2014-03-18 UTC
# 00:02 tantek aaronpk, kylewm -- ok added based on above IRC discussions -- feel free to add to or edit
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# 00:08 tantek ok didn't see/hear any objection to "feed file" so I'm going for it
# 00:11 bear ^^ for teaching me something about a Python module I didn't know about
# 00:11 bear I *love* learning new things and that was a fun one to learn
# 00:12 bear yea - it solves in a single call the relative webmention issue
# 00:14 kylewm snarfed: is "Bridgy Publish" common knowledge (i.e., ok to reference on the wiki)?
# 00:14 tantek I believe it was openly demonstrated at IndieWebCampSF
# 00:14 snarfed i still need to add some ui and write docs before i announce it more loudly, but i'm not hiding it
# 00:15 kylewm great, I just wanted to say "Bridgy Publish may help with POSSEing pictures to twitter and facebook", just so there's no confusion about the direction
# 00:16 kylewm and thank you for writing up those notes, tantek
# 00:17 tantek kylewm - no problem, and thanks for the edits! :)
# 00:21 tantek.com edited /webmention (+216) "/* Why webmention instead of pingback */ Why webmention instead of Trackback so hopefully those tweeting about it have a chance of finding this by websearching for it" (
view diff )
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# 00:23 nslater why use web mentions over http referers?
# 00:24 nslater i asked that here:
# 00:24 nslater but i'm not sure my question was answered
# 00:25 pauloppenheim nslater: i have been wondering that as well, but i suppose a simple answer is "intention"
# 00:25 tantek I thought so too, but the SO answer is decent too
# 00:25 nslater i wonder why that matters and why it's worth the complexity tradeoff
# 00:25 tantek which is that HTTP referrers will happen A LOT
# 00:26 tantek whereas a webmention has more specific semantics
# 00:26 tantek and second/further times it's an Update (or possibly Delete)
# 00:26 aaronpk you could always make an http referer -> webmention bridge and see what happens :)
# 00:26 aaronpk or just start parsing your referers and displaying them as comments if you find a post
# 00:27 aaronpk like you said, the burden is on the linked-to site to parse the headers, so you can do it if you want without asking permission from anyone
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# 00:29 pauloppenheim i hacked a test system for that a while ago, my issue was coming up with a way to handle and make sense of everything
# 00:29 kylewm If someone posted a link to your site and no one ever clicked on it, would you ever get an HTTP Referer? asking out of ignorance
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# 00:30 aaronpk of course the linking site could make an HTTP request with the referer when the reply is created (which would be very similar to webmention then)
# 00:31 nslater pauloppenheim: all you need is a single referer
# 00:31 nslater google bot is likely to provide that
# 00:32 nslater number of referers could even be used as a metric to gauge importance
# 00:32 nslater (number of occurrences of each url, i mean)
# 00:33 nslater wrt spammers, trackbacks get spam. sure other protocols do too
# 00:34 pauloppenheim but yeah, the referrer spam problem means that if you use it, you need to tool it
# 00:34 nslater though this seems like a game of cat and mouse
# 00:34 nslater if you choose one protocol over another based on that, and then it gets popular, ... uh oh :)
# 00:35 nslater would make even less sense to advocate based on that justification
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# 00:36 pauloppenheim nslater: one other nice thing about webmentions is that your webmention processor can be any URL
# 00:36 pauloppenheim it would be easy enough to pack up and ship out logs too I suppose, but this is built in for the case of static sites
# 00:36 tantek nslater - that's not the conclusion I come to, but rather that we have a window of opportunity to strengthen webmebmetion before it gets hit badly.
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu bear: sorry I missed your question, but you seemed to have found that it works! :D
# 00:38 tantek so, problem, Flickr does not follow ASCII ordering
# 00:38 nslater well my point is: spam is a common denominator. it makes no sense to sell a less popular system for its low level of spam, unless those low levels are attributable to the system, and not the lack of popularity. and if there were a way of protecting webmention against spam, presumably the same system could be tooled for other systems also
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# 00:39 nslater tantek: ah, yep. i saw you cited them, but was wondering what the deficiencies were
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# 00:39 tantek "makes no sense to sell a less popular system for its low level of spam" is a strawman argument - no one is doing htat
# 00:40 Loqi tantek meant to say: "makes no sense to sell a less popular system for its low level of spam" is a strawman argument - no one is doing that
# 00:40 tantek nslater - re: deficiencies - short version, base58 etc. do not follow the methodologies given here: tantek.com/w/NewBase60#Methodology
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# 00:41 nslater the doc cited says its simpler than pingback. but as i say in my SO question, it still seems more complex than http referer. so interested to learn what is gained by adding that complexity
# 00:42 tantek so you can figure that out by searching for why pingback instead of HTTP referers
# 00:42 nslater assuming i agree with whatever i find :)
# 00:43 nslater i didnt understand why pingbacks were used either
# 00:43 pauloppenheim nslater: but for right now the tool i was making to deal with referrer chomping is way more daunting already
# 00:44 nslater i'm less interested in "are webmentions better than trackback/pingback/etc" and more "why does anybody use these things in the first place?"
# 00:44 nslater pauloppenheim: hmm
# 00:44 tantek nslater, pauloppenheim, yes, and your approach is the right now, question something by implementing the alternative that makes (more) sense to you. and document what you discover!
# 00:44 Loqi tantek meant to say: nslater, pauloppenheim, yes, and your approach is the right one, question something by implementing the alternative that makes (more) sense to you. and document what you discover!
