2014-03-31 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:00 bnvk aaronpk: does webmention.io result attribute in the data that sees a difference in webmentions for a given user from multiple websites?
# 00:01 KartikPrabhu bear: is ronkyuu also supposed to handle in coming webmentions? or is that the plan with no code yet?
# 00:02 bear it can handle the webmention indirectly - my thought was that it would be the library that any webmention work is done for another small code that is a http listener - does that make sense
# 00:03 aaronpk that is correct. the identifier in the URL is for your account at webmention.io
# 00:03 KartikPrabhu bear: so I am confused as to where the in-coming handling is happening in the code
# 00:04 bnvk ok, well specifically what i'm asking bout is I plan to publish notes sometimes from brennannovak.com
# 00:04 bear processing incoming webmentions is two parts: first you need something that is running under an http server to receive the POST and then you need all the code to decode that payload and process the webmention
# 00:04 bnvk but no biggy if it's not really setup that way
# 00:05 aaronpk bnvk: no it'll work fine, you can use that URL for any site
# 00:05 bear the second part is what I thought ronkyuu would do
# 00:05 KartikPrabhu bear: oh I see. So ronkyuu is doing the later with findMentions... :)
# 00:05 bnvk snarfed: yah, i'm finally upgrading all my stuffs to play with your neato gadgets :)
# 00:05 bear the more that uses mf2py the better it gets
# 00:06 KartikPrabhu alright! since I am changing my webmention parsing i'll see if I can play with that
# 00:06 bear and a more unified/consistent approach for mf2 is in the wild
# 00:08 snarfed bnvk: not sure why it's taking so long to poll your twitter. looking now.
# 00:09 bnvk or do I need to click or input a url?
# 00:09 snarfed and usually pretty much immediately after you sign up
# 00:10 snarfed looks like it's just busy. should get to it Real Soon Now
# 00:10 bnvk will it be sending those to webmention.io ?
# 00:10 aaronpk none of your tweets have a link at the end, so no
# 00:11 aaronpk that's what the shortlink at the end of all our tweets do
# 00:12 bnvk wait, a lot of my tweets have the short url, i've been POSSE ing for ages
# 00:12 bnvk just not my replies to people on twitter
# 00:12 aaronpk i just scanned the first page of yours and didn't see them
# 00:14 bnvk aaronpk: for some reason I think my webmention.io account doesn’t have public access enabled
# 00:16 barnabywalters aaronpk: you are too quick, now I can’t test my error message on encountering a private account ;)
# 00:17 bnvk aaronpk: ah shoot, webmention.io isn't setup for https is it?
# 00:19 bnvk yah, https first throws a warning, then redirects to Gitbox
# 00:19 aaronpk ah yeah. actually I should move that over to the new indieweb server along with indieauth, so i'll set it up with ssl there
# 00:24 snarfed bnvk: looks like bridgy had webmention discovery for bnvk.me cached as no endpoint found. i deleted that, so it should see your endpoint in the future
# 00:25 bnvk snarfed: ah interesting, so it will re-poll whenever the job runs again?
# 00:26 snarfed yeah, it re-polls every 15m, but it won't retry any of the existing responses that it marked as complete because it thought bnvk.me didn't have a WM endpoint. it'll send future responses though
# 00:26 snarfed and i may clear one or two of the recent ones manually for you
melvster joined the channel
# 00:31 bnvk hehe, PDX coffee is a lot stronger than Iceland kaffi
# 00:31 aaronpk is at fresh pot on hawthorne! always seem to get a lot of stuff done while i'm here!
# 00:34 bnvk me too, perhaps the large quantity of books emits a certain frequency conducive to thinking deeply
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:42 aaronpk it should be faster, and should also not have the twitter ssl problem anymore!
# 00:46 kbs aaronpk: am I correct in thinking that when checking rel=me links from the proivder, you're directly parsing [and then following through any redirects] rel=me links from them? (as opposed to using an api call offered by the provider)
# 00:46 aaronpk yes, it fetches the HTML page, not using the provider's API
# 00:47 aaronpk (that's why facebook doesn't work, cause they don't return any sensible HTML on public profile pages)
# 00:47 acegiak aaronpk: my webmention comments on your posts are only displaying as hyperlinks to the mentioned posts. is this normal behaviour for your system?
# 00:47 aaronpk it depends on how you've got it marked up, what my site finds
# 00:47 kbs aaronpk: great, thanks - wanted to follow in footsteps rather than encountering solved issues
# 00:48 acegiak aaronpk: I'm using pretty much all the markup possible :P
bnvk joined the channel
# 00:50 aaronpk acegiak: looks like it's because the parsed version shows my text as the "name" property
# 00:50 snarfed bnvk: cleared your results, feel free to click the "poll now" button to try again
# 00:50 aaronpk acegiak: I see your note in the "summary" field, but do you know why your note isn't in the name?
# 00:52 bnvk snarfed: cool, hrm... do my short URL's need to be like (bnvk.me/96h ) or is bnvk.me/96h ok?
# 00:52 snarfed but as long as twitter thinks it's a url, bridgy will too
# 00:53 bnvk interesting, it's still saying no responses
# 00:54 acegiak aaronpk: the p-name is the title of the post? the post has both e-content and p-summary on the actual note content?
