#kylewmaaronpk: the logs to/from school on that blog post are adorable. and thank you for the update to ownyourgram for me, i was able to log in again!
#acegiakso the problem with the location data is you don't want to pick a mapping provider so you're not sure how the boxes should be populated other than manually?
#GWGacegiak: They are populated. With geolocation data from the HTML5 geolocation API. But there isn't reverse geolocation
#KartikPrabhu!tell bear: do you know any good references on how to make a good requirements.txt where the requirements might be from a github repo to have the latest bleeding-edge stuff? trying to make by blog stuff open on github
iboxifoo, paulcp, KevinMarks2, netweb, KevinMarks, b0bg0d____, gavinc, piney0, XgF, acegiak, markmhendrickson, voxpelli, dietrich, edrex, bigbluehat, hadleybeeman, Jeena, walkah, bret, hidgw, binbasti, Garbee, jacus, etymancer, TimAbraldes and ozatomic joined the channel
#@t#PDF14: Thanks for all the kind words about the #IndieWeb talk. Appreciated. I'll @-reply questions etc. tomorrow. (ttk.me t4WS2) (twitter.com/_/status/474784684405043200)
#snarfedsorry. :/ kylewm is travelling right now but i think he's going to work on it when he's back
#aaronpkI wonder if sending a webmention to bridgy could be a way to handle this? that way I could send an updated webmention to bridgy when I change the post
#aaronpkalthough that means more work for me, so if you can fix it without me doing anything then that's probably better :)
#snarfedsure! that'd be an ok workaround. i think there are similar workarounds mentioned in the issue
#snarfedright. i'd rather recheck automatically, but i'm not yet sure how is best. we'll see
snarfed, jsilvestre, pfefferle, eschnou, petermolnar and cweiske joined the channel
#Loqicweiske: aaronpk left you a message 8 hours, 23 minutes ago: if you're serious about wanting to know how to run your own auth server, check out this page: http://indiewebcamp.com/login-brainstorming
brainTrain, dybskiy and kyank joined the channel
#cweiskewhen someone logs in to my website via indieauth, hwo do I access the user's twitter follower list?
#cweiske!tell aaronpk: when someone logs in to my website via indieauth, hwo do I access the user's twitter follower list?
barnabywalters, erikmaarten and dybskiy joined the channel
#JeenaWe need a way to show that a website is webmentions enabled, I never know if a comment will have the potential to be seen by the author of the blog or not at all.
#cweiske? there will not be a webmention endpoint if it does not support webmentions
#petermolnarwe're in a process that hopefully end with a lot of webmention-enabled site/service, but most of us still keep around the regular comment sections as well
#petermolnar.euedited /projects () "(-2214) user list migrated to main WordPress article ( I've merged the two sections as most of the link were overlap )" (view diff)
scor, bdesham and brianloveswords joined the channel
#tantekbnvk, I'd say any donations should first go towards covering /expenses
#tantekthen towards sponsoring the next IndieWebCamp
#tantekthen if we somehow we start quickly covering sponsorships for the next (or next couple of?) IndieWebCamp(s), I like the idea of pooling donations towards a rotating project of the month or something that gets highlighted
singpolyma-bb10 joined the channel
#acegiakI prefer those ideas to funding individual projects
#tantekhowever, we should immediately document any project-specific donation links on each project's wiki page
#tantekthat way if someone finds IndieWebCamp and wants to donate to a specific project they can directly do so - no middle-man
#tantekacegiak - I tend to agree. Disintermediation and all :)
#acegiakis there a good way to accept donations without paypal yelling at me again?
#bnvkalso, patching in a easy way to accept donations was a big part of my idea for the Indie App Store… which would be more elegant / better separation for the project type donations
#cweiskesimon wanted to have access to the user's twitter followers, which he did not get via openid
#tantekwith indieauth / web sign-in, it is a stronger assertion
#tantekbnvk - re: easy way to accept donations, rather than add more infrastructure (store) why not just add donation hyperlinks to project pages to start with?
