#tantekGWG - yes I remember that phase! I spent hours looking at pixel difference between Twitter tweets and others, both on permalink pages and in a stream
#luxagrafThat's what I'm saying, collect up some screenshots of all the actual known examples and dump them in one place.
#tantekgosh darnit all of barnabywalters's screenshots are inaccessible because they were in Open Photo on his own server which broke with some update or another
#aaronpkhe could have just as easily lost the server config for serving that virtual host
#tantekaaronpk is it? I have no idea how open photo works that way but the fact that a software update could break an image link makes me think it's pulling junk out of a db
#tantekand if web software creators themselves don't have a personal domain they use on the web then the web software is categorically untrustworthy
#aaronpk(a slightly less harsh way of saying that is the software should be treated as an ephemeral app)
#luxagraftantek: I lean toward ftp for photos. And it's one case where I think a database isn't all that useful since exif already contains any metadata you'd want
#tantek.comedited /selfdogfood (+533) "don't trust web server software that's not actively selfdogfooded by its creators on their personal domains" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhu<phew> fixed my DB wrongness! now to do the same on live site!!
#luxagrafso, because im that guy, of the 13 core contributors to openphoto only one is actually running an instance. and it looks about half broken. not very inspiring.
#kylewmso, something has been bothering me... the http://indiewebcamp.com/Trovebox seems a little mean for what's basically a (declining? failed?) open source project
#kylewmit's probably useful information for someone building their own site to have, but I guess if it bothers me I can try to tone it down. oh yep what barnabywalters said
#barnabywaltersI’m all for having a big red “DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE” banner over it
#paulmunday.netedited /Trovebox (+2) "Switched trovebox link to the Community edition as trovebox.com makes no metion of self-hosted/FLOSS version" (view diff)
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#kylewmok, the more I read about it, it seems like they very quietly pivoted away from the self-hosted free version to a more silo-y paid hosted version. guess i'm ok with the criticism section now with a little more context
#dariusdunlapCould also be that they are doing what somany commercial opensource companies seem to do… update the open source project only at major milestones.
#dariusdunlapThe Indie Box Meetup was good. Not as many folks as I was hoping, but we got a couple people who were new to the project and asked interesting questions.
#barnabywaltersI wonder if it would be worth reaching out to Jaisen asking (friendlyly) about the pivot, maybe seeing if he could write a post about it or something, to document whatever challenges presumably led to the change
#dariusdunlapOne of them, an engineer from Intel SDG (I think that’s right) even took notes.
#dariusdunlapJohannes seems to know him, so I will ask J. when I speak to him later today.
#dariusdunlapJohannes seems to know Jaisen, that is…
#dariusdunlapThe way Jaisen was talking, it sounded like maybe this was a Wordpress - Automaticc sort of change. It may be that the disconnect is just a matter of housekeeping that’s not yet done.
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: can you try something for me? edit /etc/hosts and add ww.facebook.com at the end, then run `dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder` (if on 10.9), then goto www.facebook.com (any site would work really)
#jonnybarnesi.e. can you overwrite public domains with your hosts file?
#dariusdunlapRegarding trovebox. There’s this, which seems to be getting updates on several of the projects: https://github.com/photo — “Trovebox Community Edition”
#jonnybarneswhat? hmm, what do you see as your output for `scutil --dns` that should list all known resolvers and the order they're queried
#jonnybarnesI see nameserver as 1 and local as 2 and then random arpa entries
#kylewmaaronpk: fyi, there seems to be something weird going on with links in the <dfn> sentence of an article on the wiki. see: http://indiewebcamp.com/Trovebox
#kylewmdariusdunlap: it's still sad to me to see a project that was kickstarter funded and developed in the open go silent after receiving venture funding
#kylewmnot that they're not within their rights to do that
#aaronpkthis is the problem where links within the dfn line get munged
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#gRegor`Hm. I'm not sure I see how. Why would the auto-linker be using this regex? I thought this was just the regex to extract the text to display in IRC?
#aaronpkno, it's a mediawiki plugin that looks for the dfn line and adds a p-summary class around it
#gRegor`Is there a link to source code so I can see the context?
#aaronpkso the MW extension after finding a match with the regex does this: $text = str_replace($match[0], '<span class="p-summary">'.$match[0].'</span>', $text);
#aaronpkgRegor`: if you want to help, it would be great to collect a few URLs with different types of dfn lines, and copy the first paragraph of each into a file
#aaronpkthen I can write tests for the regex to make sure it handles all the cases
#aaronpklooking at various pages of the wiki, sometimes the dfn line is one sentence, two sentences, sometimes contains links, sometimes contains other odd punctuation like () or ""
#gRegor`I understand it better now. I see how it was stopping the link at the period in .org and then closing the span
#aaronpktry to find as many different variations of the intro paragraph as possible
#aaronpk"What I’ve noticed is that sometimes it’s not just a big long redirect but multiple 302 redirects. This behavior isn’t documented anywhere it seems."
