#tantekthat way if you're on a big screen you can more easily see the target of the scrolling
j12t_ joined the channel
#JonathanNealtantek: i can implement that if you like. i think it’s worth discussion whether fragmentions/autoanchors should work like anchors, focus, find, or some combination.
#JonathanNealsince you’ve all been discussing this for some time, what are the usecases / what do the people want?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: re: use cases . i think the idea is to implement something like the annotations thing people have been talking about. a good first step seems to be able to link arbitrary parts of a document
#KartikPrabhulikes this ## notation with the accompanying JS!
#KartikPrabhu## also has the English translation of "fragment of a fragment"
#KartikPrabhuwhich makes more senseto a human than xpath or something
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks2: can ##a be used to mean fragment-id="#a" in HTML? If yes, would this not be a conflict?
#JonathanNealOkay, now I know how extensions work. We just need an icon :)
#tantekso I both like the quick and clever us of ## to mean a special kind of #, and yet, linking to annotations feels like something that would benefit from being crawlable / server-side manipulable as well
#tantekalso don't want to go down another /#!/ like path, so to speak
#JonathanNealIMHO, hash anchors as hashbangs or storage are not really anchors, they’re hacks to avoid page reloads, whereas ## is actually a kind of anchor.
snarfed joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 hours, 30 minutes ago: running activity-streams tests got this error " File "./alltests.py", line 22, in <module> filesystem.load_template_source = filesystem._loader.load_template_source AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_loader '"
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: what do you mean “too bad” did I miss something?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: I meant the fact that fragment ids can have id="#a" so a link to ##a would actually be a link to a fragment and your JS would hijack that
#KartikPrabhuIMO it would be best if the default browser functionality is not hijacked
#JonathanNealThat’s sad. Albeit I can’t find any examples of it on Google. Is this happening in the real world?
#kylewmsnarfed: is it reasonable for me to run a bridgy fork on appspot for development testing?
#JonathanNealAlso, the double hash is currently not a URL code point and generates an error in the validator.
#KevinMarks2I say show off the demo and discuss it, we can come up with another syntax
#KevinMarks2Or do a global crawl to see if #-preceded ids exist in the wild
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: 1. relatively no one has used ## thus far, 2. existing ## would still work because i do not stop propagation, and 3. ## appears to be presently invalid, thus providing an opening.
#@tname of illusion causing proponents of a concept to see most things as that concept? e.g. webintents,annotations,cards (ttk.me t4Vb1) (twitter.com/_/status/456552583499243521)
#JonathanNealKevinMarks2: sure, would you like to throw up an example page somewhere? And when should we tweet this to get feedback?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: KevinMarks2: I support the throw it in the wild and test philosophy. I don't know of anyone who has seriously used id="#a" or if browsers use those correctly, anyway. (Though I have used it unintentionally)
#kylewmsnarfed: do you use fake silo accounts to avoid filling yours up with test posts? :)
#tantekJonathanNeal, KevinMarks - I also support the "publish a prototype demo" and get feedback policy.
#snarfedkylewm: I actually get a long way with unit tests
#snarfedbut yes, also fake silo accounts occasionally for end to end testing
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks2: that's all good if annotaters are storing contexts locally. but still is there a need to drop case-sensitivity?
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: I was writing documentation and came up with this “Matching case is strict, but makes it easier to target specific phrases. Ignoring case is cavalier, but makes it easier to target anything.” If you agree with that statement, then my judgement was that anything > specificity.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: isn't marking specific things the point though... ?
#KartikPrabhuhas anyone been POSSEing flickr photos? trying to convert a friend to indeweb ways...
Sebastien-L, friedcell and dybskiy joined the channel
#GarbeeHm. A better definition of an annotation is probably "A comment added to an arbitrary segment of content."
#GarbeeFor instance on the Web Platform Docs wiki ( http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page ) you can highlight any text, and then an annotation button will appear for you to add a comment about that specific part of content.
#GarbeeAnnotations are really much more granular than just fragments of a page (which is another kind of (deprecated) comment system WPD has.)
#GarbeeIt is actually the kind of UX I was thinking of for a new bug reporting engine.
#GarbeeSo people could report issues without leaving the content and have the exact place of the bug tied to the report (compared to relying on either a page with a bunch of content given, or even just "I saw X, go fix it." with no link. :(
#GarbeeYea, for any kind of detailed writing, this hypothes.is is awesome.
#Garbeecweiske: If you want, you can jump into #webplatform and bugger renoirb about it if you want. He is the sys op for WPD and is the one that setup hypothes.is afaik.
#Garbee(he is probably asleep right now though, so wait until later if you don't get a response.)
adactio joined the channel
#KevinMarkspart of the idea of fragmentions is to enable a webmention to target arbitrary text on the page
#GarbeeYea, I remember there was some way with Chrome dev tools to point something out, then generate a fragmented URL to it even though there was no ID or other easily targetable thing around it.
