2014-05-26 UTC
# 00:07 GWG barnabywalters: I now have webactions
# 00:07 GWG Not sure what I should do with them
# 00:08 barnabywalters GWG: for them to be useful, your posting interface needs to be able to pre-fill fields using values from URL parameters
# 00:09 barnabywalters web action buttons are basically links which go to a URL you define, replacing a placeholder ({url}
) with the URL of the content you’re acting upon
# 00:09 GWG barnabywalters: I meant as a site owner, not a site user
# 00:09 GWG I have them on my test site. Close to merging my test work with my live wor
# 00:12 GWG barnabywalters: I gave it a lot of thought, but I wanted to replace the comment section with indieweb type options, but still offer options for non-indieweb users.
# 00:12 GWG As I feel I'll have plenty more of them than indieweb types.
# 00:12 barnabywalters GWG: when you say “users”, are you still talking about site owners, i.e. users of your theme?
# 00:12 GWG Not sure if you saw earlier when I was getting annoyed that only Twitter offers a way to send them data without loading scripts and usng buttons.
# 00:13 GWG barnabywalters: Users as in Visitors. Owners as in Me in this case, or other people using the theme/plugins I'm developing
# 00:13 barnabywalters GWG: yeah, other silo action button markup is disgusting. trust me, I parse it in the web action toolbelt :)
# 00:14 barnabywalters well, if you have backfeed working then the path of least friction is likely to be “comment on this post on your own site, or reply on Twitter or Facebook” (etc)
tantek joined the channel
# 00:14 Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 5/24 at 9:22pm: West is leading 8-7 again... something must be done #gamification
# 00:16 GWG barnabywalters: Did you see my mockup?
# 00:17 GWG I haven't merged this to live yet
# 00:18 tantek aaronpk - hey the page had to start somewhere ;)
# 00:18 tantek especially since the spec itself was way to tl;dr ;)
# 00:18 Loqi tantek meant to say: especially since the spec itself was way too tl;dr ;)
# 00:18 aaronpk i'm just thinking now that people are linking to it on their websites next to the webmention form
# 00:20 barnabywalters GWG: also the copy is framed very negatively, focusing on what the site doesn’t do
# 00:20 GWG I may have been reading KartikPrabhu's No Comment thing just before writing it.
# 00:20 GWG Positive is always better than negative
# 00:24 tantek KartikPrabhu: recruit some more Chicagoans for IndieWebCamp East!
# 00:25 barnabywalters “notify me” text on the button — it’s a different voice (active vs passive) to the copy
# 00:26 tantek goes back to making a salad for a BBQ since he has no idea what the discussion is about!
# 00:28 barnabywalters but the discussion is about language framing on webmention comment copy and manual webmention sending forms
# 00:31 GWG barnabywalters: The original text in pfefferle's version was Ping Me.
# 00:32 GWG tantek: Trying to write generic copy that laypeople can understand.
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 00:42 GWG tantek: What is the story behind the eviltantek accoun?
# 00:48 bnvk oooooooh, don't speak of eviltantek in these parts
# 00:49 bnvk the demon silo lords may swoop up another promising startup to punish us
# 00:49 GWG bnvk: I heard Springpad is shutting down
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 00:58 GWG I haven't, until here, met many people who live in Iceland.
# 00:58 bnvk just barnabywalters and myself, right?
# 00:58 GWG bnvk: I have met a lot of people from Europe, Australia...not much from Asia...
# 00:59 GWG I was thinking the Icelandic gap was interesting
# 01:00 bnvk hehe, well, it's a rather small country 320,000 in total
# 01:00 aaronpk top nav bars have always been my go-to nav since bootstrap, but i'm getting really tired of them. i need another default
