2014-04-21 UTC
# 00:50 KartikPrabhu kbs: thanks. no, I usually like right-heavy sites. I just played around with the grid till I was satisfied :)
pfenwick, benprew, KevinMarks, squeakytoy, cnxtrm and tantek joined the channel
# 01:47 acegiak do we have a flow for replies to replies? like, if someone posts a comment reply to one of my comment replies to another post do I just display the comment and then send an update webmention to the post I'm replying to?
# 01:48 tantek acegiak - by flow, I presume you mean *user* flow? If so, how do you want your comments to look on your site?
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# 02:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 02:57 snarfed KartikPrabhu: deployed your change. congrats! i'm also inviting you to the app engine project so you can see the stats and logs
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v0_, squeakytoy, snarfed, benprew and brianloveswords joined the channel
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# 09:42 KartikPrabhu any javascript experts? is there a event that triggers on selecting a text?
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# 10:05 rascul whines about people who don't validate their html and css
# 10:12 KartikPrabhu no worries! my html usually is validated. (I hope!) I guess I can try using a mouse only approch
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gRegor`, pasevin, benprew, snarfed, jedahan and tantek joined the channel
# 15:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:50 kylewm !tell snarfed I reeeeeally appreciate the detailed review and suggestions
# 15:50 kylewm wish i got that kind of feedback at my job ;)
# 15:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:53 benwerd Hi :) Back from a week at a trade show in Vegas, and a week of meetings in Texas. Pass me the kale.
fungoat joined the channel
# 15:57 kylewm benwerd: super random question for you about idno. is there a good way to programmatically find /content/all from the / page? (i'm working on a bridgy feature to parse rel=syndication links)
# 15:57 benwerd kylewm: it's certainly always linked in the page source, but I'd welcome any thoughts on how to mark it up to make that easier
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# 16:00 KevinMarks JonathanNeal: that seems an argument for adding focus() back?
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# 16:28 tantek rascul - bummer! any friends you know who would be interested? spread the word!
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# 16:29 rascul i been trying to get a couple people into the indieweb stuff but it hasn't taken hold yet
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# 16:30 rascul if i knew the nyc thing was happening well enough in advance i maybe coulda got up there, i'm about 250 miles away
# 16:30 tantek rascul - oh no problem - that's understandable
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# 16:47 Loqi snarfed: kylewm left you a message 57 minutes ago: I reeeeeally appreciate the detailed review and suggestions
# 16:48 snarfed kylewm: welcome! sorry it was so nitpicky. i really appreciate the contribution, so it's a win win
# 16:49 snarfed acegiak: i think mf2 can represent nested reply trees like that - even if it might take N http fetches to resolve the whole thing - so it's more a question of how each site chooses/implements rendering and reply-contexts, right?
# 16:50 snarfed there's definitely plenty of prior art to use as examples for that part
# 16:56 KevinMarks I signed up for iiw too. We can co-opt an indieweb track. I expect johannes will be there too
# 16:56 j12t And I’m supposed to tell you that there is an IndieWeb-community-specific discount
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# 16:56 j12t if you want to go, talk to me or Kaliya
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# 17:35 KevinMarks I could tweet a quote from aral too, I suppose. There's enough aral in the main post though.
# 17:39 KevinMarks Hmm. The problem of "I want to share a quote from and a link to this page" requiring two things on the clipboard could be solved by fragmentions too
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# 17:40 aaronpk I just use JumpCut to give me a stack of clipboards
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# 17:49 icco JonathanNeal, like handicap accessibility or am I up accessibility?
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# 17:53 JonathanNeal icco: sorry, but I don’t think that is going to address my question, but I’ll not bother you.
# 17:53 icco ok dokee, just a shot in the dark, good luck.
caseorga_, tantek and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 18:20 tantek aaronpk, caseorganic, kevinmarks - currently we we have two levels of participants at indiewebcamps: Creators & Apprentices
# 18:20 tantek I'd like to consider introducing a third level between those two: Bloggers
# 18:20 tantek As we start to reach out to and bring in Generation 2 folks, we're encountering more and more traditional bloggers, and I think it would be good to explicitly include them
# 18:21 tantek bloggers are people that do already have their own site, and regularly (like say at least once a month) post on it
# 18:21 tantek but may not consider themselves creators/builders, and they might not have indieauth setup either.
# 18:22 tantek so they're more than an apprentice (since they already have their own site and are posting on it), but don't feel like calling themselves a creator (what I've heard from a few)
# 18:22 tantek what do you think? thinking of introducing this new level for IndieWebCampNYC and then explicitly reaching out to NYC bloggers like Anil Dash etc.