#tantekeasy and simple first, more infrastructure later
#cweiskemy home page does not contain a twitter profile link, although I am registered at twitter
#bnvktantek: yes, links on a project pages is great low hanging fruit
#tantekif your home page does not contain a Twitter profile link, then you're likely indicating it's not a big part of your identity, hence grabbing friends/followers from there is not necessarily a good idea
scor joined the channel
#bnvktantek: app store is just my bigger picture starry eyed (how to make this really sustainable on a large scale) pipe dream :D
#tantekit's better to follow such hints from users, than try to do things programmatically at all costs
#tantekbnvk, really sustainable is almost always a result of small incremental real world steps, continuously
#tantekperhaps towards a bigger starry eyed picture, but never let the bigger picture stop you from making incremental progress today
#tantek"bigger starry eyed picture" also sounds like potential rationalization for architecture astronomy
chloeweil joined the channel
#bnvkyes, sensei, I will think more humbly next time ;)
#cweiskeit's still not a good example why not to use openid - you can achieve the same with the openid login, and have to to extra steps with both indieauth and openid to access the twitter follower list
#tantekand positive framing (do something *now*!) rather than limiting (humble)
#tantekand by failing to have *even one real world example* of what you're talking about, over a MUCH longer time period = evidence that either no one cares, or it's too hard with OpenID
#acegiakcweiske: so the debate is whether or not the quote should go?
#barnabywalterscweiske: IMO the criticism Simon gives is valid, but the assertion above that it’s a “good reason to use IndieAuth and Twitter as a provider” has not yet been verified in the wild
dybskiy and chrissaad joined the channel
#barnabywaltersother than the fact that indieauth appears more likely than openid to provide the consumer app with a homepage from which twitter identity can be determined
#barnabywaltersso feel free to clarify or remove the assertion
#cweiskeI won't. I'm the notorious openid-preferer in this circle, so I'm biased
#tantekthe history of that quote is that the first relmeauth implementations all implemented Twitter OAuth (only) as the rel-me OAuth step
#tantekso it *was* technically possible to use the Twitter OAuth token that you got as part of doing relmeauth/websignin to do more things, e.g. to posse to the user's Twitter
#tantekand the relmeauth.php library provides this capability - with the Twitter OAuth token
#tantekso that's actually implemented, not hypothetical
#tantekand I deployed it with a UI on tantek.com/relmeauth/
#tantekanyone could web sign-in with their own domain, and it would only use rel-me to Twitter to auth you in as your domain, but then hold onto the token so you could use it to Tweet
#tantekwhich is more than you could ever do with OpenID, or anyone ever did do
#waterpigs.co.ukedited /Why_web_sign-in (+2) "/* Why not consume OpenID */ replaced “IndieAuth” with “web sign in” as IndieAuth doesn’t provide Twitter tokens whereas other web sign in implementations do" (view diff)
#tantekusing that same Twitter OAuth token to then do a friend list Twitter API call, rather than just a Tweet API call is a trivial change to existing code
#tantekunlike with OpenID, there is no such even implementation, let alone deployment
#acegiakyou really don't have a byline or anything on the page content?
#barnabywaltersbdesham: the <title> element can be a microformats property
#barnabywalters<html class=“h-entry”><title class=“p-name”>Name of the article
#barnabywaltersbdesham: also, having a string for the author is not typically very useful — most people publish a minimal h-card with at least name and url, if not photo as well.
#cweiskeall my existing pages have a meta autor element, while nearly none has an explicit author div
#barnabywaltersif you don’t want to show author information you can have a visible or hidden link to the author’s URL with rel=authro
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: if you don’t want to show author information you can have a visible or hidden link to the author’s URL with rel=author
#Loqipetermolnar meant to say: I don't know if it would collide with meta author
#bdeshamcweiske: yeah, it just strikes me as odd (looking at it now) that one is a <meta> and one is a <link>, with the same attribute ("author") and yet different semantics
#cweiskeit's different tags, so different semantics are ok
#bdeshamI suppose so... it seems arbitrary, though, which is which
#cweiske<link> should contain an url, shouldn't it?
#bdeshamif you can't remember whether <link> goes with URL and <meta> with name, or vice versa, then that's a bad sign
#bdeshambarnabywalters: the problem with putting a class on the <title> is that my title is something like "About Me - Benjamin Esham", and of course you can't put a <span> in there
tantek joined the channel
#barnabywaltersbdesham: yes, that is a weird case. I wonder what the reason for the inconsistency is
#Loqiaaronpk: cweiske left you a message 7 hours, 12 minutes ago: when someone logs in to my website via indieauth, hwo do I access the user's twitter follower list?