#GarbeeI wonder how hypothes.is targets stuff and remembers...
#GarbeeBecause I think it has done a great job of annotation UX. Much more granular than the traditional way developers think about fragments (mostly just being headings of sections.)
#GarbeeKevinMarks: Do you know if http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/ is the best way to keep up with this stuff? I'm not seeing much else from the W3C's site on Annotations (aside from the page from the workshop that just occured.)
#GarbeeI should probably ask Doug too. He'd know what else is going on here. He is into them as well.
#GarbeeKevinMarks: Yea, Generic TLD's are going to make a mess.
adactio joined the channel
#Garbee.dev is being sought by Amazon (first in line) and then Google.
scor joined the channel
#GarbeeI'd love for .dev and .local to be made reserved.
#GarbeeBecause a lot of devs use those two locally for testing/dev stuff. Like I route all .dev on my router to my local server box. That way I'm not changing the hosts file on all my boxes.
#kbsKevinMarks - re: alternatives to ## - did you already consider #@phrase ? [or #?phrase would be legal too I think
#kbsthough I wonder if non-compliant parsers would run into more trouble with #?]
#aaronpkso an app can "delegate" auth to an indieauth client, and the client is responsible for doing the discovery on the user's domain
#aaronpkwhich means best of both worlds, easy to use by apps, apps can switch to new indieauth clients as needed, and users can choose which indieauth provider to use on their own
#kbsah - nice - so this is for use by non-browser apps?
#aaronpkkbs: thanks! this client.indieauth.com thing came up only because I was dreading writing an indieauth client in objective C, and I figured I would end up re-using it for other projects if it existed
#KevinMarksdid you add the script, or was that for use in chrome?
indie-visitor, melvster and paulcp joined the channel
#V_S_CThe links on IndieWebCamp comprehensively guide developers regarding different web-centric areas- silos, standards, annotations, offline apps. But I was looking to find coverage of comparative relation with extensiblewebmanifesto site promoted by Brendan Eich at Fluent2014
cweiske, snarfed, j12t and brianloveswords joined the channel
#JonathanNealMike Smith pointed me to http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-code-points, presently valid characters include !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, =, ?, @, _, and ~. That’s not to say we couldn’t try to update the ancient spec.
#JonathanNealKevinMarks: I plan to add notes about ##, #@, and #*, but I want to know if I should update the actual scripts to target a (presently) valid syntax that would also work in FF.
#aaronpkI would love to see fragmention.com host two JS scripts, the one that exists now for the polyfill, and the other for authors to add fragmention links onto their posts
#KevinMarksyes, thats what set me off, and jonatahn ran with it
#JonathanNealaaronpk: breaking a bunch of articles or paragraphs into IDs seems bloated to me, but I like that it would let you match the second or third instance of a particular word or phrase.
#JonathanNealCan this limitation in search fragmentions actually be improved to allow second, third, last matches?
#JonathanNealKevinMarks: and that makes me happy, noted.
#KevinMarksthat might be safari not escaping right, I think only firefox does that on copy
#JonathanNealWould someone describe the rationale for using @ or *, or what those symbols represent in other contexts?
#KevinMarks@ is a mention, but of a person, not text - I think that's less clear (I know it's used in xml for attributes, but that is esoteric)
tantek joined the channel
#KevinMarks* is the universal footnote symbol, and also used as "wildcard match"
#KevinMarksdownside is that this may imply regex to people, and we don't want 2 problems in our parsers
basal and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#snarfedhere's a small-ish project idea: a scraper that periodically fetches and parses all known indieweb sites and spits out the percentage that implement different features (e.g. webmention, rel-syndication links, etc.)
#JonathanNealMike Taylor could not reproduce the second hash trimming in Firefox 28 and 31 nightly.
#tantekagain from the Architecture Astronaut article: "Those are all /sending/ operations, so our clever thinker invents a new, higher, broader abstraction called /messaging/, but now it's getting really vague and nobody really knows what they're talking about any more." - Wow - "all /sending/ operations" - totally predicted the "all /sharing/ operations" that Google/Android/Intents folks have gotten sucked into.
#tantekaaronpk - in case you were looking for more material for your follow-up blog post ^^^ s/sending operations/sharing operations :)
#tantekwhoa that was odd - now your URL works with http
#tantekhmmm - both the Cambridge and NYC Guest Lists are a bit janked in terms of headings and heading levels, e.g. "Creators" is a subhead under "Volunteers" which makes no sense.