# 00:56 snarfed bnvk: re responses, yeah, sorry, more caches to clear. guess i didn't design it to selectively clear the cache. i'll just flush
# 00:56 aaronpk acegiak: looking at your post in my browser, I don't really see what would be the name of the note
# 00:56 bnvk friggin caching... isn't there some quote bout caching be the devil
# 00:57 aaronpk bnvk: it's one of the two hard problems in computer science
# 00:58 snarfed bnvk: usually the log links help debugging like that, but they're not working right now. not sure why. i'll take a todo
# 00:58 aaronpk acegiak: oh are you not actually setting a p-name property manually?
# 00:58 snarfed and it should have also handled the bnvk.me redirect to brennannovak.com and found that domain ok, instead of complaining. i'll take a todo for that too
# 00:59 aaronpk acegiak: oh no there it is, it's in the footer. that seems weird.
# 00:59 acegiak aaronpk: it's because I'm trying to minimize the size/impact of asides/notes in my blog display
# 00:59 aaronpk but my question is why are you setting the p-name at all? especially to the text of my post?
# 01:00 acegiak whereas for actual big content it has a nice bold title etc
# 01:00 bnvk snarfed: yay, debugging, better resiliency
# 01:00 aaronpk the convention is if it's just a short note, not a full blog post or article, then there isn't a separate p-name
# 01:00 bnvk snarfed: yah, the preview worked just fine
# 01:02 bnvk I wish IRC was smart enough / nice UI that it would auto break off threads between two people (e.g. me and snarfed) but keep it in the same public room view
# 01:02 acegiak aaronpk: the way I create posts that are replies/reblogs/likes I have a form that prefills the title of the post with the format [POSTERNAME]:[POST TITLE] which I can then change if I want to
# 01:03 aaronpk acegiak: interesting, is that a convention you picked up from somewhere?
# 01:04 bnvk acegiak: brains, yes, but requires much scan time / brain cpu cycles to read msgs not for me ;)
# 01:04 acegiak aaronpk: I think probably tumblr? I'll see if that's how they do it
# 01:04 aaronpk bnvk: lol that was me that said that. point taken. :)
# 01:06 acegiak aaronpk: the title thing in mine is the corssover between the way tumblr handles these things and what I already had built for when whisperfollow was soley rss based
# 01:08 bnvk aaronpk & acegiak are both 7 chars, start with 'a' and end with 'k' and it is 1 AM here in Iceland :P
a joined the channel
# 01:09 aaronpk ok webmention.io is on its way to the new server, as soon as the DNS propagates!
# 01:11 aaronpk hmm why didn't that pull the text of your comment?
JasonO joined the channel
# 01:15 acegiak aaronpk: so I do't understand why yours is actually looking for the p-name if my posts have an e-content and p-summary?
# 01:16 kylewm snarfed: playing around with bridgy publish, I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error, any idea what's happening?
# 01:17 aaronpk i might have to run it through my comment parser manually to see what's going on
# 01:18 aaronpk looks like I may have two new test cases to add to php-comments :)
# 01:21 aaronpk ok webmention.io and twtr.io are moved over to the new server! yay for fixing things
# 01:27 aaronpk bnvk: ok the comment parser deals with yours just fine
# 01:29 aaronpk oh! it doesn't think it's a reply, just a mention
# 01:30 aaronpk bnvk: and I think it's cause i messed up something when you reply to the https version of my posts :)
# 01:32 snarfed i'll fix the log links soon so you all don't have to depend on me
# 01:34 snarfed bnvk: grr, bridgy still isn't seeing your webmention endpoint. not sure why. i'll investigate.
# 01:36 bnvk aaronpk: so, you think it's something on my end?
# 01:36 aaronpk it's cause you linked to the https version of my post, so p3k didn't count it as a reply
# 01:37 bnvk oh hehe, seem like https causes a lot o probs :P
# 01:41 aaronpk ok fixed that, now i'm gonna figure out what's going on with acegiak's posts
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:43 bnvk aaronpk: should I try another comment?
# 01:44 aaronpk i should be able to just send teh webmention again and it'll update
# 01:46 aaronpk ok acegiak the problem with yours is that it doesn't actually have the "in-reply-to" class
# 01:46 aaronpk which means I don't actually check for note content to display
# 01:47 aaronpk so this may mean comments-presentation is underspecified, or we need another guideline for how to display "mentions" that are not explicitly in-reply-to
# 01:48 aaronpk but separately, your post does appear to be a reply, so should probably have the in-reply-to class
# 01:49 acegiak <div class="u-like-of u-like p-like-of h-like-of p-in-reply-to h-cite">
# 01:51 acegiak I'm looking at the markup now to check for errors
# 01:52 aaronpk you have an h-cite which is the object, and the p-like-of class makes the cite show up as a property of the h-entry
# 01:52 acegiak I've got h-like-of because I wasn't sure if it made sens to use u-like-of for a non-anchor
# 01:53 aaronpk that p-like-of is working fine, but i think that means the p-in-reply-to isn't doing anything
# 01:54 Loqi tantek meant to say: there is no h-like-of
# 01:54 aaronpk acegiak: you already have p-like-of which is fine
# 01:54 aaronpk my question for tantek (hi tantek) is what happens if there are two p-* classes on an object like h-cite?
