2014-05-13 UTC
jonnybarnes joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
# 00:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: did you ever get in touch with Mari and Andres?
# 00:15 tantek they're based in Chicago, and Mari came out to the HWC a few weeks ago in SF and really like it
# 00:15 gRegor` I probably won't make it this time. My girlfriend will be visiting from out of town.
# 00:15 KartikPrabhu tantek: sure thing! given she worked at UChicago where I am based too... it should be good
# 00:20 tantek gRegor`, KartikPrabhu if you guys are not hosting it - perhaps make a comment indicating as such on the event page?
# 00:20 tantek just in case someone in Chicago randomly did show up to Intelligentsia
j12t and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:27 aaronpk ok change of plans, I actually can host at esripdx! I just have to make sure i'm out by 7:45
scor joined the channel
# 00:32 aaronpk that works nicely. now I can add myself by going {{aaronpk}}
rascul joined the channel
# 00:35 aaronpk yeah I just made a template called {{aaronpk}}
which is a link to my user page
scor joined the channel
# 00:46 kylewm Like 50% of me thinks it would be cool to put a 16x16 userpic in there too
# 00:49 GWG Does anyone use commenter location on their sites?
# 00:50 aaronpk KevinMarks: ~~~ renders <a>Aaronparecki.com</a> rather than my name in the link
# 00:52 tantek KevinMarks - it also does an edit-save-time subsititution, so if you should wish to update it, you can't. Templates are live transclusion.
# 00:53 aaronpk looks like I can change my signature to include the h-card markup
# 00:54 GWG kylewm: I'm looking at different ways to style webmentions/comments.
# 00:54 KevinMarks Though as Tantek says, that's edit time rather than display time inclusion
# 00:56 GWG kylewm: I'm looking at where different people put different things.
# 00:56 aaronpk KevinMarks: while you're there you can click the "remember me" checkbox
# 00:56 luxagraf GWG: Been doing the same and thinking that the wiki needs a design patterns section to make that process easier/more visual
# 00:58 GWG For example...date above or below entry
# 00:59 GWG Twitter and Facebook, for example, do above
# 00:59 tantek luxagraf - what's the question you're trying to answer?
# 00:59 tantek (and rather than having a design patterns section, so far we've been documenting each area of design on the page on the specific subject)
# 01:00 GWG luxagraf: You can see a lot of examples in the wiki. But, try what I do...IRC_People.
# 01:00 KartikPrabhu GWG: those are design decisions that you make for your own sensibilities. I use date-below
# 01:01 GWG For example. I looked at KartikPrabhu, aaronpk, tantek, and a few more to see what appealed to me
# 01:02 tantek GWG - yes I remember that phase! I spent hours looking at pixel difference between Twitter tweets and others, both on permalink pages and in a stream
# 01:03 luxagraf That's what I'm saying, collect up some screenshots of all the actual known examples and dump them in one place.
# 01:03 tantek so if you see something that lack screenshots add it to *that* page
# 01:03 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm working on something I want to look good with different themes.
