#aaronpk!tell tantek in the three pages I've been using to test creating an automatic summary from the dfn, I have encountered different edge cases which cause it to fail. I believe we will need to explicitly mark up the summary sentence.
#chrisroosI'm wondering whether there'd be any interest in a followup to the previous London HWC. I had been meaning to suggest it again before now but work took over unfortunately.
#chrisroosI'd be happy to offer our office again for the 21st May meetup.
#LoqiTaproot is Barnaby Walters’ publishing software, written in PHP 5.4 and driving most of waterpigs.co.uk. It is not currently released to the public http://indiewebcamp.com/Taproot
#barnabywaltersshe was complaining that she had no idea who/what I was replying to, and she hadn’t figured out that clicking on the datetime showed more detail
#rasculi keep thinking about flat files instead of a db, but there's two problems i am seeing
#rasculfirst is, if i want to support editing directly on the site instead of dropping file into git repo and pushing it, there's no easy way for that to work well if deployed with dokku or heroku or openshift, since they don't store site changes in the git repo
#rasculsecond is generating the index(es?) of posts seems like it would add complexity to something that should be simple
#rascul#1 is a problem because i'm using dokku, #2 is a problem because i haven't thought up a good way that it might be done yet
#cweiskemy blog uses flat html files, and I index them in a in-memory sqlite db everytime I render them into the final files (including indexes)
#cweiskewhich of course takes more and more time the more articles I have
#rasculif i don't use dokku then #1 is irrelevant, but dokku makes deploying so easy
#rasculthe db vs file debate has been going through my head for weeks now btw
#cweiskebtw, I'll skip the flat file indexing as soon as I add notes to my blog
#cweiskeI need a db in this case, and always indexing will be too slow.
#rasculthe construction of my site is stalled while i decide db vs file heh
#cweiskemy blog originally use html files because I wanted to write them in emacs
#rasculi'll probably end up writing my posts in html, at least at first
tpinto joined the channel
#barnabywaltersrascul: fwiw, all the content on my site is YAML files (probably will be switched to HTML at some point) indexed with CSV indexes, the code for which is about 210 lines, and (so far) fairly speedy
#rasculi have lots of ideas of how to do my site, some of them are incomplete, and i'm trying to sort through them so i can get to doing the fun stuff!
#barnabywaltersrascul: based on my experiences, I would suggest: store posts (all “types”) as HTML+microformats files in a folder or folder structure, indexed by a CSV file
#rasculthat's very similar to what i was thinking just now
#barnabywaltersI like having everything in one folder, but you may prefer to subdivide by date or something
#barnabywaltersI actually subdivide by content “type” e.g. note/post/tune but wouldn’t go down that route again if starting from scratch
#barnabywaltersrascul: cool. I’d say that’s the minimum, simplest base from which you can really quickly start working on the fun stuff!
#barnabywaltersespecially if you make a micropub endpoint and can use other people’s posting UIs
#barnabywaltersrascul: because when I wanted to put together a composite homepage stream, I had to do some weird stuff, creating a “posts” index which is a composite of the notes+articles+tunes index
bnvk joined the channel
#barnabywaltersit’s not too hacky, and I’m comfortable with it, but it’s an extra moving part I would go without if designing from scratch
#rasculoriginally i was thinking of subdividing like that, but yesterday i started thinking of other ways
#barnabywaltersrascul: basically, everything is just a post with a URL, a datetime and maybe some tags. those are the only things you’re likely to want to query off in my experience
#barnabywalterseven things like responses, events or pieces of music are just things with URLs, datetimes and tags
#barnabywaltersyou can also index “type” if you want to query off that
#barnabywaltersi.e. show all photos, show all responses, show all articles
#barnabywaltersbut IME the advantages of being able to access all content consistently is really huge
#barnabywalterse.g. here’s what a row in my “posts” composite index looks like: 4VtBxD,1399118233," granola ",,notes
#barnabywalterswhere the columns are id, timestamp, categories, deleted, collection
#rasculi also had thought of updating an hatom feed whenever something new is added using that for the index
#rasculalso advantage of flat files is if i do it in such a way that the site is static
#rasculcould do static site with db too i guess but it would be less fun
friedcell, racsul, pfefferle and Sebastien-L joined the channel
#aaronpkcweiske: interesting to hear your approach! I basically had the same setup where I'd re-index all posts after creating a new one until recently
#aaronpkI rewrote my indexer so that when I edit or add a file, it only needs to rebuild the index for the rows of the index that the current post affects
#cweiskere updating: if I change the template, all posts need to be re-rendered
#cweiskeso I have to check for that special case, too
chloeweil, brianloveswords and indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#tbrunI was on this channel yesterday and got some great help and support. I am a noobe to this so... I was told to get webmention and semantic linkback installed on my wordpress installation. I found them but they are in 'auto-installable' but I need to use ftp to get them. Could someone direct me to a place where I can get instructions on how to do this on my wp site?
