2014-03-05 UTC
j12t_, paulcp and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:43 snarfed tantek: looks like you clicked on the facebook notification to re-authorize bridgy?
# 00:43 snarfed that's great if so! haven't seen it happen in the wild much yet, so i'm glad to know it's working
scor, tilgovi, jcbsnd, pfenwick and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:59 tantek snarfed - yes - saw it pop-up in FB notifications and clicked it.
# 00:59 snarfed thanks. and it looks like it worked ok from the client side…?
# 00:59 tantek oh, THIS is a very good reason: "working on moving converspace from purely dB to file system + indexes in dB. " - awesome!!!
# 01:01 tantek !KartikPrabhu re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
# 01:01 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
# 01:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:02 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 54 seconds ago: re: "why normalisation to absolute URLs is done in the middle and not at the end of u- parsing" - because it's only done for attributes that are for URLs, rather than any/all plain text.
# 01:02 tantek KartikPrabhu - "u-" just means go parse the URL-like attributes first
# 01:03 tantek whether anything has an "actual URL" is a completely different question
# 01:03 tantek Is there some way I could capture that as an FAQ?
# 01:04 KartikPrabhu I don't know. I think the question is more about the nature of u-* properties. If mf2 consumers do not expect to always have an actual URL there then it makes sense
pasevin joined the channel
# 01:05 tantek well you can't really depend on the author getting it right, right?
# 01:05 tantek you have to handle anything the author might put in there.
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu yes, true. I understand the reasons now. But I am not sure how to make it clear to mf2 spec readers from the outset :)
# 01:08 KartikPrabhu tantek: for instance, all examples of u-* properties have an actual URL in them. So the assumption that u-* should be parsed only for valid URLs is reinforced!
# 01:10 KartikPrabhu that way it makes no sense to use abbr[title] as a possible value for a u-* property
snarfed, fmarier, jcbsnd and tantek joined the channel
poppy, snarfed, pauloppenheim and ozten2 joined the channel
# 02:22 pauloppenheim there's a certain irony about putting data into a site that's all about not putting data onto other people's sites
lukebrooker, jcbsnd, grantmacken, krendil, scor and tilgovi joined the channel
rkzweb joined the channel
tilgovi, heath, amblin, jcbsnd and snarfed joined the channel
emmak, j12t, pauloppenheim, tilgovi, _6a68, pfenwick and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
jcbsnd, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, josephboyle and cweiske joined the channel
squeakytoy, eschnou, krendil, jcbsnd and edsu joined the channel
snarfed, pfenwick, KevinMarks, Jihaisse and pasevin joined the channel
jancborchardt, sparverius, friedcell, pfenwick, LauraJ, KartikPrabhu, julian`, krendil, fmarier_, michel_v_, Jihaisse, edsu, cweiske, josephboyle, pauloppenheim, emmak, amblin, grantmacken, brianloveswords, realzies, Acidnerd11, Garbee, saurik, iangreenleaf, onewheelskyward, JasonO, catsup, BjornW, netweb, pdurbin, nagaway, benatkin, etymancer, ozten, dietrich_, tommorris, JonathanNeal, jtzl, jden, acegiak, bret, arcatan, icco, gavinc, rknLA, rektide, otterdam, Jeena, reidab, walkah, ryana, bear, hugoroyd, hadleybeeman, Phae, wagle, the_merlin, lmjabreu, bigbluehat, Alkhemist, jacus, igalic, edrex, pavelz, inimino, XgF, hidgw, mko, jjuran, sdboyer, nloadholtes, brixen, eschnou, glennjones, jancborchardt_, Sebastien-L, barnabywalters, pasevin, pfefferle, dvirsky and adactio joined the channel
scor, gavinc_, a, wagle_, bear_, tommorris_, Phae__, Jeena_, natwelch, hadleybeeman__, walkah_, hugoroyd_, Sebastien-L, pfefferle, Raymondo, rkzweb, bnvk, BjornW, glennjones, jonnybarnes, CheckDavid and melvster joined the channel
Guest63910, realzies, Sebastien-L, chloeweil, walkah, barnabywalters and LauraJ joined the channel
julian` joined the channel
pasevin joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
snarfed, Guest91338, bpayton, caseorganic, jedahan, yaf, pfefferle, ozten2 and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 16:21 aaronpk barnabywalters: nice work on the getting started with microformats article!
