2014-06-04 UTC
# 00:03 aaronpk second immediate use case for updates in micropub: adding tags to post
ttepasse joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek aaronpk - not just editing a post? that would seem to be most common
tpinto and emmak joined the channel
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# 00:54 tantek awaits another Tragedy of the Comments article from KevinMarks
vanderwal, dybskiy, brianloveswords, j12t, gRegor` and kylewm joined the channel
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# 02:31 acegiak GWG: so you're creating a custom post type for indieweb posts?
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# 02:37 GWG Did you have any thoughts about it?
# 02:37 acegiak GWG: well I'm super interested because the way I do it at the moment is a bit hack-y
# 02:38 GWG So is mine. I use the full range of post formats
# 02:38 acegiak so an aside might have any combination of a context-url, a context-textblock, a context-like
# 02:38 acegiak and the post itself might or might not have any content which is considered a comment if a context exists
# 02:40 GWG The design that I finally thought up yesterday leaves more in the hands of the user.
# 02:42 acegiak documented the design so I could look? (i understand if you haven't bothered putting pen to paper)
# 02:43 GWG It is basically a custom post type called note. The post type has a custom taxonomy called kind
# 02:44 GWG No. But I understand that is controversial
# 02:45 GWG It would only take removing one line to allow it
# 02:46 GWG And it supports adding additional kibds
# 02:47 acegiak also: what does the one line do that prevents it? surely it's important if it's there at all?
# 02:49 acegiak I'm just thinking if I'm gonna change my structure I may as well make it work with other people's stuff
# 02:53 acegiak GWG: well it would be nice if the wordpress indieweb people all agreed on how to store indieweb type posts in wordpress systems
# 02:53 GWG acegiak: I'm trying to come up with something others might like, but I'm aware that I may be the only person using it
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# 02:55 GWG Which is possible. I don't think anyone adopted my first plugin
# 02:57 GWG If there was something like post formats, but instead used indieweb post types like reply, repost, like, etc. hopefully people would go for it.
# 03:03 acegiak I think my approach is to try and find the most wordpress-y way of doing it, which is what yours sounds like
tantek joined the channel
# 03:08 GWG acegiak: What do you know about template parts?
# 03:09 tantek GWG, acegiak, if it helps, feel free to create a Brainstorming section on /WordPress and add your ideas about post types/kinds/formats
# 03:10 tantek even those you end up rejecting, as it helps document the paths you went down for other WordPress users who may walk down similar paths - you may save them time
# 03:13 tantek that way other WordPress users like snarfed etc. may document how they're posting all those different kinds of posts and maybe you can find some convergence
fmarier joined the channel
# 03:16 acegiak I have a category that covers all indieweb-tpye posts
# 03:16 GWG acegiak: So, one category per type?
# 03:20 acegiak and then programmatically examine the existence or lack of metadata to display type when rendering
# 03:22 GWG So, what does that look like in the UI?
# 03:22 acegiak the category is just basically there so that when I edit those posts in the post editor, it knows to display the custom fields
# 03:22 GWG So, you have the custom field editor open?
# 03:22 acegiak hmm. my page on the wiki doesn't have anything on it. I should probably document my setup
# 03:24 acegiak GWG: using a plugin called "advanced custom fields" to show custom metadata fields for thing in a given category
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# 03:37 GWG acegiak: I may have enough to put up a repository next week.
# 03:48 KartikPrabhu how do people refer to times and dates inside post content? "two days ago" or "2014-06-01" ? aaronpk I know you had a strong opinion on this wrt "fuzzy dates in posts"...
# 03:50 GWG KartikPrabhu: Absolute dates seems to be prevalent
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# 04:02 acegiak KartikPrabhu: I generally assume that that's all just human readable only?
# 04:02 acegiak cause making it semantic would be pointless because you can't interperet context etc?
# 04:04 KartikPrabhu isn't the whole point of semantic to be easy to interpret in context?
# 04:12 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: In posts I usually use relative date references. The post has a date, so it's not hard to deduce.