# 00:44 pauloppenheim nslater: least of which because it assumes my webserver is logging referrer already
# 00:45 nslater your previous statement
# 00:45 tantek there's nothing saying that webmention (or use thereof) can't be simplified further. someone just hasn't done it yet. ;)
# 00:45 tantek bear, your questions aren't really about feed files
# 00:46 bear yes, I'm realizing that as I go back and re-read
# 00:46 bear I was just in the process of removing it
# 00:46 nslater what's funny tantek is that i look at your NewBase60 method, and i think "damn, that's not quite right" and i want to make my own
# 00:46 nslater specifically, i don't like capital letters
# 00:46 bear I've just realized that I need to implement feed in order to grok why I am uncomfortable with it
# 00:47 tantek with specific examples of posts (permalinks) you want to markup with such special features
# 00:47 nslater was just reading http://www.nngroup.com/articles/url-as-ui/ linked to from timbl's cooluris page, wheren neilsen argues that mixed capitalisation is bad for useability. he might be right. i just think they look ugly in urls. heh
# 00:48 tantek which lends more credibility to your questions (beyond being theoretical or possibly based on dated assumptions / use-cases)
# 00:48 bear I am going to gather some real world examples of past feeds that i've had to implement using atom and rss
# 00:48 tantek nslater - yes, I tend to agree with that - for long URLs
# 00:49 tantek hopes he doesn't depress nslater too much. ;)
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# 00:55 nslater hehe this is funny
# 00:55 nslater though i feel like you're missing a line
# 00:56 nslater the amount of times i've heard from the semweb folks that uris are *completely opaque* ;)
# 00:56 tantek nslater - oh I have a different post for that ;)
# 00:57 nslater i read the URI spec one day, and was surprised to learn that everything after the third "/" is just binary data
# 00:57 nslater i.e there's no default character encoding for urls!
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# 00:57 nslater could be anything you like. completely not specified. could be the binary for a png for all the spec cares
# 00:58 nslater (there are a few reserved octet sequences, so you might have difficulty with that, but who knows)
# 00:59 nslater i think i was looking into this because a url i was trying to use was being turned into mojibake by something
# 01:01 nslater read that thread
# 01:01 nslater uses URLs on purpose most of the time
# 01:02 tantek pauloppenheim - so do I. Hence "Launchers" :)
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# 01:08 tantek #GoogleReader?!? What does that even mean/do?
# 01:10 KartikPrabhu I don't understand why people are so nostalgic/sentimental about GoogleReader
# 01:11 KartikPrabhu remembers posts about death of syndication because of Reader shutdown!
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# 01:13 KartikPrabhu what is a good way to reply to a note that also has a syndication version? For a use case, I have a reply http://kartikprabhu.com/notes/nice-indieweb-reader to barnabywalters post which I can webmention to him, but if I also add a link to his twitter synicated version i can use bridgy to POSSE as reply to his tweet. But then I'll have replied to 2 versions of the same thing...
# 01:14 tantek KartikPrabhu - oh there's an answer, and a few of us are doing it
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# 01:15 KartikPrabhu yes but does that not indicate that both the in-reply-to are actually copies
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# 01:17 KartikPrabhu cool! I'll manually add both urls for now. will implement syndication discovery later. thanks
# 01:21 brennannovak.com created /Store (+2943) "Created page with "As the number of IndieWeb related apps grow, so will the job of choosing which apps you want to install and what is compatible with your server. The goal is to create an easy to ..."" (
view diff )
# 01:23 bnvk tantek: i'm super excited about exploring this aspect of IndieWeb, and making it easy to install different apps on different platforms :)
# 01:24 tantek whereas it looks like you're thinking installing on the *server* (e.g. prismbreak etc.)
# 01:24 bnvk right, I need to write more, but its getting late here and wanted to push up something
# 01:24 kylewm tantek, so is the burden on the receiver to de-duplicate those replies? (remove comments where comment->permalink == comment->source->rel-syndication)
# 01:25 tantek bnvk - the FirefoxOS app store uses open formats & protocols for this already too
# 01:25 tantek so there's already open prior art to "just use"
# 01:25 bnvk the first case of this "app store" is create something that can used in ArkOS as well as IndieBox, that then hands off the machine instructions to their middleware
# 01:25 tantek rather than documenting needs for a new format etc.
# 01:26 tantek but you're using "examples" of *client* app stores to try to inform your design
# 01:26 bnvk well, server, is a lose term, a raspberry pi at home or a laptop... not much difference
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# 01:26 tantek doing something for the user (client), vs. serving stuff across the internet to others (including the user) (server)
# 01:27 bnvk it's almost identical to the mobile one
# 01:27 tantek so you need to split this into client vs. server sections on Store
# 01:27 tantek bnvk - all the existing stores you mentioned are ALL client
# 01:27 tantek whereas your brainstorming for Arkos indiebox etc. are all *server*
# 01:27 bnvk by client do you mean "computer where software is installed" ?
# 01:27 tantek where comparable examples would be things like Cpanel
# 01:28 tantek doing something for the user (client), vs. serving stuff across the internet (or an intranet) to others (server)
# 01:29 bnvk so, are you saying navigating this interface I am talking about on a Raspberry Pi and using it to install software (on the Pi) would be server
# 01:29 bnvk but then using this on your laptop would be called "client" ?
# 01:30 bnvk mmm, I could also use my laptop as a server ;)
# 01:30 tantek "could also use" is theoretical line of thinking - not useful sorry
# 01:31 bnvk I like thinking all of my devices as equal citizens on the net
# 01:31 tantek from a user-centric perspective, it's also a false perspective
# 01:31 tantek from a security perspective, it's a false perspective
# 01:31 tantek from a "how reliably are they connected to the net" perspective, it's also false
# 01:33 bnvk I don't quite follow what "false perspective" means, unless it's just a nice way of saying "you're wrong"
# 01:33 bnvk my thinking is, most user's don't understand client and server
# 01:34 bnvk a lot of users don't understand "web browser"
# 01:34 bnvk they understand this device, that device, or "somewhere on the intenet"
# 01:34 tantek bnvk - I reject "a lot of users don't understand "web browser" "
# 01:35 tantek and you're falling into the "everyone" trap by saying "a lot of users"
# 01:35 bnvk so because they install software, they understand what "type" of software it is?
# 01:35 bnvk and how that functions in a greater eco system?
# 01:38 bnvk tantek: what security assumptions are issues when considering a Pi or a laptop equal citizens?
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# 01:40 tantek leaving something on the network accessible from the internet
# 01:41 tantek client vs. server security scenarios / attack vectors are different
# 01:41 tantek but you need to split the page and make the client / server distinctions - or else it's going to be confusing / misleading
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# 01:41 pauloppenheim if we lived in Vint Cerf's store-and-forward post-IP-protocol future, laptops can be servers. Until then it's probably a bad idea.
