2014-03-19 UTC
caseorga_ and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 00:06 tantek Oh safari. Right. Wish I could never open mail.app
tilgovi_ joined the channel
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
tantek, JasonO_ and scor joined the channel
# 00:38 bret building an atom feed for the IRC logs. basically, a feed that has the last full day log so that readers can subscribe
# 00:39 bret Can an h-entry contain a bunch of h-entrys?
# 00:42 bret h-entry for that day ( h-feed of ( h-entrys per line )))
ttepasse joined the channel
# 00:46 tantek why not just have the h-feed have the past 24hr of h-entry items for IRC messages?
# 00:47 bret if i understand correctly, that would make every line a separate story
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 00:49 bret im trying to do something slightly different. I want the last full days log to show up as a single story in my feed reader
# 00:49 Loqi gives bret the last full days log to show up as a single story in my feed reader
# 00:50 bret so having a feed for that one day is one thing, but I want a feed on the completed day level
# 00:51 Loqi gives bret a feed on the completed day level
# 00:52 bret parsing the irc logs gives me an object with all of the h-entrys individually, but it would also be nice to just get the html of all the entrys in a single unit
# 00:54 bret ack wtf am i talking about its an array
# 00:54 bret reading huge json files messes with my head
# 00:55 bret aaronpk: pin13 times out when parsing the IRC logs
# 00:56 tantek bret, earlier you said "accidentally click on a feed link"
ricmac joined the channel
# 01:00 bret literally, navigating to bret.io/atom.xml launches my default reader
# 01:00 bret which, safar knows nothing about so it launches mail.app
benwerd joined the channel
# 01:03 bret i would actually prefer to just see the raw file in the browser, maybe there is an addon that can help
# 01:04 tantek maybe you could pipe it through an XML pretty printer
# 01:06 tantek then all you need is a XML->JSON converter ;)
# 01:06 tantek there are probably some APIs that could use that
ricmac, ricmac_ and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 01:45 bret KevinMarks2: do you use a feed reader?
ricmac joined the channel
# 01:58 bret KevinMarks2: people are tweeting then deleting?
# 01:59 bret twitter was performing terribly the other night
# 02:02 bret what is the point of <id>urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6</id> in atom feeds?
benwerd, gRegor`, lukebrooker and ricmac_ joined the channel
# 02:12 gRegor` Ooh, nice changes on the front page of the wiki. I think that does a better job presenting the indieweb
# 02:22 pdurbin bret: I wrote a few ruby scripts to pull down some rss feeds for podcasts. probably doesn't count
# 02:24 pdurbin what I wanted was the ability to see what I had listened to recently. stuff I had deleted from my podcatcher a week or two ago (or longer). a long list to scroll through
# 02:26 tantek bret - all the urn: stuff is what happens when you get too theoretical instead of using what "just works" on the web
# 02:26 tantek thanks gRegor! great work from scottjenson et al
# 02:35 KevinMarks2 I want the opposite of huffduffer.com that remembers what I already heard
# 02:35 Loqi gives KevinMarks2 the opposite of huffduffer
# 02:36 pdurbin KevinMarks2: heh. yeah, that's kind of what my thing is, except that I don't listen to every single episode in all the podcast feeds I'm checking
# 02:42 pdurbin I guess mine knows if I downloaded it or not. After I delete an episode the button says "re-download".
addal and basal joined the channel
# 02:45 pdurbin being able to huffduff an episode from my podcatcher would be nice
paulcp, snarfed, lukebrooker, gRegor`, ricmac_ and caseorganic joined the channel
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ricmac, gRegor`, caseorganic, ricmac_ and benprew joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
cweiske, ricmac, JasonO, lukebrooker and dvirsky joined the channel
# 06:31 Loqi brianloveswords: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 56 minutes ago: are you still available to help with co-organizing IndieWebCampNYC?
# 06:34 brianloveswords !tell tantek I can help, but I might not be around :(. Have you talked to the NYT guys yet to figure out capacity?
# 06:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 06:35 brianloveswords !tell tantek I have Mozilla on line for sponsorship, and I can more than likely get Digital Ocean as well – I asked mozilla to “sponsor lunch” but they want to know dollar amounts, which requires me to know our capacity/expected attendance.