# 04:12 gRegor` Unless it's farther out. I probably wouldn't say "three months ago" in a post. I'd just say the month.
dybskiy, paulcp, snarfed, eschnou and tantek joined the channel
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# 06:44 emmak yes its done by code and available on my github
# 06:44 KartikPrabhu awesome... I should figure out how to do that automatically with python
pfefferle, eschnou, dybskiy, paulcp, petermolnar, krendil, jonnybarnes, Sebastien-L, dybskiy_, KartikPrabhu, tpinto and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
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# 09:23 acegiak are you marking up indieweb replies etc manually on your site?
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# 09:41 pfefferle the semantic-linkbacks plugin manages all the text stuff automatically and I haven’t any custom css… only the markup of my theme for posts and pingbacks…
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# 09:55 acegiak pfefferle, like if a post on your site is a reply to another indieweb post?
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# 11:19 acegiak GWG: reading the documentation for custom post types looks like they're not /intended/ for the kind of thing (extending default post types) that we're doing with reply posts etc
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# 13:00 GWG acegiak: Custom Post Types are intended for new forms of content though
# 13:01 GWG A note is a new content type, different from a Post, which is more like an Article.
# 13:06 GWG The alternative to having a second post type for notes is to just add a custom taxonomy to the post class.
# 13:08 GWG As the idea is to separate content types that are currently together
chloeweil, paulcp and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 13:32 GWG acegiak: A note as I defined it as a content post type is usually a response of some sort to an external URL. An aside as a post format is not. But once you've taken Reply, Like, Repost, etc out...you might as well take a standard note with it
# 13:34 GWG I need to rewrite what I put in the /Wordpress page, as what I have there is an earlier thought I discarded.
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# 13:44 acegiak GWG: My concern is that there's so much existing wordpress functionality regarding regular posts that you throw away when you start using a custom post type
ttepasse joined the channel
# 13:46 acegiak i think that the core definition of a post still applies to indieweb notes but they just have extra data attached
# 13:47 acegiak theyre both pieces of html content that have a fixed publish date
# 13:48 acegiak i kind of see the integrated timeline as the priority
# 13:51 GWG acegiak: Then you are suggesting a custom taxonomy attached to the post type
# 13:51 GWG And I've gotten them into the standard loop without modification
# 13:51 GWG acegiak: Let me develop the code a bit and we'll see if it addresses your concerns.
# 13:52 acegiak GWG: the taxonomy idea of yours was the one i said i liked on the wiki page
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# 13:53 acegiak Yeah, that's cool. I'm just planning on doing something similar in the morning, creating a small plugin to set up the taxonomy etc
# 13:54 acegiak and the concern i had with custom post types is more about other plugins etc. the main loop is vuilt to handle them but third party stuff would benefit from simplicity
# 13:55 acegiak but yeah we should both just implement our stuff and then see what they look like next to each other
# 14:01 petermolnar I'll probably implement a third approach: in creating TinyMCE buttons for reply/comment/rsvp/etc, like a URL insert but with the specified classes
# 14:01 petermolnar ( I do not prefer custom post types unless it's something entirely different the articles, like venues, classified ads, etc., so I just want something easy :) )
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 14:03 acegiak petermolnar: ah cool idea. wouldnt you then have to parse your own generated code to do things like send webmentions though?
# 14:04 acegiak i suppose that would make for neat handling of multireplies though
# 14:07 acegiak Ffor some reason having that data stored internally only in the content markup makes me uncomfortable
# 14:09 acegiak hink i have some weird preconceptionsabout unity and purity of the post type that i need to re-evaluate
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# 14:16 petermolnar but like, rsvp, favourite might not be, and they might really need a custom post type
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# 15:01 barnabywalters !tell jonnybarnes RE font inherit behaviour, it’s because font is set to Georgia on body, so setting font: inherit on child elements inherits all the sub-properties of the font: shorthand, including weight
# 15:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tobiastom and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 15:40 Loqi jonnybarnes: barnabywalters left you a message 39 minutes ago: RE font inherit behaviour, it’s because font is set to Georgia on body, so setting font: inherit on child elements inherits all the sub-properties of the font: shorthand, including weight
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# 15:55 GWG acegiak: I was out for a bit, and thinking about our discussion.
