2014-04-17 UTC
pauloppenheim, caseorganic, lukebrooker and cnxtrm joined the channel
# 00:29 gRegor` If you have anchors on paragraph elements, webmentions could be sent to those. kylewm, KartikPrabhu
# 00:29 gRegor` The mention is technically to the page, but you could handle the anchor in the target
# 00:29 KartikPrabhu gregor`: true. I have starting adding anchors to section titles. might add mention support there
# 00:32 KartikPrabhu gregor`: the more imp. problem would be how to expose the anchors to the reader
# 00:33 gRegor` Dave Winer has paragraph symbols appear when hovering over, and as a link I believe.
# 00:36 gRegor` It's not hover now
# 00:36 KartikPrabhu oh interesting. also another thing would be what to do with those comments. how to present them etc...
# 00:37 gRegor` Just a link at the end of the line. Which I can't say looks very good... but it works :)
# 00:37 kylewm huh, his anchors are the first letter of the first 5 words
# 00:37 gRegor` Heh, interesting
# 00:39 gRegor` If it's smart, it checks for uniqueness and appends a number to avoid collision
# 00:40 gRegor` Oh, it's javascript.
# 00:40 gRegor` That seems... inefficient.
# 00:42 kylewm provided it's something someone actually wants on their site
# 00:43 KartikPrabhu eh! i would. just this morning I got a bunch of very specific feedback from cweiske on IRC that could have been a frag-level comment
snarfed joined the channel
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# 01:00 JonathanNeal KevinMarks2: elaborate on what js you’re looking for? I’d like to help if I can.
# 01:01 Loqi that is what I am trying to understand
pfenwick joined the channel
# 01:01 KevinMarks2 If the fragment identifier has two # in, search the body text for the string and highlight
# 01:02 JonathanNeal You want a script that interprets double hashes as a link to the first result of the string on the page and scrolls to that section?
# 01:03 JonathanNeal Great. Have a sample page I can work with, or may I use the tantek page you mentioned?
# 01:03 KevinMarks2 Then present it as both a script to include in your site, and a browser extension for other people's sites
# 01:06 JonathanNeal Great, I’ll get started on that right now. I should have something for you in the next 15 minutes.
j12t joined the channel
# 01:13 KartikPrabhu what happens if you highlight something and then the author makes edits?
# 01:14 JonathanNeal Should this search be aware of hidden text or stick to what is visible?
# 01:16 KevinMarks2 Then the thing you linked to has changed, and the highlight will fall
# 01:18 KartikPrabhu I see. so if people are doing federated annotations, then the onus is on the highlighter to save a copy
# 01:21 KartikPrabhu cool! sounds easier than the whole xpath thing I've been reading about
# 01:25 KevinMarks2 Robust anchors herbs towards keeping your own copy of the linked to object
# 01:25 Loqi KevinMarks2 meant to say: Robust anchors tend towards keeping your own copy of the linked to object
# 01:35 kbs it's a nifty idea :) [and, getting an element.innerText undefined on line 6. firefox on macos]
# 01:37 JonathanNeal experimentally updated to support Firefox and focus the node, kbs, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks2
# 01:42 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: that is the default behavior when clicking away from any focused element.
# 01:42 kylewm JonathanNeal++ <-- has to be at the beginning of the line?
# 01:43 kbs It's a great idea - KevinMarks and JonathanNeal, love it.
# 01:44 kylewm now KartikPrabhu just needs to implement receiving webmentions for snippets!
# 01:44 JonathanNeal How should autoanchors interpret special characters, like the plus sign in “lets+you+disclaim” or “webmention + pingback”?
# 01:46 KevinMarks2 Hmm. I was using + signs because I'm old and its hard to type %20 on a phone
# 01:46 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: running activity-streams tests got this error " File "./alltests.py", line 22, in <module> filesystem.load_template_source = filesystem._loader.load_template_source AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_loader '"
# 01:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:48 JonathanNeal KevinMarks2: I was thinking similarly, except (quite fortunately in our usecase) we have text that happens to contain a + sign.
# 01:48 GWG KevinMarks2: I was catching up on logs. You coming to NYC for Indiewebcamp
# 01:49 GWG I need to put myself on the list as attending one day
tantek joined the channel
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# 02:04 gRegor` Woo, got MySQL UNION query working. I should have a nice list of webmentions and comments interleaved together on my posts soon-ish.
JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 02:15 tantek this is going to be an event directed mostly toward local NYC folks
# 02:15 GWG tantek: I'm putting myself on the page.
# 02:15 tantek but we're pushing to make sure NYC folks who haven't gotten a chance to connect in person get a chance to go
# 02:15 tantek oh and we need to update the RSVPs according to the new format
dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:24 david.shanske.com created /2014/NYC/Guest_List (+3600) "Created page with "== IndieWebCamp New York 2014 == * '''When:''' <span class="dt-start dtstart"><time class="value">2014-04-26</time> <time class="value">09:00</time></span> through <span class="d..."" (
view diff )
# 02:24 tantek gRegor`: that's the idea - 2014/Cambridge is already using it
scor joined the channel
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# 02:42 tantek GWG - looks great! now you just need an image from your website :)
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# 02:50 tantek but I think the order of things on Cambridge Guest_List was different?
