#snarfedKartikPrabhu: got it. it did see that favorite, it just didn't send it to that note on your site
#KartikPrabhuyeah. the posse-post-discovery seems to not be working
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: this is nothing urgent. I'll poke around a bit too
#snarfednp, understood. i wonder if it fetched and parsed that note before you added the syndication links. it doesn't really handle updated posts very well
#snarfedgotta run, but that's my best guess. thanks for looking. kylewm may have more ideas too!
#tantekThose of you that implement posting notes on your own website, could you review http://indiewebcamp.com/notes#Why and see if it covers the reasons you do so? If you post notes on your own website for other reasons, please add them or say so here!
#GWG!tell snarfed May have another Bridgy problem. It takes a few moments for the rel-syndication links to appear on my page, and as a result, Bridgy has decided a response isn't connected to anything.
#Loqisnarfed: GWG left you a message 3 minutes ago: May have another Bridgy problem. It takes a few moments for the rel-syndication links to appear on my page, and as a result, Bridgy has decided a response isn't connected to anything.
#snarfedGWG: yup, KartikPrabhu saw the same thing. looks like he and kylewm have been thinking about it
#GWGsnarfed: What about adding a...recheck this to the specific recent response entry in the web interface?
#snarfedsure, could be a temporary workaround…but really we should make it Just Work
#andicascadesfHey guys. I won’t be able to make it to Wednesday’s meetup –Â I have a speaking engagement. But loved the last meetup + blogging hours. Can’t wait for the next one!
#KevinMarks_seems reasonable, especially if it checks the received status.
v0, pfefferle, Kyle-K, jsilvestre, jonnybarnes and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 43 minutes ago: I noticed that your Trovebox/openphoto install appears to be behaving better but still shows no photos at your links e.g.: http://photos.waterpigs.co.uk/photos/tags-note/list
#barnabywalters!tell tantek RE openphoto, indeed, I managed to get the server-side portion of it working, but it relies on js for logging in (persona) and gallery pages, and there is a javascript bug I’m not sure I can be bothered to track down
#petermolnar!tell pfefferle wordpress-webmention needs to save which sites were already notified to prevent new mentions on post update, can I help coding it?
#pfefferlepetermolar: this is a feature… the plugin should ping all links on every update so they can update the mention
#Loqipfefferle: petermolnar left you a message 1 minute ago: wordpress-webmention needs to save which sites were already notified to prevent new mentions on post update, can I help coding it?
#pfefferlethe latest version (on github) should handle updates very well
#petermolnarI'd still at least put in a button, like in the wiki as "this is a minor change" to prevent re-sending the mentions on typo/grammar corrections, etc.
brianloveswords joined the channel
#pfefferlebut why not… the mention on the other side shouldn’t have typos as well :)
#pfefferlethe latest version of the plugin send the pings asynchron, so it might be that not every change will be pinged, but only the latest...
#petermolnaryou have a point, but I still believe there are scenarios where you want to prevent a re-mention
#cweiskebut shouldn't the clients figure out that it's an update?
#barnabywalterspetermolnar: in this particular case I’d say it’s up to Loqi to decide whether or not to re-notify
#kylewmGWG: just saw your question from last night about rel syndication. how long after posting does it take for the syndication links to appear on your site?
#GWGkylewm: Well, automating it is on my list. The problem is the non-syndicated version gets cached until the update comes in. It could be a few minutes
#GWGI suggested a stopgap measure of a refresh button on the user page.
#kylewmOK yeah it could be a problem if you get a like or comment be
#kylewmfore the syndication links are present. would still expect that to be unusual with bridgys polling cycle
#kylewmtraveling for work this week but I'll take a look soon
chrissaad joined the channel
#GWGpfefferle: The reason I haven't gotten to working on the hooks is that I realized a lot of what I did in April when I wrote my theme isn't working in practical use
#GWGI used the Post Format system rather than the Custom Post Type system
#GWGAnd I wanted to use Post Types, but I was trying to make things less complicated
alistair joined the channel
#pfefferleI ran into similar problems with post formats and post types :)
friedcell joined the channel
#kylewmGWG: can you point me to a syndicated post that should have backfed comments?
