2014-04-23 UTC
pfenwick joined the channel
# 00:14 KartikPrabhu man! I should really fix some factual (and diagrammatic) errors in that article!
jeremyzilar and snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:36 GWG jeremyzilar: Looking forward to it
# 00:37 bear apologizes for breaking ben's annotations/rsvp
scor joined the channel
# 00:44 bear so the link on your side had it doubled
# 00:44 bear fixing it on my side caused a new entry
# 00:44 benwerd aha! thanks - this is a bug at my end. I'll fix this for next time.
# 00:44 bear also - not sure what your using for the icon image
# 00:45 benwerd whatever it is, it's blank, and it shouldn't have bothered to write an img tag
scor joined the channel
# 00:46 bear :) usage == bugs (at least that's what i've learned to say)
# 00:46 bear i'm curious how my item is different from t's - is mine a generic web mention and his some micro event thingy?
scor joined the channel
dybskiy and tantek joined the channel
# 01:12 tantek bear - that's awesome that you can make it to IndieWebCampNYC!
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:22 Loqi Got it! There are now 11 spammers blacklisted
KevinMarks and scor joined the channel
# 01:39 bear now to figure out what hotel to stay at
# 01:42 bear it's an open hack type event - so if you have an indieweb created site, add yourself to the list
# 01:42 bear if you wish to create one then IIRC you can add yourself as an "apprentice" or guest
# 01:42 GWG bear: I thought because it is at the Times building, you had to be on a list to get in
# 01:43 GWG Looking forward to meeting you all
# 01:43 bear ah - I never worry about that - it will get figured out i'm sure
# 01:43 GWG I can only come on Saturday. I work Sunday afternoon
# 01:44 GWG tantek: Is there remote for Sunday morning?
# 01:44 GWG tantek: I can't get to/from Manhattan, but I don't start work till later
# 01:45 GWG I've been relaxing and fiddling with that test theme site of mine
snarfed and curiousjohn joined the channel
jedahan joined the channel
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# 02:49 Loqi [@raganwald] I am perfectly serious: I no longer write or host posts about diversity, culture, or equality.
# 02:49 kylewm Twitter app added obnoxious "check out this tweet"
jedahan and pfenwick joined the channel
# 03:29 GWG Still trying to figure out syndication links.
# 03:30 tantek GWG - sorry to hear that. anything I can help with?
# 03:30 GWG I'm not expecting a lay person to know POSSE
# 03:30 tantek original post ---- rel=syndication hyperlink ---> POSSE copy
# 03:31 tantek nor should any lay person have to know about POSSE
jedahan joined the channel
# 03:31 GWG I'm trying to figure out what it should look like on the screen
# 03:31 tantek POSSE copy ---- permashortlink ---> original post
# 03:32 tantek there's some documentation of rel syndication links somewhere
# 03:34 GWG But while I get the concepts, I'm still trying to figure things out
# 03:34 GWG tantek: The question now is what I'm missing that an indieweb site needs
# 03:35 tantek everyone's using somewhat different UI / wording
# 03:35 tantek GWG - what an indieweb site "needs" is unbounded ;)
# 03:36 GWG You see how I'm driving myself crazy slowly.
# 03:38 GWG tantek: You've been to these indiewebcamps before right?
# 03:42 GWG tantek: How would you describe them to a newcomer such as myself?
dybskiy joined the channel
dybskiy, dybskiy_ and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 04:06 kylewm GWG: just went to my first indiewebcamp last month. it's roughly one day of discussion ... broken into 45 minute chunks, organized around topics that people suggest that morning
# 04:06 kylewm and one day of implementation, where you can show off what you worked on at the end
paulcp_, jedahan and dybskiy joined the channel
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# 04:28 GWG The stars indicate like/favorite type actions?
# 04:29 kylewm yeah, originally was using open-thumbs-up from fontawesome, but it looks too just exactly like the facebook thumbs up
# 04:30 GWG As I keep saying, I've been obsessing about design lately.
# 04:30 kylewm thanks! although i think i unconsciously ripped it off from p3k
# 04:30 kylewm oh yeah :) seems you've gone through a lot of iterations
curiousjohn joined the channel
# 04:33 kylewm looking very nice! tiny nitpick that it has a horizontal scrollbar on my laptop screen
paulcp joined the channel
# 04:39 GWG I've been looking at a lot of different sites
pauloppenheim and Hodgestar joined the channel
# 04:57 kylewm so here's a design question for you, is there a “right” way to do the margin for <p> 's?
# 04:58 GWG Do you want an old school indent?
# 05:00 kylewm nah I'm fretting over top/bottom margin. Ideally I think I want them to have space between each other but not
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:02 kylewm I don't want that space after the note content
# 05:02 GWG I'd add more to the bottom margin
# 05:03 kylewm KartikPrabhu: is that the normal way to do things? I had that in there before but it seemed kludgy
# 05:04 kylewm absolutely, but sometimes when I want something that seems difficult to accomplishment it means i'm doing something else wrong :)
# 05:07 kylewm the normal metric (kludge -> something is wrong upstream) might not apply to CSS
# 05:09 KartikPrabhu I usually think of CSS rules in words in my head and then sue the ones that are closest
# 05:10 KartikPrabhu so do you want "both margins on all paragraphs except last one" or "margins on top of all paragraphs" or "margins on all paragrpahs next o another"
# 05:11 kylewm I think the reality is I don't know what I want, or what I want isn't consistent
# 05:11 kylewm like I want a margin between a <p> and an <img>, but I don't want a <p> wrapping post content to add margins to the post body
tantek joined the channel
# 05:16 kylewm yeah see I suspect that means it's an html problem, not a css problem
# 05:17 KartikPrabhu don't write HTML based on how it should look. If you think something is a paragraph then it is a <p> and so on
# 05:18 JonathanNeal look at the beginning of the paragraph directly beneath the highlighted paragraph.
# 05:19 kylewm JonathanNeal: out of curiosity, why does that matter? that's a super common phrase
# 05:19 kylewm demo looks cool and I'm amused you chose a story with a prominent Gregor
# 05:20 KartikPrabhu kylewm: as I see it, it would be good to let the user know that they are selecting something ambiguous
# 05:20 JonathanNeal kylewm: why should commonality matter to a person creating a link? It was the in-order second and third words of the paragraph I wanted.
