#indiewebcamp 2014-03-30
2014-03-30 UTC
KevinMarks kbs: when we set up the Google social graph api, I used my own site in the example text

KevinMarks this means that loads of spammers and people with poor reading skills have rel="me" links pointing to my site

paulcp_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yup!

KartikPrabhu should get a good away marking for irc client

KartikPrabhu very nice... move to a DM?

krendil and indie-visitor joined the channel
KartikPrabhu kylewm: My Django month problem somehow automatically fixed itself on my local machine!

KartikPrabhu now I don't know how to fix it on my server! any insights?

KartikPrabhu lol! true...

ttepasse joined the channel
KartikPrabhu I am suspecting some sort of cache thing, but i thought a server restart should've fixed that

KevinMarks things that stop working too

KevinMarks I can't work out why noterlive won't run on heroku any more since I took a pull request

KevinMarks as it runs for the chap who sent it

KartikPrabhu well I gave up on fixing it at the moment. Short urls are not a priority right now for me

ttepasse joined the channel
KartikPrabhu kylewm: that nicely passes both the test I had with multiple KP type names and also the bug you filed about similar nodes being ignored! I assume your automated tester tested other test cases?

equivalentideas_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu nice! could you remove the print statements and add to the PR? or I can do those

KartikPrabhu oh in the latest one?

KartikPrabhu nice! PR accepted into simple_traversal. will merge with main branch

KartikPrabhu good job!

equivalentideas joined the channel
KartikPrabhu kylewm: adding you and myself to the Authors list nay particular email/website you want on there?

tilgovi joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yeah well you did contribute quite a bit. I am just adding myself too :P

KartikPrabhu added!

equivalentideas Hey everyone, I'm new here :) decided to finally work out IRC after watching caseorganic's presentation about #indiewebcamp . I've got a question about jekyll sites hosted on github. I don't control github so I assume this setup doesn't fit the indie web principles. Are there issues with implementing the basic indie web tools like posse and web mentions without a database? I'm considering moving my website http://equivalentid
equivalentideas 2/2 off github to some of my hosting, and rebuilding in ruby as a learning exercise . I just wanted to check with the camp that I wasn't on totally the wrong track. Thanks all! p.s. please let me know if this isn't the type of discussion for this medium, again, I'm new here.
equivalentideas Do messages get cut off if you waffle on?
KartikPrabhu equivalentideas: welcome! there is no problem with you using Github pages or with using a non-database, flat-file solution...

KartikPrabhu I think there is a length limit on messages

equivalentideas That's interesting. Is the idea that presumably you have a backup locally because you're using git? So if github goes away you lose nothing?
KartikPrabhu there is always a problem with your host disappearing... and what aaronpk said ^^

KartikPrabhu also it would seem that non-databases are more robust and encouraged according to: http://indiewebcamp.com/databases-antipattern

KartikPrabhu equivalentideas: are you at http://equivalentideas.com/ ?

equivalentideas that's me :)
KartikPrabhu I like the nice and clean design. :)

equivalentideas :P
equivalentideas IRC is a success!
equivalentideas The database thing is very interesting to me. With things like comments etc. can that data and relationships be stored as text in json or something?
KartikPrabhu mind is blown too! will consider that for my move to flat files for data storage

equivalentideas have you got a link to that webmentions.yml file aaronpk ?
KartikPrabhu equivalentideas: I recommend starting by implementing IndieAuth http://indiewebcamp.com/indieauth so you can sign-in and contribute to the wiki

KartikPrabhu short blog post = yes please :D

equivalentideas definitely
aaronpk no it's not documented anywhere online yet. I do have a sample of how I store actual posts on disk tho: https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k/issues/1

equivalentideas I'll get indieauth up today, I've already got all the rel="me" implemented as just a standard microformats thing.
equivalentideas and tilgovi joined the channel
tantek.com edited /feed_reader (+597) "move Post Google Reader Readers to this page since they're specifically feed readers, not integrated indieweb readers" (view diff)

tantek.com edited /reader (-480) "explicit note at top about legacy feed readers, move Google Reader alternatives to legacy "feed reader" page" (view diff)

tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu evening tantek

equivalentideas Yep I used readmill a lot
tantek.com edited /site-deaths (+723) "2014-07-01 Readmilll shut down coming, note what is being lost, link to export" (view diff)

equivalentideas yeah I know :S It's a bummer. I've been wanting to set up a scraps or highlights system on my domain for a while for capturing highlights/quotes from texts to my own collection. I found readmiller (http://www.disobey.com/detergent/code/readmilling/scripts/user-updates.php?username=Equivalentideas&rss=1) which helped get a bunch of stuff out.
tantek equivalentideas: maybe add some info here? http://indiewebcamp.com/Readmill#Exports

equivalentideas "highlights": [
equivalentideas {
equivalentideas "content": "The Journalist too, would not believe at any price, and joined the Editor in the easy work of heaping ridicule on the whole thing. They were both the new kind of journalist—very joyous, irreverent young men.",
equivalentideas "position": 0.162775,
equivalentideas "highlighted_at": "2013-06-27T10:51:37Z",
equivalentideas "locators": {
equivalentideas "pre": "lothes-brushes in the Future? ",
equivalentideas "mid": "The Journalist too, would not believe at any price, and joined the Editor in the easy work of heaping ridicule on the whole thing. They were both the new kind of journalist—very joyous, irreverent young men.",
equivalentideas "post": " 'Our Special Correspondent in",
equivalentideas "position": 0.16277533769607544
equivalentideas },
equivalentideas "comments_count": 0,
equivalentideas "comments": [
equivalentideas ]
tantek yeah - can you add that in a <pre> block on the page? http://indiewebcamp.com/Readmill#Exports

squeakytoy joined the channel
equivalentideas the data export outputs .zip archive with .txt .json .xml plus a bunch of assets. I'll chuck it up there a little later.
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: just played a biut with pyyaml... looks perfect for rehashing my webmentions!

KartikPrabhu s/buit/bit

KartikPrabhu i.e. YAML for Python

paulcp, basal and snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu has anyone thought of a "u-dislike-of" ?

KartikPrabhu i think it is weird that people can like your posts but not dislike it

KartikPrabhu i see!

KartikPrabhu i might support it when I revamp webmentions

KartikPrabhu yes. I am definitely looking for others thoughts. would be useful bret

KartikPrabhu my thought was that this lack of dislike option promotes a biased view

KartikPrabhu yes. but is that not a huge bias?

KartikPrabhu as in I can always choose to represent comments that say nice things

KartikPrabhu you might dislike something and have a critique you post on your site

KartikPrabhu maybe tantek does a dislike RSS post :P

KartikPrabhu hmm

caseorganic joined the channel
equivalentideas I can think of situations where you're a stakeholder in an entity and want to publicly disapprove of a policy or suggestion for a policy of that entity. You wouldn't want to ignore it because if the suggestion comes to pass, you lose out in some way.
bret John maus on disliking: http://youtu.be/DnMfKacI9AY?t=23m33s

equivalentideas That John Maus interview is really relevant. 'only talk about it if there
equivalentideas s something interesting
equivalentideas could be positive or negative.
equivalentideas I'm very new to this, but it seems that if these kinds of technologies can emphasise or support 'constructive' or 'informed' discussion, they should. But I'm not sure if that's their role? Though only supporting 'likes' not 'dislikes' seems to be likewise an opinionated approach.
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu agrees with equivalentideas on the opinionated part

KartikPrabhu snarfed: if some one removes a fav from a tweet does Bridgy send a mention?

snarfed KartikPrabhu: sadly no, not yet. feel free to vote for https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/9
KartikPrabhu I feel people use favourite on twitteras a means to bookmark to read later...

KartikPrabhu *some people

KartikPrabhu true

KartikPrabhu snarfed: updated mf2py with some sleeker tree parsing with kylewm... passes all our tests but would appreciate it if you stress tested it with Bridgy

KartikPrabhu sweet!

