#indiewebcamp 2014-02-17
2014-02-17 UTC
lukebrooker joined the channel
caseorganic, benjaminchait and gRegor` joined the channel
gRegor` !tell snarfed I think I received a "duplicate" webmention for https://snarfed.org/2014-02-11_re-gregorlove-com-little-g-big-r-powered-by-indieweb. The second had http://localhost instead of the domain, but the same URL slug.
caseorganic, pfenwick, KartikPrabhu, catsup and pasevin joined the channel
aaronpk I'm curious who here has actually implemented the "how to display" here http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_display

emmak, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, rektide, pasevin, grantmacken, lukebrooker and cweiske joined the channel
aaronpk !tell tantek I'm having a tough time turning this algorithm into code: http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_display It seems to contain conditionals that overlap/wrap in odd places. Is there any chance you could rewrite to clear that up?

pasevin, LauraJ, pfenwick, Jihaisse, friedcell, caseorganic, fmarier, Sebastien-L, melvster, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, tobiastom, pfefferle, barnabywalters, marcthiele, michielbdejong1, michielbdejong2 and adactio joined the channel
@BarnabyWalters @snarfed ah, I tend to scrape https://twitter.com/ using https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2-shim as it’s forced to r… http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4UdAkf/ (twitter.com/_/status/435364448917000192)
caseorganic, netweb, ttepasse, fmarier, friedcell, bnvk, pasevin, eschnou, Sebastien-L and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
Loqi snarfed: gRegor` left you a message on 2/16 at 5:51pm: I think I received a "duplicate" webmention for https://snarfed.org/2014-02-11_re-gregorlove-com-little-g-big-r-powered-by-indieweb. The second had http://localhost instead of the domain, but the same URL slug.

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
JasonO joined the channel
gRegor` snarfed: I figured that was the case. No problem
gRegor` just wanted to let you know.
gRegor` aaronpk: I have not implemented it yet, but I do plan to implement a display of reply webmentions interleaved with local comments left on articles.
eschnou, LauraJ, scor, caseorganic and iangreenleaf joined the channel
barnabywalters morning aaronpk!

barnabywalters thanks for spotting my dodgy article microformats markup

barnabywalters you should just be able to require tantek/cassis: *

barnabywalters nice work on the feedreader btw! looking great

barnabywalters abstracted indieweb comment handling logic?

barnabywalters no, never include autoload from a library

barnabywalters just require tantek/cassis in composer.json and leave it to the library consumer to require the autoloader

barnabywalters which, irritatingly, forces them to manually wrap it in ob_start()

barnabywalters unless we added another file to the cassis repo which does that automatically

barnabywalters yep

barnabywalters I think pfefferle or someone sent a pull request doing just that

barnabywalters !tell tantek any objections to merging https://github.com/tantek/cassis/pull/11? it would make using cassis much easier in PHP+composer projects

barnabywalters aaronpk: so the test suite needs to include the autoloader?

barnabywalters this is what PHPUnit bootstrap files are for

barnabywalters yeah, that’s the place to include autoload.php

barnabywalters I would guess minimum length, but not sure exactly what that would do

barnabywalters I would try reading the code but I have a headache ;)

barnabywalters huh, weird

barnabywalters tantek mentioned that he has a private test suite

barnabywalters not entirely sure why it’s private

barnabywalters aaronpk: “structure” being logic for testing in both PHP and javascript?

brianloveswords joined the channel
aaronpk barnabywalters: I added some more stuff, do you think this looks reasonable? https://github.com/aaronpk/cassis

barnabywalters looks fine to me

barnabywalters generally I am against wrapping perfectly good standalone functions as instance method for no reason

barnabywalters i.e. EllipsizeTest->ellipsize doesn’t access $this so it doesn’t need to be an instance method

barnabywalters generally it’s considered good practise to put test classes/functions in the same namespace as the things they’re testing, or a \Test sub-namespace

barnabywalters but it has few practical implications if you’re not using API documentation generators, so it can be left out

barnabywalters yay steps

eschnou joined the channel
barnabywalters nice

barnabywalters I’m working on more plumbing

barnabywalters python mf2 parser

barnabywalters aaronpk: perhaps http://indiewebcamp.com/Taproot#Mentions can answer some of your questions?

barnabywalters I’m working on Tom’s parser

barnabywalters it’s actually pretty far along to being usable for basic cases

barnabywalters just adding basic dt and e parsing then it’ll be usable for simple stuff

barnabywalters then it’s all the crazy stuff like value-class parsing with split date time support…

barnabywalters aaronpk: true, in fact I’m not sure myself OTTOMH

barnabywalters I think I’m even using different things in different contexts

barnabywalters e.g. name in in-feed reply contexts, content -> summary -> name in single page reply contexts

barnabywalters aaronpk: great!

barnabywalters is your HTML page archiver included in the comment presentation library?

barnabywalters it would be interesting to compare it with taproot/archive

friedcell joined the channel
barnabywalters in the same trend as https://github.com/indieweb/rel-me and https://github.com/indieweb/php-original-post-discovery then

barnabywalters that might be a good framing technique to validate wiki page naming — “does this make sense as a library name”

snarfed joined the channel
barnabywalters okay tommorris I sent you a pull request with some fixes, basic e-* and dt-* parsing in

barnabywalters mf2py should now be ready for initial real-world usage

barnabywalters ping bnvk

barnabywalters tommorris: how does one go about adding a package to pypi

barnabywalters heh, looks like their openID support is broken

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: have you been adding code to mf2py?

