2014-06-09 UTC
# 00:00 GWG Should I stop trying to confuse Loqi?
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:09 GWG Loqi: Hak mir nisht keyn tshaynik.
tpinto joined the channel
# 00:22 GWG kylewm: Did you answer the permalink question?
tantek and chrissaad joined the channel
# 00:42 tantek GWG, still around? Seems like you asked a lot of taxonomy questions that I'm not sure what you were trying to figure out
# 00:44 bret kylewm: how come all of your instagram syndication links 404?
dybskiy joined the channel
# 00:45 GWG tantek: I have been working on a Wordpress plugin to automatically set up the different post types.
# 00:46 GWG tantek: To do this, I had to create what Wordpress calls a Custom Taxonomy.
# 00:46 GWG tantek: That allows me to set posts to type 'reply', type 'like' etc.
# 00:46 GWG tantek: Except type is a reserved word, so I am using 'kind'.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:49 GWG acegiak: Was attaching this as metadata, but that doesn't allow the flexibility Wordpress attaches to custom taxonomies.
# 00:50 GWG That should read acegiak was, not acegiak:
# 00:54 gRegor` aaronpk, tantek: I was wondering about the format of the introductions / demos on day one of IWC. If we basically have webmentions set up, should we be ready to send/receive some live, or is it OK to just show examples from the past?
# 00:55 gRegor` Any any other info on that would be helpful. I might be overthinking it. :)
# 00:55 tantek you decide how much you feel confident demoing working on your own site
# 00:56 tantek my advice is to pick the most advanced (per IndieMark) feature you have working to demo, and in the lead up to it, just say/mention what you already have working
# 00:56 gRegor` I get a bit nervous about public speaking and have not really done a demo before. Speaking always seems to work out ok once I get going though
# 00:57 tantek you can practice by demoing to just one friend
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:59 bret doesnt he write blog posts in series of tweets?
# 00:59 tantek that's why timbray is sayig it would be easier to read as a blog post
# 01:00 tantek would it be too snarky to ask timbray to tweet from his own site? you know, for persistent links
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:02 bret this would be a good time for a 'soon' picture of tantek
# 01:04 bret lol no like 'soon' you will be tweeting from your own domain
# 01:14 bret tantek i think chiming in with anything with a permalink in your tweet would make a point
# 01:35 tantek (it's crafted to ellipse right after "Like this …")
# 01:36 tantek how's that? hopefully constructive and not snarky
# 01:37 kylewm Bret: yes my Instagram is set to private. hadn't thought about the syndication links not working. thanks for pointing that out
caseorganic joined the channel
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# 02:00 tantek GWG - you asked: "How did comics get on there?" Answer: because a couple of us posted them on our own sites and in doing so, figured out how an indieweb site could post indie comics.
# 02:02 GWG tantek: Just curious on the background. I was interested why it wasn't merged with photo into 'image' or such
dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:03 tantek GWG - there are bunch of dinguishing features
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# 02:20 tantek GWG, re: " A repost would be a reply without comment, technically" - it's not clear it makes any sense to design anything for specially "technically" reasons.
# 02:21 tantek in addition, I disagree because there is no "replyness" to a repost
# 02:21 tantek a repost could be said to be a special kind of *mention* of an original post.
# 02:27 GWG tantek: I was speaking in terms of presentation, to be precise.
dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:29 GWG I'm just having the hardest time marrying the various conventions.
dybskiy_ joined the channel
# 02:38 acegiak tantek: I have gone with if a reply has a citation then it's actually a repost with comment. if there's a citation but no comment it's just a repost and if there's just a comment but no citation then it's just a reply
fmarier and dybskiy joined the channel
# 02:48 acegiak GWG: not a lot. We're having a long weekend of celebrating tabletop roleplaying so that's been my last few days
krendil_ joined the channel
# 02:50 acegiak I was just about to fiddle with doing a the_content filter but what are you up to?
chrissaad joined the channel
# 03:00 GWG I spent all weekend boxing up family photos to ship to India?
# 03:01 acegiak ok, cool. So if I do some work on presentation stuff I won't be stepping on your toes?
# 03:01 GWG The photos take 8-10 weeks turnaround time. I wanted to put them in the mail tomorrow
# 03:01 GWG So now I can switch back to Wordpress mode
# 03:02 GWG So, I'll likely work on that tomorrow.
# 03:02 acegiak I'm trying to decide if I can be bothered heating up lunch
# 03:04 acegiak I'm leaning towards "cup of tea instead of actual lunch"
# 03:04 acegiak which is mostly because I want to curl up and watch youtube instead of stand over a pot
# 03:05 acegiak what I SHOULD do is heat up some soup and get something productive done
# 03:09 tantek GWG - re: "share articles without comment all the time. Is that a reply?" - no. Either it's a repost (if the actual article is reproduced), or it's a linkblog (if it's just a sharing of a link to the article) as a mention.