#bdeshamyeah. right now my name is included on the page in three places, but all of those instances come from templates
caseorganic joined the channel
#bnvkdoes Bridgy verfy is there is rel="syndication" before sending a webmention back to my site?
#bdeshamso I could put class="p-name" on that <h1>, and that would work fine for the "about me" page, but it would be meaningless on all the other pages on my site
#bdeshamor else I'd forego using the template for the "about me" page, leading to duplication
#bdesham(these are all minor problems, of course, but they offend my nerd sensibilities)
#aaronpkbnvk: yes indiewebcamp.com and such has its own server now. I was having too many problems with my current linode and thought it'd be good to isolate those
#snarfedbnvk: verify, no, but it does support them as an alternative to original post links in the possed post
#tantekis feeling tempted to implement Twitter-aware reposts (i.e. with native retweets) and is wondeing how hard it would be, from format, to code discovery to calling Twitter API to retweet
#bdeshambarnabywalters: it might, I'm not sure. it seems like the template shouldn't care about which page it's rendering though, since these "templates" are actually more like "include the entire contents of this file"
#aaronpktantek: you mean you want to repost twitter things from your site, then do a native RT?
#barnabywaltersbdesham: another, slightly less clean approach would be to cheat a little and wrap the “Me” in “About Me” with an <abbr title=“Benjamin Esham”> or <data value=“Benjamin Esham”>
#aaronpki like petermolnar's idea! goes along with your current implementation
#tantekpetermolnar - it does, and I've implemented that as a webaction fallback on all my notes.
#barnabywalterstantek: whenever I’ve considered it, the presentation has always been the biggest hurdle (no surprises there). limiting your reposts to third-party content only, with no added comments, should simplify things
#tantekbut what I'm talking about is having my *server* do the POSSE retweet semi-automatically, just like my server does the POSSE tweet semi-automatically for all existing notes.
#petermolnar(you mentioned the API, I thought you might not be aware of this, foolish me)
#barnabywaltersbdesham: because then it’s still slightly hidden data, but the data is in the same place as the rest of the content rather than being in some other template completely
#aaronpkinteresting, I purposely left off my photo on my notes timeline, but if I start publishing RTs there I'm going to at least need the photo of the original poster
#acegiakexcept actually, I'm only checking if the post is a native tumblr post >.<
#snarfedonly needs u-repost-of markup on your site and a manual or automatic webmention
#acegiakI need to A) mark up where I'm posseing to and then B) look for that markup on other's sites
#tanteksnarfed - since I already have infrastructure/code to do direct POSSE posts to Twitter, I'm hoping it's not too difficult for me to add doing direct POSSE retweets to Twitter.
#tantekand without inserting another moving piece in the middle
#aaronpksnarfed: awesome, next step would be searching for a rel-syndication link on an indieweb post, that'd save me a step!
#snarfedtantek: yeah, good point. when you already have API code working, adding another call makes sense
#tantekgot to run for a bit, but I'll leave you with this question: has anyone implemented http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#POSSE_Reposts_of_Tweets and if so could you provide permalinks to your indie repost of a tweet, and the evidence of doing so on Twitter automatically as well (rather than POSSE posting/copying the other person's tweet).
#bnvkDear Facebook, Goodbye http://bnvk.me/Oes published, POSSE'd, and my escape has begun :)
#snarfedaaronpk: true! could have sworn i had a feature request issue for that, but maybe not
#snarfedoh man, mediawiki's conflict resolution UI is baaad
#bdeshambarnabywalters: suppose my page includes About <abbr title="Benjamin Esham">Me</abbr>. how would I mark up that title attribute as being part of an hcard?
#bnvkcaseorganic: yep, been to the Blue Lagoon a few times- I definitely recommend it. Perhaps you can help me persuade barnabywalters to come <trollface> >:]
#acegiakyeah. The large corporate lobbyist keep pressuring the state government to change it because "the eastern states laugh at us and our 30 minutes difference" but we like having midday be midday
#acegiakwe don't want to have a western china situation
#acegiakand then there are two regions within that tiny timezone, one of which has daylight savings and one of which doesn't
#acegiakso yeah: it's a timezone containing less than 2 million people
#kylewmI am being a total american underestimating the size of other places
#acegiaksnarfed: I'm trying to work out if I can have my actual articles "float to the top" of my feed page somehow so they don't get drowned out by all the wallspam I post
#luxagrafif so what do you do when POSSEing to twitter?