# 05:21 KartikPrabhu ha! yeah... I seem to be making demo choices with hidden indieweb folks as characters :P
# 05:22 kylewm (oh yeah I forgot I pointed out a name thing in another one of your screencaps, sorry that's a little obnoxious of me ;) )
# 05:22 JonathanNeal The last person to solve this with any luck used the Levenshtein calculation. I hope we can find something much more layman.
# 05:24 kylewm that's interesting... to me the tradeoff for simplicity is worth the rare case of duplicate meaningful sentences
# 05:24 KartikPrabhu it is nice and fancy but I'd rather give an ambiguous but readable link
# 05:25 KartikPrabhu maybe I'll write a post about fragmentions with lots of multiple important phrases
# 05:25 kylewm I really like the idea of a client side warning that "hey that link doesn't link to what you think it links to"
# 05:25 kylewm "you keep using that link, I don't think it links where you think it links"
# 05:26 kylewm so poetry is a weird case, doesn't it often have like line numbers/stanza numbers?
# 05:27 KartikPrabhu yes. but we'd like to avoid those. you could use those for prose too. paragraph numbers
# 05:29 KartikPrabhu all valid suggestions... we should really just see if a lot of folks want to do this...
# 05:29 JonathanNeal ^ the 1st looks to take advantage of fragmentions never containing two spaces, the 2nd looks to take advantage of space between the double hashes, the third is just lazy.
# 05:31 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: also valid, I like the double space suggestion since it takes advantage of our not respecting double spaces.
# 05:34 kylewm Gotta use a better example though, ##was+still doesn't really illustrate the problem
# 05:34 kylewm maybe you need a really long document like a play
# 05:34 kylewm (I mean it's fine for this discussion, but KevinMarks will not be convinced!)
tantek joined the channel
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# 05:37 KartikPrabhu tantek: whata re your thoughts on fragmentions for multiple instances of a phrase?
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# 06:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 06:08 snarfed PSCs are only supported at the very end, to try to prevent false positives
# 06:23 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: it seems ++1 finds the second one and ++2 finds the third etc...
LauraJ joined the channel
# 06:25 JonathanNeal if you’re looking for the first instance of something, you shouldn’t need to specify any difference, since it would otherwise be +0
# 06:25 KartikPrabhu also, is it the ++number instance of the word or the closest element?
# 06:26 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: good point, it’s the instance of the element containing the word.
# 06:27 bret snarfed where do you recomend making such a change in the source?
# 06:27 JonathanNeal Yea, I could make it go by literal times the word appears, that would probably be what people are expecting, right?
# 06:29 bret snarfed rad, bookmarked. I will try to wrap my head around it
# 06:30 bret ill probrably need help with that, still super noobish with python
# 06:31 bret first i gotta figure out why webmention.js isnt working on chrome
# 06:35 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: re expectations: not sure. Are people expecting the phrase to be highlighted?
jsilvestre joined the channel
# 06:37 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I will read through the MS annotations before bed and let you know
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# 06:57 KevinMarks I still don't hear a real world use case for ”i want to link to the nth instance of a short phrase" as opposed to a longer unambiguous one
# 07:00 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: agreed that suggesting that users pick a longer selection is better. But would be good to throw out and see what people think
# 07:12 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: msft paper talks about new ARIA roles to represent annotations UI. Might be worth considering if someone implements annotations
# 07:15 tantek KartikPrabhu: KevinMarks convinced me that linking to nth instance is more fragile than helpful
# 07:16 tantek I think it provides artificial confidence of precision
# 07:16 tantek that is - some implication of guarantee of nthness being the same
# 07:17 tantek i.e. something goes wrong. user thinks why did this go wrong? user figures out oh, this is so simply predictable (text is now missing) that I know what went wrong!
# 07:17 tantek the more complex something is, the more difficult it is for users to predict and understand why something failed, the less of a chance they have of correcting the error
# 07:18 tantek that's my attempt to expand upon KevinMarks's reasoning. not trying to put words in his mouth but rather provide additional reasoning.
ttepasse, krendil and erikmaarten joined the channel
# 07:51 KevinMarks also, it's an odd thing to express. the nyt changing their model from index based to content based supports this
carlo_au, jsilvestre, ttepasse, glennjones, v0 and KevinMarks joined the channel
pasevin, erikmaarten, jedahan and krendil joined the channel
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adactio, pasevin, barnabywalters and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:57 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor, eschnou and ttepasse joined the channel
