#KartikPrabhubret: but I don't think I have anything specifically from an indieweb perspective. One suggestion would be to start with a basic website and add simpler things first like "notes" instead of "articles" and buildup from there
#acegiaksnarfed: yes. the I think that's what I'm gonna have to try and work out: how I actually handle fetching that data. So we're thinking that if I recieve a comment and display it on my site I should send a webmention to the post that is the "parent" of mine?
#Loqiacegiak: tantek left you a message 9 hours, 39 minutes ago: that http://acegiak.net/files/2014/04/commentreplytree.jpg diagram looks a lot more complicated than any existing real world comment threading UI, so I would punt on that much complexity. Check /multireply for some simpler thoughts/examples.
#KevinMarks_django tutorial is very fiddly and complicated
#rasculthat's similar to how i felt awhile back except you have the ability to put words to it
#kylewmsnarfed: are we on the same page about instagram author urls? like if you open ID 703876341980610724_13330911, that's an example of a post that has instagram.com/iamkulap as the author[url]
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: good to know! will try to fix asap
#snarfedkylewm: got it. we definitely look for and extract the website field for users who sign up, and i think for all users, but instagram may not always provide it in all api responses
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: that’s looking cool. Maybe it can generate a hyperlink looking thing in front of the text that you can click for the fragmention.
#Loqiadactio: KartikPrabhu left you a message 4 days, 5 hours ago: your webmention here - http://kartikprabhu.com/article/blogging-dead#response-37 was hard to get right! the lack of p-author, u-url made me reconsider a lot of safe defaults in my code!
#cweiskeKartikPrabhu, you don't seem to have a rss/atom feed. Is that right?
pfenwick, starrats, barnabywalters and kbs joined the channel
#kbsbarnabywalters: are you aware of any services/etc that help manage device specific pgp keys for one person conveniently? eg: enable cross-signing, and key lookups for senders [so they can create messages for all the receiver's devices]
#@jkphlSeriously disgusted by that enduring, destructive, one-dimensional #indieweb mud-wrestling out there. WTF is so hard about pulling together? (twitter.com/_/status/458609481484472320)
#kbsit's predictable at least :) if you poke anyone on things they feel passionately about, it's bound to result in some drama - I guess a different part of the brain engages
#bretbarnabywalters, does your posting interface work as a micropub client?
#bretthat way I could move away from javascript displays
snarfed and j12t joined the channel
#bretwebmention is rad, but it is only the ping. webmention.io provides an api to get some of that data easily, but it doesnt work with a micropub endpoint in any way
#barnabywaltersbret: micropub is for you to create new posts on your site, rather than adding external responses to them
#bretwhat if I want to publish new replies to my site?
#bretif the micropub endpoint can get data into a static site, then it might also be a convient endpoint for actually getting reply data into the site as well
#bretlet me get the new post thing working first, then it will be more clear
#bretbarnabywalters maybe the endpoint would also just double as a webmention client in addition to a micropub endpoint, not really sure what makes the most sense yet
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I don't know how to handle those correctly either :( since h-as-note is not supposed to be mf2. Maybe check that p-name is not same as e-content
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: notes should have an explicit p-name
#barnabywaltersmicroformats markup which makes extensive use of implied properties shouldn’t have explicit p-name
#kylewm(my point about mf2py, was that you might as well set it to what you want it to be since mf2 parser will give you one that is probably not what you want)
#tantekbarnabywalters: ah ok. yes, I think this may be because the /note page is a bit older and needs updating to include the newer conventions of sections like "How to markup" and "why" etc.
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: ooh! why didn't i think of that!! specially since I have already started storing fragmentions :P (even though I don't use those)
#barnabywaltersI just use resolved, relative URL paths (i.e. no fragment, query string) rather than absolute ones
#KartikPrabhuwill do that... great idea! thanks barnabywalters!
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: i bet that like me, you started implementing comments traditionally (i.e. as content on YOUR site and not syndicated foreign content)
#KartikPrabhukylewm: yeah! also I had articles before notes so a lot of things are tied to those
#tantekit was a bit of poking fun. as in, here's this simple thing, just posting text notes. if you can't even do that, how can we believe any grandiose plans announced and hyped all over the blogs and interviews?