# 15:57 GWG There is a way to implement posts with a custom taxonomy that would be similar to post formats in usage.
# 16:01 GWG acegiak: But in doing it, you might want to disable post formats.
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 16:16 gRegor` barnabywalters: I'm working on mf2-php and it's my first time using phpunit. I'm not sure if some of the paths are not correct or I just didn't use composer/phpunit correctly, but I had to adjust the relative path in tests/Mf2/bootstrap.php to the autoload.php
# 16:17 gRegor` Once I altered it, I could run phpunit fine.
# 16:17 barnabywalters composer.phar and vendor/ should be at the same level as src/ and composer.json
# 16:20 gRegor` composer.phar is located in my home/local/bin and I set up an alias. When i ran "composer update" in the destination directory I got everything fine, but it's in the tree ./vendor/mf2/mf2/tests/
# 16:21 gRegor` Oops, scratch that. Yeah, let me just screenshot.
# 16:21 barnabywalters good point, composer.phar can be wherever, but vendor/ needs to be in the right place
# 16:22 gRegor` I have no "src", is that just the name of the root directory you're using?
# 16:26 gRegor` The readme refers to bin/phpunit, but that doesn't exist in the files.
# 16:26 barnabywalters gRegor`: ah, so you installed php-mf2 as a dependency on another project to work on it?
# 16:27 barnabywalters you need to actually clone the repo by itself rather than requiring it from a shell composer project
# 16:27 gRegor` I set up a composer.json in test-mf2-php/ with "require" per the readme.
# 16:27 gRegor` I'm working on an issue with implied dt-end and wanted to run the tests.
# 16:28 barnabywalters gRegor`: the readme is installation instructions for *using* php-mf2. to actually work on it, you’ll need to clone the repo rather than installing it using compoer
# 16:28 gRegor` Hmm. I'll take a look. Not sure I understand.
# 16:30 gRegor` Ahh, I see now.
# 16:30 gRegor` I wasn't thinking the composer version would use a different folder structure. Makes sense, though. It needs to.
# 16:31 gRegor` Composer is pretty rad so far, though. And this finally got me to try PHPunit
# 16:31 gRegor` Good to know. Thanks for the help.
# 16:31 barnabywalters in an ideal world composer would install a packaged version of php-mf2 instead of the source and this confusion wouldn’t arise
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# 16:33 gRegor` I have it cloned and I actually forget why I chose to go the composer route. I guess I thought it was more correct, for some reason. I'm familiar with pull requests though and will send once I've finished and tested.
# 16:38 barnabywalters also, thanks so much for your work on php-mf2! It’s super to have more contributors
# 16:43 gRegor` Ahh, likely so, yes. I think I remember why I tried the composer method. I had cloned the repo and was working on it, but it didn't have vendor/bin/phpunit, so I tried the composer method (which still didn't have it). I somehow overlooked the composer.json in the repo and never ran composer on the repo.
# 16:43 gRegor` That was confusing to type, heh
# 16:43 gRegor` vendor/bin/phpunit isn't strictly necessary if we have a version already installed, though, right?
# 16:44 gRegor` By which I mean, can I clone the repo, put it on my server, make changes, and run tests?
# 16:45 gRegor` Oops. Talking to a ghost. :)
# 16:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 17:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 18:57 luxagraf Okay, I've got a basic little notes app put together and it pushes on to twitter. trying to work out how to truncate though. hard to truncate things without managling them.