# 16:22 barnabywalters aaronpk: thanks! been in draft for a while, decided it’s better just to throw it out there
tantek joined the channel
# 16:29 bret barnabywalters: your mf2 article is great! I think the article format is a good way to introduce how to use them
# 16:30 barnabywalters bret: thanks! yep, a lot of people find the wiki quite intimidating at first, articles can be more effective at providing a wider context
# 16:31 barnabywalters wow I really need to improve styling for code blocks — white-on-black with suspect padding is getting on my nerves
_HolyCow joined the channel
# 16:36 barnabywalters decent as in excellent support for images, embeds, extensibility, produces excellent markup, ability to switch between markup and visual editing for small tweaks, etc
# 16:37 tantek barnabywalters - that's sort of the project of the decade
# 16:38 tantek I think lots (WordPress, MediaWiki, Google Docs) are working on trying to solve that
eschnou and cweiske joined the channel
# 16:40 bret Not wysiwyg, but I like the idea of deffered markdown. You use labeled link/image placeholders and then put all the links in at the end
# 16:40 bret haven't really seen a fully fleshed out implementation though
# 16:41 bret ack no way? I though you meant the irc channel :p
# 16:42 tantek just clicked on live and it's something else!
# 16:42 caseorganic tantek: christie koehler from mozilla invited me. she's at mozilla sf right now for training.
# 16:43 tantek don't understand what that means caseorganic re: when are you on 5by5tv live?
# 16:43 aaronpk he's doing the sponsor message right now but amber's been on since 8am
josephboyle joined the channel
# 16:45 aaronpk dropped some indiewebcamp links in the #5by5 channel
bnvk joined the channel
# 16:46 caseorganic it's a little early in the morning, so hopefully i explained everything well enough
# 16:46 tantek been talking with zeldman about indieweb for a while
# 16:47 caseorganic tantek: aaronpk: i'd like to do a short intro to indieweb as the first section of indiewebcamp sf as a practice
# 16:47 tantek caseorganic++ for doing a podcast so early in the morning!
# 16:47 tantek caseorganic - we have been doing a short intro to indieweb - like 5 minutes
# 16:47 caseorganic i've been working on a comic introduction to indieweb but i'm not certain how far i'll get with it before the actual indiewebcamp this friday. we'll see. in lieu of that, an intro would be good.
# 16:47 bret zeldman is rad. love his writing. What would it take to get him to start POSSEing to twitter?
# 16:47 tantek happy to have you do it if that's what you're asking :)
# 16:48 tantek bret, Zeldman switched to WordPress a while ago so that's one obstacle
# 16:48 tantek almost no one who uses WordPress actually posts notes on their own domain and POSSE's to Twitter. snarfed is an exception.
# 16:48 tantek most WordPress users treat Twitter as something "different"
# 16:49 tantek partially I think it's due to the client problem
# 16:49 tantek everyone has their own favorite Twitter client and it's much more convenient to use it (integrated reading and posting!) than use WordPress which has a very heavy-weight / clunky UI
# 16:50 tantek I know pferrerle and co are working on plugins for this but it was interesting to learn that native notes + POSSE to Twitter was a secondary priority (to Webmention etc. - which is fine, just interesting)
# 16:50 tantek bret, it's why solving the indiereader problem is so important
# 16:51 tantek and in particular making the connection from reading something to favoriting/reposting/replying to it
ozten2 joined the channel
# 16:51 tantek e.g. while reading in Twitter / iOS, with click I can favorite a tweet and keep scrolling - in list view.
# 16:53 bret one thing I noticed about my work on the cross site commenting is that it distracted me a lot from improving my site's UX
# 17:03 tantek bret - that's interesting, because isn't cross site commenting part of your site's UX?
KartikPrabhu and pfenwick joined the channel
# 17:15 rkzweb There really should be an indieweb alternative to silo music-logging, ie. last.fm & libre.fm
# 17:15 rkzweb Anyone know of anything...?
# 17:16 aaronpk that would mean logging music on your own site :)
# 17:16 aaronpk has been thinking about doing that but it's on the backlog
j12t joined the channel
# 17:17 rkzweb True true, the form wouldn't be too different from publishing notes. But the devils in the details.
KartikPrabhu and skinny joined the channel
# 17:18 aaronpk you could also implement the audioscrobble API and then point an scrobbling client at your own site!
# 17:18 rkzweb Yes, that'd be an interesting hobby project. Should do that.
# 17:18 rkzweb It sounds impossible but it'd be awesome to have music taste comparisons that operate over a distributed architecture, such as the indieweb.