#tanteklike, show us you can jog before claiming you've figured out how to teach everyone to parkour tall buildings
#adactioBelittling the way that others—who are your *allies*—are going about their work is not helpful. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
#adactioThis isn't the first time I've seen allies of the Indie Web put off by the standoff-ish attitude.
#tantekto play counter-advocate, what is the downside of belittling hype?
#adactioYou are not encouraging them to ship. You are discouraging them from doing anything.
#tantekhow can you discourage those who show no signs of *doing*?
#tantekthis is an encourage to ship *something* "Tweet from your own domain."
#adactioHave you ever considered that other people might have different priorities from you ...and that's okay? e.g. Just because someone doesn't tweet from their own website (like me or Aral) doesn't make them the antichrist.
#adactioI'm getting a bit sick of this attitude. When Marc Thiel—an events organiser—wanted to provide his talents and skills to boost the Indie web movement by organising an event, I suggested he raise that here in IRC. He got a really frosty reception because he wasn't (yet) doing things from his own website. So he was really put off the whole "indie web" label, and frankly I don't blame him.
#adactioSeeing Marc and Aral treated as though they were enemies just because they don't *yet* fulfil some arbitrary entry requirements makes want to have no part in hanging out in this club's treehouse.
#adactioThe Indie Web movement is coming across as petulant and exclusionary.
#tantekadactio - perhaps the missing context here is how much such hype noise drowned out all productive conversations in the mid 2000s to 2010 or so.
#adactioAnd I don't want the Indie Web movement to be a sausage fest for neckbeards.
#adactiotantek, I understand the reason for having some kind of barrier to entry e.g. having your own website. It keeps people out who are only interested in talking, not doing. But it has been taken too far.
#tantekif it's just conferences and blogging, is that much more than just marketing?
#tantekwhat is actually being *created*? being *built*? being *shared* in a way that can be *reused* by others?
#adactiotantek, you don't speak for me. You do speak for the Indie Web movement. While you're displaying this attitude (and by extension, so is the Indie Web movement), I don't want to be represented as part of that movement.
#adactiotantek, it's not about the technology. It's about the motivation. Even if you think that Aral's phone idea isn't viable, I still think he should be supported. You seem to be implying that it's all about the hype for him.
#j12tLet me chime in here for a sec. Can I suggest we all try to articulate our values, and see whether we can “merge” them? Would be great if there was some indie manifest that wasn’t just Aral’s.
#j12tlike “for a website, that means”, and “for a phone, that means”
#tantekadactio - there is a certain level of skepticism because the past 10 years are littered with promises of federated-this, open-that, and that's why we ask these hard questions
#tantekj12t - those principles are very similar to what we have on the indiewebcamp.com home page
#j12tI know! And they overlap quite a bit with Aral’s, too.
#adactioWhen skepticism turns to cynicism and that cynicism results in good people being belittled ...well, it's just not a good situation.
#tantekand the sad part of all those promises of federated-this, open-that is that they wasted so many brain cycles of some of the best minds
#tantekso it's important to have questions, principles, and metrics to separate the usable and useful from the hype
#adactiotantek: then you need to explain the reasoning behind your criticism because without that explanation it just comes across as mean-spirited and petty (which I know you don't intend).
#j12ttantek: I think adactio more raises a style issue than a substance issue, is that right?
#tantekadactio - indeed I can see that - the kind of subtlety that is never conveyed in tweets
#adactioj12t: yes, it's about the first impression we're giving people.
#j12tI’m all in favor of sending the message “we are grown-up, we know what we are doing, we have our disagreements, but are respectful (and sometimes tough) with each other"
#tantekadactio - every talk by Amber Case in the past 3 months has been explaining this
#adactioMarc comes in here. Says "I want to help put on an event!". First thing he gets told isn't "Great! Let's do this!". It's "Where's your website. Prove yourself. Pass our tests."
#tantekadactio - I get that the "prove yourself" approach will turn off some number of people. Others will rise to the challenge.
#adactiotantek: If you're going to take the time to belittle someone's work on Twitter, you can take the time to explain the reasoning behind it. (hint: Twitter is probably not the place for it)
#tantekadactio - I think all the trademark stuff turned off alot of folks in the community (you know, an actual community, like here in #indiewebcamp, with 90+ people)
#tantekso there's not a lot of patience with other aspects
#tantekand re: honey vs. vinnegar - a lot of us have kindly and repeatedly asked Aral over the 1.5 years that he's shown an interest in indieweb to show up here in #indiewebcamp, and please jump in and contribute to the wiki too.
