2014-06-08 UTC
# 00:01 aaronpk and following the pattern of returning friendly HTML pages for endpoints when requested with no parameters, https://indieauth.com/auth should have some nice looking explanation of indieauth
j12t joined the channel
# 00:07 tantek GWG, you looking into posting old stuff online?
# 00:07 GWG So, the question is the best way to approach.
# 00:07 GWG Obviously I can't post 10,000 photographs
# 00:08 GWG I wasn't paying as much attention in 1983 as I should have
# 00:08 tantek e.g. post *one* photo per year just so you have something in the archives for every year
# 00:09 tantek then once you're done with that, one for each month that doesn't have one
# 00:09 GWG And I wasn't paying any attention in October of 1958.
# 00:09 GWG Which is one the photo I'm holding was taken
# 00:10 tantek if it's someone else's photo, then it's a repost ;)
# 00:10 GWG What if is it someone else's photo of me?
vanderwal joined the channel
# 00:11 tantek I mean - you can use "repost" if you want to put the original date in the info about the post
# 00:11 tantek you can also just post it as a new post today
# 00:12 GWG I'm just wondering how I'd date the thing if I was putting together an archive of some of these?
# 00:12 GWG As a new post, as I'm creating new content around the old?
# 00:13 GWG It won't be back from India for 10 weeks, so I suppose I have time.
# 00:16 tantek take lots of photos! of course that only makes the archiving challenge harder :)
# 00:17 GWG tantek: My archive on Smugmug, which is where I stored the family photos because I couldn't get anyone behind self-hosted, is tens of thousand of private photos, mostly unsorted.
# 00:17 GWG I want to do something with some of them
chrissaad joined the channel
# 00:18 GWG I know people post things on the Facebook timeline and such
# 00:18 GWG I just don't know what the Indieweb equivalent is.
# 00:18 tantek ideally the indieweb thing is just "importing" things to your archive in the past
# 00:24 GWG I wonder if Wordpress would even let me set the date for that early?
# 00:24 tantek KevinMarks - I have no idea how to investigate how any particular decision in Atom was made. Have tried diving through the wiki unsuccessfully before.
# 00:25 tantek GWG - Flickr doesn't let you set the date to before you joined Flickr.
# 00:25 aaronpk obviously if the backend stores as unix time then you cna't backdate things before 1970
# 00:28 aaronpk I believe flickr has two dates for a photo, "taken" and "published"
# 00:28 tantek Flickr certainly has separate date posted and date taken
# 00:29 tantek and then you get into the question of how much of EXIF shall we replicate in h-entry - or does it deserve its own
# 00:30 aaronpk wont get there until he tries to import his entire flickr stream into his site
# 00:30 GWG Hey, it does let me set it pre-epoch
# 00:31 tantek KevinMarks: hmedia was pretty minimal in the end, it just suffered from the same "develop on an email list" as many things
# 00:31 aaronpk so w.r.t. an HTTP header for an endpoint to indicate it supports indieauth... any ideas on key/value?
# 00:31 GWG Not even a chuckle over my hastily written blurb?
# 00:33 tantek aaronpk - why not just return an error if it doesn't?
# 00:33 aaronpk tantek: because if it doesn't, it's a URL out of my control
# 00:34 gRegor` Nice clock tower example, GWG :)
# 00:35 aaronpk the client that's trying to sign aaronparecki.com in sees the authorization_endpoint value and needs to be able to show some nice error message if the value makes no sense or is not supported
# 00:35 aaronpk so the client needs to ask the endpoint "do you know what indieauth is"
# 00:35 GWG gRegor`: Maybe I should go in and show Mayor Thomas did not live up to his campaign promise.
# 00:36 aaronpk if the endpoint doesn't speak indieauth, the user should see some error like "the authorization endpoint found on your site is not understood by this server"