# 18:23 KevinMarks Is it more that they don't like the "apprentice" nomenclature?
# 18:24 tantek KevinMarks - I also think of bloggers as creators, but they don't think of themselves that way
# 18:24 aaronpk but you're saying bloggers don't think of themselves as creators?
# 18:24 tantek because they associate "creator" with developer/designer
# 18:24 tantek KevinMarks - they're also not "just" an apprentice
# 18:25 tantek KevinMarks: some bloggers are happy to apprentice with a creator, others feel they're already indieweb like but are not quite a creator, so they feel they don't quite fit
# 18:25 tantek KevinMarks: right - hence why I want to explicitly include bloggers as a sign-up group
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# 18:25 tantek this also has a nice letter ranking [C]reators [B]loggers [A]pprentices
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# 18:36 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: not really sure how accessibility works with fragmentions. How do browsers usually do that?
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# 18:37 tantek anybody else have any opinions on adding "Bloggers" as another level of participant between Creators and Apprentices at IndieWebCamp?
# 18:44 gRegor` I was planning on it. I put it on the wiki and RSVPed
# 18:44 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: well, it seems like JAWS does something with scrollIntoView
# 18:44 snarfed would you still expect that they'd be able to indieauth in and rsvp themselves?
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# 18:49 KevinMarks Judging by indieWebcamp SF, getting indieauth working is a good initial task to try with help. There are enough steps that it puts people off, but works as a first achievement
# 18:51 tantek KevinMarks - agreed that it's a good initial task (per /Getting_Started ) - disagreed about the "enough steps". There shouldn't be. Sounds like a documentation or a communication problem.
# 18:53 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: on a related note, I was attempting to replicate the select text functionality here https://medium.com/cool-code-pal/b21bfc1f63c7 for fragmentions. Basically the idea being you select a text and you get a contextual menu that gives you its fragmention for sharing. But I am not good with Javascript
# 18:55 KartikPrabhu ultimately it could just be in the browser menu with 'copy paste' and all those options
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# 19:00 KevinMarks_ on iOS you could add a service, though those are obscure enough poepl don't know about them
# 19:01 KevinMarks_ there may be a way to affect the popup menu with a plugin, though doing something like medium would be more subtle
# 19:02 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: right now it is only on 'mouseup' event so no touch but I haven't written any touch based JS ever!
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# 19:08 tantek you want citations? I got citations. No desire to ever bother with setting up / learning / using MySQL until this kind of nonsense is completely fixed. Never had any of those problems with simple flat UTF8 text files.
# 19:09 KevinMarks_ I remember that at Technorati. Had do some very delicate and careful work to keep the utf8 data we'd been storing int he DB to stay in utf8 when SQL decided that it finally understood utf8 and "helpfully" re-encoded from the old defaults
# 19:09 tantek right, needing "delicate and careful work" = fragile system.
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# 19:10 KevinMarks_ similarly with encoding assumptions in the various programming languages int he chain there
# 19:10 KevinMarks_ PHP did something similar, changing default encoding assumption between versions
# 19:11 KevinMarks_ Python understood unicode, but you had to remind it not to default to coercing through ascii or get runtime errors
# 19:13 KartikPrabhu would have never thought indiewebcamp gave the impression of being JSON/PHP centric
# 19:14 kylewm ohhh Anil Dash would be awesome to have at an IWC. kottke.org is in NYC too
# 19:20 kylewm does anyone show reply contexts for h-events?
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# 19:24 aaronpk kylewm: yes I do, but the link I was about to send you is broken!
