#indiewebcamp 2014-04-20
2014-04-20 UTC
caseorga_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: how can I access older responses? you know more than what is shown in "Recent Responses"?

KartikPrabhu kylewm: Can I access the bridgy url for your Facebook repost of my article? I accidently erased all records of bridgy urls by replacing them with orginal ones

benprew, KevinMarks, scor, paulcp, paulcp_ and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and cnxtrm joined the channel
benprew, scor, krendil and j12t joined the channel
netweb, benprew, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
@ArthurSmid RT @hertling: IndieWeb is hugely important, but I hope we can include more than just programming technorati in the movement. http://t.co/hz… (twitter.com/_/status/457733956155084800)
_6a68, benprew, snarfed, Kopfstein, KevinMarks, eschnou, netweb, Sebastien-L and glennjones joined the channel
benprew, glennjones, krendil, scor, pasevin and jedahan joined the channel
rascul my web site design moves slightly closer to the finished state but still i have much to do http://crash.rascul.io

benprew and netweb joined the channel
squeakytoy, benprew, brianloveswords, Sebastien-L, jedahan, cnxtrm, KevinMarks, pasevin, dariusdunlap and snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed: the instagramm tests give "AssertionError: [published] '2012-10-06T22:45:57' != '2012-10-07T00:45:57'"

KartikPrabhu also re older responses: I'd like to keep a record of where the mentions came from but I accidently replaced the bridgy urls with u-urls from the mention. I just wanted to get the bridgy urls back

KartikPrabhu oh huh! Alright I'll do that and send a PR for the twitter tzs

KartikPrabhu re: older response for the http://kartikprabhu.com/article/indieweb-love-blog posts if possible

KartikPrabhu aah yes I forgot I already pushed that

KartikPrabhu eh! turn out I only have one commit locally :P

KartikPrabhu lets see if I can do something on Github

KartikPrabhu nope. I didn't have a local copy remember

KartikPrabhu I only see 15 responses

KartikPrabhu yeah google+ does have 100 but twitter only has 15

KartikPrabhu no... that seems right... cool! That should go long way in tracking down the urls

KartikPrabhu also seems I don't have any upstream set! Isn't this supposed to happen automatically on cloning?

snarfed easy to add though: git remote add upstream https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial.git
KartikPrabhu you mean git pull for the last one right?

Sebastien-L and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aah yes

KartikPrabhu ok did that work!?

KartikPrabhu yes :)

benprew joined the channel
KartikPrabhu it still says "invalid upstream upstream"!

gRegor` joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yup it does...

KevinMarks Well, more like a g+ profile

KartikPrabhu I think all these guys Twitter/FB/G+ will merge into one big silo-blob

KartikPrabhu everyone will look like everyone esle

KartikPrabhu GWG: styling? as in display?

Garbee joined the channel
KartikPrabhu GWG: "Shared" ?

pasevin joined the channel
KartikPrabhu GWG: Yeah I'd do "Shared on" Twitter, FB etc...

KartikPrabhu GWG: cool!

KartikPrabhu GWG: hey! don't look at me! I'm neither a designer nor a programmer ;)

KartikPrabhu I'm a physics grad student :D

KartikPrabhu so basically nothing ;P

KartikPrabhu GWG: the theme looks pretty neat!

KartikPrabhu GWG: since you are using Genericons you might want to to try http://genericons.com/#share this one for syndication urls

KartikPrabhu though I have no idea how standard it is.

KevinMarks My father taught physics too

KartikPrabhu man! so much physics :P

snarfed KartikPrabhu, GWG: this is also pretty common. http://genericons.com/#external
KartikPrabhu snarfed: I did look at that... but I associate with "open in new tab" or something

KartikPrabhu choosing icons is pretty hard

KevinMarks There's the android share icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/198108/share_icon

pasevin joined the channel
KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: that is definitely better. I use entypo on my site and it has one like that

KevinMarks Yes, he taught at Polytechnic of North London and the Open University

KartikPrabhu rascul: of course I mean icon-fonts and not images ;)