# 01:41 bnvk cheers, I'll be refining it more tomorrow and this week
# 01:44 bnvk pauloppenheim: what do you see the main obstruction to laptops being servers? The IP4 issue?
# 01:45 pauloppenheim bnvk: i do not know your technical background, so i do not know how seriously to take your inquiry
# 01:46 bnvk i'm a software engineer and designer, I run a couple linode boxes, I used to run HTTP, FTP "servers" from my home windows PC in the 90s... I'm building Mailpile right now
# 01:46 nslater of course, home laptops could be servers in the federate web
# 01:47 nslater but we'd need some clever arch to make that happen
# 01:48 nslater data would need to be redundant. lots of ways to approach that. you could bi-directionally replicate between peers, so that everybody has a lot of the data, and then you just end up requesting from whoever is nearest (and online)
# 01:49 nslater one of the things im interested in adding to couchdb is bittorrent sync protocol
# 01:49 pauloppenheim nslater: but that does not exist today for the media currently under discussion
# 01:49 bnvk pauloppenheim: what do you mean what happened?
# 01:49 pauloppenheim you can easily transmit immutable media that way today using bittorrent, yes.
# 01:49 nslater pauloppenheim: it does actually. you can do it with couchdb. though you'll hit a snag with addressing
# 01:49 pauloppenheim bnvk: can I access an URL that you were hosting on that machine in the time period you speak of?
# 01:50 bnvk no, that was a 133 MHz pentium 1 that sadly has gone to the great silicon pile in the sky
# 01:50 nslater pauloppenheim: oh?
# 01:51 nslater pauloppenheim: bittorrent uses trackers for this, of course. why not trackers for the web
# 01:52 nslater magnet links instead of URLs for your website :)
# 01:53 nslater i see "Yo Dawg, I am a webserver coming from a Macbook Air using Pagekite"
# 01:54 nslater bnvk: so pauloppenheim's point is that a typical characteristic of a website is that it is always available. which is why websites are typically hosted on dedicated hardware, in dedicated buildings
# 01:54 bnvk once IP6 rolls out more stuff like this will be much easier to do
# 01:55 bret i have ipv6 at my house... sadly not a router that can support it
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# 01:55 bnvk right, that is "typical" assumed characteristic of a website
# 01:55 nslater one way of getting past that problem is to distribute your site across lots of machines. but the current web isn't set up to handle the addressing issues that come with that right now
# 01:55 bnvk I don't want to assume that I always want all of my personal indie data always on, some data yes, some data, I'm fine with it being not accessible when I'm not online
# 01:56 nslater pauloppenheim: not so well for an indie federated web where your data is on your friends laptops, though
# 01:56 nslater yes, if you're balancing across a known pool of servers
# 01:56 bnvk pauloppenheim: yes, that's why a lot of people like the raspberry pi idea
# 01:57 bnvk would be nice, let's friggin build towards it
# 01:57 bnvk if we say, the way the internet has gone the last 15 years is how it has always been and always will be, then that's how it will stay
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# 01:57 nslater one thing i like about couchapps is that they like the git of websites. i publish a couchapp, and you can clone it like you can clone a git repo. and someone can clone it from you. and we can merge in any direction we want
# 01:58 bnvk personally, I'd like to not have to pay hosting companies when I can leave a small machine on at home
# 01:58 pauloppenheim i'm not a spokesperson for this community, but it feels like that is another project, not the indieweb
# 01:58 nslater in the same way it doesn't make sense to talk about a git repo being "online" it doesn't make sense to talk about a couchapp website being "online". it's a different way about thinking about the locality of a site
# 01:58 pauloppenheim bnvk: you can leave a machine on at home if you want to, that does work today
# 01:59 bnvk nslater: of our early IndieWeb friends Max Ogden made a couchapp clone of diaspora alpha like that
# 01:59 nslater oh max is an indie webber is he? cool
# 02:00 nslater have you read about unhosted before?
# 02:00 bnvk yah, I'm friends with some of those dudes
# 02:00 nslater unhosted is like your idea but even more extreme
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# 02:00 bnvk pauloppenheim: using pagekite if my ISP switches my IP or anything it adjusts to that as it pokes a hole through the LAN via reverse proxying
# 02:01 bnvk nslater: right, I like that unhosted stuff, it's far out, but neat
# 02:02 bnvk pauloppenheim: right, of course, my home connection is usually good enough- my personal site is not mission critical data that lives depend on, it's blog posts, notes, and my portfolio ;)
# 02:03 pauloppenheim i've literally had my site go down during a job interview, and one of my interviewers said something snide about "well, good thing we're not interviewing you for operations"
# 02:03 nslater i quite like the idea of only having your website available when your computer is running
# 02:03 nslater it's counter-culture in a pleasing way
# 02:04 nslater probably wouldn't do it myself though. perhaps better left as an idea ;)
# 02:04 nslater having a website that only works when a raspi is on makes total sense though
# 02:04 nslater assuming the website is related to the functioning of the raspi
# 02:04 bnvk and in an indieweb "having conversations with my friends via our personal sites" I think it fits decently
# 02:05 bnvk yah, they've put a lot of work into it
# 02:06 bnvk anywho, good night gentle dudes, it's 2 AM here in Iceland, góða nótt ;)
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# 02:42 snarfed next step might be to use twitter's embedding for tweets, or summary or title (forgot the mf2 properties) for normal posts when available
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# 03:17 Loqi caseorganic: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 22 minutes ago: - need to post a screenshot of that "This presentation cannot be opened b/c it is too old." !
