2014-05-15 UTC
# 00:00 pauloppenheim i'm not totally convinced the sandbox is sound until some finer minds than mine have had a look
# 00:02 jedahan I am hoping we get 46 more backers...then all non-bareboard backers get a free SDR with it
# 00:02 jedahan SDR is probably the easiest entry point for more software oriented people like me
# 00:03 jedahan the only thing I can think of using the FPGA for is maybe...like a synthesizer
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 00:09 pauloppenheim that's a little rich for my blood in both cash and time commitment, but it sounds cool
# 00:17 snarfed !tell kylewm nice job handling webmentions for updated sources. rare to see that actually implemented
# 00:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:33 GWG snarfed: I've been soliciting thoughts again. I have this plugin I've started which replaces the comments template with a Facepile and mf2 compliant comments.
# 00:33 GWG After some thought around here, I'm thinking of adding webmentions
# 00:33 GWG What else fits into a plugin that takes over Wordpress comments of an Indiewebish nature
# 00:34 snarfed mf2 parsing is the big one. handling likes, reshares, rsvps, etc correctly
# 00:34 aaronpk luckily you have php-mf2 to do all the hard stuff!
# 00:34 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: luckily you have php-mf2 to do most of the hard stuff!
# 00:35 snarfed having said that…the facepile part makes sense, but now this is overlapping with pfefferle's plugins. why do that, out of curiosity?
# 00:37 snarfed GWG: another thing that'd be useful to work on is intelligent handling of text in likes and reshares
# 00:38 snarfed e.g. they should go into the facepile if there's no text, or if the text is just something like "X likes this," but if they have meaningful text they should probably display as a comment, maybe with an additional "like" indicator
# 00:38 snarfed that'd be good work that complements your and pfefferle's existing stuff
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:40 GWG snarfed: The parsing is done by the semantic linkbacks plugin.
# 00:40 snarfed great! and webmention sending and receiving would be done by wordpress-webmentions?
# 00:42 GWG I have a test, if you'd like to see
# 00:42 snarfed ah, great! ok. i was confused by the phrase "adding webmentions"
# 00:43 snarfed ah, i see. you mean, adding mentions that weren't specifically replies, reshares, likes, etc
# 00:43 snarfed extracting snippets intelligently would be another good thing to work on
# 00:44 snarfed ie for a mention from a long article, you don't want to include the whole text, but you do want enough to give some context
# 00:44 snarfed deciding what to extract, and how to render it, is an interesting problem
# 00:52 GWG snarfed: Well, it is already in the database because the existing plugin has brought it in.
# 00:52 GWG There could be a second extraction layer, I suppose.
# 00:52 GWG Also, I was thinking about hovercards
brianloveswords joined the channel
caseorganic, fmarier, scor, snarfed, tilgovi, brent, bret and nloadholtes joined the channel
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# 02:35 snarfed whee, the CMS developer tar pit is even bigger now :P
jedahan, caseorganic, voxpelli, hugoroyd_, ngoldman, benward and kylewm joined the channel
# 03:00 Loqi kylewm: snarfed left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: nice job handling webmentions for updated sources. rare to see that actually implemented
jgee, caseorganic, jedahan, j12t, j12t_ and tantek joined the channel
# 04:20 Jeena !tell snarfed thanks, I will check that after I get home from work today
# 04:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:37 Loqi snarfed: Jeena left you a message 16 minutes ago: thanks, I will check that after I get home from work today
dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 04:59 Jeena hm this is not good. All favs of a tweet have the same url.
