2014-05-10 UTC
# 00:04 kbs A useful thing jwz points out (once you get past the condescending aggressiveness!) is the distinction between high-availability and backups - it took me quite some time to appreciate it...
# 00:16 aaronpk the only way to truly back stuff up is to publish it and distribute it widely
# 00:24 bret aaronpk: did you set up a btsync key for the wiki?
tantek and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 00:44 tantek barely squeezed those both in! Four URLs in a tweet = lots of characters for t.cos
# 00:45 tantek !tell benwerd, erinjo, j12t great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
# 00:45 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:46 j12t tantek : put something about indie box on your blog, that way I can publicly say thanks, too!
# 00:47 Loqi j12t: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
# 00:47 tantek currently at the top of my home page: tantek.com
# 00:48 j12t I know, but that’s very sparse compared to what you just typed into irc
obenns joined the channel
# 00:56 bret tantek: im not totally sure, its built on rss
# 00:56 bret j12t: trying to figure out if I have a spare $500
# 00:57 tantek j12t love seeing the permalinks to upon2020 at the end of your tweets. makes me smile every time :)
# 00:57 j12t This is cute. This line shows up here first, before Wordpress has decided that it did indeed make the post.
# 00:57 j12t my setup is still very clumsy, but I’m trying
# 00:57 j12t bret : not sure what I should advise :-)
# 00:59 bret maybe if he gets additional funding, more resources could broaden the scope
# 00:59 bret bummed not to see idno or the indieweb apprentiships make it
tpinto joined the channel
# 01:04 bret kylewm: I talked to Evan about that sometime last year in person and he said he wanted to see cross site posting in pump
# 01:04 bret i submitted a simple uf2 patch to pump and let it sit
# 01:04 kylewm probably before I knew about indiewebcamp actually
# 01:04 bret with the hope of discussing it more. Evan is rarely on irc though, and I have not really pushed it
# 01:05 bret kylewm: my guess is that its low on his priority. he has done much more on on POSSE for pump, which is fine by me :)
# 01:06 bret pump has a pretty solid community founded from his work on identica.
# 01:06 kylewm cool, I like pump but I did get the impression that he has more backlog work on it than one person could ever feasibly do
# 01:06 bret kinda a lot of 'i just want something I can use now' type of crowd
# 01:07 bret who tend to be a little more resistant to cutting edge things
# 01:07 bret totally fune, but yeah ihes interested. i was hoping someone from pumps community would show interest
ben_thatmust joined the channel
# 01:33 tantek bret - no idea. mozilla uses lots of different things. and mozillians themselves use lots of different things. you'd have to check sites and people case-by-case, and you could likely investigate as well as I could.
# 01:35 rascul according to buddycloud.com, mozilla does use it
# 01:35 rascul i was looking at buddycloud recently, i think i did find mozilla using it somewhere
# 01:37 rascul give me the address, i'll tar and feather him
# 01:38 rascul but she did catch a bird today, so i guess she feathered herself?
# 01:42 rascul oh, buddy cloud stuff? sure, i'm actually trying to dig up mozilla's buddy cloud that i may have found at one point
tpinto joined the channel
# 01:47 tantek have a great weekend everyone! signing off. :)
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# 04:54 kylewm hmm, does anyone know if releasing my project itself as GPL prevents me from factoring out libraries and making them LGPL?
# 05:06 pauloppenheim kylewm: if you're the only copyright holder, you can do whatever you want whenever you want. As soon as you accept a patch, things change
# 05:07 pauloppenheim kylewm: why use a share-alike style license in the first place if that's not your intent?
# 05:10 kylewm great question, I think that is what I have to decide
# 05:11 kylewm I believe in copyleft in theory, but in practice, there are a lot of people just experimenting here, not planning or ready to release their code, and i don't want to disallow that at all
# 05:14 kylewm where is indiewebcamp.com/licensing when I need it :)
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 05:29 pauloppenheim kylewm: who would you like to use your code? What is their license? Could they use GPL code?