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# 03:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 03:52 snarfed KevinMarks: maybe lists of his own tagged posts on his site
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# 04:03 KevinMarks !tell tantek have you thought of autolinking #tags in cassis too?
# 04:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 04:12 wagle what do you guys use to send outgoing email from your own domains? (ie from home?)
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# 04:15 kylewm_ wagle, even if it weren't blocked, I believe a lot of times mail that comes from residential IPs gets marked as spam ...
# 04:16 kylewm_ I have a digital ocean VPS that is configured as a mail server... but it was a royal pain to set up
# 04:17 wagle i'm trying to run a bugzilla, need to send email to people with status updates, etc
# 04:17 wagle yeah, was thinking that DO might be a way to go
# 04:18 wagle still checking that a FTP server really costs $5 / month to run
# 04:18 kylewm ohh, can you use one of the services with a free tier? just a sec looking up the one I have used
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# 04:27 Loqi tantek: KevinMarks left you a message 24 minutes ago: have you thought of autolinking #tags in cassis too?
# 04:28 wagle hmm.. heroku has a est cost field to display to you
# 04:29 wagle but they wanna invent all new flashy terms for everythng
# 04:29 wagle i'm only expecting a few emails per month
# 04:31 wagle no, i take that back, maybe a few a day to my regular email
# 04:31 kylewm tantek, am i right in thinking the "today" links are still on UTC time?
# 04:32 tantek kylewm - that appears to be what is happening yes
# 04:33 tantek imagines a markoff chain that generates tomorrow's logs, today.
# 04:36 kylewm wagle, I have a heroku app that sends me like 3 emails a month and it's definitely free... but I have no idea if you could wire up bugzilla to talk to an external service for mail. might be easier to just configure it to send through an outside smtp
# 04:37 wagle the bugzilla test case sent one email to a home mail sever, but the latter doesnt know how to email to the world
# 04:38 wagle no, heroku looks interesting, it might do it
# 04:39 wagle can i borrow your markov chain to project what I will know by tomorrow about email and heroku?
# 04:45 wagle awww.. dont have a full loqi instance here?
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# 05:04 tantek KevinMarks, indeed thought about #-autolinking but to what destination?
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# 05:13 KartikPrabhu i see. is that for some specific reason? people do link tags on articles to a list of articles with the same tag
# 05:14 KartikPrabhu is the idea that such autolinking is useful only in a silo like twitter?
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# 05:41 snarfed "nearly no one" isn't accurate, regardless of that wiki page :P
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# 10:46 acegiak pfefferle: hallo! did you see what I pushed for sempress?
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# 12:21 pfefferle acegiak oh no... seems that i missed that... will have a look
# 12:21 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu,snarfed,Kevinmarks I mean, yes, linking # hashtags to *something* makes sense, it's just there's no one consistent UI/UX for this (that I know of). Add proposals to: http://indiewebcamp.com/hashtag
# 12:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 12:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 14:19 Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 57 minutes ago: I mean, yes, linking # hashtags to *something* makes sense, it's just there's no one consistent UI/UX for this (that I know of). Add proposals to: http://indiewebcamp.com/hashtag
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# 14:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 14:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 15:12 Loqi barnabywalters: KartikPrabhu left you a message 11 hours, 51 minutes ago: sorry for the double webmention to http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4V6Fna/ I thought it might update the mention not repeat it. Also, I was wondering why my photo didn't show up?
# 15:22 aaronpk !tell tantek that is a side effect of when my site archives its own content using indiearchive. not sure why the photo is missing there. either way this is getting fixed in my next push.
# 15:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 15:25 bnvk looks like indieappstore.com is taken, but .net, .org, .info, .us are all available, or another URL could be figured out
# 15:25 tommorris might look into something like Docker soon to see if that might make things suck less.
# 15:25 bnvk or I could try emailing the owner of the .com
# 15:26 bnvk barnabywalters: yah the .org is nice, something .us feels decent as well, considering we have indiewebify.me
# 15:30 barnabywalters !tell KartikPrabhu pretty sure both are my fault as your markup looks fine — double mention might even be an index locking problem on my side. Not sure what’s going on with author markup but yours looks good — could be improved with url property though :)
# 15:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:46 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 24 minutes ago: I mean, yes, linking # hashtags to *something* makes sense, it's just there's no one consistent UI/UX for this (that I know of). Add proposals to: http://indiewebcamp.com/hashtag
# 15:46 Loqi KartikPrabhu: barnabywalters left you a message 16 minutes ago: pretty sure both are my fault as your markup looks fine — double mention might even be an index locking problem on my side. Not sure what’s going on with author markup but yours looks good — could be improved with url property though :)
# 15:47 dangillmor Good to be here...
# 15:54 kylewm morning KartikPrabhu, fyi I'm working on value-class-pattern parsing for datetimes
# 15:55 kylewm my first pass at just naively joining them together was not great :)
# 15:55 KartikPrabhu kylewm: morning! sounds great. I made some changes in the past week to mf2py just so you know
# 15:55 kylewm oh great, thank you, I will pull from upstream
# 15:59 tommorris Basically I wanted a place to put all the stuff I’d chucked into Foursquare.
# 16:00 aaronpk I was thinking about doing places entirely with tags, so there's no hierarchy just a bunch of tags
# 16:00 tommorris aaronpk: yeah. I ended up deciding to build my own. countries (which use domain name suffixes), then ‘areas’ which are nested. it’s done solely on the basis of my own need.
