2014-06-10 UTC
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 00:44 pauloppenheim aaronpk: i would love to be an auth buddy, but i am not sure i will be a very good auth buddy
# 00:52 aaronpk brainstorming, helping make UI sketches and docs, and possibly also to make your own implementation of parts of this.
# 00:53 aaronpk just someone i can bounce ideas off of while working on this stuff
kylewm joined the channel
# 01:01 aaronpk I suppose I need to write a page "how to build an authorization endpoint" next
# 01:05 aaronpk it will all be super straightforward once there's enough docs and diagrams
# 01:09 pauloppenheim it feels very intertwined with micropub, which i have not been following closely enough
# 01:09 aaronpk it partly is, but there's a whole section that is not
# 01:09 aaronpk indieauth for authorization is, indieauth for authentication is not
# 01:09 aaronpk like when you sign in to the wiki, you're authenticating only, no micropub involved
chrissaad joined the channel
# 01:12 bret what if people start putting ads into h-entries?
# 01:14 pauloppenheim when the indieweb gets discovered by spammers, we're gonna have problems all over
# 01:16 bret pauloppenheim i managed to get a working endpoint the other day
# 01:17 bret which means basically so can a lot of people
# 01:25 aaronpk oh wow I just realized an auth provider could let you sign in with a pgp key
# 01:25 aaronpk by making you sign a challenge with the private key for a public key that's on your site
j12t joined the channel
# 01:29 aaronpk see this is why I need a "how to make an auth endpoint" tutorial
# 01:30 aaronpk so that someone good with pgp can go make an auth endpoint that lets people sign in to whatever with their pgp key
# 01:34 aaronpk there's just enough people from different timezones here that someone is always saying good morning!
# 01:42 aaronpk pauloppenheim: sweet. yeah need to get this tutorial up
# 01:42 aaronpk once I finish my silly test endpoint i'll be able to document it
# 01:43 bret pauloppenheim have not seen kbs in a few days
# 01:44 aaronpk but that is written from the point of view of the consumer so is not as easy to read if you're actually building the auth endpoint
benwerd joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
fmarier and benwerd joined the channel
# 02:55 aaronpk pauloppenheim: question since you're the only pgp person I think is online right now... with this new feature you will be able to point to an auth endpoint that supports pgp auth from your home page. would you be comfortable using a service that handles the pgp verification?
# 02:56 aaronpk you'd certainly be able to create your own auth endpoint that does whatever, but it would be convenient if you didn't have to build it of course
# 02:58 pauloppenheim i mean, challenge / response from a pgp pubkey is no worry at all, of course i would use that
# 02:58 pauloppenheim i don't know how much i would trust a site that used that, depends on the implementation
# 02:58 aaronpk similar to the way you can right now point to multiple auth providers like twitter or github, you will be able to point to one or more indieauth providers, which can be something you implement on yuour own domain or a service like indieauth.com
# 02:58 bear I would have to challenge/response to the site, establish a token and then that site would then challenge/response to a user and provide that token
# 02:58 pauloppenheim i think just trusting a key sitting on a web server by itself is bad form
# 02:59 pauloppenheim aaronpk: i'm not sure if i'd reuse yours, depends how it fits in the rest of my environment
# 02:59 aaronpk say for example there is a service called thebestpgplogin.com which you've established a relationship with (you're paying for it, or whatever)
# 02:59 aaronpk you'd add a tag to your site: <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://thebestpgplogin.com/auth">
# 03:00 pauloppenheim would i trust that to log me in across the web? maybe, depends on the impll
# 03:00 aaronpk I guess my question is would you be willing to trust this third party service to do things responsibly for you?
# 03:01 aaronpk it's entirely your choice to use this service of course
# 03:01 aaronpk say you've done your due diligence, and you're ready to pay $20/year for this
caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:02 aaronpk the auth endpoint issues and then verifies auth codes
# 03:02 bear so my website would do a "hey, is this code valid" check?
# 03:02 aaronpk the auth endpoint is the thing you're used to seeing that says "this app would like to ____" like twitter's oauth screen, etc.