KevinMarks dislike of is a vote link against

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: true... but is there a standard way to respond as such? simialr to "u-like-of"

KevinMarks well, we wrote this up a while ago, btu it is problematic: http://microformats.org/wiki/votelinks

KevinMarks 'cos rev is deprecated

KartikPrabhu i see... there is no mf2 attempt to replicate voting either afaik

KartikPrabhu could be simialr to rsvp with yes, no, maybe type values

KevinMarks vote links were broadly unsucessful - rel="nofollow" took off rather than rev="vote-abstain"

KevinMarks Google didn't like vote-against because pagerank doesn't converge with negative lnks

KevinMarks see http://epeus.blogspot.com/search?q=vote+links for the original proposal

KevinMarks and related posts

Kopfstein joined the channel
KevinMarks when I tried counting votes from blogs, it was clear that liberals were using it more than conservatives https://web.archive.org/web/20041113033724/http://technorati.com/live/votes.html

KartikPrabhu using the vote feature?

KartikPrabhu there also seem to be people who double voted

KevinMarks well, they could vote for and vote against

KartikPrabhu interesting...

KartikPrabhu do folks store the full contents of all the mentions they receive?

KevinMarks so looks lie we only had <700 votes ever: https://web.archive.org/web/20050305025253/http://www.technorati.com/live/votes.html

KartikPrabhu hmm

KevinMarks is this the prcursor to evil tantek? https://web.archive.org/web/20050206123637/http://mostevil.blogspot.com/

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
caseorganic KevinMarks++
KevinMarks what did I do now?

caseorganic KevinMarks: precursor to eviltantek ^^
caseorganic KevinMarks: hello from japan!
KartikPrabhu is http://adactio.com/ down for anyone else?

pfenwick and tantek joined the channel
josephboyle joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://caseorganic.com/articles/2014/02/27/1/i-m-not-going-to-sxsw-this-year linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/SF (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://caseorganic.com/articles/2014/02/27/1/i-m-not-going-to-sxsw-this-year linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/SF (webmention)

KevinMarks is trying out s3 static hosting

KartikPrabhu just moved all comments to yaml files for storing :)

@rtaibah The IndieWeb, Revolution, and Other Reasons You Should Learn to Code http://electricabacus.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/the-indieweb-revolution-and-other-reasons-you-should-learn-to-code/ (twitter.com/_/status/450190477849939968)
friedcell, paulcp, cweiske, krendil, bnvk_, Kopfstein, basal and rtaibah joined the channel
rtaibah Hi there, I am Rami. Just starting with the indieweb at http://rtaibah.com I am setting up indieauth right now. For some reason its failing with Twitter and Google. Github, SMS, and E-mail is working.
pdurbin rtaibah: I wonder why indieauth works with github on your domain but not mine: http://greptilian.com

pdurbin oh wait, now it's working... great! I was getting this: RelParser::InsecureRedirectError at /auth/start

rtaibah rtaibah you needed to have an ssl link?
yaf and CheckDavid joined the channel
greptilian.com edited /2014/Cambridge/Guest_List (+316) "/* Creators */ added Philip Durbin (greptilian.com) as a tentative attendee" (view diff)

pasevin, paulcp and barnabywalters joined the channel
@schnarfed @dewitt condolences, @itafroma. obligatory: #indieweb (https://snarfed.org/2014-03-30_8682) (twitter.com/_/status/450266028753182720)
LauraJ, josephboyle, pasevin, paulcp and friedcell joined the channel
@jalbertbowdenii @tswicegood its inevitable. bring on http://t.co/GVeEwLlG1s. indieweb. open web. death to silos. (twitter.com/_/status/450280100584771584)
rtaibah kylewm: Dang, got the wrong link up there. Should’ve been plus.google.com not profile.google.com In any case, indieauth is still not working.
paulcp and rtaibah joined the channel
rtaibah kylewm: not working G+
LauraJ and kbs joined the channel
rtaibah kbs I should insert html in the Google settings page? As opposed to a straight link
kbs rtaibah: I don't remember exactly where it goes in the g+ settings, but essentially yea. http://pastebin.com/DgxL3QmL

rtaibah kbs yeah Google does not accept that in its settings page
barnabywalters joined the channel
kbs rtaibah: also test with http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?q=https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%2F%2BRamiTaibah when you've got your changes figured out [scroll down to the xfn section, and verify that your main site is present as a "me"] hope all that makes sense :)