# 02:51 tantek e.g. capacity and instructions for adding yourself come before Guest List itself I think
# 02:51 GWG I might have pasted out of order.
# 02:52 tantek how about selecting the text also using the DOM?
# 02:54 tantek that way if you're on a big screen you can more easily see the target of the scrolling
j12t_ joined the channel
# 02:56 JonathanNeal tantek: i can implement that if you like. i think it’s worth discussion whether fragmentions/autoanchors should work like anchors, focus, find, or some combination.
# 02:56 JonathanNeal since you’ve all been discussing this for some time, what are the usecases / what do the people want?
v0 joined the channel
# 03:17 KevinMarks2 Could we wrap Jonathan's fragmentions code into one, so it works on arbitrary sites?
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 03:25 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: re: use cases . i think the idea is to implement something like the annotations thing people have been talking about. a good first step seems to be able to link arbitrary parts of a document
# 03:34 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks2: can ##a be used to mean fragment-id="#a" in HTML? If yes, would this not be a conflict?
# 03:43 KartikPrabhu but I don't know the spec very well... and couldn't read through it intelligently :P
# 03:45 KevinMarks2 sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
# 03:50 KevinMarks2 But if it did, it can't be addressed by an excellent compliant url
dybskiy joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 04:09 tantek JonathanNeal, KevinMarks - I figured it out - it was a Colloquy autolinking overescaping bug
# 04:11 tantek so I both like the quick and clever us of ## to mean a special kind of #, and yet, linking to annotations feels like something that would benefit from being crawlable / server-side manipulable as well
# 04:13 JonathanNeal IMHO, hash anchors as hashbangs or storage are not really anchors, they’re hacks to avoid page reloads, whereas ## is actually a kind of anchor.
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:16 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 hours, 30 minutes ago: running activity-streams tests got this error " File "./alltests.py", line 22, in <module> filesystem.load_template_source = filesystem._loader.load_template_source AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_loader '"
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 04:22 snarfed KartikPrabhu: in alltests.py, try removing the three lines under the comment that starts "Monkey patch to fix template loader issue"
# 04:27 GWG Still working on my starter theme
dybskiy joined the channel
# 04:28 GWG I'm worried I didn't mark up correctly.
# 04:35 GWG Well, once it gets to barebones status, it is going into github
# 04:35 GWG But look at it now. It isn't at that level.
# 04:39 GWG Well, no so much complete as at a certain point.
# 04:40 GWG There is very little CSS styling.
# 04:42 snarfed KartikPrabhu: ok. try commenting out those three lines i mentioned?
# 04:49 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: after commenting out those lines I get "ImportError: No module named mox
# 04:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:52 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks2: too bad about the ##. I kind of liked them. It'll still be good if some other solution could be salvaged
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:53 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 3 minutes ago: after commenting out those lines I get "ImportError: No module named mox
melvster joined the channel
# 05:03 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I meant the fact that fragment ids can have id="#a" so a link to ##a would actually be a link to a fragment and your JS would hijack that
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu IMO it would be best if the default browser functionality is not hijacked
# 05:07 JonathanNeal That’s sad. Albeit I can’t find any examples of it on Google. Is this happening in the real world?
# 05:08 kylewm snarfed: is it reasonable for me to run a bridgy fork on appspot for development testing?
# 05:08 JonathanNeal Also, the double hash is currently not a URL code point and generates an error in the validator.
# 05:09 snarfed I find I can usually do everything I need in dev_appserver
# 05:09 KevinMarks2 I say show off the demo and discuss it, we can come up with another syntax
# 05:10 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: 1. relatively no one has used ## thus far, 2. existing ## would still work because i do not stop propagation, and 3. ## appears to be presently invalid, thus providing an opening.
# 05:11 JonathanNeal KevinMarks2: sure, would you like to throw up an example page somewhere? And when should we tweet this to get feedback?
# 05:13 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: KevinMarks2: I support the throw it in the wild and test philosophy. I don't know of anyone who has seriously used id="#a" or if browsers use those correctly, anyway. (Though I have used it unintentionally)
# 05:14 kylewm snarfed: do you use fake silo accounts to avoid filling yours up with test posts? :)
# 05:14 tantek JonathanNeal, KevinMarks - I also support the "publish a prototype demo" and get feedback policy.
# 05:15 snarfed kylewm: I actually get a long way with unit tests
# 05:15 snarfed but yes, also fake silo accounts occasionally for end to end testing
# 05:19 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: tweet/document it on indiewebcamp wiki ... all sound good
# 05:36 KartikPrabhu started a basic dumbass page...(never made a page from scratch before)
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# 05:43 JonathanNeal Another thing I can do is ignore ## when there is a matching, hash-lead ID that exists. Thoughts?