KartikPrabhu sweet! I have been meaning to put code in there. Will have to learn mercurial i suppose

barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: mercurial is pretty easy

KartikPrabhu i just got used to git :)

barnabywalters hg pull/push are pretty much the same as git pull/push

barnabywalters same with hg status, add and commit

barnabywalters except I use hg commit -m "message" instead of git’s -am

barnabywalters then merging in changes from tom’s repo is just hg pull ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/tommorris/mf2py

barnabywalters the most irritating thing about it is that “hg” is set to auto-expand to Hurdy Gurdy on my computer

barnabywalters so I have to keep pausing an pressing escape when using it or talking about it :)

barnabywalters changing locations, bbiab

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: alright will get on it tonight! I already made some oranisational changes to the version I downloaded. Might merge etc... Also what are your thoughts on using Beautiful Soup instead of html5lib?

caseorga_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tommorris: investigates more. you can use html5lib as a parser in beautiful Soup. So you have html5 and all the nice parsing that bs does!

anselm how fares the artisanal bespoke web?
paulcp joined the channel
paulcp, bnvk, Acidnerd, hallettj, pfenwick, grantmacken, squeakytoy, KartikPrabhu, eschnou and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu1 tommorris: yay!
pfenwick and ttepasse joined the channel
skinny, jonnybarnes, Kopfstein and pfenwick joined the channel
KartikPrabhu1 tommorris: forked mf2py on github. I can look into converting to Beautiful Soup on my fork.
KartikPrabhu1 neat! Glad this is gathering steam!
KartikPrabhu1 bear: https://github.com/tommorris/mf2py might be of interest!
snarfed and barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters greetings — thanks for merging my changes tommorris!

barnabywalters oh cool! nice work

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
barnabywalters okay, forked. I’ll add any further changes/issues to the GH repo

barnabywalters how do we go about adding usage info to the pypi page?

pfenwick joined the channel
barnabywalters there should at least be the dumbest possible import, parse, use demo there

barnabywalters RST is right up there with java on my list of things not to learn before I die

KartikPrabhu haha!

caseorganic joined the channel
barnabywalters RE beautifulsoup, I’m not convinced that it’s necessary, and would rather avoid the dependency

barnabywalters tommorris: yep that sounds like a good plan

barnabywalters but the python world has very different attitudes toward packages depending on things than the PHP world

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: I was suggesting to use beautifulsoup's parsing specially to handle multiple class names etc..

barnabywalters cool, might be worth a try at least

KartikPrabhu I'll make an attempt and we'll see if it works

barnabywalters +1 to removing SPOFs

caseorganic and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tommorris, barnabywalters: bear and I have a URL validator for ronkyuu that we borrowed from Django project here: https://github.com/bear/ronkyuu/blob/master/ronkyuu/validators.py Thought it might be useful for mf2py

barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: where would a URL validator be used? when fetching a URL to parse or during parsing?

KartikPrabhu if just a URL is given and no file then URL could be used to get the HTML (?)

snarfed, fmarier and melvster joined the channel
barnabywalters one thing I really like about packagist is how the entire workflow is git-based, not requiring any out-of-band versioning. I wonder if exposing signed git tags in their UI anywhere would be a feasible extension of that

grantmacken joined the channel
barnabywalters well, package repo technically

barnabywalters aaronpk: oh really? what about it?

catsup joined the channel
barnabywalters aaronpk: ah, okay. I always found it straightforward, but I hadn’t had any experience with other dependency managers beforehand so I had no existing expectations to unlearn

paulcp and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
barnabywalters tommorris: nice and concise :)

catsup joined the channel
aaronpk just read this page and you'll get used to the canonical JSON representation really quick http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2

barnabywalters bear: one thing to look out for is parsed e-* properties which return a dict containing 'value' and 'html' keys

caseorganic !tell benwerd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58-atNakMWw
snarfed here are more mf2 json examples: https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial/tree/master/testdata
barnabywalters tommorris: https://github.com/jkphl/micrometa might be useful prior art for that

barnabywalters I particularly like how jkphl implemented property fetching

snarfed along with corresponding html, and activitystreams for good measure. and the python for converting btw them: https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial/blob/master/microformats2.py
barnabywalters singular property accessor gives you the first one, plural gives you the full list

barnabywalters tommorris: oh interesting I did not know that

barnabywalters hasn’t done any rails development

barnabywalters snarfed: yep, I’m another .get() user. keeps those nasty KeyErrors at bay

barnabywalters tommorris: and it would correctly handle cases like category -> categories instead of categorys?

catsup joined the channel
barnabywalters nice

barnabywalters fortunately there are few web apps listing octopi

barnabywalters maybe a zooniverse project ;)

snarfed, catsup, scor, jedahan, pfenwick, lukebrooker, caseorganic and poppy joined the channel