#aaronpkI will chime in again later, off to dinner
#kbsspeaking for myself, primarily it's the ability to do crypto locally and access content on the device. Browsers don't have sufficient access for these.
#tantekkbs - "crypto locally" is not a feature any "normal" user cares about. It's not a use-case at all. What's the actual feature you're talking about?
#snarfedfor my part, i was thinking of the common points that native apps (currently, in practice) are faster, more responsive, much more tolerant of offline/flaky connectivity, can interact more richly with the device and other apps, etc
#tantekkbs - "access content on the device" - do you mean keeping content locally accessible without HTTP? you can do that with your website using localstorage.
#snarfed(yes, technically there are web standards for doing much of that, but in practice they're pretty far behind)
#kbstantek: not really. Specific case in point - I want to automatically upload pictures taken from my phone to some online store (and later on archived to my local drives)
#kbsall this, I'd like to keep encrypted from start to finish
#tanteksnarfed, "native apps" are only "faster" in practice due to VERY BAD javascript practices (bloated libraries etc.) on the part of majority of web developers.
#snarfedtantek: sure! that's the current reality though.
#snarfedi can try to address that on my own site, but not on most other sites.
#kbstantek: I have a feeling we might be approaching it differently - my personal view of 'private messaging' is at http://indiewebcamp.com/pgp#Secure_communication -- confidential doesn't mean DMs, not to me at least
#tanteksnarfed, but your own site is all that matters here - that's what we're talking about
#tantekmaking your own site your indieweb mobile client
#tantekand re: "current reality" - my site tantek.com loads and displays faster than Twitter iOS client
#tantek"more responsive" is a problem because of the .3s click/tap delay which there are workarounds for. Though that is a real problem that a web developer has to make a special effort to fix.
#tantek(assuming by responsive you mean - latency responsive)
#snarfedtantek: page loading is one special case of performance in general…but i understand your point.
#tantek(because obviously in terms of layout responsive, mobile web sites kick butt over native fixed layouts)
#snarfedeh, native fixed layouts are generally ios-specific, not mobile in general
#tantek(mobile native clients are usually crap for even portrait vs. landscape responsiveness)
#snarfedbut at a higher level, i'll rephrase. for me personally, ditching native apps for web sites is not at all an itch i currently have or want to tackle. i'm here mostly for owning my own data, not so much preferring web to native apps
#kbsI'm mostly agnostic I guess - I use browsers as UI-on-the-desktop, and mobile-apps-as-UI on phones. They all access 'the web' as I understand it anyway
#kbsMaybe I misunderstood tantek 's point of view on this - my impression is that he'd much rather just have browsers on phones for all most activities
#KartikPrabhuI'll avoid putting words into tantek's mouth. but the point is that for most things apps do exactly the same thign as websites but sort of worse
#KartikPrabhufor eg: why should I make 2 apps iOS and Android while I can do the samething with a website?
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#kbsyes - this nutty phase of doing an identical app for a website is silly
#kbsbut for myself, I've about a 50/50 split of actual things I need to do on the phone that need a specialized app
#KartikPrabhuand so is the demand that everything should have an app especially indieweb
#KartikPrabhukbs: there maybe things for which a native app is better, but I doubt they are that many and useful for any definition of "not geeky/normal" users
#KartikPrabhuprobably that is what tantek was saying...
#kbsbut specific things that I don't think I'm particularly unusual - podcasts, archiving photos to and from my phone, offline email
#kbsI don't really have an ax to grind - just really think there are things that browsers do well, and other things that [as of today] native apps do well. This has always been the case on the desktop as well, and the mix changes over time
#KartikPrabhukbs: they don't seem unusual/weird but I wonder how many people actually do that?
#KartikPrabhuor to remain closer to topic: what is one thing that an indieweb site would need an app to do?
