JeenaI think this looks much nicer now. I split the mentions into likes, reposts, replies and mentions and show them differently now too.
Jeenathe fact that calling super() in ruby in a method of the object (for example foo()) is weird. I kind of would expect to need to do or something
KartikPrabhubear: updated my fork of mf2py to use Beautiful Soup. But it does not seem to be reading a file input, and I am not able to debug it! Could you take a look if you have time?
acegiakso I've managed to hack the plugin I'm using to posse to tumblr so that if I reblog something from tumblr on my wordpress it will reblog it on my tumblr as a tumblr reblog rather than just cloning the content
aaronpk"If you are a website owner or content creator, the app also offers a 'Custom Network' functionality that allows any web server to receive content by adhering to the Postcard API Protocol."
barnabywaltersalso nice to hear that the focus of the project is on content ownership: “While posting to one’s own website may not be the first feature that I’m advertising, it is the one I am personally most excited about because it represents most strongly why I first started building this app in the first place”
jonnybarnestrying to get my head around webmentions, so I found some seed material in the wild to test my current code on. one thing you need to do is check that a webmention actually links to your site. So this gist is written as if I was snarfed and barnabywalters had written a reply to me:
jonnybarnesI'm checking for the mf property 'in-reply-to', then finding the url value and checking that is equal to the target value that would be sent with the webmention
jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: that makes perfect sense, Im just checking that parsing the microformats for in-reply-to is a correct way of getting the link href from the source page
barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: yep. usually the algorithm for this sort of thing is: look for a microformats2 structure with it in, if you don’t find it fall back to looking for a del value
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: jonnybarnes: yep. usually the algorithm for this sort of thing is: look for a microformats2 structure with it in, if you don’t find it fall back to looking for a rel value
tantekbarnabywalters - I wonder if we need to add some sort of webmention testing to (for what jonnybarnes mentioned - "some seed material in the wild to test my current code on")
barnabywaltersso maybe a form where you put in your target post URL, and creates a URL acting as a fake reply to that URL, then sends a webmention
jonnybarnesprobably, looking around it seems lots of people have made a note going something like "I think I have webmention support working now, someone else care to test"
barnabywaltersthe other advantage of an automated system would be that it could create various sorts of mentions (mentions, reply, repost, like, rsvp) for testing /webmention (+687) "/* How to Test Webmentions */ added description and example of how to use the IRC channel with to test accepting webmentions" (view diff)
tantekbarnabywalters yes we need a page with a form to create a temp reply permalink and send a webmention to your post. and then an UPDATE. and then a DELETE. to test all three.
aaronpkit has to all be the same permalink, so indiewebify would need to store the current state of each permalink somewhere. wouldn't be too hard with redis caching for 30 minutes, so at least it's not permanent.
jonnybarnesbtw barnabywalters your page is proving invaluable whilst working out what people are doing with their webmentions implementations, so thank you
jonnybarneslooking around I'm pretty sure my code will work if someone sends me a webmention to one of my notes, and their page is marked up with microformats
aaronpkjonnybarnes: also take a look at the bookmarklet I added to Once you drag it to your toolbar you can click it to see the current page parsed
aaronpktantek: "Thanks very much Aaron. I took a look at those principles and it was a reassuring list that I might be doing something right :) I'll try and reach out in the next few days once I've had more time to read about indiewebcamp."
snarfedaaronpk, caseorganic: yeah, apologies, bridgy doesn't handle edits (or deletes) well yet, and it will take some work to add because of the current architecture. feel free to harass me on
snarfedah, right, that's why i didn't send an FB notif after fixing that. FB *also* now expires all access tokens, even ones with offline_access scope, after 2 mos. sigh.
nitotHi there. I'm trying to take my first few step with IndieWeb and I'm trying to use rel="me" on my personal Website in order to use IndieAuth. Anyone here to help me?
KartikPrabhua question about reply-contexts. I like the idea, but how do we implement it if the post being replied to is very long i.e. anything that is not a small note?
KartikPrabhubut that is about displaying recieved comments. What about replying to a post and having some context of the original post. Same principles?
tantekFor example in 1, you could have features in your posting UI to edit the default reply-context presentation. E.g. a resizable text box to choose how much of it to show vs ellipse.
aaronpkI don't see the difference. all the examples on /reply-context-examples either show just the link, or show the text as it would be output by the comments-presentation algorithm
tantekI think suggesting similar handling is good guidance, but requiring (by moving it to a separate abstract page) is against our UI flexibility principles.
aaronpkwell I'm still finishing my library for finding the text to display for comments (e-content, p-summary, p-name), and then I'm going to use it for both comments and reply context on my site
JeenaIn the spirit of the #IndieWeb today me and my stepdaughter, or it was mostly her, I just helped, programmed a fanpage from scratch with HTML/CSS and some JavaScript: it is a one page site where you can watch some music videos by Grimes and see lyrics to that video at the same time. I wonder why bands don't have pages like that.
JeenaThe thing is, before WhatsApp there was PingChat which now is called Touch, it did everything what WhatsApp did but was more polished. Still doesn't matter, didn't got bought by Facebook.
Jeenahm there is one thing which WhatsApp does better then PingChat, and that could be the most important, no Ads, you pay for a year of usage upfront, and only $1, crazy.