# 19:00 snarfed luxagraf: nice! yeah, it's tough. i usually shorten manually for that reason.
# 19:02 luxagraf snarfed: that's what I'm leaning toward. anything else will inevitably suck. just need to work out how to make doing it by hand simple
# 19:03 snarfed or just usually stick to <140 chars for notes even on your own site, so you only rarely have to shorten
# 19:07 luxagraf snarfed: yes, but part of the reason I'm doing it myself is to not have a (now) arbitrary char limit.
# 19:08 luxagraf snarfed: I even have a little check box in the admin to control whether the note even gets sent to twitter at all
# 19:09 luxagraf snarfed: I guess in the end I'm more interested in giving myself a shortish, fast way to post notes to see if I might post more often with that.
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# 19:10 snarfed understood. maybe default the twitter checkbox to off then?
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# 19:22 tommorris Leaning towards removing web fonts and just having Helvetica. Because wasted bytes.
# 19:25 KartikPrabhu I was trying to show some SVG source code in HTML but <code><svg>...</svg></code> just shows the actual SVG instead of the code... any ideas?
# 19:26 KartikPrabhu I thought everything inside <code> was auto escaped... is that not the case?
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# 19:44 snarfed1 aaronpk, you around? about to buy that webcam you recommended, but the box doesn't say anything about Mac os x compatibility
# 19:45 snarfed1 do you know if it is?
# 19:46 snarfed1 aaronpk thanks!
# 19:58 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: No, only in <pre>
# 19:59 gRegor` <code> just changes it to a monospace font
# 19:59 Loqi rascul meant to say: gRegor` /msg me your email so i can send you an invite
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# 20:05 gRegor` pre worked for me there, KartikPrabhu^
# 20:07 KartikPrabhu gregor`: the mixed-content is due to the avatars in the response. maybe I should start locally caching it. I'l play around with <pre> and show it to you at HWC if it still doesn't work :)
# 20:08 gRegor` Feel free to edit that sandbox section
# 20:11 gRegor` s/copycat/copybot/
# 20:14 gRegor` acegiak: If you add a <dfn> element around your name on your wiki user page, Loqi will respond with the first sentence to "who is acegiak"
# 20:15 gRegor` Loqi spoke two things, and now must rest.
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# 20:16 gRegor` Hehe, nice, rascul
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# 21:17 j12t too much karma, how can I handle this?
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# 21:43 rascul new safari gonna hide urls? doesn't chrome do that now? i find that ridiculous
# 21:44 rascul for one, they'll be removing a stupidly simple way to identify a phishing attack
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# 21:45 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 22:02 Loqi tantek meant to say: j12t++ for persisting with ##indiebox
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# 23:21 tantek for anyone in NYC - you heard it might happen - it is happening
# 23:21 tantek 20:30 EDT Ace Hotel Lobby - first Homebrew Website Club meetup
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# 23:33 GWG acegiak: I decided to try it your way
# 23:34 acegiak GWG: we can always apply the taxonomy to custom post types later?
# 23:35 pdurbin KartikPrabhu: as icons? I'm not sure what you mean... you may need to give us a screenshot
# 23:35 GWG acegiak: That was what I figured.
# 23:35 GWG acegiak: I had some time to think.
# 23:35 KartikPrabhu pdurbin: The thing is I am trying to show the source code of the svg but the source shows up as the actual image!
# 23:36 pdurbin oh. I forget what you need to do. some CDATA thing maybe
# 23:37 acegiak GWG: I think that the best answer is the one about just creating tinymce buttons for indieweb markup but for some reason that gives me the jibblies
# 23:37 acegiak I'd much rather the data be structured in the database
# 23:40 gRegor` The <code> is extraneous anyway. It just changes the font
# 23:40 GWG But there are good reasons not to
# 23:41 acegiak I'm sure there are, hence the jibblies, I just couldn't think of htem off the top of my head
# 23:43 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: yes that is an option. But somehow I expected pre to do that. maybe not
# 23:44 gRegor` Lesson learned: MediaWiki auto-escapes HTML you put in <pre>
# 23:44 gRegor` But the <pre> element itself does not. That's what misled me, since I use <pre> so infrequently. :)
# 23:56 GWG acegiak: You can't do /kind/reply and get an archive if you are just using TinyMCE markup.
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