#GWGWe've had the same problem on and off for 10 years on our website.
#GWGWe finally had the idea...why are we trying to prove to the web team there is a problem? Let's ask them. They must keep data on failures in the logs.
#Loqibenwerd: snarfed left you a message 3 days, 5 hours ago: you and i might be hosting a few HWCs over the next couple months. the event you did at rockit colabs worked well...want to try there again? i'm happy to join as a member, or donate or whatever, if it'll help.
iangreenleaf joined the channel
#benwerdsnarfed: I'm no longer a member at RockIT, because of my Matter office membership (saving money) - but I might be able to get the venue anyway. Will ask
#CaptainCalliopeSo, I'm interested in helping with the event. Possibly helping organize. Maybe trying to see if I can get Mozilla to foot the lunch bill. Would CaseOrganic be the main person to speak with about this?
#aaronpkCaptainCalliope: for boston? Yep! or myself, since I'll be there too
#KartikPrabhuwordpress is known to do weird stuff with old microformats and new ones... for instance in your case there is one h-entry (microformats2) and a different hentry (microformats1)
#KartikPrabhuyou want to remove the first and add it to the second
#GWGI removed it from the second and added it to the first
#GWGBecause the article enclosure didn't include the comment section.
#KartikPrabhuaah then you also want to remove the "h-as-article" from the <article> because anything that is h-* will count as a microformat "head"
#GWGWell, I may try to move the /article till after the comment-form.
caseorganic joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuyes that seems better... but then all the "h-entry h-as-article" should be on the <article>
#GWGKartikPrabhu: That might take a bit to add the individual p-category. But let me have a look.
caseorganic joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuthe thing is right now you have a category as "category1 category2" instead of being a list of 2 categories
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: on the quill homepage, if I click "Sign in" with a blank URL field it throws errors "no authorization endpoint". instead you should add "required" so that it saves a request and gives the correct error :)
#JonathanNealI really dig the login at indiewebcamp, I need something like that for my own site. I think it’s time I ditched the teapot http://jonneal.com/
krendil, fmarier, BjornW and glennjones joined the channel
#petermolnarhey all I have a question on indieauth: my site is ssl-only, therefore when indieauth tries to log me in, it fails
#petermolnarif I enter https://petermolnar.eu as my login, it works correctly, although every single time I need to re-authenticate the indieweb app for twitter
#petermolnaris there anyone else having issues like this?
luxagraf, dybskiy, nloadholtes, bnvk and pfefferle joined the channel
adactio, luxagraf, barnabywalters, krendil, dybskiy, petermolnar, nloadholtes, pbeaulieu and bnvk joined the channel
#barnabywalters!tell snarfed I think my bridgy twitter access tokens just expired, I had to reauthenticate to get responses backfeeding again — does twitter have a good way of notifying people about this, as facebook does?
#barnabywaltersonly thing I would point out is that your really detailed h-card is a child of the h-entry, but the h-entry’s author is much less detailed — why not just make your detailed h-card the author h-card?
#GWGbarnabywalters: My mother told me she doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about.
#barnabywaltersGWG: ha ha, yep I get that often too, so try to post at least once or twice a week about non-web stuff :)
#GWGWell, the h-card is in the sidebar, which is now inside the content.
pfefferle joined the channel
#GWGI changed it because of the fact the comment section was outside the h-entry
#GWGI may need to rearrange things to move it out.
pbeaulieu joined the channel
#GWGIf you look at the page visually, I have this sidebar I'm barely using.
tilgovi joined the channel
#GWGSo, I don't have a use for the sidebar right now, yet I have one.
#barnabywaltersGWG: so you should still be able to just add p-author to the sidebar class attribute and everything will work
#GWGIt's non-standard Wordpress implementation, because Wordpress assumes multiple authors, but I can work with that.
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: so that's been confusing me for a while, what's the advantage of making the whole page an h-feed?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: h-as-* refer to activitystream object/verb types — they’re published experimentally by a few people but not AFAIK consumed by anyone
#luxagrafcweiske: yeha that code isn't working, that's going to get commented out until I decide how I want to do comments. :)
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: the validator tells me to use u-url, but it's a permalink page which seems strange to me, shouldn't it just assume that the url is the url?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: it seems strange, but is useful when, for example, “social media tools” add annoying utm_source query parameters
#ben_thatmustbemeif you get to the permalink from a link that doesn't have rel=permalink... how would you know
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: yeah, rel=canonical does the same thing
snarfed joined the channel
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: yeah, just noticed I'm using canonical, not permalink
#Loqisnarfed: barnabywalters left you a message 2 hours, 13 minutes ago: I think my bridgy twitter access tokens just expired, I had to reauthenticate to get responses backfeeding again — does twitter have a good way of notifying people about this, as facebook does?
#barnabywaltersthe advantage of having u-url as well is mainly for feed or archive pages with multiple entries on – most people also put it on permalink pages for consistency
#barnabywaltersbut consumers should also consume rel=canonical, so go ahead and publish that, and if it doesn’t work it’s a prod to the consumer to fix their code :)
edge226 joined the channel
#snarfedbarnabywalters: yeah, there was a hiccough last night, i'm still investigating
#luxagrafam i correct in thinking that there really is no h-* syntax for marking up a photo gallery?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: there’s no microformat vocabulary specifically for that
#barnabywaltersthe best thing is probably to use h-feed and h-entry, and give the h-entries u-photo properties, but no (or little) content
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: what about hMedia? Never got updated to mf2 syntax it seems...