#acegiakkylewm: pretty sure it's a similar size to your country but with much less of it habitable?
#snarfedacegiak: sure! make a dedicated page with two shortcodes, first one to display articles, then one to display notes
#luxagrafsnarfed: so you strip html after converting?
#snarfedluxagraf: yeah, but my needs are pretty modest. i posse articles/notes manually, and only automate replies, RTs, favorites, and event RSVPs (with https://www.brid.gy/about#publish ), and those never have meaningful HTML tags
#luxagrafI do think markdown gets to be a problem when you start needing some specific implmentation and 6 plugins to properly convert/render your text
#gRegor`Apparently Tweetbot doesn't yet support Twitter's multiple photos, only showing the first one. Caused confusion when a friend only saw one photo when two were meant to be compared.
#rasculluxagraf yeah i agree, should use standard implementations to prevent that
#rasculthere's a testsuite from daringfireball to test this stuff
#luxagrafrascul: i think that's part of the problem though, there really isn't a standard
#luxagrafrascul: Jeff Atwood wrote about that a while back, the need for a standardized, updated version of markdown
#luxagrafThe secret to markdown is knowing when to stop using markdown and start writing HTML
#rasculyeah all we really have to go on is john gruber's (old?) syntax docs
#rasculi agree with the when to stop using it also
#rasculi only know it exists because discount mentions it
jsilvestre, bnvk, dybskiy and tantek joined the channel
#Jeenatantek, "why does there need to be a webmention icon?" I was at http://mattgemmell.com/the-gift-of-writing/ and wanted to answer, there is no comment form. I wondered if I would send a webmention if it would ever get to Matt or if he would never even known about my comment on my own website. Then I had to look into the HTML source code didn't find a <link> there and then do a curl -I http://mattgemmell.com/the-gift-of-writing/ to see that he
#Jeenawouldn't get it and I probably should use twitter or write him a email. That is a terrible UI.
#rasculan icon could be a simple way to advertise that you accept webmentions
#tantekJeena - I suppose I see that as your own site's responsibility to show you in your reply posting UI
#tantekthat it would detect what you're replying to
#Jeenabut yeah I was thinking more in the lines rascul does
#bdeshammy workflow for my website doesn't use a web browser at all unless I'm previewing how a page will look. there's no "composing" page or anything like that where it would make sense to put that kind of check
#bdeshamso I agree with Jeena that tantek's solution is not always ideal
#JeenaIt just would be nice to know if if it is worth opening my reply UI or just go to twitter
#bdeshamplus, including some kind of icon that indicates that you check for webmentions is also an opportunity to teach people what webmentions are
#rasculindeed, i had also considered that random joe might not know what the strange icon means so perhaps he would click it and find out
#Jeenafor now I will add the <form> I saw some people added and link to webmention.org in a text describing it
j12t joined the channel
#gRegor`Jeena: in the scenario where the posting UI shows no webmention support, couldn't you then select a "syndicate to twitter" option, so the recipient sees it?
#gRegor`(coming into the convo late, sorry if I missed something)
#gRegor`(I do kind of like the idea of a webmention icon, though.)
#Jeenayeah but more often then not I don't even know if the person has twitter and if what username, etc.
#Jeenaoften I just click on a random link some of my friends post on Facebook or link in one of their blog posts
#gRegor`In that case, it might be handy to have a "social media discovery" process. "This URL doesn't support webmentions, but it looks like they have a [twttier/fb/g+ links]"
#Jeenapeople normally don't link their facebook to their website, and those who do mostly also implement webmentions ;)
#gRegor`I just mean links to those on the URL you're mentioning
#gRegor`Could be more work than necessary though, esp if they're not marked up with rel-me
#Jeenayeah but that social media discovery would need to figure out their twitter/facebook from that url
brianloveswords joined the channel
#Jeenathat is what I mean, if they mark up with rel-me they also tend to implement webmentions
#gRegor`Just trying to think of something easier than scrolling to the bottom of that sample link you gave to find the "follow me on twitter" link. I guess there is the share button up top
#gRegor`Even just a list of suggested links. "These twitter links were found."
bnvk and cweiske joined the channel
#JeenaI still would like to know it in that place, not first after I opened my UI. Like with the Feed icon in the browser/on the website. If I don't see it I don't open my TinyTinyRSS instance and give it the URL so it could perhaps autodiscover that there is a Feed. But if I see it I know that I can subscribe.