# 06:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 06:39 brianloveswords !tell tantek I recently joined a band that had some previous commitments that weekend – 4/25 in Boston, 4/26 in Brooklyn – and I have to fly out to SF on the 27th for the Mozilla Foundation All–Hands – so I can hopefully make some of the 26th
# 06:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
ricmac, KevinMarks2, carlo_au, dvirsky, paulcp, iangreenleaf, benprew, LauraJ, KevinMarks3, ricmac_, josephboyle, eschnou and chrisroos joined the channel
yaf, Sebastien-L, bnvk and chrisroos joined the channel
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# 13:12 tommorris bnvk: I’ve spent an enormous amount of time answering questions about the Facebook API this week. I figured I may as well put some of that knowledge to good use and create a FB page.
# 13:16 bnvk tommorris: you should wire up something that auto posts to it
chloeweil joined the channel
chrisroos joined the channel
CheckDavid, bnvk and barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 13:54 barnabywalters tommorris: thanks for making the FB indiewebcamp page — clicking on the link was a bit odd as it didn’t explain that I had been made a manager, and said “you are now commenting and liking things as indiewebcamp”
# 13:58 tommorris For instance: you know how Facebook made quite big news for introducing non-binary gender options. That’s not exposed via the API.
# 13:58 tommorris If you set your gender pronoun preference to ‘neutral’, the API just doesn’t return the gender property in the JSON response.
# 14:00 tommorris the UI lets you check in to a venue that exists only as a plain string. the API requires a facebook object ID.
gRegor` and chrisroos joined the channel
# 14:02 chrisroos I certainly am, tommorris. I've just picked up some food and drink to keep us going.
_6a68, caseorganic, ricmac_, kylewm, ttepasse and gRegor` joined the channel
# 14:20 chrisroos Howdi, folks. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to enable remote participation of HWC this evening?
# 14:22 caseorganic !tell tantek planning for a cyborgcamp at mit oct 3 or oct 10. interest in doing an indiewebcamp at mit or harvard 4-5 or 10-12?
# 14:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
brianloveswords, snarfed and ttepasse joined the channel
# 14:25 tommorris chrisroos: we might be able to WebRTC. worth a try. if that doesn’t work, switch to G+ Hangouts
dangillmor, bnvk_ and ttepasse joined the channel
# 14:36 chrisroos tommorris: How would I go about setting up a WebRTC thing? (a link that I can follow would be fine)
# 14:37 tommorris I’m gonna leave the office at 5:30 (over in Paddington) so should be there at 6ish, so we can test to make sure it works.
# 14:38 chrisroos OK, cool. I'll wait until you get here and we can see what works.
kylewm, BjornW and benprew joined the channel
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# 14:52 aaronpk works well if you have an external camera+mic, the sound doesn't really work from laptop mics
# 14:52 aaronpk (not the fault of talky.io, just how laptop mics work)
# 14:53 chrisroos Great, we'll give that a go. Thanks, aaronpk / barnabywalters
bnvk_ joined the channel
# 15:09 barnabywalters tommorris: audio quality is way more important than video quality for remote participation
# 15:11 chrisroos We've got a pretty good mic here (blue snowball) that I'll test shortly
bnvk joined the channel
# 15:24 tommorris chrisroos: ah awesome. I’ve got a Blue Yeti at home but can’t really be arsed to have to go home before going over to Shoreditch
iangreenleaf, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# 15:54 Loqi tantek: brianloveswords left you a message 9 hours, 20 minutes ago: I can help, but I might not be around :(. Have you talked to the NYT guys yet to figure out capacity?
# 15:54 Loqi tantek: brianloveswords left you a message 9 hours, 19 minutes ago: I have Mozilla on line for sponsorship, and I can more than likely get Digital Ocean as well – I asked mozilla to “sponsor lunch” but they want to know dollar amounts, which requires me to know our capacity/expected attendance.
# 15:54 Loqi tantek: brianloveswords left you a message 9 hours, 15 minutes ago: I recently joined a band that had some previous commitments that weekend – 4/25 in Boston, 4/26 in Brooklyn – and I have to fly out to SF on the 27th for the Mozilla Foundation All–Hands – so I can hopefully make some of the 26th
# 15:54 Loqi tantek: caseorganic left you a message 1 hour, 32 minutes ago: planning for a cyborgcamp at mit oct 3 or oct 10. interest in doing an indiewebcamp at mit or harvard 4-5 or 10-12?
benprew and Sebastien-L joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
# 16:18 tantek brianloveswords - yay for indieband! :) ok let's follow-up here and work on NYC details
# 16:19 tantek caseorganic - what?! cyborgcamp? how are they drawing you back in?!? :)
paulcp, dangillmor and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
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# 16:56 caseorganic tantek: i really wanted to host a cyborgcamp at MIT media lab back in 2008. this is the chance to do that! it gives me an excuse to visit cambridge this year.
