#barnabywaltersGWG: for them to be useful, your posting interface needs to be able to pre-fill fields using values from URL parameters
#barnabywaltersweb action buttons are basically links which go to a URL you define, replacing a placeholder ({url}) with the URL of the content you’re acting upon
#GWGbarnabywalters: I meant as a site owner, not a site user
#GWGI have them on my test site. Close to merging my test work with my live wor
#GWGbarnabywalters: I gave it a lot of thought, but I wanted to replace the comment section with indieweb type options, but still offer options for non-indieweb users.
#GWGAs I feel I'll have plenty more of them than indieweb types.
#barnabywaltersGWG: when you say “users”, are you still talking about site owners, i.e. users of your theme?
#GWGNot sure if you saw earlier when I was getting annoyed that only Twitter offers a way to send them data without loading scripts and usng buttons.
#GWGbarnabywalters: Users as in Visitors. Owners as in Me in this case, or other people using the theme/plugins I'm developing
#barnabywaltersGWG: yeah, other silo action button markup is disgusting. trust me, I parse it in the web action toolbelt :)
#barnabywalterswell, if you have backfeed working then the path of least friction is likely to be “comment on this post on your own site, or reply on Twitter or Facebook” (etc)
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#barnabywaltersand providing a webmentioning URL field like adactio and aaronpk do
#Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 5/24 at 9:22pm: West is leading 8-7 again... something must be done #gamification
#garietyxxxaaronpk: I'm curious about IndieMark's requirement that a site be served in static HTML. This excludes the rendering of views via JavaScript, correct?
#garietyxxxaaronpk: What is the reasoning behind this? My site is rentered entirelly client side for the sake of speed, can I not be included by IndieMark somehow?
#aaronpkwell you could enhance a page with javascript as long as there is HTML underneath
#garietyxxxaaronpk: I'm developing a framework and trying to make it as speedy as possible, W3C compliant is last step
#barnabywaltersgarietyxxx: I seem to remember someone running a service which ran javascript-only sites, cached their HTML and then offered it as a proxy, serving the javascript version to real browsers and the cached HTML to other user agents
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#aaronpkas long as microformat parsers can deal with it it doesn't matter if there's extra stuff before the doctype
#garietyxxxbarnabywalters: I can do it myself in a few short moments, it's a matter of how long do I want to cache the static stuff for
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#barnabywaltersgarietyxxx: can you regenerate the cache when changes are made to the content?
#garietyxxxaaronpk: the script is before the doctype because the cotype is in the layout and that script and meta are generated on each load.
#garietyxxxbarnabywalters: yeah that's what I'll end up doing I think.
#barnabywaltersgarietyxxx: you might be able to make serving the content as HTML cut out the need for extra requests, too — it looks like you’re making at least one extra request per page to fetch content?
#GWGbarnabywalters: I want to create something clear and then it will propagate to all pages, and...since I'm releasing the code, to other sites possible.
#GWGI have the action/Twitter intent buttons too...but they also confuse the issue.
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: thanks! I spent wayyyyy more time on this than expected, but i'm happy with it
#snarfedGWG: the only one people have made any noise about is app.net
#kylewmbarnabywalters: aaronpk: do you guys look up the name of a location (e.g., "Portland, OR") when creating the post initially? or does it happen later?
#barnabywalterskylewm: I reverse geocode just after posting, at the same time as POSSE and webmention sending an reply context fetching
#aaronpkmy phone is always tracking location, and it actually updates a location.json file on my server constantly, which includes the reverse geocode info. so any time I want to include location with a post, I can just get the data from that file cause it's already there.
#barnabywaltersif I was implementing full-on checkins then it would be part of the venue
#barnabywaltershuh, a pity Jeena had a bad experience with web action toolbelt
#barnabywaltersJeena: what were the problems you had with buttons not working?
#barnabywaltersI’d like to fix them, or document them better
#JeenaI'll load it up and retry, some of the buttons didn't do anything when I clicked, and some did something else as advertised, but give me a couple of minutes then I can refresh my memory
#barnabywaltersmany of them are due to twitter loading new pages via javascript, the toolbelt isn’t handling that correctly, nor is it handling new-style timelines
#aaronpkwow this is kind of magical... I just extracted my entire iMessage history out of the chat.db file and it's now sitting as text files in neatly organized folders
#Loqiadactio: KartikPrabhu left you a message 10 minutes ago: how did your article (http://adactio.com/journal/6801/) get a webmention from my note? I never sent it?
#adactio!tell KartikPrabhu: I pasted the link in manually to my webmention form.
#KartikPrabhu"hackers" and "jailbreak" no longer have positive connotations among the general public I feel
#KartikPrabhu"meet the coders who want to fix the internet" would be better ;)
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: klintron mentioned that he couldn't choose the title
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: he tried for a different one, but his editor at wired chose that one
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: it's a real shame. dan gilmor's article was much better though!
#KartikPrabhucaseorganic: not necessarily blaming the author. I realise these things have to go through multiple "editorial" people who might care more about grabbing eye balls and click stats
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: it's unfortunate, but true
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: so i take responsibility for the inaccuracy of the article in wired
#KartikPrabhuis pretty excited for the next one at NYC :)
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: as it could have been prevented by simply talking more. i had to do a cost benefit analysis. we ended up getting a lovely person to join our team, but indieweb suffered for it.
#KartikPrabhucaseorganic: the article is not inaccurate, just the title is a bit sensationalised in the wrong way
#caseorganicKartikPrabhu: i do feel like a lot was missing though
#KartikPrabhuyes but I expect such omissions. Indieweb includes so many things that writing about all of them in one article can be tricky. (I avoided and picked a few things while writing mine...)
#KartikPrabhuis going to aaronpk's quill to note this wired article :)
#aaronpkultimately your website gets to delegate to an authorization server of its choosing. currently indieauth.com provides that as a service if you want to use it
#aaronpkif you wanted to, you could point to your own authorization server and not use indieauth.com at all
#KartikPrabhucaseorganic: after a second reading, I sort of agree that the Wired article seems to be missing quite a bit. It makes the indieweb sound less focused than it actually is. trying to cover a lot of breadth at the cost of some depth...
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#GWGKartikPrabhu: I don't have anything that checks if there are no syndication links