# 16:00 aaronpk like your place "1" would be tagged "uk" and "london"
# 16:01 tommorris so, I may rearrange the hierarchy whenever I feel like it. ;)
# 16:01 tommorris but equivalences will be declared with Wikipedia, Wikidata and OSM.
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# 16:06 kylewm KartikPrabhu, oh right! so that's interesting, u-url and u-uid for the h-entry are empty
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# 16:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 16:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 16:25 Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 3 minutes ago: that is a side effect of when my site archives its own content using indiearchive. not sure why the photo is missing there. either way this is getting fixed in my next push.
# 16:25 Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 14 minutes ago: scratch that my bad. there is a rule
# 16:26 tantek bnvk I'm not seeing anything at that godaddy URL sorry
# 16:27 tantek !tell bnvk godaddy JS crap app fail. no results.
# 16:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 16:33 tantek aaronpk, looks like Loqi is pruning youtube URLs from tweets ^^^ (original tweet has completely link)
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# 16:34 bnvk tantek: yep, sorry, GD so hatable! Was saying indieappstore.com is taken, but .net, .org, .info, .us are available- thoughts? :)
# 16:34 Loqi bnvk: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: godaddy JS crap app fail. no results.
# 16:35 tantek I'd say better to spend time clarifying thoughts first (e.g. on the wiki) - there will be plenty of domains to choose from once you have a solid idea what you would use it for.
# 16:35 aaronpk tantek: it's a problem with following the redirect. i think youtube is sending a different URL back for the loqi user agent
# 16:37 bnvk tantek: I have what I think is a solid idea (baring explaining client / server qualm you have) as outlined in the wiki, I guess you disagree
# 16:37 tantek if you can't explain the UX simply, then I don't think you have a solid idea. just my opinion.
# 16:39 tantek haha just went there barnabywalters right before you did that move :)
# 16:39 bnvk tantek: see"Store Development Stages"
# 16:41 bnvk my thinking is cloning the Prism Break repo, styling it up a lil bit differently then adding it to whatever domain is chosen which will make the http://indiewebcamp.com/Projects type thing a bit more user friendly for the IW curious user
# 16:41 bnvk of course, a lot of the projects are not super easy to install yet, but it will lay a foundation for that sort of experience people are used to
# 16:42 tantek bnvk - none of the projects are super easy to install yet
# 16:42 tantek so I'm not sure there's anything to lay a foundation for
# 16:42 tantek nor any experience to draw from about what such an experience should be like
# 16:44 bnvk the foundation of the user flow of getting involved with indie web and installing an IW app- so in 3, 6, 9 months when one or more projects are easy to get working, the UX of choosing and quickly browsing will be handled to some degree
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# 16:44 bnvk of course, this will be iterated on along the way
# 16:45 tantek To be clear, if you think that's the next highest priority for you personally, e.g. for making it easier to (un)install on your own personal site, then go for it.
# 16:46 tantek and it's really at just the "installation" phase of figuring stuff out now
# 16:46 barnabywalters actually out of all of us bnvk has more projects ready (ish) for widespread use, in Mailpile and SocialIgniter
# 16:48 tantek barnabywalters - I'd challenge that assertion. I don't believe any project is "ready(ish)" for widespread use until you've got at least a few alpha/beta users that can confirm as much.
# 16:49 bnvk tantek: cool, my thinking is there are also other projects like OwnCloud that can be added as well
# 16:49 bnvk Many of these not technically IW in that they don't have micro formats as part of their structure, but this move could be an olive branch to those communities / projects
# 16:49 tantek bnvk - it's not about microformats - it's about whether or not the project creators / developers actually selfdogfood their own projects on their own domains
# 16:50 tantek without that - I hate to say it - but the projects are *ignorable* - because they will eventually die
# 16:50 bnvk tantek: hangin with the ownCloud devs in Berlin, close to 100% of them self dog food
# 16:52 tantek basically I'm saying that unless you can take the few minutes to document with specific names and URLs, I'm not going to believe you
# 16:52 bnvk uh... just because they haven't seen the value in adding themselves to our wiki != your assumptions are correct
# 16:52 bnvk that feels like a waste of time to me
# 16:52 tantek but if *no one* wants to bother to add them, then yes, why bother
# 16:52 tantek bnvk - it's a good way to filter out projects that won't last
# 16:53 tantek if no one involved with them, or who has heard of them, can't be bothered to add a few lines of text
# 16:54 bnvk attending their hackathon and seeing 60+self dog fooding devs, as well as the 98 daily who are in #owncloud-dev, as well large German universities using it for their students was enough verification for me
# 16:54 tantek numerous projects over the years have held big hackathons, and then died
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# 16:55 bnvk that still doesn't make them any less relevant
# 16:55 tantek that's the whole point of "proof of work" style challenges
# 16:56 tantek if something/someone isn't able to step up to the challenge, then yes, it DOES make them less relevant / worth spending time on
# 16:56 tantek especially when the challenge is so small like add a few lines of text
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# 17:02 tantek bnvk - examples: whatever happened to Locker Project? or Unhosted?
# 17:03 bnvk tantek: yes, Locker was a said case of not figuring out how to sustain itself, then selling out. Jeremy used to dog food ;)
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# 17:03 tantek bnvk - never saw any URL evidence of selfdogfooding of Locker Project.
