#aaronpkand now flickr is not returning proper search results for my own photos
caseorganic and brianloveswords joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell emmak looks like ownyourgram is getting a "401" error trying to post to your site. which reminds me that I should probably build in some better error notifications
#cweiske.decreated /phorkie (+292) "Created page with "Self-hosted git-based pastebin software written by [[User:cweiske.de]]. Supports federation by talking to other instances via [[webmention]]s (with pingbacks as fallback). ;Home..."" (view diff)
#petermolnarI'm using it to push excerpt & url to twitter, facebook, tumblr and linkedin based on my content type if that's the question
#Loqipetermolnar: GWG left you a message 2 minutes ago: Curious...what are you doing with SNAP?
caseorganic joined the channel
#GWGpetermolnar: I saw the comment when looking at the log earlier, was curious as I've used the SNAP plugin and had issues on and off with it.
#petermolnarit's still horrible but currently the most useful for me as I usually manually trim the messages for each system
BjornW joined the channel
#petermolnar( although I've only restarted this recently, my first syndication experiences a few years ago failed miserably, I'm trying a different approach now )
#petermolnaroh, the message from a few hours ago was for that I added a minimal support of SNAP to WordPress rel-syndication plugin
#GWGpetermolnar: Got a link for that? That was on my list.
#tgbrunI am a noobe and have set up a WP site with the indieweb SNAP, among others. When I post to my site Facebook and Twitter get my posts fine. When someone replys to my tweets the reply comes back to my site but the Facebook comments do not. When I go to the brid.gy site all the twitter replys are there but not facebook. I'm sure I doing something wrong but could someone let me know where to look so Facebook works as well as Twitt
brianloveswords, caseorganic, pbeaulieu, bnvk, jedahan, bshambaugh, the_merlin, Jeena and sdboyer joined the channel
#Loqithe_merlin: tantek left you a message on 5/8 at 12:06pm: idea is that if someone is reading the logs for /irc/today and they read to the bottom and want to say something, all they have to do is click the link which then joins the IRC channel and lets them say something.
JasonO, jtzl, edrex and bshambaugh joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: KevinMarks_ left you a message on 5/15 at 3:54pm: the drawback of ZIP format is increased fragility - a bit error in HTML breaks one character
#Loqibarnabywalters: jonnybarnes left you a message 2 hours, 10 minutes ago: how have I got my microformats wrong? your site isn't displaying my comment sensibly: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4VoBSU/
catsup, a____, caseorganic, tobiastom, chrisroos and chrissaad joined the channel
#chrisroos@tommorris What do you think about another London meeting of HWC next week?
#tgbrunkylewm: When I went to setup on the SNAP package it had an option to post with attached link, which I presume is the link of the post, and then I, in advanced settings checked Import Facebook Comments and auto-approve imported comments. Is that sufficient, or do I need to do more?
#Loqitgbrun: kylewm left you a message 5 minutes ago: re: backfeeding comments from FB. check that your posts are public and they contain a link back to the original
caseorganic and chloeweil joined the channel
#kylewmoh! oops, sorry I didn't realize SNAP was doing the backfeed. my suggestions only apply to bridgy
#chrisroosMy question about London HWC goes to anyone else that might be interested too, btw.
#kylewmpetermolnar: does it give you any info about why it's being marked as spam? i know spamassassin had a little breakdown of all the heuristics the message triggered
#bnvkben_thatmustbeme: url for that responsive goodness?
#ben_thatmustbemei'm thinking i'll just have it split out only notes, once i get photos working i want to have them shown like they are old poloroids
#luxagrafmore questions... anyone got figured out a good way to display both a comment form and something like adactio's mention form without it all being too much? struggling with how to let people know that webmentions are another way to comment
#aaronpkheh, my solution was to drop the comment form entirely :)
#luxagrafaaronpk: love to, but my audience on luxagraf is not necessarily tech savvy and i don't want to exclude people who don;t have a site
#kbswonders if someone has already implemented a convenient drop-in webmention<->pastebin form, though that rather seems to miss the point of webmentions :)
#aaronpkkbs: that does indeed miss the point of webmentions :)
#GWGpetermolnar: Would you consider switching plugins if you can't whitelist?
caseorganic joined the channel
#luxagrafis there an indie web equivelant of Gravatar? Would that be why you include a img tag in your hcard?
#kbsaaronpk: on a different note (and also realizing it's not long enough) so far haven't seen any unexpected issues with wget for wiki backups - seems to be working as expected since you set it up
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: what is the problem with just showing two forms? As in "Send me a link to your reply" + webmention form + "or comment below" + comment form?
#KartikPrabhuluxagraf: yeah the img in the hcard is so that people can use that as your photo/avatar elsewhere
caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
#tantekluxagraf: re: audience is not necessarily tech savvy - they can always tweet about your post, and past the link to their tweet into the webmention form
#tantekyou could even make a "comment on twitter" button which did all that, popped up a window to post a tweet, got the permalink, and sent yourself a webmention
#GWGI'd be interested to see someone look at the volume of 'local' comments to backfed ones on a given site/sites.
#tantekGWG - not AFAIK - just a brainstorm I've tossed out there before.