#adactioI just get so dispirited when I see people assume the worst motivations by default. "Someone talking about building something but they haven't yet shipped? All hype! Someone has put a trademark on something? They must be evil!"
#tantekthat is, please come be an active part of the community
#bretI mean, any project that aligns with the principals are apart of the indieweb classification no?
#adactioAssuming better motivations by default may take more work, but it's worth it.
#breteven if they dont actively participate in the community
#tantekand he's pretty much ignored everyone else and instead gone off and made up new terms, new trademarks, and belittled an entire community's work as not user-centric
#adactioOn the one hand you take someone to task for not shipping. On the other hand you take them to task for not spending their time in this IRC channel. They may well be mutually exclusive. And maybe he chose working and shipping over talking in IRC.
#tantekat some point the "make fun of existing work and existing players" and "hype the glorious future you envision" gets old
#tantekadactio, by the measure of Aral's output (blog posts, tweets, new jargon, single-page sites), his priorities appear to be hyping his own ideas. If you see evidence otherwise, I'm very happy to be shown a better side.
#brettantek, adactio has a point in that the arguments have a sour taste for people looking in from the outside and dont have much background about indieweb
#adactiotantek: Like I said, assuming good motivations by default takes work. Sounds like you’ve got a considerable chip on your shoulder. I’m not saying it’s not warranted, but you can be a better person.
#tantekbret - "people looking in" - which generation? as in which of /generations ?
#brettantek, who knows, possibly future community!
#adactiotantek: your sour grapes are infecting the way the indie web community is being projected, and perceived by, people outside the community …our allies.
#tantekadactio, asking for "proof of work" is not sour grapes
#tantekwhere the spam in this case is self-serving hype
#tantekadactio - I am asking you for counter-evidence
#adactioI have no problem with Aral the person and Tantek the person having a disagreement. I have a huge problem with the Indie Web movement as whole being represented by the same attitude.
#tantekadactio, do you have a problem with asking for proof of work?
#adactiotantek: give him a freaking chance. He has a roadmap for what he's doing. It's going to take time.
#adactioBuilding a phone is fuckton more complex than tweeting from your own website.
#adactioLike I said, he has different priorities. And that's okay!
#tantekadactio, what happened to shipping MVP? and solving simpler problems first?
#tantekthat's not a matter of prioritization, that's how every successful site and product today was originally built
#tantekof course building a phone is more complex! it took Mozilla 2+ years to do it!
#icco(Just for a data point as I run to dinner: I definitely agree with what adactio is saying here, but I can't complain given that when I was interested in indieweb, I ended up getting burritos with tantek + others, which inspired me to get more involved, so maybe it's a recent change in culture?)
#adactiotantek, listen. When you speak about this stuff, you are speaking on behalf of the Indie Web community. I really, really don't like the way it's coming across. I don't want to be represented by this attitude. Ergo, you are turning *me* off the Indie Web community.
#tantekicco - it's a good point and why we hold the regular in-person Homebrew Website Club meetups
#tanteka lot of community inclusion works better in person
#adactiotantek: I know that's not what you intend to do, but that's what's happening.
#bretadactio indieweb is made up of a lot of different individuals with different priorities, its not just tantekweb, you see that no?
#bretthe best way to rep that is to tell aral that you support his work and the work of indieweb if thats how you feel
#ben_thatmustbemesits back, takes a sip of his drink and reads the argument up til now
#tantekadactio, "it's the attitude" is not helpful. I'm asking for specifics.
#adactiotantek: It's the default position of "Prove your bona fides!" instead of the defaul position of "Oh, we have common goals. Let's work together" (see also Marc's frosty reception here)
josephboyle joined the channel
#adactiotantek: Well, that tweet of yours would be one example.
#tantekadactio, the default position for new folks here is absolutely oh we have common goals, let's work together.
#adactiotantek: that is NOT how it looks from the outside. Ask Marc.
#tantekyes, we could have treated Marc better when he first showed up
#adactiobret: The reason he's organising Decentralize Camp (as opposed to something labelled with Indie Web) is in part because of the attitude he encounted here (i.e. "Where's your website then?")
