2014-02-18 UTC
snarfed, lukebrooker_, pfenwick1, pasevin, fmarier, KartikPrabhu and j12t joined the channel
# 01:33 KartikPrabhu tommorris: sent pull request to mf2py. nothing major just some extra comments and restructuring that I thought useful. On to BeautifulSoup now
# 01:44 KartikPrabhu tommorris just put it on github today morning (Chicago time). so now I am writing stuffs in it
netweb joined the channel
# 01:50 j12t Eliza is alive and well, just now her name is Loqi.
lukebrooker and caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:57 KartikPrabhu what is a good way to point out a line of code that I think might be wrong on Github so that the contributors see it?
# 03:59 aaronpk if they decide you are wrong, they'll just close the issue
snarfed joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 04:04 wagle of course, given the rate one guy take up my patches, I might not have that right
# 04:11 aaronpk looks like just an <a> element (if I'm reading "a[href]" correctly)
# 04:26 wagle but I meant more "between the time I reflexively hit return and the time it's displayed"
# 04:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
emmak, snarfed and LauraJ joined the channel
# 05:38 wagle OMG.. the whole DRM thing is a hoax.. the real battle is over owning the media that the music/etc comes on
# 05:42 aaronpk can't back it up every night cause it takes too long to dump
# 05:44 aaronpk it's all in mysql, but a mysqldump of 20 million rows takes a while it turns out
# 05:44 wagle or does it take too long to compute the deltas?
# 05:45 aaronpk might be time to switch to postgres+aws so I can just snapshot disk volumes while the machine is running
# 05:45 wagle the right raid setup might let you hot swap out mirrors of the data
# 05:47 wagle the cloud might let you snap images of the virtual machine or something.. of course, thats digging into the expenses
# 05:47 aaronpk but holy crap that's gonna be a project to switch everything over
# 05:47 aaronpk yeah I can do snapshots of the DB server on linode, but mysql doesn't really play well with live snapshots. it wants the DB to be shut down during the snapshot
# 05:49 wagle umm.. my fantasy is that you can write a DB switcher in sqlalchemy, but I havent tried that in practice.. selena did, i think, though
# 05:49 aaronpk I don't like abstractions like that, usually means you aren't able to actually take advantage of any DB's actual features
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:52 aaronpk a bunch of these are just INSERT/SELECT apps, but even then a migration to postgres or to an abstraction is about the same amount of work
# 05:53 wagle i had the impression that sqlalchemy encoded knowledge of each database, but have no idea how well
# 05:55 wagle how long is this database supposed to last?
# 05:55 aaronpk some of these have been around for 8-9 years already
# 05:56 wagle well, are you going to keep an ancient version of mysql running in 20 years? (half serious, sorry)
# 05:57 wagle oracle is gonna do something odd with mysql, i bet
# 05:57 aaronpk yeah there's already a couple forks of it that are taking over
# 06:00 aaronpk well its not like this mysql instance has been running since then. it's gone through mysqldumps and restores several times over the years
# 06:01 wagle thats a point though, is JPG viewing gonna be around in 100 years?
# 06:04 wagle yeah, i dont seem to have mysql installed anywhere
# 06:05 wagle was wondering how to do "sqlite3 .dump > foo"
# 06:06 wagle at some point I'll ttransform the sqlite db to postgres
# 06:08 wagle (seems like you ewant PESOS for emergency recovery operations)
# 06:09 wagle i was stuck by the idea of moving data from off to onsite, not the "start offsite" problem
hugoroyd joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
eschnou, joeysim, gRegor`, Jihaisse, iangreenleaf and cweiske joined the channel
# 08:05 aaronpk Jeena: would love to get your input on this translation! http://indiewebcamp.com/principles-de I think people are translating it inconsistently between formal and informal "you" so that probably needs to be cleaned up. which would make more sense?
eschnou and joeysim joined the channel
melvster, eschnou, LauraJ and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 09:43 Jeena and yes it switches beween "Du" and "Sie"
# 09:45 Jeena oh this is interesting, it is being translated on Duolingo? I'm using it to learn spanish :D
# 09:48 Jeena hm I wonder how I can contribute via duolingo
glennjones, barnabywalters and ttepasse joined the channel
adactio, skinny, pfefferle, melvster, marcthiele, glennjones, bnvk, scor, LauraJ, pasevin, Sebastien-L and tobiastom joined the channel
gRegor` and eschnou joined the channel
# 15:31 neuro` !tell tantek tomorrow xtof and I have a meeting at the French Mozilla Foundation headquerter to start a Paris chapter of the Homebrew Website Club
# 15:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 15:47 aaronpk Jeena: you should be able to follow the link to the duolingo page from the wiki page and contribute there!
