#LoqiGWG: kylewm left you a message 4 hours, 1 minute ago: hard to tell with all the redirects Facebook does but I think the issue is that your syndication link points to the "shared 3 photos" page, while the likes are coming in on the individual photos
#barnabywaltersGWG: actually it’s yak-shaving — I’m working on my feed reader/search engine, and elasticsearch can do cool location-based searching, for which I need to be able to get the location of posts
#GWGbarnabywalters: I couldn't find anything in the Wordpress repository for the HTML5 location specification and I don't feel like writing my own right now. So my yak is still very well quaffed.
#shanersin the Homesteading posting interface, I have lon/lat/alt fields that try to auto populate from the browser. and a location name text field for the human name of things: Aaron's house, etc
#GWGbarnabywalters: I meant as a unit of measurement.
#barnabywaltersshaners: I currently derive the name from Nominatim, it’s probably a good idea to put that in a text box and allow editing if it’s not sufficient
#pauloppenheimmy yak has some awesome fades and a batman logo carved in, but only on a small part of one side
brianloveswords joined the channel
#barnabywaltersshaners: do you have an example of a post of yours with location data on? how are you marking it up?
#benwerdI've just realized that the photo in the above post is KevinMarks in 2008, talking about open web tech.
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 37 minutes ago: perhaps you IndieWebCamp 2014 West organizers/participants could reach out to @nrrrdcore to see if she would be interested in participating? She has her own site: http://julieannhorvath.com/
#acegiakGWG: I'm not developing for it in the hopes it will lead to widespread adoption of indieweb stuff. That actually concerns me because I worry about homogenization of indieweb technologies
#acegiakI'm mostly talking to remind myself because I've made the mistake of trying to build something with mass appeal before
#GWGacegiak: My criteria is...something that I want to use that could have mass appeal.
#GWGThat means things like not hard coding my data, and letting it be pulled from the right place
#acegiakit's pretty much all pfefferle there. my own contributions to those were just refactoring one of his older plugins to separate out the semantic-linkbacks plugin into it's own plugin
#acegiakGWG, yeah. that's pretty much my approach too
#GWGacegiak: I spent April writing a theme with a bunch of features I wanted.
#GWGThen I spent May ripping out pieces of that theme and turning them into a plugin that could be used with any theme
#acegiakgRegor`: I'm also having single posts that can be "likes" and "replies"
#acegiakin fact the majority of my current posts are that
#kylewmaaronpk: OwnYourGram seems to have stopped picking up my updates, but they still work when I go through the dashboard and ask it to post manually. any guesses?
nloadholtes joined the channel
#gRegor`acegiak: Good to know. Are you displaying them grouped together or separately, like with a facepile?
#shanersApple's job is to make the best browser for its users. Given that Netflix / W3C is going down this path, I don't know what Firefox/Apple should've done instead.
#gRegor`shaners: A kind of workaround for whois currently is to set up a wiki page that redirects to your user page. e.g. "who is tantek" works because he set up /tantek
#aaronpkthere are too many likes, so it quickly turns into noise
#KartikPrabhudoes not plan to post likes with out any other comment
#aaronpkas for replies, too often out of contenxt because people I reply to don't always know each other. Twitter solved this by only showing replies in your home timeline from people you also know
#GWGaaronpk: I don't have reply and like support built in right now. Starting to add it.
#aaronpkI actually completely stopped retweeting things on twitter when I started POSSEing to twitter
#KartikPrabhuno. syndication is me sharing to another site. I could repost your post on my site which wouldn't be syndication... I think
#aaronpkbut lately i've been less strict about that because i'm curious about the kinds of things I want to repost
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: yeah I think "repost" describes it pretty well. syndication is when the author pushes it somewhere else.
#GWGI agree repost is the proper term. I was referring to syndication in the broader sense. It is spreading your content.
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: I have stopped simple retweeting too. One reason being I don't have the UI/database structure for it yet.