# 10:32 rascul .camp gtld is open? gandi selling indieweb.camp for $32.44
# 10:36 v0 I wonder who will snatch up indie.web
# 10:36 v0 I hope it's not some faceless start-up selling digital subscriptions to the latest cloud-based ultra-service.
# 10:43 rascul they got a process and stuff for registering new gtld
LauraJ, jcbsnd, erikmaarten, ttepasse, pfenwick, scor and nfn joined the channel
pasevin, gRegor`, chloeweil and chloeweil_ joined the channel
# 13:59 gRegor` Morning, indieweb
# 14:02 gRegor` How are things across the pond?
# 14:04 gRegor` We're in warm winter currently, too. Had some 60 degree days, but it was 40 yesterday. Easing into spring
# 14:04 gRegor` Forgot it was open
snarfed, eschnou, jedahan and chloeweil_ joined the channel
kbs joined the channel
# 14:53 kbs someone here unfortunate enough to write java-appengine and android and mac? :-)
# 14:53 kbs well, write those two types of apps on a mac anyway
# 14:54 kbs android doesn't like > java1.6, appengine doesn't like < java1.7 , and oracle doesn't like creating java 1.7 on < macos10.6.8
# 14:54 kbs between all those constraints, I'm pretty well screwed :)
# 14:55 kbs I thought you were mostly working on the python bits at the mothership, is that not the case?
# 14:56 snarfed hmm though, i have java 1.7 and i build android apps
# 14:56 kbs probably source-compated down maybe. I guess my real issue is macos 10.6.8
# 14:57 kbs well, time to xar the 1.7 dmg file and hope for some luck
# 14:57 kbs as I don't think I'm going to be able to afford getting a new laptop just for appengine :)
# 14:59 kbs (btw - forgot to thank you for the old but gold 2008 talk on datastore under the covers - awesome talk, extremely helpful)
# 14:59 kylewm kbs: I'm confused, should be pretty trivial to write java 1.7 code that is backward compatible with 1.6, not many new features
# 15:00 kbs kylewm: yea - my problem is mostly running macos 10.6.8 - oracle doesn't provide a jdk that I can install
# 15:00 kbs snarfed: yep :) I think I've used all the tricks you delivered in my two-bit apps
# 15:01 kbs kylewm: ah, sorry - my frustration mostly :) realizing I can't actually update any of my semi-running-by-itself appengine apps until I go through this process. ah well
# 15:05 kylewm still trying to work out whether SyndicatedPost needs a key, source property, or ancestor
# 15:05 snarfed the main question is whether we need to guarantee uniqueness
# 15:06 snarfed e.g. if we have two SyndicatedPosts with the same values, is that ok? does anything break? (e.g. i think query(…).get() might throw an exception, if we need that)
# 15:06 snarfed or what if we end up with two that differ on just one of the two values?
# 15:08 kylewm oh, if .get() throws an exception, I need to fix that anyway
# 15:08 snarfed the way it's structured right now, it should only let one poll task per source run at a time, so if we only create SyndicatedPosts for that source during that task, we can probably get away without a tx
# 15:08 kylewm since more than one post can have the same original
# 15:08 kylewm but duplicates shouldn't hurt anything, other than taking up unnecessary space
# 15:09 snarfed well, overlapping ones might. if we discover twice due to a race condition, and the post adds a rel-syndication link between the two
# 15:10 snarfed arguably the same case as if we just didn't do the second discovery though. more of a consistency problem i guess, if we sometimes get one and sometimes the other
# 15:11 GWG snarfed: I have a question for you
# 15:12 snarfed kylewm: more like if two separate tasks run posse post discovery against the same source at the same time
# 15:12 GWG snarfed: Bridgy, I remember seeing some discussion about post discovery.
# 15:12 kylewm I would be okay with only storing rel=syndication links for the current Source. so we'd miss syndicated instagram posts while backfeeding the user's twitter replies
# 15:12 GWG This is what you guys were talking about on and off.
# 15:13 snarfed kylewm: right, but we'd get them if they're also signed up w/instagram
# 15:13 snarfed yeah. i'm still inclined to make the Source the parent
# 15:13 GWG I'm starting to put in the rel-syndication links manually using Post Metadata, with an option to extract from the posting plugin in future.
eschnou joined the channel
# 15:14 snarfed most people also put a link to the original post in the tweet or facebook post or whatever, that's the traditional way
# 15:15 GWG snarfed: But, if I omit the link to the original post, will Bridgy still find it?
# 15:15 kylewm let's do that (discovery for one silo at a time). the transaction stuff will get confusing quickly if you are adding to more than one Source at a time
# 15:15 GWG That was what you were talking about the other day, I recall.
# 15:16 snarfed kylewm: well, you could still look up other sources if you can determine silo domain and username/id from the rel-syndication link
# 15:16 kylewm oh oh ok we were not talking about exactly the same thing
# 15:17 snarfed but i'm fine only doing the current source if you want. probably include a comment where we *could* look up a separate source
# 15:17 snarfed GWG: short answer is not yet, but kylewm is working on it!
# 15:18 kylewm if you were doing discovery for kylewm with Sources twitter and facebook concurrently, couldn't you run into that same race condition? at least with synchronizing on the Source
# 15:19 kbs finds a magic java 1.7 hack for mac 10.6.8 and blithely codes where angels fear to tread.
# 15:20 kbs (please remember to say "I told you to upgrade macos instead" when this house of cards collapses :)
# 15:20 GWG snarfed: I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the data once it gets to Wordpress
# 15:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:21 snarfed kylewm: you'd do a transaction (scoped to Source, since it's the parent ie root entity), query for an existing SyndicatedPost with the value(s) you care about, and either update it or write a new one depending on what you find. that would prevent overlapping or dupes
ttepasse joined the channel
# 15:22 GWG snarfed: I was looking at ways to consolidate that data in the display. It takes 5 page downs to get through what amounts to 16 likes and 2 favorites