# 19:24 aaronpk it should be fixed when I push up my DB stuff... crap
# 19:25 kylewm oh sounds good! sorry it is broken but i can wait :)
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# 19:29 aaronpk seriously considering adding a continuous integration test suite to my site so I can't accidentally do crap like this
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# 19:34 KevinMarks_ aaronpk: you can add a comment to the db thread Tantek was posting
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# 19:39 aaronpk yeah I want to set up a list of URLs to watch and the test script will make sure they always return sane results, looking for my HTML header and also looking for the parsed microformats to be as expected
# 19:43 aaronpk hm citation needed for "[mysqldump | scp | mysql] doesn't work across MySQL versions/configurations"
# 19:44 aaronpk in my experience that's actually the *only* reliable way to port data between different mysql versions
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# 19:47 snarfed agreed, i've definitely done that across *many* different mysql versions
# 19:48 snarfed i'm sure there's some set of versions that might break some part of it, but anecdotally, i'm guessing it's a minority
# 19:49 aaronpk I want to update that to be more specific about the encoding problems and --skip-extended-insert
# 19:53 KevinMarks_ the comment about "use utf8 in the first place" is a wonderful bit of "If I were going there I wouldn't be starting from here"
# 19:54 KevinMarks_ remembers having to cope with webpages and feeds with multiple encodings mixed together, because people copy/paste
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# 20:04 KevinMarks_ if I go to google and search for [sanitize.py] it hides the search box, puts sanitize.py in the adderss bar, and then fails as it isn't a URL
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# 20:37 KevinMarks_ well, that works, but showing the search on the "domain did not resolve" page would make more sense
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# 21:20 kbs hm, how do plain-text files escape the 'what-encoding-am-i-in' issue?
# 21:21 KartikPrabhu kbs: i think the point being made is that they are more robust to changes...
# 21:22 kbs I think that argument makes good sense to me :) but maybe I misunderstood the specific complaint about encoding formats
# 21:23 kbs [I find git to be a fairly handy database, for plain-text content especially]
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# 21:24 KevinMarks_ they don't escape the problem, but they are less likely to be globally breakable
# 21:27 kylewm KartikPrabhu: past tense? are you moving to flat files?
# 21:28 kbs fewer expectations from text files, hence easier to see the issues :)
# 21:28 KartikPrabhu past tense because I got it working! Though I am trying to move to files
# 21:29 KartikPrabhu kylewm: if you end up making a flat file system that work with python let me know :P
# 21:31 KevinMarks_ timezones are a way to create dependencies in your code on legislative bodies in countries you have never heard of
# 21:32 tantek KevinMarks: [named] timezones you mean, right?
# 21:32 tantek ok cool, just wanted to know before I quoted you :)
# 21:34 tantek drat - too long for me to quote in a single Falcon tweet ;)
# 21:34 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: agreed! hence using the numerical offset method using ISO formats in text files is great!
# 21:36 aaronpk problem with numerical timezone offsets is you can't store it in a user profile as a preference
# 21:36 aaronpk yeah arizona isn't big enough to fit all the users
# 21:37 tantek aaronpk - you can store their home city as a preference
# 21:38 aaronpk city names are more variable than timezone names. at least there are well maintained lists of timezone names.
# 21:38 tantek if you're going to do dynamic (i.e. OlsenDB) lookup, then might as well do dynamic lookup from a piece of real-world human static information (home city) rather than named TZ
# 21:38 KevinMarks_ updating your user profile twice a year is probably a good idea anyway (I just realised I hadn't updated mine on blogger in 2 years yesterday)
# 21:38 tantek aaronpk - that depends on the choosing UI. e.g. if you use a map and let a user click on their home city
# 21:39 tantek (seriously, why are there ANY UIs, especially on mobile that make you *type* the name of a city?!?)
# 21:39 aaronpk i'm talking about what you actually store in the system tho. the city name? city+region+country? some sort of globally unique city ID? the lat/lng?
# 21:39 tantek is tempted to propose an <input type="locality">
# 21:39 snarfed kylewm, KartikPrabhu: if you want an example of a flat file based python CMS, pyblosxom is a decent self contained one
# 21:40 tantek aaronpk - per vCard/hCard/adr/h-card/h-adr - this is a solved problem :D
# 21:40 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_, JonathanNeal: is there someplace the fragmention algorithm is located? That is a set of rules that a fragmention string should follow so that the search works as expected?