# 01:54 tantek objects are things which have properties themselves
# 01:55 bnvk coughed up an "Array to string conversion" error on line 138 of MentionClient.php
# 01:55 tantek just as if you just had two p-* properties on a string
# 01:55 bnvk $link_header = implode($headers['Link'], ", ");
# 01:56 bnvk which is odd cause there's a conditional before that which asks if(is_array($headers['Link']))
# 01:56 aaronpk i have a test suite, i should add your html to it
# 01:56 aaronpk ok wait i'm gonna go back to this p-in-reply-to issue
# 01:57 aaronpk tantek: are you saying I should see the same h-cite object in both a "like-of" and "in-reply-to" property? (parsed JSON for reference http://pin13.net/8sV )
# 01:57 acegiak well I've just fixed that issue with the h-* properties
# 01:57 tantek drat - 504 Gateway timeout on indiewebcamp.com :(
# 01:58 tantek except I don't see any in-reply-to in that parsed JSON
# 01:59 snarfed bnvk, kylewm: bridgy publish log links are fixed. debug at will. :P
# 01:59 aaronpk tantek: ok that is my question, because if so, then I believe it's a bug in the php mf2 parser
# 01:59 tantek what's the bug? I don't see in-reply-to mentioned at all anywhere in the JSON
# 01:59 aaronpk right, cause you're looking at the result of the parser :)
# 01:59 aaronpk the HTML in question is here: <div class="u-like-of u-like p-like-of p-in-reply-to h-cite">
# 02:00 aaronpk i should be able to add a failing test to php-mf2
# 02:00 tantek aaronpk - that's messed up - why all the properties on the same class?
# 02:00 tantek who is doing that and why? it's like just keep adding random markup?
# 02:00 aaronpk isn't that how you indicate an object like h-cite is an in-reply-to?
# 02:00 tantek it makes no sense to put u-like-of and p-like-of on the same property
# 02:01 aaronpk oh yeah the u-* properties aren't doing anything there either
# 02:01 bnvk snarfed: ah cool cool, looks like Bridgy is showing a bunch of activity for me now :)
# 02:01 tantek like someone just copy/pasted a bunch of stuff without thinking
# 02:01 aaronpk this is all it needs, which I believe still has the problem <div class="p-like-of p-in-reply-to h-cite">
# 02:01 acegiak tantek: we were keeping that for people who were looking fo rhtat specifically
# 02:01 aaronpk acegiak: no, the "u-*" properties make the parser go look for an "href" attribute for the URL
# 02:01 tantek acegiak - no one should be looking for both u-like-of and p-like-of - that doesn't make any sense
# 02:02 snarfed bnvk: also figured out why bridgy publish didn't follow the bnvk.me redirect. it doesn't (yet) know about the Refresh header. not sure if i'll add that, but feel free to file an issue if you want it
# 02:02 aaronpk the one-letter prefixes are for the parser, not the actual consumer of the data
# 02:02 acegiak tantek: the question was whetehr they would be looking for one or the other
# 02:02 tantek there is only the "like-of" property - the prefixes tell the parser where to parse for it
# 02:02 tantek clients look for a "like-of" property not for specific prefixes
# 02:02 aaronpk (note how the prefixes are not in the parsed JSON)
# 02:03 tantek trying to do too much error handling like that in the publishing will just make it a mess for everyone
# 02:03 tantek better to make the publishing simple, and let the consumers fix their code
# 02:04 KartikPrabhu <article class="h-entry"><div class="p-like-of p-in-reply-to h-cite"></div></article> should be working correctly right?
# 02:06 tantek sounds like a good test case and a bug to file on phpmf2
# 02:07 tantek why such a long url? that's not very user-friendly
# 02:08 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: lol can you make your example parser output JSON?
# 02:09 aaronpk yeah or even just in the one you linked, it's returning some weird format
# 02:09 aaronpk i think it's like python's object serialization or something? it has a bunch of "u"s in it
# 02:10 aaronpk but even better would be like how pin13.net does it
# 02:24 bnvk aighty gents, time for this lil hacker to unplug- g'night
# 02:28 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: fixed to return JSON. url parameter thingie postponed for the time being
# 02:28 tantek man I hate GoogleGroups permalinks. much markup. so slow to load.
# 02:30 tantek aaronpk - looks like www.indiewebcamp links are broken
# 02:30 tantek and yes there are people that habitually type in www. for no good reason for URLs that they hear / see
# 02:31 aaronpk ooh did I not set it up on the new server? will be a quick fix
# 02:32 tantek maybe because it failed to respond before? and it's got some dirty cache of that and trying for the www. version to be "helpful"?
# 02:58 tantek is going through his open tabs and processing them and closing them, hence the semi-random wiki edits
# 03:00 tantek seems to have some good speakers signed up and is certainly indieweb-like
# 03:01 tantek it's in Düsseldorf - who here is Germany again?
# 03:02 tantek alright - I'm going to put it in the /events list - as we don't have any IndieWebCamps in May anyway - and this seems like a good enough substitute
# 03:05 aaronpk didn't they pop in here a while back asking about something?
# 03:05 tantek.com edited /Events (+403) "add Decentralize Camp as it looks similar / complementary to IndieWebCamps, and heck, we didn't have any camps planned in May anyway" (
view diff )
