#indiewebcamp 2014-04-07
2014-04-07 UTC
# @jtroyer @cincystorage @mikestanley @discoposse @BlueShiftBlog @halr9000 Some interesting distributed projects going on under the #indieweb banner.. (twitter.com/_/status/452959951724351488)
# Loqi [mention] http://kylewm.com/reply/2014/04/07/1 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-04-06/line/1396822084 (webmention)
snarfed joined the channel
# snarfed the other candidate for next project was to polish http://freedom.io/ , maybe integrate it into bridgy, and advertise it more widely
# @CaptainKurtis RT @mattl: @CaptainKurtis @GNUsocial @indiewebcamp I think it does. We use @creativecommons attribution license for posts. Plus federation … (twitter.com/_/status/452973869653966848)
# snarfed hmm. disqus *might* allow synthetic author. will take more investigation. http://disqus.com/api/docs/posts/create/
# ben_thatmustbeme trying to catch up on the logs is like a part time job
# ben_thatmustbeme jeez
# ben_thatmustbeme hey
# ben_thatmustbeme cool, library science huh?
# ben_thatmustbeme could have used to pick your brain at my last job GWG
# ben_thatmustbeme ouch
# ben_thatmustbeme my brother in law's name is Brian... they spelled half of the Brian's his year as Brain
# ben_thatmustbeme a lot of people were mad about that one
# ben_thatmustbeme I was actually the only tech guy at a small company that did digitizing of art and historic works
# ben_thatmustbeme so logs of cataloging things came in to it
# ben_thatmustbeme honestly, I learned enough of it that I was trying to teach the owner of the company the stuff, which he really should have learned on his own
# ben_thatmustbeme heh, that works
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah, it is
# ben_thatmustbeme I took that panorama when i was there last year
# ben_thatmustbeme paid for by selling my twitter handler
# ben_thatmustbeme i have a lot of work to do on my site graphically
# ben_thatmustbeme I want to get the code behind it working first
# ben_thatmustbeme I don't like the look but it works for now
lukebrooker joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme I'm working on implementing webmention now
# ben_thatmustbeme I have quite a bit to do
catsup joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme my problem is i build a wonderfully furnished shack
# ben_thatmustbeme or rather, wonderfully furnished dilapidated house
# ben_thatmustbeme Hmm, anyone have any idea how to handle sites if they have more than one rel=webmention ?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme presumably I should be linking to a single post, so I just grab the first
# ben_thatmustbeme or it would be a link to the entire site
# ben_thatmustbeme so really there should only ever be one
# @robmyers RT @mattl: @CaptainKurtis @GNUsocial @indiewebcamp I think it does. We use @creativecommons attribution license for posts. Plus federation … (twitter.com/_/status/452997961979396097)
grantmacken and bnvk joined the channel
kbs joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme hey kbs
# ben_thatmustbeme not bad
# ben_thatmustbeme haven't had a ton of time for it
# ben_thatmustbeme but my webmention is getting there
# ben_thatmustbeme I think i am pretty close to being able to send them
# ben_thatmustbeme which is odd considering i was intending on making it receive them first
friedcell joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme kbs, what are you writing your crawler for?
# ben_thatmustbeme i was working to refine the message queue thing, have some work to do on it
# ben_thatmustbeme oh, that would be cool
# ben_thatmustbeme I was wondering if we could use it to piece together some contacts list automatically
# ben_thatmustbeme so lets say, for all my facebook friends (or some list i specify) go to all those sites, grab their data, find their sites, parse those, then perhaps do the same for G+
# ben_thatmustbeme and Twitter
# ben_thatmustbeme and associate them together wherever possible (two accounts both use a rel=me to the same site for example
# ben_thatmustbeme even if it isn't indieweb
# ben_thatmustbeme i really dislike having my contacts all in Gmail. Don't get me wrong, it can be helpful, but then you always hit issues merging contacts on the phone between accounts, or if they have multiple accounts, it gets confused.