# 05:31 kylewm pauloppenheim: for this, I want everyone doing python indieweb stuff to be able to use it, kartik, bear, you etc.
# 05:31 kylewm ah nice, I'm putting together a stub page with the major projects licenses
# 05:31 kylewm looks like aaron and benwerd use Apache, Barnaby MIT, snarfed and tantek public domain
# 05:33 pauloppenheim nothing says "i don't give a fuck about how you use my code" like public domain.
kbs joined the channel
# 05:37 pauloppenheim sadly, work is taking over all of my spare coding moments these days, fortunately i'm working on web-related stuff now
# 05:38 kylewm that's nice at least, you mentioned something about Windows Azure the other day?
# 05:39 pauloppenheim so i get more PEP-333 knowledge to my already curiously-stocked shelf, if anything pops up
# 05:40 pauloppenheim but it's useful for quickly getting PHP, python, node, or even ASP (if that's your thing) up quickly
# 05:41 kylewm I didn't know anything about it, but that sounds pretty great
# 05:42 kylewm also I was wrong about tantek, CASSIS.js is cc-by-sa .. contributions from others are released into the public domain
# 05:46 bear cc-by-sa is not technically a software license
# 05:56 kbs kylewm: these days (when I remember to add one at all :) I've been using the 2-clause bsd license. It's short and (fwiw) GPL compatible.
# 05:57 kbs used to be a GPL fanatic in my misbegotten youth
# 05:57 kylewm kbs: pauloppenheim: thank you both for weighing in :)
# 05:58 kylewm i like BSD too, short, to the point, and free of legalese
# 05:58 bear i've used in the past: MIT, BSD 2-clause, MPL and plain ol' public domain
# 05:59 bear MPL and Apache2 if I know it will be used commercially
# 06:00 kylewm ah, what is the difference for commercial stuff?
# 06:02 bear the "fun" is when you realize that you really should have gotten explicit agreement from contributors about them agreeing to the license
# 06:06 kylewm sigh, I'm sure this falls under the "stuff that gets in the way of actually building things category" of IWC.
# 06:07 bear the core of IWC is building for yourself - so have at it :)
friedcell joined the channel
# 06:15 kylewm thanks all, please correct or tell me if I said anything wrong or stupid on that page
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 06:25 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: If you want usable cla agreements try owf
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sdboyer_, eschnou, andicascadesf, grantmacken, chrissaad, glennjones, otterdam, aaronpk, hidgw, tpinto, squeakytoy, sparverius and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 09:15 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
chrissaad, otterdam, aaronpk, friedcell, Kopfstein, bnvk and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 12:15 rascul my web site design moving along! i guess soon i should make sure it works in more browsers than mine thouh
# 12:18 rascul hrm i wonder that if the user has a different default font size if it breaks my site, i'll have to check that
# 12:22 rascul safari and ie are the ones i'm not currently capable of testing
# 12:24 ben_thatmust rascul, i just have a virtualbox of windows in case i ever want to test IE
# 12:25 rascul i don't have a (legal) copy of any windows version handy right now
jeremyzilar joined the channel
# 12:27 rascul hrm and now i'm running into a problem of mixing px and rem
# 12:28 rascul is there a way in js to figure out how many px are in 1 rem?
# 12:35 rascul i'm against assuming default font size, or setting an explicit base size
# 12:36 ben_thatmust why would you want to though, isn't the idea of rem to just define everything in rem?
# 12:38 rascul which conflicts with everything being rem because i'm using it to set something to position:fixed when scroll so far
# 12:43 rascul feel free to give me any sort of criticism if you look at it
# 12:49 rascul btw this to get the font size window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], null).fontSize;
# 12:54 rascul oh i'm doing it all wrong because i can just get the position of an element and use that
jedahan and erikmaarten joined the channel
# 13:56 rascul shouldn't need to be an attorney to understand a software license
grantmacken joined the channel
# 14:01 kylewm rascul: yeah I am dropping GPL ... I'm not writing linux, i'm writing boring code that implements interesting protocols