# 16:56 caseorganic tantek: but media lab's 3rd floor can host an indiewebcamp sat and sunday after cyborgcamp. it would be a great way to get some harvard/mit people there
# 16:58 caseorganic tantek: the two open dates are 3-5 oct or 10-12 oct. we need one gen1 from the indieweb community to be there for the event to work.
# 17:00 dangillmor count me in for October...
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 17:01 caseorganic dangillmor: ok! great! have a preference on date? sat/sun oct 4/5 or sat/sun oct 11/12?
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:03 caseorganic tantek: i talked with willow this morning. i recorded a indieweb voiceover and she's going to do another illustration animation for it
# 17:04 caseorganic tantek: willow is gen2. warrenellis? likely also gen2 if he runs his own site. if he hires someone to edit it, then gen 3.
# 17:04 tantek caseorganic - MIT cyborgcamp as closure - I get it!
# 17:04 dangillmor caseorganic: no preference
# 17:05 aaronpk (follow-up from yesterday, my twitter cards apepar to be working again with no change on my end. must have been a weird glitch)
# 17:05 caseorganic tantek: and i always bootstrap the event. no more than 2k for a cyborgcamp
# 17:05 tantek is tempted to dress up as gargoyle-mode Hiro Protagonist
# 17:06 caseorganic tantek: true. more difficult to do 7 of 9 (tried two years ago and failed)
# 17:08 tantek caseorganic true: especially depending on *which* 7 of 9.
# 17:08 caseorganic tantek: my friend's dad does special effects makeup and one of these days I'm going to get the full 7 of 9 early borg getup
# 17:09 aaronpk the borgified 7 of 9? or just the little eyepiece?
# 17:09 caseorganic tantek: ok, so, important question: are you in for indiewebcamp mit?
benwerd and caseorga_ joined the channel
# 17:18 benwerd aaronpk: I am curious about your "see original" links on Facebook
# 17:19 aaronpk Facebook allows you to set "custom actions" on posts made via the API, which can include custom text and a URL unique to each post
benprew joined the channel
# 17:19 aaronpk so "See Original" seemed like a reasonable thing to use that for, and then over the SF indiewebcamp weekend we got bridgy to read that property to push the comments back!
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# 17:21 aaronpk looks way better than a link at the end of the post!
# 17:21 aaronpk I wish twitter had something similar! Could have been done with their annotations API thing
caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
# 17:25 caseorganic benwerd: awesome knight grant proposal! hope it goes through, as it's a proper project!
# 17:26 benwerd Thank you! I hope so too. Not least because it's really what I want to be doing. The project will happen either way, but this will speed it up greatly.
# 17:26 benwerd I also have other things in the works that may help.
# 17:27 benwerd I'm really touched & pleased by the feedback so far. I haven't even tweeted a link from my own account, let alone sent anything to the mailing list etc. But people seem to approve, which is a great sign.
ozten, squeakytoy and addal joined the channel
# 17:31 aaronpk snarfed: one issue with bridgy replacing the author URL from twitter is sometimes people put their company URL there
# 17:32 snarfed i guess ideally i'd provide both the twitter.com url and their profile url in the h-card
# 17:33 aaronpk well ideally it could check for a rel-me link and only replace it if one is found
# 17:33 snarfed but i doubt many (read: any) consumers would support that
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# 17:42 tantek agrees with aaronpk, rel=me verification for twitter website URLs
# 17:45 snarfed btw, props (again) to kylewm for implementing fb 'see original' link support in bridgy
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# 17:47 tantek snarfed - oh, Bridgy *looks for* the "See Original" link in FB posts? Whoa.
