kylewm_, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, skinny, scor, ricmac, ricmac_ and bnvk joined the channel
#caseorga_in a discussion with arielwaldman and mattb on the indieweb. "i have consciously divested myself of running certain technologies and have become flexible with adapting to what makes sense to use at a certain time. - mattb. When you own something there's a burden of upkeep. Many people are running WordPress 2.0 and they're unaware the cost of upkeep.
#KartikPrabhucaseorga_: that is an interesting observation. Maybe mattb should write some detailed post. He seems to have very legitimate concerns about this.
#KartikPrabhuwow! yeah he has really taken it personally
#bretThe idea, I think, is to move beyond document polling. While we are at it, we might as well address some of the issues with alternate representations of data
#bretI regret my post, I would rather have Dave see a more accurite picture than emotionally provoke him, even though that was unintentional
#KartikPrabhustops working on CSS and goes to to get notes upto shape
#aaronpkyes I'm surprised to see him take it so personally, although I totally can see why he would
#bretI think I'll try to broaden the feeds page at some point. The critcizm is valid though, at some level
#aaronpkbarnaby cleaned it up a lot yesterday, (thanks barnaby!!)
#bret!tell barnabywalters thanks for the feeds page improvements
#aaronpkyeah I feel lik that page was not very representative of us...
#bretwell it is. Its a totally fresh perspective, and its valid. It just doen't represent the fact that pretty much everyone here publishes RSS/Atom on their own site. which is to say, way more supportive of traditional feeds than the people who just pay for a feed reader and echo Winers sentiment in his comments section
#bretWiners response, which unfortunately looks like he is unable to perform critical analysis when he his upset (tis hard), coupled with his past responses (see his initial response to JSON) has really colored my view on his perspective
#brethes down with RSS and XML basically and doesn't have much to say in terms of making improvements on them
#breteven if those imrpovements have to do with something totally different than traditional feeds :[
#aaronpk"Calls to revise RSS itself fell on deaf ears when Winer decided to freeze its technological core, preventing substantial changes to the heart of the format."
#aaronpkit seems like he's focused too much on that particular technology cause it's his baby, without really paying attention to what people are actually trying to accomplish with syndication technologies
#brettantek doesnt like rss, but tantek wouldnt be tantek if he didn't say that
#bretstill, tantek pubilishes atom feeds, so whats the problem
#aaronpkbut I think Dave is conflating RSS with syndication in general. So he comes across as saying "the indieweb doesn't want independence because they don't like feeds"
#bretagain, didn't realize how touch this would be
#aaronpkread that "battle of the blog" article. it's all about how Dave was fending off the new Atom spec trying to get everyone to solidify on RSS and prevent anything from changing
#bret"However, just looking around, I observe that there are many people and organizations who seem unable to maintain a good working relationship with Dave."
ricmac, LauraJ, pfenwick, Jihaisse, curiousjohn_ and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: caseorga_ left you a message 9 hours, 5 minutes ago: - willobl00 (at MIT media lab and Harvard Berkman Cneter made this viz of IndieWeb)
eschnou joined the channel
#tantekcaseorganic - oh noes: "Prezi needs Flash Player 11.1 or better. Upgrade here." (re: Harvard Berkman Cneter made this viz of IndieWeb) /feed (-4) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ moved example links to the top of the section to decrease chances it gets left in the middle" (view diff)
#aaronpkthat's a valid concern, probably worth noting on the h-feed page
#aaronpki have a similar problem, since my home page feed is really just notes, it doesn't include my articles or replies or anything in the /metrics page
#aaronpkI was thinking about making a separate page like /feed or /all and having everything go there
#aaronpkthen my home page could point to that as some rel value
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: in your case, I suspect that in 80%+ of cases, “what I want to put on my homepage” maps very nicely to “what people want to subscribe to when they put my URL in a reader”
#aaronpkyeah, I doubt people want all of my /metrics showing up in their reader
#aaronpkseems apple may take a stand trying to be the canonical place people store their health/qs data
ricmac and eschnou joined the channel
#aaronpkand ios apps could publish data into the health datastore on the phone, similar to how passbook lets apps publish tickets onto the phone
#barnabywaltersso the big question here is: for subscribing to particular feeds, is subscribing to specific URLs a good enough UI, or do feed readers need to be able to list linked feeds from any given page and give users the option to subscribe to one/all/multiple?