# 05:11 snarfed oh i see, the u-url inside them. yeah, there's no fragment for individual favorites, sorry
# 05:12 Jeena yeah, I will add a optional uid field, which bridgy provides
# 05:13 Jeena then I can check for the uniqueness of the url and uid
# 05:15 Jeena I often wondered why not all likes/favs got to my page but kind of assumed they just were private on facebook or something so bridgy couldn't see them
# 05:17 snarfed bridgy does indeed ignore private posts, but afaik comments and likes inherit their parent post's audience setting, so yeah, this may be it
KevinMarks_, caseorganic, basal, snarfed, paulcp, jsilvestre, cweiske, Garbee, eschnou, tantek, LauraJ, pfefferle, rektide, pdurbin, ben_thatmustbeme, jonnybarnes, glennjones, lukebrooker, nloadholtes, tobiastom, ttepasse, friedcell, fmarier, Sebastien-L, chrissaad, tpinto, krendil, scor and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:32 Loqi barnabywalters: snarfed left you a message on 5/14 at 10:38am: funny. i added the fb event oauth scopes after you signed up, so your bridgy access token doesn't include them. if you re-signup for bridgy, it should start backfeeding the rsvps
carlo_au, alistair, john3213, caseorganic, pfefferle, scor, Sebastien-L and jonnybarnes joined the channel
jedahan joined the channel
# 13:10 barnabywalters my archive of HTML+headers of pages I’ve linked to is growing rather large — around 160MB
# 13:11 barnabywalters at the moment it’s not a big deal, but as it gets larger I’m considering storing it in a ZIP archive permanently, and reading/writing it using PHP’s ZipArchive class
# 13:14 barnabywalters cweiske: various reasons — as a personal archive of things I’ve linked to, in case they go away
# 13:14 barnabywalters and in the future I might implement something which goes over my old posts, checks for broken links and displays the (unstyled) archived data instead
# 13:15 barnabywalters also, so that if I improve the way I show reply contexts/comments from HTML, I can re-parse pages without re-fetching
# 13:15 barnabywalters I was considering storing the entire HTTP response in single text files, but then you can’t view the pages in a browser
basal, chloeweil, brianloveswords, tantek, jedahan, pfefferle, dariusdunlap and kevinbae joined the channel
# 14:59 aaronpk rather than store the HTTP headers in a separate file, we can put them in the html file inside a comment block!
# 15:00 barnabywalters aaronpk: I had considered that! haven’t implemented it yet for several reasons
# 15:00 barnabywalters mainly that it involves messing with the archived HTML, and requires extra parsing and pre-processing on reads+writes
# 15:01 aaronpk that's true, but I wonder if it ends up being more permanent than a side file for the headers
# 15:01 aaronpk should be pretty easy to make an archive parser that returns the two parts anyway
# 15:08 tantek if you're really looking to make the file standalone (not requiring special knowledge to interpret), you could translate the HTTP headers into <meta> tags
# 15:09 tantek and for each such meta tag, if it already exists, don't add it
# 15:10 tantek i.e. if you ended up serving that actual file from some webserver and then did the archive process on it again, you should end up with the same result
caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:11 tantek I believe with the addition of the meta status code we did for webmention handling, that should allow you to capture all the HTTP headers as meta http-equivs
caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:57 tantek !tell aaronpk cassisproject.com WFM - perhaps a transient PBWorks error? si(gh)los
# 15:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nloadholtes joined the channel
snarfed, bnvk and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 16:22 rascul barnabywalters xz might be better for compression
brent joined the channel
# 16:34 Jeena but I see there is a bug, int is not at all 54 likes, hm some of them are not unique!
luxagraf joined the channel
# 16:35 tantek FYI @sil is one of the co-creators/co-editors of pingback.
adactio joined the channel
# 16:36 tantek we were just noticing the conversation between you and @sil
# 16:39 Jeena after I implemented WebMention I just can not understand anymore why in Jesus name anyone thought Trackback or xmlrpc would be a good idea.
# 16:39 adactio tantek: yeah, I need to make it clearer how web mentions is working on my site.
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:39 adactio tantek: an illuminating little back-and-forth though. (I hope Stuart can come to a future Indie Web Camp)
# 16:39 tantek adactio - you're not the only one. That pattern has been picking up.
cweiske joined the channel
# 16:40 tantek so any UX improvements you come up with will be quite handy to numerous folks
# 16:41 rascul how do i leave a note for someone with Loqi ? i can't remember
# 16:42 tantek !tell rascul you can tell Loqi "!tell tantek something"
# 16:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:42 Loqi rascul: tantek left you a message 18 seconds ago: you can tell Loqi "!tell tantek something"
# 16:43 rascul !tell barnabywalters you might look at xz for compression instead of zip it usually compresses things quite good, 7z is also pretty good with compression rates
# 16:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 16:43 Loqi barnabywalters: rascul left you a message 18 seconds ago: you might look at xz for compression instead of zip it usually compresses things quite good, 7z is also pretty good with compression rates
# 16:45 rascul barnabywalters with xz you'll probably want to put everthing in a tarball and compress that, but iirc 7z has both a compression and archive format
# 16:45 barnabywalters rascul: the advantage of zip in this case is a) that it can archive a whole folder structure and b) that I can read/write it from PHP without extracting
# 16:45 bret tantek: I think I started the webmention wikipedia article XD
# 16:46 rascul tarballs are what zip archives can only dream of being
# 16:47 bret a wapper for tar with some intelligence about what you are trying to do is long overdue
# 16:47 rascul also with tar you don't need to - the options
jgee joined the channel
# 16:47 bret smartar folder - > results in a new archive
# 16:47 barnabywalters well, looks like PHP has just as good support for manipulating tar archives as it does ZIP archives
# 16:48 tantek adactio - interesting that sil didn't notice that the very form he used took care of sending the webmention.