# 01:02 bnvk GWG: but it's an interesting country and definitely worth visiting sometime
# 01:02 GWG bnvk: Is it strange I know the name of the airport?
# 01:02 bnvk aaronpk: floating collapsible sidebar
# 01:03 bnvk well, i'm thinking with a symbols / icons
# 01:13 aaronpk actually it's not bad just moving it to the bottom
# 01:13 GWG I was agonizing over that last month
# 01:17 GWG You are sick of Bootstrap. I just started using it last month
# 01:17 aaronpk i'm not sick of bootstrap, i'm just sick of the header bar
# 01:17 aaronpk cause I hate styling form elements all day long and theirs are good
# 01:20 GWG aaronpk: I styled something using Bootstrap, then I had to restyle it without it. Certainly harder
# 01:51 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: I blame you for this whole quill thing
j12t joined the channel
# 02:12 GWG is playing musical chairs with his content
dariusdunlap joined the channel
netweb, snarfed1, paulcp and fmarier joined the channel
# 03:50 GWG KartikPrabhu: Can I pick your brain for a minute? I've been working on this all weekend.
# 03:52 GWG Click the icon, go to silo, do stuff there
# 03:52 GWG I tried to get it more automated.
# 03:53 GWG The phrase "Like or Comment via:" I'm not sure about
# 03:54 KartikPrabhu I like it. Let the silos do all their stuff and you can just link to it
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 03:58 GWG But they are defaulting to Twitter, the only silo that supports intent urls.
# 03:59 KartikPrabhu as in "how is this button different from the other links?" or "where are such links for my favourite silo?"
brianloveswords, snarfed and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 05:25 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: I am now reasonably happy with the way this turned out
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:14 kylewm aaronpk: wow, Quill is really classy looking! and I think it will be super helpful to people setting up micropub
jsilvestre, chrissaad, squeakytoy, erikmaarten, caseorganic, eschnou, whaity, brianloveswords, squeakytoy2 and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 07:42 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 07:46 thRett new to iwc...love the principles so far
Jeena, squeakytoy, Sebastien-L, LauraJ, bnvk, tobiastom, aboynejames, zaal, grantmacken and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
barnabywalters, whaity, squeakytoy and ttepasse joined the channel
LauraJ and friedcell joined the channel
# 11:54 Loqi [@kevinmarks] “We have a broad consensus on the need to decentralize the web
bnvk, pfefferle, luxagraf, aboynejames, Sebastien-L, glennjones and michel_v joined the channel
# 13:19 GWG Happy Memorial Day to those who celebrate it.
indie-visitor, luxagraf and pfefferle joined the channel
adactio joined the channel
luxagraf, Sebastien-L, kylewm, brianloveswords and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 14:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:00 GWG aaronpk: I'll have to take a look
aboynejames joined the channel
pfefferle, alistair, luxagraf, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
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# 16:03 snarfed1 looks good aaronpk
# 16:04 snarfed1 (note that the dan gillmor link is only in the content)
# 16:04 snarfed1 yeah. made it up.
# 16:05 aaronpk the u tells the parsers to look at the href of the element, which there is none on the <p> tag
# 16:05 snarfed1 fortunately it's meaningless - every link is a mention - so meh
snarfed joined the channel
garietyxxx joined the channel
# 16:11 garietyxxx aaronpk: I'm curious about IndieMark's requirement that a site be served in static HTML. This excludes the rendering of views via JavaScript, correct?
# 16:13 garietyxxx aaronpk: What is the reasoning behind this? My site is rentered entirelly client side for the sake of speed, can I not be included by IndieMark somehow?
# 16:13 aaronpk well you could enhance a page with javascript as long as there is HTML underneath
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 16:13 GWG snarfed1: There can only be one snarfed.
# 16:13 aaronpk i seriously doubt you can beat the speed of serving straight up html
# 16:13 rascul where does it say static for indiemark? i don't see it
# 16:13 snarfed1 GWG: i wish irc agreed :P
# 16:13 garietyxxx aaronpk: yes, but rendering client-side only will always beat rendering on both sides
# 16:14 aaronpk but anyway, the point is you'll be missing out on all the cross-site communication going on, because HTTP clients will get back an empty page
# 16:14 garietyxxx aaronpk: which clients are these? they cannot execute js?
# 16:15 snarfed1 garietyxxx: servers! ie basically anything that's not a browser
# 16:15 barnabywalters garietyxxx: forcing consumers of data to run javascript is a VAST increase in the barrier of entry to consuming data on the web
# 16:15 aaronpk garietyxxx: yeah good luck convincing anyone here running a server to run your JS :)
# 16:16 aaronpk it's completely empty because your server didn't return any content in the HTML
pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 16:17 rascul you can hook up some redis to nginx serving static html it's super duper fast