# 01:03 kylewm GWG: sorry I didn't have an answer but thank you for making me realize I needed to fix my geo markup :)
# 01:04 GWG I'm trying to figure out what else I might want to add.
# 01:05 kylewm tantek: aaronpk: lol you did it! that's excellent
# 01:05 luxagraf tantek: right like that, but with everyone from indiewebcamp's various sites
# 01:06 tantek luxagraf - feel free to do so - some folks have - it's all incremental and in progress as a wiki always is
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu luxagraf: some pages have that. depends on people adding/documenting their own sites
snarfed and piney0 joined the channel
# 01:06 kylewm now I have to come to HWC just so i can RSVP for it
# 01:07 tantek gosh darnit all of barnabywalters's screenshots are inaccessible because they were in Open Photo on his own server which broke with some update or another
# 01:08 aaronpk that's a good reason to upload to the wiki instead of hotlinking
# 01:10 tantek I'm going to say that's a good reason to not put images in a database :P
# 01:10 tantek (because that's where they are, stuck on barnaby's server)
# 01:10 tantek (if they were static files, everything would work just fine)
# 01:10 aaronpk he could have just as easily lost the server config for serving that virtual host
# 01:10 tantek aaronpk is it? I have no idea how open photo works that way but the fact that a software update could break an image link makes me think it's pulling junk out of a db
# 01:11 luxagraf and i was looking at openphoto as a possible replacement for flickr. disappointing that it's apparently fragile
# 01:11 tantek luxagraf - any web server software that isn't actively selfdogfooded by its creators is fragile and should not be trusted
# 01:11 tantek as in selfdogfooded on their own personal domain
# 01:12 tantek and if web software creators themselves don't have a personal domain they use on the web then the web software is categorically untrustworthy
# 01:12 aaronpk (a slightly less harsh way of saying that is the software should be treated as an ephemeral app)
# 01:12 luxagraf tantek: I lean toward ftp for photos. And it's one case where I think a database isn't all that useful since exif already contains any metadata you'd want
# 01:13 tantek or rather a countering of the point that databases are "good" for structured meta data
# 01:13 tantek the meta data belongs in the static file itself
# 01:13 tantek whether in the form of microformats in an HTML file
# 01:14 aaronpk well good luck querying a pile of photos by the exif data, I have yet to find any software that does that well
# 01:14 luxagraf tantek: well, so long as you don't strip the exif, which some apps do when you "save or web" or whatever
# 01:14 tantek aaronpk, "querying" = a task for a cache - i.e. a purgeable db built from static files
# 01:14 aaronpk still, I haven't found any software that does that well
# 01:15 aaronpk it was fantastic. it even had a way to export albums as a web site full of html files and jpgs
rascul joined the channel
# 01:16 luxagraf aaronpk: I've had good luck with the standard image tools in python
# 01:21 aaronpk well there's a case I hadn't considered... when both case versions of a page name are a redirect
# 01:22 tantek how is that failing?!? regex had a limited number of lines?
# 01:23 aaronpk this is part of the "just look for the <dfn> tag up until the period" thing you so casually threw out there ;)
# 01:25 luxagraf so, because im that guy, of the 13 core contributors to openphoto only one is actually running an instance. and it looks about half broken. not very inspiring.
# 01:26 tantek maybe with heading "Insufficient Selfdogfooding"
dariusdunlap and KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 02:27 gRegor` twtr.io links not working currently, or just me?
# 02:33 gRegor` Yeah, something must be up locally. t.co links are loading (extra) slowly, too.
paulcp, fmarier and kylewm joined the channel
# 03:02 KartikPrabhu is happy to report a successful migration of database to new app name!
# 03:06 gRegor` Did it hit down there? Only had some thunder in the distance up here.
# 03:06 gRegor` Unfortunately. I would have liked a nice thunderstorm
tilgovi joined the channel
# 03:11 GWG KartikPrabhu: So, what do you plan on doing in NYC?
# 03:12 KartikPrabhu actually that wholly depends on where I'm staying and whether I can afford a vacation :P
# 03:12 GWG Will you just arrive Sat morning and leave Sun night?
# 03:13 KartikPrabhu either that or Friday evening to Sun night... again depending on my staying situation
# 03:15 KartikPrabhu I'm trying to discover old high school friends that I can crash with ;)
# 03:15 GWG KartikPrabhu: Sorry. I didn't go to high school with you.
# 03:19 GWG But if you come in on Friday, I could see about food.
# 03:20 KartikPrabhu GWG: thanks! I will take care of this soon :) I'd really like to attend
# 03:20 GWG Maybe one of the other attendees wants to share a room
# 03:23 GWG KartikPrabhu: I think Bear is coming from Philly
j12t_, snarfed and j12t joined the channel
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tantek, jedahan, friedcell, snarfed, npdoty, dariusdunlap and j12t joined the channel
chrisroos and j12t joined the channel
iboxifoo, KevinMarks, tobiastom, eschnou, j12t, jonnybarnes, glennjones, cweiske, friedcell, Sebastien-L, acegiak, chrisroos, tpinto, alistair, bnvk and barnabywalters joined the channel
brianloveswords, scor, jsilvestre, jonnybarnes and alistair joined the channel
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brianloveswords and gRegor` joined the channel
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snarfed joined the channel
# 15:26 cweiske "get started" links to the commercial trovebox.com site
# 15:26 snarfed kylewm: it seems like a common(ish) pattern on the wiki. someone complains about something here, someone else suggests putting it on the wiki
# 15:28 kylewm yeah, I was looking at that this morning, it seems commits are on the order of on every 6 months or so
# 15:29 barnabywalters kylewm: feel free to tone it down if you feel the criticism is phrased excessively nastily
# 15:30 kylewm it's probably useful information for someone building their own site to have, but I guess if it bothers me I can try to tone it down. oh yep what barnabywalters said