barnabywalters you can also check rel-me links by using indiewebify.me, e.g. http://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/?url=http%3A%2F%2Frtaibah.com%2F

rtaibah kbs it does make sense, the trick is how add the tag on G+. barnabywalters thats awesome. I guess I am level 1 already :)
barnabywalters rtaibah: yay! looks like you should be able to log in using persona or github, at least

rtaibah Yup. Its not a big concern. Just thought I was doing something wrong.
rtaibah Should I add this stuff also on subfolders? For example I have a wordpress blog on rtaibah.com/blog should I add that there too?
barnabywalters rtaibah: rel=me literally means “this URL is considered “me””, so you should use it to link together URLs which are your identities on the web

barnabywalters e.g. homepage, twitter page, etc.

barnabywalters basically, “would I log in as this URL?” if so, add rel=me. if not, it’s probably unnecessary

rtaibah kbs. Yes that worked!
rtaibah barnabywalters: understood. What about hcard? I mean I am just trying to understand how all this would work in the situation of having multiple subfolders/subdomains. Bear with me :)
rtaibah kbs thanks
barnabywalters rtaibah: nice work! you should mention that on the http://indiewebcamp.com/Google+ page

snarfed joined the channel
barnabywalters rtaibah: basically anywhere you think it makes sense to put your contact information, mark it up with h-card

barnabywalters it’s certainly a good idea to have one on your homepage

barnabywalters because then for example when you log in to a service with that URL, the service can fetch the h-card and automatically figure out your name, photo, etc

barnabywalters I think bridgy does this

rtaibah I have it now but have a “display:none” in there. Should it be for human consumption or sites talking to each ohter?
rtaibah scratch that. That was a stupid Q
barnabywalters rtaibah: entirely up to you — it is convention to have a human-visible profile on your homepage

barnabywalters so that people can see who you are :)

rtaibah thanks barnabywalters ++
rtaibah kbs ++
rtaibah thanks guys
barnabywalters kbs: what would it allow people to do?

barnabywalters ah okay — yeah, that makes sense

barnabywalters it would take up “valuable” profile space though

barnabywalters ah, okay — similar to how keybase does verification

barnabywalters yeah that sounds like a good idea. if you want some test data I can post a note+syndicated to twitter with my fingerprint

barnabywalters okay so should I link from my profile to that note, from which multiple syndicated copies could be checked

kbs yes - that would be the thinking. I've also started a place to brainstorm at http://indiewebcamp.com/pgp#Authentication - love to hear your thoughts on this

barnabywalters kbs: okay, linked to that note from my homepage with rel=pgp-fingerprint

LauraJ, rtaibah and tantek joined the channel
@ubax Playing around #IndieAuth it seems, if you're using SMS Auth and have a persons cellphone, you can break-in much easily then other services. (twitter.com/_/status/450329791225675776)
@ubax Though, that's an initial observation about #IndieAuth. And I'm hoping it isn't so simple. #IndieWeb #PT (twitter.com/_/status/450330618988339200)
grantmacken and barnabywalters joined the channel
eschnou, ubax and Kopfstein joined the channel
@benwerd There's an #indiewebcamp at the Harvard Berkman Center this Fall. Totally awesome: http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (twitter.com/_/status/450354743408197632)
Loqi [mention] http://werd.io/2014/theres-an-indiewebcamp-at-the-harvard-berkman-center-this-fall linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (webmention)

werd.io edited /2014/Cambridge/Guest_List (+240) "/* Creators */ You literally would have to fight me to keep me away from this." (view diff)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/benwerd/450354743408197632/14099692 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (webmention)

kbs joined the channel
kbs I'm misunderstanding somethingh in the 'representative vcard' algorithm. Running it on (say) https://aaronparecki.com I get the wrong vcard. If someone kindly soul is interested in helping me figure this out, I'll paste some debugging snippets

KartikPrabhu kbs: which algo link ?

kbs KartikPrabhu: http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing

KartikPrabhu which one is it picking? aaronpk's h-card in the side bar does not pass either condition

kbs http://pastebin.com/3nnU2wN9 - I find 12 candidates, none of which pass either of the two tests.

