#kbs!tell aaronpk another thought (if simpler than opening up rsync) is an http endpoint would also be neat [c.f. rascul and http://indiewiki.rascul.io ]
#kbsthought google now has a way to skip/ignore certain cards?
#ben_thatmustwell you can swipe them away, and in certain cases you can tell it "No, I don't want to see updates on this any more" but with "updates from sites you read" its all or nothing
#waterpigs.co.ukedited /repost (+303) "/* Silo Examples */ Documented repost.us indieweb-friendly verb silo, linked to example reposting UI" (view diff)
#kbsthere are a few chains where things can break down - at the moment, it looks like aaronpk is probabbly exporting changes periodically. Then, btsync -> your site etc. I think it's in reasonably good shape all in all
#kbsespecially once a few more people have some copies.
#kbsdunno. my thought was really something more dumb - eg: the mysql db fat-finger drops a table, export pumps out a subset of files, btsync updates everyone to a smaller portion of wiki etc. Hoping git ought to take care of it to some extent, especially as it's easy to replicate along with all its snapshots.
#kbsI much rather use your http endpoint because it's easier to script than btsync (and not proprietary, for what that's worth)
#rasculthe proprietariness of btsync had me annoyed
#Loqiaaronpk: kbs left you a message 2 hours, 46 minutes ago: backup looks good :) btw, any chance you might also be able to expose an rsync endpoint?
#Loqiaaronpk: kbs left you a message 1 hour, 21 minutes ago: another thought (if simpler than opening up rsync) is an http endpoint would also be neat [c.f. rascul and http://indiewiki.rascul.io ]
#kbsaaronpk: just starting to set up my random two-bit things to have a copy of your wiki backups - stuff related to that (and, thanks! :)
#kbs(also http would be just fine from my point of view at least. rsync lets it use its internal incremental update thing, but more a nice-to-have rather than anything else)
#kbshas usually found rsync daemons to chew up cpu on the server end
#aaronpkincremental updates are good since there are a bunch of photos
#aaronpkoh yeah good point. well this server isn't exactly at capacity, so i could give it a shot
#kbsthe scripts just keep rolling through a series of folders with rsync. periodically, offline archive a tarball of one or more of the folders as well. Usually handy to go back after I've accidentally rm -r'ed a folder or two
#aaronpki've never used rsync in rsync protocol mode before. I'm getting what appears to be a directory of the rsync paths i've defined when I try to run it
#kbsLast-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off
#kbsoh wait - I guess that's just for the index listings
erikmaarten joined the channel
#kbsokay - great - I'll cross-check with the btsync version when it finishes, and update my scripts to pull from this endpoint. [http is easier to manage for me than btsync, so very happy if this works out.]
#kbsI guess what I should do is to an incremental pull mostly, and a full pull every once in a while
#aaronpki'm adding the URL to the top of each file
#Jeenaso it come to this that I am thinking about redesigning my homepage. When I only had a blog there it was a no brainer to only have a list of blog posts there, but now with notes and photos I kind of would like to have them there too.
#JeenaGWG, that is a really good question and I don't really have an answer to that. This was my attempt on my old website: http://jeenaparadies.net/ which I think is quite ok.
#Jeenaand I'm also not a fan of full content on the index page
#aaronpkJeena: I also don't like full content on my home page! I've always done article summaries
#Jeenaand I have to say that http://tantek.com/ is one of the bad examples, there is no structure, just a wall of text with the occasional image and a sidebar
#GWGJeena: I have plans for post types, but in the interim, I'm using the format types
#kylewm!tell KartikPrabhu: hey I abstracted/cleaned up the reply-contexts and comment parsing that I use in Red Wind. Take a look if you have a chance :) https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: kylewm left you a message 19 minutes ago: hey I abstracted/cleaned up the reply-contexts and comment parsing that I use in Red Wind. Take a look if you have a chance :) https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util
jgee, KartikPrabhu and _6a68 joined the channel
#aaronpkit just occurred to me that I should probably include the last modified date in the txt file as well
_6a68 joined the channel
#aaronpkcause if there are a bunch of copies of this floating around we need to know quickly if one is out of date
#kbsaaronpk: can't hurt I guess. (btw, I've settled back to wget - httrack is too convoluted to use, and I hope to do a full pull every so often anyway.)