#tantekadactio, he came here with decentralizecamp
#tantekthat being said, he did go work hard on decentralizecamp, which clearly showed progress (seemingly taking some of the feedback he got here), and now it's promoted right there on the indieweb events page
#ben_thatmustbemebret: damned moon, its mad at us for landing on it all those years ago
#tantekin fact, we've told folks to go check out decentralizecamp in May rather than organize a competing indiewebcamp
#tantekadactio, seems like we haven't have a perfect (100%) record of welcoming new folks. however I do think we have a pretty good record. I'll let new people here speak for themselves.
#@jkphlSeriously disgusted by that enduring, destructive, one-dimensional #indieweb mud-wrestling out there. WTF is so hard about pulling together? (twitter.com/_/status/458609481484472320)
#breti try to be overly nice to people when they show up here and I have time
#tantek.comedited /principles (+147) "/* Key Principles */ selfdogfood is also a form of proof of work (wikipedia link)" (view diff)
#tantekadactio - never seen jkphl here - that seems like armchair twitter commentary
#tantekno seriously, you're going to take random twitter rants seriously?
#adactiotantek: that's a great default assumption to make about someone's motivations: they must be an armchair commentator. Sheesh! :-/
#tantekwhere's the filter? no one has time to pay attention to all of that.
#kbsum. as a 'new people' here, and since you ask - my impression is that you (tantek) have some specific subjects and approaches that you are passionate about, which is great. It also results in a tendency to dismiss or ignore other approaches - c.f. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-04-15 and around 17:00, as a personal experience
#tantekadactio, it's a default assumption of the medium of twitter
#tantekkbs - after that discussion I did go ahead and document MediaGoblin and note the selfdogfooding aspect
#adactiotantek: And for the record, he is not an armchair commentator, he is someone who cares deeply about independent publishing (whether it's called Indie web or not).
#kbstantek: yes, though I was thinking rather about what I was discussing :)
#adactiotantek: And I totally understand where his disgust is coming from. To a certain extent, I share it.
#brettantek maybe the issue here is that they DONT understand contradication there?
#tantekwell clearly we (or at least *I*, taking some responsibility here) can be better about more *politely* asking socratic questions
#ben_thatmustbemei'm inclined to agree. many see ind. publishing as only important for longer form posts
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: curious, why constrain independent publishing like that?
#tantekaaronpk, I appear to have found a very strange IRC log permalink bug
#ben_thatmustbemeI don't. I'm saying others do. That may be where they don't see the contradiction. They don't see the use in controlling their half of a conversation. its something they don't care to control
#breti like the confrontation about the contradiction, tbh, but sometimes it just pisses people off because they feel vulnrible or critisized rather than seeing the issue
#tanteknow click on the *next* line after the big text line, e.g. the 17:00 in front of "<kylewm> tantek: Webber definitely does run his own MediaGoblin"
#tantekthough being *indieweb*, asking about *your own website* seems reasonable
#tantekbut that's also why I started the Homebrew Website Club - for anyone with any level of *passion* about the topic (no website needed, no proof of work, just show up)
#j12tPersonally, I’d be very happy with somebody who is great only at telling the story, but cannot operate his own indie site for now because he isn’t a geek and we haven’t made it easy enough for people like him
#tantekj12t perhaps you should reach out to Aral ;)
#tantekexpanding indieweb to incorporate indie storage at home (ala indiebox), and indie management of data (what kbs is alluding to I think)
#tantekj12t - tell everybody's story is a source of strength for a community, and something that no one individual just telling their own story can do.
#Loqitantek meant to say: j12t - telling everybody's story is a source of strength for a community, and something that no one individual just tellinging their own story can do.
#j12tI totally agree. This is one challenge we have to solve.
#tantekj12t - how do we turn off unproductive new people without turning off all the other new people?
#j12tIt hinges on the definition of “unproductive”
#j12tI’d like it to be broader than just “geeks out really well"
#tantekj12t - hence proof of work - to evaluate some level of productive or unproductive
#tantekj12t - we all would. but we're not there yet. and that's ok. per /generations page.
#tantekwe are growing into the next levels of generations
#tantekbut just because we're not already reaching gen 4, don't be discouraged
#tantekAmber's analysis really helped explain this problem
#j12tThe /generations is a great way of looking at it, but what do you do with people who have a different idea how things evolve? Not welcome them in?
#tantekhave a different idea? encourage them to build it.