# 17:48 snarfed tantek: yeah. it's exposed in the api, no crazy magic, but still, definitely a nice touch
# 17:48 tantek ok since it's being published AND consume - please add that to the wiki
# 17:49 snarfed tantek: will do! just consumed right now, but i'll file the feature request for publishing
# 17:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:53 tantek wanted to at least capture a landing place for it
# 17:54 aaronpk hm the brainstorming section has not realy been contributed to , and now I am doing none of those options :)
chrisroos joined the channel
# 17:56 tantek I took a guess at where you added the check for "See Original"
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# 17:57 tantek snarfed, if that's not where you implemented it, it would be interesting to know why
# 17:57 snarfed tantek: no, you're right, at a high level, it's effectively there.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:58 jonnybarnes for those of you saving the HTML from webmentions, how are you naming your html files? /cc aaronpk barnabywalters
# 18:00 jonnybarnes yeah, but you can't have the '/' character in a unix filename, its one of the few characters you can't
# 18:01 barnabywalters it’s not *exactly* an indieauth implementation, but it’s been working very nicely for me
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# 18:01 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: it’s not *exactly* an indiearchive implementation, but it’s been working very nicely for me
# 18:02 barnabywalters it differs because indiearchive puts the archived datetime at the beginning of the path where I put it in the leaf — makes it easier to see what versions are available for any given URL
# 18:02 aaronpk barnabywalters: that is worth documenting on the indiearchive page. (I haven't actually implemented it as described by that page yet either)
carlo_au joined the channel
# 18:08 tantek there now we have a friendlier URL to invite gen 2 folks to the discussion
tilgovi and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 18:10 indie-visitor testing...
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# 18:22 tantek aaronpk - clearly someone didn't tip them off
_skinny joined the channel
# 18:22 aaronpk I even posted mine as a reply to the original so it shows up in the giant thread!
# 18:22 _skinny tantek: stickers shipped today
# 18:23 tantek stickers, new FB page, man, we're like marketing or something
# 18:24 _skinny can we buy faceweb.com?
# 18:25 KevinMarks as it's owned by someone in Grand Cayman, probably can't afford it
_sgreger joined the channel
# 18:29 _sgreger hello indieweb! just thought to introduce myself. i'm currently playing around with a small posse plugin for wordpress.
# 18:30 _skinny indiefacebook is a lawyer trap
# 18:41 _sgreger i have some additions i would like to make to the wiki
# 18:41 _sgreger do i understand correctly that any "indie" is welcome to add, regardless of the level of participation?
# 18:44 Jeena the guy @timprittlove is an interesting figure, he is the leader behind the Podlove project http://podlove.org/ where they try to make publishing of podcasts easier for everybody
# 18:45 Jeena and he was talking about the problem with feeds in one of his podcasts, that the clients don't understand next and previous links in feeds so some people have 10 MB big feed files
# 18:46 Jeena all they would need to do is to add the microformats classes to their templates, perhaps I could even help them
# 18:50 Jeena _sgreger you need to have your own domain, but other then that everything goes! :D
# 18:51 _sgreger unless i've overseen something, i should be level 3. so that side is covered :) it was about time to drop by here, i guess
# 18:57 tantek there should be a parody, doge2468 - who do we appreciate
# 19:04 Jeena oh man, I'm having such a hard time explaining to people why feeds are the wrong path. Everybody is telling me that it is so easy with feeds and why would anyone not want to have a feed?
# 19:05 aaronpk ( long discussion over the weekend about that :) )
# 19:06 tantek Jeena, the simple answer is, feeds don't federate comments.
# 19:07 tantek feeds are stuck in the world of disparate publishers and readers
# 19:07 tantek whereas the social web (FB, Twitter etc.) and the IndieWeb have moved beyond that
# 19:07 _sgreger seems that the "levels" of indiewebify and indiemark are quite different things then? level 3 on indiewebify equals approx. 1.4 on indiemark (in my case at least)
# 19:07 tantek when they say "it is so easy with feeds", the "it" is 2000-era expectations
# 19:07 KevinMarks "my atom feed was broken for six months before someone told me"
# 19:07 tantek _sgreger - right, IndieWebify needs some work ;)
# 19:07 tommorris Dave Winer says feeds give you freedom. I now have the freedom to go fix my Atom feed. ;)
# 19:08 tantek feed (file)s don't give you freedom. feed (file)s are a maintenance task.
# 19:08 tantek if your focus is feeds, you're stuck in the early 2000s
# 19:08 Jeena Ok thanks tantek, I see I need to think and read more about that.
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:09 tantek feeds are not freedom. feeds are a maintenance tax.