# ben_thatmustbeme plus it won't have a space for a FB profile, or some other site profile
# ben_thatmustbeme well I figure it could all work in together, if I can share my personal info to those that log in via indie web, whould be cool to be able to work that in
# ben_thatmustbeme yes
# ben_thatmustbeme i have it up in github
# ben_thatmustbeme i like the layout, I use it at work, you don't need to know the entire system layout to be able to really start hacking on it. I want to make it a super easy platform for people to just get a blog up and start hacking on it
# ben_thatmustbeme well, easy for hackers to set up
# ben_thatmustbeme not sure, i suppose it could work either way
# ben_thatmustbeme i would love to have it plug in to the blog, so it could occasionally (monthly?) re-run to check for new info
# ben_thatmustbeme and also have a callback URL for others to send me updates on the fly
# ben_thatmustbeme just pushed the basic scheme for sending webmentions to github
# ben_thatmustbeme completely untested
# ben_thatmustbeme using php-mf2
# ben_thatmustbeme php-mf2 is just that. makes it super easy
# ben_thatmustbeme Its a project for down the way
# ben_thatmustbeme I wonder how much you can browse with the API. Would be able to get all the account info for people who don't set everything public
# ben_thatmustbeme would be the same issue with every site
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah, there is a trade off
snarfed joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme scraping html would be great, more generic, but you are really limited to only things people put public
# ben_thatmustbeme you have to be logged in to get their phone number and such
# ben_thatmustbeme indeed
# ben_thatmustbeme if I haven't already parsed their info from my own accounts
# ben_thatmustbeme so i start with my account and get all my G+, FB, & twitter contacts, and from all the links they have there try to parse those sites too
# ben_thatmustbeme get all the info i can
# ben_thatmustbeme then tie in info i enter manually
# ben_thatmustbeme or perhaps dump from Gmail, etc
# ben_thatmustbeme anyway, I'm going to head to bed
# ben_thatmustbeme goodnight all
# ben_thatmustbeme talk to you tomorrow
KevinMarks joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
snarfed, friedcell, paulcp, lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu, eschnou, basal and tahnok joined the channel
# jden indiewebians: would love a review of weblogin https://github.com/jden/web-login
KartikPrabhu1, lukebrooker, friedcell, KartikPrabhu and Jihaisse joined the channel
cweiske, LauraJ, jsilvestre and glennjones joined the channel
grantmacken, pfenwick, LauraJ, eschnou, krendil, pasevin, tobiastom, bnvk, cweiske, icco, adactio, friedcell1, barnabywalters, CheckDavid, basal, squeakytoy, scor, melvster and ttepasse joined the channel
# tommorris.org edited /monoculture (+80) "/* Examples */ user-agent string is the other way WebKit monoculture exists" (view diff)
pfefferle and chloeweil joined the channel
BjornW and pfefferle joined the channel
brianloveswords, eternicode, Sebastien-L, gRegor`, Jihaisse, jedahan, snarfed, pfefferle and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme hello all
# @justnathan @laurasolomon ask if anyone is using #indieweb standards. Seems like a good open standard for libs to get involved in. (twitter.com/_/status/453189626690568193)
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# gRegor` Morning, ben_thatmustbeme
# ben_thatmustbeme Good morning
# barnabywalters good afternoon
# ben_thatmustbeme what is everyone up to today?
npdoty joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme ignore 90% of what I say
# ben_thatmustbeme I did see you working more on the webmention queue stuff
# ben_thatmustbeme cool
# ben_thatmustbeme I don't know if you saw my stab at updating the standard as I was planning to implement it
# ben_thatmustbeme i have a link
# ben_thatmustbeme i just forked it in github
# ben_thatmustbeme really I just changed around to try to say we use the same return codes for async as for sync
# ben_thatmustbeme just encapsulate them differently
# ben_thatmustbeme I don't know what to do about "pending moderation"
benprew joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme we'd still want something to let them know rejected vs failed parsing i'd imagine
# ben_thatmustbeme I don't know, I'll have to look back at in when I have a few minutes
kbs joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme good morning kbs
# kbs gRegor`: you were quite right about _external_ rel=me s to the bare-domain being perfectly fine - there's some logs back at http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-04-05/line/1396763505 from tantek, and more info in those logs if you're still curious...
