#KevinMarks'cos i just sent another bunch of people to indiewebify.me and "error 52" suxx
#KevinMarkskylewm: tantek is maybe there because google indexed his hCard?
#kylewmKevinMarks: I’m super curious now. his hCard doesn’t have a phone number or neighborhood… that it’s just his first name makes me wonder if they think he’s a business
#tantekwill archive the notes from the Etherpad then
#kbsaaronpk: wasn't able to hear questions [only notes from etherpad/irc] - if you found any nuggets of wisdom, would love a read a little writeup somewhere :)
j12t, netweb, paulcp and lukebrooker joined the channel
#kylewmtotally unrelated question, do you think it would be useful to have a python indieweb starter kit? basically thinking a site that you could fork and deploy to heroku in a couple commands. It'd include stuff like mf2py and ronkyuu, have basic fill-in-the-blanks microformats markup and send/receive webmentions
#kylewmbasically i'm wondering, is there a class of developer who knows enough to customize it, but wouldn't want to start from scratch?
#KartikPrabhupossibly. I don't know how many people use python to run websites... my aim was to develop my codebase until it is fit for release
#kylewmthe python part was sort of a misdirect...i was sort of thinking about having one for each of python/ruby/php would be ideal
#KartikPrabhui feel that a basic static website generator would be good
#KartikPrabhuhaving dynamic websites and managing them needs some dev skills
#kylewmoh, do you mean your goal eventually is to have your blog software be used by others besides just you?
#kylewmpretty good chance you can still rebase it back together, even if the two repos are significantly different
#kylewmreally, you can pretty much do anything if no one is depending on the changeset ids staying the same
#KartikPrabhuyes possible... but I get distracted with other useful things I could be doing... like writing posts and playing with fragmentions and bridgy :P
fmarier joined the channel
#kylewmyes, untangling version control is significantly less fun
#kylewminstead of trying to make a half-assed "framework" :)
#rknLAbut charles proxy for comments doesn't seem nearly as horrible as POSTing content directly from your servers ;)
#rknLAyeah, libraries definitely seem way more compelling than frameworks in this context for sure
#KartikPrabhukylewm: individual libraries is a good idea... I've been trying to keep a lot of parts of my code independent of my actual blog setup
#KartikPrabhushould really get on open sourcing those
#rknLAthis is where i think routing gets interesting... seems like you could do something neat in node that's basically just a regex server, proxying requests to various subsystems.
#rknLAkartikprabhu.com/blog would route to your blog setup,
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: I added a me-too to that BeautifulSoup bug. The only thing I can really think to do at this point is add a try/except around the text() method
#kylewmrknLA: part of me wants to say go for node.js for more language diversity in nthe IWC community
#kylewmwhich is what I attempted to follow ... store a list of URLs near the post itself, and archive the fetched HTML and parsed JSON in a separate area
#pauloppenheimkylewm: I'd be interested in a python starter kit, if it were very very bare bones
#pauloppenheimsomewhat related, at work i'm writing a wsgi framework / bootstrapping kernel that will be cross-platform and run on Windows Azure
#pauloppenheimunsure if i will be able to open source it, but i will at least have experience with Azure Websites, which have a free tier, and can be deployed to with a git push (hence don't require windows)
Sebastien-L, caseorganic, tpinto, benwerd, Jeena, KartikPrabhu, barnabywalters and bnvk joined the channel
obenns, tobiastom, Sebastien-L, netweb, obenns_ and kyank joined the channel
#kyank!tell aaronpk Looking at setting up my own Webmention.io instance to run alongside my Jekyll blog. Is this still a recommended procedure? Just double-checking you haven’t moved onto a different preferred solution for that scenario.
#kyankvoxpelli: How does it compare to Webmention.io?
#kyankAt a glance it looks like a more complete solution. Includes the JavaScript to display mentions, not just a JSON-P endpoint to fetch them.
#kyankI also see it’s Node.js, as opposed to a Sinatra Ruby app.
#voxpellikyank: yeah, that's the main difference – that it comes out of the box with a javascript to embed the comments
#voxpellithat's the other, kind of silly, reason – that it's built on a stack I'm more familiar with :)
obenns joined the channel
#kyankI understand completely. I’m more comfortable with Ruby myself, but I like how plug-and-play you’ve made it. I might look at contributing equivalent functionality to Webmention.io, and see if I can get it running on Heroku (so others can set it up easliy).
#obennsHey guys, new here. Heard of TIW at Web Directions 2014 here in Melbourne by @t :)
#kyankWelcome, obenns! I’m a WDC14 newbie, too. :)
#kyankobenns: @t’s talk? It got me fired up enough to rebuild my personal blog, which was a year-dormant WordPress install. I’ve got a Jekyll site up with the imported archives of my WordPress, and I’ve got all the microformats in place on the site. Now I’m working on adding the more dynamic IndieWeb features (mentions, replies, etc.).
#obennsYeah I thought it was really interesting. Haven't done too much myself. im updating my portfolio as we speak. turning it into more of a portal really
#kyankCool. Well if you have any IndieWeb questions, the people in this channel have been very welcoming to me this week.
#Loqiaaronpk: kyank left you a message 42 minutes ago: Looking at setting up my own Webmention.io instance to run alongside my Jekyll blog. Is this still a recommended procedure? Just double-checking you haven’t moved onto a different preferred solution for that scenario.