#aaronpki like the idea of having an icon in my browser that shows webmention support
#aaronpkkind of like that one that discovers microformats (we should make an updated version of that for mf2 btw)
#tantekaaronpk, agreed on both a browser-extension to show webmention support on a page, and and update to the microformats browser-extension!
#tantekbdesham - the "power of branding" did nothing for OpenID, and just confused/alienated people with XML gobbledygook when they clicked those orange RSS/XML buttons
#tantekbranding for pipes / backend tech like that is one of the mistakes of the last decade
#bdeshamtantek: I was going to retort that maybe openid was just too complicated to understand to begin with... but webmentions would probably have the same problem
#tantekJeena - a webmention icon implies a link to webmention
#aaronpkopenid is way more complicated than webmention :)
#Jeenafeed it kind of a feature to me so I don't have to visit the website every day, or what do you mean
#tantekJeena - that's not feed, that's a *subscription*
#tantekthat's the *user* functionality. Frankly, whether that subscription is delivered by a feed or by email is still just plumbing.
#tantek"don't have to visit the website every day" = subscription
#bnvkaaronpk: snarfed: has there been discussion of adding a "type" field to webmentions so as to differentiate between like / favorite, share / retweet, and comment / reply ?
#bdeshamadmittedly I'm a power user, but if I saw a link saying "subscribe to this website" I *would* absolutely care whether it was RSS/Atom or email--those are totally different to me
#snarfedbnvk: yeah, you get pretty much everything like that from the page mf2
#aaronpkright now I show likes/reposts/comments/mentions all differently
#JeenaI agree with bdesham, we are not at the point that the plumbing doesn't matter. If I read subscribe I would think it would be for money and would get a PDF or something in my email.
#Jeenabut I have to admit to myself, without brid.gy my website would only be half as interesting. But I see it as a intermediate thing until I have the time to bake it into my own software
#snarfedthe ideal end state is that the *silos* implement mf2 and webmention, not that each of us reimplements backfeed for ourselves
#snarfedand again, i'm all for heavy reuse. specialization is really powerful. if you want to build your own backfeed as a learning exercise, that's great, but otherwise it's way more useful to contribute to existing project(s), or to work on something that doesn't already exist
#kylewmfollowing the discussion of /expenses this morning, is there any interest in setting up a gittip "team" to receive donations? (you would create an account based on the indiewebcamp twitter and/or indieweb github acct). could initially allocate %'s based on proportion of /expenses a given person represents
#rasculwould be nice if i could donate some monies to the indieweb
#aaronpkrascul: cool, are you interested in supporting particular projects?
#aaronpktrying to avoid yet another centralization of things if possible, but if people feel like they want to contribute to a pool then the market speaks
#kylewmsame here, no particular project, but would donate a little toward the hosting of the wiki and other common resources
#rasculi think for this, centralization makes sense
#rasculmaybe in such a fashion where if people wanted they could donate to indieweb/bridgy for example, or just indieweb
#aaronpki think specific project donations should be encouraged whenever possible
#KartikPrabhuI missed most of today morning if that's what you're asking
eschnou joined the channel
#tantek!tell petermolnar re: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-06-06#t1402065802 link rel=author is respected by Google both by a direct link to a Google+ profile, OR (and preferably) by a link to your own website, which itself has rel=me to a Google+ profile.
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+906) "subheadings for post types supported to make it easier to link to them, clarify reply support to indicate multireply support as workaround for replying to an indieweb post and POSSE threading a reply" (view diff)
#tantekaaronpk - see my previous reference to a /donate page in the IRC logs maybe yesterday?
#Jeenahm, it did send the webmentions because my own system got one https://jeena.net/notes/181 but the other two don't show them right now. I'm not sure if they're just moderated or something else went wrong.