# 05:45 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: that might work for your JS but will fail for a general linking idea
# 05:47 JonathanNeal Yes, though I see it both ways. I think this article and the feedback will matter a great deal more than these workarounds.
scor joined the channel
cweiske, j12t and LauraJ joined the channel
# 06:40 KevinMarks2 Yes, I think case insensitivity is a simple example of fuzzy matching
# 06:43 KevinMarks2 The high level debate as I saw it was that identifying the thing being annotated was more than just linking
# 06:44 KevinMarks2 Lots of examples of wanting annotations to map across editions of books, even translations
# 06:46 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks2: that's all good if annotaters are storing contexts locally. but still is there a need to drop case-sensitivity?
# 06:48 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: I was writing documentation and came up with this “Matching case is strict, but makes it easier to target specific phrases. Ignoring case is cavalier, but makes it easier to target anything.” If you agree with that statement, then my judgement was that anything > specificity.
# 06:50 JonathanNeal Do you think people expect ##call+the+dogs to not match “I told him to call The Dogs”?
# 06:50 tantek which were sorely lacking in most of the annotations discussions
# 06:50 tantek so I tend to discount what people were asking for / discussing at the annotations workshop for that reason
# 06:51 tantek sure - don't bother adding any new features until people seem to try to link to them
# 06:52 KartikPrabhu yeah so if currently you have case-sensitivity leave it at that and see if people complain
# 06:53 tantek make people justify feature requests with concrete real world examples with URLs
# 06:58 KevinMarks2 I think case sensitivity is harder to get right. What about white space sensitivity?
# 06:59 KevinMarks2 Using more words is a better way to be specific than relying on case
# 06:59 tantek KevinMarks - post some specific examples of things you're trying to cite to help illustrate ;)
melvster joined the channel
# 07:12 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: as tantek said... just add them someone will edit if they want to do so
eschnou joined the channel
# 07:40 arcatan i've played with it in the sense that i always misclick and accidentally open the annotation column :(
# 07:41 KartikPrabhu lol! arctan... was just discussing the "too small target" issue with a friend
# 07:46 KartikPrabhu yes.. planning to play around with it a bunch later. will add observations
# 07:46 tantek just drop in a few URLs and quick notes for now
# 07:46 tantek even just that in a stub would be a useful start
# 07:47 tantek would help but is focused on fleshing out the /mobile page based on all the amazing discussions yesterday
# 08:00 KevinMarks2 Heh. We spent a day on that with the w3c and I'm not sure we got a good answer
# 08:00 KartikPrabhu haha! I am going to go with 'fragment level comments' which make more sense to me anyway
jsilvestre joined the channel
# 08:24 KartikPrabhu has anyone been POSSEing flickr photos? trying to convert a friend to indeweb ways...
Sebastien-L, friedcell and dybskiy joined the channel
# 09:48 Garbee Hm. A better definition of an annotation is probably "A comment added to an arbitrary segment of content."
# 09:49 Garbee Annotations are really much more granular than just fragments of a page (which is another kind of (deprecated) comment system WPD has.)
# 09:52 Garbee just learned something for today.
# 09:52 Garbee at just before 6AM I think that is pretty good. :D
# 09:52 Garbee cweiske: yea, some system one sec and I'll go over the ML.
# 09:54 Garbee It is a *really* nice system.
# 09:54 Garbee It is actually the kind of UX I was thinking of for a new bug reporting engine.
# 09:55 Garbee So people could report issues without leaving the content and have the exact place of the bug tied to the report (compared to relying on either a page with a bunch of content given, or even just "I saw X, go fix it." with no link. :(
# 09:56 Garbee Yea, for any kind of detailed writing, this hypothes.is is awesome.
# 09:57 Garbee cweiske: If you want, you can jump into #webplatform and bugger renoirb about it if you want. He is the sys op for WPD and is the one that setup hypothes.is afaik.
# 09:57 Garbee (he is probably asleep right now though, so wait until later if you don't get a response.)
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# 09:58 KevinMarks part of the idea of fragmentions is to enable a webmention to target arbitrary text on the page
# 09:59 Garbee Yea, I remember there was some way with Chrome dev tools to point something out, then generate a fragmented URL to it even though there was no ID or other easily targetable thing around it.
# 09:59 Garbee I wonder how hypothes.is targets stuff and remembers...
# 10:00 Garbee Because I think it has done a great job of annotation UX. Much more granular than the traditional way developers think about fragments (mostly just being headings of sections.)
# 10:01 Garbee :( I thought we had hypothes.is working off Wiki accounts (kinda like SSO, where it is all internal.)
# 10:02 Garbee That is a let-down.
# 10:07 Garbee KevinMarks: Do you know if http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/ is the best way to keep up with this stuff? I'm not seeing much else from the W3C's site on Annotations (aside from the page from the workshop that just occured.)