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:10 acegiak Well, dobbybot say game dev and he consistently chooses the wrong option, so plugin work it is
# 03:10 GWG tantek: A linkblog sounds like a site that only does links.
# 03:11 acegiak tantek: oh, interesting. I hadn't thought of the "just a link" option
# 03:11 GWG tantek: Is there any markup for a 'linkblog' post then?
# 03:14 GWG How many years is it going to take me to get this right?
# 03:16 tantek GWG - it will take longer the more you try to code all at once rather than picking *the one next thing you want* and implementing it, learning, and iterating.
# 03:16 tantek you can always figure out / update your abstractions as you add new post types/kinds one by one.
# 03:17 GWG tantek: My plan was to set a short list, and add to it, and then one by one add the logic that explains their behavior.
# 03:17 acegiak tantek: I'm trying to work out how to do favourites and I'm finding the line between linkblog and favourite pretty fuzzy
# 03:17 GWG acegiak: A favorite is a like, a linkblog/bookmark doesn't imply anything
# 03:17 tantek GWG - rather than a short list, literally just add one at a time.
# 03:18 GWG tantek: I may try that. Makes it hard to test the code to display the list though.
j12t joined the channel
# 03:18 tantek another distinction: linkblog/bookmark often has text and tags
# 03:19 GWG The rabbit hole of favorite vs like is not one I'm going to go down right now.
# 03:19 GWG I'm just going to declare them aliases and let everyone else duke it out.
# 03:19 tantek GWG - are you looking for an easy answer or a deep discussion?
# 03:20 GWG tantek: You may have noticed any easy answer automatically turns into a deep internal discussion in me.
# 03:20 GWG I just was saying I wasn't going to touch it in my planning right now.
# 03:22 GWG tantek: As per your suggestion about building one thing at a time.
# 03:23 GWG I decided I'd set it as an alias and revisit later
# 03:23 tantek simple answer: just implement "like" (the verb) and posting "likes" on your own site, because those seems to have the lowest barrier to interaction (e.g. on FB)
# 03:24 tantek "favoriting" seems slightly "heavier" in people's minds (judging by how less frequently people do it)
# 03:27 tantek.com edited /bookmark (+227) "IndieWeb Examples subsections for each person, add ????-??-?? since dates as placeholders for implementation dates" (
view diff )
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:28 GWG acegiak: What are the types you use again?
# 03:28 GWG acegiak: Since I've been collaborating with you?
# 03:28 acegiak GWG: I use like repost and comment in different combinations
# 03:28 aaronpk whoa, I just realized I have almost 8 years of bookmarks in my database
# 03:29 GWG acegiak: I may take tantek's advice and start on like.
# 03:29 acegiak tantek: at the moment I don't use any special markup for favoruites on my site, they're just a category of posts
# 03:29 aaronpk 4 years of delicious bookmarks, then 4 years of self-hosted bookmarks
# 03:30 acegiak (the category title is because I posted it before I started getting involved in any of this
# 03:30 GWG acegiak: These are a few of my favorite things?
# 03:31 acegiak one of the interesting questions I had to ask myself was what to link to for those posts
# 03:32 acegiak on facebook you "like" a thing's Facebook page, whether it be the national opera of nascar
# 03:32 Loqi acegiak meant to say: on facebook you "like" a thing's Facebook page, whether it be the national opera or nascar
# 03:33 acegiak so i've gone with wikipedia for my default authoritative list of pages about things
# 03:33 acegiak but I thought that was an interesting question to have had to ask
# 03:34 GWG acegiak: how about a like cloud being a tag cloud of all the tags from like posts?
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:35 tantek is continuing to braindump research that's been accumulating in his head about post types/kinds.
# 03:35 acegiak GWG: for me favouriting a thing is a very specific action. It's an identity statement, like a bumper sticker on a car
# 03:37 acegiak tantek: we're only using the word kind because type is a specific thing in wordpress. I would prefer we don't start using it unless we have to because it's an inhererently "fuzzy" word
# 03:37 GWG Type, ironically, is the permalink slug for post formats.
# 03:42 kylewm type is definitely one of those computer science words that have way too many meanings.
# 03:43 kylewm KartikPrabhu: hey I'm not sure if you saw but we deployed the fix to find rel=feed on <a>'s, so it should start working for you now
# 03:43 rascul types about the types of languages implementing dynamic types
dybskiy joined the channel
# 03:47 tantek GWG - no problem - I think I've caught up with all your previous questions today in IRC regarding different post kinds.
# 03:47 tantek And have documented clarifications accordingly on the page(s) for each such post type.
# 03:48 GWG tantek: Then what will we talk about in 3 weeks?
# 03:50 tantek whatever specific post kind you're implementing that week :)
tantek joined the channel
# 04:00 kylewm man that facebook photo api is all kinds of weird. earlier it had two different urls for the same post, now one of them has become the url for an album of all photos i've posted from my site (?)