# 03:06 tantek aaronpk - I think they did, and we asked a bunch of questions, and they went back to go work on it
# 03:07 tantek since then they've signed up some speakers including adactio and one of the Hoodie guys
# 03:07 tantek at a minimum they're going to raise awareness about silo problems etc.
# 03:10 aaronpk I wonder if I could make it out there to do a talk...
# 03:12 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: you can add __NOTOC__ to any page to hide the TOC
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:27 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I would eventuallylike to supersede Django's admin interface for posting. I feel like struggling with modifying Django would be futile and I should just use HTML+JS to do some micropubbing
# 03:28 aaronpk make a micropub api using the django framework, then build all the interfaces outside it :)
# 03:28 KartikPrabhu yup! And if I am moving to a filedb then I don't even have to deal with Django. Just raw python
# 03:31 aaronpk wow, just discovered a chrome extension that scrobbles music when listening from a bunch of websites
curiousjohn joined the channel
# 03:42 aaronpk cause they use it as a regular word in their own docs
# 03:42 aaronpk (trademarks can only be adjectives modifying a generic noun)
# 03:42 aaronpk so by using forms of "scrobble" in their docs like "scrobbling" and "scrobbles" and using it as a verb, they prevent themselves from being able to trademark it
# 03:44 aaronpk the trademark is the thing that distinguishes Kleenex tissues from generic tissues
# 03:45 aaronpk it's also the same reason two unrelated companies can trademark the same word if they are doing completely different things
# 03:48 aaronpk a lot of companies will go register their trademark in the "clothing" category if they expect to ever make t-shirts
# 03:49 aaronpk i think most people do it manually cause they don't really have an API for creating things.
# 03:49 aaronpk i'm not super familiar with it tho, I think snarfed has done more with it?
# 03:49 aaronpk hah yeah, github registered their trademark in clothing!
# 03:50 aaronpk i would send you a link, but the uspto site doesn't work taht way
# 03:50 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: g+ is either manual, private api via biz dev relationship (e.g. wordpress.com and jetpack), or screen scraping (e.g. nextscripts snapp, maybe mailchimp social)
# 03:51 snarfed afaik the moments api doesn't really surface to users yet
tilgovi joined the channel
# 03:53 KartikPrabhu another way is to somehoe hack the plus+ button, but haven't been able to figure that out yet
# 03:56 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: for your own posts you can have a +1 button and then use that after posting...
# 03:58 KartikPrabhu yeah that is true. check G+ authorisation for myself and show/hide +1 button
# 03:59 snarfed ben_thatmustbeme: only on g+ posts by people signed up for bridgy
# 04:00 KartikPrabhu aah yes. it might always find your +1 which you'll have to filter out
# 04:01 snarfed btw ben_thatmustbeme, if you haven't started on fb and twitter syndication, i'll shamelessly plug bridgy's publish support :P
# 04:02 snarfed and not just posts but likes, comments, retweets too
# 04:02 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: I have been using bridgy/publish to POSSE to twitter :)
# 04:08 aaronpk i've gotta stop getting .io domains, this is gonna get expensive
# 04:09 ben_thatmustbeme I have a lot of things to clean up on the site before i start posting through it anyway
# 04:10 aaronpk webmention.io twtr.io geobin.io p3k.io terraformer.io oh my
# 04:12 KartikPrabhu bear: I wrote a Python object (long back) to help send webmentions to some post. Automatically discovers mentions by scanning content of post using ronkyuu. Functions to send mentions to combinations of past and present mentions. Is this something that belongs in ronkyuu itself, I am happy to add it there.
# 04:13 aaronpk because "much silliness" would be actually correct, so you have to use the wrong word and make the second word as simple as possible.
# 04:14 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: aaeaaeaaeaa
# 04:15 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: s/works/worked/
# 04:16 aaronpk that's what you think, until you piss him off and he ignores you
# 04:17 aaronpk ...and make you look foolish when you least expect it
# 04:22 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: plus\ itaywouldn't\ atchmaythe\ irstfayword
# 04:25 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: \ I ay\ \ ay\ basically\ ay\ \ ay\ tried\ ay\ \ ay\ to\ ay\ \ ay\ model\ my ay\ \ ay\ life\ ay\ \ ay\ after\ ay\ \ ay\ this\ ... https://xkcd.ay\ \ ay\ com\ /208ay\ \ ay\ /
# 04:27 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: ayin ayaythe ayayright ayayhave ayayyou ayaydon't ayayit ayayseems, ayayi ayayfind ayayits ayaya ayaylittle ayaydifferent ayayin ayayany ayayengineay
# 04:29 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: I've got a thing for Norse Gods
# 04:31 ben_thatmustbeme i'm still trying to figure out what happened with that other regex... why the hell did i end up with ayay at the begging of each word
# 04:33 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: iOH, ayused aye thayapital cayagain W ayay!
tilgovi_ joined the channel
# 04:44 aaronpk gah, stupid youtube for deleting copyrighted videos and not even telling me what the original video was called
# 04:56 aaronpk i just realized I have actually published playlists on my site, they've been there since like 1999
# 04:56 aaronpk and the music has been self-hosted the whole time too
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 05:41 KevinMarks "There also might be a Greek letter in there somewhere but we’re not sure cuz we got bored and ordered a panini."
friedcell and jsilvestre joined the channel
# 06:31 KartikPrabhu "Look Facebook, all we’re saying is that we wanted to share a joke about chicken wings, not ponder astrophysics." that is just bad complaining it I ever saw one.