#tantekThought I'd put it on the wiki somewhere but can't seem to find it now
#tantekit might just be in UI sketches I've done in a paper notebook
#luxagrafThe solution I've been leaning toward is to hide the form(s) behind buttons like "comment" "send me a link" and so on so that would work well within that
#GWGtantek: You remember the other day I was thinking about my taking over of the comment form on Wordpress and what else I might do with that...such as webactions...that suggestion might work well.
#tantekanyway - that's my plan for supporting comments for people who don't have their own site.
#kbsshould put some details about his handy-but-weird android->laptop auto-upload
#GWGKartikPrabhu, luxagraf: There are also pop up/out form options
tantek joined the channel
#petermolnarreply to GWG's question: Would you consider switching plugins if you can't whitelist?
#petermolnaryes, but i honestly don't know the alternatives of akismet
#GWGpetermolnar: I have been using one for Trackback spam
tpinto, snarfed, barnabywalters, kevinbae, chloeweil and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#Jeenasnarfed so I have this weird problem where facebook creates two posts when I upload a picture via the API, with two different URLs but the exactly same content (same comments, same likes). Sadly if someone likes then bridgy sends out two webmentions which look almost alike but have two different uid:s. Do you have any ideas around that problem and how one could tackle it?
#tantekI just met with one of the devs at mapmyrun.com at the Bay2Breakers running expo and he claimed they're trying to provide a way to aggregate all your fitness dat
#tantektgbrun_ may want to reset your nickserve pw
#aaronpktantek: interesting. they wouldn't be the first i've heard of a fitness company that wants to do that
#KevinMarks_talking instapaper and fragementions on gillmor gang
#tantekaaronpk it may be interesting to explore using mapmyrun.com to PESETAS fitness information and then use their open API to feed it all into your own site. https://www.mapmyapi.com/Standard_API
#tantekKevinMarks_: nice! be sure to remind people that IndieWebCamp 2014 is coming up June 28-29 in West and East!
#tantekaaronpk - anyway, they guy (Sam) was pretty adamant about providing as open APIs as possible so it be worth exploring - especially since it appears to be "working" right now
#GWGUnless you were inviting them to West. I was hoping to route the most fascinating people to East. But that's because I like meeting interesting people. I enjoyed meeting Tantek, for example.
#tgbrunGWG: Really well, thanks for asking. I got SNAP to post to Facebook and Twitter.Indieweb for getting comments and responses back to my site.
#GWGtgbrun: I've had a lot of trouble with the formatting. SNAP kept truncating my notes to Twitter
#tgbruntantek: Haven't reset it yet, looking for how t do it
#tantekwah - who was it that was saying something about irony that our MediaWiki witth the database-antipattern article is itself stored in a database?
#GWGI should have stuck to writing...I understood those licenses.
#tantekGWG you have pretty much zero control over anything people do with your code.
#tantekGWG if you understand Public Domain then you understand CC0 - which is basically international public domain.
#tantek.comcreated /fitness (+1372) "stub with info from notes subsection, dfn, IndieWeb Examples off the top of my head, silo Nike+, see also" (view diff)
#aaronpkso for anyone following along at home, here's what happened
#tantekKevinMarks_: nothing on John Borthwick's site borthwick.com for about a year. Last post was about an "RSS Community Meetup" which has no follow-up, nor does the post on Winer's post
#tantekso there is no RSS Community then right? if you hold a meetup and no one shows up?
#aaronpkI was trying to add a new index to the irclog database so that I can export by day faster
#aaronpkadding the index was taking a long long time because there are so many IRC logs
#tantekKevinMarks_: maybe point out that no one cares (or should care) about plumbing-focused discussions?
#KevinMarks_he runs Betaworks, (instapaper, digg et al)
#tantekso he understands a thing or two about UX then
#aaronpkso the database locked the table, and any attempt at writing to it (e.g. every time someone said something in any IRC channel Loqi is in), that operation would stay open until the DB freed the lock
#tantekdatabases, *in theory* can parallelize better. with table-level locking (instead of db-level / file level) and sometimes even row-level locking (I know Oracle could do that like 20+ years ago)
#aaronpkso there ended up being thousands of connections waiting, and at some point the DB stopped accepting new connections
#aaronpkso all my sites including the wiki and my own site started throwing DB errors
#kylewmtantek: I thought Creative Commons licenses were for prose not code?
#tantekaaronpk, barnabywalters ok I've braindumped what I have off the top of my head and could easily find to link to on the wiki to http://indiewebcamp.com/exercise - have at it!
#LoqiA stub is an article that is brand new or considered incomplete by the authors/contributors, based on opinion or arbitrary measure http://indiewebcamp.com/stub
#GWGYou are welcome to have a look and criticize my coding
#GWGI ripped this out of my theme, so it wasn't originally designed as a standalone piece
#tantek.comedited /Facebook (+205) "/* Criticism */ Harmful to Body Image (what you find on Yahoo's home page)" (view diff)
#caseorganicsnarfed: tantek: benward: aaronpk: Ilya Kreymer, visitor at SF's IndieWebCamp and former Archive.org Waybackmachine maintainer made this new service for recording and downloading websites. https://webrecorder.io/
#Loqiemmak: aaronpk left you a message on 5/15 at 10:30pm: looks like ownyourgram is getting a "401" error trying to post to your site. which reminds me that I should probably build in some better error notifications
#emmakaaronpk: i changed the file format i was storing tokens in, so it invalidated the existing token