# 00:36 GWG gRegor`: Neither did Mayor Wilson.
# 00:37 tantek you mean if the user gets the auth endpoint wrong for example?
# 00:37 tantek why not just start the auth dance and handle the failure accordingly?
# 00:37 aaronpk cause I have an opportunity to present better errors ahead of time
# 00:38 aaronpk and starting the auth dance means actually sending the user to that url
# 00:38 tantek you're trying to make an explicitly better user experience in a potentially common error case
# 00:39 tantek user-scenario user-friendliness driven protocol design - I like it
# 00:39 aaronpk the default (lazy) approach would result in directing the user to a URL like yahoo.com?me=aaronparecki.com&redirect_uri=indiewebcamp.com
# 00:40 tantek so you can ask a server if it supports "something" by using accept-* headers
# 00:42 tantek it's the "browser"'s way of saying, here's what I can handle in response to this request
# 00:43 aaronpk so in this case the client is asking "hey are you really an authorization endpoint?"
paulcp joined the channel
# 00:43 tantek problem is that it is unknown how random servers will respond to an Accept-Indieauth header
# 00:43 aaronpk (it's also possible that an endpoint can be both an authorization endpoint as well as a token endpoint)
# 00:44 aaronpk i thought it was part of the spec that servers ignore unrecognized headers
# 00:45 tantek for servers that don't have what you're looking for
# 00:45 aaronpk "Indicates that particular server behaviors are required by the client"
# 00:46 tantek since you're expecting a special type of connection, one that authenticates and redirects!
# 00:47 aaronpk i think connection and upgrade are about the tcp socket
# 00:51 aaronpk the expect header is defined as either the string "100-continue" or some other string or key/value pair
# 00:52 tantek exactly - the some other string or key/value pair
# 00:52 tantek if servers see an Expect they don't know understand, presumably they reject it
# 00:53 aaronpk getting mixed results with that, some ignore it and some return the presecribed http 417
# 00:55 tantek rather than trying to imagine/infer the interaction from just the protocol description
# 00:57 aaronpk has anybody ever used the "Expect" header for anything besides "100-continue"??
# 00:59 tantek not AFAIK. if only the "HTTP community" had a wiki...
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 01:02 kylewm !tell snarfed have to admit I'm kind of excited that people are using posse-post-discovery enough to find bugs in it ;)
# 01:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:03 Loqi snarfed: kylewm left you a message 1 minute ago: have to admit I'm kind of excited that people are using posse-post-discovery enough to find bugs in it ;)
# 01:03 aaronpk yeah i'm not finding any info about the Expect header in the wild, other than people wondering what proxy servers do with it
# 01:08 aaronpk yeah, but not as much as last time because luckily a lot of my stuff uses amazon ELBs to terminate SSL and they upgraded all of those
# 01:12 snarfed for personal stuff at least, i don't administer any ssl stacks directly (other than my laptop)
# 01:13 snarfed no full servers, either VM or bare machine. couldn't be happier :P
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 01:18 tantek snarfed, my thinking was that curl on servers would be vulnerable since it's built with openssl
# 01:18 tantek so you don't maintain any servers with curl? or if you do, your hosts upgraded it for you?
# 01:18 snarfed tantek: ahhh right! that vulnerability was client side
# 01:19 snarfed have to admit i haven't followed it closely. i should
# 01:19 tantek aaropnk - it was? my understanding was "client" only, but curl makes it apply to most servers too
# 01:20 aaronpk "The attack can only be performed between a vulnerable client *and* server"
# 01:20 aaronpk "Servers are only known to be vulnerable in OpenSSL 1.0.1 and 1.0.2-beta1"
# 01:20 aaronpk "OpenSSL 1.0.1 SSL/TLS users (client and/or server) should upgrade to 1.0.1h."
dybskiy and paulcp joined the channel
# 01:24 aaronpk ok after more reading, looks like something along the lines of "Expect: indieauth=authorization_endpoint" makes the most sense.
# 01:24 aaronpk the next question is how does the server acknowledge that in the reply
# 01:25 aaronpk in the case of content-type, the client sends "Accept: text/html, text/plain" and the server will reply with "Content-type: text/plain"
# 01:26 tantek otherwise the server may default to something random
# 01:26 aaronpk right, just pointing out that the request/response header names are different
# 01:31 aaronpk could reply with "Endpoint: authorization_endpoint" or "IndieAuth: authorization_endpoint" or "Capability: authorization_endpoint"
# 01:38 aaronpk only existing response header that applies at all is Pragma "Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain."
# 01:40 tantek has anyone noticed that when you click reply in response to a retweet that it puts *both* the original author's @-name in the reply AND the @-name of the person who retweeted it?
# 01:40 tantek this makes me think that a retweet does contains some additional special metadata
# 01:40 aaronpk oh funny, didn't notice that but did see some replies to other peoples' RTs of my tweets that did that.
# 01:41 tantek so first question, anyway to get *both* such @-names from the Twitter API?
# 01:41 tantek so that when you write an indie reply - it auto-fills with both?
# 01:41 tantek also - I'm pretty sure that retweets actually get their own tweet ids
# 01:43 tantek so when you write a reply to a retweet, it should be in-reply-to the tweet id of the *retweet* right, rather than the tweet?
