#aaronpkpauloppenheim: question since you're the only pgp person I think is online right now... with this new feature you will be able to point to an auth endpoint that supports pgp auth from your home page. would you be comfortable using a service that handles the pgp verification?
#aaronpkyou'd certainly be able to create your own auth endpoint that does whatever, but it would be convenient if you didn't have to build it of course
#pauloppenheimi mean, challenge / response from a pgp pubkey is no worry at all, of course i would use that
#pauloppenheimi don't know how much i would trust a site that used that, depends on the implementation
#aaronpksimilar to the way you can right now point to multiple auth providers like twitter or github, you will be able to point to one or more indieauth providers, which can be something you implement on yuour own domain or a service like indieauth.com
#bearI would have to challenge/response to the site, establish a token and then that site would then challenge/response to a user and provide that token
#pauloppenheimi think just trusting a key sitting on a web server by itself is bad form
#pauloppenheimaaronpk: i'm not sure if i'd reuse yours, depends how it fits in the rest of my environment
#aaronpksay for example there is a service called thebestpgplogin.com which you've established a relationship with (you're paying for it, or whatever)
#pauloppenheimwhy does 2010 not even feel all that long ago
#bearfor me it would be ok to take this type of external auth to say that someone can leave a comment or webmention - but not to do anything else on my site
#bearhmm, I wonder if IndieAuth used it's pgp key to sign a webmention user would I then be able to request from indieauth a token to allow the indieauth user to submit something to my site without them having to know/use pgp
#bearthinks he just described what the last 1/2 hr conversation was about
#pauloppenheimi think your auth is a different kind of thing than i am thinking of
#aaronpkimagine you're signing into a site, you click the "thumbprint" option and then a push notification appears and you have to launch the app and touch your thumb to it
#pauloppenheimright now indieauth is pretty great for what it is
#pauloppenheimi think maybe my perspective is bent, and thinking of situations that require more security than you are targeting
#aaronpkideally this works for all levels of security, or is at least flexible enough
#pauloppenheimwell, but you want inflexibility for high security applications, so that it can't be fucked up
#pauloppenheimeffectively, flexibility presents much more attack area
#pauloppenheimand it becomes impossible to evaluate "security"
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#pauloppenheimthe flip side is PGP, which by all appearances is getting worse, not better, as more people make "guides"
#pauloppenheimthere's enough that's not specified, and there are enough people trying to make it easier in ways that wind up making it less secure
#dariusdunlapBTW, after reading a good chunk of the Swift book, I decided I really needed to go back through it as a “playground”… so I’m doing that now.
benwerd joined the channel
#dariusdunlapNever did matter.. The objective isn’t perfect security. The objective is security that’s better than the crap password that you reuse everywhere, or even a good 6-digit pin.
dybskiy, lupinedev, j12t, snarfed, Jihaisse, cweiske and pfefferle joined the channel
#Loqipfefferle: snarfed left you a message on 6/6 at 9:42am: no custom post types for my possed retweets, favorites, etc. just categories to hide them from front page etc.
#barnabywaltersor to provide an alternative representation which is completely flattened
#barnabywaltersboth of which turned out to be more confusing than useful
#barnabywalterstobiastom: I’ll raise an issue on the repo — thanks!
#tobiastomand actually, I can see to problem with returning it multiple times, but right now I would have to loop though all nodes (recursivly) to find all h-cards.
#tobiastomyeah, I see that. but wasn’t to goal of the JSON structure to have a good interoperatable format? implementing this search is not really a problem, but maybe we could find better ways for that.
#tobiastomfor example a preferences key on each item, which will be an array with the references to the root nodes.
#barnabywalterstobiastom: the goal of the JSON representation was to have a canonical, easy to use representation of the microformats in a piece of HTML
#barnabywalterstobiastom: adding references to DOMElements in the parsed output is something I’ve considered before — what’s your use case for it?
#tobiastomnope. not to the DOMElements, give me a second, I’ll fake a gist.
#barnabywaltersI’ll create a utility which makes it easy to run them over arbitrary parsers
#barnabywalterstobiastom: what use-case does that make easier?
#barnabywaltersfor the most common (in my experience) case of accessing nested microformats, that approach complicates things unnecessarily
#barnabywaltersalso we should move this discussion to #microformats
#tobiastomthanks barnabywalters. I just needed the data in a more machine readable way, so that I can test the stuff I do here. that’s why I caught the ”žerror“ in the first place.
#tobiastomnot sure how to continue in #microformats, without repeating stuff. :)
#tobiastomalso, you are right, the test seem to have changed. I’ll regenerate mines.