#barnabywalterswhen choosing what microformats vocabulary to use, the main consideration should be “how do I want people to be able to use this content”
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: hMedia never really got consumed by anything
#barnabywaltersso there was no compelling case to create an equivalent microformats2 vocabulary
luxagraf joined the channel
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: in the case of h-entries/u-photo wouldn't a consumer rightly consider the photo to be supplemental, rather than the actual entry?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: maybe a way around that would be to not have a content property
#barnabywaltersanother way around it would be to have the HTML for the photo *in* the content property
#barnabywaltershe has experience both with personal backups of flickr and cross-posting instagram photos
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: I have the backend solved, just working out the frontend, particularly how to handle private photos/galleries meant only for friends/family
#bnvksnarfed is bridgy rebooting / or having issues today?
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: yeah, access control is another big challenge
#aaronpkre: photos, I've been using the Narrative clip the past couple weeks and experimenting with what sorts of things look good from it and how to publish them
#aaronpkthe photos aren't super high quality, and definitely don't work well in low light, but bike rides are fun!
#petermolnarindieauth whishlist: make indieauth play nice with htttps only ( http redirects to https ) sites, because logging in currently stalls unless https://domain.com is entered instead of domain.com
#Loqitantek: benwerd left you a message on 5/26 at 7:14pm: Remember the simple profile code commit that inspired work to begin on Idno, a year or two ago? Some communities move faster than others (check the names) ... http://blog.elgg.org/pg/blog/matt/read/241/elgg-190rc1-released
#dariusdunlapkylewm: Not sure what you mean by “an indiewebcamp cert”, but changing to a new cert is just the same as installing a new one. It’s a complex sequence, but not difficult. I recommend ssls.com, who resell certs from multiple providers and have a 5-year cert for $25 total. (Plus all the fancier, more expensive ones like wildcards and such)
#dariusdunlapkylewm: The process for generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and installing the cert differs a bit by hosting company or platform. One of my domains is real straightforward, but the other involves sending a support request for the CSR.
#aaronpkI use it to generate ssl certs for *.dev for testing stuff locally with ssl
#dariusdunlapA lot of my certs over the years have been self-generated. Which works fine if it’s just for your personal OpenVPN certs, wprdpress admin panel certs and stuff like that.
#aaronpkdariusdunlap: yeah this indiewebcamp authority is similar to self-signed, but you won't see any browser warnings at all if you install the root cert
#dariusdunlapThese cheap (and FREE!) certificate authority certs were a real revelation!
#aaronpkso it's slightly better than using self-signed certs
#dariusdunlapAt one point I was fairly organized and had done the same thing… basically set up my own private cert authority and installed the root cert on my computers (and my wife’s)
#aaronpkbnvk: can I add the HTML format I'm using for my text messages?
#bnvkand the big gain is it can imported into any standard mail client and it should thread conversations and replicate that experience the best
#snarfedno mf2 markup, but design wise it works ok, and they're stored structured internally so i can surface them elsewhere, e.g. https://snarfed.org/pictures
#LoqiA gallery is a deliberately curated set of photos, that may itself be a post, or an archive view, or potentially dynamically created via tags http://indiewebcamp.com/gallery
#luxagrafhey thanks. there are others on the photo galleries (each photo has a map popup). those are still google maps though, changing that today
#aaronpkGWG: no I don't think I will. part of what finally let me start publishing photos on my site at all was allowing myself to publish "photo notes" rather than full albums
#luxagrafbret: if you hit any snags let me know i'll try to help (I'm no expert though)
#luxagrafaaronpk: yup. just had to change one line from http to https
#bretI'm not sure how to really approach it quite yet
#bretif I should do a separate program or generate some kind of json file with jekyll
#luxagrafbret: I would go with a json output file from jekyll myself. just add a couple custom yaml tags for lat/lon and then loop through all your posts and write those a json file.
edge226 joined the channel
#bretalso not sure if I want to make a separate set of files for locations or have them pegged to notes
#GWGCan I ask you all some more basic location questions?
#bretI'm eyeing a secondary post folder that keeps track of uninteresting things like likes, and possibly checkins and keep those out of my main stream
#luxagrafat the moment I use geodjango which handles a lot of the dirty work for me and allows my admin interface to just present a map that I can drop pins on
#bretI'm not really sure exactly, but I would look at others who have done something close to what you want
#aaronpkI publish my current location on my site to two decimals of precision
#aaronpkand I reverse geocode to a city name for a lot of the location on posts, so you'll see things like "Portland, OR" on notes and stuff
#LoqiHTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers http://indiewebcamp.com/https
#kylewmaaronpk: also, does indieauth.com can't read https://kylewm.com since i'm using a self-signed certificate... does that kinda defeat the purpose of having https?
#KevinMarkstrading bio writing is a really good idea
#aaronpkkylewm: yeah for anything public you should get a real certificate, not use self-signed or the indiewebcamp ones
#GWGKevinMarks: I think writing yours would be more work than writing mine.
#GWGThen again, someone did. You have a wikipedia page
#tallpaulMadLibs: ___ was born in ____, the offspring of a ___ and a ___, Formerly a ___, they currently work as ___. When not working they like to___ and ___. Their favorite things are___, ___and ___. They dislike ___ with a passion.
#GWGtallpaul: I can't see your username without thinking of the Sherman Brother's song.
#tantekand then perhaps an "FAQ" section with the question you point out? let's at least capture what you pointed out so far - I'll try to follow-up asynchronously
#Loqitantek meant to say: and then perhaps an "FAQ" section with the questions you point out? let's at least capture what you pointed out so far - I'll try to follow-up asynchronously
pauloppenheim, gavinc, lukebrooker and luxagraf joined the channel
#luxagrafis there some magical tool that parses irc logs and find just the things I said? so I can go do all the wiki edits I said I would make but maybe forgot about.
#snarfedluxagraf: do you need a tool? a simple search in the browser should work, right?