#KevinMarksBenwerd tell them about your indie web vending
jeremyzilar joined the channel
#tantekand boom IndieWebCamp 2014 East passes West in number of RSVPs
#tantek!tell aaronpk, caseorganic, benwerd and boom IndieWebCamp 2014 East passes West in number of RSVPs, 5 to 4. You gonna let that stand? Let's see if West can bring in the RSVPs before East pulls further ahead. ;)
#tantekAndi: I have a design org called CascadeSF in the city
#tantekAndi: I have to create a new site and was just debating what framework to use to set it up
#tantekDarius: I got a complaint from my webhost that I was using too much CPU - and have no idea what is causing it. A few WordPress installs. Nothing obvious. Using WPCache.
#tantekSnarfed: Could just be load. Try WPSuperCache and WPTotalCache
#tantekSnarfed: you can configure them to write HTML files to disk and only change them when things change
#tantekSnarfed: Kyle launched a feature where you don't need permalinks in your POSSE copies for Bridgy to use them!
#tantekSnarfed: Instead it uses rel-syndication links from the original to the POSSE copy - a reverse discovery of sorts
#tantekSnarfed: eliminates the need to link back from the POSSE copy back to the original
#tantekSnarfed: which has sometimes either confused or annoyed folks on the POSSE destination
#tantekSnarfed: The other big thing, is Webmention support for Wordpress.com, Tumblr.com, and Blogger.com
#tantekSnarfed: You log in to Bridgy and OAuth with WordPress Tumblr or Blogger .com
#tantekSnarfed: then Bridgy watches for new posts on whichever blog host you OAuth'd in with
#tantekSnarfed: Right now it uses Superfeedr to get notified of new posts
#tantekSnarfed: On Tumblr in particular you need Disqus
#tantekSnarfed: When you sign-up on Bridgy, then you add the rel=webmention to your blog's template which points to Bridgy, you get a custom Bridgy webmention endpoint URL for your blog
#tantekSnarfed: so when someone sends a webmention to your blog, it goes to the Bridgy webmention proxy, which then it uses the individual blog host API to post the comment as a native comment on the blog host (or as a Disqus comment on Tumblr in particular)
#tantekSnarfed: this is a way for any blogger using Wordpress.com, Blogger.com, or Tumblr.com to receive indieweb comments, likes, reposts, RSVPs from around the web.
#kylewmwould it be hard to extend to handle disqus comments in general, not just on tumblr?
#KartikPrabhuQ: is this not as if "indieweb" is conforming to silos instead of silos changing for an indieweb?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: it's bringing more adoption of IndieWeb protocols & formats
#gRegor`American has been fine in my experience. I've heard so many bad experiences with Delta
#gRegor`NYC and Portland are both on my list to visit, though I expect I will like Portland more. Plus my girlfriend will be living on that coast, albeit in WA... we'll figure something out.
brianloveswords joined the channel
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: I've recently become a fan of hipmunk.com's email notifications. Look up flight dates now, subscribe to the results, and they email you when the prices change up or down.
#KartikPrabhufeels bad referring his own article but... <shrugs>
#KartikPrabhudoes someone know why Chrome ignore "orient=auto" on svgs ... the arrows in my svg diagrams are backwards sometimes in Chrome :(
smagali, snarfed, j12t, emmak and gRegor` joined the channel
#snarfedkylewm: re your disqus q, i think it's be straightforward to do for any blog, not just tumblr
#snarfedbasically just a text form you'd type your domain into, which creates a new Source, then fetches the front page and extracts your disqus shortname (already done)
#kylewmfunny indienews came up, i was wondering about it earlier this afternoon
#kylewmthe idea being that i'd include a tag on my site, and link it to a service like IndieNews that would aggregate tags from all over
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I don't really don't understand the "discovery of indieweb posts" problem, how is it different from discovering posts on silos from friends...
#KartikPrabhukylewm: hmm ok so I'm not being completely confused
#kylewmi was just thinking it's strange that i autolink @username to twitter on my site, and conceivably would do the same thing for #hashtags, and that Loqi sends us tweets about #indieweb, but not indieweb posts tagged #indieweb
voxpelli, JonathanNeal, tommorris, otterdam and aaronpk joined the channel
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 12 hours ago: and boom IndieWebCamp 2014 East passes West in number of RSVPs, 5 to 4. You gonna let that stand? Let's see if West can bring in the RSVPs before East pulls further ahead. ;)
#tantek.comedited /FAQ (+91) "/* Is the indieweb conforming to silos by implementing POSSE and backfeed? */ shorten question, expand answer a bit" (view diff)
chrissaad, brianloveswords and caseorganic joined the channel
#Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message on 5/7 at 5:17pm: and boom IndieWebCamp 2014 East passes West in number of RSVPs, 5 to 4. You gonna let that stand? Let's see if West can bring in the RSVPs before East pulls further ahead. ;)
#Loqitantek: caseorganic left you a message 1 hour, 31 minutes ago: East coast NYTimes journalism - great for gen 2. I wonder what place will be popular for gen 3?
#Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 55 minutes ago: 5-5 East v West! :)
KevinMarks joined the channel
#LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 51 minutes ago: How did Homebrew Website Club meetup Mountain View go? Any notes or anything else to share?
tpinto joined the channel
#tantekcaseorganic - good q! I think we will need the help of gen 2 folks to answer questions about gen 3 :)
#tantekgRegor`: right on! ok time to rally harder :)
#KevinMarkswe didn't have a formal HWC in MV, but benwerd erin and I were chatting with Stef magdalinski and Randy Farmer
#tantekkylewm interesting - I think tommorris was putting a bunch of thought into private posts - as he wants to do exactly that (with giving permissions to FB friends)
#tantekre: address book - the minimal viable address book should be just a list of URLs of people in storage. On top of that, cache their full name and photo from their h-card at their URL (or retrieved by snowflake API from their silo profile URL)
#tantekeverything else should be retrieved dynamically from their personal site / profile URL
#tantekin contrast to: 1) directly on your personal site, 2) simple HTML hyperlinks that anyone can code up or copy/paste and modify (e.g. from my recent Markup for Comms post)
#tantek!tell aaronpk, the idea is that if someone is reading the logs for /irc/today and they read to the bottom and want to say something, all they have to do is click the link which then joins the IRC channel and lets them say something.
#dariusdunlapkylewm - By the way, i tried your auth’d note link, and even after I signed in using “https://dunlaps.net”, it still gave the 401 error.
#kylewmdariusdunlap: thanks for trying it out! it’s shared via a really dumb whitelist for now, that just included Snarfed and Gregor for that post
#tantekwhoa - looks like the new Twitter profiles now do live updating! I have @kevinmarks open in another window and it is live-updating with his tweets as he posts them!!!
#dariusdunlapNo problem. Let me know if you need another test run. I was just catching up on the channel and so I tried it.
#tantekso now that's the next challenge for those who have some amount of real-time-ness working, e.g. aaronpk's realtime display of comments
#tantekrealtime home page updates with your posts just showing up as you make them
#tantek@KevinMarks, I don't buy that Y Combinator counts as traction. Show me the data for that.
#KevinMarkshe meant "is seen as traction, so will get follow-on funding"
#tantekShow me that something getting accepted for Y Combinator helps it succeed any more (as %) than not.
#tantekgood! What are you doing June 28-29 ben_thatmust ?
#ben_thatmustsadly i believe I may be busy that weekend. not sure.
#tantekseriously if you don't have https://twitter.com/KevinMarks open in another window, you're missing out. Just open it and watch the tweets show up in real time in the background.
#tantekwell if you're looking into it, go ahead and document a /RespectNetwork page on the wiki with benwerd's criticisms so we at least capture it
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 35 minutes ago: do you think of putting a "Join the #indiewebcamp channel to chat" link in bold at the bottom of the latest IRC log page?
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 33 minutes ago: idea is that if someone is reading the logs for /irc/today and they read to the bottom and want to say something, all they have to do is click the link which then joins the IRC channel and lets them say something.
#bnvktantek: naw, I perused the website- seems very vapor right now, such fumes, much promise...
#tantekbnvk - yes - those are also good criticisms to document!
#Jeenaso after a week of work I got my first version of photos working ^^ https://jeena.net/photos/1 right now it is only POSSEing to Twitter and Facebook but I still need to implement webmentions and POSSEing to Flickr. As far as I know it is not possible to POSSE to Instagram? (Which is quite sad)
#KartikPrabhuJeena: nice work... as a photography nut myself, I like the EXIF at the bottom :)
#JeenaHehe yeah, I need to look it over more, perhaps there is more interesting data there which I would like to show.
#tantekJeena - correct. Though it is theoretically possible to fake a POSSE to Instagram. See /Instagram
#tantekand well done with getting photos working!!!!
#tanteklove that you posted a blurry photo as the "still needs work, this is the first version" photo post. So good. :)
#Jeenathe biggest problem was twitter POSSEing because the rails plugins don't let you post media
#Jeenahehe yeah, the photo was not in the focus (pun intended) for the first post but the whole system instead
#kylewmthat update_with_media API call is a tricky one
#tantekthe biggest problem with proprietary APIs is the ever increasing maintenance task of having to update various libraries/plugins to deal with them.