#KartikPrabhuGWG: oh yes. that is why I am on the fence.
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: that was kind of my reason for stopping, then I realized that I didn't want that to be the reason
#aaronpkso I started retweeting stuff on twitter only again, and only after reconsidering each retweet more than once, with the expectation that i'll eventually pull in those back to my site later
#mattlHey. I'm a hacker at Creative Commons. Previously at the Free Software Foundation. I'm the founder of GNU FM and GNU social (merged with StatusNet in 2013)... Figured I should linger here.
#GWGaaronpk: If you just have a brief comment about a story...is that a reply? Or something else?
#KartikPrabhulooks like I will have to add a UI since I am reposting quite a bit
#JonathanNealAlso, you’ve been thinking like a pixel, as I see you’ve arranged like a map. They should all be at 0x0. The ID will trigger which one is seen.
#cweiskeKartikPrabhu, awesome. I didn't know about svg:use
#JonathanNealInstead of thinking like an NES game or web spritemap, think of SVGs spritemap as a folder of images, not really having any dimensions itself.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: that was a icomoon export... I knew svg was better :) should play with it and document :)
Sebastien-L, aboynejames, dybskiy, pfefferle, dybskiy_ and adactio joined the channel
#Loqiadactio: tantek left you a message on 6/2 at 8:41am: well done with launching notes with webmentions and so much more! consider wrapping your tweet action links with <action> webaction tags like a bunch of us have: http://indiewebcamp.com/webactions#IndieWeb_Examples
#Loqiadactio: tantek left you a message on 6/2 at 10:43am: nicely done with the h-geo markup inside your notes also! To tie it to the h-entry, add p-location, e.g. class="p-location h-geo"
#adactio!tell tantek Thanks, I've fixed that bug in my webmention code—it was an issue with trailing slashes (or lack of) in the target URL.
#acegiakbarnabywalters: sorry, I obviously pasted in teh wrong link and didn't check it
#barnabywaltersacegiak: no problem — for a minute I thought she had somehow got her video into an Apple demo :D
#acegiakpfefferle: I'm thinking about shifting whisperfollow into an ajax type setup and maybe enabling micropub, I just need to work out how to do endpoints and stuff with wordpress
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 50 minutes ago: I include replies in my main composite feed (e.g. on my home page)
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 39 minutes ago: See also http://indiewebcamp.com/composite_stream#IndieWeb_Examples and see what people are doing on their composite streams re: replies vs. other types (like check their sites directly, not just what the page says)
#GWGI have the plugin I wrote activated on my testing site.
#GWGIt creates a custom post type in Wordpress called Notes. It then adds a custom taxonomy called Kinds (Types was a reserved word) and sets up the post meta box to only allow one kind to be chosen at a time.
#GWGCreating new types, as it is in reality like a tag, is done by the site user.
#GWGThat means that adding a new type/kind of note would not require anything in the plugin, but only on the theme side, in terms of action.
#GWGOn the theme side, the theme, not yet built, would check the custom taxonomy and add the class: u-in-reply-to, u-repost-of, u-like-of to the appropriate link.
#GWGI'm trying to come up with the simplest implementation and usage possible, with the most flexibility, due to my tendency to change my mind.
vanderwal, jonnybarnes and pfefferle joined the channel
#GWGI'm trying to think if there is anything anyone can think of about that implementation before I started building on the barebones code I already have.
#pfefferleGWG I think you understand u-like-of wrong
#pfefferleand the ”žreply“ note has a UI for links that will be marked up as u-in-reply-of?
#GWGThe UI would be the same. All you need is a post meta box for the URL that will have the action on it.
#GWGThe action performed on the meta box is based on the custom taxonomy.
#petermolnarso: custom post type, "notes", with all the webmention possibilities as taxonomy, every note would have a url field and the join of the url field and the taxonomy results the semantic link, right?