# 21:40 aaronpk but it's still not easy enough to find the timezone or location of a city given that information
# 21:40 KartikPrabhu snarfed: thanks! will look into it. I was more inclined to use mf2+HTML to store and mf2py to retrieve. Golden Hammer and all :P
# 21:41 aaronpk cause no way am I going to stick a database of all cities into my code, that's huge
# 21:41 tantek aaronpk - how is that not a simple web service?
# 21:41 tantek KevinMarks: what? citation for that user study please
# 21:41 aaronpk (i would much rather type the first few letters of a name and click from a filtered list than use a map)
# 21:42 aaronpk especially when adding more cities to my world clock or weather app, cause i'm usually not at the location i'm trying to add, and i dont wanna pan a map around all day to find the city i'm traveling to next week
# 21:44 kbs has trouble with finding his way around, and can relate :)
# 21:45 kbs Buying my first GPS was like wearing spectacles for the first time...
# 21:46 KevinMarks_ I use google maps spoken directiosn while cycling, and it says shit like "go north east"
# 21:47 aaronpk with a good geocoder you could go from locality+region+country to timezone offset
# 21:47 aaronpk unfortunately it's not trivial to find or run a good geocoder
# 21:47 aaronpk most of the issues around it end up on the business/licensing side rather than technical
# 21:48 KevinMarks_ also it says "california bike route 37" (Or something) when it means "Market Street"
# 21:51 tantek aaronpk - fine, I've stubbed a wiki page on it, feel free to document your implementation / brainstorming ;)
# 21:54 tantek KevinMarks - it's natural in the course of evolution of any online "social" network
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# 22:23 tantek !tell kylewm re: "reply contexts for h-events" do you mean like, in an RSVP post?
# 22:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:24 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 19 seconds ago: re: "reply contexts for h-events" do you mean like, in an RSVP post?
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# 22:40 Loqi [@t] @dsearls @aral I agree with @haxor.
# 22:42 aaronpk quoting aral, "I don’t think the benefit of using Indie as the trading name for Article 12 Ltd ... is worth the confusion and fear/uncertainty/doubt that it might cause. So we’re going to drop it and use the current company name..."
# 22:42 aaronpk and "I’ve now removed Indie from the list of trademarks on the site."
# 22:43 tantek aaronpk - that's just the word "indie" by itself (which yes was ridiculous)
# 22:43 tantek AFAIK he still wants to trademark specific prefix uses like "indie phone"
# 22:44 tantek also this whole thing about worrying about trademarking product names before you have anything to show/ship is ridiculous
# 22:45 aaronpk so a trademark has to be an adjective, not a noun. so actually "Indie" makes a better trademark than "Indie Phone"
# 22:45 KevinMarks_ whereas registering domain names before you have anything to show is perfectly reasonable
# 22:46 benwerd_ looks at his domain name portfolio and coughs nonchalantly
# 22:46 tantek KevinMarks - domains names are much cheaper :)
# 22:46 KevinMarks_ which reminds me, does anyone what pythononaplane.com before I let it lapse?
# 22:46 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: which reminds me, does anyone want pythononaplane.com before I let it lapse?
# 22:46 aaronpk also trademarks apply in a specific industry, which is why companies like GitHub register their trademark for both software as well as t-shirts
# 22:47 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: also trademarks apply in a specific industry, which is why companies like GitHub register their trademark for both software as well as apparel
# 22:47 benwerd_ For me, I find the withdrawal of indie as a trademark in order to play well with the community hard to reconcile in good faith with very public condemnations of organizations related to the community.