#ben_thatmustbemeI found the most acceptance when I started actually working on my own page. When I was just setting up WP i got questions answered, but when I actually started a project was when I really felt like people started to listen and take an interest. That idea of only really engage with those that are "doing" (however you choose to define it) is pretty good i think. Positive re-enforcement only.
#tantekj12t - then we say, huh, what's an example of something in the past that required “must raise $10m first” and is successful now?
#tanteknote: Facebook, Twitter, etc. did not “raise $10m first”
#j12tMaybe the question is this: do we want to intentionally exclude people from the community who we think aren’t going to be successful, or do we want to welcome them? (in some role that indicates that they have not shipped, or there are questions, or …)
#aaronpkomg hold on catching up, was in a meeting for 1.5 hours.
#tantekkylewm - sometimes it helps to know the people too. like Patrick is an ascerbic Brit who's quite pleasant in person and likes to tweet with that kind of tone in general.
#tantekj12t - totally fine made up example :) and I gave you a concrete way of how we could approach such an assertion
#iccoI'll admit, this thread has been incredibly interesting to watch, and stumbled in at the right time. Yay UK timezone!
#tantekthe approach of asking such questions usually gets to the root of such assumptions, and either confirms them (we learn) or debunks them (the person with the assumption learns, hopefully)
#j12tThe question for me is whether we need to approach such an assertion at all.
#ben_thatmustbemehonestly, I don't think its an issue of IF he ships. I honestly don't care. If he ships then we have something to look at and see if its in line with indie web goals. Outside of that I don't really see much reason to include him in indieweb.
#j12tI don’t know … and I gotta run. But in general, I’m in favor of rolling out the welcome mat to everybody, as long as they don’t insist to keep the cooks from cooking in the kitchen, and the party guests from partying.
#ben_thatmustbemethat was re: giving some status to those who have not yet shipped
#aaronpkj12t: yes and I think we've done a pretty good job of that in IRC
#aaronpkthat is part of the reason I didn't like @t's tweet that was missing a ;) face
#JonathanNealAt what point should fragmentions be presented to W(3C|HATWG)? If we were to see it become a thing?
#aaronpkyes, proof-of-work is great, and has supported this community growing very well and attracts the type of people who we want to contribute right now
#aaronpkI don't think anybody is suggesting dropping that part of the community
#KartikPrabhufwiw: associating tantek's tweets to all on indiewebcamp is kinda wrong too.
#aaronpkgoes to get some food too since he hasn't had breakfast yet
#KartikPrabhuI really get where tantek is coming from too. I had to deal with "all talk no action" people while organising something as simple as a journal club.
#ben_thatmustbemeOh I completely get where he is coming from. For a community of creators, i think thats what is needed. Tantek's questioning and nonsense dismissal is great for that.
#ben_thatmustbemethe issue is outside of the community, some don't understand that.
#ben_thatmustbemeanother reason i like the idea of the #indiechat room
#KartikPrabhuregarding merging principles: the indiewebcamp wiki is a wiki. People should change principles if they see fit!
#ben_thatmustbemeas far as the community perception of indieweb. I somewhat don't care. I like that I can work here on new standards that could end up being submitted to WHATWG and such. If we want to see community adoption (when standards are ready) we would be working with other creators like wordpress devs to get some new functionality in to wordpress.
#ben_thatmustbemeother that accepting more creators, I don't really care how consumers view us.
#KevinMarks_that's not a terrible spec - its focused on rich media offsets
#KevinMarks_but trying to make it work for HTML too (which was one suggestion I got) is broken
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_: I agree with keeping it simple. Hence, I'm trying to include it in the constructor rather than in the spec for the URL
#gRegor`I agree for the most part with adactio's comments. Not to the point of being turned off to the indiewebcamp community like he indicated, but I winced when I saw "Want to be indie? Tweet from your own domain" (sans emoticon)
#KartikPrabhuI hope the mighty tantek is taking notes ;)
#gRegor`I have not felt turned off to the community. I have disagreements on some approaches, but I think I'm pretty independent and don't let it get to me.
#KevinMarks_actually, I think I may have forgotten to POSSE to github
#tantekKevinmarks that's interesting. I wonder if there's a use-case here for delayed POSSE
arcatan joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei could certainly see delayed POSSE as useful in a company branding aspect. Don't want to start syndicating until it has been reviewed. but unless the post is private, its some of just a turtle issue again isn't it?