# 15:22 KevinMarks yes, I still think it's a comvoluted unnecessary syntax that will confuse people
# 15:23 GWG snarfed: And the one actual comment gets buried in the midst of that
# 15:23 snarfed eh it's a personal choice. you're right, mine definitely has drawbacks
# 15:24 GWG snarfed: It is the default. You suggested the via to the developer of the semantic linkback plugin though.
# 15:24 snarfed GWG: good point. i think will norris has worked on facepiles for likes, RTs, etc
# 15:24 kylewm snarfed: really appreciate the pointers, sorry for all the back and forth! to recap, I'll go forward with making SyndicatedPost a child of Source (since that will be hard to change later), and for now do only discovery for the current Source with comments about how to do it better later (since that will be easier to upgrade later)
# 15:24 GWG snarfed: Yes, his code is also on Github.
# 15:25 GWG snarfed: It is. I bookmarked the code.
# 15:25 snarfed kylewm: np! i appreciate it too. stop apologizing!a
# 15:25 GWG snarfed: The thing is that his code does not acknowledge the different types.
# 15:25 kylewm gah you're right, sorry for all the apologizing ;)
# 15:25 GWG kylewm: You just apologized again
# 15:25 snarfed GWG: great! sorry to retread. sounds like you're at the cutting edge with WP. do some trailblazing! :P
# 15:27 GWG snarfed: The reason I keep asking is I'm trying to see what people want. Because while I'm doing the design first for myself, I decided to make it something others might want to that would allow for an easy deploy.
# 15:27 GWG Which is why I'm doing it five different ways instead of one.
# 15:28 snarfed GWG: sure! UX is above my pay grade. ship and iterate?
# 15:28 GWG I have a barebones starter theme, a Bootstrapped 'blog' theme, two plugins...
# 15:28 GWG snarfed: One college course in UX design probably makes it above mine as well.
# 15:29 GWG I've been out of school for a decade now
# 15:29 kylewm GWG: is the facepile stuff such that it has to be done per-theme or could it be a general plugin?
# 15:29 snarfed GWG: eh, me too, but most of us are probably around tech and UX work on the job plenty
# 15:30 GWG kylewm: I was reading articles on theme design, and there is an increasing movement to move features out of themes into plugins.
# 15:30 GWG kylewm: That caused me to start separating out pieces. But, I need to write the integration into the theme
# 15:31 GWG You can write a plugin to take over comments.
# 15:31 GWG Part of the problem I need to look at is that the semantic linkback and the webmention plugins both add functions to the comment handlers. I need to look to see if my doing something similar might conflict.
# 15:32 GWG Which is why I'm leaving that for last, and my comment override function just adds in the markup right now, but otherwise is actually the original Wordpress code
# 15:34 GWG Will Norris's facepile code doesn't distinguish like/repost/favorite, I believe. And requires the Genesis framework, which I might untangle.
# 15:36 kylewm fyi, the markup doesn't differentiate between like/favorite either. it's always u-like or (increasingly) u-like-of
# 15:36 GWG kylewm: But the semantic linkback plugin for Wordpress does
# 15:37 GWG "The plugin currently supports the following types: mention(default), reply, repost, like and favorite"
# 15:38 kylewm huh, interesting that over time, twitter's 'favorite' has become a lot more like 'like'
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# 15:43 GWG kylewm: So, I'm thinking of coming up with two views for it. An aggregate...total number of each type...an a longer view to look at who is doing what.
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# 15:45 kylewm that sounds simultaneously really nice and also like maybe information overload
# 15:46 kylewm also Tumblr sort of has a middle ground, where reposts are listed longform, but don't take up all that much space
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# 15:50 GWG kylewm: Expanded view would likely be a facepile. Abbreviated view would likely be a badge with number
# 15:51 kylewm woohoo, possed an event rsvp through bridgy publish!
# 15:53 KevinMarks JonathanNeal: what was your point re the MSFT paper? afaik that only referred to annotations within the same document, so you were in control of ids on both
# 15:53 GWG kylewm: Haven't even gotten there
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# 15:55 kylewm GWG: I just added <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="facebook event"></a> and <span class="p-rsvp">yes</span> to a post, and then asked bridgy to publish it... not much effort on my end
# 15:58 GWG kylewm: It is what I'd call a 2.0 feature. I'm focusing on notes, replies, and articles right now.
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 15:59 kylewm agreed, no native support for events or rsvps in my software either
# 16:00 GWG kylewm: I have grand dreams. They may not all come to fruition
# 16:00 GWG So I'm trying to aim low for my first release.
# 16:06 GWG 1.0 - A release with enough goodies that someone other than me could use it to immediately involve themselves with the Indieweb.
# 16:06 GWG 2.0 - More refinements and godies.
j12t joined the channel
# 16:15 rascul i may be in a position in the near future to offer some free vps for indiewebbers
# 16:15 rascul not sure though how that might work out or if there's enough interest
# 16:16 rascul i'm probably getting a dedicated server soon because i'm tired of shuffling a bunch of vps around at digitalocean
# 16:16 rascul i found some interesting deals from soyoustart that i might take up
# 16:17 rascul i decided that instead of spending $80-$100 on a bunch of vps, i can get a dedicated server for less and have more vps!