# 19:09 tommorris I wonder what the ‘feed’ is for a five-year-old scripting.com post.
# 19:09 _sgreger tantek: it's a great tool nonetheless, with the verification tools built in. every step towards an indie web is a good step.
# 19:09 KartikPrabhu agrees. I think when people say feeds are convenient they basically mean "I don't need to visit the site all the time to check for updates" which is true but that is such a low expectation for 2014
# 19:13 KevinMarks ie3 for mac would poll your bookmarks and change their icon if they had changed since you last visited
ricmac joined the channel
# 19:15 bret tommorris: you use reeder/a feed right?
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# 19:16 bret glennjones++ his Microformat JS library deserves some love
cweiske joined the channel
# 19:17 bret tommorris: working on an atom feed for the IRC logs. Need some people to test it when its ready. Interested?
# 19:18 aaronpk bret: you know there already is an atom feed right?
# 19:18 bret i want a feed of the last full day in a single entry
# 19:19 Loqi gives bret a feed of the last full day in a single entry
# 19:19 bret the irc logs are the only out of band news source I keep up with
# 19:19 bret I guess I have checked twitter every few days since signing up too
# 19:20 bret the only = one of a few other sources of news*
# 19:22 aaronpk you're gonna need twitter-mf2 and facebook-mf2 soon :)
# 19:23 bret grrrr why isnt my template not seeing the contents of the feed
# 19:23 snarfed it'll be a while though. we can hate on feeds all we want, but it's a hell of an adoption challenge to drive migration from rss/atom to mf2. i'll be reading majority rss/atom feeds for years and years still
# 19:24 bret on an experimental note, I'm parsing the uF2 from the logs and reconstructing the atom feed from that
# 19:25 bret it could serve a basis for a more general tool
# 19:27 bret website updates -> notifies mf2toatom -> construct updated atom feed -> ping PuSH hub
# 19:28 bret but that I could start playing around with only publishing h-feed and let this thing handle traditional feds
# 19:28 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: could the PuSH blob not contain the mf2 markup?
# 19:29 bret h-feed could notify a PuSH hub at the same time as the uF2toAtom
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# 19:46 cweiske does anyone know an alternative microformats parser written in PHP, apart from php-mf2?
# 19:47 _sgreger i understand there are at least two ways to POSSE image posts to Twitter (native image vs. image card) - can somebody point me to the current "best practice"?
# 19:49 snarfed we generally agreed that we liked attached images more
# 19:50 snarfed wow i failed at reading your message. sorry, i'll pay more attention :P
# 19:51 tantek to anyone who thinks "it is so easy with feeds" - I challenge you to stop using Twitter.
# 19:51 tantek only then will you realize what "feeds" is missing
# 19:57 KevinMarks I even wrote a blog post about ti, back when I still did that
# 19:58 Jeena tantek the answer to that is "Twitter and Facebook are something compleatly different then a open syndication ecosystem" (that is not me talking that is Tim Prittlove)
# 19:58 Jeena the problem is that we and them are talking about different things.
squeakytoy, brianloveswords, melvster and caseorga_ joined the channel
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# 20:16 tantek Jeena, not "completely different", we're solving what Twitter and FB provide, *without* feed files
# 20:16 tantek plus we're ALSO solving what feed files provide
# 20:16 tantek we're at the point where - IndieWeb approach - solves FB+TW+comments+feeds
# 20:16 tantek whereas feed files solve - 2000-era use-cases only
# 20:17 Jeena yeah, I'm just doing a bad job in explaining it that way in 140 chars on Twitter :-/
# 20:18 Jeena but some of those who discussed got what I was trying to say anyway, and they're in this Podlove community too, so perhaps I was able to plant the first seed, who knows.
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# 20:19 tantek Jeena, "explaining … on Twitter" <-- that's problem
# 20:20 tantek everyone who tweets about supporting feeds is ironically publishing WHERE THEY HAVE NO FEED
# 20:20 Jeena exactly, that was actually my 4th tweet, but they just kept discussing ^^
# 20:20 tantek they are anti-selfdogfooding their own philosophy
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# 20:32 Jeena If I have a podcast on my website, then I assume I would do <audio class="u-audio"><src="foo.mp3"></audio> and would get it from a mf2 parser too?