# 15:33 barnabywalters it’s still quite broken, but at least the homepage and individual photo pages work now
# 15:34 kylewm barnabywalters: is it backward-incompatible updates they made or something like that?
# 15:34 barnabywalters kylewm: I had switched to a development branch to get the latest updates, but it looks
# 15:37 kylewm and I didn't think the criticism was nasty, just that it seemed to be throwing stones at something that is already basically dead :)
# 15:43 dariusdunlap FWIW, Met Jaisen of trovebox last night at the Indie Box meetup. He seemed excited about it all…
# 15:48 kylewm it may also be that they have mostly abandoned "Trovebox Community Edition" and are working only on the commercial one... hard to know
tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:00 kylewm ok, the more I read about it, it seems like they very quietly pivoted away from the self-hosted free version to a more silo-y paid hosted version. guess i'm ok with the criticism section now with a little more context
# 16:01 dariusdunlap Could also be that they are doing what somany commercial opensource companies seem to do… update the open source project only at major milestones.
# 16:03 dariusdunlap The Indie Box Meetup was good. Not as many folks as I was hoping, but we got a couple people who were new to the project and asked interesting questions.
# 16:03 barnabywalters I wonder if it would be worth reaching out to Jaisen asking (friendlyly) about the pivot, maybe seeing if he could write a post about it or something, to document whatever challenges presumably led to the change
# 16:04 dariusdunlap One of them, an engineer from Intel SDG (I think that’s right) even took notes.
# 16:04 dariusdunlap Johannes seems to know him, so I will ask J. when I speak to him later today.
# 16:06 dariusdunlap The way Jaisen was talking, it sounded like maybe this was a Wordpress - Automaticc sort of change. It may be that the disconnect is just a matter of housekeeping that’s not yet done.
bnvk joined the channel
alistair joined the channel
# 16:14 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: can you try something for me? edit /etc/hosts and add ww.facebook.com at the end, then run `dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder` (if on 10.9), then goto www.facebook.com (any site would work really)
# 16:18 jonnybarnes what? hmm, what do you see as your output for `scutil --dns` that should list all known resolvers and the order they're queried
# 16:18 jonnybarnes I see nameserver as 1 and local as 2 and then random arpa entries
jedahan and ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:29 kylewm dariusdunlap: it's still sad to me to see a project that was kickstarter funded and developed in the open go silent after receiving venture funding
# 16:29 kylewm not that they're not within their rights to do that
# 16:39 gRegor` That's odd that it's showing the "org"
# 16:41 gRegor` Doesn't do it for a .com
caseorganic, bnvk, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# 16:53 aaronpk there's something wrong with the regex I wrote the other day
# 16:53 gRegor` Or maybe it's only the second+ link that doesn't mess up.
# 16:54 aaronpk if anyone wants to help I'd gladly take suggetsions
# 16:54 gRegor` The link after a second dfn in my tests worked
# 16:54 gRegor` Certainly, aaronpk.
# 16:54 gRegor` The regex for Loqi finding summaries?
# 16:54 gRegor` Or something related to [link] syntax?
# 16:55 aaronpk need to match a line with <dfn> up until the end of the sentence
iangreenleaf and bnvk joined the channel
# 17:03 gRegor` Just a moment.
# 17:03 aaronpk might be worth spot checking a few different cases tho
# 17:04 gRegor` Oh, this isn't the linking issue?
# 17:04 aaronpk this is the problem where links within the dfn line get munged
bnvk and bnvk1 joined the channel
# 17:05 gRegor` Hm. I'm not sure I see how. Why would the auto-linker be using this regex? I thought this was just the regex to extract the text to display in IRC?
# 17:06 aaronpk no, it's a mediawiki plugin that looks for the dfn line and adds a p-summary class around it
# 17:06 gRegor` Is there a link to source code so I can see the context?
# 17:07 aaronpk Loqi is just looking for the p-summary after parsing the page
# 17:07 aaronpk so the MW extension after finding a match with the regex does this: $text = str_replace($match[0], '<span class="p-summary">'.$match[0].'</span>', $text);
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:09 aaronpk gRegor`: if you want to help, it would be great to collect a few URLs with different types of dfn lines, and copy the first paragraph of each into a file
# 17:09 aaronpk then I can write tests for the regex to make sure it handles all the cases
# 17:10 aaronpk looking at various pages of the wiki, sometimes the dfn line is one sentence, two sentences, sometimes contains links, sometimes contains other odd punctuation like () or ""
# 17:10 gRegor` I understand it better now. I see how it was stopping the link at the period in .org and then closing the span
