2014-06-03 UTC
# 00:06 barnabywalters given a microformat, return it’s location data, wherever it decided to put it
caseorganic, caseorga_ and chrissaad joined the channel
# 00:14 GWG barnabywalters: What prompted that?
# 00:14 Loqi GWG: kylewm left you a message 4 hours, 1 minute ago: hard to tell with all the redirects Facebook does but I think the issue is that your syndication link points to the "shared 3 photos" page, while the likes are coming in on the individual photos
# 00:14 barnabywalters GWG: actually it’s yak-shaving — I’m working on my feed reader/search engine, and elasticsearch can do cool location-based searching, for which I need to be able to get the location of posts
# 00:16 GWG I have installed a plugin to add location data to my posts, but haven't displayed yet
# 00:16 barnabywalters most of it is very straightforward, but I’m going all-out and adding support for geo: URLs
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:18 aaronpk the value is super inaccurate when observed by a cell phone
# 00:18 GWG Unless you are on a plane or live on a mountain
# 00:18 aaronpk and most often you're on the ground anyway so you can just look up the altitude given the lat/lng
# 00:19 GWG I thought about making location data just a text box
# 00:19 GWG So, I could put in things like "State of Confusion."
# 00:19 aaronpk except in tall buildings a floor number is more useful than feet
# 00:19 GWG Even if I store location data, I'll likely resolve it to a general region anyway.
# 00:20 GWG barnabywalters: You are British, aren't you? You invented feet.
# 00:20 barnabywalters GWG: I’ve found that it’s most useful to store the precise lat/long and a generic “name” string representation of the location
# 00:20 GWG barnabywalters: I'm still trying to figure out what a stone is
# 00:21 GWG barnabywalters: I couldn't find anything in the Wordpress repository for the HTML5 location specification and I don't feel like writing my own right now. So my yak is still very well quaffed.
# 00:21 shaners in the Homesteading posting interface, I have lon/lat/alt fields that try to auto populate from the browser. and a location name text field for the human name of things: Aaron's house, etc
# 00:21 GWG barnabywalters: I meant as a unit of measurement.
# 00:22 barnabywalters shaners: I currently derive the name from Nominatim, it’s probably a good idea to put that in a text box and allow editing if it’s not sufficient
# 00:22 pauloppenheim my yak has some awesome fades and a batman logo carved in, but only on a small part of one side
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 00:23 barnabywalters shaners: do you have an example of a post of yours with location data on? how are you marking it up?
# 00:23 shaners barnabywalters: unfortunately not yet, i'm only collecting it. not displaying it yet. one of these days.
# 00:24 shaners (i've been off the wagon for a bit) [or is it ON the wagon, i never remember]
# 00:24 aaronpk I have also found that lat/lng/name is the most useful
# 00:24 GWG I've thrown my work out the window, restarted from scratch, changed my mind so many times even since I joined this movement in March...
tantek joined the channel
# 00:30 GWG Today, I threw out one version of an idea and added another.
# 00:33 GWG I've figure out how to do what I want.
# 00:33 GWG I just now actually have to do it before I change my mind
kyank, paulcp, dybskiy and squeakytoy joined the channel
KevinMarks and fmarier joined the channel
# 01:17 benwerd I've just realized that the photo in the above post is KevinMarks in 2008, talking about open web tech.
# 01:17 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 37 minutes ago: perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
caseorganic joined the channel
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tantek and fmarier joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 01:26 GWG What brings you through so much of late?
# 01:26 tantek hence, ANYONE UP FOR HOMEBREW WEBSITE CLUB NYC 2014-06-04 21:30-22:30 EDT?
# 01:26 tantek giving a 12 minute keynote on the IndieWeb on the main stage
# 01:27 GWG Ironically, I am off this week. But I'm visiting my family out of the city.
# 01:28 GWG Shame. An HWC in NYC sounds like fun
# 01:30 GWG After a conversation this morning, I worked on Custom Post Types again...a simpler version than originally planned
# 01:30 GWG tantek: With my schedule, I'm afraid I'll always be workign
# 01:31 tantek especially with the later start time, since everyone does things late in NYC
# 01:34 GWG Although, on a serious note, I would like to find people trying to do Indieweb things with Wordpress who want to have more discussions.
# 01:35 GWG Pfefferle has been most helpful when I ask questions, and has added hooks into his plugins for me to build onto
# 01:35 GWG snarfed has also been helpful on the Bridgy side.
# 01:35 GWG But the theme and plugin stuff I'm doing, not sure if I can find anyone to test and help me improve it or share ideas.
# 01:39 GWG acegiak: I know, I saw you wrote the plugin that pfefferle forked.
# 01:39 GWG acegiak: I just feel that better Wordpress tools will encourage adoption because Wordpress is so popular.
# 01:39 GWG It is running what, 20% of the net?
# 01:40 acegiak GWG: I'm not developing for it in the hopes it will lead to widespread adoption of indieweb stuff. That actually concerns me because I worry about homogenization of indieweb technologies
# 01:41 GWG acegiak: I develop for it because I use it
# 01:41 GWG acegiak: But when I started, the first things I installed were the webmention and semantic linkback plugins.
# 01:41 GWG Without those, it would have been much harder
# 01:42 GWG I still have problems I'm working on
# 01:42 acegiak I'm mostly talking to remind myself because I've made the mistake of trying to build something with mass appeal before
# 01:42 GWG acegiak: My criteria is...something that I want to use that could have mass appeal.
# 01:43 GWG That means things like not hard coding my data, and letting it be pulled from the right place
# 01:43 acegiak it's pretty much all pfefferle there. my own contributions to those were just refactoring one of his older plugins to separate out the semantic-linkbacks plugin into it's own plugin
# 01:43 GWG acegiak: I spent April writing a theme with a bunch of features I wanted.
# 01:44 GWG Then I spent May ripping out pieces of that theme and turning them into a plugin that could be used with any theme
# 01:44 GWG A. Because I've changed my theme twice since I started working on the site again this year after a long lull.