# gRegor` Interesting
# gRegor` And perhaps more confusing. Haha
# gRegor` But easy enough for me to add.
# barnabywalters kbs: you should distill what you’ve learned about rel=me onto http://indiewebcamp.com/rel-me
# barnabywalters kbs: it’s a wiki, don’t worry about it :)
# barnabywalters the important thing is for it to be on there rather than only in logs
# barnabywalters which, despite being excellently marked up, are still quite difficult to search
# barnabywalters also, the act of trying to express knowledge concisely can really help solidify and clarify it in your mind
# barnabywalters kbs: that would be great!
# ben_thatmustbeme kbs, not as bad as me writing my regex to turn my sentences in to pig latin
# ben_thatmustbeme that was really getting spammy
# ben_thatmustbeme actually, how can you search the irc logs?
# ben_thatmustbeme i know http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/<<date>> but can you search by keyword?
# barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: search google for site:http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/logs keyword
# barnabywalters ah, yeah, site:http://indiewebcamp.com/irc keyword actually
# ben_thatmustbeme oh yeah, duh, that works
# ben_thatmustbeme Well, that helped me find the old regex. That was probably a bad idea honestly.
# ben_thatmustbeme s/\b([^aeiou ]*)(\w+)\b/\2\1ay/gi
# ben_thatmustbeme I'm really anxious to get webmention up and working on my site. Its slow going.
# barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: what are you having problems with?
# ben_thatmustbeme oh, nothing yet, i think I'm just taking my time to do it right. I still have to figure out how to make sure a link to my own site is valid safely, and then ensuring the remote location points correctly
# ben_thatmustbeme I do wonder how I will display posts that just link to my home page and not a specific permalink
# barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: a few of us have generic mentions feeds which list all mentions to any page, e.g. https://aaronparecki.com/mentions or http://waterpigs.co.uk/mentions
# ben_thatmustbeme I think I have the sending side almost done though, just need to parse out any links and actually send them
# barnabywalters which are essentially analogous to the twitter interactions view, which shows all interactions with you
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yay!
# barnabywalters it’s also how taproot knows to send client-side notifications
# barnabywalters aaronpk: oh cool — did you end up caching or storing the status?
# barnabywalters that seems sane
# aaronpk example from bret https://aaronparecki.com/webmention/rf2_14yA
# barnabywalters nice
# barnabywalters that page is a wonderful example of how debuggin HTML+HTTP APIs can be a much better experience than, for example, JSON ones
# barnabywalters it’s a pity we can’t link to it ;)
# barnabywalters it would be cool to have at least one permanent one for demonstration purposes
# barnabywalters that’ll do
# ben_thatmustbeme hah
# barnabywalters ha ha
paulcp joined the channel
# barnabywalters -0 is my favourite number
# ben_thatmustbeme I'm thinking I'm going to store the queue item as part of the comment
# ben_thatmustbeme so they persist
# ben_thatmustbeme any that don't exist were rejected
# ben_thatmustbeme altough you lose the invalid vs moderator rejected
# ben_thatmustbeme I might persist moderator rejected ones
# ben_thatmustbeme unless spam
# aaronpk what if I send you source=http://youtube.com&target=http://ben.thatmustbe.me/
# ben_thatmustbeme i would poll youtube find it doesn't have a link back and it would be rejected as invalid and thus deleted
snarfed joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme when it creates it, it creates and entry, as a comment, thats set to not display, with no data, when I try to fill in the data, it sees invalid, and deletes the database entry
# ben_thatmustbeme yeah, it would return a URL
# ben_thatmustbeme you send me source=.... I return a URL for you to poll from. queue?id=12345
squeakytoy joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme in the DB, this happens to just be in the same table as comments
gRegor` joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme after it gets deleted?