# 04:02 tantek so many different terms for a "collection" post
# 04:05 kylewm how would one backfeed comments on a facebook album?
# 04:05 tantek you have to post a collection of your photos yourself
tantek and dybskiy joined the channel
# 04:53 acegiak GWG: I /was/ gonna use checking for post kinds in the display and checking them on and off in the interface, but maybe I should just toggle on and off kinds based on whetehr or not the meta fields are populated?
# 04:54 acegiak wait, no because the only data for like is whether or not the taxonomy term is there
# 04:55 GWG I'm working on prepopulation of terms
# 04:58 GWG So, it will only add terms if there are no terms.
# 04:59 GWG So you can delete/edit without worrying about it. Sort of a 'starter kit'.
gRegor` joined the channel
# 05:27 acegiak GWG: should I do a pull request for the basic the_content filter I've done?
# 05:31 GWG Hold off for a bit. I want to look at a few things first.
# 05:32 GWG I've never done a content filter.
# 05:33 acegiak all I've done for the moment is move a bunch of my stuff from the theme into a content filter
# 05:34 acegiak but I want to make a couple of functions to do jobs like return lists of kinds and html classes so that the theme can hook into those if it wants and then have the content filter use those
# 05:34 GWG acegiak: That is exactly what I was thinking.
# 05:35 GWG I wanted to create a get_post_kind based on get_post_format
# 05:36 GWG So, use function syntax similar to post format syntax
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:38 acegiak GWG: just pushed a change making the filter toggleable in the options screen defaulting to off
# 05:41 GWG I'm heading to bed now. But I'll be fiddling with this again tomorrow.
# 05:42 GWG Which, according to my conversion, I'll be home about 8:30AM your time.
# 05:43 aaronpk it occurred to me while working on this that since you can currently choose between one of many auth providers like github, twitter, sms, etc, why limit to just one authorization server?
# 05:44 GWG acegiak: Thank you, by the way, for being involved in this. This is my first programming collaboration.
# 05:44 GWG acegiak: I know. I need to sleep for a few hours, then I have work. By the time I'll be back and able to fiddle with this, it will be Tuesday there
# 05:45 acegiak GWG: indieweb stuff is my first real contribution to these kinds of plugins, all my previous collab has been at work or with friends
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# 05:45 aaronpk and because I'm worried about falling into a trap with this if I keep coding, I think it's best if I put this on hold and noodle on it some more
# 05:46 GWG I just keep trying to confuse it for some reason
eschnou, dybskiy, nloadholtes, jsilvestre, tpinto, friedcell, dybskiy_, dybskiy__, dybski___, carlo_au, petermolnar, bnvk, valan, tantek, pdurbin and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 10:15 jonnybarnes its a personal analytics tool, I think similar to somethin you've made for yourself
dybskiy, jsilvestre and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 11:10 barnabywalters in order to prevent this from happening (both by accident and on purpose), it looks like three things need to be done on the reader side:
# 11:11 barnabywalters check datetimes of incoming posts and cap them at the present if they say they’re in the future
# 11:11 acegiak barnabywalters: huh. "add mf2 to blackwoolholiday.com" is on my todo list?
# 11:12 Loqi acegiak meant to say: i use either supplied datetime or first readtime
pbeaulieu, dybskiy, tantek and bnvk joined the channel
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# 12:33 waterpigs.co.uk edited /h-entry (+1653) "/* Using h-entry */ linked to h-feed consumption algorithm, fleshed out per-h-entry algorithm with link to comment-presentation, datetime determination process, stubbed algorithm for handling updates, issues section w/ comment merge issue" (
view diff )
dybskiy joined the channel
# 12:52 Loqi notifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) http://indiewebcamp.com/notifications
scor, Garbee and caseorganic joined the channel
# 13:00 petermolnar what is a waterpig? -> reminds me when my father showed HELP WOMBAT on VMS:
# 13:01 bnvk petermolnar: I have a strange memory of my dad and wombat as well
# 13:03 bnvk the forms post data getting lost as I had to go log back in
# 13:04 bnvk phew, thank goodness for Chromes aggressive page caching
# 13:06 barnabywalters temporary follow and context-sensitive following (e.g. event, location) is high up on my list of things to have in my feed reader
pbeaulieu, luxagraf, tantek, chloeweil, dybskiy and brianloveswords joined the channel
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# 14:36 barnabywalters consider making the h-adr a p-location property of the h-entries instead of a child, and adding authorship of some form
edge226, dybskiy, chrissaad and tantek joined the channel
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# 14:58 luxagraf if I were to add an h-card globally, say to my site footer, is that enough to convey authorship for any h-entries on the page?