# 16:49 luxagraf question for those of you using filesystem-based publishing systems, are you storing your comments/webmentions outside of your post/note/whathaveyou and if so how?
# 16:49 rascul barnabywalters i dunno about php's xz support though
# 16:49 bret rascul: yes they are for newbies, but lower barriers is a good thing right?
# 16:50 luxagraf barnabywalters: I have had zip archives go corrupt, never had tarballs do the same. just my 2cents
# 16:50 bret reduces the gap between never using something and having that much more experience to learn the more advanced tool
# 16:51 rascul ok now i go back to work for a few more hours
# 16:52 aaronpk tantek: yeah cassisproject.com works for me now. yesterday i was getting the error on cassisproject.com and cassisjs.org but the wiki was fine, was just a problem with the redirect
# 16:53 luxagraf barnabywalters: are your regular comments stored the same way? or do you do webmentions only?
# 16:53 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 55 minutes ago: cassisproject.com WFM - perhaps a transient PBWorks error? si(gh)los
# 16:53 tantek aaronpk very odd - perhaps my DNS provider was having issues
# 16:53 barnabywalters luxagraf: the only non-webmention comments I have on my site are old ones imported from diaspora, all of which just have fake/approximated URLs
# 16:54 luxagraf barnabywalters: gotcha. i'm trying to figure out the best way to store and then lazy load both on-site comments and webmentions with as few requests as possible
caseorganic joined the channel
# 16:54 tantek luxagraf: aside, if you're looking for backcompat in micro-markup for G/Y/B, uf v1 works for that
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# 16:56 luxagraf tantek: thanks. that was my first plan, but now I think I'm leaning toward v2 + microdata because i see google eventually abandoning everything they don't control
# 16:56 bret "si(gh)los" would make a good button/sticker
# 16:57 tantek luxagraf - that's unlikely. they're motivated to support what is *published*
# 16:57 tantek they abandon the crap they make up that fails to gain traction
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# 16:59 tantek luxagraf, example markup/data mechanisms that Google has abandoned, which were their own made-up stuff that they "controlled": Google Base schema, Google Data API/Elements,
# 17:00 luxagraf tantek: didn't they also abandon the markup behind those little chat/comment/whatever widgets people used to put on their site?
# 17:01 luxagraf tantek: might be, i don't remember. i just remember they were a pain to hide in my userstyles file
# 17:02 kylewm luxagraf: just aesthetics really... I wanted my post files to be more text content than structured data (with the intention that I might edit them by hand some day)
# 17:03 tantek bret - google has abandoned opensocial but not before it took on a life of its own in an enterprise-run opensocial foundation which limps along to today. not sure who or what is actually using it live on the web.
# 17:04 bret oh crap i never even made the connection
# 17:04 bret that came out of google's open social?
# 17:05 bret actually maybe not i have better things to do
# 17:05 luxagraf I didn't know that was from google's open social either.
brainTrain joined the channel
# 17:07 luxagraf kylewm: that's pretty much my thinking as well, but it means i need some way to associate the two, which adds a layer of complexity that might be even worse long term
# 17:07 luxagraf kylewm: I'm always worried my entire publishing system is progressing something like the architecture of the winchester mansion
# 17:09 barnabywalters luxagraf: wanting to avoid difficult-to-maintain complexity was one of the reasons I went with URLs as the way of matching up responses to content
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# 17:10 kylewm luxagraf: hahah, yes ... a valid concern that i share. going through a phase of feature proliferation right now, hopefully in the future i'll remove the stuff i don't use/need
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# 17:12 bret aaronpk: you mentioned medium people seemed interested in syndication right?