#GWGpetermolnar: Correct. And the absence of a URL field indicates a plain old note
#pfefferleto sum it up: i think it is a pretty good, simple and stright forward idea… I would go with it…
#GWGI was working on the archive permalinks when I left off yesterday
#GWGpfefferle: That was what I was trying to figure out. If it is simple and straight forward. Because I have a tendency to overcomplicate and end up having to simplify later
#pfefferleI am very similiar, but I don’t think that is a bad way to do something
#GWGNo. But if possible, I'd like to get it closer to right the first time.
#pfefferleit is a good feeling if you end up with half of the previous code in the end ;)
#Loqitantek: adactio left you a message 4 hours, 52 minutes ago: Thanks, I've fixed that bug in my webmention code—it was an issue with trailing slashes (or lack of) in the target URL.
#tantekadactio great! happy to help find bugs in ACME :)
#tantekis just going to keep calling it ACME until adactio open sources the Adactio Content Management Engine :D
#tantekreally like the ultra-simple/minimal design of how adactio added notes to his composite feed on adactio.com. Reads really well on mobile and desktop.
#GWGtantek, I think if I do put it in it will be styled differently/distinctly.
dybskiy joined the channel
#GWGI like how he's combining the day's entries with a header.
#tantekIt's a nice clustering when you're as prolific as he is
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekwhen you don't post every day (ahem ;) ) then it just looks kinda awkward when days are missing ;)
#bearaaronpk - I've been chewing on your data storage idea. IMO machine readable trumps size and efficiency because any changes are but a python script away. Conversion can happen via a mini-api if you do something like GeoYaml file for each day and a structured directory layout.
#tantek!tell aaronpk I'll be bringing that Logitech camera with me on the road - hoping we can do video sharing between NYC and PDX at least at this Wednesday's HWC meetup!
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: I'll be bringing that Logitech camera with me on the road - hoping we can do video sharing between NYC and PDX at least at this Wednesday's HWC meetup!
#aaronpktantek: I prefer to use month folders since they are more human-readable
#aaronpkwill try to switch it to Z instead of +0000 tho
#aaronpkthat'll save a few bytes per record too :)
#aaronpkbarnabywalters: regarding re-ordering, I think I was thinking about that because of how likely I am to insert data out of order
#aaronpkunder normal circumstances it'll all come in in order, but after my phone has been offline for a while like on an airplane, there's a large batch to upload
petermolnar and shaners joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk, but think of saving 12 folders *per year*! :)
#tantekyes, my 6 year old nephew can now do it in his head and tell me the ISO date. key is to practice from the beginning of the year (when it is easier).
#aaronpki've had the ISO date on my watch for almost a year now I think
#tantekbenwerd, we need a "Fatberg Index" measurement for sentences/bios. E.g. presence of Fatbergish words/phrases like "solution", "architect", "management science"
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: you don't call yourself an architect :)
#tantekwhat aaronpk said. plus, KartikPrabhu you have creator keywords like "make, build, code, design, write, paint" each of those is like a multiplier :)
#tantekalso - Twitter is just a secondary distribution mechanism for you - who knows how many total followers you have of all your indieweb published content!
#gRegor`That's what I thought you meant. Where'd you find that size of the logo? I'm poking around Twitter's branding site and can't find other than the huge one.
#tantekthere really should have been an <input type="geo"/> that when submitted would do the same "Do you want to share your location with this website?" dance, but require zero JS to send a geo coordinates package (lat, long, alt, error radius) to the server.
#bretGWG i think html5 geo accuracy depends on what your device can do
#tantekright, it's the best there is right now on the web platform for geo location
#tantekI'd rather run into the "low" cost ($10/mo) hosting solution problems and solve them so that others can also run their own website at that cost point.
#shanerstantek what's your bandwidth allotment per month that you're going over?
#tantekat the $10/mo. price point btw, Empowering Media provides *excellent* customer service, - very fast (<30min) response time on critical issues.