# 17:10 aaronpk try to find as many different variations of the intro paragraph as possible
# 17:10 gRegor` And you only want the first sentence
# 17:11 gRegor` Can I put multiples of these in one wiki page to test?
# 17:14 gRegor` I can set up some tests locally
# 17:16 gRegor` The last regex looks good at a glance and a few tests haven't broken it yet.
brainTrain joined the channel
# 17:22 aaronpk also just realized the trailing space after the first sentence shouldn't be included in the <span>, so maybe see if you can fix that too
# 17:22 aaronpk that code is from the plugin, so i'll just drop it back in
# 17:39 tantek neat - a Marin Homebrew Website Club perhaps?
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:41 gavinc Or just North of the Golden Gate Homebrew Website Club....
paulcp_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and nullFxn joined the channel
# 18:06 aaronpk seems I am not the only one with problems logging in to the IIW wiki, so that's good
snarfed, bnvk, jedahan, paulcp and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:48 gRegor` aaronpk: PR sent. My first one, actually, so hopefully I did it correctly.
# 18:57 gRegor` That space drove me nuts
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:57 gRegor` But finally re-remembered that the non-capturing group just means it doesn't sub-group the characters
# 18:58 gRegor` They'll still appear in the main match
caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:58 gRegor` It's so it doesn't mess up you sub-group numbering.
# 18:58 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: It's so it doesn't mess up your sub-group numbering.
jedahan joined the channel
# 19:03 kylewm gRegor`: your PR uses tabs instead of spaces, if you want to change it real quick before aaron notices ;)
# 19:06 aaronpk "What I’ve noticed is that sometimes it’s not just a big long redirect but multiple 302 redirects. This behavior isn’t documented anywhere it seems."
# 19:06 aaronpk this corresponds with what bret and I were seeing
# 19:07 aaronpk didn't realize it was part of the DDoS mitigation
luxagraf joined the channel
# 19:13 tantek kylewm, definitely feel free to adjust tone of any criticism on the wiki. Let's make it as much of a resource focused on accuracy as we can.
# 19:14 tantek I do think it is important to document valid criticisms openly, as a counter to how much hype is out there about so many things, and as examples of what to *avoid*.
# 19:15 tantek E.g. when we have criticisms of silos, it helps us understand both the positive advantages of our sites, and what to look out for should any of us launch a content hosting service of any kind.
# 19:15 tantek similarly with critiques of some open source projects (e.g. monoculture, lack of selfdogfood)
# 19:16 GWG tantek: Can I ask you a question? I find your responses most useful in sparking my creative process.
# 19:16 tantek GWG - that's quite a compliment. I'll see what I can do. ;)
j12t joined the channel
# 19:18 GWG You have webactions on your site that link to Twitter directly
# 19:18 GWG I was thinking about the plugin I was trying to write
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 19:19 GWG What else goes into a plugin that takes over the comment section of Wordpress
# 19:19 tantek GWG - the fallbacks inside the webactions link to Twitter directly
# 19:19 tantek those fallbacks are inside the <action> tags.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:19 tantek and I see barnabywalters is here too re: webactions
# 19:20 tantek yes that makes sense (re: inclusion in a comment section)
# 19:20 GWG But, I'm trying to decide what functionality would make sense.
# 19:20 tantek what functionality do you think users would want upon reading your posts?
# 19:21 GWG My concern is some of what the wiki says
# 19:21 GWG How do you avoid the user having to choose from Favoriting/Liking on Facebook, Twitter, etc?
# 19:21 GWG I'm thinking of the non-savvy types.
# 19:24 barnabywalters this is where <action> elements really shine: they replace lots of irrelevant silo-markup and branding with one, focused action affordance
# 19:25 tantek GWG - you the site owner choose what you want the fallback experience to be. Full stop.
# 19:25 tantek so if you want to choose just one fallback provider (e.g. what I did with Twitter), that's totally fine. If you want to choose a handful, that's fine to.
# 19:25 tantek as barnabywalters described in more detail :)
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# 19:26 tantek kylewm, snarfed, all that is necessary for hype to distract & disillusion is for shipping creators to stay silent.
# 19:27 GWG Does anyone have multiple providers up?
# 19:27 GWG My problem is trying to picture it
# 19:28 gRegor` aaronpk: re the colons, should we maybe wrap beyond that in the p-summary? E.g. require a period after the first bullet?