bnvk, chrissaad and eschnou joined the channel
# 15:24 jonnybarnes luxagraf: my experience is it really depends on the consuming software
brainTrain and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 15:36 petermolnar in theory the fallback should be the global (if set) in case there's no author for the h-entry itself
pbeaulieu and dybskiy joined the channel
# 15:47 tantek petermolnar: are you sending a webmention for the old URL that redirects to the new URL?
# 15:47 tantek because I think that part is your responsibility (as publisher)
# 15:47 tantek then those receiving the webmention can note it as an "update" rather than a "new" webmention for a URL
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 15:48 petermolnar to be honest, I'm only using the wordpress webmention plugin and I haven't checked deep enough what's it really doing
erikmaarten joined the channel
# 15:54 bret is the wiki supposed to keep me logged in?
# 15:55 bret i pretty much have to log in every new session
# 15:55 bnvk bret: glad I'm not the only one having that problem
squeakytoy, npdoty, holmesfftf, iangreenleaf, snarfed, erikmaarten and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 16:28 luxagraf jonnybarnes: yeah, see that's what I don't want to rely on
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# 16:30 luxagraf barnabywalters: i take it that the h-card needs to be a child of h-feed?
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# 16:36 aaronpk normally there's a checkbox on the login screen but I don't know where it went
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# 16:41 Loqi shaners: tantek left you a message on 6/5 at 1:32pm: my current web host setup has a 50MB/month bandwidth cap.
# 16:41 Loqi shaners: tantek left you a message on 6/5 at 1:33pm: not 50MB, but 50GB monthly bandwidth limit
pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 16:49 shaners !tell tantek: wow. Do you think you're serving more than 50gb of mostly just HTML/CSS/JS or do you have some wildly popular images/videos/audio?
# 16:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 16:50 shaners aaronpk: how does Loqi know which gendered pronoun to use?
# 16:51 bnvk !tell caseorganic can't wait to see you in Iceland
# 16:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
emmak joined the channel
# 16:52 barnabywalters for some reason it’s a bit creepy to think that aaronpk has a list of our genders somewhere
# 16:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:52 shaners !tell barnabywalters i wonder if Loqi is infer from our IWC wiki pages
# 16:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 16:52 Loqi barnabywalters: shaners left you a message 10 seconds ago: i wonder if Loqi is infer from our IWC wiki pages
# 16:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:53 bnvk !tell erinjo yo, just testing out something
# 16:53 Loqi shaners meant to say: !tell barnabywalters i wonder if Loqi is inferring from our IWC wiki pages
# 16:53 Loqi bnvk: shaners left you a message 1 minute ago: clever test.
# 16:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 16:54 shaners we are slamming it/he/she pretty hard with this ridiculousness. ;)
# 16:54 aaronpk the best part about Loqi is that people always assume he is smarter than he is
tantek joined the channel
# 16:55 Loqi tantek: shaners left you a message 6 minutes ago: wow. Do you think you're serving more than 50gb of mostly just HTML/CSS/JS or do you have some wildly popular images/videos/audio?
# 16:57 jonnybarnes so, h-feed, am I fine adding that to my /notes page? Or should I be getting the notes in to my homepage as well (I'd rather not for now)
# 16:58 aaronpk jonnybarnes: not publicly, but you have to assume everyone's clients are logging it
# 16:59 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: if you want to add h-feed markup to your notes feed then go for it
# 16:59 barnabywalters you only really start to see the benefit if you’re taking advantage of the feed authorship discovery though
# 17:16 luxagraf been looking at various people's use of <action>, is there a reference anywhere for the possible values of "do"?
# 17:19 shaners wow. i didn't realize you were getting that slammed with traffic.
# 17:19 tantek since it's obviously a bit of indieweb maintenance foo
# 17:19 tantek might as well admit to it and document it to help others
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 17:19 tantek also something that web hosting companies could compete on
# 17:20 tantek I'd really like my web host to auto detect bad bots
# 17:20 tantek e.g. IE5.5 User Agent requesting 20 pages a second? I don't think so.
# 17:20 tantek like just a "suspicious clients" section on the stats page
# 17:21 aaronpk that sounds like a valuable service one could provide
# 17:21 tantek so I could just check it and be like yeah, block that
# 17:21 aaronpk doesn't even necessarily have to happen at the web host level if you point your domain to a proxy and the proxy does the service
# 17:21 tantek or even auto-blocking an IP or UA based on THEM exceeding specific bandwidth caps
# 17:23 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: but I’ve heard mixed things about them and never used them myself
# 17:25 aaronpk "We never charge for bandwidth. CloudFlare will never bill you for bandwidth usage. We believe if your site suddenly gets popular or suffers an attack, you shouldn't have to dread your bandwidth bill."
grantmacken and lupinedev joined the channel
# 17:29 luxagraf shaners: thanks, i had, but it suggests "props" for "favorite", which is a word that will never appear on site, code or otherwise
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# 17:30 Loqi caseorganic: bnvk left you a message 39 minutes ago: can't wait to see you in Iceland
# 17:31 luxagraf if I were going to venture a criticism of indiewebcamp it would be in the naming choices
# 17:31 bnvk caseorganic: hehe, I was also just testing Loqi's gender prowess
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# 17:33 barnabywalters luxagraf: feel free to suggest better names, and obviously to use them on your own site
# 17:33 aaronpk naming things is one of the two hardest problems in computer science. the other being cache invalidation and off-by-one errors.