#kbsdoesn't think of an 'indieweb' as synonymous with a site - guess maybe that's where things go a bit haywire :)
#KartikPrabhusure but that is how that tweet/question was phrased
#KartikPrabhuI don't have an ax to grind either, but I am mildly annoyed by "no app == not relevant" attitude
#KartikPrabhuis not saying that that is/was your attitude :)
#kbsthanks :) was wondering. but speaking for myself - my thought vis-a-vis your question [I hope!] is more of a situation for me - roughly centered around archiving stuff off my phone easily
#kbsand I don't really think much about it beyond that [ie, don't have any deep desire to make it a browser-based feature for some reason]
#kbsI consider this indieweb for example - it's my data, and I'm saving it in places that make sense to me
#KartikPrabhukbs: to a similar question I brought up once, aaronpk (I think) answered that at the moment indieweb means owning your web identity. For instance indieweb does not mean that we should host our sites on our own machines
#KartikPrabhuso it seems that though you use-case is perfectly indie
#KartikPrabhuit might not be what indieweb might be focussing on right now
#KevinMarkswhich just makes android notifications that link through to tweets
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#KevinMarksif i make it link to indie notes too, then it cna be the same
#aaronpkI'd rather use external apps (native or web, doesn't matter) to consume feeds and they would create content like favs/reposts/replies on my site via my micropub endpoint
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#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: agreed wit modularity. but that is quite independent of "indieweb native apps"
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: elaborate? I thought you said "(native or web, doesn't matter)"
#aaronpkright, so if I build p3k as an API (h-entry for consuming, micropub for creating) then I can use either native or web apps with it rather than tying myself to either decision
#KevinMarksthe unified read/write experience is interesting though
#KartikPrabhutrue! but i thought the whole argument was about whether "indieweb" apps were 'needed'
#aaronpktotally, I expect to be able to do that from an external app
#aaronpkI think they are needed, otherwise we're painting ourselves into a monoculture hole. If every indieweb project has to implement unified reading/writing, then we're really just building mini silos.
#aaronpkhm I don't seem to be setting the p-author properly
#gRegor`I'm doing mine slightly differently. I don't have a full reply context yet, so don't list my author information there. I basically want to quote (h-cite?) people's mentions in a stream.
#gRegor`E.g. John Doe replied to [post title] "blah blah blah"
#aaronpkheh I just realized... should I be publishing those as h-cite or h-entry? (the content from other people)
#tantek.comedited /mention-app (+268) "/* h-feed parsing */ provide summary, split off notification UI brainstorming to a separate section" (view diff)
#tantekgRegor`: I don't think that example makes sense
#tantekwhat are you trying to communicate with that example?
#gRegor`It's going to be a stream of webmentions I have received. Similar to Twitter's "Mentions" page.
#tantek(i.e. if it's an entire entry, then it doesn't need to be an h-cite. there's no value in marking it up as an h-cite)
#gRegor`Hm, that section confuses me more, actually.
#tantekthat's right. in that context you're merely referencing (citing/quoting) the comment (even if you're quoting the whole thing). you're not intending it for syndication / transport
#tantekwhereas in a mentions feed, it's entire purpose is to syndicate / transport that information to some other visualization (like the mention-app)
#tantekit only gets (somewhat) confusing if someone decides they want to syndicate the comments on a specific post.
#gRegor`I hadn't even thought about mention-app, but that's an added bonus. :)
#tantekI know there are feed files that do that sort of thing, but in practice people don't really use that.
#tanteknot sure how to capture those answers in an FAQ
#tantekgRegor`: if you can figure out where to capture some of your questions and those answers (i.e. where you might have discovered it originally and had it make at least some sense to you), I'd appreciate it!
#gRegor`I think you lost me a bit on the syndicating comment from a specific post, but don't worry about that for now. I understand the small piece I need to. :)
#tantekok yeah - then ignore the bit about syndicating comments from a specific post
#tantekas in forget about it. if it's an actual use-case someone cares about, it will come up again, and happy to recreate my thinking on that from first principles at that point.
#gRegor`Working on capturing this. "mentions-stream" or "mentions-feed" might be a candidate new page?
#tantekto at least handle that h-cite vs. h-entry question
#kylewmon /h-feed, does "canonical full feed" refer to an h-feed with all post types on it?
#kylewmlike if I wanted to parse werd.io, how would I get to werd.io/content/all ?
#tantekunrelated pro-tip: if you Mac Mini starts up with a very loud high-revving fan that won't turn off, do the following: 1) shut down. 2) unplug its power cord for like a minute. 3) hold the power button down for 10seconds (resets SMC). 4) release power button. 5) plug power cord back in. 6) gently but firmly press power button to turn it back on. <-- this just worked for me.
#Loqitantek meant to say: unrelated pro-tip: if your Mac Mini starts up with a very loud high-revving fan that won't turn off, do the following: 1) shut down. 2) unplug its power cord for like a minute. 3) hold the power button down for 10seconds (resets SMC). 4) release power button. 5) plug power cord back in. 6) gently but firmly press power button to turn it back on. <-- this just worked for me.