# 17:13 aaronpk bret: KevinMarks was the one actually having that conversation with them
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# 17:19 tantek couldn't stand that not being made clear. especially since it's a distinguishing feature/ability of webmention over pingback
# 17:19 tantek hoping I explained that clearly enough in so few characters
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# 17:25 luxagraf kylewm: yeah I'm in the process of adding 3 new data types and comments and webmentions
# 17:25 luxagraf kylewm: then i'll see which ones i actually use and dump the rest
# 17:28 aaronpk so interesting thing about Swarm, it's very well done
# 17:28 aaronpk which actually makes me want to keep using foursquare now
# 17:30 luxagraf kylewm: I blame git. it's too easy to create branches
# 17:33 aaronpk some of them anyway, not sure how far back search archives go
# 17:38 bret yaml is easy to use intill you actually start doing arrays and objects
# 17:39 bret on top of that I used anonomous things mixed in
kbs joined the channel
# 17:41 bret i just got an invite today, figured I would take a peek
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# 17:45 tantek To be clear about one thing, I still intend to focus on this community first (including contributions here in IRC and on the wiki). I was asked to help W3C hopefully make some (re-)use of IndieWeb tech (and community practices).
# 17:50 tantek luxagraf - so far just the folks named in the charter page I linked to
# 17:51 tantek but that's how these things start at W3C, and then they send it out to the companies / members of W3C to officially approve and say whether they will send a representative
# 17:52 tantek aaronpk, any early reports on Swarm? indieweb connotations?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:54 luxagraf tantek: once that charter is up it might be interesting to add a community group that's someone related
# 17:54 tantek luxagraf - in a case where there isn't already a community, I would agree.
# 17:54 tantek however, I'd say #indiewebcamp serves that purpose already
# 17:55 luxagraf absolutely, i was just thinking community group might have more pull with the W3C, which seems to discount things not under its auspices (from what I've seen)
# 17:56 tantek right - I think that's one of the reasons they asked me to co-chair, was to bring more pull from IndieWeb into W3C
# 17:56 tantek my hope is to fight that tendency of "seems to discount things not under its auspices "
# 17:57 tantek I've been working to get W3C to more accepting of other standards efforts like WHATWG, microformats, and indiewebcamp related tech as well
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 17:58 kylewm luxagraf: re: previous conversation about frankenstein architecture. my biggest itch right now is that i want to generalize {notes,replies,likes,reposts,articles}
, so that they can be more than one thing (e.g., an article can be in reply to something), and new types (e.g., "bookmarks") can be added without changing code
# 17:58 luxagraf tantek: come now, don't ruin the standards soap opera by getting consensus :-)
# 18:01 tantek I think it's a challenging problem that none of us has quite figured out yet
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# 18:01 aaronpk it's probably time to follow up on that post now that i've actually created a bunch of content since then and have implemented photos
# 18:02 luxagraf kylewm: back when friendfeed was big and everything was a "life stream" my cms became more abstracted like that
# 18:02 kylewm tantek: cool, thanks for the pointers! right now all my stuff has the same data structure and presentation internally, so it's weird to me that i have these types hardcoded. can definitely see how photos/checkins/events would merit their own top-level type
# 18:03 luxagraf but i ended up dumping that idea and going back more specific content types because I realized 90% of what I did was articles anyway
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 18:04 kylewm I think my goal is definitely smaller than "unify everything" ... I really just want to get rid of reply/repost/like as separate types in my code
# 18:05 luxagraf kylewm: i can see that. those sort of seem like things inherited from silos that might not make sense outside of them?
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# 18:06 kylewm jonnybarnes: need snarfed for activitystreams knowledge?
# 18:08 luxagraf reply always makes sense, but, in my cms at least that's just a url field. If that field is filled, the post will get in-reply-to class if not then it won't
# 18:08 jonnybarnes kylewm: for bridgy stuff, I've just moved VPS so my site was down for a little while, which just happened to coincide with someone favouriting one of my tweets
# 18:09 jonnybarnes so the webmention that bridgy sends currently has a u-like-of for the twitter link and a u-like-of for the short link