# 17:33 luxagraf barnabywalters: in this case I like yours, so I'm using bookmark
# 17:34 aaronpk shaners: the "who is" draws from the irc-people page
# 17:37 aaronpk might take a minute for the cache to catch up... speaking of caching
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:42 kylewm thanks aaronpk, I was just about to ask you to do that
brianloveswords, eschnou, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# 18:07 kylewm luxagraf: curious what other names stick out as being bad to you? props'
nikol joined the channel
# 18:17 gRegor` Nor was selfdogfooding, right?
# 18:17 GWG I don't like facepile as a word, but it is what it is.
# 18:17 luxagraf kylewm: i don't have any better words at the moment, but i think this matters for getting (esp) level 2 people involved
# 18:18 aaronpk there's been a lot of talk about finding a better word than selfdogfooding
# 18:18 GWG It is like complaining about calling ketchup ketchup instead of catsup
# 18:18 luxagraf yeah I know, dog fooding esp goes way back, but they get used all over the wiki
# 18:18 aaronpk i'd be happy to use a different word but there hasn't been a good one found yet
# 18:19 GWG luxagraf, shouldn't we use language that exists over new nomenclature?
# 18:19 luxagraf GWG: I disagree. how you describe things makes them what they are
# 18:19 GWG I was more commenting on the public consciousness
# 18:20 luxagraf GWG: not when the inherited language is part of the problem you're trying to solve
# 18:20 GWG luxagraf, why do we call it a bathroom?
# 18:20 luxagraf well, yeah I am a writer, but i don;t think you have to be a writer to recognize that selfdogfooding is not exactly the most appealing phrase to describe something
# 18:21 gRegor` selfsteakfooding (selftofooding for the vegans)
# 18:22 GWG luxagraf, I am sort of playing devil's advocate here
# 18:22 gRegor` I was going for tofu+fooding and just shortened it :)
# 18:24 kylewm does 'selfdogfooding' even apply to gen 2 people? presumably they'd be using tools built by others
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:25 GWG kylewm, tools under your control vs not
# 18:26 GWG Even gui website tools are still creation
# 18:26 kylewm I guess you are still creating on your own site, whether you are doing the plumbing or not
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# 18:27 GWG kylewm, I installed my plumbing. I did not forge the pipes
# 18:28 gRegor` I think even the simple phrase "use your own product" might be better. UYOP to acronymize it.
# 18:28 GWG So, luxagraf, what is your suggested term to replace Facepile?
# 18:29 gRegor` I don't find Facepile problematic since it's specific to Facebook.
# 18:29 GWG But the design element is reproduced on other sites
# 18:29 gRegor` They coined it, so it's kind of a proper noun for the design pattern.
# 18:29 onewheelskyward Much like xerox, kleenex, etc
# 18:30 gRegor` Wheras selfdogfooding is a principle, a fun(ny) slang for "use your own product"
# 18:30 gRegor` barnabywalters++
# 18:31 gRegor` I use model 5001, barnabywalters. 5000 is sooo last year. :)
# 18:31 gRegor` I burned my mouth eating pizza before it was cool.
# 18:31 GWG How about artisanal content creation?
# 18:32 luxagraf so long as you think of your own product as food for dogs.
# 18:32 gRegor` took "use your own product" from wikipedia
# 18:33 luxagraf the wikipedia page has a suggestion from the criticism section "drinking our own champagne"
# 18:33 aaronpk hopes his manual POSSE to twitter and facebook is properly picked up by bridgy this time
# 18:33 luxagraf which at least sounds better to people who've never heard the joke
# 18:34 bnvk aaronpk: mine worked fine the other day
# 18:40 barnabywalters luxagraf: nice work! for p-location to actually be a nested property it’ll need to be class=“p-location h-adr”
benwerd joined the channel
# 18:41 gRegor` Weird that medium.com doesn't list the full published date in the visible HTML. Just "Jan 16" kylewm
# 18:41 gRegor` They list the full published time in <meta property="article:published_time">
# 18:43 luxagraf barnabywalters: is h-adr not in there anymore? crap, i think i pushed the wrong branch the server. i'll fix that. thanks
# 18:45 kylewm aaronpk: which thing did you manually posse to facebook/twitter?
# 18:46 gRegor` Ok, medium displays the full date for older articles.
# 18:46 gRegor` But I guess since the one kylewm linked to is from 2014, it just lists "Jan 16"
# 18:50 bret oh yeah luxagraf++ for getting notes working!
# 18:50 gRegor` barnabywalters: meta article:published_time is Open Graph Protocol, apparently.
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# 18:52 luxagraf barnabywalters: seems about right. what's name and why is it false?