#kbsthanks - yes, that should take care of it nicely
#kbsgotto go here, will let it run over a few days and keep you posted if there are any issues. nice job on backups aaronpk :) hopefully enough copies around, much more safe!
#aaronpk*headdesk* I just wrote a tiny mediawiki skin to return the contents of a wiki page without any wiki sidebar stuff, then realized I could have just run the page through the mf2 parser
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#tbrunI am new to indieweb and am setting up to both own my content and looking forward to installing the components that make this a success. I have my own domain name, I've set up wordpress on a hosted site and have gotten indieauth installed and woking. I trying to figure out how to initiate POSSE for twitter and facebook. So far I haven't found any place that can help me set it up. Any help is appreciated
#GWGtbrun: I use Wordpress. I'll be happy to help.
#tbrunI installed the jetpack plugin and my second question was going to be: What is the difference btw POSSE and Jetpack? Now I don't need to advertise what a noobe I really am. Thanks
#GWGtbrun: Although it is the only thing that I know that does G+
#tbrunjWell now I have two opinions, what to do? what to do? This might be a stupid question, but what kind of configurability to you want/need and is there a better solution in your mind
ttepasse joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutbrun: I think the Jetpack plugin is a decent start to do POSSE. I don't know how configurable it is, but it is used by a lot of people here
#GWGtbrun: I use SNAP - Social Network Auto Poster. People also like Social by Mailchimp.
#GWGKartikPrabhu: You can't configure the output, mostly.
#GWGtbrun: I'm also working on something with Bridgy. Which will work with Wordpress if you have Webmention support
#KartikPrabhutbrun: yes that is what i suspected, but for people doing it first time Jetpack should be decent
eschnou joined the channel
#GWGI got rid of Jetpack because of how much it makes you dependent on Wordpress.com services.
#GWGMost of the plugins inside Jetpack should not need an account.
#GWGtbrun: I'm always interested in other Wordpress users getting into the Indieweb
#tbrunGWG: I'm open to criticism, but obviously the more constructive the better.
#GWGHave you installed the webmention and semantic linkback plugins?
#GWGAnd signed up for Bridgy to send comments/likes/etc back to your site?
#tbrunGWG: Not yet, but I guess those are the next activities to do. So webmention, semantic linkback and sign up for Bridgy. Is there anything I need to do on my site for bridgy, or is just signing up what I should do?
#GWGNothing on the site side, other than add webmention support
#GWGBridgy just takes information from various sites and converts it to webmentions.
#tbrunGWG: I'm off to work on this stuff, Thanks for all your help, I need to deal with Mother's Day now
iangreenleaf, jeremyzilar, erikmaarten and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: ben_thatmust left you a message 7 hours, 22 minutes ago: great, i searched for your site once and now every note pops up in my Google Now cards
#barnabywaltersben_thatmust: ha ha really? how do they look? screenshot pls :)
#aaronpkwow turns out we edit a lot of pages in a week
#aaronpkis trying to come up with a weekly summary of wiki changes
#barnabywaltersbut presumably *some* record can be made of what it does
#GWGbarnabywalters: I forgot...it's limited geographically.
#aaronparecki.comcreated /this-week-in-the-indieweb (+1050) "Created page with "{{stub}} ---- = Brainstorming = Below is a draft of the auto-generated content from recent changes might look like. This is designed to be syndicated to offline media such a..."" (view diff)
#GWGI keep thinking of upgrading from the other one
#ben_thatmustGWG, barnabywalters, I'm guessing it works via atom feed which both you and tantek use and I have to have searched for your site in google
#aaronpkit's just going to be basic html, i think it'll work on any
#ben_thatmustbarnabywalters, I'll take a screenshot next time it pops up
#ben_thatmusttantek and barnabywalters site's, xkcd.com, and thedailywtf.com all send me updates
#GWGSo, you search on Google, Google notes your search history, and when one of the sites pings Google to tell it that it has been updated, using the XML sitemap, it indexes the story and sends it to you.