KartikPrabhuHWC - Chicago progress report. Responses tied to urls instead DB objects. So now notes are accepting webmentions! :D next: display responses in notes
@benwerdIf you're trying to get to Homebrew Website Club SF, we've moved to a different room. Ping IRC or tweet with #indieweb and we'll see it :) (twitter.com/_/status/459143993498947584)
KartikPrabhu!tell snarfed: just enabled webmention on my notes. Is it possible for bridgy to retry sending mentions to all the ones that had errors before?
KartikPrabhui'd support that. I think all additions to simple fragmentions should be decided by the implementation of an automated generator for readers. It is easy for readers to generated fragmentions to phrase by hand but not so much for other stuff
GWGKartikPrabhu: I had thoughts of disabling comments and switching to Webmentions and comments on POSSEd comment, but I'd substitute something lower bar
GWGKartikPrabhu: I overloaded the Link Post Format in Wordpress. There is a field for the link url, and a check on said URL to see if it is a twitter.com link, in which case it brings it in.
KartikPrabhuwill consider that :) once I manage to parse mentions from Twitter/G+ I should be able to parse any mention. appreciate your all your feedback
KartikPrabhuI just design on my site. As I can get constant feedback about it from friends. And being a non-developer/designer it does not hurt my "reputation" :P
KartikPrabhure: form labels. Turns out labels are read out aloud by screen-readers and the focus is transferred to the attached form. So for going labels might not be best for accessibility reasons
Loqiadactio: KartikPrabhu left you a message 6 hours, 4 minutes ago: why no u-photo in your h-card here http://adactio.com/about/myself/ Would love to get a little adactio icon for mentions :)
ttepasse, barnabywalters, erikmaarten and dybskiy joined the channel
Loqi_: tommorris left you a message 3 weeks, 6 days ago: I've been lobbying mediawiki.org developers to consider making a No-Spam-by-Default release of MediaWiki with all the sensible anti-spam settings set by default.
Loqi_: barnabywalters left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: aaronpk I started http://indiewebcamp.com/monoculture but but have sneaky feeling a) not well written and b) the same topics are covered elsewhere — would appreciate a look over :)
Loqi_: erikmaarten left you a message 1 day, 1 hour ago: found something interesting. When trying to implement webmention, I copied the <link rel...webmention... href...> from your article pages to make sure it'd be right, but it seems your Webmention Client only recognizes that link if the order is <link href... rel...>. Have I gotten it wrong? I guess maybe you send the webmention response in the headers, so that the <link> doesn't matter.
Loqi_: pfefferle left you a message 2 weeks, 6 days ago: sandeepshetty I take everything back! I am right though!! you use a not <http://example.com> encoded instead <http://example.com>
Loqi_: tantek left you a message 3 weeks ago: re: the gender/text-field/Diaspora post - that's an out of date point in the discussion. that plus input from other folks resulted in all the gender-* pages / research on the microformats wiki. the result was sex and gender-identity fields we made happen in vCard4, and thus h-card.
Loqi_: eschnou left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: I can't login, indieauth is broken for me due to my site in https, although I do link to https site from twitter/github. Need to debug this with you when online.
Loqi_: eschnou left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: I know need to force https on external stuff I embed, although not always possible (e.g. avatar of users having sent a webmention).
Loqi_: barnabywalters left you a message on 8/17 at 2:20pm: shaners, tantek thinking about indieweb video + gap between photos which move and “full” video — where do these things fit in? http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/?tagged=panorama
Loqi_: bret left you a message 2 weeks ago: name is still up in the air. part of my schtick was trying to to do everything in Jekyll safe mode, so I think just referring to the project as Jekyll is fine for now (since that software is so flexible). but if you must, we can call it brekyll :p
Loqi_: bret left you a message 2 weeks, 5 days ago: Interested in meeting up tomorrow for some inidieweb hacking when people are off having fun at Realtime conf?
Loqi_: ozten left you a message on 10/27 at 2:51pm: franfram: innercircle doesn't syndicate to twitte, the main idea, is something more like a letter. kind of a blog, kind of a shared personal space but it supports webmentions. Needs a lot of work if you build on top of it, it would be fun to jam
Loqi_: tantek left you a message 3 days ago: caseorganic you may want to update your icons to use apple-touch-icon-precomposed to avoid the ugly white drop shadow over your faces in iOS6 and below.