# 17:18 rkzweb Haven't a clue how ~that'd~ work, though.
# 17:18 aaronpk unfortunately as time went on, many scrobble clients started hard-coding last.fm and now you can't change the scrobble endpoint from apps
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:19 aaronpk the point of the indieweb is not that aggregators like last.fm *can't* exist, it's that you should own the data first and selectively share with them
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:21 rkzweb aaronpk: I don't have one. I've only heard of this movement-of-sorts a couple months ago. Sounds interesting. Very anti-fragile.
# 17:21 rkzweb I'll keep that philosophy advice in mind, thanks. :)
# 17:21 aaronpk cool. what's holding you back from getting a simple site running?
# 17:26 rkzweb Perfectionism, lack-of-pressure...? I'd like to get myself grounded in the nitty-gritty of the web and how it works, before setting out on any self-run website.
# 17:26 rkzweb Although I am looking into purchasing a domain. But first the new TLDs have to come into play, more fully.
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:27 aaronpk well once you have a domain you can sign in to the wiki
# 17:28 aaronpk then you can create a user page to document your interests and priorities. it's helpful to have that kind of stuff out in the open cause it forces you to really think about it that way.
# 17:29 KartikPrabhu rkzweb: from my own experience over the past year, it is better to just dive in and get started on a personal website and incrementally improve on it, than worry about learning all there is to know.
# 17:29 aaronpk also don't worry about making a "perfect" site at first. it can be something super simple!
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 17:30 rkzweb I'll keep this in mind then. It does make sense to start out small, then incrementally improve.
benprew joined the channel
paulcp, chrisroo_, caseorganic, npdoty and iboxifoo joined the channel
# 17:54 bret tantek: yes, but its really far away from being much of an experience :p
# 17:54 bret Its still a hassle, i need to shift focus to make it easier to post to
bnvk, caseorganic and npdoty joined the channel
# 18:08 tantek personal posting UI - vs - viewing/using experience for my readers/friends - vs - UI for replying to others posts/activities.
bnvk joined the channel
# 18:19 chrisroo_ Hi, folks. I've been lurking on the outskirts for a while but am really interested in what's going on in indieweb land.
# 18:21 chrisroo_ I've had a go at trying to summarise some of the interesting things that happened in the community last week.
# 18:22 chrisroo_ I think there's lots of great stuff happening but I'm not sure how easy it is to see that from the outside (and I include myself as being on the outside).
# 18:22 chrisroo_ I'd love to know what you think, and whether you think it's something worth pursuing.
# 18:22 chrisroo_ The readme has a little more info about my motivation and includes some specific questions that I'd be interested in hearing responses to.
# 18:22 aaronpk oh this is great! I was just thinking about a "this week in the indieweb" series!
# 18:24 aaronpk to answer your question, yes I think including active wiki pages would be great
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:25 chrisroo_ Awesome. It took a long time to create this manually but with more people involved, and some automation, I think we should be able to create it relatively quickly.
# 18:25 aaronpk yes there's a lot that can be automated, at least in terms of gathering source material for someone to describe