# 18:10 luxagraf nevermind the fact that I've never actually used said field, it's there, just waiting.
# 18:10 kylewm oh interesting, so it cached the failed redirect
# 18:10 aaronpk wow so many things I like about the new swarm app
# 18:12 tantek aaronpk, I'm just glad I have Checkie, and Foursquare v4 (the pinnacle of their UI IMO) to compare!
# 18:12 aaronpk i might even use swarm more than checkie now. we'll see
# 18:12 tantek aaronpk, don't forget 4Sq UI went downhill after v4 to v7
# 18:13 aaronpk i can't remember what v4 was, do you have screenshots?
# 18:14 tantek yeah I think it's in my queue to do a post like that.
# 18:14 tantek for now I guess I can take screenshots on demand or something
# 18:15 aaronpk I would love to see them, even just a few screenshots of the main screens on a wiki page would be useful
# 18:15 tantek ok maybe when I've got a screenful of folks checking in a "public" thing like an event or something
# 18:17 KartikPrabhu1 tantek: out of curiousity, any reason JSON is prefered data-syntax for "Social Data Syntax"? << tantek
# 18:18 tantek because I haven't finished fighting the "shipping code wins" battle
# 18:19 tantek oh don't worry, there'll be plenty of questioning of such things like that
# 18:19 KartikPrabhu1 I figured that... but W3C itself has microdata and all that, but they still want JSON...
# 18:19 tantek also, should you or any of your companies want to get involved in the WG, you can do that too ;)
# 18:19 tantek KartikPrabhu1: nope, W3C has abandoned microdata
# 18:20 KartikPrabhu1 \nick KartikPrabhu
# 18:20 tantek they made it into a "Note" which is a way of saying "no one cares enough about this work at W3C for it to continue here"
# 18:20 aaronpk if esri is, it's in relation to the GIS formats they've developed long ago
# 18:22 tantek do you know how ESRI decides which standards orgs it decides to participate in and not?
# 18:22 tantek KartikPrabhu: microdata is maintained now only in the WHATWG HTML "living specification" which contains all the WHATWG extensions to HTML in various stages.
jedahan joined the channel
# 18:23 tantek but no one at W3C cared enough about it to continue working on it. so that says something.
# 18:24 luxagraf i did not know that (microdata), is that fallout from the rdfa is better drama?
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:25 tantek luxagraf - I think in that drama both were burned, or certainly left a burning smell.
# 18:26 tantek KartikPrabhu: most RDFa folks have moved onto JSON-LD
# 18:27 luxagraf ugh json-ld is what made my realize the schema people were crazy
# 18:28 kylewm jonnybarnes: afaict bridgy doesn't try to follow redirects when constructing the fake HTML page that represents the like/comment
# 18:28 kylewm jonnybarnes: it's extremely possible that i'm wrong though :)
# 18:33 aaronpk WHOA! tapping the "checkin" button in the foursquare app now launches Swarm
# 18:34 jonnybarnes kylewm: do we know if we can get bridgy to re-attempt checking redirects?
# 18:34 aaronpk i'm surprised that app still even works! they've been making breaking api changes and everythiung
# 18:35 kylewm jonnybarnes: it should re-check them eventually, i do not know exactly how long the memcache life is, but it's not very long
# 18:37 kylewm yeah the oldest thing in the memcache is 12minutes old :)
# 18:39 tantek adactio - yes, KevinMarks was quite pleased with that :)
bnvk and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 18:43 aaronpk and on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, I'm super disappointed that instagram dropped foursquare's venue database and replaced it with facebook. the venues are *so bad* now
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# 18:56 tantek luxagraf - that frag appears to be broken, could you retry?
# 18:59 KartikPrabhu luxagraf: I'd use p-summary only if it was a summary or truncated version of the reply. If it is the full reply I'd use e-content
# 19:00 luxagraf KartikPrabhu: that's what I was thinking, but then that example uses p-summary
# 19:01 kylewm aaronpk: actually, even if you do i think the problem is on my end, I'm removing the fragment before rendering the link!
# 19:02 Jeena Sadly now they send the likes for both of their posts to bridgy which sends it to me with different uid:s so many of the likes appear double on my page :-/
# 19:03 Jeena it is hard to tell but 3 numbers are different
# 19:03 Jeena it took me a while too, I had to make a string diff to get that ^^
# 19:04 aaronpk kylewm: interesting, not sure why I wouldn't be handling fragment mentions
# 19:04 aaronpk (also wow that webmention status url is super handy)
# 19:05 aaronpk oh that one worked? what was wrong with the last?
# 19:05 Jeena in my timeline it only appears once and every like on facebook appears on both posts
# 19:06 Jeena but why can't they make it invisible for bridgy?!!!!
# 19:06 kylewm aaronpk: the first one sent the webmention with target=..#fragment, but my actual post was rendering the u-like-of without the fragment. so the urls didn't match
# 19:07 tantek luxagraf - that p-summary is on the comment being displayed on an article. The implication being that in general comments that are displayed may have summarized (or truncated) the actual content from the original reply post.