# 01:44 GWG B. Because then someone else could use it.
# 01:45 GWG Re B...I think that is the mass appeal part...build your code modularly, so someone could take it if they want it
# 01:46 acegiak how far along is the plugin? cause that sounds amazing?
# 01:46 GWG acegiak: It is the first thing I've ever put into a repository.
# 01:47 acegiak I'm currently using a child theme of sempress because I needed to add support for all the metadata whisperfollow generates
# 01:47 GWG acegiak: I didn't like Sempress. It was nice enough, but didn't appeal to me
# 01:48 GWG More of it needs to be ripped out
# 01:48 GWG I ripped out the comment replacement part and put it into a plugin.
# 01:49 GWG The plugin will work with Sempress.
# 01:49 GWG I have a few more things I want it to do. Pull in the syndication URLs from either the Wordpress plugin or Bridgy.
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 01:50 GWG In terms of the site, this morning, I opened up the file of another plugin, to create a custom post type for notes.
# 01:50 GWG I had wanted to create multiple CPTs, but I figured out how to do what I wanted with just one and a custom theme.
# 01:51 acegiak acegiak.net shows you how I've used sempress with modifications to show reply context etc
# 01:51 acegiak cause a lot of my content is likes and reblogs etc
# 01:53 GWG The way I implemented reposts/link sharing was using Post Formats, and it didn't work out
# 01:54 acegiak GWG: I'm currently adding metadata to asides and tehn checking for it in the theme
# 01:54 acegiak I was thinking about creating a custom post type but it got confusing
# 01:55 GWG acegiak: I tried using the Post Formats, and that got confusing.
# 01:57 GWG Might be I abandon the CPT and stay with Post Formats...or not
# 02:03 acegiak gRegor`: I'm also having single posts that can be "likes" and "replies"
# 02:03 acegiak in fact the majority of my current posts are that
# 02:04 kylewm aaronpk: OwnYourGram seems to have stopped picking up my updates, but they still work when I go through the dashboard and ask it to post manually. any guesses?
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 02:10 gRegor` acegiak: Good to know. Are you displaying them grouped together or separately, like with a facepile?
# 02:11 acegiak I'm displaying replies to my content individually
# 02:11 acegiak but when I'm replying to things those replies/likes/etc are one post per content blog
# 02:11 Loqi acegiak meant to say: but when I'm replying to things those replies/likes/etc are one post per content block
chrissaad and tantek joined the channel
# 02:28 GWG acegiak: Have you seen my display options?
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 02:46 KartikPrabhu shaners, tantek: I think Aral is using "open web" to refer to Open APIs of silos
# 02:50 GWG acegiak: The Semantic Comment plugin I mentioned displays facepiles.
# 02:50 bret so safari is going to supress the url now?
j12t and netweb joined the channel
# 02:53 bret Apple's definition of web standards: drm?
# 02:59 shaners which is unfortunately a proposed web standard (by netflix et al in the w3c)
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:00 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 03:00 shaners bret: i agree that it sucks.same with firefox supporting it.
# 03:01 bret i guess im reacting more to the air of celabration wheras ff at least :( about it
# 03:01 simple10 Hello! Where is the Homebrew Website Club meeting in SF this week? Website still says TBD
# 03:01 bret simple10 errmm, not quite sure myself
# 03:02 simple10 @tantek are we meeting at Mozilla?
# 03:03 shaners Apple's job is to make the best browser for its users. Given that Netflix / W3C is going down this path, I don't know what Firefox/Apple should've done instead.
# 03:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 03:05 tantek !tell simple10 you'll have to ask this week's Homebrew Website Club SF organizers snarfed and benwerd
# 03:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:13 bret shaners basically at this point its up to p2p and drm tolerant rippers to make drm obsolte
# 03:16 GWG KartikPrabhu: Have you figured out your NYC plans?
# 03:21 GWG You can take the bus to the subway
# 03:24 gRegor` shaners: A kind of workaround for whois currently is to set up a wiki page that redirects to your user page. e.g. "who is tantek" works because he set up /tantek
# 03:24 gRegor` The page also requires a <dfn> element
# 03:25 gRegor` Yeah. It'd be nice if everyone didn't have to make a redirect page of their username, though.
# 03:27 gRegor` Mine is just "gRegor Morrill is a software engineer living in Chicago, Illinois."
# 03:28 gRegor` It is. Our pizza is better than yours. ;)
# 03:28 gRegor` I haven't set up a redirect page though.
# 03:28 gRegor` Deep dish, though I like it all.
# 03:29 gRegor` Mostly kidding. I haven't actually been to NYC proper yet.
# 03:29 GWG gRegor`: Stop by anytime. KartikPrabhu is
# 03:52 GWG Darn...now I really could go for a Chicago pizza
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 03:58 aaronpk yaaaayyyy loqi finally answered a "what is" question that came up in a regular conversation!
KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 04:09 aaronpk KevinMarks: this quoting-and-hashtagging tweets to get them to show up here is fascinating
# 04:10 aaronpk it's like submitting links to a subreddit or hackernews
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 04:16 GWG I have a question. Who here includes replies and likes in their main feed? Wondering the thoughts on the matter
# 04:17 KartikPrabhu i don't have a main feed yet (Django drawbacks) but all my notes with replies are in one feed
# 04:18 aaronpk there are too many likes, so it quickly turns into noise
# 04:18 aaronpk as for replies, too often out of contenxt because people I reply to don't always know each other. Twitter solved this by only showing replies in your home timeline from people you also know
# 04:18 GWG aaronpk: I don't have reply and like support built in right now. Starting to add it.
# 04:19 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: i'm curious why you don't want to publish likes without other content?
# 04:19 GWG KartikPrabhu: No. By you, not to you
# 04:20 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I never liked "likes". they don't add anything to the post IMO
# 04:22 GWG Reposting is a form of syndication
# 04:22 aaronpk I actually completely stopped retweeting things on twitter when I started POSSEing to twitter
# 04:22 KartikPrabhu no. syndication is me sharing to another site. I could repost your post on my site which wouldn't be syndication... I think
# 04:23 aaronpk but lately i've been less strict about that because i'm curious about the kinds of things I want to repost
# 04:23 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: yeah I think "repost" describes it pretty well. syndication is when the author pushes it somewhere else.
# 04:24 GWG I agree repost is the proper term. I was referring to syndication in the broader sense. It is spreading your content.
# 04:24 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I have stopped simple retweeting too. One reason being I don't have the UI/database structure for it yet.
# 04:24 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: that was kind of my reason for stopping, then I realized that I didn't want that to be the reason
# 04:25 aaronpk so I started retweeting stuff on twitter only again, and only after reconsidering each retweet more than once, with the expectation that i'll eventually pull in those back to my site later
# 04:25 GWG aaronpk: Well, what about in reverse? I see an interesting article I want to share with others.
# 04:25 GWG What is the concern with reposting it?
# 04:26 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: yeah! that's almost like how KevinMarks adds the #indieweb hashtags to other peoples' tweets
# 04:26 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I wonder if I should just add u-repost to embedded links in notes?
# 04:26 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: nah not all external links are reposts
# 04:27 KartikPrabhu hmmm... why else would you have a link? oh... @mention or something...
mattl joined the channel
# 04:28 GWG aaronpk: That seems to be how things spread.
# 04:29 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: if you've added any content to it of your own it's no longer a repost
# 04:29 mattl Hey. I'm a hacker at Creative Commons. Previously at the Free Software Foundation. I'm the founder of GNU FM and GNU social (merged with StatusNet in 2013)... Figured I should linger here.
# 04:29 GWG aaronpk: If you just have a brief comment about a story...is that a reply? Or something else?
# 04:31 mattl Yep. Every year apart from the most recent.
# 04:32 mattl I have your card in a huge pile in my office if you gave me one.
# 04:32 GWG I came up from New York the first 3 years
# 04:32 GWG mattl: I forget if I had one that day
# 04:33 mattl I am trying to remember who else I know from NY there. Murphy from NY?
# 04:33 GWG I was only there on Saturday last year
# 04:33 mattl Boston people and Cambridge people would agree.
# 04:34 GWG My employer mandated I attend a touchy feely thing on Friday
# 04:34 GWG I spent two days at a Hampton Inn talking about my feelings
# 04:35 mattl Lucky all the places I work for are too poor to do that.
# 04:35 GWG mattl: My boss fought to get us in. They didn't want to include my classification
# 04:35 GWG I felt saying I thought it was a complete waste of time would hurt his feelings
# 04:36 GWG I understand what they were trying to do, but I wasn't the target audience
# 04:36 aaronpk GWG: a "brief comment" sounds like a reply/comment
# 04:37 GWG So, mattl, how'd you get to this room?
# 04:39 mattl True. Trying to get away from publishing directly to them.
# 04:40 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: re: adding content to 'reposts'? I suppose quoting like my example above would still be a repost
# 04:40 GWG mattl: I'm having the hardest time truncating to Twitter standards.
# 04:41 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: I don't think that's a repost, because you didn't include adactio's whole thing
# 04:42 mattl What are thoughts re: Jekyll? Indirectly they're pro GH and made by the guy who 'left'
# 04:42 GWG aaronpk: Then what is it when you share a link with no comment and you do not import the content inline?
# 04:43 GWG And aaronpk includes an optional text about why it was bookmarked
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:44 GWG It's in the wiki entry Loqi just mentioned?