# 17:04 bnvk the evidence I saw was Jeremy had his personal social data backed up to a USB key he had stored on his bracelet
# 17:05 barnabywalters another example, sadly, is OpenPhoto — it’s tricky to figure out exactly what’s happened to it since it became Trovebox
# 17:05 bnvk I believe he didn't have a personal website with a public URL as he was envisioning as a way to backup personal data in one place
# 17:05 tantek non-web projects are fine, they're just not "indieweb"
# 17:05 tantek did the openphoto pages get moved accordingly?
# 17:06 barnabywalters on the wiki? I don’t think anyone noticed/cared enough to do that bit of maintentance
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# 17:13 tantek wow there never was an "openphoto" page created!
# 17:14 tantek guess people really didn't care much about that project
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# 17:19 bnvk tantek: a lot of privacy minded people might not want to list URL's publicly to sites that contain their personal data, not sure how that real world concern fits into your rubric
# 17:19 tantek bnvk, based on experience I'm skeptical of those that don't show their work, it's that simple.
# 17:19 barnabywalters bnvk: I made some changes to indiewebify me (reply/like/repost validation, datetime error detection, improved content display) — can you deploy? changes require a composer update
# 17:20 tantek at the Federated Social Web Summit, some of the biggest talkers were "privacy minded people"
# 17:20 bnvk barnabywalters: yah, I'll do that now
# 17:20 tantek LOTS of handwaving - very little actual work / shipping
# 17:21 tantek bnvk - do any of those privacy minded people use Twitter to post public tweets?
# 17:21 bnvk in some cases you're definitely right
# 17:21 bnvk yes, some of these people absolutely do
# 17:21 tantek let me guess - they discuss things on a mailing list too?
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# 17:24 tantek barnabywalters do you still "use" Trovebox? or is it just in a dead state on your server and you haven't transferred stuff out yet?
# 17:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:25 barnabywalters I could probably attempt to debug the JS-related problem but would rather put that time into making getting Taproot displaying photo posts better
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# 17:25 tantek ok - I'm deleting your testimonial about it being "a good candidate for being in the Production section. It’s reliable and fairly well polished"
# 17:27 tantek !tell j12t are you still using Open Photo / Trovebox "running a private instance for … family pictures" ?
# 17:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:32 tantek.com edited /projects () "(-527) rename open photo to trovebox, link to main article, demote from production section back down to experimental due to problems, drop barnaby as user of" (
view diff )
# 17:33 barnabywalters bnvk: oops, I seem to have accidentally replied to your comment on the idno KNC thing! UI weirdness
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# 17:54 dangillmor Can anyone point to a graphic that would help a novice understand indieweb principles?
# 17:56 tantek dangillmor - coincidence - Amber (caseorganic) just started working on exactly such a diagram yesterday
# 17:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 18:22 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 6 hours ago: I mean, yes, linking # hashtags to *something* makes sense, it's just there's no one consistent UI/UX for this (that I know of). Add proposals to: http://indiewebcamp.com/hashtag
# 18:27 tantek lest you get trapped in circular semantic discussions
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# 18:28 tantek KevinMarks - is this what DanGillmor was talking about?
# 18:28 tantek if so, want to start drafting it on the IWC wiki?
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# 18:39 tantek feel free to use wiki/etherpad for drafting it then so the rest of us can give feedback. submit it when you feel it's good enough.
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# 19:18 aaronpk bret: I was experimenting with PuSH for the IRC logs, trying to get google to index the chat logs faster
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# 19:23 tantek anyone know a test account for gtalk? paging XMPP peeps bear et al
# 19:23 bear you need a testing account against gtalk?
# 19:26 bear I thought any gmail account could be used for tests - they are easy to create
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# 19:34 tantek !tell brianloveswords are you still available to help with co-organizing IndieWebCampNYC?
# 19:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:35 tantek And on that note - consider this a call for co-organizers for IndieWebCampNYC - who else is in NYC and can help organize, get local sponsors etc.?
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# 19:44 caseorganic dangillmor: tantek: yes, working on the diagram this evening, likely after our call
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# 19:46 dangillmor caseorganic: tantek: glad to hear. I was hoping to attach to a Knight application I'm submitting separately (to create an "Open Internet MOOC") but look forward to seeing it!
# 19:47 dangillmor it closes in <70 minutes. don't worry, image is not essential.
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# 19:57 Jeena Haven't have time following here due to new job and everything, but the setup I created before that works pretty neat so I am still posting everything to my own website and POSSEing.
# 19:59 Jeena It works quite well, the C++ they use isn't very complicated so I haven't had problems yet. The most I have to learn is how to use cmake and emacs (I had to pic some editor for Linux and vi didn't really work for me)
# 19:59 Jeena love the fact that there is so much talk and effort put into open source and open protocols, etc.
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# 20:00 Jeena for example for inter process communication instead of inventing something propriatary we always use dbus
# 20:02 Jeena and it looks like I will be writing software for Tizen too
# 20:03 aaronpk has anybody published public todo lists on their site? anything like foursquare's todo lists even?
# 20:04 tantek aaronpk - I believe our IndieWebCamp user pages have to do lists ;)
# 20:04 Jeena they want to use Tizen in IVI (in vihicle infotainment) devices too, I always thought it was "just" a mobile phone OS.
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# 20:07 aaronpk I want to publish a "todo list" of places to go, then check them off when I check in to places
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# 20:09 tantek aaronpk - I'd be more interested in the query/notification half of that
# 20:09 tantek e.g. I am here (latlong), what to-dos do I have nearby?
# 20:10 aaronpk ah yeah. in this case I have a specific use case for the list, the goal is to go to all the places so I will likely be picking a place ahead of time.
# 20:12 tantek then it seems like the "checking off" could be completely passive - just watch your checkins stream, query your store for to-do's, and check them off automatically.
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# 20:13 bear tantek - the one I know of is guru@googlelabs.com
# 20:14 aaronpk I actually only want to check it off the list if I go there with a specific person, so... :)
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# 20:16 tommorris Now making a list of all the bars and restaurants I need to review on my site.