#cweiskebut there is an open server and many open clients
#JeenaI ended up installing a command line utility: https://github.com/twitter/twurl which works like curl+twitter_oauth and make a system call from my web app. It is bad but the only thing I was able to get to work
benwerd joined the channel
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 5/7 at 5:01pm: that is awesome!!! (setting up IIW folks in person). The IndieWebologist is IN. :D
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 5/7 at 5:17pm: and boom IndieWebCamp 2014 East passes West in number of RSVPs, 5 to 4. You gonna let that stand? Let's see if West can bring in the RSVPs before East pulls further ahead. ;)
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 5/7 at 7:50pm: is there a screenshot of idno/known's "new post" UI? E.g. you could add to http://indiewebcamp.com/idno
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 13 minutes ago: How did Homebrew Website Club meetup Mountain View go? Any notes or anything else to share?
#cweiskeJeena, openid and rss are not open by your definition because they are not rfc'd
#bnvkbenwerd: what's the in person verdict on Respectnetwork?
#Jeenawhen only one company controlls the api/protocol development?
#benwerdI like their ambition. I hate that they're using overcomplicated standards, a fee-based membership models, and have apps that aren't based on actual user demand
#cweiskeJeena, that sounds better than the previous explanations
#cweiskecan two companies develop a proprietary protocol?
#cweiskecan one/tantek badmouth something that's hard to define/undefinable?
#benwerdLOTS of "security beyond passwords" startups, too
#rasculpasswords are a horrible authentication mechanism
friedcell joined the channel
#rasculbut better mechanisms can be hard to implement well
#benwerdsnarfed: I was skeptical, but bought into app.net initially because I thought I was probably wrong. Did feel I preferred an open platform. Nonetheless, loved that it was happening, and supported with both time and money.
#snarfedbenwerd: no matter. tell all the indieweb people at iiw hi for us!
#tantekcweiske - proprietary APIs are usuall 1-off (custom for the site), "owned"/controlled by a single company (at best a few - oligopoly), and have a nasty TOS attached to them.
#snarfedand congrats on (soft?) launching known!!!
#benwerdI also recognize that it's a bit crappy to sit in the backchannel and throw out criticism
#rasculsome seem to definie a proprietary api as specific to one device, or one group of devices, while others seem to consider licensing/nda/related stuff
#JeenaKartikPrabhu I'd like to add geo position to my NIKON photos but it seems quite complicated, one seems to have some extra dongle which tracks where you are at which time and then some program to combine it with the pictures
#cweiskeand then map the gps log onto taken photos
#rascul"As of 2014 many cameras and most mobile phones have a built-in GPS receiver that stores the location information in the Exif header when a picture is taken."
#barnabywaltersproprietary API = defined+implemented behind closed doors, very clear consumer/producer relationship, consumers completely disempowered to make changes or suggestions
#barnabywaltersopen API = basically the opposite of everything above
#tantekhe dropped a few questions, added a few follow-ups and then ignored requests to contribute what he knows to the wiki
#barnabywalterstantek: so I’m interested to know where exactly you find my definition lacking — skimming over your article (have read it in-depth in the past) I can’t see anything obvious which is missing
#aaronpkwhat is the appropriate markup for this sentence on this page: http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship "authorship is a claim about who the author(s) of a post are."
#tantekbnvk - the reason to document vapor like this is to counteract the high-gloss marketing fluff of one-page websites like that
#tantekand the whole culture of people getting excited about high-gloss marketing fluff rather than real things that are shipping and working on the web, on the very sites owned and used by their creators
#tantekat its core this is a cultural battle: creators vs marketers
#barnabywalterssbw: looks like the problem is spread across both of our code — your datetime isn’t valid ISO8601, and the code I wrote to check if a datetime was valid ISO 8601 was broken :)
#barnabywaltersbnvk: and we really need to get me deploy access
#aaronpkset up a git remote so you can both push to it
#sbwtantek: sbw.org is still XHTML strict. What's the latest thinking on validation? In particular, I'm looking at the example of <time datetime=""> here: http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry
paulcp joined the channel
#sbwbarnabywalters: Thanks. I followed the example at the link above.
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: yeah but then I need ssh access to bnvk’s server, etc, etc etc
#tantekaaronpk, barnabywalters please add to http://indiewebcamp.com/deployment accordingly. I find deployment to still be a major problem / pain and would very much appreciate seeing your approaches documented.
#sbwbarnabywalters: I changed it to ISO 8601. Shall I wait 'til you deploy to try again?
#kylewminteresting! i have my data in a separate repository, but that is problematic too, rolling back one without rolling back the other could be dangerous
#barnabywaltersright now, working on moving my full-stack indieauth client code out into a package
#rasculbarnabywalters i've tried to do stuff like that, it always got messy for me
#rascul"If a path of the context locator ends in slash, partial URIs are treated differently to the URI with the same path but without a trailing slash. The trailing slash indicates a void segment of the path. "
#barnabywaltersquestion: say you were using a package to bolt-on indieauth support to your site — would you be annoyed if it set remember-me cookies as well as handling login, providing current user details etc?