#pfefferletbrun you can download the packages from github, extract them on your computer and upload it via ftp
warden, gRegor`, KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme and luxagraf joined the channel
#luxagrafhey all, I'm well on my way to converting my schema markup to microformats, but I have couple questions I was hoping I could get sorted
#luxagrafFirst is, with geodata like lat/lon that I don't want to display visually, is the Value Class Pattern still the best way to handle hidden stuff?
#luxagrafsecond, related not a fan of putting visual hcard on the homepage, is there a way to say, hcard is here and provide a url, like say, /about/ or whatever
#barnabywaltersRE h-card, sure you can, using rel=author and/or rel=me
#barnabywaltersbut I would encourage questioning closely why you don’t want a visual profile on your homepage
brainTrain joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: some people including me use an about page for self-info while having recent articles or something on the homepage.
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: rel=me to an about page is what I am using currently
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: huh, used data- attributes a lot, but never new there was a data element, I'll have to read up on that
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: yep! <data> and <time> are two of the most useful new elements in HTML5 for this sort of markup
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: I’ve never really come across a compelling argument against having at least a photo+name of the author on your homepage
#barnabywaltersfrom both human-usability and computer-usability POVs
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: it is just a design-choice. I am not claiming it is "better" in any sense
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: That's exactly what I'd like to do I guess, are you doing rel=me on a nav menu item then?
#barnabywaltersit’s your online identity, why should consumers either human or machine have to do another lookup to get the most basic possible information
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: so what’s the thinking behind the design choice? not being snarky, genuinely interested to know
#KartikPrabhuluxgraf: no I am using a <link> element in the head, but having it on the re=me is a good idea.
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: Personally, I just don't like pasting my hcard info on my homepage. feel too egocentric to me. doesn't bother me when other people do it, just not something I want to do
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: I think it is more of how you want your homepage to be viewed. Like you said, the prevalent opinion here seems to be homepage=web identity. But in my head homepage = collection of posts, so I want the homepage to be about the posts and not me
#Loqigives KartikPrabhu the homepage to be about the posts and not me
#barnabywaltersKartikPrabhu: interesting, I’ve actually changed my mind a few times about what the homepage is for
#barnabywaltersfor a while I considered it the place for *just* my profile, not having any posts on it
#barnabywaltersbut more recently changed it to having a composite stream front-and-centre, with a far more minimal profile than previously, and a few extra details like latest checkin and recent articles
#barnabywaltersfiguring that I’m better defined by what I post than whatever awkward prose I write about myself ;)
#luxagrafalso, just logged into indiewebcamp.com and noticed that indieauth did not see a return rel link from flickr, did flickr ditch their rel links?
#barnabywaltersand if it finds a name on there, it doesn’t have to fetch any more pages before it can do it’s stuff
#luxagrafthis is maybe not strictly an indieweb thing, but is there some wiki page somewhere covering why microformatsv2 didn't use HTML5 data-* attributes?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: classnames are for adding extra semantics to elements (which is what microformats are doing), whereas data-* attributes are specified for use within a particular application
#barnabywaltersi.e. not to be parsed by external applications
#barnabywaltersalso, class attributes are much more well known by developers
#Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message on 5/10 at 1:18pm: You can probably disregard that link. Apparently I need more coffee because I'm making silly mistakes. :)
#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message on 5/11 at 9:00pm: in the three pages I've been using to test creating an automatic summary from the dfn, I have encountered different edge cases which cause it to fail. I believe we will need to explicitly mark up the summary sentence.