# 14:07 rascul gpl probably good for big things maybe but not for simple things that simple minded me write!
# 14:11 rascul it looks similar except that it takes more time to read
# 14:12 rascul two big issues i've seen that people have with wtfpl is the language and that it doesn't state there's no warranty
# 14:13 rascul personally i don't feel that stating no warranty should be necessary
# 14:14 rascul heh i like it because it's like a jab at all the big licenses
# 14:15 rascul i keep looking at fair license, but it doesn't really say that you can do whatever you want, it just says to keep the licenses and there's no warranty
# 14:17 rascul i guess i should correct my earlier statement: i don't like gpl for my stuff
# 14:18 kylewm ah yeah, i think that is my attitude too. i'm glad it exists, i'm glad that important software used it, but i don't think it's going to negatively impact the world if someone uses my blog engine for commercial purposes. :)
# 14:19 rascul i don't care one bit whatsoever if someone uses my blog engine type thing for commercial purposes
# 14:19 rascul i write my software for me and me alone, but if someone else finds it useful, i'm ok with that
# 14:20 rascul maybe if something i write gets big and widespread my attitude might change on that particular project, but that hasn't happened yet and i don't see it happening in the near future
# 15:15 rascul oh i needed to use clear to fix my floats, now i'm winning again!
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# 15:51 kbs rascul: (only as you ask :) love sites that render reasonably without javascript
# 15:51 kbs as I use noscript. There's some strange shadowing issue at narrower screen widths at http://crash.rascul.io/ (firefox on macos) - be happy to upload a screenshot if that's useful
# 15:52 rascul kbs i haven't made it work right on smaller screens yet, but does it work right with no javascript? i haven't checked that yet either, and it only uses just a little bit
# 15:53 kbs rascul: seems reasonable to me with all the placeholder text - let me upload a screenshot anyway so you can admire your handiwork as I do :)
# 15:54 rascul the only js it uses it to make stuff fixed when you scroll
# 15:55 kbs rascul: ah, I see - makes sense - the whole page scrolls for me (and that also works for your site)
# 15:56 rascul pushed my latest changes to make the stuff inside line up right
# 15:58 rascul ahh yeah i gotta make it work for smaller resolutions, and it appears it's not loading the fonts there also
# 15:59 kbs rascul: fonts - right. As you can tell, it's not an actual obstacle for most things (unless it uses icon fonts as buttons and one can't figure out what a button is supposed to do)
# 16:01 rascul (don't get attached to those urls they won't last too long)
# 16:01 kbs aaronpk: best luck vis-a-vis data recovery. Your notes here have also helped increase Amazon's revenue by a couple hundred bucks vis-a-vis drives and misc peripherals
# 16:02 aaronpk I'd be curious to see your (new) setup documented
# 16:02 kbs not much actually - just rolling over new drives, it's about time. [I have parts of my current setup documented at /backup]
# 16:04 kbs rascul: I think it might be one of the plugins, let me poke a bit
# 16:06 kbs aaronpk: new peripherals are mostly for my friend - she's interested in the auto-archiving thing I've got going for email+facebook+photos from my android phone - I thought I'd risk attaching a pi rather than an openwrt'ed router just so I can play with it