# 01:44 tantek how? is there a verbose mode for curl to do that?
# 01:45 aaronpk oh that's cool, that means you don't even need to use the API to find out the two usernames given a tweet ID, cause you can just look at the username segment of each URL in the Location headers that come back
# 01:45 tantek see this is what happens when I even *think* about implementing a *small* version of a feature in Falcon. :/
# 01:45 aaronpk oh right and Loqi shows @djp1974 as the author of that tweet because the API returns the person who RT'd it and the text shows the legact "RT" text
# 01:47 tantek it might make sense to store the entire retweet chain
# 01:47 tantek assuming a retweet went through multiple people before it got to you
# 01:48 tantek e.g.: retweet of retweet of retweet of original tweet
# 01:48 aaronpk i don't think it does... cause I think the RT button indicates that i'd be retweeting the original
# 01:48 tantek when you retweet something, Twitter remembers how you saw it and appends your retweet to the existing retweet chain if any
# 01:49 tantek and then if someone @-replies to your retweet, they see the full chain of @-names that the retweet went through
# 01:49 tantek pretty sure there were some retweets of retweets this past week
# 01:50 aaronpk when I click the RT button, the dialog that appears says "Retweet this to your followers?" and does not include the person who RTd it
# 01:50 tantek of course it doesn't - that's transparent to you
# 01:51 tantek so here's the reason you should keep the full chain
# 01:51 tantek if someone deletes one of the intermediate retweet accounts
# 01:51 tantek A tweets. B retweets A. C retweets B. B deletes their account. What happens to C''s retweet?
# 01:56 tantek for now I'm going to decide to store entire retweet chains
# 01:56 tantek in Falcon (for when I implement reposts of tweets)
# 01:56 aaronpk confirmed that it does not include the entire chain
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# 01:59 tantek_ aaronpk it matters if the accounts were all following each other or not
# 02:01 tantek e.g. if you have 3 accounts like above, B must only follow A, C must only follow B
# 02:01 tantek and if you are *viewing* the retweet with an attempt to reply and see a chain
# 02:01 tantek then you need to be viewing from an account D that only follows C
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:02 tantek pretty sure you only see a retweet once, from the first person who retweets it that you're following
# 02:02 tantek and if you were already following the original tweeter - you don't see any retweets of it
# 02:02 tantek people retweeting a tweet cannot cause it to show up multiple times in your stream, or even to cause it to keep bubbling up to the top
# 02:04 tantek goodness, that would be another homepage webmention usecase
# 02:05 tantek spampk.example.com retweeted one of your retweets!
# 02:05 tantek spampk.example.com reposted one of your reposts!
# 02:05 tantek hmm, perhaps every email is a homepage webmention use-case.
paulcp_ joined the channel
# 02:06 aaronpk goes back to figuring out what to call this http header
# 02:07 tantek there's some sort of default recursion test that I automatically think about on operations like this
# 02:08 aaronpk i'm pretty sure at some point in the near future some pair of people is going to create a chain of replies/reposts that infinitely recurses and floods both people's mentions stream
# 02:09 tantek someone writes a post. someone reposts it. original author updates his post to be repost of the repost. boom.
# 02:10 tantek of course I'm sure everyone here who has implemented repost has already solved this problem somehow ;)
# 02:12 tantek oh @ jmenglund03 I think we'll have a surprise for you on 2014-06-18 :D
# 02:24 tantek ok time to change location again. just wanted to capture that several level deep brainstorm on implementation design for simple repost of tweets.
# 02:25 aaronpk seems like Pragma was really only used for cache/no-cache, and then those were moved to their own headers later
JasonO joined the channel
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# 03:02 aaronpk managed to get a download of the wiki.oauth.net site but it doesn't include all the pages, because the "all pages" list loads the list via javascript
tantek and obenns joined the channel
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# 04:18 kylewm aaronpk: when you have a chance, could you remove me from the ownyourgram users table? i want to try to reregister with the https address
