor` I don't have a "notes" interface set up, so everything has a title. The post picked up the title instead of the text.
gRegor` I think the h-card issue might be on Laurent's end. I have an h-card in the h-entry. I realize that may not be the best position for it, though (?)
tantek indiewebify is not finding author information either: http://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgregorlove.com%2F2014%2F02%2F1179%2F

gRegor` Oh. Oops
gRegor` So my h-card is a div, containing the photo, url, name. Should p-author be on the div? <div class="p-author h-card">?
gRegor` It shows it in an anchor link
gRegor` just wanted to make sure I could do it on the parent element.
gRegor` There we go.
gRegor` Pretty good for a first outing. :)
gRegor` I figured it was going to pick up the title instead of text. Adding a notes interface is next on the agenda. :)
aaronpk now you just need to drop the comment form in favor of webmentions :) http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/02/08/1/indieweb

gRegor` I don't plan to for quite some time. I plan to interweave comments and webmentions, though.
gRegor` Not that I get a lot of comments, but when I do, 99.9% of them are not webmention-capable :)
ttepasse, melvster and j12t joined the channel
gRegor` aaronpk: Got your webmention. Thanks!
paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` Looks like your reply-context didn't parse the "Z" UTC timezone on my post though.
gRegor` Oh, I misread.
fmarier joined the channel