# 16:17 garietyxxx rascul: I'm rendering via react
# 16:18 aaronpk yeah google is *just starting* to run JS on web pages now
# 16:18 garietyxxx barnabywalters: screenshot?
# 16:19 aaronpk also what's with the meta and script tag before the <!DOCTYPE ?
# 16:20 garietyxxx i admit it is shabby at the moment
# 16:21 garietyxxx aaronpk: I'm developing a framework and trying to make it as speedy as possible, W3C compliant is last step
# 16:21 barnabywalters garietyxxx: I seem to remember someone running a service which ran javascript-only sites, cached their HTML and then offered it as a proxy, serving the javascript version to real browsers and the cached HTML to other user agents
memecake joined the channel
# 16:22 aaronpk as long as microformat parsers can deal with it it doesn't matter if there's extra stuff before the doctype
# 16:22 garietyxxx barnabywalters: I can do it myself in a few short moments, it's a matter of how long do I want to cache the static stuff for
brianloveswords and bnvk joined the channel
# 16:22 barnabywalters garietyxxx: can you regenerate the cache when changes are made to the content?
# 16:24 garietyxxx aaronpk: okay, I agree it should serve HTML, I just need to find out how to most quickly insert the views between the <body></body> tags.
# 16:24 garietyxxx aaronpk: the script is before the doctype because the cotype is in the layout and that script and meta are generated on each load.
# 16:25 garietyxxx barnabywalters: yeah that's what I'll end up doing I think.
# 16:25 barnabywalters garietyxxx: you might be able to make serving the content as HTML cut out the need for extra requests, too — it looks like you’re making at least one extra request per page to fetch content?
# 16:35 GWG barnabywalters: I tried some of your suggestions
# 16:36 GWG barnabywalters: Still having trouble with it
snarfed and tgbrun joined the channel
# 16:46 GWG barnabywalters: I think I fixed the tone
# 16:46 GWG barnabywalters: But does... Respond via and the syndication links seem clear?
# 16:47 GWG I found if I put the form up top, people misunderstood
# 16:49 GWG I showed it to a few random people
# 16:49 GWG Many thought they needed to use the webmention form to comment on Twitter, for example
# 16:50 barnabywalters so it needs to be clearer that people can comment via silos OR on their own site
# 16:51 GWG barnabywalters: Yes. That is my problem
# 16:53 GWG barnabywalters: I want to create something clear and then it will propagate to all pages, and...since I'm releasing the code, to other sites possible.
# 16:54 GWG I have the action/Twitter intent buttons too...but they also confuse the issue.
# 16:56 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: thanks! I spent wayyyyy more time on this than expected, but i'm happy with it
# 16:57 aaronpk started as "I bet I could copy ownyourgram and make it post text notes" which I did... in 1.5 hrs... then spent the rest of the weekend on it
# 16:58 GWG barnabywalters: Let me give that a try.
# 16:58 barnabywalters GWG: I need to revamp the footer of my notes+articles too, this is really helpful
# 16:58 GWG I don't even have an Instagram account.
# 16:58 GWG I had to use one of aaronpk's posts as a placeholder just to test it
# 16:59 GWG And if snarfed starts supporting flickr....I'm going to have to add that
# 17:01 GWG snarfed: I'll go find the icon for flickr
# 17:01 snarfed GWG: heh, i should rephrase: after someone implements it and sends a pull request, i'm ready to merge it
# 17:02 GWG snarfed: It's an icon and a post meta box. I'll live
# 17:03 GWG snarfed: Any other icons I should add in while I'm at it?
# 17:03 GWG barnabywalters: One problem at a time
# 17:03 snarfed GWG: the only one people have made any noise about is app.net
# 17:06 kylewm barnabywalters: aaronpk: do you guys look up the name of a location (e.g., "Portland, OR") when creating the post initially? or does it happen later?
# 17:07 barnabywalters kylewm: I reverse geocode just after posting, at the same time as POSSE and webmention sending an reply context fetching
# 17:07 barnabywalters it’s in the same category of “stuff which improves the display of the post, but isn’t essential”
# 17:08 kylewm barnabywalters: that makes sense to me, do you store that information in the post itself?
# 17:08 barnabywalters I do reverse-geocode location to help people get the right place, but I thinks that data is refetched for some reason
# 17:08 aaronpk my phone is always tracking location, and it actually updates a location.json file on my server constantly, which includes the reverse geocode info. so any time I want to include location with a post, I can just get the data from that file cause it's already there.