# 16:07 kbs just upgraded to firefox 29 and can't find the place where noscript reports its status!
# 16:08 rascul 24 esr here but i'll install some more browsers later on to test em out and stuff
# 16:09 kbs rascul: fwiw, yes - it's noscript - blocking openfontlibrary.org
# 16:11 rascul i wonder if it would be worth hosting those fonts myself? i just now added some fallback font familys though
# 16:14 kbs (guess would depend to some extent on how much patience you can tolerate for random riff-raff running noscript :)
# 16:17 kbs maybe adding titles or something to the <a> tags would help for the on-hover-able situations
jedahan joined the channel
# 16:29 kbs fwiw - KartikPrabhu goes bananas with svg rather than using icon fonts - which works nicely with noscript. He'll probably have some neat ideas, should definitely ask him when he's awake
# 16:30 rascul i was thinking using images after i saw the icon font wasn't loading for you
# 16:30 kbs true, that would probably work for even more situations
# 16:31 rascul the circle thing in the corner is way too distracting
# 16:33 kbs think I now understand what a cat feels with a laser pointer ;)
aaronpk, otterdam, quinn_, eschnou and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:45 rascul don't worry it'll be changed to source in due time when i push it to github
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# 16:46 rascul at the moment i'm trying to figure out how to make an indieauth extension for flask
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# 16:55 kylewm and phew, I didn't get the "open sores" = "open source" joke. relieved :)
# 16:56 kbs kylewm++ nice summary. and, ditto :)
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# 17:09 kylewm rascul: I'd definitely use a Flask-Login indieauth extension
# 17:09 kylewm I'm trying to pull stuff out into libraries too
# 17:22 rascul hrm writing flask extensions seems kinda foreign to me i will put this off for later when i learn more about it
rhiaro joined the channel
# 17:50 kbs idly wondering whether "the web" should learn from the brain and have some way of auto-forgetting some things. eg: an infrequently clicked link reduces the probability of that link remaining over time. Conversely, a frequently clicked link begins to cache the linked-to page, to increase the likelihood of the content remaining
# 17:50 kbs (blame it on feeling sleepy on this sunny day and procrastinating on getting things done...)
# 17:58 kbs well - the thing that brought it up actually, was wondering what might happen if the indiewebcampwiki were to suddenly go bellyup
# 17:58 aaronpk i'm literally *right now* setting up more backups of it
# 17:59 kbs oh :) sorry - unfortunate/bad example - wasn't thinking
# 17:59 aaronpk i'm setting it up so there's a folder of .txt files and png/jpg images that gets exported from the wiki
# 17:59 aaronpk and will host it on btsync so anybody can keep a copy
# 18:00 kylewm aaron has us all thinking about backups, that's a good thing!
# 18:00 kylewm tiny silver lining on a really unfortunate thing
# 18:02 kbs it also triggered the thought that maybe as I browse, it might be useful to locally cache things that I visit often.
# 18:02 aaronpk i would love to see all that be part of an IndieArchive system
# 18:04 kbs cool - clearly not the first time this idea has come up :)
# 18:04 aaronpk although most of that page is about archiving in the context of pages your site links to/from
# 18:05 kylewm interested in electronic music and/or cyborgs :)
# 18:11 kbs aaronpk: feel more comfortable adding to /IndieArchive if/when I or someone actually implements some sort of local caching proxy - right now the 'idea' such as it is, feels too vague to me...
# 18:33 kbs rascul: fwiw - tantek has his polemic re databases here http://indiewebcamp.com/databases-antipattern - while I'm less strident :) for archival purposes at the least, it's seems useful to always have a bunch of simple files that can be masaged into new database (versions/formats/types) etc over time.
# 18:34 rascul i see stuff for html to json but not the other way
# 18:35 rascul i'm thinking up my storage idea, i should note this stuff down somewhere
# 18:37 rascul i used to be of the though to do markdown stuff, but it seems to me that since i know html then maybe i should skip the markdown and store the html for my posts in a bunch of files
# 18:37 kbs One slightly less obvious thing (for some definition of obvious? :) is filesystems themselves are databases - they too can become obsolete...
# 18:37 Loqi rascul meant to say: i used to be of the thought to do markdown stuff, but it seems to me that since i know html then maybe i should skip the markdown and store the html for my posts in a bunch of files
# 18:38 rascul i figured like this: i have a b-tree filesystem perfect for storing things, so why do i need something else?