# 03:04 pauloppenheim i haven't even thought of the implications of that running externally, it sounds very weird
# 03:04 pauloppenheim principally, i do this kind of thing over an ssh tunnel right now, which usually means only using software i have written to handle that
# 03:08 pauloppenheim i wouldn't want my web apps to have the decision to accept or reject something be made externally, if i care about their security
# 03:09 bear for me it would be ok to take this type of external auth to say that someone can leave a comment or webmention - but not to do anything else on my site
# 03:12 bear but i also do a lot of server side static stuff - so me logging into my site is a much less likely thing to happen
# 03:13 bear now I would love to see something that lets me trust a webmention as being validated
# 03:15 bear sorry, yea, I was jumping ahead in the story
# 03:16 pauloppenheim because hoo boy, that's a lot of auth providers to just trust, for much the same reason
# 03:17 bear right - especially in the indieauth realm - every domain hitting my site I would have to establish a trust relationship with
# 03:17 aaronpk that's basically the openid situation, where every domain is potentially its own openid provider
# 03:18 aaronpk you always need the oauth flow in the context of micropub
# 03:18 pauloppenheim but you can't invent your own PKI either, unless you really want to research the fuck out of it
# 03:20 bear you get my pub key, I get yours, we cross sign and verify… done
# 03:24 bear hmm, I wonder if IndieAuth used it's pgp key to sign a webmention user would I then be able to request from indieauth a token to allow the indieauth user to submit something to my site without them having to know/use pgp
# 03:24 bear thinks he just described what the last 1/2 hr conversation was about
# 03:25 aaronpk take a look at my "OAuth 2 simplified" article, it shouldn't take much to go through it and it covers all the basics
# 03:26 aaronpk unfortunately if you look at the actual specs it's more complicated because it's been so abstracted out for lots of possible use cases
# 03:26 pauloppenheim as i know it is flexible enough for "enterprise" now, i wonder if it is a superset of normal pubkey use
# 03:26 aaronpk there is a whole saml2 thing which i believe is close
# 03:27 pauloppenheim aaronpk: been reading that, it's what's on my screen when i get breaks from my current work situation
# 03:29 aaronpk back in a bit. biking home before the sun goes down.
brainTrain, j12t and caseorganic joined the channel
# 03:47 aaronpk OH snap now that iOS 8 allows API access to the fingerprint reader I can make an indieauth login option that does fingerprint auth!
# 03:50 aaronpk imagine you're signing into a site, you click the "thumbprint" option and then a push notification appears and you have to launch the app and touch your thumb to it
# 03:51 pauloppenheim i think maybe my perspective is bent, and thinking of situations that require more security than you are targeting
# 03:51 aaronpk ideally this works for all levels of security, or is at least flexible enough
# 03:52 pauloppenheim well, but you want inflexibility for high security applications, so that it can't be fucked up
gRegor` joined the channel
# 03:53 pauloppenheim the flip side is PGP, which by all appearances is getting worse, not better, as more people make "guides"
# 03:54 pauloppenheim there's enough that's not specified, and there are enough people trying to make it easier in ways that wind up making it less secure
# 03:55 bear no, just someone who has had to deploy production security and had to deal with devs who follow bad guides
# 03:56 bear that's why i'm all like "amen to that paul!" and shaking my head in agreement
# 03:57 dariusdunlap From what I’ve read about the fingerprint auth, it’s nicely secure. No PII is exchanged… just “yep”, or “nope”.
# 03:57 aaronpk that is exactly how I assumed they'd implement, and very glad
# 03:57 aaronpk actually it unlocks keychain items, so it's a little more than yes/no but yeah, it doesn't actually provide the fingerprint image or anything
# 03:58 dariusdunlap Yeah, it was in the cards readin ghte description of the fingerprint system laste year.
# 04:00 dariusdunlap BTW, after reading a good chunk of the Swift book, I decided I really needed to go back through it as a “playground”… so I’m doing that now.
benwerd joined the channel
# 04:04 dariusdunlap Never did matter.. The objective isn’t perfect security. The objective is security that’s better than the crap password that you reuse everywhere, or even a good 6-digit pin.