KartikPrabhu GWG: yes always a good idea to stick to one icon font collection

KevinMarks Or use an SVG file, it'd be small

KevinMarks There's probably a case for using different icons on iOS, android and desktop

rascul i think i like a card type thing http://crash.rascul.io/cards.html

snarfed and tilgovi joined the channel
KevinMarks That looks a bit like http://pageaspreview.herokuapp.com/

benprew joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor Hi, i have a question about web sign in via rel-me links. As it happens, in practice, through 3rd-party silos, it does not offer any privacy advantage over direct login using facebook accounts. The third party will anyway happily trace our surf habits,right?
kbs joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks, j12t, Kopfstein and indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor aww thanks Loqi
iangreenleaf and pasevin joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
benprew joined the channel
GWG kbs: The one on http://tiny.n9n.us or the other one?
kbs GWG: I was looking at http://tiny.n9n.us

pasevin joined the channel
kbs but if subjective opinions aren't totally useless :) I personally find simpler sites easier to read [eg: http://alistapart.com/blog] so any feedback I have would tend towards removing chrome, etc

@gasull Why we need the indie web, why we need to be holders of our own data. https://indiewebcamp.com/why (twitter.com/_/status/457980537811255296)
benprew joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
KartikPrabhu http://practicaltypography.com/ is my go to for good typography

barnabywalters !tell caseorganic hello!

barnabywalters good evening GWG, #indiewebcamp

KartikPrabhu evening!

barnabywalters GWG: oh, er, good! which one?

barnabywalters ah, the reply?

barnabywalters so what interesting things have been happening here while I was gone

barnabywalters I saw a mention in the logs about fragmentations…

barnabywalters aaronpk: ha ha okay

barnabywalters aaronpk: I skimmed the logs while half-asleep ;)

barnabywalters if they are fragmentions then why does indiewebcamp.com/fragmentions not exist

barnabywalters ah you beat me to it

barnabywalters interesting

barnabywalters GWG: sure!

GWG barnabywalters: http://tiny.n9n.us How's my markup this time?
barnabywalters GWG: looking good! a few microformats markup suggestions:

barnabywalters add an explicit p-name property for the h-feed — at the moment the “name” is just the text content of that element

barnabywalters the published datetimes should be ISO8601 datetimes (e.g. 2014-04-12T12:00:00+0000), at the moment they are human-readable dates

barnabywalters you’re already using the <time datetime=“”> attribute, so you just need to make the value of that attribute a valid ISO8601 datetime

barnabywalters so, there are two ways to publish a feed with microformats2, as detailed on http://indiewebcamp.com/feed

barnabywalters either just have a bunch of h-entries, or have an h-feed with h-entries in

barnabywalters one of the advantages of using h-feed is that you can name the feed

barnabywalters (typically the same as the <title> element)

barnabywalters but if you don’t name it, the name will just be the text content of the element

barnabywalters GWG: in most cases there’s not even any reason to use h-feed

barnabywalters it’s mainly personal preference

barnabywalters only other thing I would recommend would be to make the author properties of the entries nested h-cards rather than just plaintext properties

barnabywalters GWG: there’s a bunch of help here: http://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftiny.n9n.us%2F2012%2F01%2F07%2Ftemplate-sticky%2F

barnabywalters actually I need to add checking for ISO8601 datetimes to indiewebify.me

barnabywalters that’ll be tomorrow’s project

barnabywalters it’s also a a good idea to use e-content instead of p-content — that way parsers can either get the plaintext value or the HTML value

barnabywalters GWG: this is really valuable feedback for indiewebify.me and microformats educational materials, thanks!

Sebastien-L joined the channel
barnabywalters GWG: oops, yep you did! I’m still looking on the index page

barnabywalters my bad

squeakytoy joined the channel
barnabywalters GWG: ha ha ha, “barnabywalters-certified” markup

barnabywalters I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not ;)

barnabywalters I’d rather you added a link to an indiewebify.me test page

barnabywalters that way people can verify themselves that the markup is good

barnabywalters GWG: looking good!

barnabywalters complete with timezone

squeakytoy, benprew, brianloveswords, zaal_, tilgovi and caseorganic joined the channel
benprew joined the channel