# 18:30 chrisroo_ Do you have any thoughts about what to do next? Should I pop it on the wiki?
# 18:30 aaronpk the wiki is a great place for this, so others can caontribute easily too!
# 18:31 chrisroo_ Great stuff. Let me see if I can work out how to do that.
_6a68 joined the channel
# 18:37 aaronpk probably a page name like "2014-03-02-this-week-in-the-indieweb" so that they sort properly in lists
# 18:38 chrisroo_ Ha - that's almost exactly the name I'd started typing.
# 18:39 chrisroo_ Can I paste markdown directly in that textarea?
# 18:39 aaronpk unfortunately mediawiki syntax is slightly different from markdown
# 18:39 snarfed …but oh man. my kingdom for markdown in mediawiki!
# 18:39 aaronpk yeah I don't know if I wanna dig that far into the depths of mediawiki to make that happen :/
# 18:40 chrisroo_ Ah, I've just seen the "Show preview" button. That'll keep me going.
# 18:40 snarfed it does inspire me though. i bet there's a markdown-to-mediawiki converter out there that we could mash together with a bit of js
# 18:44 aaronpk i'm worried it would have unintended side effects
# 18:44 aaronpk also honestly mediawiki link syntax is nicer anyway
# 18:47 snarfed yeah, the actual syntax is mostly subjective, but adoption is a bit more objective. :P
# 18:47 snarfed but true, side effects do seem dangerous. i'll put the converter bookmarklet on my todo list
grantmacken joined the channel
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# 18:51 chrisroo_ I was about the paste a link but Loqi's already done it.
# 18:52 tantek Love posts like this. Very difficult to automate and or keep going regularly. We tried in microformats and once the active writers get busy, the updates don't happen.
# 18:52 chrisroo_ I need to run away now so will leave it up to others to link to/add/amend/remove the page as they deem fit. Thanks for the enthusiasm, folks :-)
# 18:54 aaronpk awesome. yeah I can see how it'd be hard to keep going.
# 18:54 aaronpk I was thinking about doing as much automation as possible, creating the pages programmatically, then people could jump in and add stuff
# 18:55 aaronpk things that can be done completely automatically: list of events, active wiki pages
# 18:55 aaronpk IRC summary will always be a challenge, but is super cool to see
# 18:56 KartikPrabhu or collect webmentions to indiewebcamp.com in a list of posts about indiewebcamp this week or something?
# 18:56 aaronpk software releases could be done if we create a list of github repos to watch
dvirsky joined the channel
# 18:56 aaronpk collecting webmentions of wiki pages could be good too
sdboyer, brianloveswords, pauloppenheim, sinsation, ttepasse, caseorganic, barnabywalters, paulcp, KevinMarks and CheckDavid joined the channel
# 19:57 barnabywalters RE this week in indieweb, I was thinking that a paper.li-type thing using microformats would be a really compelling demonstration of consuming microformats
# 19:58 tantek aaronpk, could also (semi-)automate interesting posts and interesting videos by looking at what's been added to "Posts about the Indie Web" and "Videos about the indie web"
# 19:58 tantek barnabywalters - the irony is that in microformats itself we've found anything weekly/monthly/recently has been difficult to get to and do
# 19:58 tantek even when more activity was happening more frequently
# 20:00 barnabywalters aaronpk: basically a UI where you can drag URLs in, they get parsed and you make a little newspaper type thing out of them
# 20:00 aaronpk the output could just be html+css so you can copy+paste it anywhere
# 20:01 barnabywalters aaronpk: yeah that’s the tricky thing — HTML is fine, but CSS is more prone to overflow
# 20:01 aaronpk it wouldn't take much css to make it look somewhat nice, and can be self-contained
Pea1 joined the channel
# 20:07 barnabywalters well, I consider embedding CSS inside the HTML for a particular post quite ugly
# 20:08 aaronpk hm, that seems fine to me if the CSS is not part of the site layout and affects only things in the post
# 20:09 barnabywalters yeah it could be done with extensive id or class scoping, but again that it quite ugly
chloeweil, pasevin and Kopfstein joined the channel
# 20:20 tantek since we're all here and get notified when each other posts
# 20:20 tantek and others of us can always reply and add any bits we thought were missed
# 20:22 aaronpk any particular reason not to do that on the wiki?
# 20:22 tantek none at all - doing it on the wiki is fine too!
# 20:22 tantek I'm just saying everyone should feel free to post on their own site as well or instead too
josephboyle, yaf, caseorganic, paulcp, glennjones, fmarier, LauraJ, barnabywalters, tilgovi, npdoty, ttepasse, pasevin, tilgovi_, benprew, grantmacken and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 23:12 gavinc_ indeed tantek, I don't think Zakim can hear you from here
caseorganic, skinny and npdoty joined the channel