#luxagrafI dislike sensationaist headlines, but i think he reaches an audience that might not otherwise be thinking about this stuff
tantek joined the channel
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: loqi only picks up posts with “indieweb”, “indiewebcamp“, “indieauth”, “webmention” and “ownourdata” IIRC
#Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: RE openphoto, indeed, I managed to get the server-side portion of it working, but it relies on js for logging in (persona) and gallery pages, and there is a javascript bug I’m not sure I can be bothered to track down
#jonnybarnesluxagraf: no worries on the ssl front, hows your setup going, I've managed to get an A+ on ssllabs :)
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: yeah i was just surprised KevinMarks_ hadn't tweeted about it yet :)
#luxagrafjonnybarnes: I haven't had a chance to try moving past A- yet.
#barnabywaltersgood to see aral is calling out “open” APIs as indiewebcamp.com/Bulshytt
#luxagrafjonnybarnes: hoping to get some time to work on it this afternoon though. I think I just need to change the ciphers I support to get Forward Secrecy working in more browsers
#tantekbarnabywalters: "relies on js for gallery pages" is another good criticism to add to /TroveBox
#tantek.comedited /note (+2070) "add explicit IndieWeb Examples section (finally) starting with examples on POSSE and rel-syndication pages" (view diff)
#luxagrafjonnybarnes: yeah, he also has a great tutorial on navigating StartSSL's crazy admin system
#luxagrafquestion for those you POSSEing to twitter, where are you reading twitter? i.e. are is your posting client also a reader or do you read one place and post from another?
gRegor` joined the channel
#luxagrafI'm thinking mostly in the context of replies... the idea of reading something on twitter or in and app and then jumping over to my own tool to reply to something feels very awkward
#tantekluxagraf - re: reading on Twitter, I noticed that my Twitter (even reading) usage has gone down a lot after I started posting notes from my own site. It feels quite liberating (from a lot of noisy posts).
#tantekoccasionally I check @-replies from friends
#tantekand of course whatever tweets Loqi copies here in IRC
#luxagraftantek: i tend to use twitter a lot like adactio describes in his post -- mini blog posts
#luxagraftantek: but then i tend to get questions about them that i like to @-reply to with a quick note
#tantekluxagraf - there's also /reader - people building reading support into their own sites
#luxagraftantek: it's the latter part that's challenging
#luxagrafAnd I don't want to build my own reader because then I have to maintain it against an ever-shifting set of APIs
#tantekluxagraf - yeah I've been doing @-replies exclusively from my own site for a while, and yes it is a little challenging, OTOH I love being able to more easily find my replies AND write longer replies!
#tantekluxagraf - you start your own reader with just h-entry
#tantekand then you can use barnabywalters Twitter to uf2 h-entry shim
#tantekwithout having to chase their ever-shifting set of APIs
#luxagraftantek: the longer replies is really the main reason I want to build my own notes section. other than that i find 140 chars too disposable to bother with.
#petermolnaraaronpk that was exactly the reason why I was thinking about a prevent mentions button: I needed to change the permalink, since wordpress somewhy failed to generate it in it's full length when first saved
#tantekonly ~half the W3C AB seats turnover every year
#tantekis to send a webmention for both the old and new URL
#tantekactually, resending the webmention for the old URL should be sufficient
#tantekbecause then when the receiver goes to retrieve it, and gets the redirect, the receiver can then know to *update* the URL permalink of the comment rather than create a new comment
#tantekadaction implemented notes, webmentions on them, and webactions on them, and incorporating them into his composite home page feed in one fell swoop. amazing.
#Loqitantek meant to say: adactio implemented notes, webmentions on them, and webactions on them, and incorporating them into his composite home page feed in one fell swoop. amazing.
#luxagraftantek: i noticed you use <action> on your site, has that ever been floated to w3c/whatwg?
#tantekluxagraf - not going to bother floating it to w3c/whatwg until we have critical mass of publishing and parsing/UI experience
#tantekw3c already went over the deep end with Google web intents (now defunct)
#tantekand whatwg is likely to redesign <action> for no good reason (by a bunch of people who don't actually work on their own websites and instead prefer to argue over email)
#bearjust nods sadly at that last depiction of the last 10 yrs of web standards work
#luxagrafha! that might be the best definition of the whatwg I've seen
#tantekluxagraf - it is possible to fight the email arguers in WHATWG but it takes A LOT of time and energy
#jonnybarnesaaronpk: will your site ever be hit by non-browsers?