# 19:28 gRegor` "post can refer to either:" wouldn't be very useful in IRC, but "post can refer to either: A discreet piece of content (perhaps a note or and article) — see also posts." might be more useful
# 19:29 KevinMarks Suddenly, a lot of users got fragmentions in their browser plug ins
# 19:29 gRegor` That's impressive, KevinMarks.
# 19:29 aaronpk "We also quietly rolled out an update to Instapaper’s Chrome and Safari extensions that will detect fragmentions"
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 19:31 tantek KevinMarks: now *that* is how you win against armchair architectural doubters in #whatwg
# 19:32 GWG SO, there is an argument that social buttons don't help with engagement. Since webactions look similar...how do people regard them?
# 19:33 aaronpk do I need to add "fragmention" to loqi's twitter search?
# 19:35 tantek aaronpk - not as long as people seem to want to include the indieweb hasthtag when talking about it ;)
# 19:35 tantek for "an argument that social buttons don't help with engagement" ?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:36 GWG tantek: Isn't it in the webactions page?
# 19:37 tantek webactions, since they're user-choice-focused, are likely to be more useful to the user
# 19:38 GWG tantek: How about this as a citation?
# 19:38 tantek especially since they're designed to enable and empower indieweb users to directly interact with content by posting on their own site
# 19:38 GWG tantek: That is what I'm confused about.
# 19:38 tantek currently you need some sort of browser plugin like barnabywalters's web action hero toolkit to see it
# 19:39 GWG That is what I need to play with to figure out what this should look like
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 19:40 tantek you could also do a server-side UI using either cookies, or having users login and remember their preference of action endpoints
fmarier and paulcp joined the channel
# 19:42 kylewm just installed web-action-hero-toolbelt, what a cool idea
# 19:43 barnabywalters maybe having some more people use it will finally nudge me into making it look a little better
# 19:44 GWG barnabywalters: I have to assume users won'thave it installed though.
# 19:45 kylewm barnabywalters: i was already set up with an interface for some bookmarks, so i pretty much plugged my urls in and it started working! the only thought I had so far is that it would be nice if the placeholder text said http://example.com/action?url={url}
instead of url=
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# 19:49 GWG kylewm: What interface did you set up?
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# 20:01 kylewm tantek: thank you for your thoughts about the tone/content of that wiki article ... it's a difficult line to walk because i totally 100% agree that it's useful to say (and justify) "we've had bad experiences with this tool and don't recommend it anymore". but the guy is (was?) working on self-hosting stuff, and it felt to me a little bit like bret said to dave winer — "same team".
# 20:01 kylewm i'm not sure how to thread that needle, which is why i didn't end up editing the article much (if anything i made it more negative)
# 20:08 tantek kylewm, one way to thread the needle is to multiple people to iterate on the criticisms, and for us to check / read over each others words with an attempt at a detached perspective.
# 20:09 tantek I appreciate the edits and clarification of the open source edition and what appears to have happened.
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# 20:15 kylewm that makes sense to me (iterate w/ several people with different perspectives), thanks tantek :)
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# 20:20 gRegor` You around, tantek?
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# 20:34 GWG So, if you get that and arelogged in...it wil set it up, but if you aren't....
# 20:35 kylewm hmm, actually if you aren't logged in, it'll still open the post interface, you just won't actuallly be able to post anything
cweiske joined the channel
# 20:40 kylewm thanks! it's pretty barebones right now. I'm following tommorris's work with adding an address book/letting non-indieauth users to silo auth with interest
# 20:42 GWG I keep trying to figure out UI and then backend infrastructure.
# 20:43 GWG So, I want to add webactions, but I need to figure out what it looks like if there is no support
grantmacken and snarfed joined the channel
# 20:45 tantek GWG, right, good to figure out both what actions you want to provide, and what fallbacks.
# 20:47 gRegor` I'm not sure there's a way around it, though. I had to use the multiple span method due to MediaWiki limitations. All the information is ultimately displayed, just the redundant parts are hidden. Is there still a problem with that method?
# 20:48 gRegor` MediaWiki doesn't let you insert template variables in some HTML elements, like <time> and <abbr> unfortunately.
# 20:48 aaronpk mediawiki is unfortunately opinionated about html tags
# 20:48 GWG tantek: With a plugin, I'd like start with a default and put in an options page to change it dynamically later
# 20:48 gRegor` E.g. it's a one-day-event template, but I had to display the date twice, to capture the dt-end properly. The user doesn't need to see the date twice, though.