# 18:40 kbs just make sure your backups aren't on some exotic filesystem (or soon to be exotic filesystem :)
# 18:42 aaronpk the main difference is that it's easy to transfer between filesystems because they all appear the same to the OS
# 18:43 aaronpk whereas switching between even different versions of MySQL is not always possible
# 18:44 kbs (until you find that the last backup you had was on a sunos ufs filesystem, but I digress... :)
# 18:44 aaronpk btw if you know of any significant differences between the way mysql and postgres work with regards to things on that page, that would be worth noting
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# 18:46 rascul can one comment from their site on a post from someone else's?
# 18:49 rascul aaronpk yes exactly that i think! say i comment on your post, i need to send a webmention so you know about it?
# 18:51 rascul this is good, if i don't need for people to comment on my site, then that makes it much simpler
# 18:51 rascul because i don't have to worry about users and logins and forms
# 18:54 kbs oh - cool - the Special:Export url also works, it seems
# 18:57 kbs aaronpk: the irc logs don't come under the purview of the wiki backup (clearly) right?
# 18:59 kbs *nod* funnily enough, that's the URL I visit the most often :) was starting to think there's usually enough interesting stuff there that it's worth grepping [for me anyway] every once in a while
# 19:00 aaronpk it wouldn't take much for me to add a .txt version of the irc logs to the filesystem
# 19:00 aaronpk ok so since we have a bunch of wiki pages that are the same name but different case, how should I be handling that?
# 19:02 aaronpk in theory one of those will always be a redirect to the other
# 19:04 rascul can you not archive it in a case sensitive way so you don't have to bother with that?
# 19:04 aaronpk well linux filesystems are case sensitive, but mac isn't
# 19:04 kbs speaking of the subtle issues with filesystems... :)
# 19:04 aaronpk so if you download a copy, you'll get an incomplete picture
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:05 rascul you could maybe put it in a tarball and let users figure it out but that might not be ideal
# 19:05 aaronpk the neat thing is you'll be able to run btsync and you'll always have an up to date copy of the whole wiki
# 19:06 aaronpk it's realy easy to set up, you should download it and i'll give you the code to downlaod the wiki
# 19:06 kbs I've sort of also wondered whether a tarball of a git format might potentially allow for protection against fat-fingering something
otterdam joined the channel
# 19:07 aaronpk i spoze I could check everything in to a git repo all the time, but that seems less automated and more likely to fail at some point
# 19:10 kbs was thinking more doing that just when tarballing it (should you ever decide to tarball your downloads I guess, dunno :) I know little about mediawiki, and should stop random peanut gallery commentary...
# 19:17 kbs it's a funny case-preserving/but case-insensitive deal. Silly as heck
# 19:19 aaronpk yeah i think i'm going to have to not create duplicate files
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# 19:19 aaronpk i'm going to have to do some fancy logic for only creating the non-redirect version
# 19:21 aaronpk here's a question, is it worth storing the redirect pages in the archive at all?
# 19:24 kbs out of curiosity - does mediawiki in essense just have a (btsync'able I guess) directory of content? So restore == copy back this directory and point the software at this?
# 19:26 aaronpk i'm just exporting all the pages to .txt files so that is sharable
# 19:27 aaronpk seems more usable than sharing a mysqldump around :)
# 19:28 kbs :) how easy is it to convert those txt files back into a usable wiki?
# 19:28 aaronpk i actually had this working bi-directionally when aaronparecki.com was mediawiki
# 19:28 aaronpk so I could create a new .txt file and it'd go create the mediawiki page
# 19:29 kbs ah, pretty neat. thanks - was just curious how the pieces fit together
# 19:29 aaronpk it allowed me to edit my site while offline, and dropbox would sync the content back up later
# 19:30 kbs hahe, neat. (And now, firefox is giving me an OCSP error, sigh.)
otterdam and gRegor` joined the channel
# 19:35 kbs pretty sure you've taken this into account (but having burnt myself a few times :) would be awesome to allow for snapshots of some kind rather than only a 'latest backup'. (c.f. my scars - some script runs rm -r on something, not noticed for a while, backup runs, and all copies are now useless.)