# 04:46 mattl GWG: what are your thoughts on EME and DRM?
# 04:47 GWG That might be a topic for #indiechat, but I don't think Mozilla had a choice, if you mean that
# 04:47 shaners and the linked title goes to the bookmarked page, not the bookmark's permalink
# 04:48 shaners i also use a little squiggle arrow before the title. other people use other symbols.
# 04:50 shaners some that are truly "read later" get deleted after reading
# 04:51 KartikPrabhu bookmarks is something I could do I suppose... would be useful for me
# 04:51 shaners to separate the subset of *-later bookmarks from the link-log superset of bookmarks
# 04:52 GWG I've been using Pinboard, which is a minimalist place for me to store bookmarks.
# 04:52 GWG But I do want to share more on my site
# 04:54 mattl GNU social supports limited delicious functionality. I'd like to use that more.
# 04:57 GWG KartikPrabhu: According to the wiki, that is fine
# 05:00 KevinMarks I like that pinboard can be fed links from my tweets, that woudl work for notes too
# 05:02 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: Old Delicious that will be the name of my yacht!
# 05:05 GWG I seem to have 29,828 bookmarks in there
snarfed joined the channel
tantek and gRegor` joined the channel
# 06:05 aaronpk ok I promised I'd get "who is x?" working tonight so I did
pfefferle joined the channel
# 06:19 tantek !tell GWG I include replies in my main composite feed (e.g. on my home page)
# 06:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:34 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: try changing the svg viewBox="0 0 416 32" and .vd-icon .icon { width: 1em
# 06:36 JonathanNeal Also, you’ve been thinking like a pixel, as I see you’ve arranged like a map. They should all be at 0x0. The ID will trigger which one is seen.
# 06:36 cweiske KartikPrabhu, awesome. I didn't know about svg:use
# 06:37 JonathanNeal Instead of thinking like an NES game or web spritemap, think of SVGs spritemap as a folder of images, not really having any dimensions itself.
# 06:37 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: that was a icomoon export... I knew svg was better :) should play with it and document :)
# 06:39 KartikPrabhu I usually hand-edit svgs to remove cruft. is that tool better/do more?
# 06:41 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal++ for those SVG suggestions! it worked... will update :)
# 06:43 JonathanNeal While you’re hand-editing, you can remove class="path1", as those are not needed or used. Plus, the fill property inherits.
# 06:49 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: presumably I can remove the whole <use> group from the original SVG right?
# 06:49 JonathanNeal Yes, as well as every tag above <svg> and every attribute in <svg> that is not xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
# 06:50 KartikPrabhu yup did those already. that worked! judas priest I like this!! will update demo and live site
# 06:51 KartikPrabhu blergh! it is 0200 here... must sleep this update must wait till tomorrow... sorry. thanks JonathanNeal!
dybskiy, dybskiy_, friedcell, sparverius, petermolnar, LauraJ, jsilvestre and tobiastom joined the channel
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Sebastien-L, aboynejames, dybskiy, pfefferle, dybskiy_ and adactio joined the channel
# 09:32 Loqi adactio: tantek left you a message on 6/2 at 10:43am: nicely done with the h-geo markup inside your notes also! To tie it to the h-entry, add p-location, e.g. class="p-location h-geo"
# 09:59 adactio !tell tantek Thanks, I've fixed that bug in my webmention code—it was an issue with trailing slashes (or lack of) in the target URL.
# 09:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 11:27 barnabywalters acegiak: I didn’t! I can’t see it anywhere on that page though — is that the right link?
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# 11:35 acegiak barnabywalters: sorry, I obviously pasted in teh wrong link and didn't check it
# 11:36 barnabywalters acegiak: no problem — for a minute I thought she had somehow got her video into an Apple demo :D
# 11:45 acegiak pfefferle: I'm thinking about shifting whisperfollow into an ajax type setup and maybe enabling micropub, I just need to work out how to do endpoints and stuff with wordpress
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# 13:09 Loqi GWG: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 50 minutes ago: I include replies in my main composite feed (e.g. on my home page)
# 13:10 GWG tantek reads everything in here, it seems
# 13:12 GWG acegiak, pfefferle either of you around to bounce a thought off?
# 13:14 GWG Well, yesterday, I decided to pick up my Indieweb Custom Post Type work that I'd be fiddling with on and off.
# 13:14 GWG And I dumped half of it out the window
chloeweil joined the channel
# 13:14 GWG I think I figured out how to get it down to just one custom post type
# 13:15 GWG And I'm trying to figure out if I'm missing something before I work on it then throw it out the window again
# 13:17 GWG I have the plugin I wrote activated on my testing site.
# 13:18 GWG It creates a custom post type in Wordpress called Notes. It then adds a custom taxonomy called Kinds (Types was a reserved word) and sets up the post meta box to only allow one kind to be chosen at a time.
# 13:18 GWG Creating new types, as it is in reality like a tag, is done by the site user.
# 13:19 GWG That means that adding a new type/kind of note would not require anything in the plugin, but only on the theme side, in terms of action.
# 13:20 GWG On the theme side, the theme, not yet built, would check the custom taxonomy and add the class: u-in-reply-to, u-repost-of, u-like-of to the appropriate link.
# 13:22 GWG I'm trying to come up with the simplest implementation and usage possible, with the most flexibility, due to my tendency to change my mind.
vanderwal, jonnybarnes and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:25 GWG I'm trying to think if there is anything anyone can think of about that implementation before I started building on the barebones code I already have.