# ben_thatmustbeme okay, i return a URL
# ben_thatmustbeme okay
# ben_thatmustbeme at first, the record is created. If you check that status, it will say pending
# ben_thatmustbeme mmm, see thats what i was just looking at, It would return a generic "failed" with no reason why
# ben_thatmustbeme so technically any call you make to guess a random ID, would return the same "failed"
# waterpigs.co.uk edited /webmention (+451) "/* Implementation Notes */ clarified how to verify target, source link to target" (view diff)
# ben_thatmustbeme which is why i'm rethinking it actually
# ben_thatmustbeme I think i might just store permanantly all of them
# aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:aaronparecki-webmention-status-example.png]]""
# ben_thatmustbeme its really like 3 URLs, and a status
# ben_thatmustbeme and maybe a few IDs
# ben_thatmustbeme 3 varchars, and a few INTs
# ben_thatmustbeme not a huge database burden
# barnabywalters ben_thatmustbeme: I added some clarifications to the webmention implementation notes about the things you were asking about earlier: http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention#Implementation_Notes
# barnabywalters hopefully that makes things a little clearer
# gRegor` Nice webmention status page, aaronpk
# ben_thatmustbeme thanks barnabywalters
# ben_thatmustbeme okay, headed to lunch
# gRegor` Now that I have the MySQL datetime fixed up properly, I should have my mentions page up soon.
# gRegor` I went to the trouble to store webmention published/updated dates in UTC, but then found out the mysql UTC time was way off, haha
# gRegor` I still like it. :)
# gRegor` I was wondering why the twitter avatars weren't showing up for me on your status, aaronpk, then remembered I'm using the disconnect.me extension
# gRegor` I was just thinking about that yesterday
# aaronpk I plan to do something like http://aaronparecki.com/avatar/waterpigs.co.uk.jpg
# gRegor` Will you keep them indefinitely, or periodically refresh them?
paulcp joined the channel
# kylewm.com edited /User:Kylewm.com (+519) "trying to work out some ideas of what to work on next" (view diff)
# barnabywalters aaronpk: what are your thoughts on extending that to content photos in reply contexts?
# barnabywalters AFAIK we both archive HTML of post pages, but nothing else
# barnabywalters which from an archival POV doesn’t do much for photo posts
# snarfed kylewm: love this idea on http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Kylewm.com : "extract webmention sending as a separate service that could watch an h-feed and send mentions for [links in] new entries"
silencematters joined the channel
# silencematters Hello all
# silencematters I am helping to Organize the IndieWebCamp here in NYC for later this month http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/NYC
# silencematters We are looking for companies to help sponsor the event — to pay for food, and some of the space
KevinMarks joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme i thought the idea it to always link rel=me to the /, that is your identifier and the only way you are supposed to log in. Using no subdirectory was the easy way to say you own the domain
# ben_thatmustbeme well always for those sites that identify you
# ben_thatmustbeme i saw that before when I was reading through the logs this weekend
# aaronpk I don't see it mentinoed here http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me
cweiske and chloeweil joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme that seems like a good way to look at it
# ben_thatmustbeme haha
caseorganic joined the channel
# barnabywalters happily accepts blame for new wiki content :)
fungoat joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, the more i think about it, you might have the right idea for only showing webmention queue items for so long
# ben_thatmustbeme I'm thinking 7 days after moderator approval
# KevinMarks That also helps explain how we get ambiguity of two people can add rel me links to a page
# ben_thatmustbeme people both having rel=me links to a page could really screw up the idea I had for creating the contact lists
# ben_thatmustbeme s/both/two
scottros joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme i give up
# kbs http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&limit=500 and look for plus.google.com ...
# ben_thatmustbeme kbs, i had the idea of that but just using subdomains
# ben_thatmustbeme ben.thatmustbe.me instead of just thatmustbe.me
grantmacken joined the channel
# @erinjo @jtroyer I'm working on group convo ideas for #indieweb with @teamidno. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them (erin @ eidyia . com) (twitter.com/_/status/453235515622313984)
tantek joined the channel
# tantek.com edited /events/2014-04-09-homebrew-website-club (+47) "note local time (yay Chicago!) and RSVP" (view diff)
# KevinMarks Excellent, but I am going to miss it as Rosie labs at the airport on Wednesday
# tantek.com edited /events/2014-04-09-homebrew-website-club (+329) "need indieweb event and POSSE copies, move my RSVP to actual RSVP section :)" (view diff)
# tantek snarfed - great! Please RSVP for yourself and the friends you're bringing :) http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-04-09-homebrew-website-club#RSVP
# ben_thatmustbeme hmm, not to parse out the correct data from a webmention
# ben_thatmustbeme I can't wait for IWC Boston
KartikPrabhu and gavinc joined the channel
# @CaptainKurtis Can @indiewebcamp sites operate effectively on @torproject hidden services? If so, is anyone doing it? #indiewebcamp (twitter.com/_/status/453242753766289408)
# ben_thatmustbeme anyone have a link handy to a page that has actual webmention content. I'm looking to set up parsing of a page for the exact h-entry with in-reply-to in it
# gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: Like http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/04/06/2/siri ?