# 04:26 kylewm aaronpk: nm, it looks like it re-discovers the endpoints whenever you sign in. i'll keep looking
obenns joined the channel
# 04:30 tantek welcome back KevinMarks - the question is, how deep do retweets of retweets go?
gRegor` joined the channel
# 04:31 KevinMarks i think it just shows one layer (you and source) but can chain the replies.
obenns, snarfed, dybskiy and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 04:57 KevinMarks2 Hmm a house near mine is up for sale, and the realtor has registered it's address as a domain
# 05:00 Loqi KevinMarks2 meant to say: Wonder if I should preemptively register my house address
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 05:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dybskiy, dybskiy_ and CaptainCalliope joined the channel
# 06:14 aaronpk KevinMarks2: I registered my street name as a domain so that I could have a subdomain for the address number
# 06:16 aaronpk but now it's late. will check back in the morning.
dybskiy joined the channel
# 06:57 KevinMarks2 Well, a domain per house is less siloed. The realtor can hand it over with the keys
KevinMarks2, dybskiy, eschnou, paulcp, friedcell, petermolnar, Kopfstein and tpinto joined the channel
# 09:55 KevinMarks hm. static hosting on google is a lot less of a bugger than on amazon
Kopfstein, squeakytoy, dybskiy, eschnou, krendil_, paulcp, tpinto, bnvk, hidgw, NoOne, BjornW and v0 joined the channel
tantek, eschnou, v0, dybskiy and paulcp joined the channel
# 14:04 bnvk is contemplating the nature of a "temporary subscription"
# 14:07 tantek bnvk - totally makes sense, e.g. during an event and maybe a week after
# 14:08 bnvk tantek: yah, events for sure- great connection
# 14:09 bnvk the idea popped into my head re: people on Twitter responding to my post- who I don't follow, who don't follow me
# 14:09 bnvk the whole pub/sub model is always fixed relationships that require later steps to undo
# 14:10 bnvk since IW is cross platform, it would be awesome to say "notify all people involved in conversation X of new conversation Y"
# 14:10 tantek I want to be able to temporarily follow everyone speaking at an event, maybe even everyone *attending* the event, during the event, and then maybe a week later.
# 14:10 bnvk ooo, that's another case I hadn't considered :)
# 14:10 bnvk is there any page on the wiki about these concepts?
# 14:11 tantek I prefer "follow" rather than "subscribe" because "follow" is more human-centric
# 14:11 tantek whereas "subscription" is more of a feed / plumbing like term
# 14:12 bnvk oh, wow, there's no page for Follow? Crazy
# 14:13 tantek I'm off to go for a run. hope that was helpful!
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# 14:29 brennannovak.com created /follow (+1507) "Created page with "A Follow is the concept of establishing a digital relationship to another person or entity so that you can receive updates from them. The verb use and action was first implemente..."" (
view diff )
tantek, chrissaad, eschnou, paulcp, trodrigues, PMurphs, JonathanNeal, pdurbin, snarfed, dybskiy and dybskiy_ joined the channel
# 15:57 snarfed huh. has facebook set default userrnames for all users?
# 15:58 GWG looked at the latest post discovery conversation.
edge226 joined the channel
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# 16:02 GWG Trying to figure out how to poll for syndication links.
# 16:03 kylewm snarfed: what makes you think they have default usernames?
# 16:03 kylewm i still have friends whose profile page is profile.php?id=...
# 16:03 snarfed kylewm: ah, ok. so they definitely don't have a username?
# 16:03 snarfed if you go to facebook.com/USERID, it doesn't redirect?
# 16:04 snarfed GWG: cool. i haven't actually read it yet. i will. maybe kylewm can answer
# 16:04 kylewm so yes it does redirect, but not to a username :)
# 16:06 GWG I am just wondering if the post title could be used to reduce polling. Usually the syndicated post has the same text /title
# 16:06 snarfed kylewm: perfect, thanks. just as well i'm not a scientist
# 16:08 bret im GOING to get this micropub working today
# 16:08 snarfed GWG: sometimes but not always. e.g. i usually syndicate articles w/custom teaser text for silos
# 16:08 bret snarfed, your brothers photos are great btw :)
# 16:09 snarfed bret: aww thanks! (cousin.) yeah, he's great. i'll pass on the kind words
# 16:09 aaronpk kylewm: I think I figured out why your ownyourgram isn't working
# 16:10 kylewm I thought I would run it locally and figure it out and impress you, but i did not :)
# 16:10 snarfed kylewm: thanks for writing up that proposal btw! i'll review it soon
# 16:10 aaronpk you now have two user records, one for http and one for https. and they both have the same instagram user id. so when the instagram post comes in, it's matching the wrong user record!