#rasculbarnabywalters i would be annoyed if it wasn't configurable
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: i would want it to work like omniauth does, all it does is handle login and return user info
#tantekwait, since when does IWC wiki support fragmentions?!? Cool!!!
#barnabywalterstantek: sure, you need to have a remember-me cookie, but from a dev (library consumer) POV would you get annoyed if the library set the cookie for you?
#barnabywaltersrather than just giving you information and you having to set it yourself
#tantekfirst pass from a dev POV the simpler (more it took care of for me) the better
#aaronpki guess it depends on your target audience
#barnabywalterstantek: that’s my instinct — is to make it full-stack, mimimum configuration by default, but with the ability to turn stuff off if you want
#aaronpksomeone who is adding logins to their site for the first time, it's more useful if it does everything
#aaronpkbut someone who already has a login mechanism and is adding indieauth support would find that horribly annoying
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: at the moment the target audience is me: Taproot and my reader, both of which only use indieauth for authentication
#barnabywaltersso I think I’ll go down the “does everything” route for the moment
#barnabywaltersespecially as aaronpk’s indieauth client library is so easy to use
#barnabywaltersif people want more complex integration they can build it themselves, perhaps taking inspiration/code from my implementation
#barnabywalterstantek: my library is quite tightly coupled to the HTTP serving library I use (yay for consistent, sane abstractions), but the code might be useful all the same
#rasculwhat does it mean on the wiki if i check that it's a minor edit? does that mean anything special?
#j12tSome press is paying attention. We’ll see ...
#j12tAnybody have any good contacts to people who should cover this?
#barnabywaltersj12t: I’d be really interested to see designs for the unboxing flow — i.e. instructional materials guiding users through the process of setting up
#barnabywaltersthat’s a place where it’d be really easy to beat-out most current routers, which IME have terrible pedagogy
#rasculwhy do i have to be Rascul.io on the wiki? i have no capital letters!
#j12tI have some stuff written down, but I don’t want to publish that yet because somebody will take it as a promise, and code has a way of changing the spec
#rasculi'm not much familiar with mediawiki because i tend to shun php things
#j12tBTW, there will be an Indie Box meetup at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View on Monday night. Everybody invited of course.
#aaronpki don't shun php but mediawiki can be kind of annoying
#barnabywaltersthat’s another flow which, if well designed, could give a compelling advantage over other (typically crappy) domain registration+management UIs
#aaronpki still think there's room to make a domain registration service that doesn't suck
#aaronpki'm thinking something with a signup as simple as twitter's but then you end up with a domain name
#kbsj12t: just curious - is it possible to buy just the indiebox hardware alone at this point from somewhere? Or is it a pretty custom spec that you're having built for you?
#aaronpkand progessively enhancing the experience so that you can do whatever you want with the domain but by default it does x
#j12tkbs: the only “custom” thing is that they put two drives into the box for us, instead of one. Go to http://mini-box.com/
#rasculwith indieweb guys being the registrar of course!
#kbsj12t: ah - nice. (and thank you for the pointer :)
#aaronpkj12t: you should get in touch with Intel and try to find a NUC box you can use
#j12tWell, I don’t want us to be in the hardware business.
#andicascadesfHi KevinMarks! We are donating a few booths to local communities for our first UXNight in Mountain View on 4/29 and I was wondering if you + others were interested in representing Indie Web Camp.
#j12taaronpk: Yep! I shall … first focus on crowdfunding though.
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: yeah, like about.me but with an actual domain instead of a subdomain, and a really nice UI for doing domain adminney things
#andicascadesfKevinMarks what is your e-mail address so we can send you info on the booth, etc?
#j12tpauloppenheim: didn’t know about the app store, but when I last looked at it, it was a bit too “integrated” to make it as broad of a platform as I’d like Indie Box to be
#pauloppenheimj12t: also, mini-box are awesome, if they're who i think they are
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: KevinMarks: aaronpk: shouldn’t that be the other way round? a service which requires a breathalyzer test before registering a domain?
#tantekwow a tale of two silos sold in 2005: Upcoming.org - now back in founder Andy's hands. Delicious, keeps being (re)sold like an unwanted hot potato.
#gRegor`tantek: I'm thinking for events that span multiple dates, still only showing the first date in the date bubble. Think that's ok? Full dates will always display under the event name
#tantekindieweb folks, I started the http://indiewebcamp.com/Heartbleed page just to keep track of various services and software that anyone in the community may have been using that was vulnerable to Heartbleed but has been patched since - please add to it