Loqi_: tantek left you a message 2 weeks, 6 days ago: aaronpk I wonder why when you use only one comma Loqi replies with *three* " I'll tell them that when I see them next".
ben_thatmustbemei started my setup in Wordpress but decided rather than learn to hack WP, I wanted to learn about more of the indieWeb Tech that already had plugins for me. So I started from scratch
Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 12 hours, 32 minutes ago: just enabled webmention on my notes. Is it possible for bridgy to retry sending mentions to all the ones that had errors before?
ben_thatmustbemeGWG, i've thought of that issue before, it definitely gets messy since most people put their info into the footer or sidebar so that its on every page
ben_thatmustbemedepends on the definition. There have been discussions before on allowing a specific page or sub-page to be allowed or if you have to own your own domain and thus subdomains are fine but folders or /author/1 would not be
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk does the wiki allow you to log in with /author/1 as part of your url. I thought I read that you cut everything after the first /
GWGben_thatmustbeme: What about another use case? Blogger X is a posting on blahblah.net, syndicating that back to bloggerx.me, but both sites are marked up
ben_thatmustbemeGWG: Attleboro MA, I work in Boston. Its a long train ride, (about 40 minutes) and to go to Cambridge it would be a subway from there. So It would def not be close by. but I'm cheap.
kylewmthat article on jkphl.is is interesting, but conflates indieweb as a generic term with indiewebcamp, the event. as if people here are saying you can't be indie unless you do things the indiewebcamp way
GWGAnd after listening to the discussions, reading the wiki, and seeing articles like that, the first project I decided to try was one that would give people the choice to just install something and play with it quickly.
kylewmseems like with the decentralizecamp thing, there was the same misunderstanding? like people wanted to run an event about the indieweb and asked #indiewebcamp and were offended at having someone tell them how to run their camp
kylewmGWG: I'm relatively new too, I think your goals are right where things are right now. The initial group built some things that're starting to get more attention & look appealing to a wider, less technical, audience
barnabywaltersaaronpk: I made my version slightly more complex so the bookmarklet can be used to toggle between parsed and original: javascript:(function(){if(document.location.hostname=='pin13.net'&&document.location.pathname=='/mf2/'){document.location.href=decodeURIComponent(document.location.search.slice(5))}else{%20document.location.href='http://pin13.net/mf2?url='+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href);}}())
aaronpksince git is already completely decentralized, it would seem entirely possible to build a web frontend that is also decentralized. the trick is pull requests
kylewmso… i’m worrying about an unintended consequence of adding posse-post-discovery to bridgy. if people stop including citations on their tweets, bridgy may be able to find the original, but other indieweb platforms won’t (without a lot of extra work)
gRegor`Are there Twitter logo graphics on the wiki? Preferably ones that scale down well? I was going to add one beside my twitter link on my profile page.
ben_thatmustbemebarnabywalters, I'm trying to send you a mention back on the note you asked a question (I finally got around to being able to answer it)
KartikPrabhujust noticed that Joschi Kuphal also linked to my article in the context: "At present, indiewebcamp.com gives me the impression of being the formal home of The IndieWeb, backed by common language and writings that — possibly unintentionally — promote this very concurrence (however readable they may be in fact, by the way)." don't know what to make of it
barnabywalterswhere the problem is that the indiewebcamp community defined the term “indieweb” (in this context at least), but it is beginning to outgrow us
gRegor`E.g. just because indiewebcamp.com lists certain thresholds to participate doesn't mean if you don't meet those you're not "indieweb", or not an "indieweb ally"
KartikPrabhuWhat I am confused about is that he seems against "concurrence" which I think means that we have concensus on how our blogs should talk to each other
barnabywaltershowever, the focus and constraints of indiewebcamp are not always relevant for other initiatives which want to enable people to own their data
barnabywaltersaaronpk: I‘d argue that my connotations of “indieweb” (above) aren’t very much to do with specific technolgies, but are more specific than merely “being independant”
tantekbarnabywalters: one of the reasons we chose "Indie Web" over the pre-existing terms "Open Web" or "Federated Social Web" is the positive emphasis and focus that "indie" brings with it: *individual* & *independent* brings value above and beyond "open" or "federated" or "social".
tantekWith our choice of "Indie Web" we put a stake in the ground. It's a deliberate choice of values, principles, and focus. And by corollary, it is also saying that if all you do is *open* or *federated* or *social* - that is *insufficient*. That is not good enough. You, we must do more.
tantekSaying something isn't good enough and asking ourselves and others to do more is asking for work. Proof of work. It is not a barrier, in the same way that a hill is not a barrier. It is a challenge. The same way that a hill is a challenge. We are saying, we must climb this hill. Arguing at its base (i.e. tweeting) about how good the summit could be will not get you anywhere. You must start climbing.
tantekOnly those who climb will get to experience the summit. However, as we climb we can make foot paths to make it easier for the next climbers. Who can then erect hand rails for the next set of climbers. Who can then pave steps to make it easier for the next set of climbers. And so on.
tantekand yes, there are some with great resources who can hire a helicopter and pilot to take them to the summit. but unlikely they'll survive there. or they'll get bored and go back down to the foothills.
barnabywaltersbut if other people understand “indieweb” to mean a different thing, we apparently need to explain “indieweb” better rather than jumping straight to “no that is not indieweb because it doesn’t meet this proof-of-work constraint”
tantekwith each year we hike further up the hill. each year we make camp, an IndieWebCamp, at a higher elevation, thanks to the efforts during the previous year.
barnabywalterstantek: I totally get that. the issue as far as I see it is that other people are hiking (maybe sauntering) up a different hill but calling it the same thing
tantekhiking up a hill in the dark only gets the hikers lost. and if they don't document their paths, no one can re-use them, so they fail to get followers/adopters.
gRegor`E.g. the proof-of-work concept makes sense to me if we're saying "indiewebcamp." Less so if using "indieweb." Even if IWC did coin the term "indieweb."
tantekgRegor`: proof-of-work is even more important to a more general term like "indieweb", just as actually getting up and hiking upward is essential to make progress up the (indieweb) hill.
gRegor`I don't think it's fair, though, for us (as the "indiewebcamp.com community") to specify what proof must be done by others in the general "indieweb"
gRegor`Agreed. indiewebcamp.com has specific proof criteria -- for indiewebcamp.com. Is it clear to everyone that those are just for indiewebcamp.com, and not necessarily a broader "indieweb" movement?
