#aaronpk!tell barnabywalters we just booked tickets to Iceland for the weekend of Dec 5!
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 55 minutes ago: do you remember which microformats meetup at 21st Amendment that you first came to years ago?
#Loqiaaronpk: lionzan left you a message 6 hours, 53 minutes ago: I made it! your code works within S3 (but still very rough way of doing things mine)
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 30 minutes ago: when did you start using a cert from a trusted CA on your own site? Do you remember when you got the cert / installed it / made sure it worked for https://aaronparekci.com/ ?
#LoqiAn apprentice, in the context of the indieweb, is an IndieWebCamp participant who has not yet setup a personal domain with IndieAuth, but is passionate about owning their identity & data on the web and dedicated to doing so, with the help of a creator http://indiewebcamp.com/apprentice
caseorganic, caseorga_ and squeakytoy joined the channel
#Loqilionzan: kylewm left you a message on 5/28 at 11:44am: small tip on the microformats markup on your site -- if you move the author image inside your h-card, parsers will be able to pick it up
#lionzanmsg kylewm thx! I thought that having in my sidebar h-card was enough, but of course it is not related to the post! I'm going tro make the change :)
edge226 joined the channel
#lionzantell kylewm not so clear how to include it without showing it in the HTML...
#kylewmlionzan: actually you're right, the sidebar h-card is enough if you don't have one associated directly with the post
#lionzangood! but how come my img does not appear in the webmentions anyway?
#kylewmlionzan: the authorship algorithm looks for the h-card most closely associated with a given post. you've got <a class="p-author h-card" href="http://lionzan.me">@lionzan</a> in the h-entry, which doesn't have am image associated with it
#kylewmsince your permalink pages have an h-card in the sidebar, you don't have to have one embedded in the post as well
#lionzanI see, it makes sense. how do i associate an img without showing it in the site?
#lionzanI mean, how do I put an u-photo in the post h-card without showing it on the site?
#kylewmlionzan: I use style="display:none" for the image on my permalink pages. not everyone agrees that that (hidden stuff)'s a good thing
#Loqiaaronpk: jonnybarnes left you a message 3 hours, 36 minutes ago: I can't get indieauth.com to find my rel="me" links on my homepage, any idea what's going wrong?
#lionzanaaronpk, yes, but apparently it doesn't show up because it's overriden by the p-author class in the post h-entry, which doesn't have a u-photo associated
#aaronpklionzan: yeah if you already have an h-card on the page then you can just use that instead of adding the new one!
#aaronpktantek: close! but actually I found the event by searching google for the date, and ended up finding the event listed on the microformats wiki!
#lionzanaaronpk, great. I just wasn't sure if the parser would consider the site owner as the post author
#tantekreally?!? I thought you'd said you just checked Upcoming in SF to see what tech events were going on that day
#tanteksince when does googling dates work for the present / future?
#aaronpksince the microformats wiki was so thorough :)
#lionzan!tell voxpelli I'm using your webmentions app but I have a question. Why does the text of my post on your site is not updated to reflect changes in the original post?
#aaronpkI believe my search terms were: 2009-09-23 meetup san francisco, but might have been "september 23, 2009" meetup san francisco
#jonnybarnesaaronpk: cool, also Im confused looking at my logs, indieauth makes a head request first, then a get request
#Loqijonnybarnes: aaronpk left you a message 11 minutes ago: looks like this problem was indieauth.com not properly reporting an http -> https redirect. I'm going to drop that restriction soon anyway: https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth/issues/28
#jonnybarneswhy? surely a get request would produce the same headers
#aaronpki'm not sure if that was intentional in this case... but I normally do that because if the HEAD request results in finding things then I don't need to download the whole page
#bnvkaaronpk: so… that message format has evolved a bit, turns out, we're going to use multipart/mime with the microformats HTML inside the text/html part :)
#kylewmbridgy sometimes uses a HEAD request to check the content-type before downloading an unknown page
lukebrooker joined the channel
#aaronpkbnvk: whoa what! is it documented on that etherpad page still?
#tanteksnarfed - that's close, but I was hoping for something where it just used your existing cookie
#tantekrather than requiring some explicit on switch
#tanteksince they have the data, they're just not exposing it
#tantekin a broader sense, it would be useful to be able to browse *all* the data they have collected on you that feeds into their ad systems
#snarfedtantek: actually not quite. they scrub logs after somewhere btw 6 and 18 mos, and much of the extra details stored in history they don't store at all, or only temporarily (until the log savers get to it, ie days)
#tantekah yes, I'd heard about the log scrubbing, and that makes sense
#snarfedre ad targeting, agreed. there is something that shows your demographic and psycographic buckets, but only high level. should be searchable
#voxpellilionzan: my webmentions endpoint doesn't yet support updating the contents a mention
#Loqivoxpelli: lionzan left you a message 21 minutes ago: I'm using your webmentions app but I have a question. Why does the text of my post on your site is not updated to reflect changes in the original post?