# 10:08 Garbee I should probably ask Doug too. He'd know what else is going on here. He is into them as well.
# 10:10 Garbee The whole URL changing thing is major though. If there is a solution to that, (with as little/no extra markup needed) then it would be epic.
# 10:13 Garbee But, URLs do change (especially with idiots like me switching blog systems every few months due to not being happy/whatever.
# 10:13 Garbee So being able to somehow transition annotations across URL schemes would be killer.
# 10:14 Garbee Also for things like WPD where we may move pages around in getting things organized, but people are annotating now with the current URL.
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# 10:28 rascul up until now i've been reading it fragmentation
# 10:28 rascul this explains why it never made sense to me before
# 10:44 Garbee Whoops. I thought KevinMarks typo'd when he said fragmention.
# 10:45 Garbee Not sure if too clever or I'm too stupid...
# 10:47 Garbee both just to be safe?
# 10:47 Garbee I'd probably go with .com though initially. Since it is a piece of tech and not necessarily an organization.
pasevin joined the channel
# 10:48 Garbee But like $90 a pop.
# 10:48 Garbee I have garbee.me couldn't be happier!
# 10:49 Garbee jonathan@garbee.me for my email, and jonathan.garbee.me for my blog. So awesome to have those.
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# 11:05 Garbee If that was supposed to highlight the Larry Page quote, it worked fine.
# 11:07 KevinMarks it's an <em> with <br> in, so it's not got a <p> to highlight
# 11:08 KevinMarks sorry, it was 11 years ago and I hadn't learned good semantic markup then
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# 11:37 cweiske so the buyers probably want to get their money in again
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# 11:39 Garbee KevinMarks: Yea, Generic TLD's are going to make a mess.
adactio joined the channel
# 11:39 Garbee .dev is being sought by Amazon (first in line) and then Google.
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# 11:42 Garbee I'd love for .dev and .local to be made reserved.
# 11:43 Garbee Because a lot of devs use those two locally for testing/dev stuff. Like I route all .dev on my router to my local server box. That way I'm not changing the hosts file on all my boxes.
Sebastien-L, pfefferle, dybskiy_, benprew, jsilvestre and pasevin joined the channel
# 12:41 cweiske btw, I don't like the issue that this makes urls invalid to the spec
# 12:42 KevinMarks OTOH that would mean percent encoding covers the "id starts with #" case
# 12:43 KevinMarks 'cos * means both footnote to normal humans and wildcard match to geeks
fungoat joined the channel
chloeweil, dybskiy, cnxtrm, tobiastom_, ireheart, brianloveswords, Sebastien-L, pasevin and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 14:42 aaronpk this is crazy, it's like 24-hour chat in here now
# 14:49 aaronpk new linode plans! time to update the indieweb server
# 14:50 aaronpk will be double the ram, but only 4-core CPU instead of 8
# 14:50 aaronpk seems quiet in here, i'll reboot it now. will be down for about 90 minutes.
tantek joined the channel
# 14:54 cweiske but every application that relies on indieauth.com is not usable at the moment
# 14:54 cweiske every application relying on openid will still work, even if a user's openid server is down
# 14:55 aaronpk cweiske: you're welcome to set up your own indieauth server, it's the same idea as openid
# 14:55 aaronpk it's just the last thing people usually want to do is build an auth server
# 14:55 cweiske because the *application* says which indieauth server it uses
# 14:55 aaronpk delegating to indieauth.com is equivalent to delegating to myopenid.com
# 14:56 aaronpk no, the site does. view source on aaronparecki.com for "authorization_endpoint"
# 14:57 cweiske with openid, the user decides which auth server is used
# 14:57 aaronpk s/the site does/my site specifies which indieauth server to delegate to/
# 14:57 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: no, my site specifies which indieauth server to delegate to. view source on aaronparecki.com for "authorization_endpoint"
# 14:58 cweiske so unless *you* change your website to point to a different indieauth server, login to that site broken for everyone
# 14:58 cweiske with openid, I only have to change my homepage if my openid server is down and point to a different one
# 14:58 aaronpk the first thing ownyourgram.com does when you sign in to it is query your site for the indieauth endpoint
_6a68 joined the channel
# 14:59 aaronpk in fact the "authorization_endpoint" rel value is from OpenID Connect
# 15:00 cweiske this defeats the acclaimed simplicity from indieauth and makes it as complex as openid
# 15:00 Loqi cweiske meant to say: this removes the acclaimed simplicity from indieauth and makes it as complex as openid
snarfed, dybskiy and kbs joined the channel
# 15:21 kbs KevinMarks - re: alternatives to ## - did you already consider #@phrase ? [or #?phrase would be legal too I think
# 15:21 kbs though I wonder if non-compliant parsers would run into more trouble with #?]
# 15:22 aaronpk so an app can "delegate" auth to an indieauth client, and the client is responsible for doing the discovery on the user's domain
# 15:22 aaronpk which means best of both worlds, easy to use by apps, apps can switch to new indieauth clients as needed, and users can choose which indieauth provider to use on their own