# 17:09 kylewm aaronpk: whoa i didn't know that. ha, that's awesome
# 17:11 kylewm barnabywalters: oooh, thanks! more than i could have hoped for
# 17:13 aaronpk trying to normalize the fields from simplegeo into h-adr fields
# 17:14 aaronpk you wrote the first micropub client that posts text notes :)
# 17:16 kylewm btw, Indie Tech speaker lineup is pretty impressive! i recognize adactio, bnvk, tommorris, and rms(!)
bnvk1 joined the channel
# 17:31 GWG barnabywalters: I think I have it
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:34 GWG "Click through and comment/like on one of the above sites"
# 17:35 GWG barnabywalters: You wouldn't believe what I found when I showed people this page.
# 17:35 GWG I could move the note to the bottom section
# 17:36 barnabywalters GWG: if you’ve done any usability testing on this the please, please write a post about it!
# 17:37 GWG barnabywalters: I should. I asked a bunch of people I correspond with who aren't familiar with the indieweb
luxagraf, barnabywalters and tgbrun joined the channel
# 18:06 kylewm barnabywalters: i'm super glad i didn't have to do the research for the nominatum -> h-geo mapping. thank you!
# 18:09 kylewm it's interesting, Nominatum returns "San Mateo" for my city, even though I live on the "u" in Burlingame
# 18:12 adactio bnvk1: Looking forward to seeing you and tommorris.
# 18:12 tommorris Should be fun although "nice guy" may be false advertising.
# 18:14 bnvk1 tommorris: true, I had dinner with you on my birthday and you were a terrible meaney mean face :P
tantek joined the channel
# 18:16 bnvk1 yah, he did a nice job on the site
aboynejames joined the channel
# 18:23 barnabywalters hm, is it just me or is Nominatim not returning nearly as accurate information as it used to
# 18:25 GWG barnabywalters: Took the plugin live
# 18:30 Jeena I'll load it up and retry, some of the buttons didn't do anything when I clicked, and some did something else as advertised, but give me a couple of minutes then I can refresh my memory
# 18:33 GWG I just added actions to the live site
dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 18:46 Jeena now it mostly is that there are only buttons on the homepage, nowhere else
# 18:47 barnabywalters many of them are due to twitter loading new pages via javascript, the toolbelt isn’t handling that correctly, nor is it handling new-style timelines
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:48 Jeena I tried to fix the CSS but it wasn't easy because twitter overwrites it in some way, then I gave up
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# 18:49 Jeena ah hm interesting, now I see what you mean, if I open the new page in a new tab so it loads the page fully then there are the buttons
# 18:49 barnabywalters Jeena: yeah, writing this sort of code to interact with other sites is a pain
friedcell joined the channel
# 18:52 aaronpk wow this is kind of magical... I just extracted my entire iMessage history out of the chat.db file and it's now sitting as text files in neatly organized folders
realzies, jasonjohnwells, luxagraf and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 19:07 aaronpk now I just need to figure out if it makes more sense to archive as html with microformats or plain text
# 19:07 aaronpk leaning towards html so that I can also embed images
# 19:07 aaronpk also messages can have newlines which may make parsing the plaintext version harder
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# 19:42 bear structured html is a good archive format because you can give context to the content and also carry metadata
caseorganic, jonnybarnes, cweiske, eschnou and luxagraf joined the channel
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# 20:12 aaronpk now it backs up images that were sent via imessage too!
# 20:14 GWG I should see how you backup Google Voice before they cancel it
# 20:18 GWG aaronpk: I need to find an alternative
eschnou joined the channel
# 20:22 rascul there is sendhub but it's not as featureful as google voice
# 20:24 GWG rascul: I'd pay for an alternative
# 20:24 rascul sendhub gets better when you pay but i don't know how it compares to others
# 20:45 rascul they got a free plan i used it for awhile, unless they changed it all since then
# 20:46 rascul there was also a nifty android app that never worked right for me
# 20:54 GWG Updating some metadata to accommodate the new plugin. There may be a few of those
luxagraf joined the channel
# 21:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tgbrun and adactio joined the channel
# 21:23 adactio !tell KartikPrabhu: I pasted the link in manually to my webmention form.
# 21:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:24 Loqi KartikPrabhu: adactio left you a message 22 seconds ago: I pasted the link in manually to my webmention form.
friedcell and edge226 joined the channel
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# 22:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu "hackers" and "jailbreak" no longer have positive connotations among the general public I feel
# 22:29 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: klintron mentioned that he couldn't choose the title
# 22:29 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: he tried for a different one, but his editor at wired chose that one
# 22:29 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: it's a real shame. dan gilmor's article was much better though!