#lionzanI see, no prob, just to make sure it wasn't me doing sthg wrong
#tantek.comedited /Google (+2117) "add section on Search, Google Web History, move Aaronpk and Tantek meeting to Search subsection since aaronpk says he used Google Search to find the microformats meetup!" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Upcoming () "(-1241) apparently Upcoming was not how aaronpk found the microformats meetup but rather [[Google]] Search!" (view diff)
#tantekhey https experts - I briefly saw the mixed-mode warning triangle on https Twitter profiles - what would cause that?
#tantekin other news, Twitter seems to have switched everyone over to the "new" profile page (the one that looks like a FB profile page). I never switched mine over manually.
#snarfedhome page mentions are very rare right now. jeena, known, maybe gRegor` and aaronpk support them, not sure of who else, afaik mostly for http://indiewebcamp.com/messaging
#snarfedi'd start by looking at the current usages
#GWGluxagraf over there likes snarfed.org. You don't want to clutter your home page noting how many people liked the site overall....so you want to shunt that to a secondary page
#GWGThat would be using like as sort of an 'endorsement.'
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: GWG: displaying received mentions is different from the page actually receiving mentions. You can get a mention to your homepage but display it elsewhere without having some rel stuff
#KartikPrabhuor maybe I am misunderstanding the use case
#GWGKartikPrabhu: I thought of that point, that it can be configured on the server.
#tantek1) mentions of people in posts (e.g. like twitter @-mentions), 2) private messaging, 3) event /invitations
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: it's probably not saving your session properly. I thought I set the cookie expiration to like 10 years but maybe I didn't do something right
#GWGYes. But, should they be considered webmentions to the site as a whole or the homepage as a single unit?
#barnabywaltersGWG: that tool doesn’t consume RSS, so if it works then your h-feed is good!
#barnabywaltersmy new feed reader will probably consume RSS/ATOM as well as h-feed, as there is so much of it out there
#barnabywaltersfirst checking for microformats2, then falling back to feed files if they exist
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#aaronpki just had a hilarious idea. twittify.io/aaronparecki.com -> parse my h-feed and h-card and present a page that looks like twitter but from data on my website
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: as well as being hilarious, it would be an awesome way of testing homepages!
#GWGI need to add it to the Wordpress archive.php file next, but I think I've got this.
#barnabywaltersespecially with some simple common error checking and suggestions
#tantekcan @thedatahive say something new about the IndieWeb instead of tweeting their same article?
#aaronpkI know, I always get excited that they may have something new to say when I see those tweets, then realize it's the same article again and again
#ben_thatmustbemeThat would involve actually writing another article. Remember, repeating your tweets over and over again makes them better. Right?
#aaronpkmost services have a password reset feature via email which is essentially the same thing
#tantekyeah because email services are never compromisd
#aaronpkI think the fact that companies are doing this is more of an acknowledgement of how terrible password databases are and recognizing that people want to sign in with their own already-existing identity
#aaronpkit just so happens that right now the only way to actually do that and still continue to have a service people can use, you have to use email
#aaronpkI did find it interesting that they explicitly called out not using facebook login as a benefit
#tantekyes, that is interesting, though note they kept it explicitly as an option
#tantekso given that UI, why not do Persona discovery first? and then fallback to 1-click link in email?
#aaronpkhas anybody demonstrated persona login for an ios app?
#Loqibnvk: barnabywalters left you a message 3 hours, 24 minutes ago: RE microformats tagging and IDs, “p-category” and “u-uid” sound like what you’re after
lukebrooker, chrissaad, emmak_, benwerd and luxagraf joined the channel
#kylewmaaronpk: tiny suggestion, i'd like it if the default font on the IRC logs was 'monospace' instead of 'courier'
#tanteksure, consulting seems like a good business model - did you check /business_models to see if it's on there?
#j12tuse case: i’m Dan#2, I write, I read what Dan did with his blog, and I’d like to do the same. Who do I call who will sit down with me and make me successful?
#j12tin this use case, I’m not looking for a business model, but for a phone number
#tantekj12t usually people looking to hire are looking to talk first
#tantekj12t - if it's an important use-case, do you know of any concrete examples? can you point to any blog posts that illustrate your important use-case?