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:58 aaronpk "Eat your own dogfood" "Esse deine eigenes Hundefutter." ?
# 15:59 aaronpk I was wondering if there is a similar phrase in German
# 16:00 cweiske "Dogfooding is also used in German . If you need it for a specialized audience they will know what you mean, even if they are german."
# 16:05 aaronpk new as of last night when I copied some of the duolingo translations over!
# 16:06 pfefferle will have a look at that later... but I am with cweiske to use "du" instead of "sie"
# 16:07 aaronpk cool. noted in the "discussion" section. hopefully future translators will see that.
# 16:07 aaronpk cweiske: last night I copied the translated sentences from duolingo over to the wiki. not sure how to automate that.
# 16:08 cweiske fetch-english-page split-into-sentences fetch-translations-for-sentences build-german-page
# 16:08 aaronpk pfefferle: yeah cause it's in progress, and this way we get a bunch of other duolingo people contributing.
# 16:08 cweiske aren't there mediawiki plugins already for translation?
# 16:09 aaronpk if you want to edit on the wiki then I'll port back over to duolingo later
# 16:10 aaronpk i'm curious to see how this translation feature works on duolingo. I've been using it to brush up on my German the last couple weeks, but thought this would be an interesting experiment.
LauraJ joined the channel
# 16:11 pfefferle cweiske I would use the english words for all indieweb related stuff... "indieweb" instead of "unabhängigen Netz"... what do you think
# 16:24 pfefferle oh man some stuff is really hard to translate into german
caseorganic, jacus, skinny, npdoty, j12t, jonnybarnes and iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 17:09 jonnybarnes like someone replies to my note and they end a request with the correct target and source to my endpoint
# 17:11 jonnybarnes did you see my blog post by the way? about micropub and oauth tokens.
# 17:12 aaronpk oh yes haven't yet read it completely. was looking forward to doing so!
anselm and benprew joined the channel
# 17:25 jonnybarnes also, do you process webmentions before storing them, or store the raw content and filter it before outputting to your site?
# 17:26 aaronpk I store the full HTML of each page plus the parsed JSON. I can go back and re-parse the JSON if needed that way, like if I update my mf2 parser
# 17:27 aaronpk that may not be sustainable, cause my html folder is already 170 megs
eschnou and LauraJ joined the channel
# 17:34 jonnybarnes aaronpk so when I visit a page with a webmention-ed comment on, is that coment being generated from the JSON?
KartikPrabhu, scor, paulcp_, pasevin, snarfed and caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:56 snarfed hey Jeena, i'm curious about one of your webmention handler's error responses: 'source_uri': ['has already been taken']
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:56 snarfed do you return that when you've already received a webmention with a given source uri?
# 17:57 Jeena hm that could also be a bug, I was working on that part a some days ago
# 17:58 Jeena but thanks for mentioning this, I will check it
caseorganic, hober, _6a68, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# 18:30 Loqi tantek: neuro` left you a message 2 hours, 58 minutes ago: tomorrow xtof and I have a meeting at the French Mozilla Foundation headquerter to start a Paris chapter of the Homebrew Website Club
# 18:31 snarfed if only there was a good way to manage async messages
# 18:32 tantek neuro` that's great! Say hi to Tristan for me :)
# 18:34 Jeena oh man, WordPress and even worse its themes, Just found a script which lets you send emails from the website:
# 18:34 Jeena mail($emailTo, $subject, $body, $header);
# 18:35 Jeena nice, now everybody can send emails to anyone via this server!
# 18:36 caseorganic snarfed: yes, i just syndicated a tweet from my website. it was retweeted and commented on and didn't show up on my site
# 18:36 aaronpk I forget what the polling schedule for bridgy is...?
# 18:36 snarfed aaronpk: varies by silo. twitter is ~20m, and no more realtime :(
# 18:40 snarfed yeah, aaronpk suggested a similar thing. definitely a good idea, but based on my testing, it wasn't the number of users alone that triggered the 401s. details in the GH issue
# 18:40 tantek now we see if Loqi can handle !tells to nicks with punctuationin them
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
squeakytoy, LauraJ, eschnou, eschenal, npdoty and caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:54 Jeena ah snarfed it is a bug on my side with websites like bridgy where the u-url and the source are different URLs, hm need to fix that in some way.