# 15:24 kbs ah - nice - so this is for use by non-browser apps?
# 15:26 kbs Ok - I see better now :) also gives the user the option to switch the indieprovider itself
friedcell joined the channel
# 15:30 aaronpk kbs: thanks! this client.indieauth.com thing came up only because I was dreading writing an indieauth client in objective C, and I figured I would end up re-using it for other projects if it existed
# 15:34 aaronpk I feel like this article could be re-posted now replacing all the tech with the 2014 version
# 15:35 aaronpk "Soap + WSDL may be the Hot New Thing, but it doesn't really let you do anything you couldn't do before"
# 15:36 tantek exploring/prototyping on the open web on your own site(s)!
# 15:36 aaronpk "It's nice that we can use XML now for the format on the wire. Whoopee."
# 15:36 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: "It's nice that we can use JSON now for the format on the wire. Whoopee."
# 15:36 tantek all of this has happened before and all of it will happen again
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# 15:41 tantek aaronpk - I'm trying to figure out a good place to cite that article on indiewebcamp.com but not sure where
# 15:42 tantek it's also an instance of plumbing-focus rather than user-focus
# 15:43 tantek note Joel's comment about missing the point about being able to type the name of a song and listen to it
# 15:44 aaronpk "If Napster wasn't peer-to-peer but it did let you type the name of a song and then listen to it, it would have been just as popular."
# 15:45 tantek aaronpk - I think you just came up with an awesome follow-up post, or at least the key pieces there of :)
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# 15:58 aaronpk kept reading that as "fragmentations" when scanning the logs
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# 16:06 KevinMarks2 Well, it uses blogger's mobile template, which does not seem as editable
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# 16:10 aaronpk what does fragmentions do when there's multiple matches for the text?
# 16:11 KevinMarks the point is not to pick the minimal match for the link so much as to cite enough text to be unique
# 16:12 tantek KevinMarks - the implementation on your blog only scrolls right? I didn't see any text/line/element highlighting
# 16:12 KevinMarks I think ~10 words is globally unique (like the Stoppard quote)
# 16:12 KevinMarks it highlights too, but I think it gets cropped by some layout issues
indie-visitor, melvster and paulcp joined the channel
# 16:40 V_S_C The links on IndieWebCamp comprehensively guide developers regarding different web-centric areas- silos, standards, annotations, offline apps. But I was looking to find coverage of comparative relation with extensiblewebmanifesto site promoted by Brendan Eich at Fluent2014
cweiske, snarfed, j12t and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 16:58 JonathanNeal KevinMarks, tantek, are we ready for some in the wild testing of fragmentions?
# 17:04 kbs JonathanNeal KevinMarks2 - is the invalid-url thing still an 'issue', or not thought significant?
jsilvestre joined the channel
# 17:08 kbs JonathanNeal: ah, okay - thanks. I was going to ask if you two had already considered #@ (or #?) but it sounds like a non-issue.
# 17:11 kylewm Don't know if it's worth mentioning, but IRC client (Emacs/ERC) scrubs out the second #
# 17:11 kylewm when I click on the link, it opens in browser with only one #
# 17:12 kbs also has tweaked erc mercilessly, and also runs noscript so... :)
# 17:13 kylewm oh! actually it's not ERC. I think it's the redirect from aaron.pk
# 17:13 aaronpk oh yeah some browsers don't play nice with redirects with fragments
# 17:14 JonathanNeal aaronpk: just tested your link sent at 10:00am. Worked great for me in Chrome.
# 17:18 JonathanNeal Mike Smith pointed me to http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-code-points , presently valid characters include !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, =, ?, @, _, and ~. That’s not to say we couldn’t try to update the ancient spec.
# 17:19 JonathanNeal kylewm, aaronpk, worked for me in Chrome, but failed in FF. FF trimmed the second hash.
# 17:28 KevinMarks2 However, #* seems a reasonable alternative as * means both footnote and wildcard match
# 17:29 Loqi JonathanNeal meant to say: like @horsejs on social networks.
# 17:30 KevinMarks2 So if there is a space in the fragment it can't be an id and must be a fragmention
# 17:32 KevinMarks2 So if a fragmention is always more than one word, we may not need the ## at all, and could just overload #
# 17:32 JonathanNeal Are we comfortable leaving ## in the wild for now or should I update it to use a valid convention?
# 17:34 kbs haha, that's a neat, but tricky idea
# 17:38 KevinMarks2 Hmm the mac crashed when I shut the lid. Wonder if I lost anything
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# 17:39 KevinMarks interesting - CIRC shows upas an app in the dock now, even though it's a chrome app. wonder when that happened
# 17:42 JonathanNeal KevinMarks: I plan to add notes about ##, #@, and #*, but I want to know if I should update the actual scripts to target a (presently) valid syntax that would also work in FF.