# 22:30 KartikPrabhu caseorganic: not necessarily blaming the author. I realise these things have to go through multiple "editorial" people who might care more about grabbing eye balls and click stats
# 22:31 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: dangilmor's article was really great
# 22:31 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: i was spending most of my time recruiting someone during that indiewebcamp instead of talking with with the right people
# 22:31 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: so i take responsibility for the inaccuracy of the article in wired
# 22:32 caseorganic KartikPrabhu: as it could have been prevented by simply talking more. i had to do a cost benefit analysis. we ended up getting a lovely person to join our team, but indieweb suffered for it.
# 22:32 KartikPrabhu caseorganic: the article is not inaccurate, just the title is a bit sensationalised in the wrong way
# 22:34 KartikPrabhu yes but I expect such omissions. Indieweb includes so many things that writing about all of them in one article can be tricky. (I avoided and picked a few things while writing mine...)
# 22:38 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: does your micropub endpoint automatically post that to twitter or is there a manual step?
# 22:41 aaronpk considers if he's really ready to go down this rabbit hole
# 22:41 aaronpk maybe as long as there really is a rabbit at the other side
# 22:42 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: you should wait until it is more than just me using it. or if you use it regularly enough :)
# 22:42 aaronpk well one of my goals is to replace the built-in interface I currently use
# 22:43 KartikPrabhu so a question regarding that: will you still use IndieAuth to login to your own posting interface?
# 22:43 aaronpk the goal is for this to become my posting interface
# 22:44 aaronpk that was part of the reason I decided to launch it on a subdomain of p3k.io
# 22:44 KartikPrabhu yeah but you'll then use IndieAuth to login to Quill so you can post on your own site
# 22:44 KartikPrabhu I mean "Why should I rely indirectly on Twitter to authorize entry into my own site"?
# 22:46 aaronpk currently I regularly switch between using github, persona and TOTP login methods when signing in on indieauth.com
# 22:47 aaronpk it's the protocol the google authenticator app implements, but I also have it on my watch
# 22:48 aaronpk TOTP is particularly handy if I'm on an untrusted computer or slow network connection since it doesn't require additional HTTP requests
# 22:51 aaronpk ultimately your website gets to delegate to an authorization server of its choosing. currently indieauth.com provides that as a service if you want to use it
# 22:51 aaronpk if you wanted to, you could point to your own authorization server and not use indieauth.com at all
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# 22:51 aaronpk if you do that and if you implement your own token endpoint, then you have become your own OAuth server
# 22:52 GWG caseorganic: Greetings. I don't think I've ever been around when you were.
# 22:53 GWG You are one of the reasons I'm here.
# 22:53 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: very nice... so just like bridgy IndieAuth is to be taken more as a stop-gap service
# 22:54 aaronpk in practice I expect lots of people will continue to use it because building that kind of thing is really annoying
# 22:59 aaronpk hm that section is more about the twitter/github/silo delegation that's happening
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# 23:05 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: are you ok with me publicizing Quill? well not a whole lot but just on my micropub endpoint?
# 23:20 aaronpk also good call on returning html for it on an empty GET request
# 23:21 KartikPrabhu I just added a GET to my webmention endpoint, so why not to this... :)
fmarier and bnvk joined the channel
# 23:32 GWG Need to start putting in some checks
# 23:32 GWG Odd that safety always comes second.
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# 23:41 KartikPrabhu caseorganic: after a second reading, I sort of agree that the Wired article seems to be missing quite a bit. It makes the indieweb sound less focused than it actually is. trying to cover a lot of breadth at the cost of some depth...
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# 23:42 GWG KartikPrabhu: I don't have anything that checks if there are no syndication links
# 23:43 GWG So the text appears without anything.
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