# 06:32 aaronpk yeah I don't see the problem with pondering astrophysics
LauraJ joined the channel
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# 07:57 KevinMarks hm, the js-focused, data in JSON model has some tensions with indieweb/microformats philosophy
# 07:59 KartikPrabhu so any other file format for data storage would be against indieweb/mf philosophy?
rtaibah and krendil joined the channel
# 08:06 KevinMarks not necessarily, but there is a potential dependency fragility there
# 08:09 KevinMarks I'm trying to mentally square the circle here - Meteor has nice dynamic updates, but static rendering is also a win
# 08:12 KartikPrabhu interesting... I just started using YAML as a file format to store data (for replies/responses and such) would that count as fragile?
rtaibah joined the channel
# 08:19 KevinMarks JSON is declarative, as long as you're not using naive eval parsing
friedcell joined the channel
# 08:26 KartikPrabhu agreed with the JS assessment! Google also seems to be going that way
# 08:28 KevinMarks the future version of this (IMO) is sql <-> json <-> html consistency
# 08:32 KevinMarks I need to write this up, but the mapreduce worldview assumes you cna create databases from documents
# 08:34 KevinMarks whereas the SQL worldview sees databases as ideal and pure, and documents as volatile reports you generate from them
rtaibah joined the channel
# 08:41 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: They can both be inter converted of course. Which on is "pure" and which is "volatile" depends on what is using it and how I think... Would be an interesting blogpost
# 08:42 KartikPrabhu as a complete aside saw the Dave Winer wiki page. Man the talk page is contentious
Sebastien-L joined the channel
ttepasse, pfenwick and icco joined the channel
# 09:10 voxpelli KevinMarks: The empty body tag of that site makes an indie-crawler/parser want to cry
jjuran_ joined the channel
# 09:16 tommorris KartikPrabhu: to be fair to Dave Winer, the contention on the WP talk page is undeserved. Most of it was drama stirred up by a user who was banned.
# 09:16 tommorris KartikPrabhu: I’d forgotten I was involved in that ban. ;)
# 09:17 tommorris Not only was I involved in the ban, I actually dropped the block. Funny how quickly I forget the history on that.
eschnou, barnabywalters, KevinMarks, dns53, bnvk, pfenwick, friedcell, cweiske, voxpelli, jonnybarnes, rtaibah, melvster and Jihaisse1 joined the channel
# 12:13 bnvk is there a page on the wiki regarding migrating one's indie web site to a new domain?
scor joined the channel
# 12:19 voxpelli bnvk: any particular challenges in regards to moving a site to a new domain that you are thinking about?
# 12:22 bnvk voxpelli: specifically the ability for others sites to update my syndicated data, should I send them some sort "hey, my home has moved from domain1.com/note/213 to dom2.com/note213
# 12:23 voxpelli bnvk: Sending a HTTP 301 status back from the old domain with a location-header pointing to the new one would be enough as I see it
# 12:24 bnvk voxpelli: right a 301 from the old domain seems like the right first step
# 12:25 bnvk just curious if we should document this somewhere so to start thinking about the flow / approach for notifying sites of this 301 so they can handle it properly & I don't have to keep paying for old domain indefinitely
# 12:27 voxpelli bnvk: well, as I see it the indie web is just like the ordinary web and links aren’t really meant to become invalid
# 12:28 voxpelli bnvk: I don’t think it’s feasible to actively notify people about the move
# 12:29 voxpelli if I were to have done all of my tweets indie web style then that would mean thousands of notifications of I ever were to move to a new domain
# 12:30 bnvk surely one wouldn't want to say update 10K+ messages NOW, but a que that churns through it
# 12:30 barnabywalters in theory an update webmention could be sent for each one, which returns a 301 redirect, and some piece of software goes through and sends them all
# 12:31 voxpelli in theory a site with webmentions could opt to ”recrawl” the comments as well to find out about this
# 12:31 bnvk voxpelli: is that you think the use case is not valuable, or just difficult to implement sensibly?
# 12:32 voxpelli bnvk: I think that in the case of a pubsubhubbub subscription it makes lots of sense as the other sites has handed the responsibility of notifying it over to you
# 12:32 barnabywalters voxpelli: yeah, I keep an archive of everything I link to so one thing I considered was recrawling periodically, and replacing the links with links to the archived versions if the original 404s
# 12:32 voxpelli in the other cases I’m not so sure – a link is a link – no matter if it was made through webmention or made manually
# 12:32 bnvk seems like there could be 2 approaches to this... sites crawl their own comments detecting the health of domains, or sites send notifications to others sites to "update me"
# 12:33 bnvk I mean, I think this sort of thing would be useful even if one does not change domain, but say changes publishing platform
# 12:33 voxpelli I mean – people likely links to you outside of your webmentions to them – those links would ideally have to be updated as well
# 12:34 bnvk changing one's personal domain is less likely, but publishing platforms absolutely is something that will happen
# 12:34 voxpelli URL changes within the same domain I think is 100% the job of HTTP redirects, not that hard to generate, most systems support it
# 12:35 bnvk yet, again, reality... I am constantly amazed at how often major news sites have dead links to 5+ yr old posts
# 12:39 bnvk anywho, you raise good concerns & points- thanks for chatting voxpelli :)
# 12:40 voxpelli bnvk: good that you brought up the discussion, important one :)
# 12:45 bnvk is there preferred nomenclature for "origin site" and "replicated site" ?
# 12:46 bnvk no, more so, my site django.bnvk.me (moved to just brennannovak.com) ---> waterpigs.co.uk
# 12:47 bnvk but what do I call your site? remote?
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# 12:51 barnabywalters well in webmention vocabulary waterpigs.co.uk is the target of the webmention
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# 12:52 barnabywalters so django.bnvk.me is the “old source”, brennannovak.com is the “new source” and waterpigs.co.uk is the “target”
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# 13:03 brennannovak.com created /migration (+1250) "Created page with "Ideally people will create their IndieWeb sites and their data will live at the same URL forever and ever into eternity. In reality, it seems this is unlikely, as people do cha..."" (
view diff )
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# 13:37 KartikPrabhu "It seems like cweiske-mirror is—or should be—friends with Christian Weiske." Lol
ben_thatmustbeme and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:13 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: very well! seems the Spring has finally come to Chicago!