#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message on 5/11 at 9:54pm: nevermind
#gRegor`Look at this, no ignore that, look at this, no ignore that. :)
#brainTrainif you hold your breath, rub your belly and pat your head while looking at/ignoring the correct things there's an easter egg waitin for you! \o/
#tantekgRegor`: lots of display:none going on in there - I wonder if there is any way to reduce those (and come up with a way of making the info visible and meaningful)
#gRegor`tantek: Not with MediaWiki as it's set up currently.
#gRegor`Did lots of testing. Cannot have a template put template variables inside <time> or <abbr> elements
#tommorrisKartikPrabhu: okay, we’ll wait and see on that BS4 bug. if nothing gets done on it imminently, I’ll have a look at it and see if we can push a patch upstream
#tommorrisin the meantime, seems sensible to cut a new release
#GWGIf the individual had the webmentions support but not the semantic link back plugin, it would still display the comments in mf2 markup and thus still have utility.
#indie-visitorIt's me again <adrbin>I just wanted to chime in about coupling services utilizing webhooks...I believe it was rascul needing an interface for his static-site generator ...I've found a few http://prose.io/#about
#tantekGWG - not at all. It's an interesting challenge.
#tantekand cool that your plugin works with or without Semantic linkbacks
paulcp and dariusdunlap joined the channel
#GWGWell, I may have to change it. Without the link back plugin, it may display all webmentions as a facepile. The link back plugin converts some to comments.
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: tommorris: BS4 by default uses lxml if it's installed, then html5lib if it's installed, then falls back on Python's builtin html parser
#tommorrisseems sensible to stick with that then. ;)
tilgovi, andicascadesf, chrisroos and tantek joined the channel
#tommorrisInterestingly: found a reason why microformats and data-in-HTML more generally > other formats. Encoding is a solved problem.
#tommorrisI just downloaded an iCal event from Meetup.com and loaded it into OS X’s Calendar app. It turned the apostrophe in “King’s Cross” into a trademark, a Euro symbol and some other character.
#tommorrisboth HTML and XML-based formats have actually resolved those kinds of things by having the encoding specific in the markup (in HTML’s case using meta charset, in XML’s case in the processing instruction)
#snarfedit's a contentious technique, many people around here aren't fans, but it works for me
#luxagrafsnarfed: that's what I was going to do, but display:none or whatever feels wrong to me.
#luxagrafI'm still thinking it over. for years and year luxagraf had no name attached at all. I've been slowly uping the authorship over the years
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: thanks.. luckily this is on my local version and not live, so I can muck around without breaking everything
paulcp joined the channel
#luxagrafI may eventually work an h-card into the homepage design somehow
#snarfedluxagraf: eh. yeah, it's debatable, but meh. we put plenty of other info in our html that's only meant for machines. if we choose to include some h-card parts in that, on some pages, seems fine to me.
#snarfedthe beauty of personal home pages is, we can each decide for ourselves :P
#luxagrafsnarfed: exactly, but the indiewebify.me requirements seem to imply otherwise
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: those need not be taken as requirements as much as guidelines
#snarfedyeah, it's strongly opinionated. we could maybe tone down its language a bit for things that are encouraged but not strictly required by any spec
#snarfedfwiw, indiewebify.me is fine with display:none data
#KartikPrabhuvisibility:hidden is another option in case you are worried about screen readers or somethign
#dariusdunlapluxagraf: Indie Web presumes that you have a “me” home site that is you, not a psuedonym or company. Or at least where the connection is transparent. Personally, I still think there is a more subtle identity-to-pseudonym connection that we have to figure out. Some kind of one-way assertion that verifies/vlidates a pseudonym, but is not actually traceable back to the identity of the owner.
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: yeah I try to avoid display:hide for accessibility reasons. Do any screenreaders support microformats?
#aaronpkdariusdunlap: when would that be needed? there's nothing wrong with having a completely separate pseudonym right now.
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: not that i know of, but I don't keep track of these things
#dariusdunlapAcross multiple sites/services where you want to be able to assert “yes, this is the same ‘snarfed’”
#luxagrafdariusdunlap: ++ I think that's close to my number one issue with the indieweb ideal, that there's a one-to-one relationship
#dariusdunlapBut you don’t really want to tie that pseudonym back to a personal IRL identity.