# 16:17 GWG rascul: I run at Linode, but they had an unprecedented outage last week
# 16:17 rascul i used to use linode but they're not cost effective for me nowadays
acegiak joined the channel
# 16:18 aaronpk half the cost for the same hardware, or the other way to look at it is free upgrade
# 16:18 GWG aaronpk: They halved the CPU cores though, but I'm still at a lower load.
# 16:19 GWG aaronpk: What do you use them for though?
# 16:19 rascul still $20/month for the smallest isn't cost effective for me but now that they do hourly rates it wouldn't be as bad i guess
# 16:19 GWG I have a database node and a webserver node
# 16:19 aaronpk I just moved all the indiewebcamp sites to a new one
# 16:19 aaronpk yeah I have a DB one, and in theory should just have one web server
# 16:19 GWG But I have some people who chip in.
# 16:20 aaronpk but in reality I end up half finishing migrations, so I still have "old old" ones running
# 16:20 rascul i host a few sites for various people also for free, i'm happy hosting personal type stuff and whatnot
# 16:21 aaronpk i'm debating moving everything to AWS, but not sure that would actually be cheaper
# 16:21 rascul aws can be good for pricing but their pricing scheme can be hard to understand if you're new to it
# 16:21 GWG aaronpk: It depends. Linode caps the new hourly rates at the old monthly rates
# 16:21 GWG AWS will just keep running the meter
# 16:22 aaronpk a single micro instance is like $4/mo if you pay for a year
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# 16:22 aaronpk and if you look at the rest, they are comparable to linode
# 16:23 GWG I have a Low End VPS in Buffalo I use for testing that is $19/yr
# 16:23 rascul is there an indieweb icon anywhere? preferrably something that is or can be in an icon font?
# 16:24 GWG But, without one guy who is squatting on my nodes, I'd be paying $40 a month
# 16:26 GWG Do we have any artists who might be up for a nice square vector type logo?
# 16:34 GWG Why am I suddenly picturing the Indie icon pack?
tantek joined the channel
# 16:40 tantek really like your use of top level files as blog posts
# 16:41 tantek what server software are you running? should be possible to: 1) omit www. and 2) auto-load .html
# 16:48 tantek KevinMarks: which webserver are you using?Apache? nginx?
# 16:48 aaronpk would be a good idea to include nginx and apache rules to serve .html files without the suffix
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# 16:51 tantek they should have an easy config to add the ability to load ".html" paths by default
# 16:51 aaronpk yeah it doesn't take much, but I haven't done it in a while
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# 17:08 kylewm aaronpk: still ok to add KartikPrabhu's square icon to /logos? and should I differentiate between official/unofficial?
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# 17:10 kbs aaronpk: seems like that, yea. Saw that a few days back but never quite remembered to let you know. [If there's a suitable bug-list or somtehing somewhere, be happy to add it so you can get to it when appropriate]
# 17:12 kylewm ”might not be official“ as in, you have a better one? or not sanctioned by the IWC overlords?
# 17:18 tantek talking with Jeremy Zilar re: IndieWebCampNYC organizing details
# 17:18 tantek Must Register by 3pm on Friday - to get list of names to security
a_ joined the channel
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# 17:23 GWG tantek: Is putting yourself on the wiki registering?
# 17:24 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I rather like the way the small icon references the logo ...would you consider making a version with the gradient?
# 17:25 KartikPrabhu kylewm: I skipped the gradient to keep the icon as small (file-size) as possible. But i'll play around with adding it
# 17:26 kylewm suspect no gradient would translate better to a font, which is what they wanted it for this morning
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# 17:35 kylewm haha, officially proving I am the worst procrastinator in the world!
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# 18:02 tantek KartikPrabhu: someone already @-replied to him with the Facebook? comment
# 18:06 kylewm safe to assume the new design will eventually trickle down to the stream page too yeah?
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# 18:07 kylewm yeah, dynamic size is an interesting experiment...
# 18:17 gRegor` So much nicer.
# 18:18 gRegor` I'm sure it can be set up as a user stylesheet or something.
# 18:22 KevinMarks tantek: I'm running on node on heroku, so could add arbitrary routing rules, but the www is an artefact of that. I am looking into switching to static serving from amazon s3, as I don't have any intersting code running server side and your static ideas are compelling
# 18:23 kylewm gRegor`: I just added it to Stylish, works really well!
# 18:27 KevinMarks my assumption was that I'd end up writing more server-side stuff over time, but I haven't yet...
# 18:29 KevinMarks blogger I get implementations, medium I get 'look at the NYtimes'
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# 18:43 kylewm canonical seems like two urls that point to the same thing
# 18:46 bear @tantek did you get an answer about nginx allowing .html to be added to a request? the answer is in the "static site example" on /nginx - specifically "try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ =404;"
# 18:46 KevinMarks which is what I'm doing here I think, though canonical as parsed by google means same domain
# 18:46 tantek could you add a pointer to that as an FAQ? "How do server HTML files without the .html extension in the URL?"
# 18:46 bear the $uri.html will try the passed in uri with .html added
# 18:47 tantek KevinMarks I tried dropping the .html and got a 404
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# 18:53 aaronpk same reason dropping the ".php" extension is desirable
# 18:54 bear I always felt that removing the extension was wrong - but so many .php era folks have gotten the web world used to it
# 18:54 aaronpk bear: lol wait I thought php was the culprit for *not* having people remove the extension
# 18:55 aaronpk cause things like rails and node frameworks don't even have the concept of serving files in their language, you "run apps" instead
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# 18:55 bear ah - I should reword - the Drupal/Framework .php crowd and the Ruby crowd (maybe?)
# 18:55 bear yea, I guess I should be ranting against the app scene
# 18:56 aaronpk KevinMarks: yeah if you add .json to any of my URLs it'll run it through the mf2 parser. it's a cheap content negotiation trick so you can do it in a browser without setting the Accept header to json
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# 19:00 aaronpk it's long, would love a summary when you're done :)
# 19:12 gRegor` WordPress is a notable php project that hides the extension (granted, by handling permalinks instead of direct .php file access) aaronpk, bear
# 19:13 aaronpk oh yeah there are plenty that do, and most php frameworks hide the extension. i'm just talking about by default dropping php files into a folder means you need to access them with the extension, and few other languages work that way
# 19:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:14 gRegor` I hadn't thought of dropping ".html" to hide implementation details before. Only in terms of cleaner URLs.