#aaronpkthis corresponds with what bret and I were seeing
#aaronpkdidn't realize it was part of the DDoS mitigation
#tantekaaronpk, bret - any idea how to document this "problem" with github static pages? is it a warning? an issue? I'll leave it to your perspective on how to add it to http://indiewebcamp.com/GitHub
#tantekkylewm, definitely feel free to adjust tone of any criticism on the wiki. Let's make it as much of a resource focused on accuracy as we can.
#tantekI do think it is important to document valid criticisms openly, as a counter to how much hype is out there about so many things, and as examples of what to *avoid*.
#tantekE.g. when we have criticisms of silos, it helps us understand both the positive advantages of our sites, and what to look out for should any of us launch a content hosting service of any kind.
#tanteksimilarly with critiques of some open source projects (e.g. monoculture, lack of selfdogfood)
#GWGtantek: Can I ask you a question? I find your responses most useful in sparking my creative process.
#tantekGWG - that's quite a compliment. I'll see what I can do. ;)
#barnabywaltersyou can stick however much markup you want inside an <action> element
#barnabywaltersso, you might decide to have a <action do=like>
#barnabywalterswith twitter favourite, facebook like and G+ G+ inside
#barnabywaltersthis is where <action> elements really shine: they replace lots of irrelevant silo-markup and branding with one, focused action affordance
#tantekGWG - you the site owner choose what you want the fallback experience to be. Full stop.
#tantekso if you want to choose just one fallback provider (e.g. what I did with Twitter), that's totally fine. If you want to choose a handful, that's fine to.
#gRegor`"post can refer to either:" wouldn't be very useful in IRC, but "post can refer to either: A discreet piece of content (perhaps a note or and article) — see also posts." might be more useful
#barnabywalterskylewm: thanks! all feedback gratefully accepted :)
#barnabywaltersmaybe having some more people use it will finally nudge me into making it look a little better
#GWGbarnabywalters: I have to assume users won'thave it installed though.
#kylewmbarnabywalters: i was already set up with an interface for some bookmarks, so i pretty much plugged my urls in and it started working! the only thought I had so far is that it would be nice if the placeholder text said http://example.com/action?url={url} instead of url=
#kylewmtantek: thank you for your thoughts about the tone/content of that wiki article ... it's a difficult line to walk because i totally 100% agree that it's useful to say (and justify) "we've had bad experiences with this tool and don't recommend it anymore". but the guy is (was?) working on self-hosting stuff, and it felt to me a little bit like bret said to dave winer — "same team".
#kylewmi'm not sure how to thread that needle, which is why i didn't end up editing the article much (if anything i made it more negative)
#tantekkylewm, one way to thread the needle is to multiple people to iterate on the criticisms, and for us to check / read over each others words with an attempt at a detached perspective.
#tantekI appreciate the edits and clarification of the open source edition and what appears to have happened.
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#kylewmthat makes sense to me (iterate w/ several people with different perspectives), thanks tantek :)
#kylewmthanks! it's pretty barebones right now. I'm following tommorris's work with adding an address book/letting non-indieauth users to silo auth with interest
#gRegor`I'm not sure there's a way around it, though. I had to use the multiple span method due to MediaWiki limitations. All the information is ultimately displayed, just the redundant parts are hidden. Is there still a problem with that method?
#gRegor`MediaWiki doesn't let you insert template variables in some HTML elements, like <time> and <abbr> unfortunately.
#aaronpkmediawiki is unfortunately opinionated about html tags
#GWGtantek: With a plugin, I'd like start with a default and put in an options page to change it dynamically later
#gRegor`E.g. it's a one-day-event template, but I had to display the date twice, to capture the dt-end properly. The user doesn't need to see the date twice, though.
#GWGThen the question is...do I want to establish a 'local' like.
#tantekgRegor`: there is a subtle date-time value class pattern rule that you can use to avoid duplicating the date
#tantekif a dt-end is specified with the value class pattern without a date (e.g. only a time), then it is defined to take it's date from the (presumably previous in the markup) dt-start
#kylewmtrying to understand nested properties. if i have <span class="p-property1">value1 <span class="p-property2">value2</span><span>, shouldn't that give property1 => "value1 value2"?
#barnabywaltersI see some mentions of php-mf2, but it’s not entirely clear what — can someone phrase it as a question? or raise an issue on php-mf2?
#tantekbarnabywalters: I believe gRegor (or maybe kylewm ? ) is working on a test case for implied dt-* date as part of value class pattern support, and then filing an issue on php-mf2 accordingly.