_6a68, scottros, fmarier and paulcp joined the channel
Kopfstein and KevinMarks joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme gRegor`, that has a reply that from FB, but its not a reply itself
# ben_thatmustbeme specifically i'm looking for a URL like someone would send me if they mentioned me
# ben_thatmustbeme so i'm searching for in-reply-to in the html right now
# ben_thatmustbeme I'm setting up the piece of code that actually fetches the content from a remote site
# ben_thatmustbeme or should i just be looking for any link back to my site?
# aaronpk you probably should read this http://indiewebcamp.com/comments-presentation#How_to_display
# aaronpk and if you're in PHP, then you can just use my implementation of it https://github.com/indieweb/php-comments
# ben_thatmustbeme I see
# aaronpk here you go: http://aaron.pk/r4VT1
# ben_thatmustbeme thanks, aaronpk, thats just the link i needed
# ben_thatmustbeme I skipped over that page assuming it was a discussion of UI
# ben_thatmustbeme given the name "comments presentation"
# gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: To verify webmentions, I search for the target URL anywhere in the HTML.
# gRegor` To determine whether it is a "reply" or a "mention", I check the in-reply-to
# gRegor` If no in-reply-to, it's a mention.
# gRegor` (I currently don't parse likes, rsvps, etc. But soon!)
# ben_thatmustbeme i think of it as parsing, presentation being display on my site, thats probably why it gets confusing
# ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, I was already using your php_mf2, whats one more of your projects pulled in as a submodule :P
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme I was originally trying to find a page that I could run php-mf2 against so I could see exactly how it outputs the in-reply-to data, but the examples on here should be enough for me to work with.
# ben_thatmustbeme didn't realize IWC cambridge had a limit of 20 people. So I signed up now before there was nothing left
eschnou, npdoty, tantek, yaf and chloeweil joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, jacus_ and wagle_ joined the channel
# hanni tantek: graet!
# hanni also great
dietrich_, jtzl, acegiak_ and scottros joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme so aaronpk, you just have to pull out the first hentry and basically thats it, just pass it to your magic code and it takes care of the full parse?
# ben_thatmustbeme hmm, it doesn't seem to check for the presence of the URL that i give it, if its not of type=reply
BjornW joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme which is fine, i can do that with my own code. And I'll assume the first h-entry in the page is what i'm looking for, since it should be a permalink
LauraJ joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme okay, what does it return if it is a reply but the URL doesn't match?
shaneknysh joined the channel
# shaneknysh greetings I just finished listening to in Beta #90 and I can't wait to get started on my own part of the indie web
# ben_thatmustbeme so I should do my own checking to make sure the URL is present first
# ben_thatmustbeme okay, thank you, that helps a lot
basal joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme thanks tantek
papa-away joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme every reply i was finding was a twitter post reply just displayed on a page, and none that were actually marked up with in-reply-to a specific URL
# ben_thatmustbeme but I found some now
krendil joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme certainly
grantmacken joined the channel
# ben_thatmustbeme actually i just jumped back in to here after thinking about it, basically thats what I got to. A reply is a post that is just referencing offsite, vs a comment is something added on to a post (or a reply)