# 19:55 snarfed yeah, bridgy is one of the few (maybe only) webmention senders that does that right now, so it tends to surprise people
# 19:56 Jeena hehe yea, I didn't check for the uniqueness of source_uri together with target_uri before so it worked (but had different problems)
LauraJ, KevinMarks_ and pasevin joined the channel
# 20:28 aaronpk what was that quote? given enough time every system turns into email?
netweb and pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:42 neuro` !tell tantek I was planning that after I'm sure we'll be able to hold our first HWC next week
# 20:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 20:42 Loqi tantek: neuro` left you a message 15 seconds ago: I was planning that after I'm sure we'll be able to hold our first HWC next week
# 20:42 neuro` tantek: really looking forward to tomorrow's meeting.
# 20:43 tantek aaronpk, there's a difference between arbitrary messaging (email inbox) and a processed set of next actions that one labels an "inbox"
# 20:43 tantek I'm not, because yes, it is a very tough challenge.
hallettj joined the channel
# 20:44 tantek the shorter context of subjectless IRC notes helps focus requests
# 20:44 aaronpk the public aspect of it is also very different from current private email inboxes
# 20:44 tantek yes, it provides more accountability to both sides
# 20:47 tantek aaronpk - the public aspect is similar to email lists though in that regard
# 20:47 pfefferle aaronpk should i translate this too? "This page is being translated on Duolingo. You can contribute to the translation."
# 20:47 tantek and so far we've been fortunate to be free of people abusing !tell and overwhelming any of us with messages
# 20:51 tantek KevinMarks, I think the post is a bit dismissive. The Persona team were all very aware of OpenID and the problems with it.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:01 pfefferle aaronpk oh, it seems to be some kind of a snippet... how can I change that? and if I do, is it also used on the french, ... site?
# 21:01 aaronpk oh yeah it's a template. there should be a link to the tmplate at the bottom of the page when you edit principles-de
# 21:01 Jeena I tried to install the software so I could become my own browser id provider and failed miserably
# 21:01 tantek KevinMarks, it's an incremental conclusion based on the fact that every non-vendor-specific-sign-up in apps uses email.
# 21:01 aaronpk it's not on the french pages since xtofr has been doing a great job translating
# 21:13 tantek jernst - I have to disagree with this: " all that energy wasted, with an entirely predictable outcome". It was not energy wasted, Persona was a new enough incremental approach that is was very much worth pursuing. And it was not entirely predictable, that's the point. It helped reveal real vs. theoretical issues.
# 21:16 KartikPrabhu tantek: I actually read the 3 listed points are very good lessons to be learnt
# 21:17 aaronpk is persona considered a failure now? like it's over?
# 21:18 Jeena There are Firefox Accounts now which are kind of the same but more or something
# 21:18 tantek that kind of analysis is good for any product that's being incrementally rethought and improved
# 21:24 Jeena I kind of would have written: "Diese Seite wird mit Hilfe von Duolingo übersetzt."
# 21:25 tantek KartikPrabhu - I disagree - on all three points.
# 21:26 tantek and no, they are not lessons you can draw from any of the data
# 21:26 Jeena it is a bit odd to work with Duolingo, if someone already translated a paragraph then you only can vote it down but not add a alternative version, at least I wasn't able to find out how.
# 21:27 KartikPrabhu tantek: point 3 us shaky. But the first one for instance. If you have a decentralized identity then wouldn't that hurt the business model "let's find out most things about you"?
grantmacken joined the channel
# 21:28 tantek KartikPrabhu - email as decentralized identity as worked for far longer than any of those web business models have existed.
# 21:28 Loqi tantek meant to say: KartikPrabhu - email as decentralized identity has worked for far longer than any of those web business models have existed.