# 04:07 pauloppenheim it's better than the samsung galaxy 5, which evidently lets you make unlimited attempts
dybskiy joined the channel
# 04:13 aaronpk wow they made all sorts of domains for their proof of concept implementation... credential.club and login-hub.com and identus.org
dybskiy joined the channel
# 04:32 bret so much of that is routed around if you have a domain available already
dybskiy joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:39 bret well dht works fine but the libs are not ready yet
# 04:44 bret aaronpk: is there an oauth meetup in town?
# 04:45 aaronpk there were a few "state of the auth" meetups a while ago
wtd and dybskiy joined the channel
# 04:57 aaronpk there were only 2 meetups. I gave a talk on OAuth 2, then ozten gave a talk on Persona lol
dybskiy, lupinedev, j12t, snarfed, Jihaisse, cweiske and pfefferle joined the channel
# 06:35 Loqi pfefferle: snarfed left you a message on 6/6 at 9:42am: no custom post types for my possed retweets, favorites, etc. just categories to hide them from front page etc.
sparverius joined the channel
dybskiy, petermolnar, eschnou, jsilvestre, KartikPrabhu and krendil joined the channel
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pfefferle joined the channel
dybskiy and dybskiy_ joined the channel
tobiastom and barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 11:01 tobiastom barnabywalters: got two seconds for your php-mf2 classes?
# 11:02 tobiastom especially your parser does not create two h-card items. is that intentional?
Phae and JonathanNeal joined the channel
# 11:05 barnabywalters IIRC there was a proposal ages ago to do exactly that — surface nested microformats at the top level too
# 11:06 tobiastom and actually, I can see to problem with returning it multiple times, but right now I would have to loop though all nodes (recursivly) to find all h-cards.
# 11:10 tobiastom yeah, I see that. but wasn’t to goal of the JSON structure to have a good interoperatable format? implementing this search is not really a problem, but maybe we could find better ways for that.
# 11:10 tobiastom for example a preferences key on each item, which will be an array with the references to the root nodes.
# 11:11 barnabywalters tobiastom: the goal of the JSON representation was to have a canonical, easy to use representation of the microformats in a piece of HTML
# 11:11 barnabywalters tobiastom: adding references to DOMElements in the parsed output is something I’ve considered before — what’s your use case for it?
# 11:12 tobiastom nope. not to the DOMElements, give me a second, I’ll fake a gist.
Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 11:14 barnabywalters so if it came directly from there, either the original has changed since then, or I’m missing something :)
# 11:17 barnabywalters for the most common (in my experience) case of accessing nested microformats, that approach complicates things unnecessarily
# 11:20 tobiastom thanks barnabywalters. I just needed the data in a more machine readable way, so that I can test the stuff I do here. that’s why I caught the ”žerror“ in the first place.
# 11:21 tobiastom not sure how to continue in #microformats, without repeating stuff. :)
# 11:24 tobiastom also, you are right, the test seem to have changed. I’ll regenerate mines.
# 11:30 rascul not gonna bother with markdown, just gonna write articles as html
# 11:30 rascul no need for front matter or meta data, i can keep it inside the html and grab it with mf2py
# 11:34 rascul oops i think i meant for that in #indiechat i got my channels mixed up
# 11:35 barnabywalters rascul: publishing format discussion is fine, and encouraged in #indiewebcamp :)
# 11:35 rascul see i decided that markdown got silly when i put a bunch of html in it anyway
# 11:36 rascul may as well just do it all in html instead of mixing markups all over the place
# 11:36 barnabywalters rascul: personally I author articles and notes in markdown, manually adding HTML whenever necessary, but only save the HTML
# 11:37 barnabywalters I’ve found that to be a good balance of markdown as a convenient authoring tool, and HTML as a precise, long term archival
# 11:37 rascul also i don't have to keep any meta data around which makes it easier
# 11:41 tobiastom damit. looks like I lost the genrator for that tests…
# 11:45 tobiastom nice, time machine for the rescure.
tantek, dybskiy, ttepasse, pfefferle, jsilvestre and BjornW joined the channel
# 12:16 tantek rascul, I'm very interested in your compare/contrast in using HTML vs markdown as your format for writing articles
# 12:16 tantek here's a question, how about markdown, but put all the metadata in an HTML block at the top (instead of goofy JSON-like syntax)