# 17:46 KevinMarks oh, I registered fragmention.com, fragmention.org and fragmention.net too...
# 17:48 KevinMarks they're currently redirected to my post, the indiewebcamp page and the github repository respectively
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# 17:50 KevinMarks (being tethered to a phone on the train means my wifi is spotty
# 17:55 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: have you logged into the wiki with jonathantneal.com?
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# 17:57 KevinMarks so, could we hook up fragmentions with webmentions and get medium-style comments on paragraphs?
# 17:58 KevinMarks this is a thought for aaronpk et al who have webmentions working
# 17:59 KevinMarks another thing would be to make a purple numbers style thing that made fragmention URLs to copy per paragraph
# 18:02 aaronpk so that people could just drop in a js file that creates them
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# 18:03 KevinMarks I think so. look for <p>, take first 5 words, make fragmention?
# 18:04 aaronpk or the author adds a class around a containing element to activate the JS
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# 18:05 KevinMarks Is <p> not a suitable signal? though that would fail on my ancient crappily marked up <b> and <br> posts
# 18:06 aaronpk i wouldn't want it to add them to the comments for example
# 18:08 aaronpk KevinMarks: heh that link isn't going to work for very long cause that note will drop off my /notes page
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# 18:09 JonathanNeal Catching up on the discussion. Interesting thoughts on the focus scope.
# 18:14 kylewm out of curiosity, did this start yesterday with the link to annotatorjs.com or was there previous discussion about it?
# 18:15 aaronpk I would love to see fragmention.com host two JS scripts, the one that exists now for the polyfill, and the other for authors to add fragmention links onto their posts
# 18:19 KevinMarks literally ran, he had a polyfill done in 15 mins and on github in under an hour
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# 18:26 JonathanNeal aaronpk: would you be willing to break down fragmention links to me? I don’t know what those are, or at least not know that term.
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# 18:29 KevinMarks "The URL units are URL code points and percent-encoded bytes"
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# 18:30 JonathanNeal aaronpk: breaking a bunch of articles or paragraphs into IDs seems bloated to me, but I like that it would let you match the second or third instance of a particular word or phrase.
# 18:31 JonathanNeal Can this limitation in search fragmentions actually be improved to allow second, third, last matches?
# 18:34 snarfed don't stop at the fragment, through them in the path! and then in the domain itself!
# 18:34 snarfed (bonus points for coming up with an emoji scheme)
# 18:36 KevinMarks that might be safari not escaping right, I think only firefox does that on copy
# 18:37 JonathanNeal Would someone describe the rationale for using @ or *, or what those symbols represent in other contexts?
# 18:43 KevinMarks @ is a mention, but of a person, not text - I think that's less clear (I know it's used in xml for attributes, but that is esoteric)
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# 18:44 KevinMarks * is the universal footnote symbol, and also used as "wildcard match"
# 18:45 KevinMarks downside is that this may imply regex to people, and we don't want 2 problems in our parsers
basal and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:48 snarfed here's a small-ish project idea: a scraper that periodically fetches and parses all known indieweb sites and spits out the percentage that implement different features (e.g. webmention, rel-syndication links, etc.)
# 18:50 JonathanNeal Mike Taylor could not reproduce the second hash trimming in Firefox 28 and 31 nightly.
# 18:55 snarfed i was actually thinking for more fine grained questions, e.g. how widely adopted are rel-syndication links?
# 18:55 snarfed for making product decisions in projects like bridgy
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# 19:09 kbs JonathanNeal: fwiw my 0.02 from the peanut gallery - #* looks fine to me
# 19:09 kbs I did find #@ easy to read aloud as "link at 'this phrase'"
# 19:09 aaronpk lol amber just got a webmention where the source was an email address
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# 19:46 tantek again from the Architecture Astronaut article: "Those are all /sending/ operations, so our clever thinker invents a new, higher, broader abstraction called /messaging/, but now it's getting really vague and nobody really knows what they're talking about any more." - Wow - "all /sending/ operations" - totally predicted the "all /sharing/ operations" that Google/Android/Intents folks have gotten sucked into.
# 19:47 tantek aaronpk - in case you were looking for more material for your follow-up blog post ^^^ s/sending operations/sharing operations :)
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# 19:57 tantek whoa that was odd - now your URL works with http
# 20:01 tantek hmmm - both the Cambridge and NYC Guest Lists are a bit janked in terms of headings and heading levels, e.g. "Creators" is a subhead under "Volunteers" which makes no sense.
# 20:01 tantek attempts to fix based on previous Guest Lists
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# 20:25 brianloveswords tantek: Depending on when I get back from Boston during the day on Saturday, I can try to stop by for some of that, but I'm flying out to SFO on Sunday at 7:30am for the MoFo all hands, so I can't make any of that day.