# 13:26 pfefferle you don’t mark up ”žlikes“ with it, but likes you receive viw for example webmention
# 13:27 GWG pfefferle: This is for liking something of someone else's, which would send a webmention, not receive one.
# 13:28 GWG "To post a "like", the post's h-entry MUST hyperlink to the permalink of the thing that is being liked, with class="u-like-of"."
sdboyer joined the channel
# 13:32 GWG That would be what the taxonomy would do in some cases.
# 13:32 pfefferle will the post type search for all links and add the class ”žu-like-of“ ?
# 13:32 GWG The Custom Post Type is actually for Notes in its entirely.
# 13:33 GWG And then use the custom taxonomy to specify a kind of note. Such as a reply.
# 13:34 GWG Well, I was looking at posting UIs
# 13:35 GWG The idea is to be simple and changeable.
# 13:35 pfefferle and the ”žreply“ note has a UI for links that will be marked up as u-in-reply-of?
# 13:35 GWG The UI would be the same. All you need is a post meta box for the URL that will have the action on it.
# 13:36 GWG The action performed on the meta box is based on the custom taxonomy.
# 13:37 petermolnar so: custom post type, "notes", with all the webmention possibilities as taxonomy, every note would have a url field and the join of the url field and the taxonomy results the semantic link, right?
# 13:37 GWG petermolnar: Correct. And the absence of a URL field indicates a plain old note
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# 13:38 petermolnar everything else I can come up with ends up more complicated and less centralized in structure
# 13:38 GWG petermolnar: The first 4 ideas were more complicated and less centralized
# 13:38 petermolnar although some javascript hiding/showing custom meta fields might come handy depending on the taxonomy
# 13:38 GWG I thought this idea up yesterday morning
# 13:40 pfefferle GWG that was the intention I had for the reply context plugin, but for every post and not only for custom post types
sdboyer joined the channel
# 13:40 GWG pfefferle: I know. But, the goal was to keep the post type, the default Wordpress type, basically unchanged as the 'article' type.
# 13:41 pfefferle GWG I understand your thoughts, I started similar with the webmentions plugin
# 13:41 pfefferle I added a ”žreply“ post type in one of the first versions
# 13:43 GWG pfefferle: The reason I finally decided to separate them was categories.
# 13:43 GWG A note shouldn't have a category. It should be limited to tags.
# 13:43 GWG But an article can support categories.
# 13:43 GWG pfefferle: We'll see if I get to final status
# 13:44 pfefferle I am curious about the taxonomy/semantics/post-type structure
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# 13:46 GWG petermolnar summed it up pretty well. The semantics are in a custom taxonomy and act on the optional URL field.
# 13:48 GWG But all I have so far is one test of the CPT.
# 13:49 pfefferle to sum it up: i think it is a pretty good, simple and stright forward idea… I would go with it…
# 13:49 GWG I was working on the archive permalinks when I left off yesterday
# 13:50 GWG pfefferle: That was what I was trying to figure out. If it is simple and straight forward. Because I have a tendency to overcomplicate and end up having to simplify later
# 13:50 pfefferle I am very similiar, but I don’t think that is a bad way to do something
# 13:51 GWG No. But if possible, I'd like to get it closer to right the first time.
# 13:51 pfefferle it is a good feeling if you end up with half of the previous code in the end ;)
# 13:54 GWG So, next step, the link post meta box.
# 13:55 GWG Also need to look up how people pre-populate a taxonomy
bnvk, dybskiy and tobiastom joined the channel
# 14:14 GWG Prepopulate with terms. So the common ones are in on activation.
# 14:15 GWG As for mf2_bootstrap yes but I just started it.
# 14:16 GWG I used bootstrap in my live site theme.
# 14:21 GWG I want to use what I learned to build a barebones mf2 bootstrap theme I can use as a base for future development
# 14:35 GWG Part of the design is inspired by what you do every time I submitted an issue.
# 14:35 GWG I'm putting in template parts that can be overridden in a child theme
# 14:40 GWG I'll be rolling in the entry Metadata styling I used there.
# 14:42 GWG But I want to make it easy to rearrange the order and top/bottom placement
# 14:45 kylewm vanderwal: Loqi is a bot, if you wondering about his cryptic response :)
# 14:47 GWG Hi, kylewm. Where were you flying?
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# 14:52 Loqi tantek: adactio left you a message 4 hours, 52 minutes ago: Thanks, I've fixed that bug in my webmention code—it was an issue with trailing slashes (or lack of) in the target URL.
# 14:57 tantek adactio great! happy to help find bugs in ACME :)
# 14:58 tantek is just going to keep calling it ACME until adactio open sources the Adactio Content Management Engine :D
# 15:01 tantek the replies in feeds question / discussion is a really good one!
# 15:02 tantek really like the ultra-simple/minimal design of how adactio added notes to his composite feed on adactio.com. Reads really well on mobile and desktop.
# 15:03 GWG tantek, I think if I do put it in it will be styled differently/distinctly.
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# 15:05 GWG I like how he's combining the day's entries with a header.
# 15:10 tantek It's a nice clustering when you're as prolific as he is
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# 15:10 tantek when you don't post every day (ahem ;) ) then it just looks kinda awkward when days are missing ;)
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# 15:43 barnabywalters aaronpk: RE your long-term data ideas, I like the idea of line-separated JSON
# 15:45 GWG tantek: We should all be so active
# 15:46 barnabywalters aaronpk: it has some of the advantages of CSV without many of the disadvantages
# 15:48 barnabywalters aaronpk: also you mention reordering a lot — is that something you typically have to do often with your data?
# 15:50 bear aaronpk - I've been chewing on your data storage idea. IMO machine readable trumps size and efficiency because any changes are but a python script away. Conversion can happen via a mini-api if you do something like GeoYaml file for each day and a structured directory layout.
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# 15:58 bear chuckles at how the simple things makes him happy
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# 16:03 tantek that didn't work either (maybe could show edits from past 48 hours, at most 5?)