# 14:24 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: oSay ay Iay ay iedtray ay otay ay ixfay ay upay ay myay ay egexray ay omfray ay astlay ay ightnay ay
# 14:26 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: oray atherray inay edsay
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# 14:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:54 Loqi snarfed: bnvk left you a message 28 seconds ago: would you ever consider hacking Bridgy to be it's own app that's easy to install a given users server a la http://indiewebcamp.com/store
# 14:54 snarfed the long pole would be, it'd need a container like appscale, which i haven't used before, but i'd be happy to try
# 14:55 snarfed on an unrelated note, i deployed the refresh header fix just now. bnvk.me should work for both publishing and listening. feel free to try
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# 14:55 bnvk seems like a great candidate for an "Indie Web App Bundle" that would alleviate future scaling issues
# 14:56 bnvk mind if I update the store with that?
# 14:57 snarfed honestly, i don't really expect scaling issues. it's pretty efficient right now, and scaling would only cost money. still, happy to have people try porting it
# 14:57 snarfed most of the work would be devops, not writing code. if someone else wanted to drive, i'd be happy to hep!
# 14:57 bnvk would also be interesting how it could act in the backround and just write messages to disk
# 14:57 bnvk similar to how unix email systems work
# 14:58 bnvk bridgy could just save whatever it gets from the social networks- which is what Lockerproject used to kinda do
# 14:58 bnvk except they used this monoculture dataformat
# 14:58 snarfed or thinkup or socialsafe or gnip or datasift, etc
# 14:59 bnvk ah, thinkup I sorta forgot about that
# 15:01 voxpelli thinks activitystreams / feeds solves that problem enough already
# 15:01 snarfed voxpelli: for your own stuff, yes, but not as effectively for responses (comments, likes, etc)
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# 15:01 voxpelli snarfed: that’s because of lack of deployments rather than lack in standards, right?
# 15:02 bnvk snarfed: also IIRC, Thinkup has a really heavy front-end focused on providing a social-media dashboard
# 15:02 snarfed but adoption is arguably the hard part. it arguably doesn't matter that ostatus/activitystreams exist, sadly, because no one who matters uses them
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# 15:04 bnvk Thinkup is quite cool & really helpful for accounts with large followings, but seems quite different than the task of just saving my tweets + facebook activity to disk that I can then render in a conversation thread on my site
# 15:04 gRegor` Morning, indieweb
# 15:04 voxpelli snarfed: yeah, so sad to see many new initiatives focus on the technical aspects of it – as if that ever has been the problem over the last couple of years
# 15:05 snarfed voxpelli: eh, we're hackers, it's what we do. we have a hammer. :P
# 15:05 voxpelli snarfed: hackers hack – hackers don’t talk ;) we build then standardize – not standardize, then re-standardize
# 15:06 snarfed voxpelli: heh, true! but in this space, neither hacking nor standardizing drives adoption, necessarily
# 15:06 bnvk voxpelli: agreed, it is sad, but like I tinkered with activity streams on my Social-Igniter project for ages, I never found the community materialize / other sites to talk to + the whole OSTATUS stack was ridiculously complex
# 15:07 bnvk snarfed: awesome!!! didn't realize you had done sooo much in that space
# 15:07 snarfed thanks! and fwiw, activitystreams-unofficial *does* include responses. would be pretty easy to write a minimal main.py and stick it in a cron job to grab your own stuff plus responses. not polished for others, but something
# 15:08 bnvk i'm borrowing this line of thinking as per the unix philosophy of have one piece of software do one small task really well, figure out how to make those components work with other components
# 15:08 snarfed btw, the archive downloads that FB and G+ and Twitter all offer are now really good. more for end users than hackers, and not set up to regularly sync, but still
# 15:08 bnvk they are, but the formats are all mixed up
# 15:09 bnvk and we need something that is ongoing and doesn't require any user action
# 15:09 snarfed definitely. that's exactly what mark wants to build w/asheville. you should ping him!
# 15:09 voxpelli how can’t we save the stuff in activitystreams activities or h-entries?
# 15:10 bnvk snarfed: but why not just add onto bridgy?
# 15:10 bnvk voxpelli: there's no reason we can't, in fact h-entry would probably make a lot of sense
# 15:10 snarfed bnvk: we can, but i'm not sure we should. it's a big and different problem. activitystreams-unofficial would be a perfect building block though!
# 15:10 snarfed (much of bridgy's guts are in activitystreams-unofficial anyway)
# 15:11 snarfed voxpelli: yup. i'd be happy to help support anyone who wants to work on this and use activitystreams-unofficial
# 15:12 voxpelli would be great to establish the way of exposing the activitystreams communities work on activities in h-entries
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# 15:19 bnvk I definitely don't have the bandwidth cycles to work on this at present except for advising / UX flows stuff, but seems like a really worthwhile thing
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# 15:49 KartikPrabhu added a IndieWeb Usage section to the database-antipattern page, feel free to add your storage use case there
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# 15:50 KartikPrabhu I don't think most indieweb usage conforms to the database-antipattern viewpoint so would be good have documented cases
voxpelli, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 16:20 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: It's not huge and I'm not sure how busy / noisy it might be Wednesday at 6:30
# 16:21 tantek gRegor`, KartikPrabhu your indieweb usage doesn't really deserve to be hidden in an anti-pattern article. I'm going to make a /MySQL article and move your usage there
# 16:21 gRegor` tantek: sounds good
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# 16:29 KartikPrabhu tantek: I'm just using A custom Django installation. No name other than that :P
# 16:29 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's ok - you can say that - or you can name your "project in the making"
# 16:29 tantek actually I thought I saw you did - like on your User: page...
# 16:30 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: are we trying to sync with the SF/PDX homebrew website club meeting?