# 19:15 gRegor` I have seen some client projects where .html was explicitly set to be handled by PHP. Pretty crazy.
# 19:15 gRegor` Handled by PHP?? Haha
# 19:15 bear the really funny part is that I had to use that pattern on my own site because it used to be a wordpress site - the "never break a URL" rule overrode my dislike of hiding extensions
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# 19:16 Loqi bnvk: kylewm left you a message 2 minutes ago: I think your target param in the call to https://webmention.io/api/count on your page is being double-escaped. Not sure if you use that or not :)
# 19:17 gRegor` I like cleaner URLs, but it doesn't bother me to see .php in the URL, from a "hide the implementation" perspective. Most servers will tell you what it is, with or without the extension.
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# 19:22 KartikPrabhu I've started using "Shared on" as a term to indicate syndication to silos, would like to know other suggestions? :)
# 19:25 KartikPrabhu I thought "syndication" is more of a plumbing-term. "Posted on" would mean there is a full-copy
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# 19:56 rascul if i were using php, i would want to hide that too
# 19:56 onewheelskyward I heard that. :)
# 19:57 aaronpk i wish there was something you could actually do with the karma
# 19:59 gRegor` I wish karma worked with my backtick
# 20:02 rascul hrm i don't think i like my site's design i might need to start over
# 20:02 gRegor` That used to be a neverending problem for me, rascul
# 20:03 gRegor` Spend a lot of time perfecting a design, launch it, but quickly tire of it since I looked at it for months already
# 20:03 gRegor` Somehow I've lucked out with my latest and I still love the minimalism
# 20:03 rascul mine isn't launched yet and has no real content so changing it doesn't hurt anything except the time i spent on it
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# 20:03 gRegor` Thanks, aaronpk
# 20:05 gRegor` I think it's hilarious dash has -51
# 20:06 gRegor` This reminds me of plusplusbot on Twitter
# 20:06 gRegor` Wonder if it still works. I thought it did last I checked, a year or so ago
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# 20:08 aaronpk I should make Loqi a real web page so he can webmention people
# 20:09 gRegor` By existing, kylewm?
# 20:09 gRegor` BOOM. Roasted.
# 20:09 gRegor` Ooh, a karma webmention handler?
# 20:10 JonathanNeal KevinMarks: I don’t think you outlined my idea for nth occurrence, which is dictated by two spaces, e.g. #rage++3
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# 20:11 aaronpk oh jeez I just realized I have loqi.me which would be perfect for this...
# 20:11 gRegor`_ kicks gRegor`
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# 20:29 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk, i was thinking about that, would be cool to be able to like pages from in the chat
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# 20:32 aaronpk you auth with Loqi here, then when you say ttk.me/t4Vi1 ++ he makes a micropub request to your site which posts the like
# 20:32 KevinMarks JonathanNeal: I linked to the irc discusssion, couldn't find it written elsewhere
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# 20:34 aaronpk although nicks can't have forward slashes so it isn't ambiguous as ttk.me/t4Vi1++
# 20:37 aaronpk apparently not. I just replaced Loqi's karma matcher with a regex that only matches valid irc nicks
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# 20:38 JonathanNeal KevinMarks: those systems start complicated, what I like about ++ is how it is optional, only appended when you want to seek forward or backward through a collection.
# 20:40 ben_thatmustbeme honestly, the I don't find the argument that ++ gives a false sense of uniqueness is very strong. Fragmentions, even complex ones could end up not unique just as easily
# 20:42 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme: care to dumb that down for me? your first sentence may have had too many negatives for me to get.
# 20:43 JonathanNeal So ++ doesn’t exist in fragmentions, therefore, ending with ++1 would seek the next match.
# 20:43 JonathanNeal Exactly, ++N. Now, what do you think about them? That they are falsely unique?
# 20:45 ben_thatmustbeme with the ++1 will definitely be unique but what it points to might not always be the same thing
# 20:45 kylewm JonathanNeal: what’s the danger of underspecifying and then expanding later if there are a lot of uses in the wild that need ++N?
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# 20:46 ben_thatmustbeme yes, it will find the first occurance, if there is one, there may be more though, so its not really unique. How a website deals with that is implementation specific (i'd think of doing a results list in a side bar)
# 20:46 kylewm KevinMarks’ post has a pretty good explanation of how to find unique lines even in poems with repeated lines
# 20:47 kylewm but that’s not what i mean… i mean what would be bad about having the simplest, first occurence spec possible, and then if a lot of people are trying to link to poetry, expand it later
# 20:47 kylewm i know one possible answer is what happened with Markdown, where it has numerous different dialects
# 20:48 ben_thatmustbeme all I was saying was that the main argument against ++1 is that it is fragile. I'd say fragmention itself is pretty fragile so the ++1 just adds uniqueness it doesn't really do anything else
# 20:48 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: all I was saying was that the main argument against ++1 is that it is fragile. I'd say fragmention itself is pretty fragile so the ++1 just adds uniqueness it doesn't really do any harm
# 20:48 rascul if the content is dynamic, they're both volatile
# 20:49 kylewm that’s not so bad though… you still have a link to the page, and an idea what phrase the person wanted to link to, if they chose one that was meaningful in addition to being unique
# 20:49 JonathanNeal rascul: yes, but it’s not harmful to point out that fragmentions are not practical for dynamic content.
# 20:49 ben_thatmustbeme I don't like the idea that without the ++ HAS to return the first occurance though, i'd prefer to leave that as an implementation choice
# 20:50 Loqi ben_thatmustbeme meant to say: I don't like the idea that without the ++1 HAS to return the first occurance though, i'd prefer to leave that as an implementation choice
# 20:50 KevinMarks2 I argue that they are more practical for dynamic content than ids or the emphasis thing
# 20:50 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme: right now, the implementation already seeks first occurrence. Were you expecting it to search through certain elements before others?