# 16:04 tantek or show pages edited from last 48 hours, at most 5 pages (often people edit the same page several times in a row).
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# 16:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:14 tantek !tell aaronpk I'll be bringing that Logitech camera with me on the road - hoping we can do video sharing between NYC and PDX at least at this Wednesday's HWC meetup!
# 16:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 17:20 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: I'll be bringing that Logitech camera with me on the road - hoping we can do video sharing between NYC and PDX at least at this Wednesday's HWC meetup!
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# 17:22 aaronpk tantek: I prefer to use month folders since they are more human-readable
# 17:26 aaronpk barnabywalters: regarding re-ordering, I think I was thinking about that because of how likely I am to insert data out of order
# 17:27 aaronpk under normal circumstances it'll all come in in order, but after my phone has been offline for a while like on an airplane, there's a large batch to upload
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# 17:28 tantek aaronpk, but think of saving 12 folders *per year*! :)
# 17:30 tantek who have dropped accidental anachronisms like uneven Gregorian months
# 17:30 tantek nevermind the whole February leap year oddity
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# 17:31 tantek this way you only have to deal with timezone relative day windows on year boundaries, rather than oddly shaped month boundaries
# 17:31 tantek which simplifies the code to both write and read from the archives
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# 17:37 aaronpk i'm having a really tough time justifying the lack of human-readability of the archives tho for myself
# 17:37 tantek plus even a 6 year old can do the ISO ordinal date math in their head
# 17:40 tantek yes, my 6 year old nephew can now do it in his head and tell me the ISO date. key is to practice from the beginning of the year (when it is easier).
# 17:40 aaronpk i've had the ISO date on my watch for almost a year now I think
# 17:41 aaronpk all I can think is "about half way through the year"
# 17:45 tantek more like *designing* for mass adoption *up front* as antipattern
# 17:45 GWG Anyone using Bridgy for publishing?
# 17:46 tantek hmm, his bio contains "Architect" and <1k followers. Not bothering to reply.
# 17:46 GWG KartikPrabhu, does it handle photo posts?
# 17:47 GWG It isn't mentioned in the literature
# 17:48 tantek benwerd, we need a "Fatberg Index" measurement for sentences/bios. E.g. presence of Fatbergish words/phrases like "solution", "architect", "management science"
# 17:48 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: you don't call yourself an architect :)
# 17:48 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: maybe I should ;) "synergetic architect and thinker of the Web"
# 17:49 KartikPrabhu GWG: i vaguely remember talking to snarfed about photo posts, but I don't know what happened of it
# 17:49 GWG called myself a polymath and still regret it
# 17:50 tantek what aaronpk said. plus, KartikPrabhu you have creator keywords like "make, build, code, design, write, paint" each of those is like a multiplier :)
# 17:50 tantek also - Twitter is just a secondary distribution mechanism for you - who knows how many total followers you have of all your indieweb published content!
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# 17:51 KartikPrabhu tantek: I actually don't know. I refuse to have analytics and keep track of page views
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# 17:51 tantek same here! I don't see the value in making users load some random 3rd party JS that will often just hang (i.e. google analytics)
# 17:52 tantek like - what's the use-case? (for someone not "monetizing" their site)
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# 17:52 tantek before doing any client analytiscs JS nonsense I'd first want something that helped auto-warn me of bad bot activity, speaking of which
# 17:53 shaners a small one is to know when to increase your server resources (if you consistently get a grip of traffic)
# 17:53 tantek shaners - YAGNI - http logs sufficient for that
# 17:53 tantek in general, loading JS wastes a lot of time and makes a lot of sites just plain suck on the web
# 17:54 tantek it's one of the ways we can outdo the silos - we can all be a lot faster on our indie sites = more readers who read more
# 17:54 gRegor` what is YAGNI?
# 17:54 gRegor` Yet Another Something Something
# 17:54 GWG tantek, sometimes it is necessary
# 17:55 tantek GWG - I do not accept that assertion without a concrete use-case.
# 17:55 tantek also, JS should *never* be necessary. everything should fall back to server-side support.
# 17:56 KartikPrabhu I am guilty of using JS in one case, for rendering math. Only FF support MathML
# 17:58 GWG But can you do everything you might want to without it?
# 17:58 tantek Can you do everything you might want to with your lifetime?
# 17:59 GWG I tried to do sharing to silos and they don't support it, which is not my fault
# 17:59 tantek (^^^ brief proof of "can you do everything you might want to" being a poor rhetorical methodology)
# 17:59 GWG tantek, will get back to you on that when I'm done
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# 18:04 GWG The web seems to be moving toward HTML5 and client side though
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# 18:05 tantek in terms of hype about the web? yes. in terms of the searchable, discoverable, long web? HTML5 yes. clientside, no.
# 18:06 rascul js can be good for doing nifty things for the user experience but i hate when sites rely on it
# 18:07 rascul on my laptop i'm often browsing in links, the sites that require js are unusable for me then
# 18:08 gRegor` tantek: since the wiki is public domain, that means we can't upload logos, correct? Like the Twitter logo/icon.