# 12:17 tantek i.e. is there some hybrid approach that would be get benefits of both?
# 12:18 tantek hasn't tried it. just thinking out loud based on what you said.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 12:25 rascul tantek your idea is excellent that's what i'm going with now
# 12:27 rascul i didn't want to use any sort of meta data because that stuff is already in the articles in microformats
Sebastien-L and caseorganic joined the channel
# 12:43 tantek rascul - right, that was the idea. just a top level <article class=h-entry> with all the other (non content) properties right there at the top, and then </article> at the bottom
dybskiy, dybskiy_, scor, chloeweil and luxagraf joined the channel
# 13:24 luxagraf is #indiechat logged anywhere? I'm curious what the markdown problem is that you're talking about
# 13:28 rascul no problem, i was just considering not using it since i end up writing html anyway, then tantek came up with a solution that works for me
# 13:38 GWG !tell acegiak Might want to check out the latest push
# 13:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:38 luxagraf i have a question for the no database crowd. how and where do you store incoming webmentions?
chrissaad joined the channel
# 13:44 luxagraf barnabywalters: so you pull in the stored webmentions as the post is built and written out to html?
# 13:48 luxagraf barnabywalters: yeah, CSV huh? that's always seemed like a very fragile format to me.
# 13:48 luxagraf barnabywalters: but it is pretty unlikely to corrupt data
pfefferle joined the channel
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# 13:49 cweiske the libraries accessing the csv file are the ones that corrupt them
brianloveswords, caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
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# 14:23 Loqi acegiak: GWG left you a message 45 minutes ago: Might want to check out the latest push
# 14:24 GWG But, I was talking about kind-functions
# 14:24 cweiske "your articles go to all services" vs. " with no one monitoring you"
# 14:24 acegiak functions look good. ill have to check how the classes look for repost with comment
# 14:25 GWG acegiak: I based the functions on the syntax of existing Wordpress functions. kind_class is based on body_class.
# 14:26 GWG acegiak: Besides, you can add additional cases. Anything for which there isn't a specific case will add in the kind slug as a class.
# 14:27 cweiske which means that groups doing surveillance only need to monitor one service now instead of multiple :)
# 14:28 barnabywalters cweiske: not necessarily — take the extreme case of facebook listening to the audio as you post, that can only be done by compromising people’s servers
# 14:28 jonnybarnes this is appearing in my nginx access.log if it helps: - - [10/Jun/2014:16:27:48 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 5475 "-" "-"
# 14:29 aaronpk hm in this case i'm actually getting a more specific error that just isn't being displayed
# 14:29 aaronpk "SSL ERROR: hostname does not match the server certificate"
# 14:30 barnabywalters fortunately such things can’t be done without explicitly giving permission on web devices
gRegor` joined the channel
# 14:30 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: fortunately such things can’t be done without explicitly giving permission on web browsers
# 14:30 aaronpk that almost sounds like an SNI error, except that I know indieauth.com works with SNI sites because mine is one
# 14:30 cweiske aaronpk, does the indiewebcamp.com login support custom indieauth servers, or does it foce me on indieauth.com?
# 14:31 aaronpk cweiske: did you read the logs from yesterday? :D
# 14:31 aaronpk indiewebcamp.com uses indieauth.com to handle authentication. that is a decision you do not need to care about
# 14:31 aaronpk however i'm in the process of making indieauth.com recognize custom OAuth servers
# 14:31 jonnybarnes without the -servername option openssl s_client gets the wrong cert sent back by me server
# 14:33 aaronpk cweiske: more generally, IndieAuth clients should look for one or more "rel=authorization_endpoint" servers and present those as an option to the user
# 14:33 cweiske indieauth solves the nascar problem by not showing logos except for persona
# 14:34 luxagraf I trust even the best, well-intention programmers to make mistakes
# 14:35 barnabywalters luxagraf: yeah, and AFAIK a complete, independant security audit of firefox hasn’t been done.
# 14:35 jonnybarnes aaronpk: I've "fixed" the issue by getting my server to return the jonnybarnes.net SSL cert when SNI is not in use
# 14:35 luxagraf barnabywalters: cwesiek has an interesting point though and there doesn't seem to be a page on the wiki with that criticism
# 14:36 barnabywalters luxagraf: indeed, makes those little webcam-cover vinyl things particularly necessary
# 14:37 barnabywalters so far indiewebcamp work in general has been focused more on publishing than privacy, but it’s an important factor to many here
# 14:37 luxagraf barnabywalters: or a piece of electrical tap (goes well with DIY tinfoil hat)
# 14:37 Loqi luxagraf meant to say: barnabywalters: or a piece of electrical tape (goes well with DIY tinfoil hat)
# 14:39 luxagraf that's my one remaining use for Flickr, sharing photos with specific sets of people. i need an indieweb way to do that on my own site.