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: that's a great way of putting it.
kylewm joined the channel
#aaronpkwhen I think of adding someone to my reader, I think of their home page representing themselves in my UI, so I would want to enter only their home page and then see what I can subscribe to from there
#aaronpkotherwise there's a weird disconnect of having that person appear multiple times in my list of subscriptions
#aaronpkthat seems like it could work out really well! enter someone's home page, and the reader can present a list of things it can subscribe to
#aaronpkthe options being: h-feed on the home page itself, or other h-feeds that are linked off of the home page
#aaronpkbasically multiple feeds for a person, and rather than subscribing to the person's single stream, you could choose which "channels" to subscribe to
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: like sandeepshetty/converspace’s tags/channels?
caseorganic joined the channel
#barnabywaltersor could posts only be posted to one channel in untied?
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: thanks! just posted a note with a little elaboration
#aaronpkso anyway I'm probably not going to go that route right now with my feed, but the more macro types of feeds (notes, articles, metrics) I will separate
#aaronpkdoes the <link> tag have a title attribute?
#pfefferleaaronpk barnabywalters I would like to move the wordpress-indieweb plugin to the indieweb repo, because i am a bit busy atm and it would be cool if others (like will norris for example) could contribute... what do you think?
#pfefferlebarnabywalters aaronpk any problems with adding will norris to the group?
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: just subscribed to your notes so I can reply to that reply from my feedreader — the notes look great! the markup needs a couple of tweaks for optimal performance though
#barnabywalters(and I need to add debugging for these problems to
#KartikPrabhuof course. also mentions not workign on my notes yet... :)
#KartikPrabhuand markup feedback is always welcome...
#barnabywalterscurrently there is no in-reply-to property on the note h-entry, as there’s a bare h-cite
#bnvkaaronpk: oh cool, what sort of things were y'all thinking of for the Knight grant?
#barnabywaltersso you could fix that by just removing the h-cite class. the other thing is the dt-published — at the moment it’s only day-accurate, ideally it should be second-accurate with a timestamp
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: I accidently put the in-reply-to inside the h-cite. my bad... also will fix the datetime
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: great! currently raising these as issues on
#bnvkaaronpk: I ask, as I've been chatting with the ArkOS dude about the idea of an Open AppStore concept that he, IndieBox, Freedom box, and other similar projects could use
#bnvkOk, a globally shared core of HTML, JS, CSS, JSON that renders the interface and has basic instructions on the compatibility, where get source, deps, etc... for numerous FOSS apps that can be installed on a given platform
#bnvkwhereby the platform (e.g. ArkOS) can then interpret the instruction set, render the App store in whatever interface is best suited, then allow users to install apps like PK3
#aaronpknot sure if you're talking about making a directory service thing, or if you are talking about a convention for publishing app info on web pages
#bnvkhrm... more like a portable interface + assets + instruction data that works across different platforms
#bnvkreason being, all that data (name, source, compatibility, icons, etc...) is a lot of data to replicate, as well as getting the user experience of an App Store
#bnvkwhy not make something shared across projects
#bnvkso it's like a directory, in so much as an app store is a directory, and also a convention for installer scripts to injest
#barnabywaltersbnvk: how about using project’s homepages, marked up with microformats, to get the data, rather than passing it around — that way it’s always up to date
#bnvkArk is in Python, IndieBox is PHP, they could all consume JSON and then go off and handle actually installing Mailpile or Pk3 or what have you
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: ah, i see what you mean. the original post link at the end should always be absolute. i don't know where is more appropriate to do that, mf2py or bridgy, but i'm happy to put it in bridgy if you want
#aaronpkwas the rate limiting scped to the IP address or to the key?
#bretand/or, how hard would it be to run a single user bridgy
#snarfedaaronpk: almost certainly app id, but it wasn't rate limiting, it just stopped working entirely
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: have you noticed the wiki keeping you signed in longer?
#snarfedbret: you definitely could! pretty easy and single user would fit inside app engine's free quota. you'd have to do a bit of work to resurrect the streaming code, but should be doable.
_6a68 joined the channel
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: no, in fact I just had to sign in again :)
#snarfedbret: i'm definitely ok with very technical people trying it, but i'd rather not support lots of intermediate ppl in over their head with one-off installations
#KartikPrabhudid see it. I'd like to know the "exercise for the reader" bit
#aaronpkalso interesting that Brent's reply changed the title to "Indieweb and Feeds" from Dave's original "Indieweb and RSS"
#KartikPrabhuit is weird that this whole argument is turning into "indieweb vs feeds" which is just plain wrong
#aaronpkindeed. I think that's mostly fueled by Dave's assumption that RSS is the only way to have a feed
#aaronpkso if you complain about RSS, you are complaining about feeds in general
#aaronpki'm not sure what is the best way to fix this
#aaronpkI think Dave is probably unwilling to listen to any sort of reasonable discussion. However there are lots of other reasonable people who I don't want to give the wrong impression.