# 18:53 barnabywalters luxagraf: that’s a helpful property aaronpk’s comment-presentation code adds — if name exists and is not false, then it should be shown as well as the content (e.g. an article). if it’s false, don’t show it (e.g. a note)
# 18:53 barnabywalters because microformats will always have a name property, you have you figure out whether or not to show it
Hodgestar joined the channel
# 18:54 barnabywalters most of the other weirdly named/duplicate properties are just there for indexing purposes
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# 19:02 kylewm luxagraf: didn't realize you were in Athens. neat, I grew up in Marietta
tantek joined the channel
# 19:05 luxagraf kylewm: are you still around here? I've been thinking there needs to be indiewebcamp south
# 19:07 kylewm luxagraf: no, i'm just another sf bay area transplant now. kinda wish i were there to start iwc south with you!
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 19:10 luxagraf kylewm: too bad. i think i'll do the first iwc microcamp
# 19:10 luxagraf kylewm: just me, sitting at the new brewery thinking about microformats :)
jonnybarnes and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:25 tantek since "60% I don't ever use sharing buttons. I share my own way."
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
pauloppenheim, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, pbeaulieu, holmesfftf, eschnou and caseorga_ joined the channel
paulcp, lupinedev, pbeaulieu and tantek joined the channel
# 20:35 j12t Hey everybody, a bit of self-promition here, but INC magazine has a great article today titled “The Revolution Will Not Be Monetized” that quotes your’s truly.
# 20:35 benwerd FYI: the elearning Domain of One's Own project, which overlaps massively with the indie web, is having a hackathon in LA on July 19-20.
# 20:35 benwerd They aim to give students a domain of their own, and encourage them to post to their own sites.
# 20:37 aaronpk rascul: kylewm: there are well documented ways to do http redirects with html pages
# 20:38 benwerd they are very keen for indie web folks to join them
krendil joined the channel
# 20:38 benwerd j12t - sorry to talk over you. That's really cool!
# 20:39 rascul i might be able to do some lua-ing to nginx for a niftier solution though but that won't be until later
# 20:39 aaronpk i believe google will follow the meta redirect too tho
# 20:42 rascul yeah when i get to it i'll figure out which way is gonna work the best for me
# 20:44 j12t always interesting and surprising to see what, after a long interview, makes it into an article …
pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 21:00 bear rascul - I'm adding an example in /nginx of how I solved the redirects issue for a static web site
# 21:00 tantek hey KevinMarks I just mentioned fragmentions at the W3C AC meeting
# 21:00 Loqi bear: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 6/5 at 8:09pm: do you know any good references on how to make a good requirements.txt where the requirements might be from a github repo to have the latest bleeding-edge stuff? trying to make by blog stuff open on github
# 21:00 Loqi bear: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 days ago: ronkyuu doesn't actually use mf2py but it is in the requirements with an older version. Should I just remove it?
# 21:00 bear KartikPrabhu - I always just feed the output of "pip freeze" to requirements.txt
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# 21:01 bear !tell KartikPrabhu your answer about requirements.txt -- I always feed the output of "pip freeze" to requirements.txt so I ensure that it will be machine readable when put into the repo or docs
# 21:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:01 Loqi KartikPrabhu: bear left you a message 13 seconds ago: your answer about requirements.txt -- I always feed the output of "pip freeze" to requirements.txt so I ensure that it will be machine readable when put into the repo or docs
# 21:01 bear and yes please do remove older lib refs
# 21:02 KartikPrabhu bear: alrighty. though I still think mf2py should be used in ronkyuu somehow. will look into that as well
# 21:03 bear agree - it should definitely be used - having ours have "almost" implementations of things that are in mf2py leads to fragmentation (the bad kind)
# 21:03 bear we should support mf2py by using it and also contributing back to it
# 21:10 ben_thatmustbeme so looking at the people based communication links. now that google hangouts has updated to merge sms and hangouts, sms: links will kind of get you to their google hangout, but then you have share your phone number and they have to already have your contacts merged
gavinc, jonnybarnes and caseorganic joined the channel
# 21:39 KartikPrabhu I am quite confused by the "simplify subscriptions" bit... most feed reader that I know (at least Feedly) auto discovers feed links from the main url. If website/browsers have a "subscribe" button what is it supposed to do?
paulcp joined the channel
# 21:55 bret It seems like friend/follow/subscribe could make a good webaction
# 22:01 bret KartikPrabhu: basically, when demoing cross site commenting, it became clear that unless the UI can match that of the silos, its going to be a silly round about process
erikmaarten joined the channel
# 22:01 bret so webactions are user definable html tags that trigger actions
# 22:01 bret with a fallback for users who have not defined an action
# 22:02 bret this allows for a reply button to live on an indieweb post just like the reply button lives next to a tweet
# 22:02 bret KartikPrabhu: action handling is done with an extension right now iirc
# 22:03 bret but you could trigger a link back to your posting interface with a reply url as a param
# 22:03 aaronpk you know how the tweet button pops up a preview window on twitter.com where you can change the text before tweeting?