# 20:49 GWG Then the question is...do I want to establish a 'local' like.
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# 20:51 tantek gRegor`: there is a subtle date-time value class pattern rule that you can use to avoid duplicating the date
# 20:52 tantek if a dt-end is specified with the value class pattern without a date (e.g. only a time), then it is defined to take it's date from the (presumably previous in the markup) dt-start
# 20:53 gRegor` Ok, let me try that. I thought I had tried that at one point and php-mf2 didn't parse it
# 20:53 gRegor` Just got to the same part of that page :)
# 20:53 GWG I need to like that KevinMarks quote
# 20:53 tantek what I don't know is if php-mf2 supports it or not, if it doesn't then that's just another discussion :)
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# 21:01 jonnybarnes gRegor`: has anyone eveer filled in the full form at gregorlove.com/apply?
# 21:01 gRegor` Not in quite a while, but yes.
# 21:01 gRegor` It used to be linked in the main navigation in previous iterations. Now it's just linked from the about page :)
tpinto joined the channel
# 21:05 tantek gRegor`: sounds like we need some minimized dt-* vcp test cases for php-mf2 :)
# 21:06 aaronpk is that supposed to be handled by the mf2 parser?
# 21:06 kylewm gRegor`: you've got a dt-start around the dt-end, is that intentional?
# 21:06 gRegor` kylewm: That's what's listed on the mf2 wiki.
# 21:07 tantek you certainly don't need to nest the dt-start and dt-end
# 21:07 gRegor` I tried it both ways.
# 21:07 tantek yes it is up to date with microformats1 markup
# 21:07 gRegor` Unnested, pin13 prepended the time with "T"
# 21:07 gRegor` Nested, it has no "T"
# 21:08 tantek microformats2 parsers must still process vcp per that spec, but with uf2 properties (obv)
# 21:08 tantek if there are any questions/doubt about it, we should fix the specs accordingly
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# 21:10 gRegor` I can open an issue on php-mf2 and dig into some tests / fixes later.
# 21:10 tantek in particular I'm hoping to hear from barnabywalters and/or kylewm re: difficulty of implementation and/or how generic or not the approach is
# 21:10 tantek I have some ideas for improving vcp, but I wanted to get feedback first
# 21:11 kylewm trying to understand nested properties. if i have <span class="p-property1">value1 <span class="p-property2">value2</span><span>, shouldn't that give property1 => "value1 value2"?
# 21:12 gRegor` And then it goes on, doesn't say anything about an implied date.
# 21:12 gRegor` I'm guessing the implied date is "higher up" in the general mf2 spec, though, under nested properties.
# 21:13 kylewm my concern here is that mf2py parses "2014-05-21 18:30–19:30" like a date, time, and timezone (-1930)
# 21:13 gRegor` On that sandbox page, kylewm?
# 21:13 bret tantek: good article! definately part of the issue with GH-pages
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# 21:14 bret i will look into it some more. I thought it was related to DNS but wasnt totally sure
# 21:14 gRegor` It definitely shouldn't be doing that. That's an en-dash and not a minus sign. Not to mention the way they're separated into VCP
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# 21:14 kylewm gRegor`: sorry, I see now that the date/first time have class="value"
# 21:17 kylewm apparently, it's hard to guess what mf2py is doing then
# 21:20 gRegor` Hooray for finding bugs in the nooks and crannies of mf2 parsing, heh
# 21:22 bret kylewm: which article were you referencing above?
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 21:23 kylewm bret: on the wiki, or where was i quoting you from?
# 21:24 kylewm we were discussing indiewebcamp.com/Trovebox this morning, which I was worried was overly negative/mean
brent, snarfed, barnabywalters, tilgovi and paulcp joined the channel
# 22:31 tantek kylewm - yes re: property1 => "value1 value2"
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:41 barnabywalters I see some mentions of php-mf2, but it’s not entirely clear what — can someone phrase it as a question? or raise an issue on php-mf2?
# 22:44 tantek barnabywalters: I believe gRegor (or maybe kylewm ? ) is working on a test case for implied dt-* date as part of value class pattern support, and then filing an issue on php-mf2 accordingly.
tantek, TimAbraldes, jgee and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:07 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor, circ-user-ZSJHU, KevinMarks, barnabywalters, tantek, circ-user-G6t2q, pauloppenheim and jedahan joined the channel