#tantekand frankly, that aspect, good customer service, is I think one of the #1 things to look for in a web host, and a way you can have better control, reliability, trust than any silo.
#shanerstantek: I'm sure that you and I have different page views on our personal sites. but i'm using S3 + Cloudfront (AWS CDN) for all of DateEdge.com and paying less than $5 / month.
#rasculsome people might be able to use heroku or openshift for free
#tantekwell let me know when you have critical customer service incidents you can document response times for
#shanerstan tek: i'm not picking a fight. i'm just comparing notes.
#tantekalso, I think that might be the first time anyone has --'d a person in the channel, and were it not directed at me, I might have explicitly have to ask you to stop, even in a joking way. (;) or not)(
#tantekso since your solution is cheaper / better apparently, you should document that first rather than worrying otherwise
#shanerstantek i'll document my experience, but i can't begin to know if it's better/cheaper since i don't know what your numbers are. which if you're too busy right now, i understand. if you don't want to share them at all, that's fine too.
#shanersis everyone/anyone working on a sprint to IWC PDX/NY to have something cool and new to demo?
#aaronpkany suggestions on how that could work better?
#adactiosnarfed: I just opened an issue on Github — I'm trying to figure out why brid.gy is reporting "No webmention support" for my URLs. Something I did? :-)
#tantekkylewm - apologies for the awkwardness! hope we can do better in the future. appreciate any specific suggestions (both for reducing awkwardness, and helping new folks feel more welcome)
#tanteksnarfed thanks for getting Quip setup for HWC SF!
#snarfedtantek: np! sorry it took so long. we'd really hoped to get a space where we could do the writing hr
#bnvkbenward: I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
#KartikPrabhubnvk: maybe "owning and controlling your content" is better wording than "data ownership"
#KartikPrabhuI think data = analytic data in people's mind
#KartikPrabhugregor`: I'll be writing up my svg icons thing today anyway. And I don't think I can write anything useful in an hour :)
squeakytoy joined the channel
#bnvkaaronpk: dah, sorry benward, yes, I mean benwerd… I need sleep, badly
#bnvk!tell benwerd I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
#gRegor`Is this still a to-do? "Add Login / Register on top left of nav bar, so it's easier to find." http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#to-do aaronpk
#gRegor`At first I was thinking of actually including a login form there, but then I thought maybe it was just adding "Log In" to the top menu, which is already done.
#gRegor`A login box / "You are logged in as..." could be nice though. Directly below the logo maybe.
#j12tbnvk: interesting re artist agency. why did you think they would be interested? (just curious)
#bnvkj12t: well, it was specifically an electronica musician agency, I think from a "content" standpoint there is some value in artist websites having a "community" feel to it
#j12tthe community being “theirs” as opposed to facebooks?
#Loqibenwerd: bnvk left you a message 30 minutes ago: I was trying to promote using IndieWeb tech like @withknown to a music artist agency today. I couldn't quite get the pitch down right- data ownership, better social connections… they said "well Bitly & Facebook Insights gives me more data than I know what to do with"
#aaronpkhm it occurs to me that KevinMarks and benwerd sharing these links and adding the #indieweb hashtag in order to have it appear in this channel is basically like submitting to indienews
#tantekthis isn't my assertion - it's documentation in /generations - Amber expands upon it more there
#tantek.comedited /note (+373) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add tommorris.org earliest note based on POSSE to Twitter evidence (of having posted a note first on his own site then copied/linked from a POSSE tweet)" (view diff)
#Loqitommorris: tantek left you a message 28 seconds ago: I'm guessing/deducing that this http://tommorris.org/posts/8154 is your first note published from your personal site using Ferocity (earlier notes being the result of importing silo archives), please correct me if I'm wrong: http://indiewebcamp.com/note#Tom_Morris
erinjo, benwerd, friedcell, ttepasse, fmarier and tantek joined the channel