# 20:35 KartikPrabhu snarfed: getting " Error: unhashable type: 'dict' " on bridgy/publish
# 20:35 tantek Jeena, the "how to podcast" with microformats I'll put into KevinMarks's bucket :)
# 20:37 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I suspect you are expecting u-in-reply-to to be a dictionary of urls, but I am using the "u-in-reply-to h-cite" pattern
# 20:37 snarfed KartikPrabhu: oh wow. it's because the parsed mf2 has a dict value for the in-reply-to property, and i thought it would always be a simple string url
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# 20:38 bret tantek: here is something fun, xml excapted microformatted html content in an atom feed XD
# 20:39 bret KartikPrabhu: add that link to the wiki!
# 20:39 KartikPrabhu "If the item is an embedded microformat, check if it has a url property. If it does, append the first url property value to in-reply-to-urls if not already there "
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# 20:42 snarfed ok, filing the issue now. won't have time to work on it until at least tonight, but KartikPrabhu, feel free to take a crack at it if you want! should be just a couple lines to change
# 20:42 KartikPrabhu will look at it, but I don't want to mess around with bridgy's code and break it somehow
# 20:43 snarfed no worries, it has good test coverage, and you don't (yet!) have the permissions to deploy anyway
# 20:43 snarfed plus this is publish, which so far just you and i use :P
_6a68 joined the channel
# 20:53 bret Does any indieweb favicon sized artwork exist?
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# 20:57 KartikPrabhu actually, a shrunk logo might not be the best favicon. but i don't have any better suggestion at the moment
# 20:58 snarfed nah, shrunk won't work well because of the aspect ratio, but i could imagine layering the three shapes on top of each other
# 20:58 snarfed (imagine is the key word, as opposed to actually do)
# 20:59 snarfed btw KartikPrabhu, let me know if you're at all interested in trying that bridgy publish bug fix, happy to help you ramp up
# 20:59 bret I cant stop seeing the old EA logo when i look at the IWC logo
# 20:59 KartikPrabhu snarfed: i am looking at the code and formulating a plan at the moment
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# 21:14 KevinMarks tantek, did you write up results from your contacts experiment? I'm on TWiG and want to talk about it in ref to google voice
# 21:31 bret fighting my 2008 macbook air right now >:( getting distracted from the end gaol
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# 21:48 tantek KevinMarks - for now you can point to the top level post which will link to each of the next posts in the series as they get published
# 21:50 tantek I'll link from that one to the URLs one when I have it up tonight
# 21:51 tantek exactly why I chose to blog that first before trying to code it
# 21:52 tantek because I had a feeling it might be harder to code than I expected
# 21:54 tantek well hopefully they will support all the URL schemes for different modalities!
# 21:54 tantek and then we can build our own modality-specific UI as we please
# 21:54 tantek already filed bugs about Hangouts's lack of gtalk: support
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# 22:12 KartikPrabhu snarfed: made a standalone function to get in-reply-to urls commented on issue with link
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# 22:21 indie-visitor hello - question..... have my own domain hosted with square space - I don't see where I can add the "rel me" links ?
# 22:22 snarfed KartikPrabhu: thanks, i'll look at that. sorry it wasn't easier!
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# 22:23 snarfed hi indie-visitor! i don't think many of us use squarespace, sorry
# 22:23 KartikPrabhu snarfed: that's fine. that file had many parts I didn't understand. I'll have a look again. the function should be helpful nonetheless
# 22:23 indie-visitor ok no worries, guess I should just get a proper hosting company ----- bluehost?
# 22:24 indie-visitor awesome, thank you <snarfed> :)
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# 22:26 KartikPrabhu also indie-visitor use "/nick youname" to change your nick to a better one
# 22:27 paulmeyers Thanks >KartikPrabhu>
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# 22:38 paulmeyers <snarfed> - that how to article was perfect, worked like a charm....thank you
# 22:38 snarfed !tell barnabywalters kudos here from a squarespace user for your rel-me howto
# 22:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 22:50 kylewm Hi tantek, KartikPrabhu pointed out to me that the rules for parsing implied URL properties don't say they should be converted relative -> absolute. Is it safe to assume they *should* be converted?
gRegor` joined the channel
# 22:53 kylewm Ok great, I don't want to be tedious, but the specs are so exhaustive that I wanted to make sure there wasn't a rationale I didn't know
scor joined the channel
# 22:55 tantek I'm assuming parsers were already doing that?
# 22:55 tantek it's just that the spec failed to explicitly mention it before?
# 22:58 kylewm your site makes for good test cases, btw. I think Aaronpk and snarfed use mf2 more defensively :)
# 23:00 KartikPrabhu i just blindly added each step from the spec while adding to mf2py. I guess I should have given it a bit more thought but great catch kylewm
# 23:00 aaronpk knows nothing about the implementation of the php parser :) that's all barnabywalters
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 23:07 kylewm aaronpk, I meant in your *use* of microformats!
