#tantekoh, THIS is a very good reason: "working on moving converspace from purely dB to file system + indexes in dB. " - awesome!!!
#tantek!KartikPrabhu re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
#KartikPrabhutantek: So sometime u- properties do not have an actual URL?
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 54 seconds ago: re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
#tantekKartikPrabhu - "u-" just means go parse the URL-like attributes first
#tantekIs there some way I could capture that as an FAQ?
#KartikPrabhuI don't know. I think the question is more about the nature of u-* properties. If mf2 consumers do not expect to always have an actual URL there then it makes sense
pasevin joined the channel
#tantekwell you can't really depend on the author getting it right, right?
#tantekyou have to handle anything the author might put in there.
#KartikPrabhuyes, true. I understand the reasons now. But I am not sure how to make it clear to mf2 spec readers from the outset :)
#KartikPrabhutantek: for instance, all examples of u-* properties have an actual URL in them. So the assumption that u-* should be parsed only for valid URLs is reinforced!
#KartikPrabhuthat way it makes no sense to use abbr[title] as a possible value for a u-* property
#barnabywaltersbret: thanks! yep, a lot of people find the wiki quite intimidating at first, articles can be more effective at providing a wider context
#barnabywaltershas anyone managed to find a decent wysiwym editor for articles yet?
#barnabywaltersdecent as in excellent support for images, embeds, extensibility, produces excellent markup, ability to switch between markup and visual editing for small tweaks, etc
#tantekcaseorganic - we have been doing a short intro to indieweb - like 5 minutes
#caseorganici've been working on a comic introduction to indieweb but i'm not certain how far i'll get with it before the actual indiewebcamp this friday. we'll see. in lieu of that, an intro would be good.
#bretzeldman is rad. love his writing. What would it take to get him to start POSSEing to twitter?
#tantekhappy to have you do it if that's what you're asking :)
#tantekbret, Zeldman switched to WordPress a while ago so that's one obstacle
#caseorganictantek: neat! it would be fun to try and get feedback on
#tantekalmost no one who uses WordPress actually posts notes on their own domain and POSSE's to Twitter. snarfed is an exception.
#tantekpartially I think it's due to the client problem
#tantekeveryone has their own favorite Twitter client and it's much more convenient to use it (integrated reading and posting!) than use WordPress which has a very heavy-weight / clunky UI
#tantekI know pferrerle and co are working on plugins for this but it was interesting to learn that native notes + POSSE to Twitter was a secondary priority (to Webmention etc. - which is fine, just interesting)
#aaronpkthe point of the indieweb is not that aggregators like last.fm *can't* exist, it's that you should own the data first and selectively share with them
#rkzwebaaronpk: I don't have one. I've only heard of this movement-of-sorts a couple months ago. Sounds interesting. Very anti-fragile.
#rkzwebI'll keep that philosophy advice in mind, thanks. :)
#aaronpkcool. what's holding you back from getting a simple site running?
#rkzwebPerfectionism, lack-of-pressure...? I'd like to get myself grounded in the nitty-gritty of the web and how it works, before setting out on any self-run website.
#rkzwebAlthough I am looking into purchasing a domain. But first the new TLDs have to come into play, more fully.
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkwell once you have a domain you can sign in to the wiki
#aaronpkthen you can create a user page to document your interests and priorities. it's helpful to have that kind of stuff out in the open cause it forces you to really think about it that way.
#KartikPrabhurkzweb: from my own experience over the past year, it is better to just dive in and get started on a personal website and incrementally improve on it, than worry about learning all there is to know.
#aaronpkalso don't worry about making a "perfect" site at first. it can be something super simple!
#chrisroo_I've had a go at trying to summarise some of the interesting things that happened in the community last week.
#chrisroo_I think there's lots of great stuff happening but I'm not sure how easy it is to see that from the outside (and I include myself as being on the outside).
#aaronpkto answer your question, yes I think including active wiki pages would be great
KevinMarks joined the channel
#chrisroo_Awesome. It took a long time to create this manually but with more people involved, and some automation, I think we should be able to create it relatively quickly.
#tantekLove posts like this. Very difficult to automate and or keep going regularly. We tried in microformats and once the active writers get busy, the updates don't happen.
#chrisroo_I need to run away now so will leave it up to others to link to/add/amend/remove the page as they deem fit. Thanks for the enthusiasm, folks :-)
#aaronpkawesome. yeah I can see how it'd be hard to keep going.
#aaronpkI was thinking about doing as much automation as possible, creating the pages programmatically, then people could jump in and add stuff
#aaronpkthings that can be done completely automatically: list of events, active wiki pages
#aaronpkIRC summary will always be a challenge, but is super cool to see
#KartikPrabhuLoqi already collects them here. but the wiki could do it
sdboyer, brianloveswords, pauloppenheim, sinsation, ttepasse, caseorganic, barnabywalters, paulcp, KevinMarks and CheckDavid joined the channel
#barnabywaltersRE this week in indieweb, I was thinking that a paper.li-type thing using microformats would be a really compelling demonstration of consuming microformats
#tantekaaronpk, could also (semi-)automate interesting posts and interesting videos by looking at what's been added to "Posts about the Indie Web" and "Videos about the indie web"