# 14:41 gRegor` kylewm tested sharing a note only to specific URLs using indieauth
# 14:42 barnabywalters gRegor`: yep, aaronpk has that working, I used to have it working but never used it so turned it off
# 14:44 luxagraf For my specific case I suppose a simple .htpasswd would work as well as anything. Not very scalable, but then I'm not sure that's something that will ever need to scale
# 14:48 jonnybarnes ooh, a new feature for Loqi could be to announce on here things from relevant Github repos
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# 15:07 jonnybarnes cweiske: security maybe? if the request is done over HTTPS then no-one would see the info being sent
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 15:09 jonnybarnes yeah, just realised, doesn't matter, you have to negotiate a secure connection before you make a GET request
tantek joined the channel
# 15:14 aaronpk cweiske: because GET requests are more often logged by intermediate proxy servers, etc.
GWG joined the channel
# 15:15 tantek aaronpk - sounds like a good addition to the FAQ!
# 15:16 cweiske why is that a problem? the token gets only verified, and after that the token is invalid anyhow
# 15:16 aaronpk if you like I can try to dig up the actual email from the OAuth list where that was decided
# 15:17 cweiske btw, I don't find anything related to get vs. post in section 5
# 15:18 aaronpk yeah section 5 just shows it's a POST. I think they moved all the notes about it to a separate doc
# 15:20 cweiske that sentence talks about the response, not the request
# 15:20 cweiske because one would expect "parameters" only be used for requests
# 15:20 aaronpk "The client MUST use the HTTP "POST" method when making access token requests."
wagle joined the channel
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# 15:28 aaronpk jonnybarnes: right now ownyourgram.com is sending a geo: URI in the "location" field, along with a separate "place_name" field
# 15:28 aaronpk a geo: URI for location is fine, it's the place name that i'm uncertain about
# 15:35 luxagraf is there a way to send a webmention such that only the relevant paragraph comes through?
# 15:35 aaronpk that's more up to the decision of the side receiving the mention
# 15:36 GWG I probably should leave the house today.
# 15:36 GWG As opposed to coding indieweb plugins for Wordpress
jsilvestre joined the channel
# 15:39 GWG acegiak: Any ideas on what should be next?
dybskiy and caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:56 luxagraf to go back briefly to the privacy things, does anyone here have any sort of privacy policy on their site?
# 15:57 luxagraf e.g. when you come to this site, these services can track you sort of thing
# 15:57 Loqi A disclosure is a bit of content, typically on a home page, on an indie web site that proactively discloses some aspect about the site that the site owner wants the user to explicitly be aware of http://indiewebcamp.com/disclosure
npdoty joined the channel
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# 16:04 aaronpk this post is public now that silicon florist posted about it:
# 16:04 luxagraf tantek: working on getting a privacy statement on my site, when that's done I'll add it to /disclosure examples
# 16:05 tantek luxagraf - are you researching existing privacy policies or are you just making one up?
# 16:08 luxagraf tantek: i was just making one up when i thought, huh, prior art might be good here
# 16:09 luxagraf tantek: but I'm creating a privacy policy that just says, hey, i track your visits, but no one else does
# 16:10 luxagraf unless arcgisonline.com sends something with map tiles. hmm, have to look into that.
# 16:10 aaronpk that's not really a privacy policy, that's disclosure
# 16:11 luxagraf aaronpk: i was just going off wikipedia's definition: "A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document (privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses and manages a customer or client's data"
# 16:12 aaronpk yeah I suppose, just feels wrong to call it a privacy policy
# 16:14 aaronpk a privacy policy seems like something I have to agree to in order to continue using the site
# 16:14 tantek even with just examples in the wild, even just from silos
# 16:16 luxagraf aaronpk: exactly. you're implicitly agreeing to it whenever you visit a site.
# 16:17 aaronpk privacy policy might be better cause it's a more used term
# 16:21 gRegor` aaronpk: Ahh, that chirpify thing makes sense now. I saw your tweet and waxpancake say something about it being evil, but I didn't get why.
tantek, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:34 wtd caseorganic: I liked your talk at AWE a couple of weeks ago.
