2014-04-19 UTC
# 00:03 bret he didnt know :/ I'll try to show him after the talk
# 00:04 bret aaronpk: any ideas on how to demonstrate besides just the curl -i bret.io
# 00:05 aaronpk I did it with a different one and got redirected twice!
# 00:06 bret if you do it once, wait a few seconds then it will work normally the next time
# 00:06 bret if you do it twice fast, it will redirect twice
kbs joined the channel
# 00:11 kbs fwiw, I seem to be able to reproduce on my site by having a delay of 120 seconds between requests. [nobody else but me visits my site]. while true
# 00:12 kbs other data points [potentially] i'm redirecting dns from hover.com - and it's not using their "more-optimized" dns redirection mechanism. I can pull up more detalis if i seems relevant
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benprew, paulcp, cnxtrm, pfenwick, j12t, KevinMarks, gRegor` and snarfed joined the channel
# 04:06 KevinMarks_ blogger templates are still xml, so I have to CDATA escape the javascript #retro
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# 04:42 KevinMarks_ I think we need both. without the focus there is extra work needed on the client side
# 04:56 JonathanNeal You can style the fragmention element. [fragmention] { background-color: yellow
# 04:56 KevinMarks_ I know I *can* but the lack of default focus makes it less clear what is going on
# 04:58 KevinMarks_ I liked the "out of the box" focus effect for people installing it and seeing what happened
# 05:00 KevinMarks_ this is more obvious for me on kevinmarks.com as I don't have any templating or CSS styling going on the moment
# 05:02 JonathanNeal I can understand that. The out of the box effect for :target is similar.
# 05:03 KevinMarks_ was that what was different? I'm tryign turning element.focus() back on but ti sin't showing
# 05:04 JonathanNeal Try adding a style for [fragmention], and tell me if it still seems wonky. I think focus was a hack.
# 05:06 KevinMarks_ shepazu's point about integration with in-browser search makes some sense
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# 05:40 JonathanNeal Yes, the styling should appear in all major browsers, and even the legacy IE7-8.
# 05:42 JonathanNeal If you slightly changed your CSS to something like { background-color: gold
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# 06:30 KevinMarks_ I should change my old blogpost to use <p> so I don't get ragged right highlights
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# 14:16 KevinMarks benwerd: did you look at webmention integration of fragmentions?
# 14:27 KevinMarks This was what started the conversation - being able to target a webmention to a paragraph, like medium
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# 14:50 JonathanNeal Yes, I have wondered if fragmentions should be more context aware (if paragraph or heading found, backup to that, otherwise the element)
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# 14:54 KevinMarks If you find the text in a blockquote, follow it to the linked source? (I can over complicate fire ages based on use cases from the annotation meeting)
# 15:01 KevinMarks I was being a bit silly. If I wrote a post that quoted your post, and someone sent a webmention to that bit of my blog, it would really be a webmention for you
jedahan, brianloveswords, paulcp, benprew, bupkes, snarfed and dybskiy joined the channel
# 15:56 snarfed btw i'm adding you to the app engine project so you can check out everything there. lots of detailed info
eschnou, benprew, v0_, dybskiy, tahnok and gRegor` joined the channel
# 17:39 kylewm snarfed: oh that's awesome, thanks for adding me. so. much. data. :)
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# 21:07 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: I ran the unit tests on activity streams and there seem to be a few FAILS in the instagramm portion which I have not touched at all! The Twitter tz tests all go through!
# 21:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cnxtrm, eschnou, jedahan, benprew and friedcell joined the channel
# 21:50 v0_ Wow. That's a nice design.
# 21:50 v0_ I like how the text shifts over to the right to make room for diagrams.
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# 22:17 kylewm KartikPrabhu: oh wow, yeah that's interesting ... I assume the same would happen with replies to tweets about your article too
# 22:18 KartikPrabhu it is because bridgy considers your tweet/FB post as a syndication not repost...
# 22:18 kylewm yes, hmm, I wonder if that is my fault for the way I posted it
# 22:19 kylewm oh I mean, the way I posted it to FB ... but it doesn't distinguish does it
# 22:19 kylewm this could dovetail nicely with the reverse-original-post-discovery thing I have been working on
# 22:20 kylewm it wouldn't solve it yet, but it could be a piece. we could use a heuristic like There Can Be Only One original
# 22:20 kylewm and if we find the original on the author's homepage, then it's safe to assume that it's the original
# 22:23 KartikPrabhu so if I post my article it would be syndication, but if you do it would be repost-of
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu but that will need some other mechanism to get original-post url... Since replies to your FB post are considered as replies to my article
emmak joined the channel
# 22:26 kylewm there would still be the problem that, if i posted a link to your site directly to facebook (i.e., no POSSE)
# 22:26 kylewm it would send replies as if it was a syndication of your post
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# 22:33 kylewm ha, so in the degenerate case, someone could post your link and write that it's total garbage
# 22:33 kylewm and people would reply "no way you're wrong!" and only those would show up on your site :)
# 22:35 kylewm I thought there was an issue like two days ago to send you the original mention of your site, in addition to responess to the mention?
# 22:35 Loqi kylewm meant to say: I thought there was an issue like two days ago to send you the initial mention of your site, in addition to responess to the mention?
# 22:37 kylewm bc then if you knew reply1 is in reply to post, and reply2 is in reply to both {reply1, post}
, you could organize them as a thread
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