#KevinMarksaha It was a pmu in powerpc mini. old hardware
#kylewmhaha, sort of a bad example since he's not using h-feed, but for posse-post-discovery I'm trying to figure out how to find syndicated content for sites that don't have (all) posts on the front page
#tantek.comedited /communication (+297) "/* Articles */ add benwerd's post on indie alternative to google voice, reverse chron, ISO ordinal not worth the DRY violation" (view diff)
#bupkesre: font. Have change it now, hope it less eye-watering. Have just installed thee
#bupkes*theme*, and am hoping to change the css but am still learning html/css and don't want to change too much too soon for fear of breaking the whole thing
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#kylewmaaronpk: do your "View on Instagram" links leave off rel=syndication on purpose?
dybskiy joined the channel
#kylewmI was working on posse-post-discovery, noticed that I can find your twitter/facebook links but not instagrams
cnxtrm_ joined the channel
#kylewmhmm, mf2py should still be picking up on u-syndication though...
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#kylewmoops yeah ... still curious about rel-syndication but i am finding the IG links now
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#aaronpkkylewm: I don't think that wass intentional
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#aaronpkalthough yeah u-syndication should find it
#kylewmaaronpk: no good reason to use both from my pov. i wasn't handling u-syndication correctly, so it picked up your rel-syndication links on twitter/fb but not instagram because it didn't have them
#kylewmbut that was good bc i found the bug in u-syndication :)
#kbsand [maybe it's just me] a comment/response is more interesting to read than a like/retweet. So if the "more interesting responses" were more prominent, it'd be even easier for me to scan the responses
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: kbs: thanks... yeah all of those are on my mind :)
#KartikPrabhuthe problem is i don't know a good way to separate them out.
#kbshas found the readability trick to be a reasonable heuristic in the absense of other info
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: you've seen how p3k and idno (and fb and twitter) handle likes/reshares vs comments, right?
#kbs:-) the arc90 stuff probably works best for long articles - but some of the heuristics [especially the quick/dirty ones, like removing all links before scoring] might be interesting
#gRegor`One small suggestion: not as many lines. I'm a fan of a single line separating responses. If there's two, though, I think the bottom one should encapsulate the date.
#KartikPrabhugregor`: I have been thinking that my design in general is a little 'liney'
#gRegor`Related: I was working on my mentions stream last night and styling my <hr /> separators. Found this nice cheatsheet: http://css-tricks.com/examples/hrs/ I'm planning to use the second one.
#LoqiKartikPrabhu meant to say: i mean your homepage... looks like you have 'cards' of all your posts
#snarfedyeah, sounds like KartikPrabhu just means the visual look of individual pieces of content inside rect borders, often with rounded corners, against a different colored/patterned background
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: yeah! but is there some other sense?
#snarfedyeah, card has become a common design term for a piece of content that can be embedded in different places
#snarfedfb and twitter embeds, google now cards, etc
#tantekKartikPrabhu: if you don't have a specific real world example of something you think is a card, then there's not much point in discussion.
#KartikPrabhutantek: that is what I am trying to understand. What do people mean by cards? since there is a page /card people must have some notion
#tantekgRegor`: the method being applied here is pragmatic socratic method, whereby a question is met with counter-questions requesting real-world connections/relations/examples.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: that page has both a definition and specific examples.
#tantekCards is one of those things like annotations. Once you start thinking of things as "cards" you start to think of nearly everything as a "card". (specific context: may make more sense to folks like hober and kevinmarks who were at the W3C Web Annotations Workshop a couple of weeks ago - see #ianno14 for some leftovers)
#KartikPrabhutantek: I think we discussed annotation before and yes that was my confusion with cards too
#KartikPrabhukbs: by your definition than my archive page with summaries of articles would qualify.... interesting
#tantekKartikPrabhu: if you discuss some new concept X and start to think that everything is X, then you may be lost yes.
#KartikPrabhuwhich is why my pedantic question "what is not X?"
#tantekSame problem happened with Google Web Intents. The proponents of Google Web Intents saw everything as an "intent", which pretty much doomed it.
#aaronpktantek: does that pattern have a name? that's fascinating
#kbsKartikPrabhu: sure - I think each summary would probably work as a card [for me anyway] but I wouldn't call the entire list of summaries as "a card"
#KartikPrabhuthough I am pretty much on board with cards = external embedded content like reply-contexts and auto-embedded youtube videos
#tantekaaronpk - not sure. it is definitely a linguistic/psychological phenomenon that I've seen repeatedly over the years (web intents, annotations, and cards are just the latest specific examples)
#LoqigRegor` meant to say: Should /post just be a redirect to /posts and the information merged? Not sure how useful the distinction is on separate pages.
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