# 20:51 kylewm implementation choice, i agree with that… might highlight all instances, and scroll to the first one
# 20:51 JonathanNeal KevinMarks2: yes, IDs and emphasis algorithms are just as fragile for searching dynamic content.
# 20:51 ben_thatmustbeme JonathanNeal: no, but I might choose to search for the last occurrence if my site shows a log for example
# 20:52 ben_thatmustbeme JonathanNeal: alternatively I might want to get all occurrences of it. it depends on the application
# 20:52 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme, kylewm, great ideas, tell me how you would configure this.
# 20:53 JonathanNeal And remember that ##term should still do something useful for people who add zero CSS/JS.
# 20:53 KevinMarks2 But a nice long fragmention is useful data to stick into your site fuzzy matching Markov chain Google searching code
# 20:56 ben_thatmustbeme what do you mean by something useful with zero CSS/JS. What do you do now on a page that you fragmention with zero JS?
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# 20:57 JonathanNeal Right now, if they do not add any additional JS, it scrolls to the element.
# 21:00 ben_thatmustbeme without anything additional I'm thinking you could just have a list of the matches and create #links to them
# 21:00 ben_thatmustbeme perhaps just create a list of results up front with a link to them with the ++1 / ++2 / etc on them
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# 21:03 ben_thatmustbeme I'd use ##mention to go to the results list (or the first result if there is only one) and ##mention++0 to go to the first
# 21:10 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme: ++0 is not a thing, or rather it's as useless as adding index.html to a root domain of a regular website.
# 21:12 rascul not useless if index.html isn't the default index page!
# 21:12 ben_thatmustbeme JonathanNeal, I'm thinking of a way to destinguish between "get me a list of all results" and "get me the first result"
# 21:12 rascul ##mention++0 for list, ##mention++N for Nth, ##mention for first
# 21:12 Loqi rascul meant to say: ##mention++list for list, ##mention++N for Nth, ##mention for first
# 21:14 aaronpk i don't understand what you mean by returning multiple anywya
# 21:15 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme: you mean keywords, yes, any one keyword introduces a concept of keywordS
# 21:16 KartikPrabhu seems I have transitioned to KevinMarks2's side of this. No one thinks of "I want to tell my friend about the 2nd time this phrase occurs". I feel we think "I want to to link to this phrase or around it"
# 21:17 ben_thatmustbeme I think the difference is really we are saying GET params go to the server, ## params go to the front end JS
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# 21:18 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: it should always be simple, I just want to add in something for short phrases that occur multiple times. In one example posted here, I had tried to link to the first three words in a sentence, but they occurred earlier in the document, in the middle of some paragraph.
# 21:18 rascul oh i just forked fragmentions thinking to add ++N to it, but then i saw it was already there
# 21:18 ben_thatmustbeme ?s=searchterm means search the DB and only show me results, ##searchterm is find this on the page
# 21:19 ben_thatmustbeme it really feels like we are just recreating that same functionality just on webpages instead of in the browser
# 21:20 aaronpk i thought the point of fragmentions was that they eventually would be supported by browsers
# 21:20 JonathanNeal ben_thatmustbeme: you're forgetting that people would share these links.
# 21:21 JonathanNeal And yes, the point is to make something that browsers would find worthy.
# 21:21 JonathanNeal KevinMarks2: it is easy to want to make it a big complicated thing, but as long as multiple occurrences are handled, which they are, I think we're good.
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# 21:22 JonathanNeal At this point, with the buzz growing and people sharing their ## double-hash links, do you wish you had started with single hashes?
# 21:22 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: In those cases I think it is upto the link generator script/code to make sure it links to the first one
# 21:23 KartikPrabhu for instance nothing stops people from having two elements with id="myid"
# 21:23 KartikPrabhu even if you meant the second one, the browser will show you to the first occurence
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# 21:25 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: exactly! so we shouldn't worry about multiple cases. Leave it to the link generators to sort out
# 21:26 KartikPrabhu but I think KevinMarks2 already made a case for that. So I'll not interrupt this discussion :)
# 21:27 kbs has a feeling that fragmentions has started taking on an independent life of its own - like all great ideas :-)
# 21:28 KartikPrabhu what I'm now thinking of is how to generate/associate fragmentions with other stuff. e.g. images
# 21:29 kbs I can see it make sense on a video, which people now do with timestamps
# 21:29 kbs I can also see it being useful to tag a face/place on a picture
# 21:30 kbs not sure whether there's a simple way to do it, like KevinMarks is doing with text though, that might be the kicker
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# 21:30 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: just like I want to tell a friend "this paragraph is great" in a blog, I would like to say "look this image in this blog is sweet". I know I can give the src of the image but that get's rid of the context
# 21:32 KartikPrabhu also, if fragmention+webmention is used to generate 'annotations' (something I'm interested in) it should be do-able for images too
# 21:32 aaronpk heh, give each image a linkable id which is a small hash of its URL. use newbase60 for the character set so it's high density, and use a small hash space since there won't be that many images on a page anyway.