#tanteke.g. 1) post note (including replies) on your own site, 2) send PuSH notification, 3) goes to subscribers/followers, including Loqi, who may post it here in #indiewebcamp if it is topical. 4) people in the channel provide feedback like "right on!" or "dude, wtf", 5) edit original post, save, re-PuSH, 6) see new version here in #indiewebcamp, 7) assuming everyone's all "much better!", push some "POSSE" button.
#tantekI think of it as being progressively public / realtime
#ben_thatmustbemeits shifting the source, people could just as easily view your site, once its posted, its posted, there isn't really a take-back on that
#tantekwhereby it goes to a more limited audience in "realtime"
#tanteksure, including people who happen to view it on my site
#KevinMarks_Amber spoke there last week, and afterwards we went out for a drink with some medium engineers and talked about how they could be more indieweb friendly
#KevinMarks_I POSSEd my fragmentions blogpost to medium, and it has picked up a fair bit of circulation
#KevinMarks_which has me thinking about better ways to use it
krendil joined the channel
#KevinMarks_and ev wrote a post on Medium as writing tool today, which is a possible hook to discuss this
#aaronpkI have a lot to chime in on that post with regards to micropub!
grantmacken joined the channel
#KevinMarks_medium being a micropub compliant editor would be great
#KartikPrabhuso the policy is to have fragmention generators/makers take care of that and let the fragmention.js type things just look for the matching text
#aaronpkI was just going to say... that's one of the things that puts me off about aral's whole "indie-*" thing. he's coming down so hard on the silos unnecessarily without a lot to back it up
#tantekthis is interesting: "Best Tweets: Tweets that have received more engagement will appear slightly larger, so your best content is easy to find."
#aaronpktantek: that one super weirdded me out when I first saw it
#tantekseems like something those of you that support receiving faves/comments etc. could do it
#@tIf your goal is better #indieweb UX, start by copying the best innovations from those silos to your site. #selfdogfood (ttk.me t4Vh3) (twitter.com/_/status/458719596846276608)
#KevinMarks_yep, linked that. I think it got over-complex to fight an edge case
#JonathanNealIf we can find a way to manage chunks of poetry, I think we’ve reached v1
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#KevinMarks_let me write up the vilanelle use case
#KevinMarks_shame I can't use fragmentions on the wiki
#KevinMarks_"The value must be unique amongst all the IDs in the element's home subtree and must contain at least one character. The value must not contain any space characters. There are no other restrictions on what form an ID can take
#KevinMarks_in particular, IDs can consist of just digits, start with a digit, start with an underscore, consist of just punctuation, etc."
#JonathanNealIt does “just work” without CSS. CSS is a matter of how you want it to look, which makes sense.
#JonathanNealKevinMarks_: another advantage of ## is what developers may want to start doing with them, like extending jQuery, .querySelector, .find, or what have you to allow the search of elements by fragmentions.
jedahan and ttepasse joined the channel
#KevinMarks_it works if the text is longer than the page, so it has to scroll.
#tantekalso perhaps add a similar hyperlink "and <a rel="syndication" href="https://medium.com/everything-branches-out-until/41ef2be9953f">on medium</a>" after that one
_6a68 joined the channel
#JonathanNealis there a way we can address the medium usecase where people want to link to a paragraph?
#tantekJonathanNeal: as a publisher you can always give paragraphs ids
#tanteksame thing as, as a publisher, you can include the fragmentions js
#tantekunless you have your CMS auto-generate for every para - then coding/maintaining that is the work
#tantekhowever it's nicer for the reader - one fewer JS to load
lukebrooker joined the channel
#JonathanNealYea, like h1-6, blockquote, p, figcaption, etc.
#JonathanNealI don’t think authors or developers will want fragmentions catching their site navigation.
#JonathanNealWe could blacklist certain elements, like nav, script, style, meta, etc, or we could whitelist other elements, like h1-6... the aforementioned list.
KevinMarks joined the channel
#tantekdo we have any documentation of the examples of folks doing auto-ids on paras?
#tanteke.g. Dave Winer and Tim Bray are the two that I know of
#mkoNot sure how Loqi even interpreted that URL the way it did. I just stepped through the URL redirect chain, and it's actually not that complex of a URL. lol
#mkoMust be something with the way NYTimes localizes redirects or something for different IPs.