# 20:16 aaronpk tommorris: so are you actually publishing reviews?
# 20:17 aaronpk or are these "place" records that you may create checkin posts that reference later?
# 20:21 kylewm you have interesting movie taste, snarfed. what does it mean if a movie has more than 1 marker?
# 20:22 snarfed yeah, good question. it means i both liked it and didn't like it
# 20:22 snarfed or like e.g. requiem for a dream, it was clearly a great movie, but so harsh or intense i couldn't take it
# 20:23 tantek just figured out that gtalk: URLs fail in iOS7
# 20:24 kylewm I want to watch all the movies that have all three good/bad/indifferents :)
# 20:24 tantek or rather, the Google Hangouts app fails to register itself as handling gtalk: URLs
# 20:27 tantek also FB Messenger app fails to register as handling fb: URLs
# 20:28 snarfed tantek: clearly you have no choice but to switch to android
# 20:28 tantek whereas even the AIM iOS app registers to handle aim: URLs
# 20:28 tantek snarfed - hehe - these are links for OTHER PEOPLE to click on
# 20:28 tantek so I'm just going to hide what doesn't work on iOS, when iOS users visit
# 20:28 snarfed clearly they have no choice but to switch to android :P
# 20:28 tantek and similar for Android users I will hide SMS / Facetime icons
# 20:28 tommorris aaronpk: they are sort of half way between reviews and checkins. really just “these places are interesting”.
# 20:28 snarfed well, or pop up an alert, so they at least know they *can* use those methods
# 20:29 tantek oh, because "pop up an alert" is such a nice user experience :P
# 20:29 tantek people are happier not knowing what options don't work for them
# 20:30 tommorris iOS really needs to steal web intents from android. it’s one thing android has gotten right that iOS is failing at.
# 20:30 snarfed tantek: those options work fine, they just have to open the apps manually
# 20:30 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: iOS already has some of intents
# 20:30 snarfed btw, sms: or smsto: don't work on android? i think they should
# 20:30 tantek hahaha you're all calling it "web intents" when "web intents" are the thing that died
# 20:31 tantek that's "web intents" for you. long on evangelism. short on actual UX / just-make-it-work
# 20:31 tantek awesome, web intents are apparently a good way to wake up hober
# 20:32 tantek snarfed, sms: does not work on android to txt iMessage/AppleID addresses
# 20:32 snarfed tantek: ah, sure. so you can use a phone number, just not an imessage address
# 20:32 tommorris tantek: on the “sort of” front - I’m not sure what the ‘places’ thing on my site will become. It’s reviews+foursquare tips but with some genuine tommorris™ snark added.
# 20:33 snarfed i wonder if there's a third party imessage app on android
# 20:33 caseorganic dangillmor: 70 min - that's a short time period. I'm doing employee reviews today so I won't be able to finish the diagram in time. Definitely in time for the Knight Grant, though!
# 20:33 tantek tommorris, but you repeat yourself: "on my site" and "with some genuine tommorris™ snark added"
# 20:34 tantek tommorris sounds like "venue" pages, which then have a collection of h-reviews on them
# 20:34 aaronpk it's made by some chinese company that has to run servers to "help" with the connection, so...sure..
# 20:35 tommorris Android iMessage implementation: sends it using iMessage via Mechanical Turk.
# 20:35 tommorris I mean, the NSA are reading it anyway. May as well have some dude in India read it for a tenth of a cent too.
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# 20:37 KevinMarks 2048 starts faster on the FirefoxOS phone than Threes does on iOS
# 20:46 caseorganic dangillmor: do you have a draft for the indieweb one we talked about? I had no idea submissions were ending so soon! there's no time!
# 20:47 caseorganic dangillmor: i wish you had let me know yesterday! i would've moved our call to 7am.
# 20:51 dangillmor KevinMarks: that sounds terrific
# 20:51 dangillmor caseorganic: I only found out today about the weird mid-day deadline.
# 20:52 dangillmor KevinMarks: I don't see any field asking for one in this form. Do you?
# 20:52 caseorganic aaronpk: i'm looking for the OSB proposal for indieweb - do you have a copy? can't find on my wiki
# 20:57 caseorganic KevinMarks: thank you - keep going - we have 2 min left and i'm submitting whatever i have in that 2 min period
# 20:58 dangillmor KevinMarks: even a barebones submission is better than none...
# 21:00 KevinMarks Kevin Marks is building a startup based on indieweb principles. Over the last 20 years he's moved between giant companies and founding startups - BBC, The UK MultiMedia Corporation, Apple QuickTime, Technorati, Google, BT, Salesforce. The common thread has been working out how people, computers and media can complement each other, and solving the engineering and social problems where they meet. He is one of the driving force
# 21:01 dangillmor caseorganic: feel free to mention me but not as a co-applicant, because i'm writing about indieweb
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# 21:09 tantek so I think @GeekGawk may be an ignorant spammer
# 21:11 Loqi Got it! There are now 9 spammers blacklisted
# 21:11 tantek so who has an iOS device and wants to try contacting me via a web page?
# 21:32 aaronpk just sent 20 "views" to the submission page from that tweet
# 21:33 aaronpk guessing they're counting pageloads, so all the twitter bots count
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# 21:36 KevinMarks !tell tantek the Fb messenger link threw an exception and crashed on Android
# 21:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 21:44 Loqi tantek: KevinMarks left you a message 8 minutes ago: the Fb messenger link threw an exception and crashed on Android
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# 21:52 tantek KevinMarks - there should only be one fb-messenger icon now
# 21:52 tantek that seemed to work for Aaronpk on Chrome / iPhone
# 21:53 tantek let me guess - you have the FB app installed but not the FB Messenger app
# 21:53 Loqi tantek meant to say: let me guess - KevinMarks have the FB app installed but not the FB Messenger app
# 21:54 tantek KevinMarks - interesting, then maybe that link only works in Chrome / iOS?
# 21:54 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: your twitter cards seem to be not working! The "view on web" link does not show anything.