#aaronpkI guess i'm having trouble imagining a situation where you'd want the one-way link
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: dariusdunlap: you can have a pseudonym and not connect it back to a personal URL, by making a completely separate site
#aaronpkdariusdunlap: can you give me an example of when you might want the one-way link? right now i just hear that it might be useful
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: but my understanding of rel=me is that it asserts "this is also <coreidentity>"
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: rather than, <identity1> and <identity2> are on equal footing
#KartikPrabhuyes. but it doesnot designate it as an "inferior copy"
#aaronpkluxagraf: those two statements sound identical to me
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: I have a rel=me to my github from my homepage, but also a rel=me to my homepage from my github... they are equivalent
#luxagrafaaronpk: fair enough, maybe i just haven't completely wrapped my head around everything
#dariusdunlapaaronpk: The idea is to have the identity connection assertable, but not reversable.
#aaronpkdariusdunlap: i understand the idea, but I'm not hearing any real-world examples of when you'd use it
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: if it helps, POSSE copies should be indicated by a rel=canonical link rather than any rel=me type link
#KartikPrabhuand that is on a post-by-post basis rather than profile to profile
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: okay. here's the particular situation I'm thinking of, so I have luxagraf.net, it points to a github account named luxagraf. Then I also have another site, longhandpixels.net, it also points to a github account, longhandpixels. How do I mark up html such that someone can figure out all those endpoints come from the same person/identity?
#dariusdunlapaaronpk: real life person wants to privately assert that they really are “snarfed”, but in a private context.
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: what is the canonical URL you have chosen as that identity?
#KartikPrabhuif you want multiple one then you are already set. There is a "luxagraf" and there is a "longhandpixels" each with a github account but separate people. If you want to connect them both into one "luxagraf" identity then you just add a rel-me from "longhandpixels.net" to "luxagraf.net"
#dariusdunlapaaronpk: To a journalist, or someone you are going to start working with. What if some of your most important work is under that pseudonym? if you live somewhere where what you are saying could be a problem.
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: so you have URLs for all the aliases but not for the actual identity?
#dariusdunlapaaronpk: Anywhere where you want to be able to selectively identify yourself.
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: yes, in a manner of speaking
#dariusdunlapaaronpk: I’m sure there are some peoplewho know who the Macalope is… ;-)
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: then what I'd do is have a rel-me from luxagraf to longhandpixels and another one the other way. that way they are both identified but equal
#tantekyou can make as many indie identities as you want
#tantekrel=me is just a way of deliberately consolidating the ones that *you* want to consolidate
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: But in that case they're also equal with a rel=me to my github accounts right?
#tantekluxagraf - technically everything that rel=me links together is "equal". However you can do graph analysis and find hub & spoke patterns and assert importance to the hub
#tantekin our case, the "hub" tends to be your indie web site itself so that works out well
#dariusdunlaptantek: for most use cases, the independent and disconnected Indie identity covers it. Might even work for the specialized case, if there was something like the common “add this to that identity’s canonical domain to prove you control that domain”.
#luxagraftantek: right. i guess what I'm getting at is that seems like there's an argument that could be made for a hierachary with rel=me. as in this is me, i own this. and this is me, but it's some company's silo.
jedahan joined the channel
#tantekluxagraf - so far there hasn't been a concrete need for that
#tantekthus not really seeing a practical argument
#tantekdariusdunlap so far we haven't had a need for the notion of "identity’s canonical domain"
#dariusdunlaptantek: I overstated it, could be any site in your rel=me network for that identity.
#tantekaaronpk, does the script does the the "this week" dumps also have access to indiewebcamp.com webmention receive logs? could also list the pages (in descending order of # of mentions) that have received mentions over the past week
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: one a different note, have you integrated webmentions into django? (I also use Django to run my site and am about to tackle this)
#dariusdunlaptantek: but practically, doesn’t indie Web kind of assuem that there’s a tanktek.com that’s your hub you use to “identify” yourself?