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# 20:25 GWG tantek: I just did a cut and paste on the Guest List
# 20:26 GWG Based on the Cambridge one, as asked.
# 20:26 brianloveswords tantek: I can help promote it though, I'll tweet it out and I'll mention it tonight at BrooklynJS
# 20:26 tantek GWG - yeah - I hadn't taken a close look at the Cambridge page which had its own problems
# 20:26 GWG As for the site, looking into it now
# 20:26 tantek GWG - you did great - it took very few tweaks to fix
# 20:26 GWG tantek: The original 403, what was the user-agent?
# 20:26 tantek when I tried just a few minutes later it "worked"
# 20:27 tantek brianloveswords: please sign-up even if you can only make it for part of Saturday
# 20:27 tantek that's no problem at all - would be great to have you there for any part of it
# 20:28 tantek including sending people here (to this IRC channel) for help!
# 20:29 GWG Okay...so not a blocked user-agent
# 20:29 tantek I mean I guess check your error logs for around 15:50 or so EDT for a 403 on your home page
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# 20:45 brianloveswords tantek: I've never actually used either Plancast or Lanyrd, I'll try to figure 'em out though
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# 20:47 GWG tantek: I think it is the referrer
# 20:48 GWG I had a problem a while back with Wordpress bots.
# 20:51 GWG Yes, it is classifying indiewebcamp as a bad referrer
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# 21:24 GWG tantek: I can't fix the SSL thing. I don't use SSL, but another site I'm hosting for a nonprofit does
# 21:24 GWG Unless I buy more certificates or another IP
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# 21:46 snarfed at minimum, you can configure your server to only serve SSL and the cert on the domain that supports it
# 21:50 dracos JonathanNeal: I’d been idly wondering about how to link to bits within speeches that would work if, say, a speech was updated/moved (as Hansard on TheyWorkForYou sometimes does) that didn’t involve IDs, this certainly seems like one such way :)
# 21:53 kylewm KartikPrabhu: interesting that your medium screenshot has a Mike Taylor who != bear
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# 22:01 aaronpk would love to have the option for fragmention.js to add a class to the highlighted section that I could style with css
# 22:05 JonathanNeal aaronpk: i had the idea of firing an event, but the onfocus event already fires.
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# 22:07 dracos aaronpk: you could do something with element.className where the focus is (or classList with slightly less browser support). element.className = element.className ? element.className + ‘ fragmention’ : ‘fragmention’
# 22:08 aaronpk wouldn't it be easier if I could just write some CSS to style .fragmention?
# 22:08 dracos aaronpk: yes, you’d do just that once you added that line
# 22:09 dracos that line would add the class to the element, then you could style it separately however you wanted
# 22:10 dracos you’d have to also have a line to remove the class when the hash changed to de-highlight (or whatever it was doing)
# 22:13 JonathanNeal nvm then. I had the idea of writing the fragmention to the location object.
# 22:15 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: but then that CSS would be for everything that is in focus. It would be good to add a .fragmention class to the element to keep things separate
# 22:15 KartikPrabhu only 1. but do you want to have the same background colour to indicate general focus and fragmention focus?
# 22:16 aaronpk however it seems that I can tab around to make different things in focus
# 22:17 KartikPrabhu yes... that is what I was saying. Focus is more general than what happens with fragmentions, and it would be good to keep them separate in CSS too
# 22:17 aaronpk I wanna let tantek chime in here since we're getting into CSS land
# 22:17 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: 1. onfocusin you would check the URL for ##, or 2. i could expose fragmentation on the location object, or 3. I *could* also add an onfragmention event.
# 22:19 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: As I see this situation, using JS to style something is always overkill! I would just add a class="fragmention" to the element using JS and then have whatever styles using CSS
# 22:20 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: oh so you are saying that fragmention.js should not add the class but trigger some event and the site can do the rest...
# 22:23 aaronpk thinking about other things browsers implement natively
# 22:25 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: and I used tab and the highlight on the fragmention was gone even though the URl still has the fragmention
# 22:26 aaronpk this is because fragmention right now is tied to :focus
# 22:26 dracos KartikPrabhu: no, it is to me too. I’d just add a class as per my comment above, I’ll probably make my fork do that
# 22:27 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yeah. tie-ing it to focus might not be best. But maybe we should wait for more feedback on this
# 22:28 aaronpk i'm out of my element here, just experimenting with things. I don't trust my own judgment on these kinds of things, so definitely want to wait for more feedback
# 22:30 aaronpk also tried a quick test adding the .fragmention class which of course doesn't have the problem of clicking around losing the highlight
# 22:31 KartikPrabhu and that way readers can also go on read other things and then come back
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# 22:51 KevinMarks Right, off to get bandwidth and power before caseorganic talk
# 22:53 dracos (not removing it on hashchange, just debugging that!)
# 22:57 kbs dracos: great site (sayit) - very cool
# 22:58 KartikPrabhu dracos: nice work! I didnt anticipate the remove class on fragment change probelme
# 22:58 JonathanNeal dracos: let me affirm how well you are keeping my code conventions. Some really good pull requests will change unnecessary things and your script is just as I would have written it.