# 21:29 KartikPrabhu yes. but it is not helpful to silos/business that want to keep your data. I am not saying decentralized identity is not useful
# 21:29 Jeena ah you're right aaronpk I didn't get that
# 21:29 Jeena I hovert over and it did let me vote but I didn't get you could click on it
# 21:30 Jeena ah and someone has been working on it too nice
# 21:32 Jeena how does it work, aaronpk are you paying for the translation? do you have to move the translation back manually into the wiki?
# 21:33 Jeena their UI is pretty cool for this kind of work. But the first translations were kind of horrible ^^
# 21:34 aaronpk yep! I wanted to start with a page that doesn't change very often. I figure it's probably not necessary to translate the more technical pages, but this one seemed like it'd be useful
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 21:50 tantek KartikPrabhu - the problem is of assumptions of silos/businesses any any specific business model
# 21:51 Loqi tantek meant to say: a/and any/and any
# 21:52 KartikPrabhu that is true. I feel like that is the premise of the article. That identities are used as products today, and hence... other conclusions. If identity is not a product then yes decentralized ones are very good
j12t, marcthiele, fmarier and ttepasse joined the channel
fmarier_ and caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:29 Jeena snarfed does bridgy retry if it wasn't able to deliver a webmention?
# 23:31 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: hadn't seen this www.homebrew.co before - should we invite Hunter to HWC?
# 23:33 aaronpk I was thinking the other day about what it would take to put my website on my home server, served entirely by cloudfront to the public
# 23:33 aaronpk so I'd have to use an external service for accepting webmentions which could deliver it to my home server when it's online
lukebrooker and jacus joined the channel
# 23:34 aaronpk a store-and-forward service, kind of like how SMTP was designed to work
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:36 KevinMarks_ my sense is that your site is a bit like that already, aaronpk ? With the dynamic overlay?
# 23:36 aaronpk you know like how your SMTP server could be offline for most of the time, and when you'd dial up then servers would re-try and you'd get your email
# 23:37 aaronpk KevinMarks_: yeah my site is generated from flat files. it only changes when I post something or when I get a webmention
# 23:37 snarfed i have to admit, i appreciate the old school comment form. to support that, i'd need the webmention service to also support sending the comment content directly
# 23:37 aaronpk so if I could put a CDN/cache layer in front of it, my server wouldn't even need to be online very often
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:38 KevinMarks_ I think camlistore is groping towards this, but still assumes you're hosted on a public server
# 23:39 snarfed yup. it's also kind of a side effect for them. camlistore's primary use case is inward-looking, more like personal cloud, as opposed to outward-looking indieweb style publishing
# 23:40 aaronpk snarfed: over the years I've had comment forms on my sites, and inevitably I turn them off and remove them because I just don't get good quality comments that way
# 23:40 bear aaronpk - my site is also flat files and generated behind my home firewall - so i'm wrestling with the same things
# 23:41 bear my thought was to have a service on the outside that forwards to xmpp (which for me is more central than smtp for my personal stuff)
# 23:41 snarfed yeah. it's subjective. people feel both strongly and differently about comment style
# 23:41 aaronpk my last attempt was using facebook comments on my site, which meant I no longer got spam comments, but *still* the quality of comments was extremely low
# 23:41 KevinMarks_ I like the idea of an essentially static site, that can be archived by archive.org etc safely
# 23:42 KevinMarks_ it assumes you can parse the site back into the canonical form, which mf2 makes potentially possible
# 23:42 bear for me all of the source markdown files are available from the static site
poppy joined the channel
# 23:48 aaronpk My irc client is lagging 300 seconds on more than one network
# 23:49 aaronpk And I can't get to my servers either. Is my site up for you?
# 23:49 bear I'm getting 3 second pings from your client
# 23:50 bear so yea, your in a local latency storm
# 23:51 bear or mirrored - but that implies your doing it
# 23:52 aaronpk I don't want to actually paste a URL in here, but
# 23:52 aaronpk aaronparecki dot freeppt.me slash articles/2014/02/11/1/ssh-to-ec2-servers-by-instance-id
# 23:53 aaronpk it would be a free backup if it weren't for the fact that site crawls mine when a request is made
# 23:54 KevinMarks_ who was advocating that as a design pattern recently? (though for your own site)
# 23:57 bear I do that behind the scenes with my new domain for requests that used to go to my old wordpress site
# 23:59 snarfed i wonder if it's just a strangely misconfigured web server one level deep