#kbsother data points [potentially] i'm redirecting dns from hover.com - and it's not using their "more-optimized" dns redirection mechanism. I can pull up more detalis if i seems relevant
#KevinMarksThis was what started the conversation - being able to target a webmention to a paragraph, like medium
benprew, cnxtrm, pfenwick and jtyhurst joined the channel
#JonathanNealYes, I have wondered if fragmentions should be more context aware (if paragraph or heading found, backup to that, otherwise the element)
#JonathanNealBut then doesn’t that overcomplicated things? Meh.
dybskiy joined the channel
#KevinMarksIf you find the text in a blockquote, follow it to the linked source? (I can over complicate fire ages based on use cases from the annotation meeting)
#KevinMarksI was being a bit silly. If I wrote a post that quoted your post, and someone sent a webmention to that bit of my blog, it would really be a webmention for you
jedahan, brianloveswords, paulcp, benprew, bupkes, snarfed and dybskiy joined the channel
#@srcrTried my skills at programming again and again stuck :( I would like to code my own #indieweb site but don't have the skills to do it. (twitter.com/_/status/457601961043718145)
jedahan, benprew, eschnou, grantmacken and pasevin joined the channel
indie-visitor, eschnou, tantek, j12t, benprew and jedahan joined the channel
#KartikPrabhu!tell snarfed: I ran the unit tests on activity streams and there seem to be a few FAILS in the instagramm portion which I have not touched at all! The Twitter tz tests all go through!
#Loqikylewm meant to say: I thought there was an issue like two days ago to send you the initial mention of your site, in addition to responess to the mention?
#kylewmbc then if you knew reply1 is in reply to post, and reply2 is in reply to both {reply1, post}, you could organize them as a thread