#tantekhasn't tried it. just thinking out loud based on what you said.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
#rascultantek your idea is excellent that's what i'm going with now
#rasculi didn't want to use any sort of meta data because that stuff is already in the articles in microformats
Sebastien-L and caseorganic joined the channel
#tantekrascul - right, that was the idea. just a top level <article class=h-entry> with all the other (non content) properties right there at the top, and then </article> at the bottom
#LoqiMicropub is an API spec that is used to create h-entry or h-event posts on one's own domain using third-party clients http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub
#barnabywalterscweiske: not necessarily — take the extreme case of facebook listening to the audio as you post, that can only be done by compromising people’s servers
#aaronpkthat error is supposed to be caught better now
#jonnybarnesclicking rescan says there was an SSL error
#aaronpkcweiske: more generally, IndieAuth clients should look for one or more "rel=authorization_endpoint" servers and present those as an option to the user
#cweiskeindieauth solves the nascar problem by not showing logos except for persona
#luxagrafI trust even the best, well-intention programmers to make mistakes
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: yeah, and AFAIK a complete, independant security audit of firefox hasn’t been done.
#jonnybarnesaaronpk: I've "fixed" the issue by getting my server to return the jonnybarnes.net SSL cert when SNI is not in use
#luxagrafbarnabywalters: cwesiek has an interesting point though and there doesn't seem to be a page on the wiki with that criticism
#barnabywaltersluxagraf: indeed, makes those little webcam-cover vinyl things particularly necessary
#luxagrafFor my specific case I suppose a simple .htpasswd would work as well as anything. Not very scalable, but then I'm not sure that's something that will ever need to scale
#LoqiA disclosure is a bit of content, typically on a home page, on an indie web site that proactively discloses some aspect about the site that the site owner wants the user to explicitly be aware of http://indiewebcamp.com/disclosure
#luxagraftantek: ah, disclosure. didn't try that term
#luxagraftantek: i was just making one up when i thought, huh, prior art might be good here
#luxagraftantek: but I'm creating a privacy policy that just says, hey, i track your visits, but no one else does
#luxagrafunless arcgisonline.com sends something with map tiles. hmm, have to look into that.
#aaronpkthat's not really a privacy policy, that's disclosure
#luxagrafaaronpk: i was just going off wikipedia's definition: "A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document (privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses and manages a customer or client's data"
#luxagrafaaronpk: because wikipedia is never wrong
#aaronpkyeah I suppose, just feels wrong to call it a privacy policy
#caseorganicwtd: last year's event was really good. very creative. now the industry is over the hype cycle and is applicable to industrial applications, enterprise and adverts
#aaronpkhasn't figured out what that's going to look like on his site yet
#GWGMaybe I should start with reply, but like seemed easier to code
barnabywalters joined the channel
#barnabywaltersGWG: designing how to display a post is way more effort than writing the plumbing for it, so I’d recommend reply if you’re unsure how to display likes
#aaronpkOpenID connect supports an additional "id" type
#cweiskewhy do I have to put "state" manually in the callback url? why isn't it already part of the callback url?
#aaronpkso my thought is that it will be either "id" or "code". in the case of "id" it means the consumer is not requesting authorization, just authentication
#aaronpkif you omit response_type then it's the same as not asking for authorization, so that's why it defaults to "id"
#cweiskeok. how does the client website register the callback at the server?
#aaronpkhaven't written this part up yet, but the idea is for the client to publish its registered redirect URIs on its web page with a <link> tag
#aaronpkand since client IDs are always URLs, it's all discoverable that way
#cweiskeI have the feeling the deeper I proceed in this rabbit hole, the more complex indie auth becomes
#aaronpkso for client_id https://example.com/ a server can find its valid redirect URIs by looking for <link rel="redirect_uri" href="https://example.com/callback"> at example.com
#aaronpkbelieve me i'm trying really hard to make sure this doesn't rely on centralized services. at the same time, building login mechanisms is the last thing most peope want to do, so using swappable services for parts is useful.
#cweiskethen I do not see why a POST needs to be made to verify the code. since it cannot be used multiple times, the validation request itself invalidates the code
#aaronpkin practice most implementations allow the code to be used for x seconds, like 30 or 60, during which period it will be accepted multiple times
#aaronpkthat is in order to avoid needing to store state on the server
#aaronpkindieauth.com currently stores the auth codes in a database but i'm going to replace that soon so that it doesn't require a DB
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#aaronpkmy token endpoint doesn't require any backend storage because it uses self-encoded tokens for everythign
#kylewmhuh, i think i'm confused. where https://indieauth.com/openid is a way to use indieauth as your openid provider, cweiske's proxy is a way to use openid as your micropub authorization endpoint?
#kylewm(i was confused because indieauth is my openid provider, so obviously got sent to indieauth when i went through his endpoint)
#aaronpki'm gonna have to use it on a test domain for signing in to these test apps. it's getting to the point where I need to be able to sign in as different users using different mechanisms to test everything
#tantekaaronpk, bret - interesting coincidence, fall of 1989 (september to december) was the quarter when Knuth taught his last class at Stanford as well (I was fortunate enough to take it).
#snarfedbenwerd_: thoughts on hwc 6/18? matter, quip, …?
#KartikPrabhure: email - if you need a "wonderful secretary" to handle email you're doing something wrong... (says me who has never gotten loads of email)
tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 17 minutes ago: definitely! we'll start planning now