#luxagraftantek: afraid my use of django (and postgis) seriously contradicts the whole no-databases argument
#aaronpkhere's a thought re: databases-antipattern
#aaronpkfor anyone who *is* using a database as their primary data store, I would love to hear how you have countered all the downsides documented there
#aaronpkI mean there's no problem with differing opinions on this, but just saying "text files are dumb I like databases" is not particularly useful
#luxagrafaaronpk: I have encountered none of the downsides documented there. but then I don't use mysql so maybe that's part of it.
#luxagraftantek: FWIW I wrote a flat-file publishing system, but missed the ability to easily manipulate geodata so I never launched it.
krendil joined the channel
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I was writing similar code to parse comments. also adding suitable fall backs in case mf2 is not found. I might opensource that or just fork your mf2util or something
#kylewmAlso I viewed /databases-antipattern in the context that most of the world designs their software around a databases, so it's saying "ask yourself if you really need it or if it's a premature optimization"
#kylewmMaybe good to have the opposing view if file-backed data is the norm within indiewebcamp now :)
#luxagrafkylewm: that would be the open-minded way, I read it as, hmm, this people are off their rockers :-)
#luxagrafI have nothing against file-based storage. think stuff like jekyll is awesome for even some pretty complicated scenarios, but there comes a point when you're righting code that relates stuff together that you might want to consider a RELATIONAL database. It's a problem that's been solved a couple times already.
#tantekKevinMarks: I'd disagree, databases never have a place in any longterm persistent storage. Databases can be useful for cachine information in a structured way for performance reasons.
#aaronpkluxagraf: keep in mind that the whole page is talking about databases as your *primary* storage
#tantekhence why that page is so strongly worded against them
#KevinMarks_the other paradigm is the mapreduce one, where databases are volatile things you construct from documents int he world to answer a specific question
#tantekKevinMarks: sounds like you should start the /mapreduce article with that as a stub dfn :)
#KevinMarks_or rather a specific pattern of questions
#luxagrafaaronpk: true. and I do write out my site as flat html files, ala movable type sort of a thing. so in that sense I get the best of both worlds.
#luxagraftantek: I don't disagree that databases are volatile things, but filesystems can be as well, hard disks fail, VPS crash. Seems more like an argument for good backup strategies than anything
#aaronpkso, funny story, counter to databases-antipattern. I recently discovered I had lost a photo project (photo-a-day for a year), couldn't find it on my servers and wasn't in my backups.
#aaronpkthe only remnant I found, was in my currently-live server database, a list of all the photos and their captions
#aaronpksomehow that database managed to migrate from server to server over the past 7 years, but I literally lost the jpg files
#KevinMarks_the other pattern I see is people using image files as attempts at permanance
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: but if you lost the files then what good is the databaselist+captions?
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: not very good, but better than nothing
#aaronpkalso if I had put the images themselves in the database I would still have them
#tantekluxagraf - exactly, backup strategies. people are already backing up their static files. adding database backups adds a tax. hence databases bad for persistence.
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: my aim for my Django site is to have micropub working so I can bypass Django's admin UI (which is horrible), store data as files first and then construct DB as cache... but those are lofty goals if I can't get MySQL to do things correctly!
#KartikPrabhutantek: I think luxagraf meant "admin interface" not a human admin :)
#KevinMarks_that is part of my existential struggle with django and rails, that they start with db models of the world
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks_: yes. I have had so many fights with Django and MySQL! :(
#aaronpkit's not much of a struggle with me. I just avoid rails and use the good parts of Ruby
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: yeah I might eventually go that route, using file-storage and some Flask instead of the full Django stack
#kylewmI have to admit, Flask + SQLAlchemy was rather nice
#kylewmno experience with Django for comparison though
kbs joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuDjango's main feature (also its main drawback IMO) is the ORM, mapping objects (like posts) to a Database. which can be annoying and restrictive at times
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, I really hated rails but i liked django. I love ruby and i hate python..... and i work in php
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: can you say more about why you'd use mf2 as storage? I know that's what tantek does but it seems a little circuitous to me... converting HTML to JSON (using a big html parser + a small mf2 parser) back to HTM
#KartikPrabhukylewm: as opposed to say python dictionaries?
#tantekkylewm - the theory is, the best storage is the one that is easiest to a) inspect, b) edit, c) repair - and yes, by hand, because you end up doing that eventually for anything. or someone does.