#kodfabrik.seedited /GitHub (+74) "Better links to the other wiki pages about web hosting and Jekyll + some style tweaks" (view diff)
#aaronpkyeah you're more than welcome to run your own webmention.io instance! I'm not sure exactly how easy it is to set up, but happy to help
#rasculi don't really wish mail server management on anybody!
#kbsrascul: :) indeed. I think I find this generally true on *-server management actually -- easier for me to think of online data as a transient place to keep data, and backup everything locally
#rasculwell much server stuff isn't nearly as easy to get you blacklisted for a simple config mistake!
#rasculexample: typo a line in main.cf, now you're an open relay and you don't realize it, next thing you know someone used your server for spam and you're blacklisted
#kbsblames allman for writing sendmail on weed ;-)
#ben_thatmustbemetrying now, but i think my curl command must be wrong or something
snarfed joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: kylewm left you a message 11 minutes ago: if you see bridgy publish errors for me, they were on my end  I did not originally have a link to the facebook event in my post
#ben_thatmustbemehuh, odd. i run the code from my local machine and I can get everything back fine, must be something with php curl on my host
#ben_thatmustbemefor now that will work. I want to expand to getting tokens from others at some point, and that will be a bit difficult without proper root certs
#gRegor`Updated the stub template so it stands apart from the article a bit more and includes a link to edit the current page: http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub
#gRegor`It's also wrapped in a <p> now, so might add some extra whitespace if there are 2+ LF after the {{stub}} on a page.
#aaronpkouch. twitter UI doesn't show that I already star'd a tweet, so I click star, and then it gives me an ugly error: "Your account may not be allowed to perform this action."
paulcp, caseorganic and hallettj joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemegRegor`, when you change usernames, your history comes with you and i believe all your old messages change. (at least thats my understanding of it)
#aaronpksounds like an opportunity for someone to run this as a service :)
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, so is that something you are going to change on indieauth.com or do i need to start busting heads on my hosting provider's end?
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: I don't think there's anything I can change
#aaronpksslv3 doesn't support SNI, my thought was that if I have sslv3 turned on, clients might try to use that first, but turns out that's not what's happening
#voxpelliRel-spider is built to run as a service like the social graph API
#voxpelliCurrently not up on Heroku due to me having to switch addons there + lack of usage
#voxpelliOnly thing really missing from it code wise is good recrawling, but wow, that's not an easy one
#kylewmvoxpelli: sounds like exactly what is needed for this problem
#voxpellikylewm: if you change/adds/remove eg. a Twitter connection to an Instagram one the index needs to recrawl that to be updated, like what Google does
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, updated curl on my local machine and it fixed it. I just need the server admins to do it on this one
LauraJ joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemei'll just have to get a better service provider next time
#ben_thatmustbemei figure it will force me to set up posting images on my site, and it looks like a good stepping stone to working on my contact entry work which is what i really wanted to get in to
#rasculnow i'm going to smoke and let my dog in, then me and my dog will work on my site some more
#rasculwell, she'll lay on my bed and watch me while i do all the work
#ben_thatmustbemeextreme coding with your dog watching over your shoulder. oh yeahhh
hober joined the channel
#rasculshe wanted to stay outside, guess i'm on my own
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: got another problem case for mf2py backcompat https://snarfed.org/2014-04-29_9249 … there is an <entry-content> wrapping an <e-content>, which results in two values for e-content
#KartikPrabhuyeah... i don't think there is a reasonable workaround
#kylewmthe backcompat rules add mf2 classes if they don’t already exist on the tag, maybe we need to add them if they don’t already exist on the tag or its children
#KartikPrabhuso check for repeated mf classes on immediate children? if not repeat add on current, if repeat then add on child?
erinjo joined the channel
#kylewmthe check right now is “add h-entry to hentry’s that don’t already have h-entry”
#KartikPrabhubut what if someone wants to have repeated nested microformats?
#kylewmmaybe it should be “add h-entry to hentries that don’t have it and their children don’t have it”
#aaronpkthis is now the second time that the design team has accidentally removed the microformats from this blog when doing a redesign
#kylewmlike they have <div class=”entry-content”><div class=”entry-content”></div></div> ?
#JeenaHi, I have here one person who is interested in the IndieWeb and he wanted the code for my blog and notes, which sadly isn't open source yet (because of code quality and I have passwords and API keys in the code).
#JeenaWhat should I suggest he should look into instead?
#brainTrainhey indie web peoples, I've been workin on my personal indiewebz site but it's a good friends birthday today so I'm gonna miss this meeting(I was at the last SF one). I'll keep on lurking here and I'll probably chat a bit more when my site is finally end to end :)
#tantekaaronpk, can you require your design team to run Indiewebify.me's h-entry checker on a known good post and have it pass before deployment? They presumably have other automated tests right?
Darius joined the channel
#@NZN#freedombox session and #indiebox demo at #iiw to reclaim control of #indieweb by #SovereignIndividuals ... the underlying shift in motion.. (twitter.com/_/status/464187436323442688)
#Guest64762Wondering if I should head up to SF or down to Mountain View right now. Just about to leave San Mateo.