# 16:11 aaronpk and this can technically happen with completely different domains, it's not just the http/https problem
# 16:11 aaronpk so really I just need to invalidate the instagram credentials for any previous users that matched the same instagram id
# 16:13 kylewm snarfed: sure thing, yet another rabbit hole :P
# 16:13 GWG kylewm, there seems to be a lot of them
# 16:14 aaronpk kylewm: the subscription is for the entire app. the app subscribes to get updates one time, and then any user that has authorized the app results in a notification being sent
# 16:15 bret aaronpk does ownyourgram confirm the endpoint url each time it posts?
# 16:16 bret err i guess thats the wrong word. look up the correct endpoint url
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 16:24 kylewm aaronpk: awesome, thank you for looking into it. let me know if i can help (test/etc)
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# 16:40 kylewm OK so i logged in to oyg and then posted a photo on IG, and it didn't seem to see it
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# 16:42 aaronpk that's odd... why didn't that work. i just tested it locally.
# 16:43 aaronpk oh right cause it didn't make you re-auth with instagram
tantek joined the channel
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# 16:47 kylewm is re-authorizing instagram what triggered it to invalidate the old one?
# 16:47 aaronpk which is what would have happened if this code were in place when you switched from http to https
# 16:47 GWG Who uses HTML5 article tags on their site?
# 16:48 GWG KartikPrabhu: Looking for a good example of mixing HTML5 and MF2
# 16:48 GWG bret: I figure, if I'm going standards compliant, I might as well be all in
# 16:49 GWG The same way other standards are.
# 16:50 aaronpk so it turns out archiving a web page and maintaining all the permalinks is harder than initially expected
# 16:51 tantek but I've noticed that it's not quite the same as h-entry
# 16:51 tantek or perhaps <article> wasn't really well designed (it was designed more a priori)
# 16:51 bret wait, does article provide an implied context?
# 16:51 tantek bret - a lot about <article> is underspecified
# 16:52 bret what is it useful for, other than making me feel all html5vy
# 16:52 GWG tantek: As a formats expert, what would you suggest?
# 16:52 tantek in fact, I haven't really see any good parsers of <article> that actually DO something interesting with it
# 16:52 tantek I'm still trying out <article> as I do with HTML5 stuff in general
# 16:52 tantek to at least give it a chance - by publishing maybe someone will figure out something interesting to do with it
# 16:52 tantek or it may turn out to be unnecessary in contrast to h-entry
# 16:53 tantek because that's my interpretation of the definition of <article>
# 16:53 bret tantek could it be some kind of fallback implied property for mf2?
# 16:53 KartikPrabhu tantek: in that sense all the semantics can be in mf2, and all html would be divs...
# 16:54 tantek bret - people tried defining <article> based fallbacks to convert to Atom semantics and failed horribly in the HTMLWG in the late 2000s
# 16:54 bret lol ok, see I wouldnt know this otherwise ^_^
# 16:54 GWG I'm just marking up the content as best possible. But I only know one use case for article I've done.
# 16:55 bret i tried to make <article> useful as a css selector basically
# 16:56 KevinMarks I think amazon doesn't like it if you accidentally mix oregon and california servers
# 16:56 bret but i should correct my reply contex to be outside the article tag now!
# 16:56 aaronpk KevinMarks: looks like the cname from a.kevinmarks.com is point to west, are your files in east?
# 16:56 tantek bret I don't depend on any HTML5 for CSS selectors because I want to support CSS styling in pre-HTML5 browsers
# 16:56 aaronpk they're essentially completely separate systems, not connected whatsoever except for billing
# 16:56 GWG tantek: What about <section> and such?
# 16:56 bret see, i want to punnish people who run old browsers
# 16:58 tantek bret careful about mentioning xmpp, you might wake up bear.
# 16:59 tantek markmhendrickson: hey ping and note the micropub discussion above! Wonder how hard it would be for #asheville to support micropub for posting to indieweb sites.
gRegor` joined the channel
# 17:00 aaronpk i'm wondering if creating a warc file then serving from it directly is going to be a better bet than using this wget archive
# 17:02 tantek KevinMarks: nah, it's beyond outlines. it's <section> and <heading> that were outliner thinking legacy
# 17:02 tantek anyway - I'm still trying it out. It might easily be shown to be useless.
# 17:04 GWG Being as I'm reviewing my base markup, anything else I should consider?
# 17:09 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm redoing my theme again to incorporate some things and want to cover all.