# 16:36 wtd caseorganic: Quite the event. I found it all a bit odd, but I'm not used to Silicon Valley.
# 16:37 wtd caseorganic: Toronto, working in libraries.
# 16:37 caseorganic wtd: last year's event was really good. very creative. now the industry is over the hype cycle and is applicable to industrial applications, enterprise and adverts
# 16:38 wtd caseorganic: Sure, let move windows around.
# 16:47 caseorganic any people in toronto interested in hosting a HWC or IndieWebCamp?
dybskiy, tantek, emmak, j12t and paulcp joined the channel
# 17:10 GWG I am once again trying to figure out what a like looks like
iangreenleaf and j12t joined the channel
# 17:18 GWG Anyone have strong feelings about it?
# 17:18 aaronpk hasn't figured out what that's going to look like on his site yet
# 17:19 GWG Maybe I should start with reply, but like seemed easier to code
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 17:29 barnabywalters GWG: designing how to display a post is way more effort than writing the plumbing for it, so I’d recommend reply if you’re unsure how to display likes
dybskiy, jsilvestre and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:52 bret GWG: just do something and let the agony lead you
# 17:52 bret even if its a small, unoticeable increment it will feel good
# 17:53 GWG I also have to, because of my modular design, design two versions
tantek and chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:54 GWG I am using WordPress, so the plugin needs a barebones implementation, and then I want a deluxe version in the theme
# 17:54 Loqi gives GWG a deluxe version in the theme
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# 18:03 benwerd they've already written a POSSE plugin from Known => WordPress.
# 18:15 aaronpk that was the one I went to with benwerd and erinjo and kevinmarks a few weeks ago at the computer history museum
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# 18:16 caseorganic aaronpk: i'll be speaking in nyc - perhaps i could fly to sf on the way back
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# 19:14 aaronpk it just passes it through, doesn't need to interpret it or anything
# 19:14 cweiske can I invent my own parameters that the auth servers have to support?
# 19:14 aaronpk you can encode data in it if you want, or use it as a session token
# 19:15 aaronpk this one i'm not 100% sold on yet. in OAuth 2.0, response_type will be either "code" or "token"
# 19:15 aaronpk it's not really possible to support "token" for indieauth
# 19:16 cweiske why do I have to put "state" manually in the callback url? why isn't it already part of the callback url?
# 19:16 aaronpk so my thought is that it will be either "id" or "code". in the case of "id" it means the consumer is not requesting authorization, just authentication
# 19:16 aaronpk if you omit response_type then it's the same as not asking for authorization, so that's why it defaults to "id"
# 19:18 aaronpk re: state in the callback URL, who is "I" in your question?
# 19:19 cweiske the server gets it as parameter separate from the callback url, but is required to put it into the callback url when redirecting back
# 19:20 aaronpk the callback URL shouldn't be dynamic per request so that callback URLs can be registered
paulcp joined the channel
# 19:22 cweiske ok. how does the client website register the callback at the server?
# 19:23 aaronpk haven't written this part up yet, but the idea is for the client to publish its registered redirect URIs on its web page with a <link> tag
# 19:23 aaronpk and since client IDs are always URLs, it's all discoverable that way
# 19:24 cweiske I have the feeling the deeper I proceed in this rabbit hole, the more complex indie auth becomes
# 19:24 aaronpk so for client_id https://example.com/ a server can find its valid redirect URIs by looking for <link rel="redirect_uri" href="https://example.com/callback"> at example.com
# 19:25 cweiske yes, I asked. we'll see if indieauth is really simpler than openid
# 19:26 aaronpk and yet there are still a bunch of sites that use it :)
# 19:27 shaners cweiske: at the very least, indieauth is MUCH easier as a user.
# 19:29 aaronpk believe me i'm trying really hard to make sure this doesn't rely on centralized services. at the same time, building login mechanisms is the last thing most peope want to do, so using swappable services for parts is useful.