#brainTrainwait, how is json harder than html to inspect/edit/repair? this is probably more of a personal question, but I find json to be much easier to debug than html, for example
#Loqitantek meant to say: almost ALL JSON and XML "equivalents" have major DRY violations
#KartikPrabhutantek: yes but that is just for display/reading. If we want to comapre how readable and editable it is then comparing to source is more fair
#brainTrainyeah but one stray < and you could be even worse off in html land
#brainTrainsince some browsers will fix shit for you, and then your eyeballs are really bleedin trying to find the issue
#kylewmI find it hard to parse the JSON by eye, you skim down see "item" { ... { "author" : "Some Random Commenter"
#aaronpkhtml parsers deal better with syntax errors. not sure if that's a benefit of HTML or a drawback of JSON
#tantekbrainTrain: not our experience at Technorati. XML quality was super low compared to HTML
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: see I actually went that route for a while and found that, at least for doing geodata work as I like to do, the builtin mapping interface of geodjango is pretty much the best thing on the web for workingn with geodata
#brainTrainyeah my knowledge is new enough that there are some things I can't weigh in on in that respect
#brainTrainfunny enough I have two ex technorati peeps workin with me :)
#brainTrain(although I guess they were a big company)
#tantekbrainTrain: that's good introspection. often times folks "new" in an area don't realize it's a fundamental challeng on anything "long term" related ;)
#tantekTechnorati was not a big company ever. max # emps was ~50 I think
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: possibly, but when you want to store diff kinds of posts and responses and reply-contexts, having diff. database structure for each and then map between them is tedious
#brainTrainwell I'd say what's nice about it is I don't have the biases I see with some people, meaning they're going to lean more on sunk costs etc, so I can be a bit more fresh. But yeah since I haven't struggled with a lot of this stuff I try to ingest as many opinions as I can from others. Then see what I think as a result.
#brainTrainmy original educational goal was physics, and I read some pretty scathing papers against string theory, mostly citing sunk costs as the reason it's still around
bshambaugh joined the channel
#brainTrainbut there are counters to that argument and the dance goes on!
#luxagrafKartikPrabhu: not sure that I see what's left (that's good) about django without the ORM (which I agree is sometimes overkill)... why no something smaller like flask or just python and jinja2?
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: yes I am shooting for that. I just picked up Django in the beginning when I didn't have such lofty indieweb goals ;)
#kbsmy personal benchmark to come to grips with the longevity/usefulness of a particular data formats (plain text) has been to see what it takes to automatically generate epubs from some of the oldest gutenberg.org texts. Start from http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1 and go upwards, looking at the plain text versions :)
#tantek.comedited /Instagram (+651) "dfn, quick blurb about endpoints/locations, criticism section with downtime and Switch from Foursquare to Facebook venues" (view diff)
#tommorrisstarts hacking on some new stuff for Ferocity
#tommorrismore specifically: code to combine friends profiles from existing social networks like Twitter and Facebook, building up a social graph to allow login to see private posts
#tommorrisamusingly, the little script I’m using had a bug where it would crash if you didn’t have a website set in Twitter. it got a LONG way down the list before it hit a friend who didn’t have one set
#tantekaaronpk - the other thing I've seen people doing in the wild WRT location hasthtagging is #streetaddress
#andicascadesfsomething along the lines of everyone should be quiet haha
#KevinMarks_Talking to my son, he uses libraries as a social signal that he's writing
#KevinMarks_as all the reading material is online anyway
#tantekI think "writing" implies some degree of focus and "don't bug me" :)
#GWGtantek: Responding to what you said earlier...I may have to remember how to maintain a github respository now too.
#tantekI think "writing hour" will work well @MozSF since we have some small side-rooms that people can use to escape to if they *really* want to run away
#Loqitantek meant to say: aaronpk, good thing there's a test suite and validator for OpenID so you can quickly figure out what subset you didn't implement. ;)
#andicascadesfTantek, It would be cool if you could find the person who manages the Mozilla SF social media and ask them to add the event “Indie Web Camp” onto Foursquare so people could check into the events.
#tantekwhat does "manages the Mozilla SF social media" mean?