# 17:10 KartikPrabhu GWG: my strategy has been to "find out what I want to do" "look for element that sort of matches it"
# 17:13 KartikPrabhu hard to go in and try to "cover all" when you might not know what all is
# 17:18 GWG I want to fix some of the mistakes I made the first time doing this.
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# 17:27 aaronpk poor pbworks servers. i'm thrashing them like crazy
# 17:28 kylewm speaking of, diff anyone else have a weird credit card failure this week on gittip?
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# 17:28 aaronpk something with their backend processor. i saw some notes fly by in their IRC
# 17:30 bret aaronpk interested in meeting up for some indieweb hacking this morning?
# 17:31 bret sweet! im about to head out on my bike, where should I meet you?
# 17:32 aaronpk hm something with a patio and outlets would be nice
# 17:33 GWG What is everyone working on, out of curiousity? Indieweb wise?
# 17:34 aaronpk bret: do you need actual food or did you already eat breakfast?
# 17:34 bret ill probrably need to get lunch around 1 or 2
# 17:35 aaronpk how bout start at Ford, and we can get lunch at Teote later. I ate breakfast at 8.
# 17:36 aaronpk i'll put a thing on swarm and see if anyone else shows up too
# 17:36 bret lol google maps doesnt know about fleet week
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# 17:41 GWG bret: I don't have an Instagram account
# 17:41 GWG tantek: I use your site for inspiration sometimes. Along with others here.
# 17:41 bret aaronpk actually i cant find my debt card
# 17:45 tantek GWG, thanks, glad to hear it. I'll keep documenting every incremental thing I support to be transparent about it.
KevinMarks2 and tantek joined the channel
# 18:16 aaronpk note to self: *never* serve images from dynamic php scripts using query string parameters to choose the image
# 18:21 aaronpk here's an interesting question for anyone familiar with nginx... I have a filename on disk called theme_image.php?seg=g&colortime=1220488986 (yes, with ? = and &), now can I make nginx serve that file?
# 18:22 tantek ah, you want to just serve a mirror before converting to mediawiki
# 18:23 aaronpk keeping the history available was one of the requirements of this archive
# 18:24 tantek I'm going to want to export all of my pbwiki with history at some point and will follow your footsteps
# 18:27 GWG tantek: I may mimic some of your design elements, but I'm not sure I like the main page design.
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# 18:28 tantek GWG - main page of my home page or wiki silo?
# 18:30 aaronpk yeah I just want to turn off query string processing in nginx... is that even possible?
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# 18:36 GWG tantek: I find the entries run together visually
# 18:36 tantek aaronpk - that gittip issue thread makes me think we should explicitly document "how to check that the website belongs to you" as a use-case
# 18:37 tantek GWG - check out adactio.com for an alternative home page with composite stream
# 18:39 aaronpk bret: title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/,'-').replace(/-$/,'')
# 18:40 aaronpk bret: actually title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi,'-').replace(/-$/,'') works great
# 18:47 GWG tantek: I like his composite date orgnization
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:47 GWG tantek: But, the same problem visually. Without a title, which notes typically don't have, you need a visual separator.
# 18:49 GWG Your head is sort of a visual separator
# 18:50 GWG That's an article, but ruled lines can work
# 18:56 bret KartikPrabhu: im sorry to ask this again. what is your host?
# 18:58 GWG Test site is on a cheaper but less reliable provider
# 19:03 aaronpk wow that was obscure but managed to get it to work!
# 19:05 aaronpk i'm just glad whoever set up the oauth wiki used a cname from wiki.oauth.net to the pbworks system so I don't have to break any URLs to move off of pbworks
# 19:06 GWG KartikPrabhu: Do you know anyone who uses a magazine style layout for an Indieweb type site?
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# 19:13 kylewm posting from OwnYourGram -> my site -> Twitter is such a better experience than Instagram -> Twitter (in that it actually shows the photo, as opposed to an opaque instagram link)
# 19:14 GWG When can I redeem my karma for something?
# 19:15 aaronpk kylewm: oo do you have proper native photo posting to twitter from your site?
# 19:16 kylewm I want to fix up my facebook implementation too, I currently post a link to the page with the picture as the preview, but it looks bad. would rather post it as a proper 'photo'
# 19:21 kylewm Adding my humblebrag about better twitter UX too :)
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# 19:26 tantek WordPress users, what does it mean when a site says this?