# 23:08 kylewm KartikPrabhu, thank you, though following the spec + testing seems like a good methodology to me
# 23:10 kylewm maybe you use the parts that you know work, and tantek uses the parts he knows are supposed to work :) I'm bad at testing my own code, always do the former
caseorganic and indie-visitor joined the channel
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# 23:31 caseorganic Gosh, today all I wanted to do was work on IndieWeb. So many things got in the way. :(
# 23:31 pfenwick caseorganic: Morning!
# 23:31 caseorganic pfenwick: it will be great to see you again when you're next in PDX!
# 23:33 paulmeyers hey <kylewm> - thank you! appreciate your comment!
# 23:33 pfenwick caseorganic: D'aww! <3 Right now I'm in Melbourne. Then Canberra (in nine days), then Sydney and near Auckland in the following weeks.
# 23:34 pfenwick caseorganic: My next planned trip back to PDX is for the OSCON/OSB conference season (June).
# 23:37 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I think I now know how to change things in that bridgy file. Should I just fork it?
# 23:37 snarfed KartikPrabhu: you're looking at microformats2.py?
# 23:38 snarfed sure! definitely feel free to fork activitystreams-unofficial and send a pull request
# 23:38 snarfed and for the test, you'll want to either add new files to testdata/ or a new method to microformats2_test.py
# 23:38 caseorganic pfenwick: the best time of year to be here! indiewebcamp is going to be epic this year. you'll be able to see our new office, too! (we're hosting it there)
ricmac_ and bnvk_ joined the channel
# 23:44 caseorganic pfenwick: I visited Canberra last year for an IT Service Desk management conference. Got to eat dinner at that magical concrete fortress of government.
# 23:45 paulmeyers question? is there a preferred Web Hosting Company with the users on indiewebcamp?
# 23:45 pfenwick caseorganic: If IndieWebCamp is on again the same time this year, then I should be there. :)
# 23:45 pfenwick caseorganic: Oh! I had dinner there as part of a Linux conference. :)
# 23:45 pfenwick caseorganic: This time I'm just up there teaching. Nothing near as fancy, but there's some awesome vegan restaurants in Dickson. :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 23:46 snarfed paulmeyers: to expand on that, there isn't really a single recommended provider. it depends on you and the things you care about
# 23:46 pfenwick caseorganic: Also I'm going to generally encourage you to come to Codemania. :)
# 23:47 caseorganic pfenwick: that continues to be impossible! i should really try this year.
# 23:47 pfenwick caseorganic: No... Have I missed something?
# 23:47 pfenwick caseorganic: Oh, phew! I thought maybe something had happened to Codemania and somehow I was out of the loop.
# 23:47 paulmeyers <snarfed> currently hosting with Squarespace - it is due in a few months so "kickin tires" right now :) Thanks
alexhartley joined the channel
# 23:47 caseorganic pfenwick: sorry. I should be careful with capital letters. organizers have been trying to get me to go for years!
# 23:48 caseorganic pfenwick: but if i went and could do both a workshop on indieweb as well as a speech, i might be able to pull it off. the biggest issue is travel time. i've got my travel all stubbed out until 2015 already, and the rest of the time i need to spend in the office
# 23:50 pfenwick caseorganic: Gosh, that sounds familiar. I'm really considering doing my closing keynote at OSCON, hopping on a plane, and flying directly to Hope X. (I'm doing a similar thing for KiwiFoo,and arriving at 2am of the second day.)
# 23:53 pfenwick KiwiFoo is awesome. As far my friends who have offered to pick me up at midnight from the airport.
# 23:54 Loqi pfenwick meant to say: KiwiFoo is awesome. As ar my friends who have offered to pick me up at midnight from the airport.
# 23:54 KevinMarks gah. took a patch to noterlive and now my heroku build is failing and I need to go catch a train.
# 23:54 pfenwick Oh goodness,I can't words. Clearly coffee is needed.