ricmac, caseorganic, ricmac_, basal and paulcp joined the channel
#KevinMarkshe's willing to listen to any reasonable discussion that agrees with him
#bretHe made a podcast on RSS, was looking to listen at some point
#beark, I will add some url parsing to discoverEndpoint() to backfill missing scheme and/or netloc
#KevinMarksum "every time a company hires someone who is not a young male, they run the risk that the new hire isn't there to work, rather is there to scam you"
#KartikPrabhueven if this is a true story, the "suggested" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) course of action is horrible
#tantekYeah I don't think there's much chance of productive dialog there unfortunately, due to the inflammatory statements in the post. Better to direct focus, time, energy on other things.
#bearwow - that post just gets me all kinds of mad (being an older programmer myself)
dangillmor joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu - not just horrible, but irresponsible of someone who is still at least has some respect and leadership in his community.
#tantekbear, caseorganic and I were just talking about how happy we were with the broad age range of participants in IndieWebCampSF.
#kylewmon the bright side, people will probably stop talking about his criticism
#KartikPrabhutantek: yes. but from the previous controversy (RSS vs indieweb) my impression is the dave winer is very prone to extreme opinion
#tantekkylewm - I'm ok with feeds criticism and criticism criticism, as it helps better inform the broader space.
#beartantek, caseorganic - yes I was very happy with not being the only gray hair present ;)
#tantekThere is no joy to be gained from someone making bad public statements like that.
#tantekbear - am trying to help out with a bit of salt & pepper ;)
#KartikPrabhutrue. but we are improving on existing ideas, trying to make them better. Not just reinvent exactly the same thing. may be the wiki can enforce thi pov?
#tanteke.g. Trackback - spammed to the point of uselessness.
#KartikPrabhutantek: what prevent spam in webmentions though?
#tantekalso, Trackback - based on RDF inside HTML comments - horribly fragile
#aaronpkand i'm already getting webmention spam via bridgy
#tantekPingback was an improvement on that, in that it required verification of the linkback
#KartikPrabhuso it will be a problem soon. something we should acknowledge on the wiki.
#tantekSince webmention is merely a simplification of pingback, it *does* have the same potential spam vulnerabilities currently, and we're brainstorming how to improve on that
#tantekKartikPrabhu - it is acknowledged on the wiki
#aaronpkprobably wouldn't hurt to link to the spam page from the webmention page
#kylewmKartikPrabhu, (new-ish visitor perspective) it definitely took a while before it "clicked" for me and I realized what was interesting/novel about what you all are doing. the difference between indieweb and "just posting on your own website" seems like it's hard to sum up in one or two sentences
#tantekwe can reduce the chances of people getting the wrong idea, but we cannot eliminate it
#tantekkylewm - it's why POSSE is front and center on the home page
#caseorganicfor me the core is that you can post on your own site and send a copy to a social network, but you can also post the comments back from the social network to your site.
#caseorganicthat is the key piece that made me excited about it
#caseorganicyou get the data and the conversation. the advantages of a social network interface and network but all stored back on your own site
#KartikPrabhuI am sure there are more examples. Maybe putting them front and centre will help
#tantekKartikPrabhu - can't put everything front and center because then it becomes tl;dr
#kylewmtantek, yes, that made sense right away ... it's almost like forgiveness for people who feel guilty posting on silos (that whole idea of sharing with your friends where they are).
#tantekso the challenge with a home page like this is that some people are coming in with *no* clue, and just want the "what the heck is this" - which is what scottjenson's icons and summary statements do at the top
#tantekand then there's ANOTHER set of people who have *some* idea, from previous / similar ideas / approaches and want to know "what's different" - hence why it's important to next call that out on the home page
#tantekbear - "federated" as a term is both not well known by many people, and horribly misunderstood by most that use it
#tantekand the above points about jargon stand as well
#kylewmalso, not to add more stuff, but I find caseorganic's point about making building stuff on the web fun again, playing in a sandbox, etc. really compelling ... suspect a lot of Gen 2er's like me would too
#tantekwhereas "blogging" as a term has been strongly marketed
#bear(but that is just me being all XMPP cheerleader)
#tantekso the snarky (thus not advocating) response to tweets like "" - is to say yes, you can't understand IndieWeb by tweeting about it on someone else's (Twitter's) silo.
#tantekbear, I'd say a big difference with the indieweb is that we question wanting to be a cheerleader of any particular format or protocol, as compared to "design first"
#tantekI think that message was also lost on winer in the criticism of feeds (and his response of cheerleading RSS)
#bearthen i'm causing confusion by using cheerleader without realizing the prior conversation
#tantekbear, it's ok, a lot of folks here came from a background of advocating formats or protocols first.