#bearjonnybarnes - that reads better than what we have, can you adjust it?
#beari'm also curious if that expanded regex is worth including
#tantekaaronpk, barnabywalters you've posted some notes with geo location right? did we ever fully figure out how to mark that it up consistently? like inside an h-entry?
#aaronpkis SNI something that is expected to be supported by *all* https clients in the near future, or is it worth saying something like level 5 is SSL without SNI (on a dedicated IP)
#barnabywalterstantek: I experiemented a little, what I have currently makes the most sense to me for notes with location+name+geo
#aaronpkbear: I use SNI on my own servers cause I have a bunch of different domains on them and I don't want to have to get a lot of IP addresses for the server
#bearsni is for folks who can't control the "listen" and "server" keywords in their nginx/apache configs because they are behind hosting services load balancers
#jonnybarnesaaronpk: IPv6 cant come quick enough, would negate the need for SNI altogether
#aaronpkwithout SNI, the https client has to negotiate the ssl connection first, before it can send a "Host" HTTP header
#jonnybarnesbear aaronpk he's right, thats the whole problem that SNI was created to solve
#aaronpkwithout SNI, if the client skips SSL validation then the ssl connection will succeed and it can send the Host header and the web server will respond with the proper site.
#bearsorry - i was trying to have 3 different conversations - going to drop out for a real-life meeting (apologies for getting the threads confused)
#petermolnarit seems that the wordpress snap plugin stores enough information to create reshare/retweet/repost/etc webaction buttons instead of regular shares
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: yep, the draggable property is in leaflet. I can’t actually remember why I went for dragging the map rather than the marker
#barnabywaltersIIRC it was mainly to avoid annoying situations like accidental zooming/dragging moving the marker out of view
#barnabywaltersthis way the marker is always in view, and always in the cetnre
#KartikPrabhu!tell JonathanNeal: I was playing around with svg icons, for my site. Is there some way to have the svgs inherit the colour of the corresponding text element?
#tantekanyone in NYC want to do a later night HWC this week? Say 21:30-22:30? (i.e. synchronous with PDT!)
#tommorrisI’ve used a fair few map editing tools and Pushpin on iOS has a better POI input experience than most of the others, because it uses move the map with a centred marker
#gRegor`I wouldn't include the "kind" personally. A note can be multiple "kind"s. E.g.a reply and a like.
#barnabywalterstommorris: yep, I was using pushpin a lot before implementing that picker so was probably influenced by that
#barnabywaltersgRegor`: I remember discussing this with acegiak and coming to the conclusing that having a reply also be a like actually doesn’t really make any sense
#gRegor`On my end, I check for multiple types in the microformats and will display "and liked this post" or similar underneath the comment text, barnabywalters
#tantek.comedited /note (+356) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Michael Bester since 2014-01-13" (view diff)
#gRegor`Especially on Facebook posts when people comment and like it. They're displayed separately, currently, but snarfed made an update recently that will allow me to group them together.
#gRegor`Probably important to note that I'm not doing a facepile for likes/favorites and I don't think I intend to.
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: I agree with gregor`. want would like to "like and reply" to a post -- not there yet with my notes posting UI. As for receiving webmentions: I prioritise "replies" over all so if anything is a in-reply-to it will be a reply even if it has other like-of or something.
#KartikPrabhugregor`: have you written up your objections to facepiles?
#barnabywaltershistorically, the meaning of liking/starring/favouriting has been defined by a) the interaction initiating it and b) how it’s displayed visually/audibly
#barnabywaltersbut of course, historically the same entity has had control over both
#gRegor`Yeah, "like" is an boolean attribute of a webmention, on my end.
#barnabywaltersnow control over the two halves is spread out between the sender and the reciever
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: I haven't. I don't know if it's really an objection, just a preference. I can document it further on my webmentions wiki page though.
#KartikPrabhuyup. which is good. I can "like and reply" and the receiver can choose to treat it as they wish
#tantekwell I better make that more specific about having its own permalink then
#tantek(oh it's in the next sentence, but I'll merge)
#KevinMarks_they could have fragmention permalinks. bwahaha
#luxagrafthis might be a use case limited to me, but is there anything in the markup around POSSEing to denote that a POSSEd copy may be slightly different than the source?