# 22:05 KartikPrabhu so in the case of feed subscribing this would mean that the reader has their own feed-reader at some URL
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 22:08 KartikPrabhu this setup assumes that people reading a website have their own site including at least some feed-subscription mechanism. Seems like a lot of backbone that RSS people are not thinking of
# 22:10 aaronpk likely will be a big focus of indiewebcamp this year!
# 22:11 KartikPrabhu bret: any idea what "subscribe easily" means without the indieweb context?
# 22:13 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yes. webactions would work in the indieweb context. but then what are the RSS folks talking about?
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# 22:14 KartikPrabhu if the goal is to make subscribing "as easy as silos" then "install this add-on to your browser and add this setting to it" is not a solution
# 22:16 bret KartikPrabhu: he means its hard right now to use a feed reader
# 22:16 bret you have to a) enable button on your browser or b) install a discovery tool/extension
# 22:17 bret im trying to point out that subscribe is merely another action that should be apart of the html interface
# 22:17 aaronpk people always forget about the bookmarks bar. you can do so much cool stuff with it and it's really easy to put things there.
# 22:17 bret aaronpk, yeah I use bookmarklets a lot
# 22:17 aaronpk and "installing" things there is just making a web page and saying "drag this link up here"
# 22:18 bret plus it goes against the goal of matching silo ux
# 22:19 aaronpk it would be useful to have this so-called ideal silo UX documented somewhere
# 22:20 bret KartikPrabhu: right, you cant make feeds as easy as a silo, you just have to support a silo as a fallback
# 22:20 bret but in the context of feeds, it could be the other fallback
# 22:21 KartikPrabhu bret: hmm didn't understand that at all... which silo? who chooses it?
lupinedev joined the channel
# 22:22 bret just as silos make decisions for most people
# 22:22 bret feed readers are never going to be as easy as just using a silo
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 22:23 bret KartikPrabhu: well, it at least drives awareness of a feeds existance?
# 22:23 bret im trying to keep the discussion within the framing
fmarier and realzies joined the channel
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu just trying to understand the question that RSS people are trying to solve
# 22:25 bret adding webmention endpoints to a feed, is that so the reader does not have to parse html to find it?
# 22:25 bret KartikPrabhu: I think its a similar issue to what we are trying to solve, but more attached to rss
# 22:26 bret but then you dont really have rss without html
# 22:26 KartikPrabhu bret: yes. but the trouble is RSS does not have the backbone of the indieweb, with everyone owning their sites and all that
tantek joined the channel
# 22:26 bret i think feed readers have a huge potential as micropub clients
# 22:26 aaronpk you guys are making me want to BUILD ALL THE THINGS ! stop it!
# 22:26 bret KartikPrabhu: most people who i meet that use rss dont activly publish
# 22:27 bret so its incredibly limiting to the options when you are in that boat
# 22:29 bret I dont want to alienate the RSS/superfeeder community as they have a lot of solid work in terms of readers
# 22:29 KartikPrabhu bret: I do think that the indeweb publish+subscribe setup (including indie-readers) will be a better solution to this, than isolated feed-readers.
# 22:31 bret it already is! feeds biggest failures is that it didnt allow people to publish to subdomains
# 22:31 bret its not your own data, but at least you could post to a url
# 22:32 bret (if readers let you publish as well as consume)
# 22:32 bret people fell for google readers community features
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 22:35 bret idea: unauthed micropub posting to a website for more traditional comment threads