# 19:26 GWG But i can't remember what I did about it
# 19:34 GWG tantek: I think it is a server configuration problem
# 19:38 aaronpk it totally depends on the site. looks like the server is configured with a relatively low memory limit, and something is causing the site to use more memory than that
# 19:39 aaronpk if you can admin the server, you can raise php's memory limit
# 19:39 aaronpk or you could try to find which plugin is causing it to use that much memory
# 19:51 GWG aaronpk: That much memory being allocated seems to be wrong
# 20:05 aaronpk aaand dns is updated for wiki.oauth.net, will be a static site soon!
j12t, nloadholtes, gRegor`, iangreenleaf, erikmaarten, dybskiy and dybskiy_ joined the channel
# 21:30 bret got the endpoint into a working condition
# 21:33 aaronpk nope.... not quite ready to switch over to a static site. pbworks is weiiiirdddd
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# 21:56 GWG I don't even have an Instagram account.
# 21:56 GWG Anything I can't post to from my computer or mobile device...
# 21:56 aaronpk instagram is definitely a specific use case, but I like it for posting photo notes
# 21:56 aaronpk it's definitely different from how I use flickr and how I treat my actual photo archives
# 21:57 GWG It just doesn't support my use cases.
snarfed, barnabywalters and dybskiy joined the channel
# 22:12 GWG I don't have a micropub endpoint, I think
# 22:13 bret no you gotta make one, but it isn't too bad
# 22:13 aaronpk someone's gotta make a micropub endpoint for wordpress!
# 22:13 GWG bret: I'm already building two Wordpress plugins and yet another Wordpress theme.
# 22:13 GWG How many projects can I take on simultaneously?
# 22:14 GWG bret: Talk to pfefferle, he did the webmentions one. Maybe he's at the right point to take on something new.
# 22:15 GWG I'm still working on my own selfish needs
# 22:15 GWG The Taxonomy plugin that will let me do replies, reposts, likes, etc.
# 22:15 GWG But I am writing it with help from acegiak, because I want others to benefit
# 22:18 GWG I have the stable Semantic Comments plugin.
# 22:18 GWG So I can leave that aside for a bit. I don't think anyone other than me is using it
# 22:18 GWG And then I'm working on more improvements to the theme I wrote, so I'm building it back up from scratch.
# 22:18 GWG Well, not quite scratch. I'm doing some cut and paste.
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# 22:20 GWG barnabywalters: How are things in the land of Ice?
# 22:21 GWG barnabywalters: I keep meaning to ask....since I don't speak Icelandic...what does your employer do?
# 22:21 GWG I keep looking at people's webpages to see who I'm talking to.
# 22:22 GWG barnabywalters: Sounds interesting
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# 22:30 GWG barnabywalters: How much metadata do you attach to each note/article/etc?
# 22:30 GWG I'm trying to figure something out, and need some jogging of my thoughts.
# 22:31 bret i use front-matter for mine, but aaronpk break that kind of stuff out into a separate file
# 22:32 bret im sorry replies and contexts are separate
# 22:34 GWG barnabywalters: Well, several things.
# 22:35 GWG barnabywalters: First, I've created a custom 'kind' taxonomy in Wordpress for types. I had to use kind as type is a reserved word.
# 22:35 GWG This would be things like like, reply, repost, etc..
# 22:35 GWG Trying to figure out if I should have both favorite and like.
# 22:38 aaronpk but now (soon) your site will be able to link to one or more authorization servers and indieauth.com will let you use those instead
# 22:39 barnabywalters aaronpk: sounds interesting — why? to help migration away from indieauth.com as centralised/de facto server?
# 22:39 aaronpk funny story... indieauth.com isn't even a centralized server right now
# 22:40 barnabywalters aaronpk: it’s as centralised as app writers make it, if it’s treated as the default/only authorization server used
# 22:40 aaronpk but right now it's the decision of the app to use it as its auth server
# 22:41 aaronpk the current limitation is that when a user signs in, they can only choose from sms, twitter, github, email, in other words, providers that both indieauth.com and the user have in common
# 22:42 barnabywalters aaronpk: ah, so this feature allows delegation to auth servers which allow other ways of verifying identity
# 22:42 aaronpk this addition allows a user to choose one or more of their own auth servers to use when signing in
# 22:43 aaronpk which is similiar to how indieauth.com used to be able to use a person's openid delegate
# 22:44 GWG barnabywalters: That one is trivial in my mind, so I can code for one as an alias for the other.
# 22:44 GWG barnabywalters: But what other 'verbs' are there
# 22:48 kylewm i feel like we've encountered this issue before? these two URLs seem to link to the same post, is one the post and one the photo? (cc: snarfed, GWG)
# 22:48 snarfed kylewm: yup facebook has too many related-but-different urls for photo posts
# 22:49 snarfed one for the post, one for each individual picture, and one for the album (if any?)
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# 22:49 kylewm snarfed: and bridgy tries to propagate both of them?