#luxagrafi.e. perhaps passing through a copy desk at a some publication or changing to get around Medium's lack of footnote support, etc
#LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page http://indiewebcamp.com/note
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: the specific case i was thinking of is that i often write something for say arstechnica, but then publish something very similar on my own site. I was thinking it might be cool to indicate that one is at least related to the other, if not a copy
#tantekluxagraf - it's assumed that POSSE copies may be of lower fidelity
#JonathanNeal!tell KartikPrabhu: SVGs are often colored using the `fill` property. However, I’m not sure what would happen if you used `fill: currentColor` within the SVG.
#LoqiJonathanNeal: KartikPrabhu left you a message 37 minutes ago: I was playing around with svg icons, for my site. Is there some way to have the svgs inherit the colour of the corresponding text element?
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 1 hour ago: any news on location for this week's Homebrew Website Club meetup? http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-06-04-homebrew-website-club ? Any chance of knowing by ~10:45 so I can add it to today's Mozilla meeting announcements?
#snarfedtantek: you read my mind. benwerd has been looking into using rockit, but hasn't confirmed yet. if not, we can do it at quip, but probably couldn't do the writing hour beforehand, so i'm holding out hope
Sebastien-L, petermolnar, caseorga_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: JonathanNeal left you a message 1 hour, 8 minutes ago: SVGs are often colored using the `fill` property. However, I’m not sure what would happen if you used `fill: currentColor` within the SVG.
nloadholtes joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: but the SVG still has to be in the HTML right? There is no way to do this with CSS using SVG as background
#aaronpkoh I see... they're creating a way for apps to share health data between each other
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: fill:currentColor didn't work on either FF or Chrome, it think it doesn't inherit across documents (which seems correct). I'll try the svg use. thanks :)
#KevinMarks_though you might have to write them just for ios and X
#tantekfor anyone directly embedding Twitter profile images, e.g. URLs with pbs.twimg.com/profile_images - Twitter recently changed looks like all those URLs and broke any old references.
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 54 minutes ago: any news on location for this week's Homebrew Website Club meetup? http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-06-04-homebrew-website-club ? Any chance of knowing by ~10:45 so I can add it to today's Mozilla meeting announcements?
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 5 minutes ago: ^^^
#tantekaaropnk, I like what Swarm lets you do, with putting a "sticker" on your avatar per check-in.
#tantek(sticker, or first emoji in your checkin message <-- hint hint ;) )
#tantekand yeah, I guess this answers all those "should we cache Twitter profile images or not locally on our servers" questions doesn't it?
#aaronpktantek: yeah!! discovered that trick recently
paulcp joined the channel
#kylewmGWG: hard to tell but I think the issue is that your syndication link points to the "shared 3 photos" page, while the likes are coming in on the individual photos
#snarfedhey benwerd! happy to help more w/hwc venue. we can always use quip as a fallback, but we probably couldn't do the writing hour here - 5:30 is a bit too early - so if rockit or something else works out, that'd be great
barnabywalters and caseorganic joined the channel
#luxagrafwell, can't seem to get PFS working for IE, but otherwise https is done
#bearthat was going to be my next question - what OpenSSL lib are you running
#bearbecause that debug output shows it not allowing nginx to offer the ones that older IE requires
#kylewm!tell GWG hard to tell with all the redirects Facebook does but I think the issue is that your syndication link points to the "shared 3 photos" page, while the likes are coming in on the individual photos
#gRegor`Are examples important to get a quick overview of the level of adoption, or see people's implementation details? I feel like it's the former. Of course, I've also set up a separate page for my implementation details that is much more in-depth than the few lines on there.
#tantekgRegor`: part of the reason the webmention IndieWeb Examples are so much more detailed is that we were simultaneously evolving how webmention worked and implementing it across many sites
#snarfedtommorris: cool. apologies if i've pinged you about it before, i have a horrible memory :P
#tommorrisis attempting to apply science to the business of taking photographs. ;-)
#tantekfeels we're doing something right when @nrrrdcore tweets about pages on IndieWebCamp.com.
#tantek!tell aaronpk, benwerd, caseorganic, erinjo perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
#Loqierinjo: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 47 minutes ago: perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 43 minutes ago: Loqi could point out when a message is left for multiple people so that context isn't lost?
#Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 1 hour ago: perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
KevinMarks, jonnybarnes, fmarier, vanderwal, shaners, barnabywalters, brianloveswords and caseorganic joined the channel