# 22:59 dracos KartikPrabhu: I had the code, but I’d forgotten className isn’t self-modifying ;) Is working now.
# 22:59 dracos KartikPrabhu: yeah
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# 23:00 dracos JonathanNeal: Do as you would be done by, I always say :) Even if I have to do a horrible space->tab replacement each time ;)
# 23:01 dracos KartikPrabhu: the HTML is heavily cached (an hour by default IIRC), so you’re probably seeing that, change the query parameter to check
# 23:01 JonathanNeal Yes, if you had polluted my code with double spaces I would have cried.
# 23:02 dracos KartikPrabhu: sorry, I didn’t think it worth bringing out the varnishadm command :)
# 23:09 JonathanNeal dracos: at first, I was like “Why is he wrapping the .+, ugh, I’ll have to change this” then I saw you use it and was like “Nice optimization” and then I thought about why you would need to use it, and I was like “Thank you, dracos”.
# 23:10 gRegor` Nice choice of Jenn Schiffer's article for /annotation page, KartikPrabhu. Haha
# 23:11 gRegor` She's hilarious
# 23:12 dracos JonathanNeal: :-) (and change requested made, flattery will get you everywhere)
# 23:12 GWG snarfed: I saw your note...I'm not sure if you can do it if all domains don't have SSL.
# 23:13 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: yeah! it is also funny how most people who comment don't get the sarcasm!
# 23:13 snarfed GWG: "it" is…sni? or disabling ssl for only some domains?
# 23:13 snarfed the details depend on your web server and other details, but most major servers can definitely do both
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# 23:14 GWG snarfed: Disabling SSL for only some domains with the same IP. And it is Nginx. Will have to research moe.
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# 23:16 gRegor` Aha. wiki page titles have text-transform: capitalize
# 23:17 gRegor` I was wondering why it showed up like that even though the page was lowercase
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# 23:27 kbs gRegor`: not enough to have any useful opinions on it I'm afraid
# 23:27 gRegor` I think I actually installed it and ran a test with it once, months ago. Interesting, though not sure it's very feasible.
# 23:28 gRegor` Figured I'd mention it at least.
# 23:29 kbs gRegor`: ah, okay - nice. My own itch [I guess] doesn't involve anonymous communicaton, and I'm much more comfortable with building on top of existing cryptosystems - so didn't really spend much on it
# 23:29 dracos KevinMarks_: nice quote :)
# 23:33 KevinMarks_ I already loved sayit for making it easy to grep shakespeare, but linking to a line in scene context is better
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# 23:36 dracos KevinMarks_: It would have to do a bit more work to be cross-line (and then it might as well treat whitespace as “ “), and it still highlights the whole speech, as there aren’t any paragraphs, but yeah, more robust than most things I can think of
# 23:37 KevinMarks_ highlighting the speech is good for actors... (my son did Tempest and Twelfth Night since September)
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# 23:38 KevinMarks_ does the whitespace collapse not already happen? I thought that searching the element tree did that
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# 23:39 gRegor` kbs: One of the things I do like about it is that the sender doesn't have to have the recipients public key, just their hash (BitMessage ID). It's still not easily readable, but it seems a step in the right direction
# 23:42 dracos KevinMarks_: oh you’re right, it works across a <br>. Doesn’t appear to across a <p> though.
# 23:44 kbs gRegor`: ah, that's interesting - thanks. fwiw, I guess the pgp world seems to think of fingerprints as being equivalent to the same idea [there are enough lookup servers available/hostable that obtaining the public key(s) is not thought of as a tricky problem]
# 23:44 JonathanNeal dracos: thanks for the change, I’m having the team review it (but it will be brought in)
# 23:45 JonathanNeal I started working at a University that is actually making really cutting edge stuff. Only they haven’t had a lot of experience working with the larger internet community, so I’m encouraging them to get involved by letting them review the projects. Thanks for your patience.
# 23:46 KevinMarks_ hm. that seems non-ideal - collapsing whitespace to single spaces and matching would be better
# 23:46 gRegor` kbs: True, but as we've discussed, the verification out of channel is a pain point there.
# 23:46 gRegor` Some of those key servers aren't even ssl
# 23:46 dracos KevinMarks_: yeah
# 23:47 kbs verification has always been the main issue.
# 23:47 gRegor` Not that I think a blockchain including public keys is very scalable, either, heh
# 23:49 KevinMarks_ the tricky part of using the public keys in the blockchain for communication is that you are using the same key to read messages as you do to send money
# 23:49 kbs so one thing I'd point out is that if (like bitcoin) you merge identity with the id, people can do things like create a pseudonymous email address eg: <fingerprint>@gmail.com -- which has a lot of the same properties
# 23:50 KevinMarks_ JonathanNeal: I did wonder why you used the university github and not your own
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# 23:52 KevinMarks_ dracos: I think the second # being encoded is someone taking the URL RFC seriously, and a marker for why we might want to switch to #*
# 23:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:57 Loqi border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;">{{{row-title}}}
</th> <td style..."