#tantekso it's up to us as a community to have a good transition path from that to design/UX first
#bearthat's just it - we don't advocate just for that purpose (we being XSF) - and in our realm design/UX is much different
#bearhmm, I'm not getting my point across cleanly so i'll defer to another time when the day is not already full of multiple points that need chewing on :)
#tantekkylewm - brent is falling into the same format cheerleading trap, or you could say is stuck in the era of the RSS/Atom wars
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
#tantekRSS/Atom were so distracted in their own wars/battles/NoSD, that they've had zero innovation for 10 years, and left behind by the *design/UX* of FB, Twitter, etc.
#kylewmtantek, I think the section of Shutdowns in particular could be clearer about what the implication is
#aaronpkalso *please* everyone stop conflating RSS with feeds
#KartikPrabhuh-feed could then be another feed format based on html only
#bearwhen i'm my more cynical self the answer to that is: because their egos started the whole feud to begin with
#tanteknot getting that that "battlefield" has long become irrelevant, or at best a caricature, perhaps just mildly entertaining, like knights jousting at a Ren Faire.
#tantekKartikPrabhu - except that hides the problem with RSS/Atom - which we want to call out - which is that they are separate files
#kylewmaaronpk, sorry, I absolutely made the mistake of conflating them.
#KartikPrabhutantek: hmm. then JSON copies would also fall in the same category....?
#aaronpkno worries, it's easy to do! just confuses the discussion with people from 10 years ago and now
#bearmy only concern about trying to use html to represent a feed is that we may be entering hammer/nail territory
#gavincMoving back to UX/Design. The instagram use case. Has anyone explored if the Take a Picture, make it "pretty", Write a Caption, Post it. Can work easily using just the browser?
#bearas someone who has written a lot of code to consume rss, atom, opml and many many variations of those combined - I am viewing with a critical eye the "How To Consume" part of when compared/viewed with the "Criticism" part of the page
#tantekedits welcome, but at least we have a "Trackback" page to point to for any historical purposes or when someone is somehow still clinging to it (like that previous tweet)
#bearto be very honest I have avoided writing any posts about my earlier experiences with Atom to avoid having battles with the RSS folks
#bearI will add that to my wiki gardening todo list
#bearagain, I am cautiously optimistic that the IWC scene is avoiding a lot of the pitfalls because of the shared lessons from earlier work that lead up to mf2
#tantek.comedited /webmention (+175) "/* How does this solve the spam problem */ links, note webmention receivers in practice using h-entry raises the barrier a little for spammers" (view diff)
#kylewmwhen one POSSEs a photo to twitter, you can either send the file itself with update_with_media, or you can link back to your site and implement a Twitter Card ( Any preferences one way or the other?
#bearKartikPrabhu - will the question you posed in the github issue handle if scheme and/or netloc are missing from the relative url? (or is that not even an issue)?
#aaronpkI implemented twitter cards becacuse it seemed easier than using the photo api
#aaronpkbut i'm debating switching to use the photo api soon
#aaronpki feel like it provides a better experience on twitter that way
#tantekkylewm - interesting question. I'd lean towards posting a copy of the photo to Twitter just to further distribute the use of Twitter kind of like a CDN for your photos
#tantekI believe people see a larger version of the photo via a phototweet than a Twittercard
#kylewmI'd be happy to take a crack at wiking Twitter POSSE stuff
#nslatertantek: not sure if you saw my last message due to your restart. trying to decide encoding schemes for my own url dates. how would you say NewBase60 is superior to base58? at the moment, i'm feeling tempted to just go with date ordinal, as it seems short enough
#tantekkylewm - have you read the existing Twitter POSSE stuff?
#tanteknslater - saw it just before restarting, still catching up on logs :/
#kylewmtantek, I'm sure I have, but it's been a while. Wouldn't hurt to re-read
#kylewmthere's one very specific bit about how you do oauth on photo posts, that I kinda think belongs on the Twitter page next to replies/reposts/favorites
#kylewmtantek, oh it's not there now, i meant that I would write it up if i were writing notes about posse photos to twitter. i guess that kind of technical detail does not really belong on the wiki?
#tantekwe don't shy away from technical detail, but we might put details on separate subpages
#tantek!tell benwerd when you did start POSSEing photo posts to Twitter? Do you have an example of an early photo post with Twitter POSSE copy?
#kylewmsnarfed, cool! I didn't do anything special for facebook, just added picture=url (of whatever the first image is in a given post) to the post arguments. twitter was more interesting