Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: also sending a mention to https://snarfed.org/ returned a 404. Seems like somethign the wordpress plugin does in general. also happened on dariusdunlap's site
snarfedKartikPrabhu: thanks for letting me know. re SSL on brid.gy, its cert depends on SNI. does whatever you're using to fetch support that? details: https://www.brid.gy/about#ssl
kylewmKartikPrabhu: speaking of mf2py, I have made the mistake several times of calling Parser(text) rather than Parser(doc=text), do you think we could make doc/url required named parameters rather than part of **kwargs?
kbsapropos of nothing on this nice friday evening :) idly wondering why vcards point to keys, rather than keys wrapping vcards -- the latter permits signatures on the contact info, which seems handy.
KartikPrabhukylewm: The trouble is that Parser(string) could be either a url or doc how do we decide. I think the earlier versions of mf2py did some strange guess work on this. But open to better ideas for handling this.
KartikPrabhui thought about this before remving the args parsign logic, but I don't knowa good solution. I have made the Parser(text) thing a bunch of times too
ben_thatmustbemeSo it seems like don't allow old style commenting directly on your site, bridgy and webmention only. Any thoughts on if this is annoying for readers? I really like the idea for not having to deal with spammers.
aaronpkI have lots of friends who still read twitter all the time, and it seems like anyone still reading the whole home timeline is following ~200 people or less
aaronpkso I'm wondering if I added under 200 people to an indie reader (peoples' own sites, and also some twitter accounts) if I would actually find it useful again
demisI haven't used a reader since Google took thier's offline, and even then wasn't really using it - probably for much the same reasons you mention above.
demisthat's one thing that would be great added to Idno - a simple private reader page that collects the latest posts from sites I follow and can be ordered/grouped by time/site. Yes I should see what I can do about that :)
aaronpkactually the only thing that does is the webmention handler, but I run that as a job queue so there's only ever one thing writing to my webmention log file at a time
ben_thatmustbemehmm, true. I suppose the other pages could have a generic handler too. I'm actually thinking more toward a webmention callback for phonebook stuff that I want to work toward
ben_thatmustbemeyeah, I am not sure on the exact protocol for it, but basically use webmention callback for the author page to say thay I added you to my phone book. You could see who has you added and add them to yours as well (but more importantly figuring out some extension to add more secure info to the author page if you are added back)
ben_thatmustbemethere are a number of security issues i'd have to look in to, but really, phone number, address, things like that aren't high security, just moderate
ben_thatmustbemebut you could always organize people in to groups for access, maybe close friends get my mailing address, but acquaintances just my e-mail and city
ben_thatmustbemethats why i was interested in kbs's discussion of sharing pgp keys on your home page, gives a way to have secure communication back and forth
ben_thatmustbemei was thinking if it generates a custom URL (with a key) that grants access its a unified interface, webmention just becomes a negotiation of keys
demishey aaronpk and ben_thatmustbeme, reading your text above brought Bitmessage to mind. Any way to piggy back off the generated identities in that for the contact info?
aaronpkI should just do this on my own /contact page right now... anybody can sign in to my site using indieauth right now, so it'd be easy to add private data there if you're signed in
aaronpkalso, come on guys. bit.ly and google docs? you guys have all of facebook at your disposal, you'd think they'd allocate a few resources to make a better developer console for requesting comments access
snarfedre names, a while back i picked a name for (eventually) rebranding activitystreams-unofficial, and i brainstormed a few agriculture related names, due to "silo"
kbsis it just me, or has something changed with indieauth.com [eg: insisting that redirect uris be https only?] - seems like login from indiewebcamp.com is no longer working
kbsyes, it's clearly a bug on their end - thanks for pointing it out - wonder if this will cause issues for other clients. I thought browsers would immediately flag this as a loop, surprised it hasn't shown up
kbsI wonder linking to http://kbsriram.com is actually better than linking to http://kbsriram.com/ :-) - maybe the browsers are not considering those urls to be equivalent, even though they are making the exact same request
snarfedKevinMarks: hmm ok. i'm trying to figure out if or what i'm doing wrong. i don't actually use the content of retweets at all, whether from the outer object or retweeted_status
kbsKevinMarks: right - rel=me to point to [say] a fake twitter account which could then be used to point back to the desirable domain - and then (say) an indieauth login as the desirable domain?