# ben_thatmustbeme I can see where it gets confusing though, they switch depending on which side you view it from
# ben_thatmustbeme a reply can become a comment on someone else's site, and a comment may have been someone else's reply
# ben_thatmustbeme agreed
# ben_thatmustbeme There are so many bits and pieces I'm having to learn, its slow going.
# ben_thatmustbeme Yes, Thats somewhat why I'm trying to just power through a basic site setup. I want to get a framework that I find easy to hack on whatever piece I want. But there is a bit of groundwork I need to get first
# tantek.com edited /comment (+455) "use subhead IndieWeb Examples for consistency, subsections for author, iterate on reply vs. comment distinction" (view diff)
tantek joined the channel
friedcell and scottros joined the channel
barnabywalters, KartikPrabhu and kbs joined the channel
# bear if you all maintain servers and that server has openssl - check your versions… http://heartbleed.com
_6a68 and tantek joined the channel
# barnabywalters bear: thanks for the tip-off, updating server and local machine now
# barnabywalters hrm, homebrew seems to have the new version but I’m not seeing it when updating debian
# barnabywalters although apache, openssh client and server have both been upgraded
# barnabywalters doesn’t even know how to replace relevant keys
# @ivanristic @MacLemon It depends on what’s in the memory block. Leaked ticket key would compromise all sessions it signed. (twitter.com/_/status/453280081897467905)
# gRegor` Whoa. Holy crap on that OpenSSL bug
snarfed joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# gRegor` How do you mean?
scottros, ttepasse and bnvk joined the channel
# kbs I'm rather sad that something like SRP etc didn't really take hold early enough in the mosaic/netscape heydays. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol]
tilgovi, pfenwick and paulcp joined the channel
benprew and Jefff joined the channel
# gRegor` kbs: Sure, TLS is just a piece, but it's a pretty important piece for basic things like user authentication. It shouldn't be a "later" item in that regard.
pauloppenheim and lukebrooker joined the channel
# gRegor` I thought I was the one being more cynical about PGP the other day. :)
# gRegor` Not about PGP itself, but about key/fingerprint verification. :)
# barnabywalters heads-up: php-mf2 v0.2.6 just released with fix for multiple-property nested microformats, and a new JSON-mode to get around a PHP quirk
# barnabywalters cc aaronpk — you should upgrade and enable JSON mode on pin13
# gRegor` So, are you a fan of sending usernames and passwords in the clear, then? :)
# barnabywalters and thanks for reporting that nested multiple property bug :)
# kbs gRegor`: ah, you presume that that's the only way to authenticate yourself :) [cf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol et al]
# gRegor` Who implements it / how easy is it? Easier than PGP, I hope, if we want adoption. :)
# gRegor` Does look interesting
# gRegor` Though I give up on trying to follow the protocol section, haha. :)
# kbs http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software.html - (textsecure especially) I think is really nicely done
# aaronpk but first, why is items an array but rels not? http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=pin13.net
# kylewm aaronpk: mf2py does the same thing http://kylewm.com/api/mf2?url=http://pin13.net
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yep, https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/29
# barnabywalters it’s a long-standing bug which tommorris pointed out and I fixed, but it turned out my fix broke it
# barnabywalters in a different place
# barnabywalters aaronpk: it seems that that is/was not always the case
# barnabywalters this fix ensures that it will always be serialsed correctly
scottros joined the channel
# barnabywalters aaronpk: sure, if you want empty “items” keys to be objects :)
# barnabywalters ah, sorry
# barnabywalters if there are not microformats on the page, then the value under the “items” key will be an empty array
# barnabywalters huh, actually it is
# barnabywalters er… yes
# barnabywalters I believe that is the case
# barnabywalters indeed
# barnabywalters at least json_encode($value) makes way more sense than json.dumps(value)
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yep
# aaronpk like, http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=pin13.net is correctly returning an empty array for items and an empty object for rels
# barnabywalters aaronpk: on version 0.2.5?
# barnabywalters or is it an earlier version?
# barnabywalters as I said, I did fix this bug earlier by just hard-coding a change to a new stdClass if the rels array was empty
# barnabywalters but that cause issues when looping through it
# barnabywalters hence the creation of JSON-mode
# barnabywalters aaronpk: ah yep, 0.2.5 is where the bad fix was made
# barnabywalters aaronpk: or, fixed rather
# barnabywalters yep. < 0.2.5 bad, 0.2.5 fixed but with no built-in way to correctly serialise JSON, 0.2.6 has JSON mode
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yes
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yes
# barnabywalters aaronpk: no, out of wanting to keep the function interface as clean and simple as possible
# barnabywalters most people are using php-mf2 for parsing rather than JSON serialisation, and it’s specialised enough to warrant only exposing it via the object interface
# barnabywalters aaronpk: yay! thanks
# barnabywalters aaronpk: I made a quick reference to this issue https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/issues/29#issuecomment-39797490
# barnabywalters goodnight all