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/benwerd/450354743408197632/195863654 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (webmention)

KartikPrabhu according to the algo aaronpk does not seem to have a canonical hcard on that page

KartikPrabhu I don't see anything wrong with your code wrt to just implementing the algo

KartikPrabhu hmm well the algo does not seem to say so

KartikPrabhu and that could be pretty wrong

KartikPrabhu it could pick up the vcard from some post that is not even aaron's

KartikPrabhu yeah i guess you could have a final fallback but using the first vcard is not reliable IMO

KartikPrabhu i think it would be a any that has posts before site authors and posts from diff sources

KartikPrabhu np!

basal joined the channel
kylewm kbs: there is an algorithm here that is less strict https://indiewebcamp.com/authorship
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and krendil joined the channel
@brennannovak @janl ack, LAME!!! Re: the monoculture issue, yah we really need an #IndieWeb style standards based tools for events! (twitter.com/_/status/450378052565204992)
equivalentideas joined the channel
equivalentideas Has anyone had issues setting up indie auth on a github hosted website?
equivalentideas I just get a never ending >Authenticating as http://equivalentideas.com
equivalentideas Finding rel="me" links on http://equivalentideas.com
equivalentideas I think it could be a DNS related thing, to do with the way github redirects you. Not sure :S
KartikPrabhu equivalentideas: maybe this will helpr - http://indiewebcamp.com/indieauth#Why_is_IndieAuth_and_GitHub_Pages_not_playing_nicely.3F

equivalentideas That looks like the issue, thanks KartikPrabhu!
ttepasse joined the channel
KartikPrabhu equivalentideas: in my experience people here have very good documentation skills, so most questions already have a wiki page :P

equivalentideas KartikPrabhu: I'll be sure to search there first next time ;)
KartikPrabhu of course. and if you find something new add it to the wiki. well once you have indieauth running.

equivalentideas That's the plan :) Thanks again, off to work.
kbs, pfenwick, bnvk, snarfed and rtaibah joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/twitter/benwerd/450354743408197632/450387112907788289 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (webmention)

tilgovi joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: it would be good if your "fav" and "repost" icons showed hover texts

KartikPrabhu eh as in mouse-over the "star" says "likes" or somethign

KartikPrabhu maybe it is obvious

KartikPrabhu true. but aren't you asuming everyone understands those icons?

KartikPrabhu and maybe they do in whcih case this is not an issue

KartikPrabhu oh hmm yeah... missed that. cool!

KartikPrabhu btw got responses working with yaml now... very cool

GWG joined the channel
KartikPrabhu will be much easier to just append parsed mentions in the future

KartikPrabhu that works! :)

KartikPrabhu GWG: you should atleast have your own website where you post things though to do anything indieweb

KartikPrabhu maybe use one of them as the canonical one

KartikPrabhu gtg for now. Welcome GWG!

KartikPrabhu is back with some caffeine!

KartikPrabhu coffee! stopped drinking soda ages ago

KartikPrabhu GWG: yes. it is best to have a canonical post on your main site that you want as your identity and then push copies to others

KartikPrabhu oh sure... you can have a lot of copies of yourself but all of them can connect back to your website :)

basal I'm trying to figure out how h-cards work by looking at people's sites :x
KartikPrabhu GWG: if i may: http://kartikprabhu.com/article/indieweb-love-blog

KartikPrabhu :P

rtaibah joined the channel
KartikPrabhu basal: work as in?

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/twitter/benwerd/450354743408197632/450394870205521920 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge (webmention)

KartikPrabhu GWG: that is good!