# 21:33 aaronpk but paragraphs already have words which are more human friendly
# 21:36 aaronpk actually that would work to link to any resource on the page, not just images
# 21:39 aaronpk oh I was actually talking about fragmentions for images so that you can link to any image even if the publisher didn't include IDs on their images
# 21:39 aaronpk same way fragmentions let anyone link to text without the publisher needing to know about it
# 21:43 aaronpk if you wanna get real fancy you could link to a spot in an image by adding the x/y location as a percent to the url
# 21:45 kbs oh, now that's what I initially thought KartikPrabhu was talking about - and neat idea for implementing it too :-)
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# 21:46 ben_thatmusbe2 We'll see how long this lasts
# 21:46 aaronpk could also add width and height so you can highlight someone's face in a photo
# 21:47 kbs I guess creating the link gets more funky. Nice blue-sky ideas though, love it
# 21:47 aaronpk yeah you'd need browser support to create the link, either natively or an extension, but seems doable
# 21:47 ben_thatmusbe2 I saw someone say something about fragmention and webmention to do annotations. The fragility of fragmentions could make that a mess if the source gets edited
# 21:48 kbs KartikPrabhu: ah, didn't realize this was already being considered - nice
# 21:49 kylewm you could have a section at the bottom for “comments on older versions”
# 21:49 aaronpk oh nice, yeah the media-frags doc already has this all specced out
# 21:49 aaronpk although I believe it is intended to be used on the URL of the actual resource, like xxx.mp3#t,20
# 21:50 aaronpk so fragmentions could be used to point to a specific resource within the page, then use all that to point to the thing within the resource
# 21:52 KartikPrabhu really thinks we shouldn't be worried about fragility. what happens to links if the post at the URL is deleted?
# 21:52 ben_thatmusbe2 Yeah Kevin had mentioned they had a spec for media already but it specifically ignored html
# 21:56 ben_thatmusbe2 Kartikprabhu I think I've come to agree with you on that. Editing of documents is always assumed possible
# 21:56 ben_thatmusbe2 Just like links disappearing
# 21:57 ben_thatmusbe2 isn't sure if he lost connection or is actually the only one talking
# 21:58 rascul oh well ben_thatmusbe2 probably saw me say that so my plans have been foiled already
# 21:59 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmusbe2: yeah. link fragility is always possible wit document edits. Just like having a /tombstone for deleted posts is good practice. Dead/edited fragmentions should be dealt with by the author/authoring software
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# 22:01 ben_thatmusbe2 I'm surprised I haven't lost connection yet
# 22:02 ben_thatmusbe2 Infamous last words
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# 22:29 kylewm interesting, sandeep’s p-name/e-content is in Markdown… must be rendered clientside
# 22:30 aaronpk no I think he puts e-content around a hidden element that has the markdown source
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# 22:56 kbs (but I can't resist inserting parenthetical comments, so sue me :)
# 22:57 kylewm haha, I had to tell IRC to stop allowing close parentheses so it wouldn’t choke on the twtr.io links
# 22:57 kylewm although I think I’m missing the point of the parenthetical?
# 22:58 kbs bret: :-) my procrastinating distraction
# 22:58 kbs probably should just poke my nose back
# 22:59 kbs kylewm: dunno - just thought that annotations means annotating the text by the commentator (hence - add the annotation as a parenthetical comment to the fragmention)
# 23:02 aaronpk oops forgot that there was a tweet version of sandeep's post. really need to add that syndicate button so I can posse after posting
# 23:04 kylewm aaronpk: do you find the original and the tweet version and multi-reply to both?
# 23:04 aaronpk no I just reply to the canonical, but syndicate my post to twitter with the proper twitter in_reply_to_id set
# 23:07 kylewm yeah i was complaining about that the other day rascul
# 23:07 rascul makes it hard enough for me to read that i'd rather not read it
# 23:07 kylewm aaronpk: or do you find the syndicated copy automatically
# 23:07 kylewm rascul: that post is really interesting, worth reading
# 23:08 rascul ok i pasted it into a text editor so i can read it
# 23:08 bret rascul: iirc some browsers dont have the issue on his sitw
# 23:09 rascul chromium i just tested, it breaks the lines fine
# 23:10 kbs I guess FF gets penalized for doing 'the right thing' in this case :-)
# 23:11 rascul chromium here wraps the lines and doesn't break the words, which i guess might not be properly in this case
# 23:11 kylewm aaronpk: OH! so you would actually reply to the twitter post, and it finds the original from there. my bridgy stuff might have an unfortunate side effect for that!
# 23:12 aaronpk that video is just a demo of when I paste in a twitter URL, it swaps it for the canonical URL
# 23:13 aaronpk but if I paste in a canonical URL then it looks for a syndicated URL and pulls out the tweet id
# 23:13 bret btw your webmention crud still works well aaronpk. had to use it today
pauloppenheim, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, j12t, _6a68 and gRegor` joined the channel
# 23:34 gRegor` Hello from Chicago HWC!
# 23:37 bret aaronpk: going to be a tad late, class gets out at 6:30
# 23:41 bret what would i be like without time zones? just a single time everywhere
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# 23:52 gRegor` The datetime link for local comments is just an anchor link to that comment. For the webmentions, it's a link to the original source. Thoughts on that?
# 23:53 gRegor` I thought about having the webmentions read like "Ryan Barrett mentioned t his on snarfed.org" and the text snarfed.org would link to the source permalink. But then I thought that's getting rather verbose.
# 23:53 rascul i don't like datetime links linking to something that isn't strictly datetime related, such as a calendar or something
# 23:53 rascul because i would never think to click the link or even hover over it for anything else
# 23:54 gRegor` Hmm, interesting rascul
# 23:54 gRegor` I'm used to blogs / facebook where the timestamp is a permanent link
# 23:55 gRegor` I think I'll stick with what I have for simplicity, for now.
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# 23:56 aaronpk I'm trying to keep all that kind of stuff out of my site too
# 23:56 aaronpk I made a point of not including any third-person text about the things I publish there. I'm not going to say "Aaron liked a post on..." for example