#tantekattempts to fix based on previous Guest Lists
friedcell, _6a68, eschnou and brianloveswords joined the channel
#brianloveswordstantek: Depending on when I get back from Boston during the day on Saturday, I can try to stop by for some of that, but I'm flying out to SFO on Sunday at 7:30am for the MoFo all hands, so I can't make any of that day.
benprew joined the channel
#GWGtantek: I just did a cut and paste on the Guest List
#snarfedat minimum, you can configure your server to only serve SSL and the cert on the domain that supports it
#dracosJonathanNeal: I’d been idly wondering about how to link to bits within speeches that would work if, say, a speech was updated/moved (as Hansard on TheyWorkForYou sometimes does) that didn’t involve IDs, this certainly seems like one such way :)
#KartikPrabhugood to see fragmentions already being used!
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: interesting that your medium screenshot has a Mike Taylor who != bear
#dracosaaronpk: you could do something with element.className where the focus is (or classList with slightly less browser support). element.className = element.className ? element.className + ‘ fragmention’ : ‘fragmention’
#aaronpkwouldn't it be easier if I could just write some CSS to style .fragmention?
#dracosaaronpk: yes, you’d do just that once you added that line
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: but then that CSS would be for everything that is in focus. It would be good to add a .fragmention class to the element to keep things separate
#aaronpkhow many things can be in focus at a time?
#aaronpkhowever it seems that I can tab around to make different things in focus
#KartikPrabhuyes... that is what I was saying. Focus is more general than what happens with fragmentions, and it would be good to keep them separate in CSS too
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: 1. onfocusin you would check the URL for ##, or 2. i could expose fragmentation on the location object, or 3. I *could* also add an onfragmention event.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: As I see this situation, using JS to style something is always overkill! I would just add a class="fragmention" to the element using JS and then have whatever styles using CSS
#JonathanNealI’m just discussing ways I can expose that to you.
#aaronpki'm out of my element here, just experimenting with things. I don't trust my own judgment on these kinds of things, so definitely want to wait for more feedback
#KartikPrabhudracos: nice work! I didnt anticipate the remove class on fragment change probelme
#JonathanNealdracos: let me affirm how well you are keeping my code conventions. Some really good pull requests will change unnecessary things and your script is just as I would have written it.
#dracosKartikPrabhu: I had the code, but I’d forgotten className isn’t self-modifying ;) Is working now.
#JonathanNealdracos: at first, I was like “Why is he wrapping the .+, ugh, I’ll have to change this” then I saw you use it and was like “Nice optimization” and then I thought about why you would need to use it, and I was like “Thank you, dracos”.
#gRegor`Nice choice of Jenn Schiffer's article for /annotation page, KartikPrabhu. Haha
#kbsgRegor`: ah, okay - nice. My own itch [I guess] doesn't involve anonymous communicaton, and I'm much more comfortable with building on top of existing cryptosystems - so didn't really spend much on it
#KevinMarks_I already loved sayit for making it easy to grep shakespeare, but linking to a line in scene context is better
jedahan joined the channel
#dracosKevinMarks_: It would have to do a bit more work to be cross-line (and then it might as well treat whitespace as “ “), and it still highlights the whole speech, as there aren’t any paragraphs, but yeah, more robust than most things I can think of
#KevinMarks_highlighting the speech is good for actors... (my son did Tempest and Twelfth Night since September)
_6a68 joined the channel
#KevinMarks_does the whitespace collapse not already happen? I thought that searching the element tree did that
caseorganic joined the channel
#gRegor`kbs: One of the things I do like about it is that the sender doesn't have to have the recipients public key, just their hash (BitMessage ID). It's still not easily readable, but it seems a step in the right direction
#dracosKevinMarks_: oh you’re right, it works across a <br>. Doesn’t appear to across a <p> though.
#KevinMarks_that seems to be the case. is this a block vs inline thing?
#kbsgRegor`: ah, that's interesting - thanks. fwiw, I guess the pgp world seems to think of fingerprints as being equivalent to the same idea [there are enough lookup servers available/hostable that obtaining the public key(s) is not thought of as a tricky problem]
#JonathanNealdracos: thanks for the change, I’m having the team review it (but it will be brought in)
#JonathanNealI started working at a University that is actually making really cutting edge stuff. Only they haven’t had a lot of experience working with the larger internet community, so I’m encouraging them to get involved by letting them review the projects. Thanks for your patience.
#KevinMarks_hm. that seems non-ideal - collapsing whitespace to single spaces and matching would be better
#gRegor`kbs: True, but as we've discussed, the verification out of channel is a pain point there.
#gRegor`Not that I think a blockchain including public keys is very scalable, either, heh
#KevinMarks_the tricky part of using the public keys in the blockchain for communication is that you are using the same key to read messages as you do to send money
#kbsso one thing I'd point out is that if (like bitcoin) you merge identity with the id, people can do things like create a pseudonymous email address eg: <fingerprint>@gmail.com -- which has a lot of the same properties
#KevinMarks_JonathanNeal: I did wonder why you used the university github and not your own
basal joined the channel
#KevinMarks_dracos: I think the second # being encoded is someone taking the URL RFC seriously, and a marker for why we might want to switch to #*