# 22:35 aaronpk bret: pretty sure there's a strong trend away from unauth'd comments in general
# 22:35 aaronpk barnabywalters: do you have any sketches or design docs for this reader?
# 22:38 aaronpk or you can make a new page for it too since it's its own project
# 22:39 bret aaronpk: are you interested in adding gitpub to the indieweb repo?
# 22:39 bret i want to generalize it for anyone to use
# 22:39 aaronpk hmm maybe... although most of the things there are libraries, not full apps
# 22:40 bret ok thats fine, Ill just link to it form the wiki then
# 22:43 bret does twitter even take fake followers seriosly?
# 22:45 kylewm aaronpk: no, my understanding is that it can track keywords from the time the track is set up into the future
# 22:46 aaronpk well presumably superfeedr is indexing all sorts of things, right?
# 22:46 bear I don't recall that it stores things using something like elasticsearch
# 22:46 barnabywalters aaronpk: yep, anything which it processes containing that keyword will show up in the track feed
# 22:47 kylewm why isn't there anything in that feed though?
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# 22:47 bear it also doesn't store past items that have been published for any meaningful length of time
Foolipe joined the channel
# 22:47 bret is thinking of doing a cleanup of the projects page
# 22:47 bear tho, knowing Julien, if you give him a sound reason - he would probably implement it
# 22:48 bret kylewm: cant right now but the next indieweb thing I work on
# 22:48 bret people dont come to iwc projects page to read about nginx
# 22:48 kylewm bret: I didn't mean it quite so demandingly :) i'm just a supporter of cleanup
# 22:49 bret but thinking of making some more iwc centric categories
# 22:49 aaronpk i'm just thinking like how I can search the twitter API for things, it would be awesome if I could search other sites
# 22:50 bret iwc is a front to bring back old technorati
# 22:51 kylewm aaronpk: I've been wanting something just like that too, want loqi to tell us when people make blog posts about 'indiewebcamp' in addition to twitter updates about it
# 22:51 kylewm julien said at hwc that superfeedr was definitely a viable way to do it
# 22:51 aaronpk yeah it is. we had the notifix bot in here for a bit but it was kind of misbehaving
# 22:52 aaronpk julien even gave me some sample node.js code for Loqi so he could subscribe to the hub but I haven't gotten around to implementing it yet
# 22:53 bear push, xmpp, rss - I think he consumes/delivers all of them
# 22:53 bret I'm a bit fuzzy on the the boundries of those things
# 22:54 bear he has an xmpp jid you can send updates to and also receive updates from
# 22:55 bret all i really know xmpp to be is to be the standard IM proticol
# 22:56 bear you can use it to send IM (aka messages) or chat messages or event messages
# 22:56 bear it also has muc (multi-user chatrooms) and pubsub items
# 22:56 bear it's biggest feature is federated user and identity
# 22:56 bear no, because IRC and XMPP are in different realms really
# 22:57 bear irc allows for anyone to connect to any server and eventually get all of the messages
# 22:57 bear xmpp says you connect to your server and then have it connect to other servers as needed
# 22:58 bear there are some overlaps, but it's really the federated identity and messaging that is the core of xmpp
# 22:58 bret is there any crossover with serverless xmpp?
# 22:58 bear there are some implementations of that for IoT and other specific implementations
# 22:59 bear but really the xmpp crowd don't like serverless connections - it removes the core part of what makes xmpp secure
# 23:00 bear there are some in the IoT realm who are trying for it
# 23:00 bear but really it boils down to having them be proxies in a pretend cluster
# 23:03 bear bret - anytime - part of my job as XSF Board member and long-time XSF member
# 23:03 bret i wish we chatted more when you were in portland :)
# 23:03 bear yea, I love to catch up with local folks when I travel
pauloppenheim, j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
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# 23:21 aaronpk it's hard keeping all this stuff straight in my head. and I also often need multiple implementations of things
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# 23:22 barnabywalters aaronpk: talking about indieauth/micropub? I’d volunteer, but one of the reasons I made taproot/authentication was so that I wouldn’t have to hold all that stuff in my head :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 23:30 bear GWG - I am often in Portland OR for events, in San Francisco for customer stuff, in Portland ME for Monktoberfest and to New York for customer stuff
# 23:30 bear and then sprinkle in some Boston or DC around
dariusdunlap and j12t_ joined the channel
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# 23:35 hober bear: that's where we met! (the first monktoberfest)
# 23:36 barnabywalters aaronpk: hopefully they’re entertaining/informative, especially the ones of previous work leading up to building this
# 23:37 aaronpk i'm curious about collecting examples of rendering single h-entries in a list
# 23:37 aaronpk author photo and name placement, timestamp, embedded previews, etc
# 23:38 aaronpk twitter has done a good job of codifying the various components in their twitter card markup because it's so explicit
brianloveswords, tantek and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 23:47 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 23:51 bear I would love a spot that had examples of small markup for each item that I could borrow/steal for my stuff
# 23:54 bear it seems I spend more time fighting the bad patterns I create when working on my own site
# 23:55 KartikPrabhu bear: any reason the ronkyuu requirements are == versions and not >= versions?
# 23:55 kylewm KartikPrabhu: == is what pip freeze outputs ^
# 23:56 bear that is the one almost-bad-but-I-like-it issue
# 23:56 bear being that i'm a build/release kinda person - the specificity pleases me
# 23:57 kylewm yeah upgrading libraries should be an explicit action that you do, cause sometimes there are breaking changes