# 18:08 gRegor` I wanted to put a little "t" icon by my twitter name, but realized I probably can't.
# 18:08 rascul yeah i've noticed on my phone some sites (even mobile ones) are made unusable from the js
# 18:09 tantek gRegor`: correct. But you can transclude them.
# 18:10 GWG Note to self, check out site in text browser
# 18:11 gRegor` Hotlink it from another site, you mean?
# 18:13 tantek speaking of - really shouldn't have uploaded the WordPress logo. ahem.
# 18:17 gRegor` That's what I thought you meant. Where'd you find that size of the logo? I'm poking around Twitter's branding site and can't find other than the huge one.
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# 18:18 gRegor` Ohh. Smart. :)
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# 18:25 tantek shaners, by asking as such, especially with keyword "adminhelp"
# 18:30 gRegor` Good to know. Yeah, I was worried about this image URL breaking.
# 18:33 bret aaronpk are the btsync backups realtime?
# 18:34 aaronpk bret: every 5 minutes it copies changes into the folder that's managed by btsync
# 18:35 GWG Anyone have an alternative to HTML5 geolocation?
# 18:35 rascul i did notice my btsync stuff is constantly being updated
# 18:36 tantek GWG there's IP based geolocation but it's quite rough and often wrong
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# 18:37 GWG So, would you suggest I stick to the HTML5 geolocation then?
# 18:37 tantek there really should have been an <input type="geo"/> that when submitted would do the same "Do you want to share your location with this website?" dance, but require zero JS to send a geo coordinates package (lat, long, alt, error radius) to the server.
# 18:38 bret GWG i think html5 geo accuracy depends on what your device can do
# 18:38 tantek right, it's the best there is right now on the web platform for geo location
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# 18:44 GWG I just want a box in my post UI for it. Everything wants the map part too
# 18:44 aaronpk tantek: send a temporary redirect from tantek.com/silo-photo.jpg :)
# 18:44 aaronpk then you're only serving the http request instead of the photo
# 18:45 bret tantek started playing with cloud flair's free service. i think it caches images and saves bw. i know it does with css and stuff
# 18:45 tantek given that I've hit bandwidth caps 3 out of the past 12 months, it's a real problem that I'm taking small steps to take care of.
# 18:46 bret all it takes is switching dns name servers and resetting up some dns entries
# 18:46 shaners tantek do you how much your self hosted avatar served to the IWC wiki was contributing to your overage?
# 18:46 tantek no idea but I've started to switch any 3rd party serving (which I have no control over) to not use anything embedded from my site
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# 18:47 aaronpk tantek: what do you think about the 302 redirect idea?
# 18:47 rascul oh on the wiki, i should link to my avatar on rascul.io instead of sucking up wiki bandwidth?
# 18:47 aaronpk the wiki has plenty of bandwidths, don't worry about it :)
# 18:48 aaronpk i'm always at like 10% of my bandwidth limit every month
# 18:48 tantek part of the point (for my own website) is to *not* use a solution that requires a high monthly cost hosting solution
# 18:48 tantek I'd rather run into the "low" cost ($10/mo) hosting solution problems and solve them so that others can also run their own website at that cost point.
# 18:49 shaners tantek what's your bandwidth allotment per month that you're going over?
# 18:51 rascul why not just type the domain normally, what with the () stuff
# 18:51 tantek ok that's funny, his webiste gonze.com redirects to gonze.com/rel-me/ - props for good sense of humor
# 18:51 tantek rascul - the () stuff avoids linking and t.co wrapping it
# 18:52 tantek if he'd typed the domain normally - you wouldn't have seen it
# 18:52 tantek at the $10/mo. price point btw, Empowering Media provides *excellent* customer service, - very fast (<30min) response time on critical issues.
# 18:53 tantek and frankly, that aspect, good customer service, is I think one of the #1 things to look for in a web host, and a way you can have better control, reliability, trust than any silo.
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# 18:55 shaners tantek: I'm sure that you and I have different page views on our personal sites. but i'm using S3 + Cloudfront (AWS CDN) for all of DateEdge.com and paying less than $5 / month.
# 18:55 rascul some people might be able to use heroku or openshift for free
# 18:55 tantek well let me know when you have critical customer service incidents you can document response times for
# 18:56 shaners tan tek: i'm not picking a fight. i'm just comparing notes.
# 18:56 tantek hey - assume good intentions, you brought up "fight" bro ;)
# 18:57 tantek also, I think that might be the first time anyone has --'d a person in the channel, and were it not directed at me, I might have explicitly have to ask you to stop, even in a joking way. (;) or not)(
# 18:58 gRegor` tantek: I updated /Loqi yesterday with commands and included a note about it not usually being used on usernames and "Be nice to each other."
# 18:59 shaners tantek: i'm still curious how much your bandwidth for sub $10
# 18:59 tantek noted. go ahead and document your good experience with Cloudfront in the mean time since it seems like you have a better solution for less.
# 19:00 tantek don't know offhand, focused on other things right now
# 19:00 tantek so since your solution is cheaper / better apparently, you should document that first rather than worrying otherwise
# 19:10 shaners tantek i'll document my experience, but i can't begin to know if it's better/cheaper since i don't know what your numbers are. which if you're too busy right now, i understand. if you don't want to share them at all, that's fine too.
# 19:15 shaners is everyone/anyone working on a sprint to IWC PDX/NY to have something cool and new to demo?
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# 19:33 tantek petermolnar: are you using them yourself for your own website?