# 22:48 tantek benwerd - yeah, the public condemnations aren't very "community" aware are they?
# 22:49 aaronpk which organizations are these? I must have missed something
# 22:49 benwerd_ lots of mozilla-bashing due to its revenue ties to google.
# 22:50 KevinMarks_ as opposed to the "silos are a design error which we can mitigate" one
# 22:50 tantek or, silos are scaffolding we can use to build out the indieweb
# 22:51 aaronpk she works at Medium, where Amber's indieweb talk was hosted last week
# 22:52 tantek thought provoking the troops at Medium is a good approach
# 22:52 tantek KevinMarks - I'd like to hear more about that
# 22:53 KevinMarks_ let us publish medium posts on our own domains, like blogger used to with ftp
# 22:53 tantek e.g. have specific UI for cross-posting to Medium
# 22:54 aaronpk sounds like they'd make a great micropub client :)
# 22:54 KevinMarks_ also talked about webmentions (and fragmentions) feeding into their comments system
# 22:57 tantek KevinMarks_: sigh. they don't get it. no one wants that nonsense.
# 22:57 aaronpk (it only partially answers his question, cause heroku and meteor are not quite the same as a generic web host)
# 22:59 tantek KevinMarks LOL! Nice retort. Were they speechless?
# 22:59 kylewm aaronpk: I don't understand "trademark has to be an adjective, not a noun" ... what's an example of a trademarked adjective?
# 22:59 aaronpk kylewm: technically every trademark is an adjective that describes a generic noun
# 23:00 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: not really! basically I'm trying to reverse the fragmention algo to make my "find the fragmention for this piece" mock up
# 23:00 KevinMarks_ it was a bit mean, really. we went back and forth a lot, with me making more blogger analogies
# 23:00 aaronpk yep. so "Indie phone" would work if "Indie" is the trademark
# 23:01 KevinMarks_ with Exported from Medium on April 21, 2014. View the original at the bottom
# 23:01 j12t I have never heard that adjective explanation of trademarks, and I have heard the speech many times.
# 23:02 j12t there’s a product category, and the mark identifies a particular product from a particular vendor within the category
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# 23:02 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: you think it is possible to automate that from Medium? Also what happens to the "annotations"?
# 23:03 aaronpk if you incorrectly use your trademark as a noun, you risk losing it. that's why companies like Adobe push so hard to keep using "Photoshop" properly
# 23:03 j12t …as a noun that describes the category, not the product
# 23:07 tantek benwerd, does idno support receiving pingback (as well as webmention) for comments / RSVPs?
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# 23:08 tantek Thinking of asking [B]loggers for IndieWebCampNYC to RSVP by blogging on their own site that they're going (i.e. if they don't want to or can't setup IndieAuth)
# 23:09 tantek and then thought, what if we asked them to cite / link to a specific indie event URL
# 23:09 aaronpk benwerd_: if not, you can quickly enable pingback support via the webmention.io forwarding
# 23:10 benwerd_ aaronpk: I'll take a look at that, but might also try and implement native pingback
# 23:11 benwerd_ yeah, not yet - but it's something I can take a look at ;)
# 23:11 tantek benwerd, even though you can't make it, perhaps you could post an indie event for IndieWebCampNYC also?
# 23:11 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: do let me know how the annotations export (if they do...) interested to see their markup
# 23:11 tantek is embarrassed he still doesn't have indie event posting support, nevermind receiving/displaying webmentions/RSVPs :/
# 23:11 tantek got distracted by people focused mobile comms.
# 23:12 KartikPrabhu side question: does anyone like the "5mins to read this" warnings that websites have?
# 23:12 aaronpk benwerd_: the pingback xml is annoying but not the end of the world to deal with, but using webmention.io forwarding is easier :)
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# 23:17 kylewm I like them, KartikPrabhu. or perhaps, i dislike the opposite, where it's hard to tell how long something is because it's split up into pages
# 23:17 KartikPrabhu kylewm: pagination is quite bad... specially for really small articles.
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# 23:38 KevinMarks_ heh, if I try to click the fragmention link to copy it, it changes
# 23:41 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_: in FF even double clicking and all that works correctly .... browser quirks :(
# 23:41 JonathanNeal So, what do you think is a good experience for creating fragmentions? That when you highlight text, it gives you a little popup like you’ve done?
# 23:42 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: Not pop up but something like what medium does. A little contextual button shows up close by, which you can click to get the link
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# 23:46 tantek.com edited /2014/NYC (+638) "/* Organizers */ note we should explicitly invite NYC creators and bloggers who have shown interest in the indie web" (
view diff )
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# 23:55 KevinMarks_ hm medium pretty-prints the CSS it injects, but dumps the HTML in without newlines after the paragraphs
# 23:56 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: and it doesn't export annotations
# 23:58 tantek probably because they need a format for that ;)