KartikPrabhu that is bad! ;)

basal KartikPrabhu, like where to put it. Looks like you markup the author of a post with an hcard.
KartikPrabhu basal: h-cards basically identify a person so you can use them to markup authors or even people you mention in posts

basal KartikPrabhu, so is there like a h-card for the whole domain? or you just need something on every page...
KartikPrabhu GWG: sure thing, but "more show less tell" seems to be the running mindset here... which I agree with ;)

KartikPrabhu basal: there can be a canonical h-card on the root domain and every h-card on other pages can just link to that page

KartikPrabhu "show" as in build something... turn your blog into a indieweb thing

KartikPrabhu cool! excited to see what you come up with! :)

KartikPrabhu those wordpress plugins are awesome

KartikPrabhu says as he hacks away at python code :P

KartikPrabhu basal: h-cards basically work like links to your name on Twitter or something. each post has your name with a link to your profile... it works similarly with h-cards

basal I'm using Jekyll
KartikPrabhu are there a lot of Ruby indieweb tools?

lukebrooker joined the channel
basal GWG, mhmz
KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu i see. it would be cool to have Ruby thigns since Jekyll seems to be a good static site gen.

basal KartikPrabhu, So like <meta name="twitter:creator" content="asherehsa"> Put an h-card in the header of everything to link to my about page?
KartikPrabhu not in head element but where you say that you are the author of the post.

snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu < div class="h-card"><a class="u-url" href="link-to-about">Basal</a></div> something like this

basal aaronpk, I meant it as an example of linking to my twitter page
basal KartikPrabhu, but if it's a div you can't really do it in the header
KartikPrabhu it is recommended to have visible meta-data

KartikPrabhu div was also just as an example. you can put classes on anything

basal so you'd use something similar to markup a blockquote?
KartikPrabhu yeah!

KartikPrabhu in the citations

basal I was thinking tumblr style blockquotes haha
KartikPrabhu what's a tumblr style blockquote?

basal but I guess that straddles the line of comments
KartikPrabhu is Tumblr illiterate

kbs ( aaronpk - referrin to http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing )

KartikPrabhu kbs: does tantek's site work correctly?

KartikPrabhu i've learnt to trust tantek's site wrt mf2

basal KartikPrabhu, using blockquotes from discussion http://andrysb24.tumblr.com/post/78613973560/knightof-hope-vanishedschism
basal *for
KartikPrabhu basal: interesting... haven't seen those on any indiewebsite so not sure how to do them :)

basal KartikPrabhu, well I think indieweb uses comments and such for that
KartikPrabhu yes... and comments can have h-cards too! pointing to the author of the comment

kbs aaronpk: I think what's happening on your site is that the canonical algorithm picks up no hcard, and otherwise things pick up random hcards - cf. http://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faaronparecki.com%2F

KevinMarks look for rel="author" ? lots of people use that now

basal Also I'm using Nearly Free Speech for hosting and the server went down. http://status.nearlyfreespeech.net/ Really happy to own my own data.
Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

bnvk aaronpk: so Step 4. of https://github.com/converspace/webmention/blob/master/README.md is what webmention.io handles, right?

aaronpk yeah I think this is just taking the first h-card regardless... https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/blob/master/web/index.php#L236

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yeah I doubt the "take the first one" fallback

ttepasse joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

KartikPrabhu rel=author is a good fallback. or maybe rel=me

@equivalentideas Rise of the IndieWeb - Amber Case - FutureTalks http://www.youtube.com/ via @instapaper (twitter.com/_/status/450405450651926529)
rtaibah joined the channel
KartikPrabhu kbs: that is a good experiment. good h-cards should be able to do that

barnabywalters joined the channel
KartikPrabhu building your online web! or social graph as they call it... cool

ttepasse joined the channel
tilgovi joined the channel
KartikPrabhu bnvk: i think all links are implicitly mentions. But for others there is this: http://indiewebcamp.com/responses

aaronpk i think you mean this? http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context

KartikPrabhu oh! my bad :P

Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

KartikPrabhu is this the beginning of mention spam?

KartikPrabhu hmm possible...

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: do you store the original HTML of the mentions you receive?

KartikPrabhu for all of them, even reposts/likes?

KartikPrabhu hmm i see. something i'll have to incorporate.

KartikPrabhu always good to have a copy of responses I suppose. same with reply-contexts

Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

rtaibah joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yeah that is a good idea too!

KartikPrabhu or in case you decide to include more information from the original

KartikPrabhu oh that's clever

Loqi [mention] http://www.mrmorgan.me/2014/03/27/my-current-biggest-annoyance/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortcitations (webmention)

iangreenleaf joined the channel