# 19:36 aaronpk do you think that should be part of the shared folder?
# 19:36 aaronpk like, would you mind hosting weekly snapshots of the wiki?
# 19:37 kbs I'm not sure about the actual mechanics to be honest - not least because I don't understand mediawiki (and its internal versioning of content as well)
# 19:37 aaronpk say you're going to help host a backup copy of the wiki
# 19:38 aaronpk it's going to be several hundred .txt files and ~100mb of images
# 19:38 aaronpk would you mind if that was duplicated a few times to keep weekly/monthly snapshots?
# 19:39 kbs I think if that was the only option - might be least worst to keep a few versions back (spaced 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, something like that)
# 19:40 rascul i have no wiki password, what do i put in config.php?
# 19:40 aaronpk rascul: don't run that, i'm making a bunch of changes to it
# 19:41 kbs but that's also why I was initially wondering whether git might serve that purpose - but not fully sure :) also, I guess mediawiki has some internal understanding of versioning as well
# 19:41 aaronpk yeah mediawiki keeps a full history of each page at every revision
# 19:41 aaronpk rascul: yeah i'm going to have something way better for you in a sec, but i'm handling some more edge cases with the wiki right now
# 19:43 gRegor` And a reminder that I have to use the <span>-soup because mediawiki limits showing template variables in <time> elements and others.
# 19:43 gRegor` Let me try adding seconds to the times...
# 19:44 gRegor` pin13 likes it now.
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# 19:47 kbs aaronpk: and sure - goes without saying, be happy to suck down copies into whatever random boxes I have scattered around :) I can also potentially keep the various versions regardless naturally
# 19:53 rascul IndieWebCamp could not send your confirmation mail. Please check your e-mail address for invalid characters.
# 19:53 rascul Mailer returned: Unknown error in PHP's mail() function
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# 19:55 rascul i tried to send a confirmation mail to verify my email address
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# 19:55 aaronpk i don't even know where that is, why did you try to verify your email? i should probably try to disable that
# 19:57 kbs *waves* will check back later on how to be another sink for any wiki copies :)
# 20:02 gRegor` aaronpk: Is pin13.net yours? Does it use php-mf2?
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# 20:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 20:16 gRegor` May need more coffee. I'm making silly mistakes today.
# 20:18 gRegor` !tell tantek You can probably disregard that link. Apparently I need more coffee because I'm making silly mistakes. :)
# 20:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 20:29 snarfed hey gRegor`, remember when you wanted the twitter user's URL from bridgy mf2 pages that showed their web site instead?
# 20:29 snarfed did you end up extracting their Twitter handle from the u-id? or do you still want their twitter URL?
# 20:29 snarfed also, yeah, pin13.net is aaronpk's and it does use php-mf2
# 20:29 KartikPrabhu kbs: rascul: i use icon fonts too. For all the little icons in the menu items for example. Though even there I prioritise SVG over others :)
# 20:30 j12t just noticing that wikipedia has no entry on indieweb
# 20:31 gRegor` I haven't done any more on that, no. I've thought about it some and was thinking I might just use the same name on the same post as a pretty good guess it's the same person. Lower priority, though.
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# 20:31 gRegor` But yes, it would be awesome if the same profile URL (Twitter, FB) showed up in all wm, in addition to the author's site
# 20:32 gRegor` yeah, it's super nice. Get outside. :)
# 20:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 23:11 aaronpk rascul: ok I think I'm ready! at least with the initial dump of the wiki!
# 23:13 aaronpk it's pretty wild to see the whole wiki laid out as text files
# 23:23 aaronpk i don't have it pushing changes there yet, but that is next up. at least there's a snapshot now
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