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# 21:55 tantek KevinMarks - no disclosing addresses in IRC - especially when logged - you know the etiquette ;)
# 21:56 aaronpk whoa weird, the "view on web" thing is totally broken
# 21:59 tantek KevinMarks - what link(s) activated Hangouts? on what device/browser?
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# 22:01 tantek KevinMarks do you have the AIM app installed?
# 22:02 tantek did Skype ask you to confirm before making the call or did it just do it?
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# 22:04 bret caseorganic: nice work on the writeup! :)
# 22:05 caseorganic bret: thanks! can you "applause" and comment on what it means to you? might help a bit
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# 22:05 tantek-ipod Tantek is back via iPod
# 22:07 tantek-ipod So Hangouts app takes over SMS: but fails to support gtalk: !?!
# 22:07 tantek-ipod (On android)
# 22:11 tantek Ok I'll pass that along to some fiends who work on it. And then I'll blog it.
# 22:11 Loqi tantek meant to say: Ok I'll pass that along to some friends who work on it. And then I'll blog it.
# 22:11 bret tantek: gtalk can message aim users though!
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# 22:17 bret tantek: errr at least through the xmpp gateway
# 22:18 bret i guess my gmail is still using old hangouts
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# 22:21 caseorganic ben's is awesome, too. really happy two indieweb submissions are live!
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# 22:23 bret i would really love to see ben and erin get some resources
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# 22:26 dangillmor idno looks like a great project...
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# 22:27 caseorganic bret: if the fellowship grant goes through ben would be a candidate as one of the recipients
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# 22:30 Loqi benwerd: caseorganic left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: Thanks to you and Idno for lunch! It's delicious
# 22:30 Loqi benwerd: barnabywalters left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: markup weirdness spotted on http://idno.co — there’s an a> after the “Patrons” link
# 22:30 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 3/17 at 4:51pm: when you did start POSSEing photo posts to Twitter? Do you have an example of an early photo post with Twitter POSSE copy?
# 22:30 benwerd Ah, the "ben hasn't been in the channel for ages" dance.
# 22:32 benwerd Huge thanks for everyone's support on the News Challenge post btw. Really very much appreciated. All an attempt to work on this stuff full-time!
# 22:35 benwerd tantek - I hope you had wonderful birthday celebrations last week, too. Sorry I was not able to participate.
# 22:35 tantek benwerd - thanks! Figured you had other obligations.
# 22:36 tantek still doesn't have a good UI for checking his webmentions in general :/
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# 22:37 benwerd Yeah, I *still* haven't figured out notifications
# 22:39 benwerd I've been working on web notifications for $dayjob, and they work *so* well on Firefox for Android
# 22:39 benwerd the combination of server-sent events and web notifications is killer
# 22:40 tantek anyone have the AIM app installed on iOS or Android?!?
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# 22:42 tantek dangillmor do you have the AIM app installed on your Android?
# 22:42 bret the aim link on your site is 'invalid' on iOS
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# 22:42 tantek bret - yeah - without the app installed - that's what iOS does
# 22:42 dangillmor Not on my phone. I generally do IRC only on my laptop.
# 22:43 dangillmor tantek: duh. still no.
# 22:43 tantek so you don't do AIM from your phone then. interesting.
# 22:43 bret i can aim from my phone, but it goes through irc XD
# 22:44 tantek bret - but your irc client doesn't handle "aim:" URLs right?
# 22:45 benwerd Interesting. I'm Hangout / Facebook only on Android. Actually hadn't considered other IM clients.
# 22:46 pauloppenheim did you hear that one joke, how many hackers does it take to make an AIM account?
# 22:48 dangillmor tantek: i've installed TextSecure for mobile messaging.
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# 23:18 tantek Thanks for the testing snarfed aaronpk KevinMarks bret!
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# 23:23 tantek It's ok. If you want to try out some of that stuff you can start with an hcard on your home page
# 23:25 pauloppenheim tantek: what i really want to do is implement indieauth so you can see more info than is already up there when you log in
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# 23:36 tantek The poor ux / handling of unknown / unregistered URL schemes is making me wonder if instead every comm service should simply support a web UI that you can directly link to
# 23:37 tantek To a link to start a message/call with a specific person
# 23:38 bear we are exploring that to get xmpp presence out to the web so folks don't have to grok what xmpp:// is
# 23:38 tantek bear: The problem is that browsers do a horrible job with new schemes
# 23:38 bear yep - that's why we are going to make them active buttons
# 23:40 pauloppenheim tantek: right, i mean the OS UX when you try to open a file of an unknown content type
# 23:40 pauloppenheim tantek: or even known content type with multiple providers and no default
# 23:41 tantek Whereas with URL schemes you get a cryptic jargon error
# 23:41 pauloppenheim tantek: the "open with" pattern that most OSes now use is a good workaround, but Android's no-default-intent-handler popup might be a better hack
# 23:42 bear it's not fun at all when the instructions are all about "open your browser config… make 3 entries… open your OS registry…"
# 23:42 tantek Bear I agree, all with http until browsers figure out a better ux for handling unknown schemes
# 23:42 pauloppenheim Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (asdf) isn't associated with any program.
# 23:44 bear at least with Firefox on OSX I get a dialog to open iChat for xmpp:// - on chrome it just does a google search :/
# 23:44 pauloppenheim which of course is better than just opening gedit like gnome-shell / nautilus does...
# 23:50 bret you know whats even more anoying? when safari opens mail.app when you accidentally click on a feed link
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