# 19:11 tantek luxagraf - good question and certainly not obvious from the markup. now documented.
# 19:13 tantek aaronpk - did you mean for the Custom Locations to be a subsection of the Switch … Venues criticism?
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# 19:17 tantek also splitting apart the venue db change criticism from the See also citations about the venue db change? now really confused.
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# 19:32 luxagraf KartikPrabhu: not saying they didn't, or that testing is everything, but there's a whole lot of "we believe" in that post and not a whole lot of our "user testing has led us to believe"
# 19:35 KartikPrabhu luxagraf: yeah agreed. also the current "browser" on Ubuntu is kind of shitty
# 19:37 KartikPrabhu luxagraf: no. the desktop version. Can't find any details as the brwoser has no controls for settings
# 19:38 luxagraf KartikPrabhu: huh, i didn't even know there was an ubuntu browser, i thought it was just firefox...
# 19:38 KartikPrabhu the trouble with Ubuntu is they are designing everything for a touch-world and so becomes annoying to use on desktops
# 19:39 luxagraf KartikPrabhu: that i reviewed for ars technica and others, so it sorta worries me that didn't even know it was there :)
# 19:42 luxagraf KartikPrabhu: that must be some kind of backport from the mobile version... or a rebranded Epiphany or something
# 19:43 KartikPrabhu yeah I think so too. It is horrible to use on desktop. Particularly the "click near the bottom edge" to see the location bar
# 19:44 kylewm KartikPrabhu: Unity (on desktop, not touch) has kind of grown on me over the years. I like it quite a bit better than Gnome Shell
# 19:45 KartikPrabhu kylewm: I got pretty annoyed by Unity and switched back to Gnome Shell
# 19:45 tantek invites KartikPrabhu, luxagraf, kylewm to #indiechat on the subject of Gnome ;)
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# 19:46 tantek KartikPrabhu: just thinking of those reading the archives later who aren't here to speak for themselves :)
# 19:48 kylewm sorry, that's my fault for the non-web tangent
# 19:50 KartikPrabhu tantek: regarding IWC-NYC, when do people usually arrive for those things?
# 19:51 tantek KartikPrabhu: I'm planning on getting there the night before, hopefully during the day
# 19:51 tantek thinking it would be nice to do an informal drinkup before the camp
# 19:51 tantek and I think Portland (West) will be doing that so we should too ;)
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# 19:58 kylewm jonnybarnes: i saw that! it's cool how many bridgy things work themselves out on their own
# 19:59 tantek is going to go for a walk to try out Swarm. Wondering what implications it will have for checkin posts and web notifications.
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jschweinsberg, brent, bshambaugh, caseorganic, caseorga_, dybskiy and krendil joined the channel
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# 20:52 aaronpk PSA: the first weekly #indieweb newsletter will be sent out tomorrow!
b0bg0d____, jancborchardt, eschnou, tantek and dybskiy joined the channel
# 21:04 tantek aaronpk++ for setting up the weekly indieweb newsletter!
# 21:05 aaronpk I hope to make incremental improvements, so feel free to add suggestions to the wiki page!
# 21:07 tantek I wonder if there's a way to include "IndieWeb Events Next Week" automatically
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# 21:08 aaronpk i'd want to include the events that have happened in the past week as well as the ones coming up
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# 21:10 tantek events last week would be particularly cool if they could show photos from those events
# 21:10 tantek frankly, photos in a newsletter of text would make it really stand out
# 21:11 tantek will do - wanted to brainstorm out loud a bit to see if anyone would poke holes or suggest obvious better things first ;)
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# 21:19 aaronpk jonnybarnes: well there's 4 people listed there who do
# 21:20 aaronpk jonnybarnes: that also kinda depends on the software, whether it understands it's installed in a subfolder
# 21:20 aaronpk it's more a question about owncloud, which I unfortunately can't help you with
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# 21:26 Loqi IRC is an abbreviation for Internet Relay Chat and is the primary discussion forum for the indiewebcamp community, in particular the #indiewebcamp channel on the irc.freenode.net server http://indiewebcamp.com/IRC
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# 21:30 Loqi A silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) http://indiewebcamp.com/silos
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# 21:38 tantek I had a feeling a regex might be doing paren matching before looking for the "."