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# 19:35 GWG !tell acegiak Pushed again, updated roadmap with plans. Starting to build display elements
# 19:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:35 aaronpk GET, because the browser is directed there with a Location header
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# 19:37 cweiske and there is no location header. the login form on the wiki does a get request by the browser's form submit
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# 19:41 cweiske ok, now I understand. I have to discover the auth server first
barnabywalters and pauloppenheim joined the channel
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# 20:02 cweiske aaronpk, may the auth code be used multiple times?
# 20:03 cweiske then I do not see why a POST needs to be made to verify the code. since it cannot be used multiple times, the validation request itself invalidates the code
# 20:04 aaronpk in practice most implementations allow the code to be used for x seconds, like 30 or 60, during which period it will be accepted multiple times
# 20:04 aaronpk that is in order to avoid needing to store state on the server
# 20:07 aaronpk indieauth.com currently stores the auth codes in a database but i'm going to replace that soon so that it doesn't require a DB
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# 20:07 aaronpk my token endpoint doesn't require any backend storage because it uses self-encoded tokens for everythign
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# 20:13 aaronpk "A maximum authorization code lifetime of 10 minutes is recommended. The client MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once."
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# 20:24 tantek anyone want to try a webrtc demo with talky.io in the next half hour?
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# 21:03 tantek epic beard? this was a W3C meeting, you'll have to be more specific
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# 21:25 cweiske aaronpk, did you have an app that supports authorization_endpoint?
# 21:26 aaronpk it does the authorization on its own, not using indieauth.com even
# 21:32 aaronpk it won't try to do anything with the micropub endpoint until you make a request
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# 21:34 cweiske proxies all indieauth requests to the user's openid server
# 21:36 cweiske <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="http://cweiske.de/indieauth-openid/www/" />
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# 21:55 kylewm huh, i think i'm confused. where https://indieauth.com/openid is a way to use indieauth as your openid provider, cweiske's proxy is a way to use openid as your micropub authorization endpoint?
# 21:56 aaronpk assuming you already have an openid endpoint, you can use his proxy to turn it into an indieauth endpoint
# 21:57 kylewm (i was confused because indieauth is my openid provider, so obviously got sent to indieauth when i went through his endpoint)
# 21:57 aaronpk i'm gonna have to use it on a test domain for signing in to these test apps. it's getting to the point where I need to be able to sign in as different users using different mechanisms to test everything
# 22:04 aaronpk yeah indieauth.com is serving several roles in this picture, which makes it kind of confusing to talk about
# 22:05 bret i just wish there was an esier way to share them
# 22:05 bret the vector export failed pretty badly
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# 22:09 aaronpk but it would be based on my current location, not just my hometown
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# 22:13 GWG bret: Haven't gotten to authorization yet
# 22:13 GWG bret: Although I would have if I was going A to Z
# 22:13 GWG I'm sort of meandering around the indieweb
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# 22:43 tantek aaronpk, bret - interesting coincidence, fall of 1989 (september to december) was the quarter when Knuth taught his last class at Stanford as well (I was fortunate enough to take it).
# 22:44 tantek so it makes sense that he was able to drop email, since he no longer had to communicate with students re: classes.
# 22:44 bret he passed along his taste for email i see ;)
# 22:45 tantek I didn't read his screed about email until MUCH later - in fact - only after I wrote EmailEfail
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# 22:46 bret some of those links have been murdured by about.me
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# 22:48 tantek notes there's a Minneapolis location already :)
# 22:57 aaronpk ironically it seems that more people have rel=nofollow on their twitter and github links than rel=me
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# 23:16 snarfed !tell tantek definitely! we'll start planning now
# 23:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 23:33 KartikPrabhu re: email - if you need a "wonderful secretary" to handle email you're doing something wrong... (says me who has never gotten loads of email)
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# 23:34 Loqi tantek: snarfed left you a message 17 minutes ago: definitely! we'll start planning now