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: greetings benwerd! sorry to hear idno didn’t get in to the next Knight Foundation stage, I know you’ll keep doing awesome stuff regardless :)
gRegor`Because I think it's totally legit that their be "bystanders" in indieweb, like Kuphal's piece said. However, for indiewebcamp.com specifically, the proof-of-work scenarios make sense.
KartikPrabhuI am pretty confused by this controversy. Is the issue "people didn't feel sufficiently welcome" or is it "indieweb does not need proof of work" or is it "anyone can be indieweb"?
gRegor`Maybe. I definitely like the idea of positive reinforcement / encouragement rather than focusing on what's "not indieweb" or "not indieweb enough." The latter seems to be what's turning some people off, whether intended or not.
tantekKartikPrabhu: your blog post was an excellent *positive* example. You already have the skills to focus on the positive. Please *do* keep posting such things.
GWGThe problem is that there are perceived barriers to expansion of the community to content-creators who aren't necessarily web developers and even some with web development skills are feeling turned off. Would that be an accurate statement?
rasculalso, this bothers me: 'For my personal understanding, "indie" most importantly implies "individuality" — at least this is what I want the web to be about. '
KartikPrabhuin fact to me it is quite amazing how diff. all the people's blogs are over here. Using diff. platforms, UIs designs. There is a lot of individuality. more so that on silos
tantekthat's the best explanation of why we are where we are, and why we focus on what we do focus on, instead of what people might be asking us to focus on.
tantekGWG, with how nice KartikPrabhu's post turned out on its own rather than the wiki, I look forward to seeing your Simple Guide To The IndieWeb post on your own site as well.
barnabywaltersfinal thought on recent events before I make food: many of us (myself included) have had negative experiences with previous movements/projects/events/etc (in fact indiewebcamp was founded out of frustration with some), which can make us wary of new ones which seems similar, e.g. use similar terminology like “open/federated/decentralised”. This waryness is a healthy thing, *provided* we don’t let it turn into unfriendliness
rasculbecause i've seen often on irc conversations where nobody was trying to be negative, but they were perceived as being negative by the other party, and things escalated into flame wars and whatnot
jeremyzilarFor those of you who will be at the Meetup in NYC this weekend, I am going to make a quick presentation about the state of publishing at The New York Times.
rasculfor right now, i use crash.rascul.io for playing with stuff before i make rascul.io live, and crash.rascul.io seems to work quite fine for me to login with indieauth
kylewmI’d like to play with getting it down to 3-5 steps .. get a domain, publish content, add microformats, POSSE, with some of the other steps organized underneath or made optional
aaronpkI'm back in the same situation with events now, it's too hard to create an event post right now cause I have to edit files by hand. once I build a UI for it it'll be easier, I just hate building UIs for creating events.
barnabywaltersGWG: I’ve found it happens in phases. I spend a block of time doing heavy development on my site but not publishing much content there, then a month or so of just using it before the issues start to really bug me, then more development
snarfednormally failures are permanent, but i temporarily changed that so they can be retried. i doubt i'll keep it that way, but i'm open to arguments
tantekGWG - do not worry about what is causing people not to publish content, worry only about what is causing *you* to not publish content, then document that.
tantekbenwerd - when did you start POSSEing notes to Facebook? Do you remember the date? (or can look it up? e.g. your first note that you POSSE copied to FB?)
KartikPrabhusnarfed: as in if someone uses my webmention form to send a twitter url, it would be cool to convert that to mf2 nad then use my usual parsing
Loqisnarfed meant to say: rascul: sounds like the difference is, you want when someone @-mentions you, as opposed to when they post a link to your site…?
snarfedcool. yup, it'd be done via the api. the heavy lifting is everything around that - polling regularly, converting to webmention, figuring out where to send it, handling retries, etc
snarfed…all of which bridgy does, so it'd be nice to piggyback. feel free to file an issue if you want! or if you end up trying it yourself, feel free to reuse code, ping with q's, etc
kbsrascul: indieauth works pretty much from any domain/url (including a silo itself). believe the wiki is also quite happy with both domains and urls - it just changes what your username appears to be...
snarfedrascul: abbreviation for a library i wrote that uses the fb, twitter, g+, and instagram APIs, fetches data, and converts to a common format (ActivityStreams)
tantek.comedited /comment (+343) "/* POSSE a comment */ add indieweb example and bolden subsection, link to posse-post-discovery, start distinguishing comment vs reply language" (view diff)