# 21:39 aaronpk it's actually looking for a sentence terminator followed by a space
# 21:40 aaronpk that was the simplest definition of "sentence" I could think of
# 21:49 tantek.com edited /Nginx (+154) "subhead re-arrangement, clustering, why, how to, move files without extensions to a how to, move TOC to more easily skim how to" (
view diff )
# 21:51 tantek also would answer questions of the form "who supports xyz", e.g. who supports webmentions
# 21:53 tantek questions of the form "why xyz" or "why should I use xyz" or "why should I support xyz" could be answered by linking to /xyz#Why, e.g. "why should I support webmentions"
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# 21:56 pdurbin aaronpk: no fair. how can the rest of us grep the logs? :)
# 21:57 tantek aaronpk, fair enough, I was generalizing from "anyone here use nginx?"
# 21:57 aaronpk literally grep -Ri "who uses" */freenode/#indiewebcamp.*
# 21:57 aaronpk interestingly, "who uses" shows up a lot, and in difficult-to-parse ways
# 21:58 pdurbin aaronpk: I do, I do, but what if you were to "liberate" that data... make it available for download... I haven't been here since the beginning
# 21:59 aaronpk pdurbin: I could create another btsync folder of the IRC logs
# 21:59 pdurbin aaronpk: I don't know what that is but I like the sound of it
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# 22:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:16 GWG A bit angry, but that isn't indieweb related
# 22:17 GWG Trying to relax for a few and focus on new ideas
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# 22:22 KartikPrabhu GWG: I am most surely coming now. Looking at hotels in Manhattan (don't know if that is a good idea)
# 22:23 GWG KartikPrabhu: You can get a decent deal there if you hunt. Remember subway is your friend
# 22:23 GWG You don't need to stay close to midtown.
# 22:23 GWG As long as you are near a train that goes straight there.
# 22:24 KevinMarks I got a good weekend deal at club quarters before, as they are mainly full in the week
# 22:24 GWG KevinMarks: You going to East or West?
# 22:25 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: thanks for the link. I'll read it tonight. I probably will disagree that "bad scientific code is better"
# 22:25 KevinMarks Still debating that. East is appealing add haven't been to nyc for ages
# 22:26 GWG KevinMarks: I would consider it, as I would KartikPrabhu, a pleasure if I could have the pleasure of meeting you in person
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# 22:54 KevinMarks_ !tell barnabywalters the drawback of ZIP format is increased fragility - a bit error in HTML breaks one character
# 22:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 22:54 tantek Kevinmarks are there archive formats that don't have that fragility?
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# 23:04 KevinMarks_ tantek: I like the idea of turning HTML headers into meta tags fro archiving
# 23:05 aaronpk oh yeah. that seems potentially more dangerous though, since then you have to open the HTML doc with a parser and re-write it
# 23:05 aaronpk more likely to cause unintentional changes to the rest of the file, depending on how much sanitization you do when parsing it
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# 23:16 tantek aaronpk - same problem with inserting HTML comments right?
# 23:16 aaronpk no, because the comment can be inserted with comment + html
# 23:18 KevinMarks_ you may break encoding parsing if you do that (cos some of the insane fallback rules only apply to the top of the file iirc)
# 23:18 tantek hmm… I wonder if there is some minimal parsing you could do to find a "just inside the <head>" insertion point
# 23:18 aaronpk could probably safely look for the first occurrence of the string "<head>", then add a newline and add the tags and another newline
# 23:19 aaronpk which should work even if someone has "<head><title>Hi</title></head>" with no newlines
# 23:19 tantek skip doctype, skip <html>, skip <!-- -->, if you see <head> then insert immediately after, if you see any other <tag> then insert immediately before.
# 23:21 aaronpk would there be any drawbacks to including the comment block at the bottom after the </html>?
# 23:21 KevinMarks_ so I can now send HTTP headers with </meta><script> in and you'll inject them in the document for me?
# 23:21 aaronpk KevinMarks_: lol, presumably http headers would have to be html-encoded?
# 23:21 tantek KevinMarks_: as usual, anything put into an HTML attribute would need to be htmlescaped
# 23:47 KevinMarks_ I love Julie Ann's description of her talky.io team page as 'my brady bunch'
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# 23:54 GWG KevinMarks: When he emailed...did you say... "That's Neil Gaiman...I'm handling that email. No one touch it."
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