# 16:30 kbs egregiously abuses github out of laziness
# 16:30 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: I was thinking that initially, though obviously in Central time. I don't mind meeting at a different time.
# 16:33 KartikPrabhu tantek: my blog was and continues to be called Parallel Transport but there is no name still for whatever code I am using... some day
# 16:33 tantek oh ok, I thought "Parallel Transport" was the name of your project :)
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# 16:35 KartikPrabhu1 gRegor`: I think the SF and PDX people sync over video and irc notes, but we can just meet at a good Chicago time and post notes
# 16:35 KartikPrabhu1 to update folks in stuff we did
# 16:35 gRegor` Yeah, that's what I was figuring.
# 16:36 tantek also - I can give you guys a Vidyo URL that you can use with your laptop to join the video conf
# 16:36 tantek (which we should probably capture somewhere on the wiki :) )
# 16:36 KartikPrabhu1 joining live over video would be hard given the famed connection speeds in cafes :P
# 16:37 KartikPrabhu1 wait who is using my name!
# 16:39 gRegor` It will also be 8:30 Chicago time, so I don't think we'll be able to join anyway.
squeakytoy, benprew, snarfed and j12t joined the channel
# 16:56 Loqi j12t: tantek left you a message on 3/18 at 10:27am: are you still using Open Photo / Trovebox "running a private instance for … family pictures" ?
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# 17:43 kylewm because I feel like there is *A LOT* than you can do without writing any code
# 17:44 bret Having a domain and some static HTML is pretty easy
# 17:44 aaronpk hertling is a friend of amber and i, he came to a homebrew meetup a couple weeks ago
# 17:44 kylewm and maybe also a good starting place for programmers who want to get their feet wet without writing a CMS
# 17:45 kylewm bret: with a domain and static HTML (and curl), you could also send webmentions (!) which I think people would not realize at first
# 17:46 kylewm aaronpk: cool! I wasn't wanting to respond to him directly, just like the idea
# 17:46 kylewm and i'd be interested in writing a little bit if it's not already there
# 17:47 aaronpk i don't think we have any pages specifcally targeting gen 2 yet
# 17:51 kylewm ok thanks, that's encouraging :) i'll put that on my todo list. someone at IWC SF said something along the lines of 'first do it manually, and then once you've figured out if you want to do it a lot, worryabout automating it' ... lots of fun stuff you can do manually
# 17:55 kylewm woohoo, twitter auth working on indieauth, aaronpk++
# 17:55 aaronpk should have no problems with peoples' SSL certs on their sites now too
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# 18:16 tantek re: section of the wiki for what you can do if you're "not a programmer" - it's called "Getting Started"
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# 18:18 tantek there's a lot of you can do there without any coding
# 18:32 tantek KevinMarks - not sure where I saw that eat24 thing - maybe randomly on Twitter?
# 18:33 tantek I dipped in briefly to see if my suspicions about too many "comment" tweets was still true
KartikPrabhu, Kopfstein, pasevin and kbs joined the channel
# 18:50 kbs so, I have a tiny graph problem puzzle and a silly solution :) you can poke holes it [or if you prefer, solve independently and compare if you feel inclined]. First, the puzzle (and it's related to my current playing with rel=me links)
# 18:51 kbs So I have a directed graph, with a special source node - I know this source node is connected to all the other node via some path. Okay? that's the property of this graph
# 18:51 kbs now I want to find the strongly connected component of this graph, that contains this node [ie, every pair of vertices of this subgraph is connected]
# 18:52 kbs (the context being essentially, a proof graph that locks all these sites as being connected via rel=me links, if you're curious)
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# 18:53 kbs So I have a pretty dumb solution, that I can't convince myself is wrong - but figure you folks might want to have a bash at a solution first, so let me know if any of this sounds interesting to you :)
# 18:54 kbs is not interested in tarjan either :)
# 18:54 aaronpk really enjoyed combinatorics and somewhat graph theory in college, but that was a some time ago.
# 18:55 kbs I think you're about a couple of decades younger than me :) no excuses
# 18:56 aaronpk i have no idea how old you are, but you don't look *that* old
# 18:56 kbs is getting very close to the half-century mark
# 18:59 tantek kbs - I think the IdentEngine source did some smart rel=me figuring out
# 19:00 kbs tantek: ah, ok. This was more in the nature of a puzzle really, and more to see if someone else arrived at the same dumb idea as me :), I'll poke there to see how they did it
# 19:01 tantek I think an abstract puzzle like that is a math problem / theoretical.
# 19:01 tantek In the context of rel=me, there's a lot more information you can use to develop simpler solutions.
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# 19:08 kbs hm, identengne must be doing something different from what I'm thinking, clearly
# 19:11 KevinMarks we could ask bradfitz, who wrote the rel-me crawler for google
# 19:12 kbs what I'd love to know actually, is if doing a dfs on the reversed graph is correct (more curious about the algorithm actually :)
# 19:15 kbs ie, assuming I've crawled from site "source", doing a dfs on the reversed graph of rel=me links gives me all the sites that have a chain of connections both ways to "source" - more just a puzzle I happend to stumble upon, etc...