# 19:33 tantek awesome! can you help document here? indiewebcamp.com/web_hosting
# 19:34 petermolnar ( also hosting some friends and relatives' + mail + dev + backup server with lxc containers )
# 19:34 rascul i need something in north america, i likely get one from soyoustart.com in due time
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# 19:59 snarfed FYI all, we're doing SF HWC at Quip this week, 988 Market @ 6th, 7th floor. i'm off to update event posts, tweet, etc now.
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# 19:59 aaronpk snarfed: great! do you have a good camera setup there?
# 19:59 snarfed apologies for the very late notice. we'll get it figured out much earlier next time, promise!
# 20:00 snarfed aaronpk: not really, right now same as last time, but i'll see what i can do!
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# 20:02 snarfed aaronpk: thanks! i think the biggest problem last time was the low FOV, since the room is narrow. i'll see if this camera has a wider FOV
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# 20:03 aaronpk laptop mics are designed to pick up voice at a short distance, and explicitly designed to avoid picking up room noise
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# 20:09 snarfed aaronpk, just checking…we won't be able to do the 5:30 writing hr at quip, unfortunately. are you still going to do it at esri?
# 20:10 aaronpk actually I'm curious how that went in SF last time
# 20:11 aaronpk in PDX it was a little tough because a bunch of new people came and we could only do brief "hi hello" intros to keep the noise level down
# 20:12 snarfed feel free to update that if you don't want to do it in pdx this week
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# 20:34 snarfed aaronpk: are you one of the @indiewebcamp owners? want to post the official tweet about tomorrow's HWC, now that we know the SF venue?
# 20:34 snarfed not sure if tantek's trying to do NYC too, if we want to wait for that
# 20:35 aaronpk ah yeah I heard a rumor! but nothing on the wiki yet
# 20:36 kylewm aaronpk: the logistics with new people were a little awkward in sf too imo
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# 20:36 kylewm "hi welcome now please sit down and be quiet" :)
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# 20:48 adactio snarfed: I just opened an issue on Github — I'm trying to figure out why brid.gy is reporting "No webmention support" for my URLs. Something I did? :-)
# 20:49 adactio snarfed: No trouble at all! And thank you —Â brid.gy is pretty amazing.
# 20:50 tantek kylewm - apologies for the awkwardness! hope we can do better in the future. appreciate any specific suggestions (both for reducing awkwardness, and helping new folks feel more welcome)
# 20:51 tantek snarfed thanks for getting Quip setup for HWC SF!
# 20:52 snarfed tantek: np! sorry it took so long. we'd really hoped to get a space where we could do the writing hr
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# 20:56 kylewm tantek: nothing to apologize for! i liked the writing time, and nobody told me to be quiet (that's just my normal state ;)
# 20:57 tantek oh oh - being told to be quiet during the writing time - ok phew
# 20:57 tantek I thought that impression was given during the meetup itself
# 20:58 kylewm aaron had said that writing hour was a little awkward in Portland when new folks showed up and they couldn't welcome them effusively
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# 21:06 aaronpk I like the idea of it, but is definitely hard to be super welcoming to new people
# 21:10 kylewm at Mozilla SF, it may be easier to head them off over by the door... PDX looks a bit more intimate
# 21:26 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: I'm not necessarily planning on the writing our for HWC tomorrow. Were you?
# 21:27 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: KartikPrabhu: I'm not necessarily planning on the writing hour for HWC tomorrow. Were you?
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# 21:28 bnvk benward: I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
# 21:29 KartikPrabhu bnvk: maybe "owning and controlling your content" is better wording than "data ownership"
# 21:31 KartikPrabhu gregor`: I'll be writing up my svg icons thing today anyway. And I don't think I can write anything useful in an hour :)
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# 21:32 bnvk aaronpk: dah, sorry benward, yes, I mean benwerd… I need sleep, badly
# 21:33 bnvk !tell benwerd I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
# 21:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 21:40 gRegor` At first I was thinking of actually including a login form there, but then I thought maybe it was just adding "Log In" to the top menu, which is already done.
# 21:41 gRegor` A login box / "You are logged in as..." could be nice though. Directly below the logo maybe.
# 21:45 j12t bnvk: interesting re artist agency. why did you think they would be interested? (just curious)
# 21:48 bnvk j12t: well, it was specifically an electronica musician agency, I think from a "content" standpoint there is some value in artist websites having a "community" feel to it
# 21:48 j12t the community being “theirs” as opposed to facebooks?
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# 22:03 Loqi benwerd: bnvk left you a message 30 minutes ago: I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
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# 22:20 GWG A like on Facebook was interpreted as a mention.
# 22:20 GWG Will have to see what changes happened.
# 22:21 aaronpk hm it occurs to me that KevinMarks and benwerd sharing these links and adding the #indieweb hashtag in order to have it appear in this channel is basically like submitting to indienews
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# 23:17 tantek bnvk - sounds like you're trying to skip 2+ generations ;)
# 23:18 tantek linguistically you may find it difficult to communicate about "indieweb" with anyone more than 1 generation away
# 23:18 tantek you're gen 1 (like most of us), and likely to have more luck onboarding gen 2 folks
# 23:19 tantek who are more likely to have more success knowing how to communicate to gen 3+
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# 23:28 tantek.com edited /note (+373) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add tommorris.org earliest note based on POSSE to Twitter evidence (of having posted a note first on his own site then copied/linked from a POSSE tweet)" (
view diff )
# 23:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
erinjo, benwerd, friedcell, ttepasse, fmarier and tantek joined the channel