# 22:49 snarfed kylewm: it tries to dedupe as much as it knows how
# 22:51 kylewm snarfed: ah ha, I remembered Jeena had seen it before, didn't know you had too. thanks :)
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# 22:52 kylewm lol at " the one on the photo is always created after the one on the post... anywhere from 5-10m later to days later"
# 22:55 GWG barnabywalters: Where does a repost fit in? That a type of reply?
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# 22:57 kylewm GWG: are webcomics (other than Oatmeal & XKCD) still a thing? I wasn't sure if silos had killed a lot of them or if I just wasnt' reading them anymore
# 22:59 GWG barnabywalters: A repost would be a reply without comment, technically
# 22:59 GWG People share articles without comment all the time. Is that a reply?
# 23:00 bret GWG indieweb linklogging is weakly documented
# 23:00 GWG I've always had trouble with that
# 23:00 bret also sandeem does interesting things for that
# 23:03 GWG barnabywalters: Someone might want to know I shared their article with people who are interested in following my activities.
# 23:03 GWG barnabywalters: So, a solid maybe?
# 23:03 barnabywalters aaronpk: something’s wrong with my webserver, which produces rather an ugly error when trying to sign in with indieauth.com
# 23:05 aaronpk this one? "Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error - too many connection resets"
# 23:05 kylewm barnabywalters: that's good, a popular webcomic author would be a super a cool person to recruit for indieweb (since they're likely doing a lot of the stuff already)
# 23:06 barnabywalters kylewm: indeed, it’s occured to me before — webcomics are really indieweb already, often with a focus on selling stuff which is an under-researched area
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# 23:07 barnabywalters not sure if “PASSENGER_CONNECT_PASSWORD” being public is as big a security issue as it sounds…
# 23:07 aaronpk huh, I don't even know what that is for. I think it's only an internal thing.
# 23:08 GWG barnabywalters: Maybe it is really a like?
# 23:08 barnabywalters GWG: not all posts with links in (or even reposts, for that matter) can inherently be treated as emotionally positive
# 23:09 GWG 's head explodes figuratively speaking
# 23:10 GWG Maybe at Indiewebcamp NYC I have to trap tantek and force him to explain this to me till I get everything
# 23:11 GWG barnabywalters: I'd ask you, but I can't afford the airfare
# 23:12 barnabywalters GWG: any post with text in, whether it’s a note, reply, article, photo (with text), etc., can link to things
# 23:14 GWG So, what is the difference between a mention and a repost?
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# 23:17 GWG This taxonomy list is going to get fairly long
# 23:17 GWG I'd better start documenting this problem
# 23:17 barnabywalters GWG: a post should never be explicitly classified in software as a “mention”
# 23:18 GWG barnabywalters: Again, need to start writing this out
# 23:18 barnabywalters the first two responses shown are direct replies to the post, and as such are shown as full comments
# 23:18 GWG kylewm: You have top level hierarchy in your kylewm domain for different types?
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# 23:19 barnabywalters the third links to it, but isn’t explicitly a reply, so only a very compact summary (akin to a like or repost) is shown
# 23:19 barnabywalters really the text should be the name of the article — my mention display is not very refined yet
# 23:20 barnabywalters hrm, it appears that indiewebcamp.com/mention doesn’t exist — am I really the only one using this terminology?
# 23:20 barnabywalters aaronpk: I seem to remember you’re displaying posts which just link to other posts differently to explicit replies — do you use the term “mention”?
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# 23:31 GWG kylewm: What is in your permalink structure?
# 23:38 barnabywalters needs to stop opening IRC client when I want to get work on feed reader done :)
# 23:39 GWG barnabywalters: You don't like us?
# 23:41 barnabywalters eventually I may reach a state of meta-programming where I just explain things sufficiently and other people, or sufficiently powerful computers, make them. but not yet :)
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# 23:49 GWG barnabywalters: Creating a virtual Barnaby who can answer all questions in chat while you code?