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# 19:22 kbs I'm probably missing something in how identengine works, but as far as I can see so far it is (was, I guess :) mostly delegating the query to the social graph api maybe?
# 19:26 KevinMarks the social graph api would start form a url and return all linked urls and whether they linked back
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# 20:25 gRegor` Doesn't fall under a traditional site-death since it's more an app in conjunction with the site, but Readmill (ebook app) is shutting down: https://readmill.com/epilogue
# 20:27 gRegor` You could post reviews and comments on the ebooks though, so some content creation.
# 20:31 gRegor` Nvm, see someone beat me to it. :)
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# 21:15 aaronpk it's when the server returns relative redirects :(
# 21:16 aaronpk that makes no sense, that's the same page I just requested
# 21:18 aaronpk "Temporary redirection. The request should be repeated verbatim to the URI specified in the Location header field but clients should continue to use the original URI for future requests."
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# 21:37 aaronpk github will often return a 302 and (relative) location header back to the same URL that you request, and on the second request it returns the actual HTML
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# 22:44 snarfed KartikPrabhu, i saw that you've kept using bridgy publish for twitter
# 22:45 KartikPrabhu I think the improved shortening is great! But it still does not match Twitter's own shortening, which is what people might expect. any reason?
# 22:45 snarfed link shortening is different, as in, you see more or fewer characters of the link? or something else?
# 22:46 KartikPrabhu i think fewer in Bridgy... but I should find examples that'll be illustrative
# 22:47 KartikPrabhu eh! Bridgy does not give preview of already POSSEd tweets! how do I find examples now... :P
# 22:47 snarfed i think i have a single hard-coded t.co length right now, and i should have different ones for http vs https since they're one off
# 22:47 snarfed aww really? that's unfortunate, i should fix that
# 22:47 KartikPrabhu is it possible to give a preview but still warn that it has already been POSSEd
# 22:48 aaronpk snarfed: yeah twitter's t.co lenghts are documented on their site, it's different for http and https
# 22:48 aaronpk also it went up by one a few months ago, they don't promise to keep it the same forever
# 22:48 aaronpk there is an API endpoint that will tell you the current values
# 22:49 KartikPrabhu I was talking to a friend about webRTC... do you think silos will adopt that standard?
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# 22:51 snarfed aaronpk: yup, i filed an issue to use that api endpoint, and immediately killfiled it since it was so low value
# 22:52 KartikPrabhu hmm is webRTC supposed to supersede XMPP? I know GTalk was XMPP based and the seem to be mving that to Hangouts too
# 22:52 tantek yeah, precomputing tweet lengths is a bit of a pain, but doable
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# 22:54 pdurbin KartikPrabhu: you make it sound like XMPP is going away
# 22:54 snarfed tantek: yup. not as hard as the other way around though. the alg to linkify entities (mentions, hashtags, links) in tweet text takes some serious bookkeeping
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# 22:55 KartikPrabhu Bridgy short: "I am appalled" doesn't even begin to sum it up: mathbabe.org/2014/03... (kartikprabhu.com/not...)
# 22:55 KevinMarks why they don't just provide an HTML version in the API rather than all those pointers
# 22:55 snarfed KevinMarks: the bookkeeping? yeah. also totally doable, but delicate. i've fixed sooo many bugs in mine.
# 22:55 bear the xmpp community is making sure that WebRTC and XMPP work together
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# 22:56 pdurbin bear: do you consider yourself part of those communities? (just curious)
# 22:56 bear pdurbin - i'm the chairman of the XSF Board - so kinda yes
# 22:56 bear and I work for &yet which is trying to bring WebRTC to everyone via simplewebrtc and other libs
# 22:57 bear oh, our website is horrible right now - we have a group of folks trying to make it less like a website designed by server geeks
# 22:57 KartikPrabhu I thought XMPP and webRTC did the same thing and so one would replace the other... but it seems not from is being said here
# 22:58 KevinMarks the hard part is the signalling which is out of scope for WebRTC
# 22:59 bear some people use xmpp as the signalling part of webrtc
# 22:59 bear yea, I haven't added an xmpp section because I don't have working code of how to use xmpp from an indieweb site
# 23:00 pdurbin yes, XMPP is not of the web... of course, neither is IRC :)
# 23:01 tantek bear, yeah, that's a good reason to not write a lot of prose on an XMPP page :)
# 23:01 bear pdurbin we are working on a library that allows xmpp in the web to be a normal experience
# 23:01 tantek however, we can still create stub pages, especially when there are several other pages that reference the terminology
# 23:02 bear once our otalk.im test site gets out of internal beta it will be much easier to use
# 23:09 tantek KartikPrabhu: interesting - several links to a WebRTC page, but no page
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# 23:24 snarfed k KartikPrabhu, you can now preview posts that have already been published
# 23:24 snarfed that was way harder that it should have been. but no matter.
# 23:25 tantek hopes snarfed doesn't judge his code too badly.
# 23:26 tantek it's not very pretty. but it "works" and is live on my site. ;)
# 23:30 pdurbin bear: are any of the channels on irc.twit.tv logged like this one?
# 23:30 bear none of them are - it's been a hot topic and always gets voted down by the moderators
# 23:31 bear different irc communities value different things
# 23:32 bear I just keep the server running with it's many ddos attacks and user swarms
# 23:33 aaronpk sometimes I wish getting bored was a potential problem I could have
# 23:33 bear knows that needs some grave accents and the like
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